Curry Csusty Abstract-’ Rialto Conianv. I » t i n “ * « o ld B e a c k ,O r e g o n pinyd Huntley, of Gold Beach, Give it Now Inatuud. Sheriff Bailey was ia thia section I leak week delivering the electiou is again a member o f tha Oregon supplies. a ‘ Agricultural College football team, When Inns For I shall neva know. 1 Wo0B* n *° «s*»t her vote in Purt Or- M r. Crabb, a printer looking for ! nod by a writer io the Oregonian Though o'er my ford p rin c e . work, passed down the coast one be is rated as the beet player in the state. Tour day last weak. Fishing has cloned at Rogue river. Town and Conaty. Mr* M x Kw- * - fir* TU We furnish abstract of title, The til vtrside run wa* a disappoint Blue prints, Ownership maps a,‘,nl «»d H •• claimed that no County maps. Titles per- money was mads handling them. footed and Registered. W. A. WOOD, Manager. T u W h om i t M a y Cvuceru. L *{*a undersigned, hereby give no- ,?7i’7 “ lro“» *he patentee to tideianda and water lota in th a H a rb o r or P o rt O rfo rd , Oregon, on a portion o f which a p a rt o f the w L -r f U erected w ith o u t m y consent. AU parties are hereby warned not 19 drive piles o r trespass in any m anner what soever on said tideianda o r water lota. Mas. A m a a U. U amt . P o rtland , Oregon. x FOB S A LE , Owing to telephone Hues being T hn dn bt you’U B orn — to the wife of laham Cox, down on account of the heavy G ive Ms tha Imu at Denmark, Or., OcL 23, 1918, at But giva it now storm raging we are unable to give 1:40 A. M ., a six pound girl, election news in this issue. Mrs. B. B. Pauli, «if« of Rev. And bring ne D u e --O c t. 94,1913, at Denmark Pauli, arrived in Port Orford a few County Attorney, )V. H . Mere- o r-i iO;40 P. M., the infant daugh. For I shall never dajra ago, and tha ooupla are oow dilh. passed through town Sunday U r of U|( and Mra bham Though nil the flowers 1 love the rending in tha parsonage which night on hto way to Eckley to t n - ..g a , W M M Shall grow and w ither thsr i. ha» just been completed. veatigate the killing of Liberty I ll sell my chance e f afl the Which glis.ens in a tsar, You’ll U ria h whan I ’ i Seen but a little while. Painter, (be wholesale man from Haines. For one small bunch o f vioieta Bet, O! how loved; how dearl” Marshtield, made a trip at far aouth N. L S p argenn, a late arrival 80 give me th a t instead. an Rogue river since our laal issue. from Nebraska. dropped into our - The elec-ion at Port Orford W h a t saints wa are He wet driven down in The Henry office the other day and added hia off quietly. Ninety-seven votes ware automobile from Bandon. name to our sub»eription list. H e erst, __ ____ ___ _____ The State U n- 23 by .he , women. B ut w hat’s tha use to am la well impressed with the country ‘» •» ‘‘F Bills w e.e defeated hy O f praise» w ritten on my C. H . Pssree returned (o bis home . , , j _ui , 1 11. 1 . 1 . i - 180 majority, tha Sterilisation A ct chetco by SS For other ayes to seat brid<e on Middle Elk the first of the week and w ill p ro b a b ly b o at, in tl... ' Ona simple little word of praise » » • » « F . by 62, while the County Attorney B ill froui the Sixes mines where he bail By Ups we worship said C a rl W h ite and R o b t. F o rty ere «•tried by S3 and the Workman's Corn- Is worth a hundred epitaph#— superintended the construction of Dear, aay it now instead. several buildings for C. E. Inman. m a k in g p reparatio n» Io m ine thia P®nBat ou * ct by 28. Hallowe’en night passed off quietly in Fort Orford w> far as pranks by the yonQgs^p *•*"• oons. ceruedl ’ inclem ent wAtber and a “ punkin parly’’ were the causes that contributed to the quietness. E ighty Acres o f Bottom Land, situa ted on SUSa B iver, ons-hAlf mile from County /to a d and about six miles from P o rt O rfo -d. C,ear title ; no indebted- ossa; easy terms. For fu ll particular» call on o r address, The young people played their M B S. A N N IE E M M E T T , first game of basketball the first of •63, Valincia S t , San Franc aco, C a t K N A P P HO TEL, Port Orford, Oregon, L. KNAPP Proprietor the week. The girls will organics a team