V 'o lii m e TK AL II Some typewriter advi which, when in v eeti inevitably lead to the at of the Smith Premier- CeaoLto t untrol horn Keyboard Simple Si-ncil Catling Danos t e f c s ' i l r ' 1" Btchroae Kibbas. UmiermTouch Ball Beanoj Type Bar Column I; nder sod Paiagrapber padsiat 1 .buletoe P erfect Erahag FeaBiea Interchangeable C a n u g a Rwbt awl Left Carnage Relraae Liver» Swiaewx Marginal Rack Visible W r iio j. PratoatodRibbea Coer D«i«eii Camaera Ribbea CeetroUeJ b o a Keyboard Venable ami UniwvaU Lias S pa rw. Perfect D u e Guard h Back Space L a v a A Carriage Pciardcr Improved Marginal Slope Escapement, Speediest ever A single motion is quicker to make than two. •“ Only one motion is needed to make any character desired on the com .plete, ¿traight-line, key-for-every- character keyboard of the easy action light running T\ /I 1 1 IVlOClel C o m p le te , S tra ig h t L in e Keyboard and O F F IC U L DIBBCTtJRY Baby. woadsr-eyed and wee. state a « o »terkicT o m e n a a : Lying. SO your meet er a knee t As ibe evening sbn.' ws fe ll. As the h u m ln a -b ti-'li^ cell, L ls i'n ln g to your ir .u ,.e . vrsoa. T h a t old, world-old. t y - le tons. In the ysars to some k e y 'll seem 1.1 ke the meas'ry of * d ie a a ; M o tk e r sloglng "by- r. by." And your f a t t e r »l-g nigh. And the casement oi e ic d wkfb To tha sky where high uoih rids T h e pa!e moon th a t yeeiera'en You did cry to hold between Y e a r wee hands Dear, you'll Meal* A a a dream the eight and a ll. 'J. 8. Senators—D r. Harry Lane, of Portland sud Geo. K. Cham berlain o f Salem . ’ongretwntan. First District—Willis O. Hawley, of Salem. (Ivor n o r— Oswald Weat, Salem . Secretary of Stale—fien. W. OleuIt Sa­ lem . State T.easurer—Thon. B. Kay, of Sa­ lem. . • " . ' S u p t Public Instruction—L. A . A ld ­ erman, Salem. You’ll recall, dear, how yea la y l a ker a rm s a t cloee v f day. And the rocktna io and «res And the tun efu l by-e-lo. Just ak I who look on you. Just as I who hear you coo. D o lem eial-er kew I laid la my u to tl.tr a arm s, and preyed A t her kn her forehead. She turned bar pale, luminous face up l- ma, wistfully, l l . e a child, »nd kissed her warm, red mouth. Than w heart began thumping Il i a a hydraui ram and my heads trembled simna ly. 1 tried to steady them. She won k be so angry If aha thought th a t i : dared. I bad kissed Katherine a a ir berless times. aa a man may U a 1. sister, lovingly, tenderly, but ato lutely without a thrill. They b never been Ilka this. I was a* a It I bad never dreamed of Katherine i espt as my dear old friend— my in« hood ehum. and as for her—a y h» sens, for I knew she had bena ut I devoted to old Laadsp and mom a pass.onately tor him. A t least thought so U she knew what I wa thinking she would hate a s —loathe me, forever. I f she knew— ah, If she knew. 8ha aat there dreaming, her eyes, as I thought, on memory's « '•- tant mountain peaks; her dear, ws brown eyee that 1 loved. She turaed to me with a little lent “It's to nice to be loved a llttu the M id. as the nestled against coat, as If aha belonged there. I four «rrth myeeH a moaeeoL » • B‘ . have (alt my heart beating. I we horribly ashamed. Than I sudden lost my self-control, and stooping i ward her, 1 took bar la m y arms and kissed her passionately.'many. mat. tlmea. passionately, eatgerly, to I had never kissed anyone la my Ufa—as I bad never wanted to kiss anyone be­ fore. A fter a time I lifted my hen-' end waited -for th e ehorm. 1 knew 1 must earns. I felt like a whipped on though every pules la my body throbbed w ith delight and Jag W h at­ ever came, I knew now. I wan blind no longer. They talk af love halag blind. I say It's tha other way ahamt) Circuit Court meets Fourth Monday in August of each year. County C om m ission«» Oourt m asts firs t Wednesday la January, April, worships«» har. though ha was vary Ju ly *»d September of each yeai. . guiot about I t I fait a mild to rt of Probata Court meets » re t M onday iu each mouth ccssy coubtv ro ar « m e t « asd tost /„ H a r b o r ...... Gold Boacb., Wedderburn IIItlaee... . . . J M a r in i.......... Agiieae.......... P o rt O rfo rd ., Denm ark, Langlois Eckley... ..B . B. Thrift ,J. A. Hainea N o tte « fo r P u b lic a t io n iada K a ra K id n e y T to u b H and D on ’t K n o w It. Mow To H k i Fill a bottle or comme tier and let It sismi l< rn fi IU A V A //-T7S hnhesilhy condi- ,l0" " I ,h# < 1 I ne>, : d 11 Mslns i you« Hnen It Is IL ii'1 1 evidence of kld- 7 L ■ ' 11 ’ , lX fwy troublo: too "Tl V y L /y r T o ' A irequent desire to ' p a » II cr pain In ~ the back Is also eonvlnc.'.-ig prool lhal the kidneys and blad­ jf" -if ; der are nut of order. W h e t to H e . There is coinfurt In tba knowledge SO often exp.