« *4 e Curry County Abstract Realty Company. i Town and Conuty. The assessed valuation of Coos Registration under the new law county fa 121,400.000. closed Saturday, October • 4, 1913, j A Cooa county jury recently -------------- closed until November gu Mr. and Mra. xvooi. Robt. lucneuzie McKenzie Sr. ‘ “d - , , _, . - - »warded C. R. Wade, a Bandon • during which time electors in<( hejuj. Qne ggg Sim < io ld B e a c h , O r e g o n Attorney, $4000 damage. In « ho have been visiting relatives in 6’ alifornia re- Do* ** »^le to register. Elec- plex Separator-good as new, $60, California for the past month re --------- I »lander case. turned to their Elk river home yes tore who have not registered under ! One 3-year-old registered and imported We furnish abstract of title, ! Mr. and Mr., Jobn Fromm 8r. terday. the present system in 1918 will not Jer»«y Bull, $100. Apply atones, H. P. CLAUSEN, Blue prints, Ownership maps moved up to Port Oifard for the be deprived of their right to vote Ih e Directors of the first N ation winter one J‘ day * •— laet — week County maps. Titles per. winl‘" u so - that •I Bank at Bandon are putting up at the election to be held on the 4th Bandon, (Fourmile) Oregon. their son George might attnd school. day of November, 1913 as they may fee ted and Registered. a new banking building that will be Biookings is lobe a Model vote under their registration for the The Fifleld ia expected to atop one of the beat structures of its kind year 1912 or upon the affidavit of here the latter part of this week for in this part of the stale when it ia The process oi work at the new W. A. WOOD, six freeholders as provided by law. completed. matchwood, and there are eeveral town of Brookings in Corry county Manager. passengers who will sail on her for The school boards at Bandon ■s told in a letter fropo J. E Brook Crescent City Man Visits Grants ing» to local parties. The new San Fianciaco. and Coquille have been having all To W h om it M a y Concern. j town ia at the mouth of the Chetco Pass. When Lewis Farrier was leaving kinds of trouble among themaelvea j river in Curry county not far from ter the past several weeks. At Ban t ^ t U “ hare a°wiiwyanet>^oai " V “Ome "" °" e town for hia home on Sixes one day West D uley, mine boat at the the California line. I l it here that VatouUw to tideland* and water Iota in I,a*1 «oe of his horses became don the clerk reeigned, saying that life was loo shorf-t to be spent in H otel Del Norte, Creecent City, ia the Brookings Timber and Lumber •'"* ■‘" J '■ wrangling, and the board haa been in Grants Pass boosting for tba city company is building a saw mill and is erected without iny eonaent. All ne*a »•’o u t half w ay out o f town, accused by one of the local papers by the sea. Mr. Duley ia one of making a naw .town. In the letter . parties --- ------------ - warned ---- UM, w not UI.VO are hereby to drive o . ■ * ----------- School started at - > Port w Orford piles or — trespass in any a manner what- ■---- — — — ■ aa<aaaaa«;i M '---— — \ of gross mis management At Co the Del Norte county supervisors, Mr. Brookings slates it ia a plan of soever on said ‘“tehmdsor water lota. Monday under the direction of Prof, quille the directors are engaged in a but he’s the kind of a supervisor the oompany to put in an up to- ulna. ANNA U .’D a MT. nv u n . . Portland, Oregon. r . H. Robinson with an enrollment long and bitter newspaper . contro who would be a distinct loss to his date A llis Chalmers mill which will of 28 pupils. The ri/ are several _ electricity. . _____ . . . At present versy over the selection of a build community and to the cause ofgood im run by more children that will attend ing site. FOR SALE roads and of progress in general i f , work is being done on the founds later on. The ocean has been in a tem pes he should by any ehat&< get- aud- ‘ion and only a small portion , of Eighty Acres of Bottom Land, situa Mr. Duley the machinery ¡sou the ground, A. H. Gauntlett of Gold Beach, tuous mood for the past couple of denly chloroformed. ted on Sixes River, one-half mile from was in town over yesterday having ¡rays that Josephine oounty had The water system pi(>e line is in weeks, causing boats to be bar-, County Road and about six miles from made wonderful improvement in and water ia being furnished to a ■iiueuieu 8*ar‘ed Goos Bay on a business bound in many of the coast harbors. Port Orford. Clear title; no indebted ness; easy terms. For full particulars tr*P< but owing to stormy weather The Tillamook, Randolph a n d ' the portion of the Crescent City j bout 20 workmen’s cottages. The call on or address, and a sick horse he returned home Rustler are all over due at thia road this side of the state lines since ‘own proper is not yet laid out but MRS. ANNIE EMMETT, place, and as a result our stores are ’ ‘he date ° f h" la8‘ •>uurn<!