Curry Caunty Ahstrict- 1 Unity Company. H . T . Stewart 1« attending Town and County. court ih iiw e tk . I DQJ16 J T c W T h e Agate Carnival committee D « v l o desire- to express its tbawka to the , . 1 people of Port Orford who helped ; to make the T h ird A .itm al Agate ' Beach than ever eeen before in C ir- C a rn iv al a success, and especially unit Court time. do they Wish to thank the ladies ' D a»id p enweH who forged acheck for the part they look. The two , on the Bank of Bandon, for 150, big features of the C a rn iv al were was sentenced to a term of from one the picnic dinner and" the display , to five years in the penitentiary, room, and that these were a success : I j W e d n e s d a y was one of the was due to the women who w orkid ' |>(Wt ^ a u lifu , d#yg getu jn Porl so u n tirin g ly to that end. O rfo rd for some lim e, and m any • |>eoplo took advantage of i f by get { B andox W ertem » W ohld ) ting out th eir bathing suits. The sxw a I p V e ir y Co (.M a RSHUIKLI) St,’» . ) Carnival a: Port Or<o 1. VO. I he writer had the pleasure, of taking in one day of Port O rfo rd ’s thia week attending court* H e sets agates in any style or Agate C arn ival and spending an- ■ drove down Sunday, having eleven mounting desired AT once . other day on the beach at th at liust- . Only first class work done. passenger». ling little town and it is only Just We iurniah abstract of title, T h e G old Beach Globe of last Leach promised to an n ou m * the to say th at Port-Orford did herjielf Blue prints, Ownership maps week says th at Fred S. Moore w ill |iersoiinel of his de|sirlers therein. proud. move to G old Beach to live as soon Watches skillfully repaired U'o are informed that F rid a y County maps. T ides per av he can arrange his business Parties returning from tin Agate in our fully equipped Repair was reallv a bigger day than S a tu r fected and Registered. C arn ival at Port Orford report Department -No Delays. affairs so as to leave Seattle. day, for tiiat » i.s th e d a v of the big that it was a grand affair. In des M rs. T . L. Carey returned to her harliecue. there were also two haa- Grilling the least that was spread W. A. hom e at W edderbtirii Saturday. ketdall games, ia-twi-en Bandon for the visitors our inform ant got M a n a g e r . I.8he was accompanied by her sister, H igh School nivl p O rfo rd , both ' We are the only Jewelers lost for waul of words to expre^ the in Bandon that can do this Mrs. A . J. K ra n tz, who w ill visit in beach south of town had the appear of whudi were won by 'Bandon. Mrs. Chas. A. Jamieson and m enu,-and he concluded th a t the style of Engraving. Insist th at vicin ity for a short lim e. 1 unce of some popular summer re To W hom H M ay Cuucern I he wrestling match hetwe.-n daughter, G lady, returned yester population of Marshfield coulh live on the best. M rs Chas. Doyle, who has been •o rl’ * nd l»b»to<r»pher K n o rr got day from S ix e e 'R iv e r where they Luisey and Chapm an; was won by a week anti not feel hungry on the undersigned, hereby give no v is itin g at the Hughes home at Cape ou‘ hla earD* ’’a B'fd c ,u * ht » nu,n Lulsey, lie getting the first and have been visiting with relatives. tice that. I have a conveyance from the what Port Orford served its guests Patentee to tldelanda and water lota in Blanco arane the Agate C a rn iv a l,, ber " f lhe - * * nymphs in their cos ttdrd tails w iiile Chapiuan soeoeed- A great many of our citizens, iu a single day. the Harbor of Port Orford, Oregon, on _ . . I tumes. etl in getting ihe staanni, I'alf. * portion of which a part of the wharf came into town F rid a y end i* ' spent Friday and Saturday at the Mrs. E N. S m ith , of Bandon, The music was furnished i»v tlie as erected without my consent AU I »pending a few days as a guest of The H izz fun makers are here. Pori Orford Agate C arn ival. AH parties are hereby warned not to drive I , " , , , ,, met a aingulur death a | Bandon band id iLe Arnold Amusement report a good time and were great- I E. H. BOYLE, Mgr. They gave their first show to a piles or trespass in any manner what-, M r. and Mrs. John It. M iller, Phone No. 514 last Saturday. She had given hei Co., and Kiiusru.r* orchestra fu r soever on said tidelauds or water lots large delighted audience Mon day ly surprised at the splendid pro- , ' A lf G au ntlet and fa m ily , inelud- Mas. A sms 0 . D abt . two children a bath and was to take nished music for the dancing, ¡ ..g h ia two ».ma, epeni SundV 1” ’ d have cinch op our peo gram provided. Portland, Oregon. . - one Io reelf. H e r extended absence which of course nuikes it sure th at pie l«»r fhe w H iie week. T h t Doc ■ ________— t n ig h t in Port O rfo rd ,m i th e ir way l)i Miid Mrs. J. II. - Welln-rhee, in I lie haili room caused suspicion tile music was good. tor « lu i lead« the n I iow is a combi— FOR S A LÉ in th eir new Kurd apt>>, t<| Bandon T E M PE R A N C E . anil on Investigation she was found loi'ion of w it ami efoipience, seldom of the S lur Ranch, Curry County 1 The display of agates was beauti to visit relatives :aud sc* 0 ie fun were io town M onday. M r. W ether dead. I h-ci-aseil was a „daughter of ful as was also the moss and fancy omi in one mun, u t ile his h .