Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1913)
f -> to THK TRIBUNE. - w«PKBar>ÄT NOV. s. im i. Psb’iefcad Every’▼ndaeedsy, by . MARDY T, STEWART. U 'lh eirtieU ers «A-f wtberexptoiaeraun mortgage naoent, fats stop* »hoct o f denying on newspaper plants In thia ¿ a n - ■ that the editorial which I criticised try Is something appalling. Whan wan written by a Sophomore at Eu- the aalate<4 Fred k M cC r,lli*h; the ' gene. ' long time proprietor of the>Sefi'j I t will be remembered (hat, aouri Francisco 1 A Ra W*a Aha wa* in in courto courto o of f ' after (fir conspiracy fathered by the r in fflln w li/g hie his d desfh, lebwati ffillnwlpg e e p , * a ! g»«»t grafter, Wjip. fleiepp Cromwell Mortgage for S40,(M'd In fav«^ of and byri*(rupt«iniat H chief— Mark SUBSCRIPTION BAT m L O n * Oo.>. One Y « i r ..................... vi /•»' Eeland Stanford wa* found of ri' O u O q | ) Ai« Mon Ui ................... ,l> also A Ben held by Jim Fair bg OueOoKV T)n«e Moijin«. Aavae-wsi»« B at » T ia m m ia l l «. l î r S S ^ ^ 'l againm (he paper's new* fran The 8. 8. Vol turn® which r» ly burnt »n<^fn which 155 * * » - £ $ » * « » tf » iM J second to (h it ¿Abe l'itar»St.».The Hanna, to ehifk she-efic* of thy Ia l’nneau cartel fhitirNfeaui-egua to P eitaiM w*» l«Hcbed,>i^ • cetebratrd French scientist wat*'employed to prepare a Itarned and elaborate sh in ing (bat it would not be safe to Seal Estate-For Sale. Î owwrd March. Licanse C an c elled . W .jl. MEREDITH ATTUBNEY * COUNSELLOR AT LAW , aho Nothing under the blue oanopy of heaven can now stop the Socialist The local customs office in charge ' ‘ ", —B movement from growing nt an ao of T . H . Barry baa received notice W E D D K K K V R N . OKKOON celerated pnee. Everything possihla of the cancellation of the Coaster * has Iwen «one by the enemy in and license, at the port of Eureka. The J. J. STANLEY out of the labor movement to check j Coeater wee built by Peter Olson ami destroy this humanitarian at the Timmerman ship yard in polili.ial revolution, but the fiercer Marshfield In 1909 and sold later OKKOON it is .Hacked the stronger it grows. ' to the Klamath packing company. O O Q U IL I-R , - - The Homaliat party tpdny has * I t seams from the change to register L. A . R O B E R TS , stronger organisation, more in te lli.jtb e Coaster hae heen turned back to gent and aggressive esmpaigner., I Captain Olson. The order was is- A T T O 1 I N E Y A T X .A W , mote daily, weekly, and monthly [ „«rf „ Eureka on the ISth of Aug Will Fix Curry Line. M y -tie P o in t, Oregon." pubi-cations, more books and )>am- at, thia year.— Marshfield Record. phletM, and more favorable public Ptobase basine«* a apeohfly. K. 6. Drews, manager of the Coos sentiment in which to impart its Bay Hume Telephone Co. waa in ' philoephy than hail any other move town Friilay night on his way to ment that sprang into existance on Louts K napp , Pres. C. W. Z umwalt , V. Prea Riverton on business for the com American soit— Mux 8. Hayes. peoy. They have recently com Lo| 6 io blook 68 . r , Price 1226.00 Lot .¡> in block 67 Price $360.00 Lot 6 in block 7O . Price $175.00 Lot in block 49 ' Price $176.00 Apply P. J. LINDBERG, PortUrford, Or. laspr. pouetruot, the great waterway at !of the fttfgfeil ship had been Nicaurauga because that place waa teniog letters beubuae directly (it tbe'earthquake bell,and C U R R E N T T O P IÇ 8 , ssengef fare*. »The that, for tatriied reasons learnedly -and laboriously stated, Panafea *1’ W A’’* •“ ' £ $ . th“‘ lliite ha<l been p la ite d in the way* had been and always would lie Bv / ' H. Un-os. free frygjjgjesmic disturbances. JEditor T b ib l m x : . i ¿*- at ’ he instance of - thy ownei ’ E. j JZL onky , Cashier. competing |Hissenger vtseel»,’ the But what (bn stubborn, practical pleted the metallic line between The Slate Grange demands. tfir Socialist Bill o f Rights this city-and Riverton, taking the fuse so timed a« to explode the fads?.,. -Act Shi* Panama dispatch ______ abolition ot the State Seriate, and . , place of theuld grounded line, and of Oct. 22, answer»* follows: there are not wanting d em ndn fM • b'P Sociulists of Missouri are seeking ocean. Big Bus I t ii twelve'da 4* since th e pre business ia looking up in th at vi- (he abolition of Slate L v g is ln tu ^ ,, vious qu»lfe. ” ‘Tl5e' [¿n ot the cinily. Mr. Drews inform s, the to obtain through the initiative and ing up compel jn loto. t - - * otherwise oon,troied.-l-B P '^'*F^ to tr a a ta itta t th e A »tun jl^rald llw l he w ill soon take offreferendum an amendment to the UtUdAbl B A N K O F P O R T O I< F * O J < 1 > I t is in the Senate, hith State and oe several ih *0* '* ' '°® lM,|*>' the crew which is working between bill of rights of the stale oonalitu-- < t the paoe ue .evjrwi after ItyUcetH»®thak the general ‘ j . .. . =____c.-S.-_o, _... . flatlnnal, where the Special litter «‘ ^ « ” W . L ^ W W r ^ W » ; - d r o m W Bandon and put the tion which'will guarantee the right yea YQVR BANKING BUSIN ES8 SOLICITED t gate get in their work. L ' men at work on the line from Ban- to Work, the right to a job, the right an, in a speech xip norllnutiï lu «ugtlipeal. T lK tiJM o r It was in the Senate alKTaakfiig' poto, 'eaolulion before the lostedXinpi twervfy.,^9, twenty five don to Gold Beach, which is in need of the state to employ labor and of ton that the Greenback act Senate for a Constitutional Amend *coj>Tj,nnd eppaistod p f a dpuhie of repair* before winter «eta in. various unita of government to own •addled with the ‘‘exeeptionwla UioVenieñtN with iftUjrxyi'.apf *. -, few and operate businesses. — Coqudle Herald. ment granting universal suffrage *econd* between lite severe périrais. which manufactured millionaire* on Last summer the Argentine So to women went oul of hivOway A t Colon Ibe shock lasted fiitern N O B A N K W IL L H A N D L E W all Street and poverty throughout PORT ORFO RD cialist* sent two member* to tbe com The attention of those scienti!) allege promiscuity of sexual secondami eight feieutke past nine the ooontry. * - • gress, notwithstanding the election cully unii Charitably inolined ia o'clock, houses being rocked and lions practiced by husbands find I t was In lha Senate that thectin*' clock* «tupped- i J M frçroor* were culled to a tad case that has recently Hicks of the governing party, which Y C U R B U o lN E S S B E T T E R OREGON •piracy waa hatched to pay the wive* among the “ idle rich." The felt at Tanaina nearjy an hour later/ come to our notice. A young wom really defy description. The vic fact that the wires lielonging to the bonds held by millionaires in “coin”' And thè Panamá plant waa an of German parentage and a tory scored by the Socialist paity class lie aaqaile aje elway« a uh it bought fqr >4.OÓÓ.OOt} and .largely and ialer on in " g u i^ c u in *' the against Suffrage did not occur to hjm. young man of Austrian descent of the Pla’a repuhlic recently is ' venirci for with' shares pnrçhasrd 1 w#re aame bonds which they had bought married seven years ago. siili more significant. The Social And Police Chief Peterson of Oak- for 40c on the dollar. Trmiï 6elf>Ie*s'victima of the origi Silice then they have had aix child ist party secured two of the three 'land, Okl.,‘"fh an "Interview pish” I t wae in the Senate that the hai graft fot ôcé 11 ta on the dollar; ,r«n, of whom one died almost at seats contested in the bve election I ¡shed bi the Bulletin, wherein jhe ’’Senator* from Havemver,” Quay, aiidGromwell irric h ahd respectable. ts » s y » tf provfc that the new C«li birth, on» ia very delicate, and two of Match the SOtb last, for members Republican, and Gorman, Demo And Httrrlman fin illy 'g o t n lip aaji fornia law aimed at sexua'I vice . is are- said" to be deaf mutes. Tbe for the oongreas A Socialist sena oral, cleaned up milliona inncipulal cleared 186,000on the shares tfiá't impiacticaJ.unless inducement»-to mother ij devoted to them, and the tor was aUo elected for the first ¡ng the sugar schedule of Ute W if fell hi* way. witile Mr. -Roosevelt father j» very energetic and indue time. eon T a riff bill. And jt ¡* worth re such vice ere first restrained by waa «wearing ih hia w^ath t|ial; Imoue, but irunprepared to make public sentiment aajrat • ■ membering that a Congressional American had made une pent tout Municipal lew. “ laa’k at the Society balls, espec a-living because of lack of proper inreatigatioo of that perfidy, bad aha rtol - . - tally the fandy dfeea balls..» Many of Fangma ttolningjtr hl* youth. The family «»,1 gr. > r V - 1 Qqgy Snd Gqrman before1 it, and of the Women have jlist' enough' on The Connecticut legielalnre baa i* now dependent in part on the that Gortpan perjured himself and to keep them from being arrested Among the imtent« granted ^ ta - public for .support, and as the trade granted several cities the right to Quay oonfeaeed that, be hail apecu- for iiidebAnVeXpoenie. Even that iy to jiarfltA'in tbe 'Ndrthweai, aw father ia extremely etart and operate municipal ice lated In sugar ttoelts nn W all street dreelic measure might well be -war shown'“by A Wkabmgfon firm. 'i*' followed by the __ ranted.« lliev were not society 4om baia Motts' he may become entirely plant*. W illim antic already has and asked lha committee "w hat it M a c h in e r y & M o w in g M a c h in e s . en. And let them have a jfew one to Jikeih Crdckettj o f ' Bandon, dependent At any lime. The only such a plant in operation. The was going to do about lt|" glaaiyw w i «bampaign and what do form prdt«4fii«»dririeh for filling., tM bg .lh ai PfevenU preveni u* from appeal- private companies endeavored to Kxtrat» f o i D a ir y in g } O sb o r n e » i And it is worth while to recall in you th rn lH rtli« raeuli?” prevent the eatablishment of the jp g /o r UHftWibulions for them i» M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e r y . thia connection that W all Street The press of the coast has fieen jj. Ati*aMi»mK-4»-'JN atar«T the fact Haul.the perènta described city plants, but the oouooil came broker* were eummoaed before that about uttsnioioua in its denunpia. a* «hr atari! -»»■ ,-< «* a < • «Ve'(he King and Queen of Spain. back willy a declaration that the P a in ts» O ils & S t u m p i n g P o w d e r committee and impudently refused tion of the farce comedy played - * t d eljveiy of ice hv piivalecoiupsnie* A hemto raatnppposd to have ’ <* — td ilie f*« 1 to testify as lu Gorman's specula Los Angefesln th etrial of the tail ■ A Ì4 ,. V '.’I was against their franchises and he Much common sene»or taut,’ 4. ; tions in s u g a r,.,. - . -I. k 0 7 -:— -— :--------------- P in e lin e o f G u n s, B a s e b a ll p a r a lege m rn rnkw ~«int'“ M ill|0 M ire cause the people would not go to - , Tba foUevring apace has been bought And note the difference. Poor banker Bixby of Long Beach. p h e r n a lia » a n d o t h e r S p o r t i n g them to buy and entry the ice fV l ib ‘ he. ,.s gpd paM fer by the Socialism of Curry fool Mnlger, though be bald a few The ddSB RW y. wM»»ion G o o d s k e p t in S to c k . home, their busjne«* wa«. killed. <»enty : .n • » •pnculetWewfiMrrtMff'stock*, * * ,v »Tl a ro u n T C mTee