a» well aa the boys and it is their h o |* that some of the other towns in the county will wake up and support a couple of teams so that outside games can ba arranged. A Adolphsen came down from First-class in every respect. Denmark several days ago, and is now engaged in tearing dew 11 the G o a d F eed 8 t a b ! e a tt a c h e d . old m ill on E lk river wlifefi will be moved out to Sixes and put up at We run the Stage from Pott Orford the mines. A. J. Marsh bought the via Dairyvh'e, conueoring with the m ill several months ago, and recent Etage to My.ble PoLb. ly sold it to C. E . Inm am of the 8ixss mining oompany. HARDY T. 8TE W A R T w in te r on the beach south o f tow n . They ray that good w age, can now be inail.e a t the p io u ih o f H u b b a rd ’s creek, where they are going to go dow n aa n ear aa iNwsiule tu bedrock. ,, , , M a y o r J o id o n sm all to w a across , „ o f East S id e , a the bay fro m Notice. Port Orford Furniture M & Hardware Store “ Wip. GHlirçgs Prop; ■ ‘ ~’ L i b o . t y H aines K ille d by B ro th - And faults that now are bard to Oblivion then shell in. Our alas are anon forgotten ua ' • e r-in -L a w , . Whan wa no more can Sin. 1 1 * «Parrel a t Eckley last Saturday But any better thought o f m e— Keep it fo r me when I ’m dead, ' H. C. Hampton shot and fatally wound- ed Lib Haines. The shooting comes aa I shall not know, I shall not cars. Forgive me now instead.—E x. a sequel to bad blood which has existed M a rs h fie ld , c o m m itte d suicide l a s t , between the I t o men .'or the past year, week by ty in g his feet together and j Adou? •'» mojth* *«u Hampton return Big Bund lie mu. ed home and found Haines beating hia jumping into the bay. He »11« w ife (Haines sister) and swore out a despondent over the disappearance w arrant in Coos county charging Haines Big Band, Oct. 24,1918. of 93080 street improvement funds w ith insanity. Haines was examined Chas. Bailer, sheriff of Curry and turned loose. H e was later brought county, patevd down the river today from the city safe. In a recent school meeting in befo*e the County court o f Curry from Mule creek, where he went to county and again turned looae, return Coquille Sheriff Gage had to inter- deliver ballot boxes and poll booka. i n g to Eckley w ith "blood in his ays” fere to p re v e n t a rio t, so m uch fee l- ; f c Hampton. ing bas been worked up concerning the selection of a site for a new school building. In the election of a director H . Q Anderson defeated C. T. Skeels by a vote of 161 Io 140. Satorday morning about 8 when Hampton started to the barn do chorea he saw Haines in the pig w ith his rifle. Hampton strapped his 38 Colts revolver and w ent down anil asked Haines what he was doing Many of those interested in such there, and Haines replied th a t ha waa things are making preparations to taking tha hogs th a t he (Hampton) had stolen from him. Hamptoor order attend the wrestling match at Ban. ed him off the place and Haines re don Saturday between M. Lutaay fused to go. Hampton than started fo r and Tony A jax. The match ia at tlic ba.n Haines told him to stopor tracting a great deal of attention he would k ill him. Hampton kept an aa the men are equally matched in going, Haines threw a load his rifle and a bullet whistled else and eaeltare knowu tu have , . , ............................ Hampton’ s head. Hampton then drew aspirations for the middle-weight hiB and opened Are. The ahatnpionibipof the world'.- ' f l a t shot from tne revolver broke A, 8. Miller was in town over C7..SS. C O M . H l S S l i O N E H Friday night on hia return from Roseburg where ha delivered the P o r t Ö l to r c i. O r e g o n . band of mutton sheep, spoken of in O Ses days in team—Tuesday, Wed- a recant iaaue, Io Swengle/the Port- and Saturday of each week. laud butcher. M r. Miller reported a very suooevaful drive, and says Under the eopervision of the Hun3» 'i«ht «houhler, hut that the purchaser was more than W. A . WOOD to work his rifle and three pleased with the sheep. Christian Endeavor a Hallowe’en shots, none o f which took e ffe c t attoknky at caw