THE rUlHLìNE. i « i i n -1 i i i i v « i c n i m s p j t r i , o»«su m va askapoeal the »5 per oenl who con ,4b e »•»«»•« brought in to the , wlio have no earth ly use for our went ou the Bench. their I * * * » '« * «»* •!»» negro and thought A TTO R N EY aan COUNSELLOR Federal Courts bare bad to pay V K D ffE H D A Y OCT. 29. |918. Sulzer’s offense was th at beiug a Cook K itch en any», saya ba: I the recognised in h im the man who elevation possible. A T Ì« A < more than three quarters o f the college man and law yer, he bad no b’lieve in the poor uian having a ' bad piir.Ued her. A u»ob speedily Up in W ashington there great expense they en tail, Hera Common Sense, for, alter dealing in ebanot and In lim itin g th e steal in' Published Every Wednesday, by movement started to cancel the cer- .■'»••eeted and demanded poaaoeaion V K D D U B D K N , OREGON after, under the operation o f the In - : «■>•••»» | -«w > £ a s a coirtributiona . « ' i r t I I w « a I I I > !> ■ campaign in W a ll o f the rioh to the p 'in t w har tobacco lifloats of a teacher named St. C la ir , of '**" T *‘ « E h w iff, back HARDY f . STEWART. «>me ag disproportion against :>Street before lie w as Governor, a fte r1 nioney w ill be lett the worker) but because he had criticised the b-v depuliea, defied the the new new ! F ibe common, plain man w ill not be( , « k n ig h ts eeai be prepared and J be darned i f I work w ith a man J. J. STANLEY law up there requiring the children crowd who threatened a ru»h upon SUBSCRIPTION KATKb. * ° p r* * ‘ . | urged measures to curb the rsjiacity j who don't b’lieve In my kind of lilt entiaucr, when the honest officer Copy One Y ear »IJU to salute the flag and repeal a lingo y tis t mt tour Democrat io i „ f iu« injeves that run the Sluck j baptism in order to git the lib erty Copy Six Uoti the. ,6 .......................... ...... tired u , mmi tlie leaders severely inn Copy (L.riav Tlir«e 'Pliwaew. Muntili Senate ia showing signs of fad in g v E xc h an g e Due 50 presort bed for them in the act, we both w ank* C O Q U IL L E , . . . O R E G O N whereupon a Eugene (taper taking wounding a few of them when the I down to the blandishment of mere Not only this, be discovered and its cue from this circumstance says: mob retieated to the rear o f the ja il , ben kera representing the great The report of the examination of the proceeded to rebuke colossal fraud Instead of teaching patriotism he IU1^ blew a hole in the w all with c u v m j fc c u fu a in in auturner c o lu m n ia i t an an county record« another column I M oney Trust, the exiateuee o f which iu the Highw ay a and other depait« In thia he fails in h is ” ,J' " H,nilB but ‘ h i* ¿¡<1 not connect yxact copy of the expert's findings with i destroyed it. Louis K napp , Pres. St« I IO ||g III* ' ---- no one disputes. C. W. Z umwalt . V. Pres „ to the the exceptions that the recording fees1 d u _ ty tbt children and Ut the ‘ b tu j with the prisoner, whereupon - Gov. Hulxer, the only honest m enle managed by M u rp h y and on ex-clerk Smith’s shortages are qo’t (w lu„ try n, which he lives As M ■‘ h* »bw tlf and hie aids appeared Barnes. 1 lus could not be tolerated E. J. L oney , Cashier, IU m U M l.n d [«ge 6 sbowingth« n><>ney wh(>()1 tt,uch(.r he upon th at aide and drove the cow- Governor f grace the E xecu tive) by , h , b i.p artixa n gang who had mansion a t.A lb a n y for 25 yea.a , been robbfog the people wholesale, ..............— . i,- i . . >• excepting Gov. Hughes, h a . been j , Sulzer were possessed of a med- been omitted. i I Socialist be trwuiivn tenches g o. < from aîUt’IH I ir»v or «W hecaosH muourn «av *□•/• i 1 be Sheriff then ascertained ~ impeached wud driven from office | , UIU o f ^ „ „ „ 0 . , SsD, ei bi, , riln „ . ctaliem in his sch>M>|, lin t because *-W IWlnoiiW at! the facta ut bis in obedinuce to com m and, . m a t .