* I- Curry County Abstract- Realty Company. G o ld B e a c h , O r e g o u We furnish abstract of title, Blue prints, Ownership maps County maps. Titles per- fee ted and Registered. Town and (\m uty. Mm. J. II. Zumwalt is visiting Favorable to Homesteader«. / * 'lli her parents at Myrtle Poiut. The public sellout at Port Orford T k . -i- ,, . . . , i .... * , . . . . ’ 1 he I raiup called into our her- The following letter from the »ill i»,ieii Monday, Oct. bth. 11 ,., . ,1 ( for oaturilay morning _ and lauded ~ _ NaUoaal Funelaerytoe at P ortlan d ,! I he Tramp dropped into harbor • considerable amount of freigh I for will prove interesting to our readers, Munday on her return to Coos Bay.] »his place. She went on to Hogue and shows that the trip that C. H. j The rain, of last week caused ? iv e r ’h e ” roed -F. Florey recently mails into this aei the 1 Boyle Jewelry Co. Bandon, Ore. 4. Basis of Exchange for School Books. __The Denmark pottoffice has been aelectad aa a place to exchange old sc how I books for new ones, and the following price list shows the amount of money sets agates in any style or that must accompany the old books. Teachers and school clerks are requested ‘ mounting desired AT ONCB. to send in an estimate of the number of new books needed so as to give Mr. Only first class work done. Capps some idea of how many to order. Exchange price holds until Jan. lat. DISPLACED BOOK CASH EXCHANGED FOR Cyr—Fourth Reader <•20 Wheeler—Fourth Reader W ATCH REPAIRING , Cyr- Fourth Reader .25 ” , -F ifth Watches skillfully repaired 1 Cyr--Fifth Reader •30 Elson Third Reader in our fully equipped Repair - •*> " Fourth ’• Department - No Delays. Reed Word Lessons • •2 z Hicks Champion Speller Buehler—Mod. English Lessons .18 Kimball--Elem. English Rook 1 Grammar .23 , » 2 H AND ENGRAVING Smith Primary Arithmetic .21 Rigler--Arithmetic Step by Step We are the only Jewelers ” Practical ” .30 Watson & White Complete Arith. in Bandon that can do thia . Natural Introd. Geography .60 Tarr & Me Murry—World Geog. style of Engraving. Insist I ” School .60 >• " on 'the beat. Krohn—First Book Hygiene .23 Ritchie - Primer of Sanitation ! Thomas -Elem. History U. S. .36 Bourne A Benton—Intro. Amer. Hia. Doub—U. S. History • 30 Macc - School History U. S. . New Outlook Writ. Books 1-2-3 , .16 Palmer Writ. Lessons Pri. Grades ” ’’ ’ 4 to 7 •20 ” Method Business Writing B ä n d o n O rp Powera * L. Bkkpg. Part 1 Text .30 Bexell & Nichols - Bookkeeping D a iiu u u , u r e . Prang Draw Books p b2 Ì-3 J .09 Applied Arts. Draw. 41 to 43 H. BOYLE, Mgr. ~ Phone - No. - 614 - ' '»• 4 to 8 .12 " ” 44 to 48 Cloth, 1 and 2 •09 " ‘ •’ 41 and 42 ” 3 .09 •• •• 48 (N orth ll^xn I I aiiboh ) “ 4 to 7 •12 ’ ” ” 44 to 48 hon in bringing about beneficial re«ults. There are yet many good mountain homesteads in the Forest reserve that lhat a friendl« friendl] policy pu of the lent will encAnra government rage settlers W. A. to locale upon, and it Y< mid seem from the b letter tJjMnfil Hows lhat the pulioy that has liscouraged T o W h o m It M a y C on cern . seulem ent in National Forests in | * '* • W’ f,rm ° n Tha >•“ «' P -'H * came iS^ITh The of his produce found a ready drivers and went as far south as ,fie P*B‘ *'•> *** so ns to 1/nl ' __ .. . _ •. ; I, the undersigned, hereby give no- fnurkH. '«arai-t, encourage itiu the future. tice that I liuve a conveyance from tbe 1 Hogue river collecting the drive. ^ X 7 o M f ^ n O r “ ,d.’o X n ‘, o 2 l Lu’ k Mj'r,le Su,“ H,lt " hio’ h 10 have 8lart Portland, Oregon. Aug. 30,1913. * porti<‘ii of which u part of the wharf through Hurt Orford hi id a)' e<i at Gobi B^ach Monday, baa been Mr. Hardy Stewart, partfX^ie bembv wa^ned^““ ^ drh” n ‘ Uold Ue'‘oh ‘° t‘,"ch |««"|H.ned two weeks on account of Editor Port Orford Tribune, p lie s or trespass in auy manner what- ‘he primary department iu the pul) measles. Prof. Kent and Mias Port Orford Oregon. soever on said tidelauda or water lota, lie school at that place Lusk, teachers, were in town last Deir Mr. Stewart:' „ A ä s a U. O ast . 