ifi? reprobate at la UVUte 4 Federick Cedarholm, a Socialist n l»g f<* a rise, urged several drastic whatever cost of decency and *legal -’ O f intellect lo ehow. Sqcialiat Notes. alderman, is leading the fight for D o o r s a n d W i n d o w s i n v a r ie t y But, MJfit Wfe less, moat roosters baV|f - bills intended to curb the criminal precedent. A judge to beer the .......... • d - ,a.4 d t municinal toe in Bridgeport. Io c o n s t a n t ly k e p t o n h a n d . Enougjt good sense to crow. rapacity of the Stock Exchange. case waa brought from S a n fB e r- The party Membership in Swit- Sritcnertady, N . Y ., where Sooial- Apd not« fu rlh v , that, after Tam- ( pandlpo, aiy L rig h t -y e ll d i^ he The mule, the. most despised of beast» terland Tito increased thirty pe. I*.a rule, a municipal ice plant was P ip e P ittin g s , P lu m b in g a n d T in maay Murphy bad inaugurated >MkMto gratititdk iPnothi ingpnore ¿»fit the plat' year. established, but the court issued an Impeachment prunedinjis against of the accus^JJiy madj- ssto w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n s h o r t ing O f letting people know he’s ’round, Sea W o lf ia be- injunction stopping the business. Sulser, Walt «treat brokers fairly ruling*,HwF&eim nit nfwhicli , J& fefe^A i'«M n t brey. I n o tic e . Ing mod* into a ing picture Lewiston, Me., suffered the same tumbled over eacbothar to testify ^ b rh trtlf<1 iitfedMei, they buta. film in tlirto reels. outrage, but the supreme court of truthfully and untruthfully against to refute Tne claim by tbe a A 'Knights of Fythiaa lodge in that state sustained the right of the 'H d llrliilld i» ,‘and cows moo, >im. that, although he had often v| Alld watchdogs bark, aiid duckling» LotfftviTlfc_,.Ky., is composed exclu*. people to own their own ice plant*. And it is in the Senate right sow the notorious Assignation iv e ly iU .^ o ç ia lis t*. ' qtlaclfl’ ' i t j ' V ’ Weatherford, (>kla., has a municipal L a n g lo is , O r. that impudent, grasping National known as the-‘Jonquil” under, an .Threered automobile*, named by ibe plant in operation that sell* ice And dove« and pigeons 000. Bankers are getting in their work assumed name, hh had staid ii^the -I* * A-. ’ Socialist speakers, are touring at forty cent* a hundred pounds in emasculating the pending currency parlor and neyer v/aitad <ny oft the T tkn pcscndk spreads hia i 'VMiI knd iforniiHn the interest of 8ocialiara. small quantities. Milwaukee wa* ■ A ’ t r i measure; and Quays and Gormans rooms whef-utthe notorioHs propur- A *sorting people’soollege i* in granted the right to establish a mu Pigd-kqUtoTtndToWh* sing; are there to lend them aid and com ess now in ja il for Keeping a disor operation at Smithville, Minn., nicipal ice plant and, although the fort. — .. ■ derly bouse, kept her ever l> ah A ud evetv serpents know enough ' supported by Socialist* and work capitalist administration is fighting ‘ These bankers are equal to tie- supply of young girt victims,otj»of ! Ta Mae before they »ting. er* in general. it strongly, it probably w ill win. bad taste of malting dire threat* whom had sued him for the ¿ P But Man, the greatest masterpiece A tn ante I pal employment office of what they can do toward throw port of her child. A» to thi*£- he That Nature could devise, ha* beenurinblished at Copenhagen, Vorwaerts, the great Jewish 80 ing business out of line in the unblushing swore that he bad paid W ill oheii stop arid hesitate! ‘ Denmark, a city partly controlled cialiat daily of New York, has re event thia bill become* law. And her 94,500! A nd‘ it was at this Befurishe'll A D V K B T IS E . • ’ byjiocinljata. cently moved into it* own twelve (Successor to N. C. N ielse1.) they