Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1913)
t THE 1'ttlBUXE. i conditions nearer home, Diggs and i , Csmiiielti a n both collage men y e t: are both of them under sentence for I W E D N E S D A Y OCT. 1«, W tl, one of the most unspeakable a rimes against l a * and social decency, Published E very Wednesday, by t h a t c um ber the reoorde of onr HARDY T . STKW ART. ; Courts. Olaf Tveitmoe n o * out of f ^ tovs 11 . is» 11 i i in i ■ a Federal penitentiary on bail, is a »UK8CK1PT1O N R A TES, college roan. ( One Copy **,r ....................I These comparisons are odious and One Copy Three Months............... -’- «■nwa Louia K hait , Pre». 8TU B To be torn off by Chairman O F F IC IA . I 50 « e subject is not of my choosing. C, W- Y- Prtg K. J, LOWRY, C all»«, , B A N K O F F O R T O H F O H n B JL U X X X T YOUR BANKING BUSINESS SOLICITED -FC BOLD BEACH PRECIXCT, GURRY COU H ÏÏ, DREBOH, HBVEMBER 4th, N13. The editorial in lha Journal which I commented upon last week, < T e e e r in ia n a a a ie s a s a r e * r e a p fr I ]S h o « > ta « ‘l» U lo w hich ( « t o k - j and which I have reason to suspect f scr ta u o h i> e eiii ’ : was written in England, was redo- 1 lent of insult to every laboring man, Aovsimsies Karis RsAsoeaSts. . . „ j farmer, mechanic and small husi- Mark X batweea tha m l ir and Iks asma sf sack aaswtr valed fe». NO BANK WILL HANDLE PORT ORFORD ' 7"7 ”7 Ti i — i ne“ ,Jn«n *° *he State, few of whoa The dale when registration closes ; , , REFERENDUM ORDERED BY F T . . . i .7 . .k indeed have passed the portals of YCUR B U 8IN E 88 BETTER for the coming election on tbs 4th r , , I anv one of onr colleges. Yet it is of November, lias been causing con- . . ■ S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y H D I I . n i w n R R P A I H m V T W W A * > R t n g > i r a » W m <m a .. a- k Idhese classes who are taxed , r «r in — —— — — — — w * aovawiivu UJ WUU1UIIIJ Slderablediscu'MOn. County tie rs z ------ muuK>niy ox n r . n . j . rarxison, mb o f M r. J. B. Craih, No. 491 Worcester Building, Port- J and year out to keep our college» Secretary, Oregon Higher Educational Institutions B et Watson, of Coos, held that it closed Mod, O re g o n .-Its purpose ia to provide a District A t one '“high rOad,” that are »iqieaiod term ent League. No. 40», Oregonian Building, Portland, torney fo r each county in the State, and to fix their sal o a th fe jth of this' flamub— ihivav O re g o n .-Its purpose is to provide funds for repairs and to to defeat the pending Itvfrreed urn, aries in lieu o f tha present system o f haring a District. days prior to the ejection, but the additions to the State University Buildings, as follows: A ttorney for several counties, clothed w ith authority to And I might have mentioned in County clerk of Curry holds that L ib rary Building, th irty thousand dollars; Engineering appoint deputies for other counties. a more proper couneetioe, (iHst.tMIt Building, fifteen thousand dollars; Deady H ail, tan registration is permissible, until V o te Y E S o r N O , thynsand dollars; heating plant, ton thousand dollars. the IStli of the month— fifteen (lays for an other wise inexcusable «rood ------ stand play Prosecutor McNab, 306 V o lo Y E S o r N O Yes. prior to the ejection. The election laws state that registration is open Diggs and Cammetti would have aoo Yda,- 907 No. until within thirty Jays of a regular rnetped trial] and (he Federal Court N o /" 901 W O R K M E N ’S C O M P E N S A T I O N A C T - R e f e r r e d election and fifteen days of a special of Appeals may yet flud a way to by authority o f W ilfre d E. Farrell, No. 623 Lumberman's election, and from this it would set them free. Aiid the U. 8. A tty. U N IV E R SIT Y O P O R EG O N N E W B U IL D IN G Building, Portland. Oregon.—The purpose of this meas seem that the position of Couuty General whir held up the cuaes is a A P P R O P R IA T IO N — Referred by authority o f M r. ure is to create a State Industrial Accident Commission college man of college men. Clerk Stannard is right, and that rmoN of tm noni. Ì OREGON wu rn Langlois Hardware Store by H. J. Parkison, as Secretary, Oregon Higher Education Hardware of all Kinds composed o f three Commissioners, to provide a fund for al Institutions Betterm ent League, No. 40» Oregonian And while on the subject of col, the compensation o f injured workmen employed in haz Building, Portland, Oregon.