1 Portland, Oregbn. We republish the price list for night, the former returning to Lang Assistant District Forester lois mid the latter to Mvrtle Point. C. II. Flory haa informed me of the ---------—------------------------ --------------which all grammar giude selidbl J. N. I.each aud family passed up unsatisfactory feeling which obtains FOR SALE books can beekcbangB' I for io 'W ones ------------ at th e Denmark postolllue. Jl you the coast by auto ibis morning. among ilia citizens ill yuur locality * H ill Anderson and wife of Ten w ith the selfish greed and fever o f the Eighty Acres of Bottom Land, situa- did not save the one In last week's 1 hey were on the Hustler when she regarding the Forest Service policy Mile came in Wednesday fur a few strong. , Ud on Sixes River, one-half mile from T ribune , cut this one out and ay attempted It, cross out fr>Hn Rogue J of listing lands applied fur under day s visit to relatives and friends. >. • ! ***» 1 “ttA«—-*-,. Tli manufacture and sale of liquor is County Road and about six miles from it a ,vav flir away Tor reference. - '¡»ef.Sunday, and th eir effects were the Forest Homestead Act. Mr. Geo D. Mandigo and wife are at This eoiumn-is eriite«! under the auspic the most pernicious evil of our country. Port Orford. Clear title; no indebted- A lf Caugheli haa been, seriously ! l° lhe *‘xteiH of * 150 Or Flury slates that the feeling appears Port Orford oil a vacation and where of the W. T. C. UM with Mrs. H There is not a single redeeming . - feature - neaa; easy terms. For full particulars call on or address, ill at his home in Wedderhurn fur * 2 0 0 by ,h e w aler' 10 h* the ¡nlenl>"n of the For Mr.Mandigo will investigate Home of Stewart as editor-in-chief, andtheMes- ’n connec^on with the whole business, E. .1. Loney and '‘ destroys health, happiness and home. MRS. ANNIE EMMETT, a couple of weeks past, but under Suit has Ireeu Instituted in the «»t Service of encouraging home- the milling operations being carried d“m^ A S- O11 R. C. Young, assistant editors. ! ,’s t|,;,O.!i^Breat<?st asset is Its 933, Valincia S t , San Francisco, Cal. tbe care of Dr. Schliemah is convu ' M'lrion county court by A llotney »leaders on lauds which will pass 0,1 • ¡citizens, anil the first duty of the gov lescing. It is understood that he ' ®*,,er* ' iv,* w^’rd Governor ' into permanent agricultural develop ernment is to protect the character, C. S. Winsor and wife and baby The Union S ignal. will go away as soon aa he is able ' Secretary of State Olcott and ! ment lias not been effectually put health, virtue and lives of these citizens- started Monday for Portland where Drunkenness is bad. Drunkard-mak- for an operation for appendicitis. ¡*nd Treasurer Kay to recover over into practice. they will visit friends and take in It was a hot summer day," says 'nl ’s worse. Municipal sanction of Port Orford, Oregon, Of course I regret that thia feel the sights of tiie Rose City. They 116,00(1 alleged to have been wrong the Emporia (Kan.) Gazette. "It was drunkard-making is infinitely more •Jus. Chenoweth came down from t- KNA.!*!