-v over' **• 'ill be shortly. The matter is now from here. 933, Valincia S t . San Francisco, Cal. Mi>a Magnolia W hite and Mrs. » ro,,n‘"g «bori on some of the staple , 1 and 1 that ** Del Norte would not be in the hands of a prominent- San I K *. a ' lìF f ^ A a i $ Ì AU M it z v k a a i l . « , , a a _ J , W llIlH J in keeping up the good Francisco architect. « necessities, such as flour and su gar.> T. J. Fromm started laat week for The two latter named boats managed work' Baid lbal l,)ere *»*• » The Town Today. Portland where they will spend the to get into Rogue river several days ! ' trOr’R 8nd grOwing * n ‘im ent in At the present time there is in winter. The latter will visit with Port Orford, Oregon, ago, but are now held up at that f**°r ° f “ bo“d i88Ue 10 im Prove Brookings a total population of her mother, Mra. Gunder Anderson, place waiting for the sea to amootti. the roads in his couuty, and that as 281 persons. A school ia main L : K N A PP P r o p r i e t o r who now lives in that city. long as Jie was su|iervisor he would Hon. 8. , P. ... Peirce . , lias , been . haU* ! be there with the big boost for bet- tained and ia attended by 80 pupils. Deputy Game Warden E J. Bak The company is at work on a 20 First-class in every respect. ■ ¡ . er passed through town Monday on ing dressed lumber during the past , acre log pond which requires a week from the mill at thia place to I n Goad Feed S table attached. hia return from a trip into the h i. borne on Sixea. He is building , Mr>Dul^ ° ’ er seventy foot dam. The Ledger north end of the oounty, where he ,,u "■ I from Crescent City by W. H. Wil. an addition onto hia residence. In wood system of logging will be In was called to look after some re • son, one of the pioneer newspaper speaking of politics on one of hia stalled and the machinery ia now We run the Stage from Port Orford ported game law violationa. men of the district, who is enroute trips into Iowa Mr. Peirce expressed on the way to Brookings. All work via DairyviUe, connecting with the John Fromm Jr. and his family'^ him self as opjiosed to the Univer to Weaverville, Cat, to assume will be prosecuted aa last as condi Stage to Myrtle Point. spent a few days in town from their sity appropriation bills to be voted charge of the Weaverville Journal. lions will permit. There is a jleep home on Brush creek aince our laat upon the 4th of next month. Hia — Grants Pass Courier. HARDY T. 8TEWART water harbor in which vessels can issue. Johnny claim s he killed reason for this oppositiou ia that load or unload praotioally the year (U. SI. C O M M I h H I O N E H the chainpicn buck of the season a the University of Oregon is more T w o W o m en in S h o c k in g A ffair, around. P o r t O r fo r d , O r e g o n . few days ago when he bagged a fat a school for the rich than for the Farm Land Near. CRESCENT CITY, C a l, Sept. 29. seven-pointer near bis borne. middle class, and that its policy Office days m town—Tuesday, Wed The oompany has eeveral thous About three weeks ago Joseph has been one of graft. He slates Mra. Ruby Bartol, Mrs. Josie Horn, nesday and Saturday of each week. and acres of agricultural land whioh Koch lost some papers on the road that the mileage bill, which was Otto Criizer and Orville Taggart will he divided into email tracts between this place and Sixes, which passed at the laat election, was ar have been arrested and are held ifl and sold to those wishing to make W. A. WOOD he would be very grateful if the ranged by its supporters so that the oounty jail to await a hearing homes. finder would either return to this the first year the University receiv on a statutory charge. A T T O R N E Y A T LA W Need more men. The