IQ Shots aî your Finger Tips s a V A e e in the Always» Stays “ I’nt” The fiurrow Clevis 4 n o WILSON A iu t a r « M u t lo u . W h CBLBB H. T. STEWART Editor and Publisher, ss lisovl pilots« ¡^l.AOper y c m LIGHT SUNNING ft KAMO, The Leading Paper of Curry (tonnt). H a l l H e a r in g . 3® C A L I B R E A U T O M A T I C P I S T O L JOURNAL a &A TRIBUNE, The Aavage A utom atic siijotlicrs every Milvereary in The OaaaoM D aily J ocbkal is the leading Democratic newspaper of Permanent aa the bill«, bat ean be the rapidity of its fire. W hen the occasion comes you have removed la a setoud of time. The ready the quickest, handiest and m ost accurate artn made, Oregon, issued at Portland. only Clevis bow on the market that (liv e yourself every possible advantage, I t m eans life or stay* where pet. The managersaleo ¡sane a SaMt-WaKsav, which ii especially adapted death. That is why yon will discard you r revolver when The exclusive rl«ht to handle tula you see the Savage. for people «ho do not care for a Daily, but want a good family paper. Special Features which ‘w ill Appeal to To« Any of these paper* can be had in com b in ation w in . th .' o o o t n o TEN SHOTS: D ou ble the num ber con tain ed in an oidi- nary revolver and two more than other "automatics. ACCURACY: The pistol is so constructed that all powder gases are utilized, insuring extrem e accuracy, as well as freedom from fou lin g SIM PLIC IT Y : Fewer parts than any other autom atic p is­ tol. C om pletely dism oun ted by hand w ithout the aid of toots. No screws to work loose. , D ally and T rib u n e - - - - I m u ll husband m y tim b er to re place fences and b u ild in g s on the farm , therefore I m ust not spare any S em i W eekv and T rib u n e more cedar. P lease do not ask for it The green trees will grow and the dead ones « ill keep. J. H . U pton , The PORT ORFORD TRIBUNE ---- A N D ---- - - The New Idea W< mail’s Magazine BOTH ONE YEA R ___ « • " for* w oiu w ’s H soaeixk I i an authority It averages more raontn. W e offer you therefore at least 1200 puce- home reading for an additional cost of only sifi oto I E C Z E M A an d P IL E C U K E F K E K Knowing what it waa tosn f- Q uality , * iTl V*ve FREE OE iv n A H U E , to any aJCh tod a positive cure for Ecsema, Balt Rbeum, Erysipe­ las, Pile« and Bkin Diseases. Instaht 1 D on't suffer fonger. Write F. W . WiLUAMB, too Manhattan Averue, New York. Enclose S t o p . 0 MP ANY, U T IC A , N E W Y O R K n e n fn e s s C a n n o t b e C ured. The S ta rt to a B e tte r S a la ry H a lf of «ailing acvwbare la !n making the H art. I f TO« « a n t to ba at c asafrt—U voa « s a t to better root position-- arafc fh . jtacr. W . have wade the latest cataloga« feNsi «am SiMg tetto fc,fcw, Y» Orr« »Cuk-Miru O. C !«• f ^ R K A T S A L E * prove the great w « merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood’s Sarsaparilla sells because *■ •xompUshes C H E A T ~ U R E t . Ipatiot. For«*«t. 10e rft 3rt»f'«t«il>* • JlhdeL l t '^ 4 JlewS Mor-» r than any other MUga^-ne or patten:« McCalPslsthc r*.aAW® •’•*<*'* o Guido monthly ia -«♦ k » 1 on one hundred thousand B-wide4 shewiojf all the latest U I'sC.orus.each iaoaa " j] .* 4 ’r » rk!in» *b° 'i stories ♦ 4u neli4e! i..lor:uttti'Xi for •»» »*• ... » i icCALL’3 MAGAZINE W . 37ta SuMmwYwfcCk, Telegram, of p.., land, Oregon. It 1» if,«. f ^",n,r n"*»l*«ii>“r p u b l i s h e d ^ f)i iTuta » n T V .’r nl1 tbe im m u d, oi th* nation. Trv ' Ofch. A »aifiple cfkpv wfll e d to vot, free. AddLreJ the telegram , ___ _______ f’DKTLAND, OR. Is a n t . ScraA.s, Pa. a -Iv .M « p i l l a . » I U W l a w . . - n M l g u l v . « v r !»a rt. how I ca« q a a iitv I r r a la r < r r salary I« tb« peate to a bftavre wlkAS I b a « *m a rk « 4 X. • < loupnaJ See or Address 0 .« . NEWTON. M srsliHeld, Oregon BiU Heads, Letter Heads, t s Legal Blanks, Any Thing, Briefs, Posters Envelopes;, Statements. J. H . UPTON NOTARY PUBLIC L asolois , C r a y Co., O sioon hi Stylo bv »ubmfbiM » ct c«r«. C h * i Mtly a» «fi «rwrvg «t M TW . «t. SOcMonjJ’ is fact, that you will be surprised at the iu.lga.Rcarco ol the barrier that has kayt you back Tha atari to snece.s Is Io a.m plr fid in aud mail tc us the coupon below Rer.d over the list o ' »3 -at alinna to tha coupon, ma.