* Pfujpi-lutor Langlois Saturday with the house-: fully expended from the penitenti ing exists, hut I shall be much more went out via. Roseburg and will also dusty. One hundred and fifty men wicked and shameful. But for civil dhappoiirted if the steps which I am , top al , he varj()Ug p|aceg uf inlereH were riding from town to town in Cen* government, thia the divinely appoint- ary “revolving fund.” ' hold furniture tor Prof. Wm. Kent, tral Kansas, in autos, on a trade ex- “gency for the promotion of human The haul of the seine on Hogue taking to meet these problems do throughout the Valley. Firat-elasa in every respect. i which was shipped tu Gold Beach tension tour. They were Kansas men- welfare, health, and happiness, to at- not result in a satisfactory aetlle- G o id Feed S ta b le a tta c h e d . on the Tramp. Mr. Kent takes river last week that netted the Wed of the situation. J. M. Thomas has finally been merchants, lawyers, doctors, editors, tempt to make laws protecting, sanc- charge of the high school which derburn Trading company close to induced to accept the position of clerks, mechanics, bankers, farmers. ' tioning and regulating drunkard-mak- I am forwarding tny recommen From time to time they stopped at ‘ng ' s 80 wicked that no human tongue opens at that place in the near 31)00 Osh, is one of the largest dations to Washington, and am algo game warden, winch lie was offered thirteen towns during the day’s run. c,n express it. It ia the most stupen- catches made on Rogue river in We run the Stage from Port Orford future. several weeks ago. H e refused to No one in the crowd spoke of beer. No , dous and colossal crime of the age, the recent years. Tbe salmon were all mukilig arrangements to assign an via Dairyvllle, connecting with the act until the office paid a larger one had any beer. No one at the thir- ’ moat gigantic curse of all the curses Win. Winsnr, the last veteran of ' Royal Chinook, and at normal experienced forest homestead exam Stage to Myrtle Point. salary and is now to receive <90 per teen towna offered anyone any beer. ° f humanity; It is the frozen, frigid the Rogue River Indian War alive, pliceg the |„t represented a value of iner to Gurry County ns soon us month. H is commission will arrive At most of the towns there were great, ' north of all the bad achievments of men. in Curry county, passed up the coaal j froin geOOO to <10,000. the transfer from another forest can H AR DY T. S T E W A R T deep, atone jars of iced lemonade on I The battle cry for the eradiction ■ of lart week on his way to North Bend he properly affected. Thia exam i in a few days when he will assume the sidewalks with bright tin cups ’ ‘bis evil sounds to you, voter. Every- F. L. Bottsford, of Portland, who U . M. O O A lJ M L IH S Io r « ic B for medicul treatment for wliut tier will be charged with the speci his duties. hanging from the jars, and a sign up, thing that is pure, just and holy calls bag been handliiig tile, cedar rail P o r t O r lo r d , seems tQ.,be paralysis o f the mus road ties that h /v e bten gotten out fic task of examining rejected forest The Gorsl & K ing hydro aero ‘Welcome, Emporians.* There was no upon you to take a stand. Every drop whiskey, wine or beer in the crowd. of intoxicating liquor that a man takes cles of the throat. Grandpa Win- in this vicinity during the past homestead applications under a pol plane made an exceptionally high No one missed i t No one apoke of it. t 'n‘° bis stomach fastens its crime, pol- Office days in town—Tuesday, Wed sor is well along in the 80's, mid icy which should result in the often- flight Tuesday. Aviator Steele had For these men, ranging from thirty to ; luted claws into the soul of unborn nesday and Saturday of each week. year or so, was-in thisaection sever up to the present lim e haa enjoyed ing to settlement and entry of all j as a passenger Mrs. P. fjehillerstroin sixty years of age, had lived in