crime is alleged to have been office or to himself. Among hia ed the ta x from - it, amounting to GULP BEACH. OREGON. papers were his receipt, etc. in re I some $850,000, it would also get the committed on the persons of May , About 180 men are now working gard to his homestead' filings. regular appropriation from the state, Bartol and Edna Horn, daughters at Brookings and the company Axel North, a 40 year old logger ! thus getting a double allowance. of the two women mentioned. could use more men to advantage. who has been working in the ’ Coos 1 Mr. Pierce would prefer to «ee the These little girls are mere children Mr. Brookings atatee the towntite Have you any to offer, or do you county logging camps for the past money raised for the support of the and do n oljook to be more than is ideal and the company hopes to have a community in which it will know of anyone who has? 1 desire several years, fell from~the steamer University placed in the irreducible ten or eleven years old. The chargee are brought by the be a pleasure to reside.— Marshfield to purchase. Angus G. M ackay,’ Charm into the Coquille river laat school fund for the benefit of the father of the Bartol girl, and the ; Becord. Real Estate Agent, Port Huron, Tuesday and was drowned. He was common schools. ! story told by her two little brothers Michigan. intoxicated at the time, and fell who claim to have witnessed the act Auto Goes Over Grade. from the boat aa she was coming (B andon W est ebn W ould ) which ia shocking in the extreme. down the river. Gov. W est’s little deportation The preliminary bearings are set T resp a ss N o tic e . Art Coach's big 7 passenger auto Supervisor Marsh and crew rock probe cost the taxpayers of Coos for Wednesday and Thursday of mobile from Bandon, was banging * — ----------- a — . , ed about three-fourths of a m ile of over the grade Monday night and lh ii ’r‘* k “nd lhe P»r‘ie« will like- County about $8,000. Dollars to Notice ia hereby given to all persons ! .i,_ „ ... doughnuts he would not be so anx whom it may copcem, not to enter up-' 16 wor8t roa<* on ‘he mountain --------- * the mountain Uy be given separate trials. part of yesterday On on or trespass upon the premises of L. 8ou‘b o f town. The work ia sub ious to spend it it he was on the Knapp, for tbe purpose of hunting, or stantially done, and the improve south of town, where a shove would **dig up” end. (Coos Bay News.) fishing with uoox and line. Said p r e -m e n l is one that has long been have sent it tumbling a couple of E. H. Divelbiss, an ex merchant mires are situated on Elk River, Curr, needed. Under the able supervision hundred feet. The car had gone to of this city, County, Oregon, and generally known f , shoe troupe ui of Hundreds of gallons of contra i ------------ — after — - a —w ™ >,vupe - who hsa been living in JU the “ Bond” place. o f Mr* Murah lh e Port Orford road Wedderburn seven people, and when coming band booze were lately dumped into j California for the past year, and Any person or person so irespasg- gelling one of the over tbe m ountain in the ruin Mon- , ‘be Chetco river at Harbor, Curry I here {or lh “ P**1 lwo week’’ ill ing for the purpose of hunting, fishing, best stretches of road in the county. day evening tbe two wheels on the'cou nty, by order of Jumice Benham. I retUrn by the firsl 1,01,1 lo h,B or traveling thiough in any shape form j r-i... i. . . , i, . .. i------ e.de : j - slipped . j over the .. .1 . ' southern home and make prepara <or manner, or tearing down fences, or Cb*8- q “ lgle>’> who has been j lower grade It must have been strong medicine; leaving out side antes open, or molest* aWi|y from 1 ort Orford for over a and tbe ear hung almost on a bai all right, aa it is said that a salmon lions to return to Bandon and locate. ing personal property, will be proeecu year, relumed lo bis home lown ance where if it had gone over prob after taking two drinks of it offered I A newspaper geta little credit ted to tbe full extent of the law. one day laat week. During his ably all in it would have been kill- to fight a whale for the champion- for being a booster, says an exchange. Wn>. R. Johnson, Lessee of the above " ande,in88 ‘’Tracy” ’“»» »**>> I ed* There were several ladies am ong' ehip"of the briny sea^ Aa a general thing they booat named premises Id ah o> M«n‘»n», Washington and the passengers and they were com I ; Canada, and says he struck many pelled to wulk six miles through tbe ' . , ’ Nicholls, water bailiff everything' that cornea along in which the puhlicia interested, from j place,, W|,eie wages were good but rain rain aud aud mud mud to to reuch reach town, town and . „ j i i , Pre erred *g»i'” „ ‘ J»ck Far , ,, ch*r8es , a revival meeting to a horse race, were thoroughly drenched when ,U r l ^ g e-o ff for fishing! after it all Curry county looks bet N otice for P u b lic a tio n . and the common assertion is that , “0“ ’ D epartment op the I ntkhior , > ,<?■ , u a u o ever w r *u un. no was in they arrived at the Knapp h o te l' 7 ^ t " ter than to n him. He (J. 8. Land Offlee, at Roseburg. Oregon , , . . , Jo11“ E« « g r .n for not having hia the pa|ier needs the news to fill up, June 2H, A lw rta, Canada, during the winter shortly after nark. They went land consequently geta no credit nUm,* red' J " Notice Is hereby given that when he says that wages were $1.50 by team yesterday morn, ng. the an- T for the spirit shown. A newspaper < i«,-. 8' " ltIi * I P*r hour’ but Wllh 12 feet of 8n6w to being pulled o n to ! ,ts perilous l man could hang back.in the traces .«A».!*!«» r ii j • .. z , the two former were fined $o0 each l>er «5,1907, made Homestead Entry on ‘‘le g ,o und and a wind blowing poohion followed in the afternoon. v « and do no pulling at all if he chose l and costs, and Energrin was fined Herial No. 0133», for BE E l NW X. so that a laboring man could ouiy to, for he could fill his paper with NW|, SE l*. anf. ltd K t\ *4 N E C , . e , J i , , 7 .. $10 and emit. ’’ ■ l l South, Range Kauge w”rk “ few hours a day having to Bection 3tl, Township 31 J he J illamook arrived in Bandon “ boiler plate” at ten cents a column 15 West, W illam ette Meridian, spend over h a lf the tim e thaw ing Tuesday forenoon after a stormv J»*- Wasson made a trip with the .......................... .. display tbe spirit if he wanted tv has filed notice of hia intention . , ,, , . ' and eventful voyage from Portland. 8a,,"lln» b«u»‘ Big Chief tothe banks HOme people love to show. It costa to make final Five Year Proof, to out around a stove. H e and Ray eatabliab claim to tlie land above dea- Neely, who left Port Orford together, Among the various parcels of mis ,y ‘ng <>*>» Bay and the Co , lllO„ey to set type, whether boosting crilasd, betore Hsrdy T. Stewart, Unit- . . ■ , . ed States Commissioner, at Port Or- ®eparated several months ago and cellaneous freight arriving thereon *1U|B» l»al week, returning fou rs- something or just giving the news urd, Oregon, on the 15 day ol August the whereabouts of the latter is not , was a thoroughbred yearling Jersey day with * Sue catch of halibut and 1 _________________________________ J if 13. i « bull consigned to Mr. McKenzie, a ' ° ‘her fish, among which was a N o tice to C reditors. Claimant names aa witnesses: Known. s ii u i u K N A P P HOTEL, Timber Claims. l S u UF w K A a Ira Worth. While a (F o rm e rly G au n tlett*») Newly Fitted Up; Electric Lights TA B L R UNEXCELLED GOLD BEACH, CURRY CO., ORE* H ot and C old T ub and S hower B aths F irst C lass Barn and Garage in Connection, Affording all Conveniences for Saddle Horses, Teams, Automobiles and Motorcycles G ENERAL 4 B lacksm ithing Wagons and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock, also Agent for All Kinds of Farming Im plements; McCormick Mowers, etc. Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a Reasonable price. Your patronage solicited. BEEHER JE S8 P ort O r fo r d , O r e ó o s DOORS - WINDOWS - MOULDINGS A n yth in g you Need in M ill W jzJt W rite us for P rices or a n y Inform^., tion you N eed in this Line N o rth B end M a n u fa c tu rin g Co -ÌV o v t li JEJoncl, O r e g o n 1». ’ ‘,‘> rt ^ rf ° rd ’ O r ^ ° D' Port Orford. —----- Orford. The KeDuin® bl,iek °od, ur Alaska cod Contractor C. H. Pesrse was in I stockman of Port u-o ...» . ¡ i . .u j 1» thb C „ oiimtt C oi bt or thb 8 tatb or „ CuMr Co„ Tr town one day since our laat issue, consignees had not reckoned on U » mentioned two or three months V 0bkoon /B K O O N r O B V C H B Y c o u n t y , George A. Wells, more than a few hours’ voyage and a«°; lh al a nu,nt* r <’f 'hese codfish In th. BBUer {>f th, e8tateof. and says that he has completed the B kmjamin F. J ones -------------- -- - ... ................ Register. new residences of Robt. Smith and llad not made ample provision for . h»*' been caught by Jim \\ arson on | William Wittwer, deceased. __ ______________ ____ R. A. McPherson o n .S ix e s , and forage, so it whs found necessary ,o ‘fie banks of lleceta Iliad , above. The undersigned having been »P- that both of these parties now have put in at Cooa Bay to obtain grass lhe S '“*1» » , »nd that they were the pointed by the County Court of tbe N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N „ , ... firsl fish of the kind ever brought 8tate of 0reKon* ter Curry County, Ad ex cellen t hom es although he -says for hia little bullikiea. Short ,,,. i_, . . , ministratorof ministrator of the estate of W William lllian lo the local market. \Ve also D spartmkiit or the I ntkkior , that the T ribunb was a little prem ly after landing,“ Flap Jack Char . . . . . . . i Wittwer, deceased, and having quali- U. 8. ¡.and Office at Roseburg, Oregon , noti,*, j, hereby given to the cred, August », 191». “ ‘ure ih an n ou n cin g tile marriage ley” Volunteered to forage for bull eainei at that tim e from Dr. Hay- j Notice la hereby given that of the latter named gentleman a few feed and narrowly escaped getting don, who is authority on such mat itors of, and all persons having claim» \ \ illiam J. hitwokth weeks However Mr. Pesrse ” r c i \ o since. p iiiv c . iiu w r v c i m i, i ra rs p his in a tangle with an aged maid-' tert, lh a l heretofore the southern against said deceased, to present them it for 13th, 1U08, made Homestead Entry" s / ll1*1 ‘fi’ hoc** be has just built en lady while stealing grass through lim H'nH * these fish was V ancouver '’e*’'1’’*1 “• required by law, w ithin six the w cod mon‘fi» iro to m said ‘he Hret of ri.IN o .0 4 M l. for NWI Serdou 14. h a . all m odern e n v e n ir o o r . - t I the fence. However, the bull was " T!'e c»P‘,lr® of ll,e a this notice Ames publication 8. Johnston at Township 34 8., Range H West, Wil- ____e . . . , fed and fed sum ptuously. W hile B e c ‘'o"ed • «*»»•. ‘> ff “>• Coos coun- ,lig o(fioe OHordi Orogo„ lamette Meridian, ha» tiled notice of wo°fi^ fi* » very com fortable dom, intention to make Five year Proof, to clle for tw o, but ju st wliat opinion crossing Coos Bay bar outward | the flr8t we have ever AMES 8. JOHNSTON, establish claim lo the land above de- heard of being caught in there wat- Administrator of the estate of W il the owner bolds in regard to this bound tbe thtp took several aeaa scribed, before Hardy T. btewart. Uni liam Wittwer, deceased. ted States Commissioner, at hia uttice matter ia not known. We are com which were about her limit, aa sev i ers, and goes to show that tbe lim it Dated Beptember 23, 1013. at Port Orford, Oregon, on the 22nd for these fish is gradually being ex pelted to apologize to Mr. McPher eral doors and windows were smash «lay of September, 1913. They are a bet i , Claimant names as witnesses : son and the lady whose name was ed in and some of the upper atruc . tended i southward. r . ■ . u . LOST—A gold stick pin with blue Emery Whitworth, of Fort Orford, Or. lure was in danger of being carried "*d f“W,r fll,h ,h#" UM1 l,n 8-cod. .tone ret; abould be found in neck tie. mentioned in thia affair, but we E. L. White, of r - addition . » j . . : . to the . . bull, l „ . from which they are easily dialing The same was lost between Port Orford John Fromm Jr Of ” trust that the incorrect information away. In she L. L. U hite, that led to the item was incorrect carried over 100 tona of fieigbL— uiahed, being darker in oolor and and Langlois, probably near Denmark, B. F. JONES, 1 laat April. A Reward of $2 v will ............ having a muefi smaller head. ¡last be giv- lteglster. ' ugly in ila premalureness Bandon Surf. , en for its return to thia office. J. M. West, j Knivea are ground sharp a t kh« factory and are alw ays ready for use. TAe blades are guarantee to take and hold an edge H ave ju s t received a Large Shipm ent o iS to n i Crocks. See our W indow as you go b y P o r t O rio n i F u r n itu r e & H a rd w a rt S to re.