/ (Mirane Volume X X I I . P ..1 .T 014 1 X 4 « » . " « B P T B M U K Ita . u m G U L DIBKCTOBY. ■ rx n a«o BtOTwcT o r r u -i.a j U. fi. Senators— D r . H a rr y I ante, of Portland and Geo. K. C ham berlain o f Salem . Complete Control Gallon» Touch -v Beck Space Lever Carnage Retarder Improv«! Mammal Stop f t r a p me rot , Speed! n . Ever Dented These are feature* which make the Smith Premier the choice of the man who inveatigate* comparative advantages. ■ o w To »In o .t , . | •w tth > w i Pill a bollii or cominci •a ta r a.d let It stand tv. it hours; i • t or • * ’ - in. g u,u.cate_ «L. i unhealthy condi- ” tion of the kid- nays; If It stain* your linen H Is evidence of kid­ ney trouble: loo frequent deelre to pass it or pain In , the back Is alto son vine.."if proof that Ihe kidneys and blad­ der are nut of order. W h e t to B e . Thera Is comfort in Ihe knowledge so arts, expressed, ihat Dr, Kilmer’. Swamp- Foot. the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish ini curing rheumatism, pain In the baak. kidneys, liver, bladder and every part af the urinary passage. It correcta Insbllltv to hold water and scalding pain In passing I °r • Hec' ’ following use of liquor wins or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant "•¿•ashy of being compelled Io go often d u r ln r be day, and fo get up many times *»r.eg the night. The mild and the extra, •rd nary o/foct of Sw am p-R oot u soon raallied it stands the highest for its won­ derful cures of the most distressing cases. a medictne you should Save the beet. Sold by druggists It SOc. and J l. sizes, I T o ll may have a sample bottle of thia wonderful discovery end a book that tells mere about It. bothsert %baolutely free by mail. u ^ ^ rnCr H "»w Co., Binghamton. N. Y. Whtn writing men* BLACK - DRAUGHT STOCK and POULTRY MEDICINE Stock and poultry have few troubi .-M which are not bowel and l i v e r irregularities. 3 la c it- Draught Stock and Poultry Medi- . cine is a hovel and liver remedy for stock. I t put« the organs yf digestion in a perfect com! i tion. Prominent American breeder* and farmer* keep their herds and flocks ¿ea-’fhy Vy giving .h e m an occa- sional 1 »si» of B!a ««»«i W t Two eminent Oerman phydotaglat*. Dr. Rolf W li tmiann and Dr. Adolf B lr- hanf. hare arrived at tome Initructlve I result* from Inquiries concerning the j prevaleuee of bad sight and nervous disorders among women Students- and | teachers Forty-two per cent, of the women teachers have to wear glasses, as against ten among women not so employed, and 24 among male teachers Again. 40 per cent o f the female teachers are affected w ith nervous dis­ orders. while among men similarly employed only IT per cent have nerv­ ous comolaluta Long hours and 111- ventllated rooms are held to be the leading eanrea of these complaints among w- , en. but the result of them inv ‘•tfgations hen given considers! ’ eacourepement to Ihe iWN%g «Ht.bm In Oermany that general deterioration of the race must follow If women’s em­ ployment be not carefully chosen INSIGNIA OF SOLDIERS •v.n.ta I.,,t> I C:»nuy t'a th u r tle , c u r * «tmiRCiftnt I I C . C C ta ll, I , i «», V-^TES-A RIDER AGENT »a HEAD ACHE [AyersPills “ “ l B l . o i l t h h m y a a e e lr ir h v e e h m y y M M i i t t a a a a n n d d K K t l y h a av b r a r . n « s a f n g c a w ' . t l i i ; 1» »1,1 U e , » r, la e k . , , aiviUcine ne tins a ete. had In the hnuse I sat week my w it» t r a in c w n, b e .d a rh e 'fe r tw odafO . she trie d some nf t om C 1 MCA It FT'S and m e« relio ve d the pula In t a r head a im o ti im m ed iately. W t hoih n-e n r.etn -Casaerata I-.J n.uuuz ... Pm a,.. M U Tlwl» O nr- ). .* r g C U ftF C O M 3 n P A T IO M . ’ N-«sMt,s I «.»»«MV t%4«Bfs. »»< «O.TO-IAC ? .* ■ giei« iv 1 « M e. - e.