Kansas generations. Statistics show that the al days ago looking over conditions lemarkahly good health. agricultural lands not absolutely :«f this city, and soared to a height thirty years'under absolute prohibition. saloons kill ten thousand people for in general. If pro|a*r arrangements Most of them had never been in a sa every one killed by a mad ’dog. Why W. A. WOOD flie Armstrong family' gave a can tie made in regard to shipping, needed for public purposes and not 1 of about 1800 feet, and would have loon in their home town in their lives. shoot the mad dog and license the saloon? covered with a stand of valuable gone higher hut for an undesirable^ A T T O H X E Y A T LAW show in Port Orlord last Thursday e tc , lie will engage more extensive- No country whose people have for Booze' was aa remote from their con evening while 011 their way south to i ly in the lie business than hereto- tinilrer more valuable than the v a l-! condition of the winds which were sciousness as carbolic acid. ‘Booze’ is generations been defiled by alcohol can GOLD BEACH. OREGON. ue for agriculture. encountered. Mrs. Schilierstiom : not in the Kansas scheme of things, endure. Wealth and intellect have no Eureka, where they will w inter.! fore. I trust that the action I am tak has «n ambition to make the record i No one thinks of it. Its presence or power to save a nation when virtue The four little sisters are a musical ! J. N. Leach and family, who have absence is not considered by the Kan- passes away and vice takes its place; lot, and. especially the eldest, have' resided at Wedderhurn for the past ing will effect the result desired, flight and at least wants to soar hence the drink traffic, this unmitigated mind." higher than did Capt. Edgar Simp both by the community and by the bright luiure future anrafl. ahead. Mr. Arm- Arm j ! year or so where Mr. Leach has ; a origni blood-stained iniquity will have to ’ die. j Have you any to offer, or do you strongjs a horse trainer by profra been Supi. for the Wedderhurn Forest Service, of placing home •on, who now holds the record here. A brighter future ia coming. - The The Morning Star—By E E. morning star is above the horizon, and know of aitjone wl»o has? 1 desire sion, and at one time handled R. D. j Trading com pany, have returned to steaders on the tracts of agricultur Lobeck. with it comes a new social conscience, «6 purchase. Angus G. M ackay,, Hume's tiring of thoroughbreds. j their former home in the Willamette al land, as provided by the Aots of Bogui Locators. and science is shedding an intense Congress. Real Estate Agent, Port H uron,| Fred Pfislerer wa. in town th e !v8"ey. It is understood that R. L. The prohibition party ia the only white light-upon this question, damn Very sincerely yours, — ic igan. ! first of the week and reports that he , Macleay will personally supervise Stcrelai-y Franklin K. Lane, of 1 bright morning star upon the murky ing the drink traffic forever. Geo. H. Ceal. E. E. Lobeck. the Department of the Interior,I horizon of American politics today. It •i___________________ ____ L_ ' has lately lieen losing many sheep h*8 business in the future and will District Forester while in Portland recently issued !<fiveg an boneat citiaen a chance toreg- on his range at Brush creek, th a t1 <H*P*nie W1,h the services of a geu- Treapnaa N o tic e . the following warning, merely, he I ¡»‘«■'hia conscience at the ballot box. are being killed by dog«or wild an Superintendent. W. H. MEKKIHTH Girl Kills W ild Cats In c u r r , taln, , ! itnals, lie is unable to say which.' Jerry Huntley, one of the pioneer ATTORNEY and COUNSELLOR County Hills. wndni U iimyTonivru' nJt'u eu m T S ^ i T h e killinK «»rled several attorneys of Curry county, and a approached by bogus locators: greater and more far-reaching than the AT LAW "I want it known to the public destruction of the liquor traffic. The on or treap.iss upon the preiniaea of L. week* ago by a large panther, but I substantial citizen of Gold Beach, Gold Beach,Or., Sept. 3.