—Its purpose is to provide lege men I may be pardoned for a ardous occupations, to be raised partly by the State, funds to construct, equip and furnish a modem fire-proof p artly by employers snd partly by employees, the Com glance at the moral attitude of very administration and class-room building, and to extend mission to determine the amount under the act to be numerous college men in the mak the heating plant to the same. The amount appropriat paid any person or persons on account o f any inju ry re ing. BruUl hazings constitute i ed therefor is one hundred thousand dollars (»100,000). ceived in the course o f his employment. popular pastime, and I shall con V o te Y E S o r N O _________ _________________ V o te Y E S o r N O floe myself to the consideration only J(12 Y im . 308 ■ Yes. On the 4th of next month the Of very recent exhibitions in t h i s __ No. 309 No. people of the state of Oregun w ill line. Cadet 8utton, of Portland, 90S a young man of great promise, was be called upon to decide whether or H T K K I L I Z A T I O ' N A C T —Referred by authority of pot the Sterilisation Act shall be actually h«»ed tu his death at the Mrs. Lora C. L ittle, as Vice-President Anti-Sterilization pome a law in thia stale. Thia aut Annapolis Naval Academy. And League, No. 7110 48rd Avenue, Portland, Oregon.—Its purpose is to authorize the State Board o f Health to or is characterised by many as a return his mother, a woman of fine culture der such surgical operations as the Board shall adjudge, to barbarism, snd a law whose en and great courage, spent a small to be performed upon habitual criminals, moral degen fortune in the quest of proof of the forcement would bring about more erates and sexual perverts, both male and female, and falsehood of the alleged suicide of harm than good. On the other defining who shall be considered as such, the same being hand, the friends of the act claim her sou. Tills she succeeded in ac persons confined in some State institution. ■ complishing irr the face of great ob that it would materially aid in-giv V p te Y E S o r N O ing to posterity a clean bill of health, stacles thrown in her way by the 1904 Yes. and that it would uplift the morals authorities of the college, and she No. of the commonwealth by restricting never would have succeeded i n i SOS the birth of degeneratos and habit breuebiug the barriers adroitly rear- i — ed to impede her in her researches for j tí ual criminals. A"d undoubtedly a COUNTY truth, if she had not been a memlier law wieely drawn up »nd judicious COUNTV B R ID G E ACROSS CHETCO R IV E R ly carried out along this line would of a Church (Catholic) which, upon —Shall the County Court o f Curry County, Oregon, proper occasion,does things. Bish build a concrete bridge across Chetco River, said bridge result in much good, as statistics 1 to cost not more than »36,000. V o t* Y E S o r N O prove that disease and oriminal in- op, Priest and layman united to see Stinots are often passed by several to it that this strange woman in a 810 Yee. families from generation to genera strange land was given a square deal. Upon the exhumation or the »11 No. tion. Anything within reason that ----------- a 2 2 - would check this hereditary blight body it was discovered that her son would be a boon to humanity. bail actually been shot in I he lack profit of ;>eople who now value the Bandon Aaks Liquor Voto. Each child that is born into this j of the head by the drunken brutes Nom» Hit by »Tidal Wave. In the quest of what they call "fu n I” works at many millions of dollars, world should have the right to be C O Q U IL L E , Ore., Oct. 7.— Pe W hat Mrs. Button thinks of the and who have the impudence to Nome, Alaska, Oct. 7.— Nome to horn with a normal intellect, a threaten injunctions against (he titions from Bandon asking that a veracity of the governor of that col day lies half wrecked following the healthy body; free from the des farmers of the upper Willamette vote be ordered in the precincts in effects of a gale that piled water 1( troying influences of criminal and lege would ja r the types off their who proposed to use some of the the town of Bandon on the wet and and I t feet deep in the streets, tear insane ancestors. The Sterilisation feel in any attempt to print. tributary waters for irrigation. dry queation, November 4, have Ing out half of the busiuew section Act is one of grave importance, not W ithin the laat month the dis The cormorants claimed all the been presented to the Coos County of the city and wrecking hundreds Only to the present generation but patches inform us _______________ that 18 cadets at waters for power purposes, and we Court. of homes. the ones that follow. I t ia one o f, West Point have been convicted of weakly submit to the imposition I l was rumored that petitions Todsy with the storm almost the tfiost progressive pieoea of legis- brutal participation in hazing • x " after we had practically borne the from other cities and towns asking abated, an inventory shows at lation ever attempted, and one in ploits. That last week a riot call expense of the dam that arrests the for the submission of the temper* least 600 houses were wrecked which there are poesibilitieaof much , brought polioe to the St. Louia U ni onward flow of the great river. a nee question would also be pre good. Only one death is reported.