-cued, that D r. Kilm er's Swsmp- Root, the greet k.unejt remedy fuKHIi every wish in curing rheumatiem, pein in (he keek, kldneyr, liver, t ladder and every part of tha urinary passage. Il corrects hwbtlttv to hold water and scalding pels In pasting It. or bad effecie following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often durtnr 'he day. end 10 get up many timee d»r,..g the nlghi. The mild end the extrt- ordinery effect 01 Swamp-Root Is soon realirac It stands the highest,¥or its wen- darful cures ol the nioki a,ctreseing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the bast. Sold by druggists !r 50c. ar.d $!. hires. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery end a book that i e I 4 more about It. bcih sent M & X kii& h K V /r.'jf sbeolutely free by mall, Address D r. Kilmer A B » . « t o a n k i Co., Binghamton. N. Y . Whan writing men- «00 ramfing thia genaroua odfar la tU a papas. Have you ever seen a Sunset? A beautifully iltn v rr T T e d m onthly m acanne of the wide­ awake W e a l w ith fast mating short xforicx, picturesque personal pom t-of-view description of tha interesting development of the W est, and the romance and his­ tory of the wonderland <4 the earth. Ask fo u r local aewidealer for current issue or eend $1 50 for yeaFs subscription. 1 he book, "R o ad of a Thousand W onders." — 120 beautilul Western v.ews hi four color»—w ill be included— BLACK - DRAUGHT STOCK »nd PO U LTR Y M ED IC IN E Stock and poultry have few truuiilee wbict: arc not bowel and l i v e r irrcgularaiea. rM .a p k - Ikraugbt Stick and I ’liu ll/y Medi­ cine is a bowel and liver remedy for stick. It-pu la the organs of digpedion ia a perfect condition. Prominent American breeders and farmers keep their herd» and (tick« heaHhr cy giving .hem so ooca- aibcihi J«»" « Bia, !t hraugbl S* e.k anti Poultry M -lic in e ia their f.sxf. A it* stock raiaer may buy a 25-tent half pound a ir tip h t <«n of thia loediunr hum his dealer and keep bi« stick- in »igoiloui health for .week« p-ner- allv tb-op Blu, k-1 iraupiii Slock and Poultry M.-dicine I f yunrs d ies not, «end 25 cents fu r a »ainble can to the m snutacturhp Tba Chattan»< Wcjwtetok.firjigu’awn »nmapiatoMik ‘ fl AOS HedgeftomTSSSKOT L II.WWes!hgr»n»54SSii«i; f at at ** * i—f J u t t rr ocsoRjprjGiY.- «kilo«, very r o g p o n I looked la har ey*s ineredaMaaly. “K it, why hi the asms of ooms» sense didn’t you t«U m af" 'T a ll you! Fraddy. how eanld I wasn't sure you—you- care«, at som ulim st I wae Sure you di«a't. . was only because Landry waa eo r live that 1 dared to bdpe. I eoukK wait la sllenca, and since ’ dry died It bae bees SO loaa:> drearily lonely ” . “Poor old glrK" I said la har bu “poor darling old g ir t “ "You ve lost a whole year.“ * cried, “a whole year." "Then you ksrw a year a a a F “ Yas; I t ’« fu u n j, Freddy, »or couldn't Im agine why no man moved me the least b it Landry told me he cared, I trie thiek I loved b'm. but he «gbl t! that I didn't, and afierwnrd, he 1 - I t ' was you. He watched my eyei said, when you wrrp about, and > be told rue that, I wee as gstool-i. as you were wbeu 1 told you. "When your h--r»e threw you Ih time, then I knew beyond a « o u t '-•(• I au llertd ego pie» th m a ln g hr, m igh t have happened You wer» ghastly th a t I waa horribly, trig b ter I fa it sure that you « e ra n t laeai m aimed lo r lif e " And then, she brought me tba letter — Landry's letter, that was no« to ba delivered until I nad i.iuad my own Oh. that letter If I had jnt» Men It when Landry died KH »««lid not have grown pale waiting far what waa al­ ways oera "You confounded blind old bat," ha wrote, "what In the name of all that's holy, dc you stay «round bare t o ' ' 11 I wa* (ueb xa egregrioua docl.vy « to t>* the on» instead—aud I've got •ye* to sea. H m M ' s «ver the way In tide vale i t 'ears. "W ell, you niu»t know eon.« time It «rill come lo you all at once, a* th i knowledge of II came to ma— then old boy, I wouldn't mind, being In y«-v» boots I ’d give uiy life h r th a t «me hour as happily «nd frw ly ae I'd to»« a copper to a gtaaanlnny. It can't be —on 1 give yon my blessing and what little I can tu.d to ,'ovr fulu ro —though, of eoqPta. you know. I mean Ban— and that It the furtnn« that 2 haven’t be»n able to squander with all a>y idle wortblesncaa. Makg her happy with have a hand In her comfort after alL "Toa weren't cut out tor a ptH- doper, old man. Drop It Well, so long. T a k e kaer o f yeraalf.’ ao« ba good io her to moka op tor gnau cuaaed atnptdl'y. Laadry.** Th» asm» irar»« ap nt aa *a Ma well-known w ilting, and taodaaly, aa overpowering sense of Ma aaaraaaa master' d m o K it reached oat a trem­ bling hand I fall a ahndder ffa aver