—Coun that the land embraced in the drink traffic ia a menace to tbe home, Knapp, tor the purisise of hunting, or Mr. Pfislerer is of the opinion that t* bn C«a>s Bay for the purpose of W K D DK RBUK X, OREGON ttahliiu witli oook and line. Said pre-', it ¡g now l>eing kept up by dogs. ! visiting hi« son, Harry H tlnlley ty Clerk Blannurd was som ewhat Southern Pacific land grant which I “nd every‘b*nK that •» a menace to the taken aback last week when into h i. j is sqon to come tn.o ...se ssio n of, “ o r n e r a Z e t / ^ r o : mises are Oregon, situated and on generally Elk River, known Corry . „ , A. . „ „ ’ k ho . ,s employed 1 j : ... .. Coun-y, A . . tty. General M. Crawford.! the „ Bank , of I L. A. ROBERTS, Catherin Nodi ne, o f 1 , the Government is not open public, I who has been investigating the I j Oregon, at North Bend. M r.Hunt- olnce . , walked . - - fo r| 1«------- as ths "Bond” place. A T T O R N E Y A T LAW girl, w ho settlement and may not be for some History is a great teacher. Hi.tory AnV person or persot s so .respa,s- W. W. deportations in Coos county ‘ey will remain with his son this 11 r « * u l * r t I a s /l 11 »1» l u l l ! I l I o y.Hiag I I. u • n a . si „ 4’. - . I . : n < « V f * P CZ£> t u / k i l t n f / I n t o o n o iia o h u m a n . j presented for bounty Hie skins of time. I Information has L been receiv-! never Keti out of date, h because human- Ing for the purj>ose of bunting, fishing, has returned a icoort exonoratinv ' wtek 8,1d then go Io Coquille where ¡* _ . . . ' i.„ 1-.1 » j * n .1. M y it le P o in t, Orcgo»«. or traveling through in any shape torn, Sheriff Gage and A. II. Powers from he has a number of suits in the ’J wll<lea‘* kl1 lt'd herself during ed by u.e to the effect that certain The ,am7hunger “Tr'breS the Ta™ Ik- . . . « five ... .. .u -ci . 1 persons 1 have 1 bee,, rcce.v.ng . . hunger for ,abor bread, the the same 4>r manner, or tearing down fences, or . .... . the . past months. ll,e cats from The brow same 8weaty with Probate husinesa a specialty. - . . . j , the part they took, or did not take. < c',cu 'l court.— Marshfield Record. leaving out side gates open, or molest-' 1 3 varied in size, some of them being <150 to <200 a claim tor fettling struggle to wrest from nature and hos- Mrs. A.J . Krantz, who has been ing personal pro.wrty, will be prosecu- i in the transactions. Gov. West is very large, and resembling the lyn x homesteaders on thia land, but tile men enough bread to feed its child- Xed to the full extent of the law. uot satisfied with the findings of »¡siting with her sister, Mrs. T. L. i ' l i r s t s T n n r U i* e r « ls W i t h r a a o a r e f e species more than wildcats. Miss these men have absolutely no author- ren, the same lust of the flesh, and the C a th a rtic , cure ronw iipeti »o fo re i Wn>. R. Johnson, 1 tiie Attorney General, and will send Carey at Wedderhurn for Hie past Nodine lives on a ranch buck in ¡ty to do this and they are robbing, we!farc of thc nia8S 18 always at odds ' ,Jr Candy X c W tlC -C lrutiuiciK tb l u »<> i Lessee of the above J o a special prosecutor to make fur i two weeks, returned to Port Orford named premises . . . the h ills and with the help of a good the people. This is a crime and liter investigatnm. .Saturday, living brought up in a . . . , „ . . . . dog has probably made a record all who nre implicated in these j Considerable interest is being l,u8iiy by her sister who returned to that is unequaled in Oregon as a fraudulent deals will be prosecuted. I taken around here in the wrestling " ’«dderburn Monday accompanied NotU-e fo r P u b lic a tio n . deadly enemy of these scourges. I have already taken up the matter • DxrAKTMRKr OV TUK INTKKIOH, malch that takes place at Myrtle l,y her little daughter, Evelyn, and (J. 8. Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon ith United Elates District Atty Point Friday between M. Lutsey '88 Dorothy Stewart. Mrs. Krantz Jun e 28, 1913. (Cooa Bay News.) J Reames and directed him to make Notice la hereby given that and Beach Chapman. At the Ag wil* 8Pebd a fortnight visiting here investigations and proceeil with the Ai-raxn 8. W kia - s ate Carnival last month L u tsev ! before returning to her home in Eugene Ingman, of Lakeport, prosecutions. ©( Orford, Oregon, , who, Octo- 01 r Port u n 01 io n ,, vregon wuo, on rnio- _ r n , , .. P „ r i l u ., .i her 25, 1907, made Homestead Entry wun frora Chapman rather e a sily ,, t ortlund. Curry County, who was commuted Ever since it became known that Nerial No. 04339, for 8E| NWI^, NEti hut it haa been surmised by some In attempting to_nennre d u V of Ao the insane asylum two months the Government would in ill prob EWl, HWt(_SEH., .«nd t>Wt< NEI4. jHeetiou .'16, Township 31 South, Ksnge that the latter "laid down” in view I Rogue river last Saturday morning ago, lately escaped, and at last ac ability secure title to this land ’ U Weal, Wiyauietu- Meridian, ol a return match at home, and this the Rustler struck hard on th«* liar counts was stilt at large. again, bogus locators have iieen go I has fit ed notice of his intention | to make final Fire Year Pnwf, to lends interest to the present match. , several times, hut after bumping Mis. Manly Robefb, a former 'ing alaiut the country inducing establish claim to the land alxive dea- Geo. E. Wolfrum, boss of th e 1 around awhile she got Imek in the re.ident of Port Orford and Marsh settleis 10 pay them 1 big fee for Criited, before Hardy T. hh-wart. Unit ed Stales Commissioner at Port Or Southern Pacific surveyors, who river again without any damage field, who was visiting friends here 1 locating them on homestead., j J9LL ° rn{On' ““ Ule 15 day oi Al,6,,8‘ have been working in Coos county other than wetting those on board. lor a few days recently, left for her They have worked, it is said, in Claimant names as witnesses : for some time past, was. in town one Among the passengeis were R. L home io Nan Francisco last week. I nearly every city and farming c o m -' L“ ü8UFarriere,' Fwrt,Vri<’rd‘ Ur,.‘Kou- day since our last issue on his way Macleay and W. H. Meredith, the The Porter m ill, while shutdow n luunity in the state, and it is esti-1 J M. West. south. Mr. Wolfrum stated that former enroute to Portland and the on account ot the dullness of the mated ilia’ they collected nearly George A. Wei la., y . Blades require frequent sharpening. his crew liad been ordeied to ban latter to Coos Bay. rhegentlem en luinbermarket,isbeingre<x)iistruct- <3,000,00i> in fees. B sn in F. J onks E dges invariably turn. * Register. Francisco, and lhat lie was making did not lose their nerve and were ed, and when the mill is again run “ It is not known just whntdi.posi- the trip overland along the coast, still on the boat when she succeeded ; ning it is expected that the daily ; lion the Government will make of It is thought that his trip has more in crossing the bar on the following cut will be in the neighborhood of this land," continued Sec. Lane. Knives are ground sharp at th e factory N O T H h I" O R P l