The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, October 23, 1913, Image 3

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    rnrrj county Aöstract
Realty Coapany.
G o ld B e a c h , O r
Town and County.
The County Court of Coos county ' Deputy Sheriff, J. O. Russell, wee
(Coda Bay N ew t.)
l*>* ordered • wet end dry election in town Sunday on hie way down
G o t. Sulaer of New York has been el Bandon on November 4th.
j the coast.
T estim ony was taken in the
impeached by a role of 4# to 12.
j ( Walter Sutton and wife returned
B. Folaoui, the Modern Confers- G rav** disbarrm ent case before
H ' E - M . P ilner in oooking at the Monday from a week'a visit with libnary man from Marshfield was in R. Feck, referee, last week. The
Knapp hotel during Mrs. Crowley’s friends and relatives at Gold Beach. 1 town last night.
evidence ia lo be submitted to tbe
title, ab“!O<*
N. C. Divelbim, who .offered •
Jake White came down with hie supreme court for a decision.
We furuish abstract of
Blue prints, Ownership maps j . *be Rustler called iq here Sun- paralelic stroke about three weeks
County maps. Titles per- day morning with n full load of !ago, is slowly recovering although
freight for thia place.
J yet confined to his room.
fected and Registered.
Gov. West has removed Mayor
Straw from the Oregon Naval M i
litia board. The Governor, has
A. B. Carey was in town over Fri-
been taking several shots at the
moon lately, but if he has made a
day night driving hit team of fancy
W. A. WOOD, , stepping little mules on hia return
hit that would win applause from
the conservative element of this
Manager, from Bandon to bis ranch near
community we’ve failed to notice it.
T o W h o m it l i a y Concern.
Alfred Olsen returned a few day» lbeY were struck with blight, and former gentleman came down as Mayor 8traw baa more friends in
ago from a visit in Cooa. H'Jiile in lbe <Jl ‘ulal‘c cond*l *°n * *° general special correspondent for the Ore­ this neck o’ woods than the Govern-
. the ondefftigued, hereby give n o
' i •• i
Uoe that, I have a oonveyunoe from the ’ Coquille M r. Olsen attended the
hl not Befcni4 lo
favorable to gonian with instructions to give or can ever hope to qblain by chas­
ing I. W. W. rainbows.
* row‘h -
Port Orford a three column writeup,
Sup’l Frank W. Smith, of the
a portion of which a part of the wharf «“erberg.
P . W, Diepen, representing a while Mr. Brown is district ma nag
is erected without my consent. All
■ ,
. . ,
Cooa river and Coquille,
hardware firm of San Francisco, er for the Mutual Life Insurance
parties are hereby warned not to drive1 1 be rSMti*‘r 11 attention l* called to
returned Tuesday Irom
piles or trespass In any manner what­ W illiam Gillings new ad. in this cam e up the coast with hia Ford company and was looking up busi­
soever on said tidelauds or water to
Salem, where he had charge of tbe
m et with con
issue, i I f you are in need of any­
Mm. Anna 0 . D awt
state fish exhibit during the state
Portland, Oregon.
thing in hie line you will do well to ' siderable trouble. H e was two days opened an abstract office in Bandon,
m aking the run from G old Beach, and lie and Mr. Brown are among fair. He 1ms l»eeo promised over a
consult him.
million Columbia river salmon eggs
'and when about six mile« south of tbe live wires of that town.
W .T . W h ile registered 90 voters
by Master F ish Warden Claoton,
j lo a n ruo o u t of gaiXnine and “ Big
in Port Orford precinct, 25 of whom
to be hatched ai the Ci"< river and
of Bottom Land, situa­ were women. ' Word com es from
Coquille hatcheries. These eggs !
ted an Sizes River, bne-balf mile from
w ith .him, had to hike through the
County Road and about six miles from C
th *‘ 2-,<
will undoubtedly 1« t|iring salmon,
m ud to low tf and order »nine o f the
Port Orford. Qqar title; no indebted- lhat precinct— a concrete number,
sive writeup of the tale of the D iv - and it is hoped that the planting of
fluid sen t to his relief.
elbias m ines Iron) the Bandon Re­
easy terms. For full particulars
J. W. Hammerburg, an old pio
the fry here w ill eventually result
Captain Jack H am ilton, o f the corder. T he purchuse price was
call on or address,
neer of Cons county who came to the
in a spring run of flsh for the bay
Gaauline Launch K lam ath, plead ♦37.500:
Coquille Valley in 1875, died st
and Coquille.
>83, Valincia S t , San Francisco, Cal.