- ) p h .,,1 viu d icU io n by the people the al- Tke County Attorney Bill. he is a traitor to tila couutry. H e Í where. I maiis at the lim e o - f - ----- « lin g from T am m an y H a ll A w„ « ld bo assured. H e would be deserves to have his certificate f lex‘’d “ '“ 1 w ith »bom he waa. rawer proceeding there is no record landed hack in the “ G overnor’s ■ T h e negro was given a speedy trial One of the meritorious measures to be taken sway. voted upon at the election next Tues-J n , is „ , e(1s m rn w ill) ! and acquitted by the ju r y . Now of. chair or sent to the U . 8. Senate to needs YOUR BANKING BUSINESS SOLICITED A m ajo rity of the Judges of th’e s i i s r x s r x s ........... ? « » . « * « « replace Ru,,t. B u t, alas! He is highest Court with politicians set share of Gov. M. Brown's salary |>! ■•» h ln ftir tra jtto fi” ’ l>H mg successfully stood off a lunb said to be shaping his course for an ting on.the case gave fu ll play to alliauce w ith the Progressive party more than the salary allowed’ the coun- | That is to say i f these opinions j " n^ *‘-ve’J the life o f an innocent savage mslinctii and Voted th at the w bich can ao mure help him in h i. ty attorney under the bill, which makes Mn.l principle» cnnincide with the butnan being though hie skin was impeachment Court could U k e L i U m . l h i l , o o u itfth e S o d .H .t or i t a mp,,cy aaving proposition toCurry , v -ry jn g ,,p uli,Mllt llUlj prlnciplwl (lf black. H e says th at,m an ly courage N O B A N K W IL L H A N D L E PORT ORFORD ougn.zanoe of alleged offenses com- j Prohibition party in New York bill carrU s/lt will e^jxxlite jua^ic^and ( 11 • B euJou m uted by Sulzer long before he) He is u tterly devoid of cunning _ _ to be a great convenience to our county)*0 0 - definition of patriotism — ! when he took his official oath was G overnor, reversing themselves „ r g u i i e - i n business matters h elp, Y C U R B U S IN E S S B E T T E R OREGON ! keep peace and protect people in officials. I t will be one of the County {“ T he last refoge of a Scoundrel flatly, .» Supreme Judge C o h a l-n jle s . as an i n f a n t - i n politics, a A t f n p i i o u ' c sliitixaa fzv msliriasa fLaa wflR z» i a la . . . . . . I.J . . - - - L - . L I at. . I . . . ilh eir rights, o f person and property, Attorney’s duties to advise the officials would probably tit tlie case. a T am m an y creature, had been ac ^strang er to a ll the aria of expedieuoy on matters that come up from week to W hen the Republican party was he meant every word of it. q u ilted only four months previous^ Jog o o | Jm Gaston. “ M edicum week. Other states have adopted the I om itted to include in m y list organized its adherents were lo u d ly ly because the chines charged snd , not m edium ,” of common sense. system, and it has been proven to be of college bred crim inals last week, o an economical proposition. Eachcoun- stignsiixcd as “ traitors to the Con­ proved by the Bar Association had glois. Or. ty is pu t on an equal footing, and has stitu tio n .” Mock adultation of tlie bunker Morse who robbed bis de tributed the m ean* to make Lawyer, »‘«"t- H A N K its own attorney who ia directly re­ flag was no pari of the play in liaise POe*‘ ,,rii v - * l sums, and the sponsible for his actions to the people 'lays, nor was Dial em blem, which H illm a n who made m il- of that county. was g en erally respected by Ibe pen p * " n- ‘*y exp lo itin g w ild oat .town Not long since, in an argument upon - Both were convicted the merits of the above bill, the writer p of a — Bob. site schemes m u m c i i w u i m e a u u v c u m , m e w r j v c r , » l * * ver carried ----------— at the bead ■ *»« — . . .. .. !,...l.. a .. Republican, I . ..... t.l!