even suggest that their for poinl that the Judge threet^bed Security For All. story building on the east aide in bearance cap be purchased bv the disbarrment against her attorney. Lane sta For Road Into O ld “ W hat I object to ia this economic the ghetto region. Tbe apaoe in adoption of certain amendments G E N E R A L M E R C H A N T , Y es, yes. the rich and the poor i Mule Creek. /- ebance-worid in which we live’, and the building not occupied by the they have handed in, and lie it aland upon an equality in our .which we men seem to bave created. paper is rented almoet exclusively •aid to their overlHitiog *hame, that Courts, even the bead, Jjudge. ¡.Hum. , B’nshityjtqti,, OcJ. ¿7.— Sepator I t ought LI be law as inflexible in to Kocialiat organization* and So oertain ao called Democn t i j mem phreya af Seattle will 'in « !« f ' jtpat U n e lia» t|aJ(en iup Qw.cause t>( act human «(fair« as tbe order of day cialist businesses. Vorwaerts ia at bers are willing to pay the jirice. thia, ia aol i 4 tier* in thn M ule Cre»A retyun, ip .and night in the physical world, once one of the ablest edited papers Then it will he profitable to poo T h p “ flo b ” industry ia recetjvjpg the Rogqy j i v / r pyuntry,.. perriett that « a man will work he shall in the world and one of the mnet der over the bullying tactics of J. unusual attention thn«c Iptter days. *"r|y in Jjff^phine.and Curry noun both real and eat, and shall not be successful. I t has been inexistence P. Morgan and hia coterie of finan On thi* subject » late i t ^ Bulletin tits. They desire to have a road any question of how fifteen years and was started by the cial GortCands in 1882 when the and fresh ■> i,» I’ .es w • ’>e received ’>v every s.eatDe cofrttY’iiTW ioruss' the ’mountains, hia repose and provision will come. workers with a small fund. ’I»’! question of the/Congress Vefuaing iTrOBiJpii.jcracyjiFPe" thdjpdikid- my mupose .0 Lee.i a fu " a.otk o( everythin* .«. ni-ej i ' bat'«4i»^ 1o th6 IitTgb areas there Notbasg lese ideal than thi* sat Our Brother* Abroad. trade in tu e ll is of v e «u to re-charter The National Banka ual and allows M W totetoiCfdpssion; embhiced'in tfie fotfest reserve arid isfies the reason. But in our state For the first time Holland ba* a had been suggested. The- New despolidkB, -whicISMk (he real’ nfor G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , i nywr- iq railrqg^ fitohts, there ia an lav Af things no one ia sure of thia. No Socialist in it* Sonata. York Tribune at that time their whet- ofiafohs.4tiBak, It. Den tollucÀt- adfiicieft* thtonje foom taxea to meet one is sure oFUnding worh; no one Socialists of Holland have in BOOTS and S H O E chief political speakerman, did not cy neet^jndivlduala, alive to ¡the the nvstt, Senator-Lane esy* thg»^<is sure of not losing it. I may have creased their membership 8,600 in M E N S aud BOYS, C L O T H IN G . hesitate to advi«e, that, if the bank coininum-needs and the cmnniAn he known the region well, thetA l in m y work taken away from me at nine months. , ers of this country will act together thought ,-slili in d iv n U s b .! h L A D IE S ’ DRESS GOODS, one of Ik». ■ most delightful <0: bn noyffionftht by tbe capriae, the Wholesale arrests are being made and act strongly they will have’ it needs men who dare to be differin', found anywhere, and..- war famous H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W A R E . mood, tifo indigestion, of the man of Socialist* and atrikera at V an - ip their power to defy any act Con for in them lies tbe h o p e „ f | ^ | aeefc fw hohss dot thè qualification for couver B. C., Can. Among those in the <Nys.