— Eighty Acres of Bottom Lam^ situa at the W h its Cedar Festvial. *1 ln-e has one of the finest ranches in Thia column is edited under the Suspires, L W . Devoe, form erly of M y rtle Win k d-istday s iru -liv c lectures. profuse,y lllu s - ted on Sixes River, one-half mile from Oregon, anil is always aw ailing' of the W. T. C. U „ with Mrs. H T. i o jn l. .■'lie was an estimable lad y T h e T illam o o k arrived litt« Sal County Road and shout six miles from For the amuse,newit of the people, trated hy churls, are worth many Stewart ua editor-in-chief, und the Mea- .. i opportunities to improve. He an d ,h ig h ly tespected in the com there wii « a m erry go-round, shoot Port Orford. Clear title; no indebted urday evening, and next day look times the cost of admissions, aud ' ’ damea A. S. Johnston, E. J. Loney and ness; easy terms. For full particulars on 2600 W h ile Cedar lla itro a d Ties delivered in bis forceful, inim itab le ni!,'ie* “ »pecialty of Holstein cattle, R g Young, assistant editors. m u n ity in which »he lived. ing g allery, d oll rucks and m any «all on or address, for Portland. E. J. Loney, cashier manner, w ill cure the worst d y » -, ' Duroc Jersey swine and fu ll cream other concessions. „ MRS. A N N IE E M M ETT, . ... . cheese, which is second to none W ANTED- A good homestead or re I ’ . . « The dancing at the pavillion was 933, Valincia St., San Francisco, C at o f our B auk, took passage on the peptic of his grouch. The Great World Council at linquishment in Curry County. Not manufactured in Oregon. I T illam o o k for Portland on a huai- I here are six people with the very much cnjoced Friday night Milan. over 1.? miles from the ocean or bay.- | nes* visit. show and the actors and p erfo rm - 1 Bandon’s hunch of basket ball and Saturday afternoon but unfor J. A. SM ITH, j Mrs. In e z M ille r and son passed era are stars in their respective tosaers have lost none of their prow - 891 E. Caruthers St., Portland, Or. tunately the »bowers Saturday Prohibitionists throughout America evening drove the people to tHe I through town Saturday enroute to lines whether as Fun Makers or as ess by their long rest was manifest will be intensely interested in the pre liminary announcements regarding* the virtuosos in classical music. W e hy the way they walked away with hall for the Saturday evening dance, their home a t Gresham, O r. Mrs- F o V 'N D — A (Market honk contain l.. K N A P P P r o p r ie to r biennial council of the International j and owing Io the small hall and M ille r had been visiting relatives cannot outline their excellencies in , two victories over the Port Orford Prohibition Confederation and the ing an anglers outfit, and a h u n tin g a t Hogue river for several weeks n short article; but our reader, who ¡team at the Agate Carnival last Fourteenth Congress Against Alcohol- and fishing license issued to Roy large crowd there was somewhat Firab-class in every respect. ' and was also one of thé instructors fail to attend every night w ill miss week. The score 21 to 13 and 17 ism, which convenes at Milan for simul Scott of Portola, O r. Owner may, of a congestion on the fl.wsr; but one of the rarest treats that ever to 6. The boys report a splendid taneous sessions during the week of Q o jd Feed Stable attached. a t the teachers In s titu te . iiave same by calling a t nr uddreks • everybody seemed to have a good As tim e and. have nothing but pruise September 22 to 30, incluaive. time. came this way. ____ T h e Rustler called into our har large a group of-'American Prohibition ing this office. for our southern neighbors. Q uite a number of Bandon |>eople _ . r. _ hor last Wednesday evening, while ists as possible should be present at We run the Stage from Port Orford , 7 ’ look advantage of the opportunity , , . . . • M rs. M ary Ilo lln field, of D rain, thisnotable gathering, the inspiration via DairyvlU«. connecting with the enroute from Hogue river to Coos M r. G ralh w e ll, the P ro h ib itio n , m „ dln(l,|,er ,,f J |ra , s q .E n d ic o tt | of which wifi stir the hearth of all to go down to the Carnivul and all H tM g w tn M y r t l e P o i n t , B a y .