___ or .. A . . bull mid sentenced to a long term in the Honorable Count, Court iG° W Be#Ch’ ° re^ n’ ’ W13' heard the opinion advanced , . that i t I ! not m ig hty raw m in in g schemes. Verification of County Funds. but of those remitting two persons A n d , would you believe it, J. C. refused to take advantage of the entertain due and proper reepeel Total amount to be accounted for by the Treasurer ____ ...................«25 548 17 for the ttjg There is little respect i Lee mid hia man F rid a y Reeder, discount saying in each bistan Found in safe and banks aa follows: anywhere for the tribe o f hypucrit of Lakeport ship channel fame, are that they had gotten value received f Gold, silver sad copper....... ......... ....................................... ...»19.83 their money, and that they owed the ical flag faddists. These are c rit both college men. B ills ... . . . 63.00 account in full and was going to pay it icised by ntheisas well as by 8o Yew. The university press agent L«mJ Cheeks.............. ........................ ....... ...270.59 in full. . Both'of these men were law­ State paper.................................................... cialiats. J. P. Morgan's con tent ion : was correct in hia statement in the 1466.34 -Foetal money orders...................... yers, and awl if thia asm-1 , yen. this ean be taken as a asm-' . ■ - -------- --------------- u„ . . . . , , , .................. .. ..2 43 .2 8 pie of the integrity andjusticeof attor- “ F * - r * “K° ‘ hat children ought ; , Jousnal e d ito ria l that college men American Express money order.................. 16.00 Certificates of deposit................................................... w peys, wa taka off our hat to the pro- • ‘ ° he taught to salute the fi.ig ttt | have “othe«’ ways to make a living. ” 22,391.86 Bank of Port Orford (checking account)............... l,0t#.65 fession. Would there were _ more ___ feasion. like th e hour of sunrise euch ilay ourry County bank ” ” ....;. J , ........... . ’ 11.29 day was ____ : M an y of them have very devious th < * m f for n r the t h A I success l U ' n o a a of t the kA n o m a n o o . . . .a J * _____ Short Ond unaccounted fo r.......................................... i them newspaper .6 .9 3 the subject of gcnei'al ridicule. ) way 8 sure. busineaa! •tatamant shows a remarkable example of accuracy, eaw dally D r l'lielan , surgeon of the Domi» when you take into Morgan always pretended great ad ou consideration the fact that the system in use in tke TVeaaur- The County Attorney Bill, however, Kington, does a ,o ir‘" ' ” n for the flag and more ea , ion T f i ' niteniiary » » « n u a ry at M ng ton, Can- er’s offii Ice affords no practical cross-check or proof.. does not not create create a a new new office, office, and and is' is" a business proposition, tempered with pcoiallv for ti»e Courla. H e needed “Ma, and ^aid t o be the gi Trial Balaacc from tke Treasarer’s Ledger (Oct. 6 ) greatest justice. their protection in hia piracies and liv in g expert in crim inalo gy, who General Fund..... ...................................... «6,502.07 Estate Fund a I plunderings of the public. H e bad spoke at the “ Prison Coogrea ...1 4 7 .3 1 Scalp Bounty Fund......... The Compensation Bill. ....... 16.26 no respect for law, as witness his Indianapolis on Oct. 16, Is in m ark­ Game ’ jam e Fund...................... .60.50 Court House Fund......... organization of tlie United States ed disagreement with the University ....... 