Hampton also flred The Rustler passed up frum party was held iu Lenovo's hall HOLD BEACH. OREGON. Rogue river to Marshfield last Frt last Friddy evening, which was shots, two o f which struck Haines day. Among the paasaengers were e a s ily the success o f the season. in the g ro ir. Tae Despite the stormy night the hall lived about 24 hours, and in his E. R . M iller and daughter Mias was pneked with children and I poet-mortum statement claimed May, on their way to Myrtle Point t.ia gun want off aeeidantiy the where the tetter will unctygo an op grownups, and Uiyre wga fun and ! time, the oororaer’a ju ry H iv e ypu any to ofly,'{ or do yon eration for appendicitis; jjlso G«<». games for all. The hall waa l u t e exhonorated Hampton o f all blame. knowinf anyoue who be»?. J desire There is no doubt but that L ib Haines fqlly decorated witl, cedars and to purchase. Angus G. M ackay,, B. M iller, who was going to poo» wes mentally unbalanced ae the reeult jack o lantern, and those who pro Bay fur medical treatment. * o f a kick on the head when a child, and Beal Estate Agent, Purt Huron, moted the affair s,iaie<l no effort to the consensus of opinion ia th a t the I f anyone has a yellow cor dog Michigan. make it a success. Various prises autboritiee are to blame fo r not tak ing that they would like to kill and yet were given away to the children, care o f him. I t had been generally hesitate about committing the act, aod after several hours, of fun-mak- predicted that one or the other o f the wa would advise them to condemn iog an excellent lunch of sand two men would g et killed. When i t to be sure death by giving it to Hampton called the law Into use a fte r wiches, cake aod lemonade was finding Haines unmercifully beating Notice is hereby given to a ll peraoae the Tribune editor. In addition to served. The only complaint we; hia w ife he exe.ciaed more control than wnom i t m ay co n tain , not 10 enter up the horse and dog. we lost a few beard, and there were many who1 most men would have done, but the on or trespass upou the premises of L . months ago, last Monday a young made it, was, that such times did law refused to protect him and ha was K n ap p , tor the purpose o f h unting, nr n a b iiit w ith uoox and line. Said p re Scotch Collie died on our hands. not come close enough together. compelled to take life. Hampton's mises are situated on E lk B iver, Corry James Brooking, last survivor ot Tbe friendship and good w ill devel w ife and a hired man ware w itnemea to the tra g e d y . C ounty, Oregon, and generally known those pioneers who were in the fort oped by such gatherings are worth as the “ f o n d ” place. at the mouth of Rogue river in the all the effort and more that it takes A ny person or perso s so trerpa«»- The following marriage items aie in« tor the purpose of h u n tin g , Ashing, Indian war of 1855.6 died in Smith to get them up. from the M y itis Fuint Enter,»rise: o r traveling through in a n y shape foim River, Cal., Oct. 22, 1913. He was W. E. Burrow of Wedderburn. o r m anner, or tea rin g down fences, or bom in New Hampshire in 1828, was in town the latter part of last Chandler—Northup. leavin g out aide gates open, o r molest, and was 85 years of age. He came week returning from a trip to the ing personal property, w ill bo prosecu to Del Norte in 1852, being an A r Coquille, whence he bad driven A t the home of tha bride’s mother ted to the fu ll extent of the law. gonaut of 1849, and the last of our several head of cattle. Mr. B ur in thia city at 8:30 Tuesday morn W w . B . Johnson, Lessee of the above pioneera. Ha ia survived by two row Informs us that he and his son- ing, October 28lh, 1913, occurred named premise» sons and two daughters, all residents in-law, Rufus Kiug, have rented 1 the marriage of Mr. Arthur A. of California. dairy ranch for three years near Chandler and Mist Nettie E . N o rth 1 Timber (Haims. f John H a ll of Big Meddows, made a trip to Game Lake one day thia weak, taking la some banters and trapprre. «The place lo buy your (Lh.ristm.3-s presents sJ-A full line of S toves and R