The Sixes Mining Co., organised un­
g u ilty to a violation o f the Local
the Emergency hospital at Bundon
Although it is getting along to­
Option Law» a t Brookings last F ri­
on the 13th inst., at the age of 74
tbe rainy season, neverthe­
d ay, and Justice Benhaui fined hiui
years. a- -**
ing for gold, platinum and other
...... pre­
♦200 and costs. D eputy Proeecul cious metals on Sixes river in Curry Co. less quite a number from outside
The Six Elk Telephone company
points, most of whom have money
¡ng Attorney W. H . Meredith and The company is made up of soi
omqof the
held a meeting yesterday at which
men the for investment, have lately being
• *
, .
| ,
. . . .
18heriff C. H . Bailey had made a most prominent and wealthy menin
h n a pp
P r o p r ie t o r ,, bey decided to extend their lin e : burried | r||) u>
part of (h<j state of Utah. The secretary-treasurer visiting this section of the coast.
being president of a Salt Lake bank.
immediately up Sixes r iv e r ., far as
(>D B le,ep|lone
I t seems to be generally understood
The company’s holdings consist of
First-claaa in »vary respect.
the McPhillamey home and Dive!
local authorities there and the Proa 300 acres of land on the river about six now that the Southern Pacific means
b in mine.
G o l d Feed 8 t a b l e a tta c h e d .
eculing Attorney found plenty of miles above the county road, and near buaineea in the matter of building ■
line from Eugene to Coos Bay, and I
Mrs. Colebrook and son, George, evidence against the defendant, the mouth of Dry creek.
were in town last n igh t returning whereupon he tiled four separate
The company has bought the land; eventually along tbe coast to Eu
the titles having been passed upon, and reka, to oonnect with a line to San
W e run the Stage from Port Orford to their old home near Corbin. The'charges against Hamilton,
via DairyviUe, connecting with the latter is quite weak from bis recent Sheriff Bailey brought him in on a they are now in possession of the prop­ Francisco. I t is safe to assume
erty. The canal system, about four
Stage to Myrtle Point '
illness. Mrs. Colebrook’s grandson, W arrant charging him with selling and one- half miles long, is being con­ that property on Coos Bay will coo
A m il Neumann accompany» them. Liquor to a minor. Upon the structed from Edson creek. Thia canal linue to increase in value, and
W . B. Huldim.m,district manager promise of the defendant that be has a capacity of 8000 miners' inches— though figures are considered com
U . 8 . C O M M I S S I O N E R of the Woodmen of the World for ! would not hereafter violate the I«»- 75 cubic feet per second. A steam paralively high at present, indies
shovel for digging ditch has been ship­
the Cooa Bay district, was in town cal option laws of Curry county, ped from Portland, and the work is r.ow tions are that they will be much
P o r t O r io r d , O r e g o n .
the latter part of last week, return' and would assist the apthoritiee in being rushed. The company will also higher later on. A ctivity along
Office days in town—Tuesday, Wed- ing from a trip as far south as Cres j getting evidence against others sup- build a aaw mill of 10,000 feet capacity the line of the proposed route from
and Saturday of each week.
cent City. He worked several of posed to be violating the law at at the head of the ditch on Edson creek Eugene to Cooa Bay, lends color to
tlie towns down tbe coast in the in- ' Chetcn, all chaigee but one were which will aaw lumber for the mines, the statements of S. P. officials that
flumes and buildings needed. The lum­
terest of the order, and met with , dismissed against Hamilton and ber is now being hauled from Port Or­ the line will be built without un
good success. I l it hi* intention to he was fined as above elated. Dep ford for building the temporary camp necessary delay.
stop at Langlois a couple of weeks uty Prosecuting Attorney Meredith until the aaw mill is completed.
(ÜAMDOM 8 u n r )
The hydraulics will consist of two
¡and try to strengthen the lodge at eaye he will get every bootlegger in
that place.
- Curry county if the local authorities
steel pipe, guaranteed to stand a pres­
The second largest log ever Com­
will givirhim a little assistance in
In the handicap match at Bandon
sure of 125 pounds to the square inch.
out of Seven M ile camp was pot
getting evidence.