663.46 General Road Fund....... The following telegram was received Steel monopoly and charging the press agent in the Journal who ven ..6,221.29 Road District Funds . . . . yesterday from Geo. M. Cornwall, edi- . .o.i . 6 , . ...8,154.16 General School Fund . .. tor of the Portland, Or., Timberman. ' "T" ' ° n d " """ lures the broad assertion th a t p ri­ ...2,876.21 School District Funda... ...2,017.93 Evidently the writer has mistaken J. H . I ” r ’• “ "M -uuh o rg anization sons sre tenanted by ignorant, illit ­ Upton of Langlois, for J. H. Upton of * “* *P«oiflcally fotbidden by lheN erate |>eople. «25,548.17 Cash on hand and in banks as per proof «25,548.17. Multnomah county who was a member Sherman law ; and witness again T h a t great expert in his classifi­ ‘ he late legislature but Mr. Corn- bis crim inal seizure of the cation of crim inal tendencies says: Statemeat «I Cask ia V a ria » Fonda Oct. 6, 1913, Also Skowiag wall b defense of the Compensation bill n ,Mi , nii k « n • « Outstanding is worthy of publication aa follows: I G,,“ I “U,J Iro n Com pany. An,I “ Ib e habitual c rim in a l generally Warrants oa Same Joly 1, 1913. ’ __ _ | witness farther what the Federal intelligent, forms fu lly 50 per cent All general fände (first 6 "J. H. Upton, a lawyer and one of Commission in their late report say of ail prisoners,’’ w funds i c on trial balance). «12,500.88 the two members of the last legi.l.ture of bis plunderings of the Mew York 22,883.32 297.96 I t having leakeil out th a t G ov­ W arrants O utstanding who voted againit the Workmens’ Com- v , . w llaven .n .l H . n f r I u i i ernor West contemplated the in ­ pensation bill, has a letter in your last " “ " 'l H a r lf” rd C ash Registered old I--------- > Id le r Hl jour last • .. . .. o f r proceedings Issue advising your readers to vote' ** hUCh whim jiering lovers of the auguration - -------------r . for the Road D ie t No. 1 .............................»343.28 ................... »1,746.38................. .. « ........................................................................ 5 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . »17.12 against bill. maauuuszzuc-CIJUBlIlfl Ambulance-chasing' w “* these ------ the v«.«. - - -- that the cunmiuii peo- r®c»very to the school fund o f sev 1 ....... — ....... ................................- ............ ..................... 56.50 lawyers agents n/ of f'aaiilln Casulty compan-1 pie i mock, not s the I ä WV€ FS and Hnd niy*nta . i Ills* tv <>/■!/ si.i» U a J flag 4 . _ J itself, «* Pful it« sat* a.AAai>.A_ F .. tim ber a ■ < .............. . 936.87.\ .......................................... eral rt quarter sections of land 4.00 5 ...............................121.36........................................... 66 62 ies are fighting the bill with all the wlial ll should be secured by C. A. Sm ith by the understood 6 .............................. 147.29...........................795.65____ .18.50 power at their command. The bill was sla„ j fur . (d u m m y route the Marshfield Record 1 .............................. 152.52 .......................2 ,0 4 3 .2 5 ......... .37.71 framed by three members of the 8 .........................1 1 4 .8 0 . 644.35 Judge H u m p h re y ’s insatiHl4 Grange, three members of Organized ----- ”” —— • ihb . iuhm « e ! io du‘ y bound to its rich master ......................279.61. 390.52 1 0 ............. labor and three employers—of which I ' adoration for the flag impelled him j eollie* t ° the rescue and closes closes its its ..521.73. 11. ,427>5' ...1 9 .3 0 happen to be one. The bill has the u n -1 * ° u tterly nvet crowd the Seattle j a i ls 1 v" Han t defense of a predatory land 12 . . . 