* The versity to subdue a mob of students [ on a rampage of, drunken violence Tru ly, we are a patient and long sented, but it is not believed they lues w ill run to »1,500,000. suffering people, who richly deserve ill be now. Nome, Alaska, Oct. 8.— Some i That a student at Purdue U niver C U R R E N T T O P IC S , our fate. But a glimmer of light There is a queation about the sity at Lafayette, Ind. had his neck progress was made today in the task occasionally breaks iu which por Court ordering the special election of reconstructing the wrecked por broken by ha-ers attempting to By J II. U pton . lands better things in store for at Bandon as the l a * provides that lions of the city. There is a decid douse him in a box containing those of our posterity who shall the question can only be submitted Editor T b ib i n e : ^.filth y stagnant water and slush. ed scarcity of supplies, however, elimax the great fight for Justice in at general elections. Whether the Touching the olaims of the man and little real good can be accom Very much such an exploit re telligently and honestly adminis November election la a general or sgere of our Stale University that sulted in the death of a Jackson plished until relief arrives from the tered. special election as the statute says, crime and illiteracy go hand in band county student at our own U niver outside. I f it is possible to get in a question that is puszling tbs and the inlerenoe to be drawn from sity a t Eugene, not so very long ago. one of the Alaska Steamship Com Court and Deputy District Attorney S u p re m e C o u rt H «a D e c id e d this contention that college men pany boats from Seattlo with sup. A significant thing in connection Liijevist. are not subject to the 4zin,Aa tion» plies before the ice begins to form with the late Latayette tragedy, was. T h e Q u e a tio n . which beset the “ onwashed," 1 dt in Behring sea, and one vessel is that the oollege management bad O regon Should Raise Moro booked to leave and may advance sire to be heard further on the sub-, been able to procure a pbyeioan able « Salyw Journal, Sept. 30; The Livestock. j« )t, and I will add that a tom e its sailing date, the suffering of the » f purju rint himself in a report impression lias gamed ground that that must be buttressed by sublet? northerners will be greatly relieved. that the yeting rasa had jlied pf hereafter at elections the voter can’? Portland, Ore., Oct. 14.— "Cattle In response to appeals for aid fuge is usually a csqse which doe» sent heart fa itv e l” B ut upon the ar not swear in his vote. The Supremi ’ snd hogs will hold the future hope ¡ out by Mayor Jome assuZanJes hTve not commend ilsel( to thoughtful rival of the'father the body wasea» Court has passed upon that quest ’ of the PM»»« « í ¿ I » Northwest,” ' come that everything possible will people, and ought not. burned wjien a post mortem din- ion sod held that any auch law is J said Louis W . H ill on his way be done for the stricken city. Last week I mentioned only such closed the fact that death was the ununnatitutional. I t held this on j through this city a few days ago. ‘ The south side of Front street college men of New York in the result of a broken neck and noth- two separate occasions, one in the i With the present high prices of has d-suppeared. The sand spit is Crimes category as J. P. Morgan iug else. case of \\ hile against the Commit j meat and the ever increasing de- and a few of his immediate oo-agi washed away. For two miles close Now lest it be said that the writer eioneis o f ‘Multnomah Countv in mnnd from all parts of the United tors, omitting Chauncey M. DePew to the sea all habitations have gone. is op|H?sed to “ higher education/!13th Oregon, page 317; and again States, this stale is missing s splen of Yale, who trains with the Vand Papers have suspended publication it may be in point heieto say, tha). m Livesley against Litchfield, a did op|>ortunily when it does not frb ilt tribes also collegians. I t ' because of the lack of lights and a part of the little school education Marion Cbunty case in 47th Oregon, produce more beef, pork and mutton. J power. « Will be remembered that it was not that fell his way in the long, long p«ge 248. The substance of these ; At the present time Oregon has an so long ago th a tD e Pew wascauglit Business is paralyzed. There is ago, was acquired at a