|»f the M<ly,gnld gress may either pass or refuse to prvgresl? C IG A R S , TO B A C C O , P IP E S ere ss lhg locaiioa-N Ha0py Camp, knowing whether I do it well or ill. arrested was John Place, Socialist pa»sl C A N D Y , N U T S and The.QragLnian says; N O T IO N S . “ The^tottjugjof the government in A t amy'time of life— at every time member of the British parliament. That certain of the National Hank» “Gov. West announces he will not gutiUog-apay miilmna of dollars of llf» -;ia''uian ought to feel that if In fact, supply of everything usually kept In a well stocked More than600, gathered to discuaa have yielded stupendous profit* was be a oandidate fer g,i»ern,iV. “ wor*^.*rfi4#»fi *» tL io . coaaerwiug l » ill keep on doing his duty, he the »ilualion, were arrested in », General Merchandise Store. _ disclosed in the testimony oiGeorge peopto have already decided ffuchrfHPift fur the foreala,” said he, ^ahafl hOl suffer in bimaelf nor in body by 400 soldiers sent to reduce Baker, President of the First Na while he-may tie a oMndlifatii ORDERS T A K E R »O R ARY A R T IC L E ROT IM STOCK. “ he* deprived the .people of feuch tboa# who are dear to him, except them to term *. tional of New York had made clear will norer again lie g - n a - r n „ «» r ’ ' of the Jnxaci* . value that thky through natural causes. But a* The rear of Ruasia, becoming *- L ’fibly-c’ib t million dollars sinoe Tliat imper/naiate.1 i,ittle or more the year 1867! And that these and than IMP yeata ago tkat “ the peo should,.be able fodraw on and ( [thing* aré now, no man can feel larroed at the spread of Socialism in hia empire, has created a oabinet kindred profile pre -alwayif in one ple had^|ecid«d th a tl wlten West shall Qtfc to.gel Secretary of <bc I« t h ia '/ ì - Way or another, filched frdm pro ton against fla “ Assembly'’ enndi lei iur Lane to make a reasonable ’ • -And *0 we go on pushing and officer to have charge of «porta allowance lor roads. Failing in pullW|f, climbing and crawling, throughout bi* domain. Sport* ar* ductive laliur reaching all the way date, with -the resuh that he senfig, (hat J shall ask congress to make down the line, not even sparing the vd ’ he fielrf by m orethan 8,000 do en ap{iropria|i«M^ aa n l a M'-puan . thrusting aside and trampling un alright and should be encouraged, h<>d carrier, ia a fact that has been the good. * moo justice hound tri do. J f ' i f re der fiwHr Ifin g , cheating, stealing; but in thia instance this encourage fuses, I «hall feel yerj|»to,’ ucti hurt. and KBvri WS'itet to the knd. covered ment is frankly an effort to interest hard to beat into the h e ^ of it*., The Fur^lpnd Jq^ssal ia at a less mnseeauf the people in all its full?»*,.* with blood and d irt and sin and young people in gamta rather than what to any to tny charge that it shamp, and look back over the way in revolution. I l it probable! how The great newspapers have suppress had put 95 per cent of the good peo we've-Cuni/fo a palace of our own, ever, the student* will find greater ad the truth always, because owued ple of Oregon in training for the or t»ahe puorbouse (which i* shout Real Estate .. Notary Public by or in aorue «ay at the mercy pnnitentiary because they are not the <a»iy place we can claim with sport in agitating for a change in uf the profit monger». The '•college «ear?’ That, paper simply our b£ptb«r men), I don’t think industry than in either playing or Langlois Hardware Store Hardware of all Rinds Cheever © Bowman, r AMES S. JOHNSTON Orford, ■ NEW GOODS, z J.?? fi “y*: r r i ; Call and examine goods and get prices.; Always Remember the Fall tim»« (^axative Rromo Auinine WILLIS T Ä T E Sr Cores a CoM in One Day, Grip in T w o . Port Orford, Oregoir thairotiuepaoi can be pleasing.” t witnessing game*. * e la s . 33«,