68.32 37.00 .23.60 qualified endorsement of right thinking with men and women whom he d e - ! g '*bb er with this ebuioe exclam a 13 ...886.08 . 64.76 14. ...772.06. 16 ...1 5 .1 3 . . 726.40 16. .. 857.72 . ies. The press of the state is unani- ,,un) " Htl '« fin ite ly more respect bbame on such a G overnor” ! 17 ...154.49 mous in ita support. Washington has a fvr ll,e ‘ ••un h*> * ° d better un I W ill that paper when inform ed .23.26 18. ..1.26 similar act which is giving great satis- derslood its historic significance. ( lh »t Judge Byan of the Federal court 19 ................ 6.76 over drawn. — .444.96... 10.00 20 ............................. 649.09 . w*»« n»ia’fhV P’ UP’®' ()vey «2.0°0.°00 ,T h e Governor, Supreme Court and ' wre* ‘ *d from M r. Smith several 12.20. 16.26 21 ...............................182 9 7 ... . 6.00 in the past 22 moaths^ every "'dollar'1^ Í i’ ul’* rior Judges ‘ •'<>usand acres of fine tim b er lands 240’76’ .’ : .................... 93.81 . 12.00 in the past 22 moaths; every dollar is n .. „ . . , ” 23. . .567.98 l ------- _ ’ employers paid H i. - and _ j emptied -------- 1 , the in L in n and l^ n e counties secured kept at . • boms. Oregon “ " n “ .li» " y CHlled k b _ ait ” ' 24. . ...............31.28____ ” 26. . m m , y ” _____ route — vacat out «683,000 to Casulty companies the Pri4“ " s o f ‘ *‘ e victims of H u m p h reys by - the said “ d - u ___ ......... i 881.31........ (Special) 1 ... .............. 54 .18..... last year. Injured workmen got «200,- “ palriotism ” and left him to nurse i io K b i* |>al«ntw, e x c la im ,“ Sliatneon ’’ 2 ... . .5.75 over drawn 000, and the lawyers an equal amount, his wounded d ignity i n silence i i he * uch * Judge.” And i f the editor ” 7 ... ....194.82 “ “ . » f i “ cle* ^ could. ( Of the Record w ill read Judge Bean’s The amounts set forth in the column headed " ‘Old’ v s i" ’ represent n in great part' up the tidy sum of nearly «300,000. I t W ,ri?unt* i 1 *° tb ,t ‘ h«y should be advertised by' the county”and sold I i i bis dragnet sent out to mund cb“ t«ctii»tii>o of the crim inal sub- ia little wonder lawyer Upton fights I ne outstanding W warrants 1----- decreased J .*rr,o t" on 00 the the various varioua general general funds funds have ap- E??0 , i IUMa,T ’ • 191S- ‘ here having been unpaid at that against the law-which deprives him of up Socialists who had expressed ‘ * r f "ge resorted to get said lands time «28,332.14 in registered warrant«. their coutempt for his mightiness, 1 in l° ‘ he.bauds o f an “ innocent pur- an opportunity to grow fat on the blood of the workers.” H um phreys had caughi 45 women, he w ill not th in k nearly so fieport of Condition of County Kecords. Shot ages. I find former sheriff, 8. E. Marsters, short as followr moel of whom be prom ptly sent to badly of poor G overnor West. C U R R E N T T O P IC S . y 3’ “ 2 e ,> entered in tax ledger and not turned over Jail. W hen one mother w ith n bube According to the record In the I 1 * “ * t^ceipt No. «4.80 484, 1906 senes, copied in tax ledger; short 16.18 j in her arms and two little lots h«ug- Governm ents case, very numerous i “ N®- 524, 1906 series, copied in tax leader; short 7.36 Bv J H. U pton . T a i i> ° t enter’ ,d! in tax Isdffer and not turned over , iug to her skirls was told to stand claims bad been secured by M r . ' 13.44 p 1997 •*r,e<'. copied in tax ledger; short 10.62 Editor T ribune : , up, the judge remarked th at he dis­ Sm ith by methods so raw th at he r-rrora in addition Tax Ledger page 138 »125 00 13.04 I t is hinted in a Portland p a p e r1 liked to send an iiHiocent sucking