IILK A IT O N significance Ilian lie was willing to tide. I. Il may not be o|R-n to settlement 200.000 feet. and are always ready for use. D xi - ahtiskxt or Tim I ntkkior , adinil, and that work may be com j« The wind and rain o f last week. I The gasoline boat Big Chief for a long time. It will lie turned U. 8. lAiid Office at ltosehurg, Oregon meliceli .0011 lipun the coast roule. August 9, 1913. that caused much damage io many brought the biggest catch of seafish over to Congress mid then a jxilicy The blade» »« guarantee to Notice Is hereby given that I he boys who are working on Hie ,Hirlions of the state, was an expen to I lie Wasson market Wednesday in regard to its disposal will lie out ta^e and hold an edge W iij - iam J. W hitworth government trail near lion niiiun- sive storiu for the farmers of Curry I last that had la-en brought in this lined. If it is dnm ed advisable of Port Orford, Oregon, who, on May , 1 1 , • - 1 it may be placed under the Forest 12th, 1906. made Homestead Entry b e - ,'ain’ *II‘‘|H s»»*’™1 ,,a) s 1« town county. Besides the ripe grain season. The catch of I0«libiit weigh Townships'»^ ,f Krange'u w est’" w ’ i I-' Werk .oW,,,g ‘° *M>r",Jr *«'“ '•« . j that was ruined, green fruit by the ed 2.725 pounds, and the ling cod Reserve in whole or in part until laineite Meridian, has tiled notice of Ju*t I'r*‘vi*,Uf‘ 10 ’¡'e ra'n lha?V bad tiushel wag blown from the trees ' and snappers brought the catch to the Government sees fit to open it intontion to m ake l ive year P n s.f to .pent several days hewing forester ¡n many orchards. The acoro crop over two ions. The fish were for settlement.” I « <*«tAt>iHn dAiin to the Iniid above <ie* » i.l u : n u . . . scrila-d, before H artly T. Stewart, Uni. Milbury figlil h e in the Middle m the oak woods w ill be short as caught on the bank which lies seveu ' tail S ta les Com inisaioni-r, at Ins office E.k section. I Iras. E. Mathers . many of tiie green nuts were shook miles off shore from Whiskey R un J day of Hepteni'tier, 1913. burned a sla»hin< nod the fire gut | from (he trees by the wind, and between Cooa Bay and Coquille. FOUND— A pocket book contain “ ‘ x Glaimant names as witoesaes: t liey o n d h i. oontn.l, and while it.’ this w ill lie quite a disappointm ent It was a big heap of fish when piled ing an anglers outfit, and a hunting a-v I P •£ o 1 r 1 K. L. Wmte, of ” ” | l,urntf" over a large area little - to many o i tbe ranchers who de- altogether on the floor of the mar and fishing license issued to Roy John Fr»uim Jr , of damage was done, in fact it did pend on the mast to fatten their ket, hot orders from the various Scott of Portola, Or. Owner may L. L. White, more good than harm as some bad bog,. In the (wo days that it • logging camps, coal mines and the have same by calling at or address V ( j B. F. JON EH, Register, brush patches were cleaned out. raioed 4 inches of water fell. 1 town trade soon cleaned it out. ing this office. , * Z heavy loea to the hop gTTTwers in W illam ette valley. 1 he United States Players gave a j performance in to w n fio o d a y . A pass to the press was tli Mrs. W. K. Miller, from -M vrtle f I» ï , • . . . . , . 8aw about the g it 04' wort Point, is vmiting with her inolhei« m a a n i .. i o n at ■ , . • mention. Mrs. L. A. McBride, at this place, i WOOD, . Will -Wbiie, the local stockm an/ U O. Corbin came into town delivered 1500 bead of sheep to! Manager. | Monday with sweet corn, tomatoes, Oakland. O r, buyers Igrt week. Boyle Jewelry Co. r TEMPERANCE. K N A P P HO TEL, Timber (Uaims. -Snirno- H ave j u s t received&La,rge S h ip m en t olStonn Crocks. See our W indow as yo u go by P()I‘t OrtOI'd t UMllUre ft HaHlWan Z