1! Treasurer’s Boyle Jew elry Co. vn on the O env71 in i ■ m* rriU,fe M *«ae has been ¡»sued j •M‘c‘,I»yis»< one o f the R |,nn«U. re g i.te rc i1 , ? .* c“ u* t> to Joseph -the Sl. t ,lay o( "J h v . Crockett. Bandon, Ore Crockett dencei • ' ’ j M r.. E. M .* Piloer l« tri.■>.* a r tT o w ! i on prewntatlnn E , J B‘lker' tl’‘*’ u‘Y <“ <ne warden ' f ,, ’ ”‘en "Pending several d ay, ** t>la«mou<l K i n g ABSO LUTELY FREE One Valued at <100, gn one a t <60. * U“ 51 "**«“ • situation forcea ar# ^ « i i l g 1 he ru “ "*' “ *.t Huerta Prh»r to, , B|1 I lain,,,» lhgt fw>Uo|, verge of resigning „ F r, ■ registers 1 on ! , , believed i . j . * . W it; . S k “ ‘J M r.. John Unican h .ve ‘ MW’ Am ount WOO ‘« ‘“ rJ "Ho ll,e,r bpme i„ town for o K<wh, who ha. “ «! £ ' . T ,'ey haVe r 0 , J ‘ heir J ra n c i-c o for the pa, “ 37fli u’ ,r>’ ‘ rm 00 E ,k r , ” > 1° &,b ! lWt* k'’ h ® "'« ‘ « .te d at th, “ ll.Ou ' " a i , ‘er‘ ,l,e Uuudon butcher. I hospital, returned to p o. No « I The telephone erew who I . . . k,. ,by M 0" d- y ’a Msge. Tho • " l,‘*’ ,l,ur sc«re and One T ic k e t given w ith every <1 purchase Fars from Nov 20 to Dec. SI. r e g i e s Sft north, their Kork. 6« T1 » . -i,lW 2 X a .......... . i ™ night on having Bandon, Ore E. H. B O Y L E . M gr. . ° - i. z . ' " ......... •» ~ P t onf ~ G e expects lo remain ^ere fo r aome lillle time. R,aigers leavyy tonight "w hie home in Cincinnati. He doesn’t ki„,w wl, ether he w ill^b e »cut to Cleveland or return to Port ' J. Lindberg j8 the winter visiting with Edward, at Marshfield. 1 *" ° h r t «ed *">ce f,e- was there near!) (century ugu. I * " “" W fe n U ; 1 “ • Port Orford Fu & H ardw are Wm-Glllh, » p lin ls rem ove,! fro m h i- rig h t h an d . ( Boyle Jew elry Co. t< their ' f i ^ F m n J " ft,fflp|^ "P 'rt-d one. The oiber two were Mwcursd by Carry c,mniy men who joined •h« party J » « ,, baa h id the' C«llon ua for particulars M rs . P . prior to »,„! i « H t u r d a y Four blank beur Were kille.1, rhielmAn getting one and Ke„ ’ ! worthy, the Sacramento ouilielder, , »bo accompanied tbe party killing’ " ig . j , , ’ a "“ to o f ohao.,*„d the I ohl Beach, O re. J, * n<’rtbern end of the county ■ No. I . looking up some reportedgame vio. prior to and aa far south a . G o ld lie ......... 1,111 James, Hurry I lhielm an and E. A Kobison. w|,o have been hunting in Curry county, arrived in Portland late.thia morn-’ O ffer their Customers a ( ,o Nov. 25. 1913. dau« ,‘ tor have moved to «ndlneludlng 1. . « . t, '“ LM r*- Joh" F U illin g f,<C,,rb,n 1' <,«U‘*lead to low ry. 1 9 » . also allJ " WJrrfcuru, an 8J |b. daughter., **‘tor has suited attendi James and Rodgers Back From Bear Hunt. spf her ......... - ( The Coast Railroad. r . *« . 1 leu. f eW?U and Tansily, who have si, running the hotel at 'W sdder- ’ b0,-"J<’r lhe P. . t , ..y e rttl 1 'J4*,cd ,h r" u«h P orr Orford one day laat week on their way to r „ „ . Jon, having gi yen up the hotel. file fidluiriuK from a recent ¡sen ,u f the AlarshOyld Kyeuipg fteegg. is the most encouraging ,,«wt y ,, has yet appeared in pr:„l relatival, re ,he b<,«|J'«»g of • »,aat railroads “ rile railroud stories printed re during the heaviest storm» ig " <>w ‘ h® intention of the to Put in fu ll time ■ whom th . T ’ ““ , h Tribune announ fi." b L ’ ^ U b l * K* ‘° i t i'-? n ' ly ÍO .lb ‘; KeüorJ “ re ’ í“1 U “ ° uw rumoreJ from | the latest Jnfortnation at hand,” (there will & no bridge aero,. Coos ( «ay. Tho exiontion o f the lina r fro m Coos Bay to Randon seemaan assured fact and the jin e w ill, no doubt be announced very shortly . The new