-k X jsfors V H a o a a y o u « r a n t to eater. All In and mall the coupon tons. B- ..turn mail « a w ill tell von how you can •aally. tsezp en and in your •para lim a quCIf— y o u n .-f for the po.ltlou yoa want. «nJ w a ll .end pro i f of It la the form of facta a . to « h a t we have done fc f , theta. The Best to be had in Curry County, a t reason able Prices. ii oz?«n , Month Inleraatisaal Csnasp.adeacs Sckssli Gl.ndoaae, Ky.. r eb. IS, 1SS1. I am to glad that your W ise of Cardul to k .tp lag n i . I am foaling bettor than I have f e l t fo r y e a rs . I am dole« m y wwa worp without say hslp, sad I w a i t e d le a f wash aad was not one M t «red. Th at « »-« a that ths W las to r x You can have it all foi la r f^ J J W . aad * ’ brve m a d a th e » *•£ - w ar to aucca.s easy. So »say, Is doing this for thousands of American women to-day. It cured Mrs. Jones and that Is why she writes thia frank letter : McCall’s Magazine tend McCall Patterns F O R »1 7B. Langlois, Or., A u gu tt -27, 1810. "•ry and Household Economy. W EIG HT: 19 oz. in clu d in g m agazine. Length over all f$J inches. Prioe F15. A ny wide-awake dealer w ill show yon this m iniature rapid fire gun. If he w ill n ot supply you, kindly advise us and we w ill send it prepaid. Too much houaotfbrk wrecks w q - msh’s nerves. And the constant •are of children, day and night, is often too trying for »row« strong woman. A haggard face tolls the story of the overworked honvewifo and mother. Deranged menses, leooorrhaa and falling of the womb result front overwork. Every housewife neoda a remedy to regulate her menses and to keep her sensitive fomale o-gans In perfect condition. OREGONIAN N o M o re C ed ar to S p a re. D aily Sunday and T rib u n e BA LA N C E; Perfectly balanced. C enter o f gravity well to the rear. • Lies naturally in the hand. W ill not flinch on the trigger pull. The o n ly autom atic which lo ck sa tth e breech while the bullet traverses the barrel ujr local application., as (key caanot ream ths dlwsm -dportloo of ths aar. Thvrs is a aly o n . way to m r t d e s ta « .. and th a t la h r eonatlin- tlcnal rvmartloa. Daalaaw 1. caused by an la - flamad - ondlUoa of t h . aanaona Ita la « of ths ■n .tachlap Tube. .W hen t b l. tabe I . lnflaiaod yon kav« a ro m b ila« w und or In tp n te c l hear la « , au-1 « k e n I t la s u tlisty closed, desinasi la the resali sad anise, the taSam atloa can bo taken out and t b l. tuba rwtorod to its norm al condition, bearla« «111 bo destroyed forever ; nine cawn out of tr a aro canted by C atarrh which !» nothing b a t an Indaraad condition of the la u c x i. n r f a c e . Wo « Ih g ira Ona Hundred Dollars for say ra»<'of Deafness (catimd by c atarrh) th a t c a n not ba cured by H a ll’« C atarrh Curs. Sand lor «lrculara trae. F. J C H XH K Y A Co., Toledo, O Sold by D ru g g l.t., 7Sc. Take H a ll’. F am ily n i ls for eoastlpatton. WEEKLY W . E. B u rro w , C o r b in , O re. SA F E T Y ; Breech positively and 'a u to m a tic a lly locked during the tim e of disch arge, an not be tired u n ­ less the triggei is pulled. When the safety is on neither force qor folly can discharge it. SAVAGE ARMS Civ vie will be aoi-l by Ouuutlee or Staler, or set 01 three can be purchas­ ed for Sl.OO. ' Address TH^ TRIBUNE Vp-to-date Work Done T o W h om I t M ay C o n c e r n . on Short Notice- Satisfaction Guaranteed The undersigned hereby give notice that they are tlie owner« of the South half of Section 1«, Townahip thirty- three, South range fourteen W est of Willamette meridian, Oregon. All par tiefc an warned not io trespaae upon • make any locations, either placer quart* claim s at their p eril D. KcLLaxca) I Owner«. J. H. McArsa. j Portland, Ora In connection with G E O R G E M. BROW N, A T T O H N E Y A T LAW ROSBBl'KO OKKOON D EN N IS C U N N IF F , JR., Lep. (J. 8. Mineral 8nrveynr M. L E E PE M B E R T O N PHYSICIAM Surveyor for tha District oi Or­ egon. old Beach, - - . Oregon Office at L an glois H otel, L amolois , O k kook