anges, (Suemsey, >i^(lum,, T^ugsanàityCat« ting, S tiletto Cuttlery, S ^ l e r n s , £ tc , "P ort © rfori S ouvenir §pooris ^amUaUsAaUMUMbda I fil to i t r i I rfl ill i k t o iW s rta ri'W b » » rk C..P. MeFarlla haa been doing eome plowing this week for 0 . D. Cunningham. Jacob Fry Is planting thia fine weather. ■ hia oom H enry F ry and David Billings aru up tn Bear Camp this week ronnding np Jacob F ry ’s cattle, whioh they w ill drive b.xne before bad weather eats ia. Randolph Meservey aad W . D. Chafio made a trip to Rock oreek today taking ia supplies for tbe fall and winter. j NORTH REND MARÖFACTURINO COMPART NORTH BEND, OREGON ♦ , MANUrACTt'RERD QV > 8A 8H , DOORS AND MOULDINGS , GLASS H I G H G R A D E IN T E R IO R F IN I8 H r n i c x s MAILItl) ON ArPLICATION Chas. Brown had the good Inch to get another fat bear this week. I ¿1 There are more dear dfodnd , Big Bend now than there baa been for years. i N G. W. M (Cuos Bay News.) Dr. Horsfall secured a can of eat flah, which was brought b a n with tha trout and baas from the hatchery a few days ago. Sunday planted them in Jordan Lake in tbs sandhills. Fishermen inform ua that silver sides thia year are a little sauller than usual, tlm average weight be ing tan pounds- ‘ Tha can aeries era paying two cents per pound, which makes tha average 20c per flab. A rumor whioh was in circulation a few months ago waa again re ceived last weak, to the affect that the Southern Pacific waa about to build a line from Beaver H ill, to Bandon, tapping the coal m inee and sawmills along the Coquille river Mr. and Mrs. D. Quellen, who Riverton, and that it is bis inten up, Itey. Bsrklow officiating. N o t ic e t o C r e d it o r s . en routs. I t may ba true, and than moved to town last week are now tion to return there within tbe next Mr. and Mrs. Chandler left tha again it may ba only a bluff to head I n tub C ount » C ourt or tub S tats or MlUed jn , be M cK , naie budding on few days 'and take charge of the same day for the groom’s home off another line which Bandon and OasooM fob C ubby C ounty . | P f O0 t Q ue | | en p ( jt place. He auys he has tieen offered stead in Curry oounty where they Coos Bay people have been endeav In the m a tter o f the estate of) in moet of hia time for the next 91200 for bis Kentucky stallion, will commence housekeeping im W illia m W ittw er, deoeaaed oring to secure from tha luterior. couple of weeks at the half way which offer he will probably accept. mediately; the best dishes and con T he undersigned h a v in g lieed ap Tbe number of packages received pointed by the County Court of the • house at C o rb in a rra n g in g a ll the An important sale was made re gratulation» of tbeir many friends State o f Oregon, fo r C u rry County, Ad details of turning the place over to cently when E. J. Loner purchased in the Myrtle Point section attend at the Marshfield postoffice by par cel post is constantly on lbs in- m inistrator of the estate of W illia m E .F . Friant, and as soon as Mr. !a|| of L. Knapp's timber, iq the ing them. Wittwer deceased, and h avi.g q w ll. ( haa the.« matters »justed crease, and Postmaster Curtis in vicinity of the cemetery. The sale fled, notioe is hereby given to the cred- / ... u ■ r formed us Sunday that different itore of, and a ll persons having claim s be w ill commenou the erection of a involved a consideration of to 0 0 0 , W ils o n — S pires arrangements will soon have to be again st said deceased, to present them good dwelling house on Oregon and the timber that changed hands made regarding the matter of for verifled as required by law , w ith in six street. ia estimated at about 4,500,000 feet, Mr. Ralph B. Wilson and Mim! warding them from the interior to m ontlie from the Brat puhlicailon of hails • good percentage of which ia white Dr. C. W. Robbins, who Winnie Spires were united in m ar. ,hls offioa, and also for tbair da- th is notice to said Ames 8. Johnston at from the faraw ay New England i c«d»f- Mr. Loney now haa seven his offihe in P o rt O rford, Oregon. risge Tuesday, October 28, 1918, at lira rv in town — to tha parties to A M E S 8. JO H N S T O N , states, arrived in Port Orford last >neu on the land cutting railroad the home ot the bride’s parents i n ; whom they are addressed. C. P. Adm inistrator of tha estate o f W U- week and hat decided to locate here. »'«• and expects to add about three Myrtle Point Mr. Wilson ia an- Barnard, mail contractor on tha lia m W ittw e r, deceased. The young doctor i. jn (he ingor, nce bu, inea. at; JUmburg-Coo. Bay route, b a a g i.