work will not only ba| built from Coos Bay to Bandon but will be extended on down the coast to Eureka and by next summer the whole piece of work should be un der way. I t is slated by parties “ in close tnuch wilh the Southern ofliciale” that the Natron cutoff ha* been abandoned and the South ern Pacific w ill-not build from Eu- rw mfiner interest will be allowed oi 1 t i » n “ *e K napp ho the above warrants after the flr8 who h l « .Fromm- wife *nd child. i»h* P * “ « « f s l day. and , pubheadea . r this notice, to-wit; ho have been «pending a few-weeks “ »'■ until tbe JOlh. The I November 12 th, W « . LT« " ’L ? ' “ « “ 'n i’° rtland Have reconsidered hie deciaion to Frank Caughell Thpy ‘ h U plaOe and < ‘ H hpen a County rreaaurer. . H " . de <•“ " « « coming win B»?don instead, however, , the old Fromm place at Brush hi« »«tonthm to make regular Carr; Comtj Abstract Unity Csnpany. Gol d B e a e h, 0 r e g o u Geo. B. M iller, who returned to hie home at Gold Beach lust week from taking medical treatment at M yrtle Point, is still* considerably indisposed. M r. M iller w , . ,o ‘ hie place-—three or f,,u V<wr’ M r 8cofleld *>«• been bU8y dur'*’« thu •«»•«»I day. be h.M been here' H e ha. many yeari »»Rrienco is the feaa,on' «"J will lie found . Church Notes w . A. WOOD, Manager. . gene aeróse the wnuniains to central ; Oregon. The reason for this change U I» said, is because „ the interior cunties have been found In be un productive, at least along the right of way a„d survey the Southern Pacific has made towards Klamath Falls.” ' Il to * • . . Ual low" aay “ ?a‘ T ° " y o for AjM, * dld D<>t gBl • ‘ "Q“ '"'“ J«« I," »"J yet in their veraion of the affair . ” U,ey toll to give M. Luteey a “ soware ichor ,,-u| o r , , J sqm, re the 4 L , U “ ,><XJr ru l" ‘ hat-won’t t iU B J B C T S Mas. A nna 0. D art . Portjaud, Oregon. K N A PP HO TEL Port Orford, Oregon, P r o p r i « t.» rirsA-ciasH in every res|HHt. Goad Feed Stable attached W e ru n the Stage fro m Port O rfo rd via D a iry v ille , con necting w ith the Stage to M y rtle P o int. H A R D Y T. S T E W A R T • *9. « C O M M Ife H J o iW lQ Il P u r l O r lo r « l, O r « ic „ u W. A . W O O D A TT O R N E Y a t law «OLD BEAI H. OREGON. Timber Claims. Have you any to offerfor di know of anyone who has? I < ‘ o Pnrchaoe. Angus G. Ma, kkeul Estate Agent, Pott Hi Michigan. T res pa»» N o tic e . M SO N O A T ' f, ,nd j, lA(| ,,e Jrt ™ to do to Bring Swecea«.” uminum, and R anges, vgs c r.d 3yiat> /uttlerij, la n te r n s , E tc , Irc^ —'ouvenir Spoons «ORTH BEND MANUrACTDRINB COMPANY NORTH SEND, OREGON MANUFACTLRXlts OF t8ASH, DCfO S AND MOULDINGS GLASS HIGH G R A D E IN T E R IO R F IN IS H rtu c e a mailed O!» application The you quest a,„1 who were the ones that made ,|,e “ holler” .» they both claimed that Lutsey was not down • for the second fall, a„d .g ail)i if Lutsey shmik hands on the mat e after this fall with Ajax tbe eye- ■ eight of the Tribune writer is fail < mg. The Recorder further says J that Ajax is generally conceded lo < be stronger and quicker and have « a better fciiowldga of the gi|ne t than Lutsey— another unfair com- *' partson. I f he was all these why » « didn’t he win j n short order? Ajax is undoubtedly the stronger P of the two, but i f he iequicker, then ct we don’t know the difference be- M ( ‘ ween an ice cart and an automobile, ( and as for knowledge of I he game— is Lutsey worked some tw-, years with n,: Gotcb, two years with M iller, both pl world champions, and also traveled h° with Fred Reel, so it is unreasonable ~ to presume that there are