CURRENT T B I TRIBUNE. c.w.ztM»ALT,V.Pre.' Treasurer's Auinx t B y J H. Urrow. E. J. L ossy , Caahier, -— • Editor T x i b v ib : y Tho fe a lty kt our state Uolvar- slty warmly eapouoas tho principle B a uf “Sox Hygone.” Mow let the Mrs. Groodys row some more, n.«, And by the tray, Mrs. Flora Foto- most, a lady of oultore, high Ural« and an abounding ambition to mak* —— tbo world better Cor boring praeed through it. waa triumphantly riod i eatad at bar eeoood •‘bearing.” — Thu» waa the tribe diauomfitod on • tbo ground of it» own choosing. — Socialists In county oflos rated eounty aaaaeement half • m illion and brought rich mine tax dodgers to time. RetabtUbed human« traal- »ent of prisoners end tbo uofortu- out«. Corrected evils that onder former administration* bad reaulted io great graft. The Appeal's home 1» in Crawford eounty. N o w C a rile , Pa. Tbo trgth m , that Mr». Foreman’» ebiefeel »in was being a Socialist. ’* r • te A M tr n A t a meeting of one of Chicago’» acieuiiBc up lift societies reoently, Sex Hygeno urarped chief piece ee a topic of discussion. Rev. Father Melody, who occupies the Chair of Moral Philosophy in the Catholic University a t Washington, being present, took f decldad stand •Averse to the whole propaganda. He »aid in pert. “ Im part in the boys and girls a l sense u f shame and yon trill have , gone farther toward helping them , to live clean lives than any aoaotut of eex hygiene eaa do.” « ' “ Modesty,” whose meaning shades ’ itself off into pride of person and * y conduct, would bo«« beta an after word for the Bov. Father's purpose, - and can be impraaaad upon the pa pil’s understanding without tbo " conooaaitaat of Conrahra» V i ----- .» S la te Capitalism N axu , * * * o “Shame,” bring in some iw J tbo , . progenitor o f self Bnnadrasn—a. a „ condition every child oaght to bo e fortified against, I hero insisted n r , i . I l A rriving this that i t reaches the borderland of a y social crime to handicap a yonth t| with a senliasent of shrinking from b o ra inentaj apology fo r,any of the j , uaeful functions a wieeUod b u e m c, dowed him with. No person who , t ha» not »offend from lbs handicap , , of exaggerated »elf eansrioaenam ,p] can appreciate the weary struggles b| of its rictim e In (sometimes fb tile) p) efforts to overcome it. • - - , -- ' The people era ioabting that the th r County Coart aannot in good con­ science, put them to the expense c f * ’ ’ injunction proceedings to provent - tlw carrying into ele c t of th e late concrete bridge vhM. And iVI« «1 °" • together unlikely that tbs Cooety ®‘< now it knows the extent of the Ul : bunko game played on it in the U 1 first place, if, with its eyes fepon * to the manifest unfairness of the proposition, it would steer Mix pen * ° Pl» op agaiaat a aura thing game, * ' it ought to ba impeached,, as It la probable eould not ho roealled, while the proponents of the eator tioo have about three hundred *o1 trumps up their sleeves. to1 The Counry Court of Clackama* end that o f Hood River county was , ** successfully recalled for abuse» of “ “ much smaller proportion» than a * n.. second order for a vote would be. * The Chetco bunch bank leas on a ra the need or practicability of this ¡ud bridge than on the petronag* of o„. B A N K O F P O R T O R F O ÌÌD ' YOUR BANKING BU8INES8 SOLICITED manages, the wbolb people owning N O B A N K W IL L H A N D L E would find themselves jobs as they could not in any other way. Socialisatibu of industry would Y C U R B U 8 IN E Q S B E T T E R mean that everyone would receive bi» fu ll aooial product, sinoe profit taking would disappear. Right or wrong, desirable or un- j ry I desirable, Sex Uygena, once rid ice)- rrt ' *d as a fad ol tads, »rains to hare ¡cl, roune to »lay. Ido pn ay •r, or fore private property would exist to a larger extent then now under this socialisation wa ask, from the fact that socialisation always lands to a diffusion Of the things socialised. Socialisation of industry would neceaaarily mean employment for a ll, bocauM he who own» and also The new ta riff bill w ill soon ba OT in operation. I t makes * general reduction, according to