« is of pleasing j more to th i. number for lb ..w in te rJ . D ated September 2a, 191S. appearance and has excellent papers and when summer opens he will . C(,Muille and i. wall known to many ! bo U c that ha w ill discontinue to commend him to the public. He • « • » of twenty or more cut- I MyrU< Tb, bti<J< u lh a im rr- i l l l p .ro, | post after Decern bar H U K F O B P U B L I A T IO N ia a graduate of Ano Arbor, M ic h , ‘era. I t 1» hi» intention to utilize riaugbler of M r and Mra. L lo y d ' ' * 1st, and an effort it up< being made DaFABTifBWT or t h i I ntibiob , I and after hie graduation ha prac-|«ll <»f the timber. The fir and Spires of this place, where she haa to bava tha paruels brought onoa a U. 8. Land Office at lined for one year in an eastern hos- green cedar will be hauled to the many friends. week by »learner. Considering the Notioe ia hereby given that pital, where he took a special course m ill in town, several tneu now be Ellaworth E Cool ter, minister of amount that w ill ba raoaivad each 'W illiam J . W hitwobtb in surgery. Ilia lo catin g here will ing engaged in cutting logs that the Christian church of thia city shipment, a «agon will ba necessary n X ^ f^ . ° H o m « t ^ b EnuyM^ »* * « o ^ c e u f much gr.tiflcatfon to M. T. W right ia delivering at the peiformed the oereuniay. for delivery rial No. 0061 Sectionals, I the people of thia section, at at the mill. The dead oedar that is Suit t o l l , L for tor NWJ oecu< The young couple will make Township 34 8 ., Range 14 west, W il preaent time it ia 15 miles to the able will ha cut into railroad tie», their home at Coquille, Oregon. lam ette M erid ia n , hoe filed notice |o f in te n tio n to m a k e F iv e year Proof, to nearest D r., aod In the winter time and that that ia not suitable for ties Their many friends wish for them oliah claim to the entabl___________ _ land above de- wiljjte-anade into telephone polee, much joy and a long and happy ecrihed, before Hardy T. Stewart, Uni thia is a considerable distance. The ted Stetea Commissionar, at hia office people of Purl Orford should en matchwood, etc. In addition to life e i Port Orford, Oregon, <.q' tbe 22nd courage Dr. Robbius hy giving him thia work, Mr. Loney has soveral day of September, 1913. Miss W innie Spires waa wall whatever business they may have men cutting in the woods between C la im a n t namea ae witftsseea: Repairing W* und Jewelry a E m e ry W h itw o rth , o f F o rt O rford, Or. In b it line. H ia office will ba next E lk and Sixes. W ith this industry known in thia ssctioa, having A ll K. L . W h ite , of door to the bank and w ill ba con and the mining development on taught school on tbe Sixes, and haa J o h n Fromm Jr., of OnU an ms at L am um », L . U W hite, nected with the farmers’ and long Sixes, the outlook for winter work many friends bare who extend con B- in this section is unusually good. gratulations. distance telephone lines. WATCHKAKBB X X . ELLIOTT A n Ixux W o r t h W h i l e (F o rm e rly G a iin U e tt'a ) New ly Fitted Up; Electric Lights T A B L E UNEXCELLED GOLD BEACH, CURRY C0.» ORE- H ot and C old T ub and S hov / er B aths F irst C lash Ba. n and Qa age in Co.« joc «oj A ffording all Conveniences fo S » r'I© H om es, T e a o x A tr o aio'i’lt a and Mo o .cvcles G E N E R A L W agons and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock, also A gent for AU Kinds of Farm nig Im plem ents; McCormick M ove h . e.c. Wood and Iron Work prom ptly done at a Peasonable price. Your patronage solicited. BEEHER JE SS P ort O r fo r d , O r e g o n JOHN R. MILLER, GENERAL MERCHANT, Port Orford, Oreiror.* — _ — Has opened a new Store, with H EW GOODS, I