Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1913)
13 Shots at your Finger Tips in the Always Stays “ Put” The Burrow Clevis S A V A 0 G H* T. STEWART Editor and Publisher, c'u u H crip u ou , l ig h t ausane * b a t id sfa . ö o per y e a r . , The Leading Paper of Curry County, H a l l B e a r la * . Published m ir Wednesday, »1 Fort Orford, Oreiim j a C A L IB R E A U T O M A T IC P IS T O L The Aavago Automatic smothers every adversary in the rapidity of its fire. When the occasion oomesyou have ready the quickest, handiest and most accurate arm made. Give yourself every possible advantage. It means life or death. That is Why you will discard your revolver when you see the Savage. * Special Features which w ill Appeal to You TEN SHOPS: Double the number contained in an oidi- nary revolver and two more than other Automatics. ACCURACY: The pistol is so construptedAhat all powder gases are utilised, insuring extreme accuracy, as well 1 ? as freedom from fouling SIMPLICITY*- Fewer parts than any other automatic pis tol. Completely dismounted by hand without the aid of tools. No screws to work loose. ü’O U R N A i. ATâ TR IB U N E . The O kbook D a il y JouaMgL ie the leading Democratic newspaper of Oregon,issued a t P ortland. T he manager! also ieane a S b m i - W k k k l y , which is especially adapted Permanent as the M ila, b a t e » he removed la a aaeyad of time. The only Clevis sew oh the market that stays whore pot. The exclusive right to handle thia Clevie w ill be sold by Oountles or Statee, or set ol three oaa be purchas Address A n y of these papers can be had in combination with the P O R T OR- ed lor $1.00. fo rp |o p le who do not «are for a D a ily , b at w an t a good fam ily paper. O R E G O N IA N W . E. B u rrow , C o r b in , Ore. F O R D T R l f i U f l U j t t the following rathe: ' Daily and Tribune - - - - Ne M ore Cedar to Spare. Daily Sunday and Tribune I most husband m y timber to re place fences end* buildings on the farm, therefore I most not spare any more cedar. Please do not ask for it The green trees will grow end the deed •nee will keep. J . H . UrroM, Langlois, O r., August 27, ID O . Semi Weekv and Tribune SAFETY: Breech positively and automatically looked during the lim e of discharger ~annot be fired un less the trigger is pulled. When the safety is on neither force'nor folly can discharge it. The PORT ORFORD TRIBUNE ---AND-- ’ . The New Idea Woman’s Magazine BOTH ONE YEAR FOR S i 75. home reading for an additional coat of only M BALANCE: Perfectly balanced. Center of gravity well to the rear. Lies naturally in the hand. Will not flinch on the trigger pull. The only automatic which looksatthe breech while the bullettraverses the barrel E C Z K M A and P IL E C U R B F R E E Knowing what I t was toanf- „ „ ___ far, I win give F B E E O F C H A R G E, to any afflicted a positive cure for Eczema, Salt Bheum, Erysipe las, Plies and Skin Diseases. Instant relief. D o n 't suffer longer. W rite F. W . W illia m s , 400 M anhattan Avenge, WEIGHT: 19 oz. including magazine. Length over all 6 | inehes.' Price 116. Any wide-awake dealer wijl show you this miniature rapid fire gun. If lie will not supply you, kindly advise us and we will send it prepaid. U T IC A , N E W Y O R K ijr tahitani V. H. Rad F< The Start to a Better Salary Ton can have it all to. ft«. eoci,^ }” ^hh Evening Telegram, of Port lend, Oregon. I t Is the largest ev ! ^ i gi.nT w* p^p<’r published in Or» State a f f i * tn ? * * '* Ith* nwr* oi th ' ' ‘ be ,BBt,on T ry It for i S ®°J,V w ill be mail USEWORK Y? .AU"tvpa *4u« Fo re » » ». k«Ca*-ue.lfl Caut’v iX ih a rilc . We « J k (X f i i«.«i ia cu»>. Ur>f»«utt> ilio ú . 3 . P a te n t O ff A « H , N G TC W D .O . PATEN TS S « R C A T • A L B I prove (hegreat wffl merit of Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Hood’s Sarsaparilla sells because t woMPUahee QBBAT^VRBB. M ar/in la perfect eondltlon. DSWÍFT r tor a la r * « , salary l a tick I hava marked X. TZt« Best to be had in Curry County, a t reason able Prices. band m A haiga sulci, oparaaloo. McC-U’i Magazine and LkCail Patterns For Women ¡lavs M ere Fricruh than say othar w y u , iw or rut c«i*na McCall’s is the i.lia U e I'aal iea Guide monthly in ewe million e re hundred thousand bssnaa Besides showing all the latest d «signs at M. Cail Patterns. each issue la krimful sf » a rk lia g short stories snd helpful iulbrnsatioa for women. See or Address D. 0 . NEWTON, Marsh Held, Oregon Th« fon ih a k td ( « n . a ra a n r a n ta a S awaa-ahootlng, h a rd -h ittin g gana, and ara an.quailed for ducha, gaaaa, fona, and a ll Bill Heads, Letter Heads. Le$al Blanks, Any Thinf, Briefs, Posters Envelopes, Statements, ¿ r J ta r W ~ * -htaw e M il M aO U Fhtt'n»« thaw any other two Up-to-date Work Done Cures Im potency, N ig h t Emissions and wasting diseases, a ll effects o f self lbo« . o r excess and India cretion. A n e rv e to n ic and W F t L ji Llood b u ild e r. Brings the L E l .’^ T Pln t glow to pale cheeks ant restores the fire of youth. B? “ »11 SC « per box; O boxer m »* m cmMhfcM.4. Nona higher thaa u « M M . Boy yo « dr iUg, or by mm 3 from McCALL’S M A G A ZIN E u a - z i s w . 37th St, New Yerh Chy on Short Notice. Satis) action Guaranteed To W hom I t M a y Conoerm. I n c o n n e c tio n w ith The undersigned hereby give notice that they are the owners ol the South half of Section 1«, Township th irty three, Sooth range fourteen W est of Willamette meridian, Oregon. A ll par ties ere warned not to trespass apone make any locations, either placer quarts claims at their peril. AFTER ANY