college, or, at decisions is that the Legislature | excellent chance to go extensively with goods to the oheerful tune of no looting. Most of the messages the time, a so called "institute.” cannot add to the qualifications ' into the livestock business. T h e : are being handled by wireless The some three hundred thousand dollars I t has been the top heavy character required to vote, snything not p re -' cl.mate is well adaoted to it and cable has been interfered with by stolen from the Equitable Insurance ol O regon s e d u c a tio n a l regim e to *cr'bed in the constitution, an<i th a t | this should be the leadin g in d u s try I the tid a l wave The storm mav Company of New York, snd that the practical neglect and stunting • vote, must be allowed to vote of the stale, n»d 1 believe it w ill b e h a v e been provoked by volcanic be we a allowed to go unpunished of nur Common Schools that he has whether be had registered „ r not. within the next few years. I t is a 1 action to the westward by making restitution; and such warred against for m ot^ihan fmty 1» •• much better to register, for it fact that the farmers of Oregon are manner.of escape may account for years, wherefore he (¿m consistently « » • " you heing a nuisance to your raising more hogs every year, and the alleged paucity in numbers of objected to the lavishing of unneces I friends, and compelling them to go { now they should commence to raise college men doing lime as alleged W. H. MEREDITH »•ry sums upon insulations that ••> considersl.lej inconvenience to more cattle snd sbeep on the small in behalf of the Slate University by #5 per cent of our children are b.irr-| «ure your mistake or neglect. Be | ranches, as the day of the ATTORNEY san COUNSELLOR big J"urP«l; I t >«• by i ad tom 'attending, sides when you register now, you , rsnges is past. A ll kinds of stock AT LAW means of " restitution ' that Geo. W . 1 Think of the princely gum of do not have to register again so need alfalfa, and here we have the Perkin», a H arrani m a n ,, escaped V E D D E R B U R N , OREGON »182 per child of eehoul age doled '°ng as you do not change your | lands to produce ibis crop in great the pen after regular ounviotion oft ’ . . . ----------- ------- i . plundering »50,000 from the pnlioy O , H t 1" * I««» August from the t*»'dence or politics. I f you do abundance. B ill Hanley grows wnat h«s been been c s c l a | ll- LOST— A gold stick pin with blue ths New N.W V a rk ,W Life n r- n .__ 8u" e delK* i ‘ ot ’ > ’« has - > . " ' ,,,u b* r. ’?r, J0 y “ « u must register again, i meal animals snd alfalfa in Har- holders of the Yo Com ed that "Sacred Trust.” Aud our that • ney end is - making money one set; should ba found in neck tie. I our T ,'" re '• ««writer - provision,and ------------ z County ----- -------------- pany with which to swell the Ruoto The seme was lost between Port Orford j lands are gone, with »200, I ’* ,lM1 d<’ no‘ «’»«««i* your right at a tremendous rata. Veit oampaign fund in 1904, lardy voters yet have several days to register in. W . T W hile Sr., who is doing the registering f«»r Port Orford and S ia n precincts, gays that he will keep his books open uutil the l»t|i. M a c h in e r y & M o w in g M a c h in e s . E x tr a » f o i D a ir y in g ; O s b o r n e , M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e r y . Faints», O il» & S t u m p i n g P o w d e r E in e l i n e o f G u n » , B a s e b a l l p a r a p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r tin g G o o d » k e p t in S t o c k . D o o r s a n d W i n d o w s i n v a r ie t y c o n s t a n t ly k e p t o n h a n d . P ip e F it t in g » , P l u m b i n g a n d T i n w o r k o f a l l k in d » d o n e o n s h o r t n o t ic e . Cheever $ Bowman, J L a n g lo is , O r. ■W « AMES S. JOHHSTON (Succeeeor to N. C. Nielsen.) g e n e r a l m e r c h a n t , P ort Orford, Or.T^^ NEW GOODS, - G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , BOOTS and S H O E M E N S and BOY8, C L O T H IN G , L A D IE S ’ DRESS GOODS, H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W A R E . C IG A R S , TOBACCO , P IP E S C A N D Y , N U T 8 and N O T IO N S . In fact, a snpply of everything u su ally kept In a w ell stocked G e n e ral Merchandise Store. ORDERS TAK EN kO R A N Y A R T IC L E N O T / » S T O C K . , Call and examine goods and get prices. ■iwiwi) rhst i ----- — ■ -s, JOHN R. MILLER. GENERAL MERCHANT, Port Orford, Oreuron« Has opened a new Store, with N E W GOODS, Always Remember the Fall Nciue L a x a t iv e j^ r o m o Q u in in e oiaie oeixMit Cures «Cold in One Day, Crip in Two. and Langlois, probably near Denmark last A p ril. A Reward o f »2 w ill be gfo. en for its return to thia office. 1 r ...