The mining equipment, consisting of
Saturday, M. Lutsey easily defeated
giants, donkey engines for removing in the river last week. I t was
H a v e s jo u ^ b y Ha offe», hr dw you j b iaai* opponents within th e allotted
Church Notice.
stumps, heavy boulders, ate., with the spruce and measured 5 | feet at the
know of anyone who has? I desire J l *me ° f 008 b*,ur- fh® jpatch tn
latest gold saving apparatus, will be small end and was 42 feet long and
There will be sjiecial meetings for installed.
to purchase. Angus G. Mackay, { *a*d l ° have been the best exbibi
scaled over 8,000 feet. The largest
Much prospecting has been done on
Estate Ageut, Port H u r o n /of the wrM tllnF 8"me • ver »‘“E *1 a few nights at the church, begin­
ever coming out of the camp was
in that town. After the main event ning, this Wednesday night. Lis­ the ground and it is found the values
M ichigan.
7 ^ 1 put in several years ago by Frank
Luteey undertook to throw Jack ten lor the bell and come. Dr. J.
precious metals, betides gold. It is as- Brainerd at the hook and scaled
White in 10 minutes, and the referee, T. Abbeti, thé Diet. 8upt., w ill be timated that there are 14 or 16 million | about 10,000 feet.
Trespass N otice.
was on the verge of calling White present and do the preaching, cubic yards of this high grade material.
a . i„ . _
__ .
The latest electric amalgamator o f t, A ™“ 8 ' J o h n ,to n . lb ® P o p » '«
down when lime was called and Quartetly conference the first for
, this Conference year w ill be held the James type will be put in for the P“ rl Orf"rd merchant, accom panied
Notice is hereby given to a ll persons Lutsey lost by half a second.
purpose of separating.
j by Mrs. Johnston and littla daugh-
whom it may concern, not to enter up­
W ill White, son of W illis T.
* t one o’clock p. m. fol-
The camp is to be modem in every ter, are in Bandon for the purpose
on or trespass upon the premises of L. W hite o f th is place, and Miss S u sie ! ,uwed b-v ‘h* reKular quarterly ser
way; buildings to be provided with hot o f ^-curing medical assistance for
Knapp, lor tbe purpose of bunting, or
cold water, and a special effort will
Oablug with uooa and line. Said pre- Neer were married here last Wed . i vieee • • Sunday. Everybody is in and
be made to provide for the comfort of
d ,u * h 'er
rw* n “ y ’ uffered
mlaee are situated on Klk River, Carry < nesday ev en in g by Justice M. T. ' v*led lo these meetings. Comeand
the miners.
the misfortune of having her finger
County, Oregon, and generally known W right. T he groom has be en rais- ' help us.
putated by a closing door. The
aa the *'Bunu” place.
B. B ik t P au ll , Pastor.
i ed in this section, is a steady, indus
at.once for apoetoffice.
| 8 ukf acknowledges a pleasant call,
Any person or p ertott so trespaas-
ing for the pur,see of bunting, fish in g ,! lr ,o ‘" y ° u ,’K man and " Prora,n,’nl
When our press agent saw Mr. In- M r .J o h n sto n h a v in g b e e n a C a lifo r -
J. W. Riley.
man, who by the way is one of the com- „■
t .u
j .
or traveling thiough in any shape lurm 'y engaged in the . stock business
„„„ , . j
- . j . u
nia school chum of the editor more
Pany and acting superintendent, be .
or manner, or tearing down fences, or The bride is a h ighly recommended ' J.
W. Riley, postmaster of Gold , . id: "Yes we have bought the Sixes lbMn 36 yo«r»
leavin gou t side gates open, or molest- and accom plished schoolmaam from Beach, died Sunday evening, after mines from the Divelbisa’ and expect
Geo. Bradford and H . J. K a u f
ing personal property, will be proeecu- Myrtle Point, and has been teaching months of misery and .............
with ..... a , w
to equ.p
equip mem
with me
the most modem ronn> , wo prominent California
ted to the full extent of the law.
the past sum m er at Euchre Creek, «a®'»* cancer.
machinery that can be bought We
Wn*. R. Johnson,
, Wed-
A a . youth of 1« he entered the army, propo« to hire all our help bought.
J far a . ,n ,n ,n « m en’ a" ,ved ““
propose to
hire all
far a T i*a*urday m orning and departed in
Lessee of the above Mr. White has charge of the
. enlisting in New York and servingprac- possible
the our
local help
d T od as
U and
rMnHl anlia,tink inN e* Y°rk and serving pr.c- possible among tha local people and al- , « • ‘ urday morning and departed
named premises derburn Trading Company B
a ranch
i tirallv
i - .n - tka* pntiito fiuo <r asmva U - .....
me .. local people and al-, . L _ _ r.______Z-_
... po“
... . buy
.. supplies
i tlcally
the entlre five y*ara; He «
so will
from local mer- the afternoon for OI Sixes « R • iver where
at Wedderhurn where *.!?. C° r P<! 0,6 youn<eat r"an ln
"R i">ent- »nd chants that we possibly can, thus glv- th ey w ill inspect some m in ing prop
will make th e ir‘ home. The Tai was twice badly wounded. His spinal ¡n„ tue i ^ .i „ „ „ i ,
b e n e fit o f e v e n
-r i. „
• .