shrank from the risk of carrying ! Less errors against himself, tax ledger page 136 11L96 Hist it is had policy to incur the babe to ja il, the mother retorted, the patents in his name, ao be pro-1 Errors in addition Tax ledger page 138 33.96 Errors in addition Tax ledger page 145 antagonism of University students ‘never uiiod, it ia ju s t aa g u iitly as [ ceeded to organize a corporation! against the In itia tiv e and Referen­ l a m . ” Nhe was sent forth with a called liie ’L iu n and Lane L um ber ( '98.20 dum lest they and theirscombine in long sentence, her husband having Co., made bis son and other Diem „ . Crpd'ta .againsj above shortage as follows Error in addition Tax ledger page 161 «100.00 a movement for repeal! W ell, l*e u lined and sent up among a hers of hi« fa m ily officers and Overplus on turnover of April 27, 1907 Jan. 28, 1908 theirs generally opposed theeusc crowd, the harvest of the draguel ,<>f stockholders and deeded said lands K L64 ment of that and other popular tba day ptevious. A n d such ia to said corporation. B u t Judge Net shortage due county laws, and, *s lo th « students, they ' “ p atrio tism ” at Seattle. Bean would not stand for such «96.66 TI k \ * * 15 * r *° which in tfi® aboTe '• not numbered, but ia the one Down In South Carolina ibe crim inal ehams and straightw ay u amount to only five in the hundred in which the turnovers for 1966 and other roll* a n made. of our people at the very most, and olh* r * * • / • frightened woman re cancelled the G overnm ent patents I find Geo. W. Smith, former clerk of this county short aa follows* * i l l never be a miuierical force s u ffi-j *><>r' r M to the authorities th at she and thereafter the L in n and Lane Recording fees (condensed from report hy printer) total «468.80 eient to tie dangerous. In fast t , « W.M io,low ‘fd " ’ • " • cln» lF » n« |lo œ ber Cu. owned no U n d . No. Court fees 162.60 Probate fees many U n .v ,„e„ . re prune t„ T h T s h e r iff a r e J . ^ . I * " w,M,d' , " '• ’»U hy man are strictly and acrup- 80.00 May, 1911, fees not turned over 108.60 Constder ihcm Klves a .u p eriu r, a r p id e n th at be m ijh t b^ve b e V f f ie i n 7 i ? i b Ä a " H n g d " k ’ ° d ‘ <,UW‘ August, 19H, fees not turned over 90.60 Total due Curry County «900.30 O I* O R F O H Ik Langlois Hardware Store Hardware of all Kinds M a c h i n e r y & M o w in g M a c h in e s . E x tr a s fo i D a ir y in g O sb o rn e, M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e r y . ®*®ints, O ils & S t u m p i n g P o w d e r F i n e l i n e o f G u n s , B a s e b a l l para** p b e r n a l i a , a n d o t h e r S p o r tin jg G o o d s k e p t in S to c k . ®o<*rs a n d W T indow s in v a r ie t y c o n s ta n tly k e p t o n h a n d . P ip e F i t t i n g s , P l u m b i n g a n d T i n w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n s h o r t n o t ic e . Cheever ® Bowman, L a n g lo is , O r. 9WRWRqraRDi u U u u s u i I. I U J u mi » AMES S. JOHNSTON (Successor to N. C. Nielsen.) ’ g e n e r a l M E R C H A N T , P o rt Orford, O r.'r;^ NEW GOODS, itll G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , - B O O T 8 and S H t E M E N S and B O YS, C L O T H IN G , L A D IE S ’ DRESS G OO DS H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W Ä R E . ’ C IG A R S , T O B A C C O , P IP E S C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S . In fact, a supply of everything usually kept in a well ..«eked r (’all and examine goods and get prices. L Oeneral Merchandise Store. ORDERS T A K E N > 0 R ANY A R T IC L E NOT IN STOCK. a * .« » JOHN E. MILLER, GENERAL MERCHANT, Port Orford, Oreiron- Has opened a new Store, with HEW GOODS, r I