> She had a sm all ahipm enl > AS » . . M —« /.la .. « . L).. m A O rator, spoke at Port Orford Wed friends of the Great Reform the |workl report a good tim e.—dleootder. of ibis city, was killed and M rs. .... ------ —-----e---------------- of salmon on hoard from the river, nesday night also on Sunday morn over. W a lte r K e n t,o f D rain , sister o f M rs HARDY T STEW A R T j and a t this place loaded some 12 ing and evening. H e had just re En dico tt, was seriously injured i f . » . C O M M I H W O N E R CUb7 ' bu; ' 7 ' ‘ J \ he turned from Gold Beach and Wed- when the automobile, in which they I round th at hud been down for (lie lllinois Women vote on the derhurn where by his zesl and ora- P o r t O r fo r d , O reg o n . ¡C a rn iv al. were rid in g , turned tu rtle near Saloon Proposition. lo ry, as at P o rt O rfo rd , he aroused , Ranch“ ’ Tuesday afternoon. Office days in town—Tuesday* Wed Purvin W rig h t, President of the scores of indifferent people to the , d()Wn # ,ong b u , t|)e brakeg nesday and Saturday of each week. The first test in Illinois of women’s Lewellen Iro n W orks, and his son crimes o f the L iq u o r Traffic securing reluse(1 to lTork for M r . Rent, who ' sentiment regarding saloons was made ¡Iv a n B. W rig h t, Samuel A. M ooie, their pledges to vote for State-W ide wgg gB<, hft lri<jd g,Hp in Benton July 22. Benton, a city of an A tto rn ey, and Chas. Stew art, all P rohibition in 1914. H e wasenpec»«; . „ . . .. a . . » . W. A. WOOD r '" ’ | hy running into the h*ink but the about 6,000 people, is the county seat o f Vancover, B. C., wete visitor* in a lly successful in raising fu n d , by |u rn w l (h# cgr ovcr of Franklin county. I t has had no bs - A T T O R N E Y A T LAW Port Orford last F rid a y and Satur cash and pledges for the battle t h a t , R e n t g(i(, hjg tbrM ch i,dreo j loons for five years. This spring un- der the commiaaion form of government, BOLD BEACH. ORKttOK. day. T h e gentlemen were on an is on u ntil victory iasmhieved. M r. in ju ry . a licence ordinance was introduced. 1 uulouiobiie outing and alao taking U rath w e ll is a young man,a Fresh The vote stood three for and three a- a look at thia part of the country. man in College, and has nlready gainat. The mayor referred the m a t-. (Coos Bay News.) They expected to continufe south won five,out o f six In te rsta te O ra ter to the people. So the ballot read, I .. . , as far a* Crescent city and return torical Contests, and i t ajdudged h / The run of chtnook salmon con “ Shall the ordinance for Hcenaing Have you any to offer, or do you z, . J dram shops be passed?” , u i .9 , j i home via. G rants pass. 1 hey were all who have heard him as the beat N o w is tim o l tinues lig h t, the boats only averag know of anyone w ho has? I desire . . . . , The Women’s Christian Temperance . , ■ ,, ». i enioying their trip , and expressed O rator th at ever spoke in this sec * X ing a few ftsli each of a night. Union assumed the responsibility of to purchase. Angua G . M ackay, 1 7 , ,, , i . . u i c . . i . p „ u . , themselves as well pleased with the tion of Oregon. H e left for Lang, A fe d s « s o t io a w ill d o y e a Fishefm en sell chinook from the getting the women to the polls. Mrs. te r Real Estate Agent, Port H u ro n , , , , i 1 |M>ss;bililies of future development lois Tuesday morning leaving re good. boat at 4 and 5u per pound, but the Mary Hart, wife of former County / • j th a t they had found along the coast. g re tfu lly , a bust of loyal friends and T h e beat loads Cor daclt eboot-" retuil price at the markets is 1 2 | Judge Hart, was made chairman of the ' i Central committee. She chose one E d ito r S. E. Maraters o f the admirers of liis gen iality nnd bril cents per pound. ing ero ' woman from each ward to act with H aul talents. T res pasa N o tic e . G old Beach Globe, upon his return T h e dredge Seattle, which arrived ' her in polling the city. The local pres- home gave the Agate C arnival a , on the bay recently, commenced t ident, Mrs. Hudgins, then called for volunteers to make a house-to-hou sc Notioe is hereby given to all persona i veiy nice writeup, which the people w m k Wednesday at N orth Bend, 1 Encounter W ith a Panther, whom It may «oncer», uot to enter up-1 ,, Qrl Q|foR, d u , ap ia (r j„ | canvass, and fifty-six women responded. on the Southern Pacific fill south Each ward was divided into sections, oa or trespaM upon the premises of D . , , ,, . . WATERPROOF 1 