. .
coni was laid bare by the f o m e n t of doUar p c ^ S l ^
” ,nUrM
N otice to C red ito rs.
Bi'NK extends congratulations.
F r ia n t
who h. , . h t |h a
a« ain b ia >«ft ahoulder
These mine, on the Sixe. b a y been W,’a l
*he “ " J
I s m s Coi'XTT UOL'BT OF TUX S tats or
r . F. F riant, who bought tne mangled, from which he recovered. He passed upon by four of the best engi- ProP °8lllon an<^
probably loves-
O bxoon fob C esar C ocwty .
h alfw ay place at Corbin several j » •» *lao a prisoner of war at Ander- neerg in the mininK business: W. A. ligate the num erous pro jects of that
Ia the matter of the estate of)
months ago, cam e in on the R ustler sonville.
W illiam W ittwer, deceased. (
Page of Salt Lake City, F. R. Kelsey chaiacter in this section ere they re
Mr. Riley
The undersigned having been a p .i8 u n d ay with his houselteepiiig
Kl‘*y . waa a.1 t,raea‘ extremely of San Francisco, U. P. Kaler and C .'
u n o e r s ig u e u naving oeen sp
M B pronounced in hia views, and was apt to Seoton and in th e w o r d , o f Mr P . V . turn south.
be , intokrant
intolerant to the vjews
views Qf
of otf)
pointed by the County Court of the goods.elc , Mrs. F riant arriving n ext b
"i't » . b on a™ ’
Julius C. Jamieson, a brother of
State of Oregon for Curry County Ad- dMy by stage. M r. Friant says that but always honest always the kindest
The o p t i o n of these
C. A. Jamieson of thia city and A.
ministrator of the estate of William they w ill open the house to the perhaps under the roughest coat.
the operation of
a new gold district A Jam ieson of Port Orford, died
Wlttwer, deceased, and having quali
public the latter part o f thia week,! Perhaps the following will illustrate which bids fair to rival any in the coun-
fled, «otice is hereby given to the c re d - ■
• better than a few platitudes: A few try. Mr. Inman stated further: 1C, nt his home at Rochester, Minn.,
Itors ♦f, and all persona bat ing Claim* a,ld B*‘* t suminer lie plana g x le n - yearl
I years ago he renounced bis pension, has taken me five years to convince out- last
r Thuisdav morning
, at the age
against said deceased, to present them sive alterations when be w ill change
giving as a reason that he was fully side mining men that Curry eounty, Or- of 51 J**'*- Tbe detea,’"d ” aa
verified aa required by law, within six the place into a first class summer
able to earn his living without govern- egon, has mines of merit, and now that known lo many Bandon residents,
months from the first publication of resort, calling it "The Arizona" in m®"1 aid'
we have bought the mines and decided having visited ibis city about ten!
th is »otii-e to said Ames 8. Johnston at
He had come home to die, and ex- to go ahead we believe that we are en-
in honol o f the state from which he
years ago, at which time be made p
hia office In Port Orford, Oregon.
com es. Mr. F riant was superin­ pected to crawl in on his old rooet, but titled to, and expect, the cooperation many friends. He is survived by I
this was denied him, as he was taken to and assistance of everyone in the dia-
one o f tbe Harriman
Administrator of the estate of Wil­ ten . d en t , of
• . -
j i
the old Blake house.
This made him trict, and we ssk only that we be treat- a son who is now engaged in the
liam Wlttwer, deceased.
lailroad s in Arisons, and is a g en - indignant, and he broke out to me as
M wej| as we treat others "
practice of medicine in Minnesota.
Dated September 23, 1913.
llem an o f considerable means.
follows: » I’ve got only a carbuncje;
The goki ig of the nugget type and
I m going to get well; 1 m going to get very easily saved by the common Hun-
O n esif the best liands o f mutton
A n v il W i l l b e 8 o l d .