___ ’__ 1 kv ell e re r luevdv« AiAtn I,... tea of Reee. J.L . MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, CHICAGO, 111. A beautifully i l l m t r a le d monthly magazine of t h e w i d e ­ aw ake W e s t w ith fa« mating short stories, picturesque personal point-of-vtew description of the interesting development o f the W e il, and the romance and his­ tory of the wonJerland of the earth. Ask your local newsdealer for current issue or stnii $1 50 foryear'a subscription. Iheb o o k, MRoad o f a Thousand W onders.” — 120 beautiful Western views in .four colora— w ill he included— free. .n . D é té r io r â t .. e . b . Wfcmwanda H a r e K id n ey TronMm ' and D o n ’t K n ow IL “ . Fear cost Perfect Durt Guard «C S8c •■ » y v tw io e tv te r t . s » r w e e r t l « « B v r ta a a ly A ll necessary operations in writing, billing or statistical w ork are accomplished from the key­ board of the light running, easy ad io n M odel 10 (V isible) Bell Bearing Type Bar Column Finder ead P a re ra n lw Decimal Tabulator ViriUo Writing A Key for Every Chatterer Perfect Ereeuig Facibum IntsrchaayrabU Cams^s Right and Left Carnage Relearn Levert Swinging Marginal Rack Protected Ribbon C am Drive. CarnMm Ribbo. Coetrolled from Keyboard Variable and Universal Lina Spacer • » v r s a w e ts c o WOMEN TEACHERS NERVOUS. IV umber I y I IN AN ANTARCTIC SQUALL Not a Pleasant Experience w ith thv Tem perature a t 72 Degree* of F ro s t Suddenly the mist lifted, and the tem­ perature, which generally ruse during a Kale, by this time had fallen to 72 de­ C. Haw ley, of Salem. grees of frost. The Hr, t squall brought G v e rn o r— Oswald W est, 8 *te m . drift snow, a'.d. we eulftred greatly from .Secretary of State— Ben. W . O tcu lt Sa­ .frost bites while securing our littlf lem. ■ camp, writes C. E Borehyrevlnks, In State T.aoanrar—Thoe. B. Kay, of S a ­ Antarctic Expt rlenccs." in Century. lem. Our relndverwlf t ping bag», which, while warm from previous use. had b< cn packed 8 u p t P ublic In e tru c tlo n — L . A . A ld ­ on the sh tige. where the)' became quite e rm an, Saletr.. flat and’ frozen hard, so that when the State Faioter— M’lllfa D u n lw jy . Salem. gale surprised us we had to thaw our- Attorney (ietierid— * >1. ( i awfogtl, aclvee gradually Info the bags l.ateron State Game Warden— Win. I,. F lu - ws used the dogs to thaw out the bags ley, Salem. for us. They alw iya liked jo roll upon anything that waa not snow or lee, even State H e .ltli Offleer— D r . C alvlu 8 were It but a thrown a » *y mitten; ar.d W h ite, buletu. • bey would tugs gouml and round over Halen,. ' ..,.,4 It. Imaglnlnls th,vt they w..e* warmer C lerk State l.aud Board— O. G. Brown, there than on the snow W h rg. an I hits ths found again upon numerous Arequlpa mid con tain ing Ninety acres of laud. «sme Inslgrla with a crearrnt In th. plates. 11 of which, made in and aime NAIL«, Tt«k«, orCitta will n^tin*«k u m ^ a ik d I T » T " . * fV. **• „ The adjoining m in ing claim (a that of angle. Stin-«dron or battalion sergeant last April, furnish the elements for a A h hundred u n d r e d tin th e u OCSORIPTIUKs »‘«'’" i . i n i i J ^ - I t Newton C. Divelbisson the South. majors have three liars with ar. arc ol reasonably accurate prediction of Its filling. very durabls rod " A t o S t V i f l T he land applied fo r Is under the two bars. The chief fh"s|el»n wears n position. - ' wscl.1 I n , of rul.|..r w ,7c '/ £ , H ie s p o n i l i , a n d » „ j,.), c , . J . “ ” - names of, The Hudi-on Flac.fr m ining bugle In hla ehevror, an ■’o-a the chief The cMculation off the orbit la well v v iib iS h ;» ,^ claim s, The W . O. Corbin c la im , The ' trumpeter. The droro ma.for wears twe In hand, and the results will be given is* • t i ' * *M«k rwbhertmed A. A Black claim , I h e Thad G iven i tmbroldered crossed batons In the ord­ In a volume of the Harvard "Annals" * ,ï"?,»«wef«rsetrlne“ B!» nance department the «hell and flam« soon (o appear The satellite la i es­ an ordinary tin», tho v u n c t^ r/n X u r S3’i,WrSi?ao . "d ‘*P" »fan rtm atrip “ M” claim , a' 1 placer, gold bearing gronnd. are borne. The hospital corp* and th* I tremcly small, probably t m faint to l»y noverai lavo- . A i . «oprayswt rtmeuttina. TMe Î ivcn T h e Htiilrou M ining Cl «< k t fs y C m * . C4iauUkeW «o«. ADDi »he wolf, with her fourcul«« huddled close­ « w-:»r 1wr r t t t r • -n.»- Ott»r»». v -d t.itwccn t-vi.it curs a - » « » ly under her, «ttaoked the h^ubd with her ; Gwo-rurod v . uiA h. •*jf«»*S. Wlw — ve« '« r t i* ra 4«« a/.**r Core paws, «truclc him two »ever« blown on !H:l» viro«., « h . ,,,. a.* urufki tU the head, and laid him out on the ground. Instantly the wild '»east caught the aide her tc ■’ 3ongreasman, Flrat District— Willis £■......... Straight LSaa KayhoarA « • " « • W * >»d Interthan^e.bl. Plat», Ball Bearing Carriage Revemble Tabulator Rack Simpla Stascil Cutting Davie Drop Forged Type bar. Perfect Line Loci Bichrome Ribbo* . 1»T3 I BUCKINGHAM'S DYE •W anted INVENTÉ PATENTS SWIFT N CO- sq w «i. AiiXinds o Harness a J Saddelry D one t