the beet ee lim ate the Appeal can figure out of the complicated moss, of about 28 per Cent. Arido ftp « wool and au- ,a g«r, the schedate are adjusted on „ a protaetion beeU, in d this not with standing tho proteseti opposition m of tbs demoeratio party to prutect- lh io n .' Bryan loudly proclriatad the d doctrine t|pit “ the ta riff is the e mother of trust».” And then tho I democratic, party proceeded to do ! PORT ORFORD “ OREGON •• M “ ’• »7 » 1». l#4.7 Lyo., 100 “ 1I.0U Road D I« rio t Wo. • A ll warrant» registered prior to mi l Inclading the 8th day of July, 1». i Road District No 7. AU warrants registered prior to and i a eluding the following, register»! „„ the 8th day a t January, 1912; • > No. M Amount g67.Pi * • ’’ 30.78 “ • « 68 76 “ « I “ lOO.IKI , Jtoad District No 8 All w arrant* registered prior to aud Including the 19th day of Deueobar, 1911. Road Diatriot No. 12. 411 warrants registered prior to and Hardware o f all Kinds iBMnding the 2nd day of August, 1M>. the maternal act by fir in g Mrs. Tariff a naw pettleoat. N et even her friends w ill detect the difference. , The working man's Job andar the new ta riff w ill be j i e t as inssonra j as bsfore and his «ages w ill buy » the seas aatoBnt of pork and oorn. , meal, Neither the tariff nor the , oorrency concerne t U working elees. The i Socialist party presents the . only te n s in whiffi the workers have any interest W hat the work elaes want Is the eontrol of ( thmir Jobe and the k ill anelai value o f the prodnot of tbeir labor. Thia , they can get only through the 8o- oieUst party. Road District No. 22 A1I warrant* registered prior to aud Including the 6th day of Septeiulwr, 1800. No further tm«re»t w ill be allowed ’ on th e above w arrant* after the ttret publication of th u notice, to -w it; November 12th, 1913. F ra n k Caugbell ' County rreasurer. Good® K ept in S to c lu j County Abstract R utty Ctmpuiy. Goor® a n d W in dow ® in v a riety c o n sta n tly k e p t o n b a n d . P ip e Fitting?«, P lu m b in g an d T in w o r k o f a ll kind® d o n e o n s h o r t notlo®.. world-wide protrai of Buriia’a persecutions and treatment o f Jahn w ill be Inaugurated In (he press o f Europe by eefcres of prom­ inent buefnaa, man, sete)Usta and We fam ish abstract of title, Blue prints, Ownership maps County maps. Titles per­ fected and Registered. Cheever ® Bowman HPinst the alleged ’ injustice public men., . «0 •• “ . A proposed on U m several Rap,. W ettd te, an»u due and Will be paid upon preaeutuli u, to mo a t my oflloe to Gold B«ach, Ore Road District No. t AU warrants registered prior to, end including the following,- register« l o . the of January, 1911; N®- <1* Amount te 00 W. A. WOOD, ’ ‘ Manager. . The plan is fh raM the Wo?H u> unite in the protest against Rumra and declares that beside« the count-’ . lees thousands of Bnaeian political offenders who have been sailed to Siberia 30,000 have been executed sines 1899. Thousands in the prisons today are being tortured and starved, the government allowing only & oents a day for the subsistence of ««eh prisoner. T o W h o m I t M a y Concarn. ths undersigned, hereby give th at I have a conveyance iron, the eutee to tidelanda and water lota in the Harbor of PortO rtord, Oregon, on a portion of which a part of the wharf .laeractaid without my oonaeot. AU partlee are hereby walrtiSd Sot to drive, pile» or troapaea in any manner what- eoeyer on aald tidelanda or water lota.' ^ (Saeorasor «o N. 0 . Nielsen.) ' •* “t .'d v r ,,. G E N E R A L D M“ A snasu . D aut . Portland, Oregon. ^ r P o r t Orford, O r r a ^ - K N A P P HO T&L, Port Orford, Oregon, Boyle Jewelry Co, Bandon, Ore Offer their Qutomera « D ia m o n d R ln fg a A bsolutely N EW GOODS, and fresh supplies will be received by every steamer. h ul S L E W , h a * " ? * fU,‘ 8tOCk ° f p a ir e d b , G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , First-class in every reepect. . and One Ticket given with every »1 purehaae FSsefronj Nov 20 to Dec. SL Call on ua f « particulars Feed S table attached ' free One Valued at »100, one at »SO. G o jd B O O T S and S H O E M E N S and BOYS, C L O T H IN G , W a ru n the Stage from Port Orford via Dniryvllle, connecting with the Stage to M yrtle P o in t L A D IE b ’ DRESS GOODS, H A R D W A R E . G R A N IT E and T IN W A R E . H A R D Y T. S T E W A R T U . ®. C O M M I B S I O N K K C IO A R 8 , TOBACCO, P IP E S A *o r*t O i*f<»-<1, O i-e g -o n . C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S . T h a t W hich Lint Before. case and cut a hole in thu floor; Tha hole was about a foot and a half square, just large enough for a man to get through. Then a hole waa cut through the brick wall that formed the roof of the vault. Tha »rail was comparatively thin and easily cut through. Then the burglars must have lowered them salrra into the vault. Tha organisation of tha Indust- trial Workers of tho World, like that of tbo Anarchists, should not bo tolerated over night in any country worthy to bo free. And when Gov. Want talks of calling out tho state m ilitia to punish tho oiti fisos of these town«, who bar» act ad aolelv frawi a patriotic and bus iaaw standpoint, ba ia pursuing a aourea that «a bard to understand nod which meets with hot little ap- probation from tb . people at large. To state It In Eaglioh, it looks ns though Hts Excellency in mak in? a fool of himaell.— Marshfield , , . ' 1 ' Boyle Jewelry Co. Bandon, Ore. The speoial thing which Sooial- Phene No. 614 lata wish to socialise^», the machin­ E. H. BOYLE, Mgr. ery of prod actions and distribution In answer to a quarry from a that is socially used; and they wish resident of Grants Pace, a t to to do this so thoroughly that it will whether n Steelhead was e te m o n not only bn socially owned but also J. H . U P T O N , or a trout the Portland Journal democratically administered. NOTARY PUBLIC, W e hold that tbs vary fact that Industry has become a socialized work In which mkny toll together , proves that the time is ripe for it , to bn socially owned and operated. Wo hold that this further social­ isation is not a naw thing, bat No hunting or trapping w ill be per­ merely a continuation of a work that began centuries ago and was mitted on what is know as the Ffleter- er range in thia eounty. especially manifested daring the W I L L » T . W H IT E , fight for popnlar or sooial govern- ■seat in the sigh teen th oaatary. - W a hold that while aorialised in ­ dustry maa aged by and for tha Cr W. ROBBINS, M. D whole people has raver bran triad, P h ysician and Surgeon socialisation in other Unra has beeu Port Orford, Oregon. sufficiently trat»4 to demonstrate the following priaripjen which w ill •p p ly to tho further sorialigation WM.T. STOLL, Atty, gt Law araaski riin ta w Enwr A Apectolty . Socialisation dose not raaan a di- i Coke Bldg. M arshfield , O r . ▼Ming up, but a waiting o f talenrta. Bocialitation, after i t is aosma- plished, prevents a dissipation or L. A . R O B ER TS, lots of property. Ä T T O H N E Y A T A u iw Sociallaatiou noooesarily lands to an and of profile, including root and interest. Evan if profits are M yiU e P o in t, O regon. Probata basine« a speetslty. In • “ PPly Of everything usually kept in a well stocked Office days in town—Tuesday, Wed­ nesday and Saturday of each week. General Merchandise Store. 0RD1B8 TAKRHkOR AMY ARTICLE MOT I I STOCK. t W. A. WOOD A T T O R N E Y A T LAW Call and examine goods and get prices. GOLD BEACH, OREGOfi. Timber Claims. H ave you any to offer, or do you know of anyone who has? I desire to purohaae. Beal Estate Michigan. Angus G. M ackay, Ageru, Port H uron, Trospom N otice. Notice is hereby given to all person, whom I t may ooncern, not to enter up­ on or trespass upon the premises ol L . Knapp, for the purpose of hunting, or Ashing with noox and line. Said pre- mlsra are situated on Blk River, Curry County, Oregon, and generally known aa tha ‘Bond’’ place. Any person or pereoaa so treepaee- ing for tha purpose of bunting, fishing, or traveling through in any shape form or manner, or tearing down fenoea, or leaving out aido gates open, or molest­ ing personal property, will ba prosecu­ ted to tha fu ll extent of the Uw. Wm. R . Johnson, M. LEE PEMBERTON physician Office at Langlois Hotel, L anoloib , O regon