many fine points of the game that he docen t know. Come, brother edi tora of Bandon, if you want • ra’ “•qu.re deal” f„r On . man, .1 « , " " ne of Sto^-es (Coos Bay N e w s .) rao"‘ People woild have liked to people are cordially invited to thi have gee,, Luteey win becnige he services. was * home roan, says that tbe ref B. B urt P aoll , P. |n c. «ree declared A jax the winner and that Lutsey shook hands with him, “ M-reby acknowledging defeat, and that someone raised a ‘•holler” and the Imts were declared off. This is unfair, since ju I he firgt pface ,|]e Recorder says nothing about two judges which officiated at A ja x ’ re A n Ina Worth While , (F o rm a rly Newly Fitted Up; Electric Lights t a b l e un e x c k lle o gold BEACH. CURRY co ., ore - H ot and C old T ub and S ii F irst C lass Barn anil Oarage Affording all Conveniences Horses, TeamS).Autouiobilvs a: general B la c k s m ith in g Wagons and Buggies for Sali>, kept in Stock also Agent for All Kinds of Farm ing I ra.’ piemen to; McCormick Mowers, etc. Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a reasonable price. Your patronage solicited w tra p p in g » H l be per- t is know aa the Pfister 1 cos c ‘y . W IL L IS T . W H IT E , give it to the other. Th, first ballot, and then Otto Crilisei meet later, and i f Aja; plead guilty to a charge of a statu- will take off our hats tw j ,y lory crime on the person of May Lutsey wins will you do „ Bartol, an eleven ye»y old girl, Fred Hoosier being the last on« to Notice. he tried Itefore the liar of jdslice ” and found guilty. Jode Horn, the r other member of the indicted gang, ( me as U. 8. ., came to trial and a hung ju ry re - ( have to go ele, « >wnp M POB Lutsey Wttg outclassed, aud if »„ch VEMBEB 30, 1913. w , j l was the case it aeems strange that M omrno S ubject : “ W h a ttlie R , n a it took A jax ever »7 minutes to is or us had to do in G reat B a t t le •* the, tl,row him twica— granting that ha “ The Cause o f V ic to ry .” Everyb, n give d,J W l » ° falls, which the Judges come. Ey wroo S ubject : “ The Cause on *'*y hejdid not do. The Ban i to Jon Recorder, .after saying that Pauli a Success, ” or, “ The Proper W and mi- son w, l u3 tjour '¿zh.ristmas presents W "« »eri ir Lessee. C. W. ROBBINS, M D Phy»l«-i,„i anti Surgeon P o rt O rford, Oregon.- A tty , at • suited. The Jury stood 8 lo 4 fo r! ing s i, weeks conviction, and it was reported th a t, home. Shoul the defense had tampered with over, to make i aome of it» members. The ease was ' »toad they can j to oome up again on the 25lh in«t. ‘«fore me as I | As yet sentenoe ha« not been p ro- f hy,‘ he ‘ '» « »» ei^j-nwv I Aa yel »entsnoe has not been pro- ___ “ #nd «ru rM /iw ” ‘,p,o,na n0«'n« J upon any of (he convicted * a~ “ “ 'r e r on« The College has spared no effort t, thia the moat complete ahor r o o m in its history. A very wide rang. Of courses w ill be offered in Genera Agriculture, H orticulture, Animal H u * handiy. Dairying, Poultry Keeping, Mechanic Arta, Domestic Science and L ,S W • < ,mn>erce. Forest,y and lfusic. J,‘ectureg ,n d diacuseiona on I F armers Co-orgRA-noM, at home and I H F IE L D , O R . 'broad, w ill be a leading feature Make ‘ h1' • Pkaaant and profitable w inter bting. No toft ion. Accommodations L A. R O B E R T .'. reasonable. Reduced rates on all rail road». For fu rth er information address TO H NEY A T “’ 1 H ** I R N N A N T , Registrar, M y r t le P o in t, O re g o n . | Corv.gj», O r^ o n . SjM-f i u l t j AT {'rubate hssinewi a epe<f-.lty. Farmer« • Buaidsm Cours«» by Gerre- »F>n<ipr.re without tuition. ✓ K