N O T IE FO R P U B L IA T I ON sheep ever driven out of Curry out of this.’’ Shortly after thia he did g .r i.n riffle. An electric power plant,
try to get out, and the nurse found him of 5000 candle [K)Wcr wiU
DaPASTMINT or THg I ntkriob ,
county went through Purl Orford crumpled on the floor.
j on the ground. Thia ia for the purpose
U nder an order of the United |
U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon one d»y last week. They were u H|'
'“ L ° f l'<htinK th® buildings as well as the States district co urt. The gasoline
August 9, 1913.
bought by a Portland butcher hy He loved to watch the children he car- m|ne whjch will be operated day and schooner Anvil will be sold to the j
Notice is hereby given that
the name of Sw ingle, and were Iwi ng Z r i d w « .
A deal for ronatru''tin« a Ute-
W illiam J. W bitwosth
. •
,1 »
r-n«« - u
*nd always waxed wroth at the idea of phone «yatem is now being negotiated, highest bidder by United States
of Port Orford, Oregon, who, on May driven U. Roseburg from whence . , orty foot lane for a road. If he said line to connect with the main lin^
Marshal Mnnteg Tuesday Novem
13th, 190N, made Homestead Entry Se­
rial No. 1)4511, for NW) Section 14, they will be shipped by train, knew o f anyone needing help, that help at Langlois or Port Orford.
her 11. Tbe auction will be held
Township 34 »., Range 14 west, Wil­ About h alf o f the band, which nuiu- would be quietly given, and withscarce-
Mr. C. C. Inman, who has charge of at tbe north door of the poatoflice
lamette Meridian, hue tiled notice of
money on hand to keep him the Sixes mines, belongs to San Fran-
intention to make Five year Proof, to liered 900, were bought from th e ' *>
building at 10:00 a. in.
eatahll.h claim to ihe land above de­ W edderburn Trading C om pany, froni a pauper baria1’ there la Probab1’ eiaco- He ia one of the beet known
The Anvil went ashore on tbe
scribed, before Hardy T. Stewart, Uni
over $2000 due him today from parties mining men in tbe West. Mr. Inman
ted Stau-a Commissioner, at bis office and the rest were picked up in the that owe him money that ha had ad­ built tbe first bouse at Goldfield, and north spit at tbe mouth of tbe Siu ,
at Port Orfonl, Oregon, on the 28ud Rogue river country and as far vanced them to help them along and
waa on the first school board at that alaw river last April. She was af­
day of September, 1913.
south aa Pistol river. Itwasclaira he dying of cancer.
place. He was first chief of the fire ' terwards floated and towed to thia
Claimant names as witnesses:
Thia was J. W. Riley—a rough department, and was chief of police city by the Schooner Patsy.
Emery Whitworth, of Port Orford, Or. ed that there were a number of
K. L. W hite, of
weathers in the lot that would | prickly burr—but inside of that burr, during the big strike at Goldfield. He
The vessel w ill be sold to satisfy
John Fromm Jr , of
the biggest and kindest nature in south­ discovered Gold Crater, one of the rieb-
L . L. White,
dress 150 lbs , and one that it was ern Curry.
for repairs and two tnort-
Register, thought would go close lo 200 Ib s j
g"goa.— Portland Journal.
car Monday from Langlois bringing
a couple of passengers and taking
back Mrs. E. B. T h rift and Mies
j Potatoes are already being ship- Nettie Gibson who have been visit­
ped in .from the outside, as the yield ing iclativea at Rogue river.
in Curry county thia year is one of
P. H . Poole and Louis E. Brown,
the poorest known in many years. of Bandon, were in town a couple
In some portions of the county of days since our last issue. The
Port Orford, Oregon,
'Umber Claims.
Port Orford Furniture
& Hardware Store
Wip- GHlipgs, Prop.
place lo buy your presents
'Uz'l full line ,of S toves
R anges,
Guernsey, sj^(, l^ugs auxd.
ting, S tiletto Guttlery, la n te r n s ,
E tc .
^?ort ©rford Souvenir §poons
An Ins. Worth. While
(F o r m e r ly O w u u tle tt’a)
New ly Fitted Up; Electric Lights
H ot
C old T ub
S hower B aths
F irst C lass Barn and Oarage in Connection,
Affording all Conveniences for Saddle
Horses, Teams, Automobiles and Motorcycles
B la c k s m ith in g
Wagons and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock,
also Agent for All Kinds of Farming Im­
plements; McCormick Mowers, etc.
Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a
I easonabie price. Your patronage solicited.
P ort O r fo r d , O r e g o n
Anything you Need in Mill W :sk
Write us for Prices or any Informa­
tion you Need in this Line
N orth Bend M anufacturing Co
IV ortli I l i ’in l, O i ’ejg’o n