Knapp, tor the purpnae of hunting, or f««‘ ^ “ ^ly al1 o i llie P’ P " 1* on U,e The following item is taken from i of O ld Town. I t w ill take a few and two women were assigned to each S m o k e le s s P o w d e r UabliiL with noox and line. Stud pre-1 Coquille and Coos Bay as well have th eo ld tiles of the Coos Bay New», weeks Incom plete the work there, I section. A day was decided upon for a misee are situated on Elk River, Curry had nice things to say Hlmut the dated M arch 31sl, 1880, and printed after which, it la under-lood, the ' whirlwind canvass and practically County, Oregon, and generally known c a r lliva l, a sample of which w ill lie , , 1 n i„ ... j u u ¡,k I every home in the city was visited, ■ . there.,. A p ril 1st, 1913. ¡dredge w ill I n * ............................... .. to the South j thgt day The canvaMerg with a . the -B ond” place. j found one or two clippings of W e have anything yoo may • • ■ 11-.' Don’t tell your boy», that such „,¡11 to cotnm-ii.-e wot k on the deep them sampic ballots from which they I Any person or persois so trespass- this issue. Visitors went away need <or the trip. lug for the purpose of hunting, fishing, ils are not dangerous, fo r' channel to the -ea. showed the women how to vote; some m J w . or traveling through in any shape form satisfied with the tim e they lia d ,! lbere are cross anim als in every I o flire i H on ei Fritch left the good liter,ture- which ‘ hey left in the or maimer, or tearing down fencea, or else these com plim entary notices aneciea from a Flea to an Elei.haot ! , . home, and a note book in which was fC b c id e Y *M»r H owpii W ith CAkenruMi ouy, about la u wtekb ago, he in- | recorjed the name and address of each leaving out aide gates open, or molest- wou|d not be appearing in the pap- 3r»nf*y o t h r v i i •. cure rmrtipflHTn rj J5c I f C G <’ ÍA-. lriiuNiM U r«*r w. l| M r. Paletson, while looking after fuo ntd ua that there seemed ho voter, how she would vote, and when ing (wrsonal property, will bo protocu- erf A „ d p ort <jrfOIM , profiting by O f. ted to the full extentof the law. | # f-w * jn lhg ,g c > f stock on the South Coquille, was j uUbt but that his proposition to to call for her. These facts were ta b -[ attacked hy a panther and received pul a ]„ig e and fast steamer on ulated and the names arranged alpha- Lessee of the above n ival they have yet given, w ill be betically on several sheets» ready for j some serious tujurtes. H e was so the San Francisco Portland route, named premises able to do still belter next year. use on election day. badly injured that he was not able culling a t Eureka and Coos Buy, The day came. The committee was The large barn belonging to M r. to gel home u n til the following day; would prove successful. W e notice the polls half an hour before the Bement on upper Floras Creek was then could not give fu ll details of , in a San Francisco paper th at M r. I at tjme for openjng The firat woman N otice for P u b lic a tio n . burned last 1 uesday night, entail . , be e|)COU|llefi f ronl the fact that be j Fritch says the steamer he has in i who voted was Mrs. Margaret Martin, DxrsaTMKKT TU X IXTB U IO K , U. 8. Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon | j _ „ |„ Ht estimated at from $3000 I | ’ _ r | was made insensible fur a tim e as view w ill accommodate fidO passen- j seventy-seven years old, and for fifty T u n o OR U I'l I ° June 28, l 1913. i to $5000. S i ^ y tons of hay, four ] |h . |ikg B,eepi accommodatinns, 1 years a resident of Benton Ten automo- Notice Is hereby given that 1 , , , ,, o nn/, „ biles had been gratuitously placed at the horses, wagon«, harness, « * . . " e r . hjg ljfe wgg ggveJ by U)e Aumxsi 8. W m as ifnd that she w ill carry 3,000 pas- . .. . .. ... disposal of the committee. o l Port Oxford, Oregon, who, onJJcto- pumed up. The fire was ofincend eengers on a day light ru n . H l» 111- The chivalry of the splendid men of liu ic ly assistuiic« of his dog, which lier 25 1907. made Homestead E u t r y , Herts! NÓUM W . for 8 E I NWJ<, N El< ! la ry origin , and w hen M r. Bement teutioii is to bring the ves»el around ; Benton cannot be excelled. Ministers, [fought the beast with vengeunce MW ), N W Û V E M i «nil N E 1«, ran out to see if he could save from the A tlan tic seaboard in tim e lawyer», business men, city and county Hection ».Y o w n sh ip 31 South, R a n g e ___ . . LU, ItWUXC a » . to go into service l.y January 1st. ' officials, clerks and judges, vied with Meridibu. w m etbiog he was «hot at by some 15 Wee», WHlaotelrte es -h other in acta of courtesy and kind has fi leal notice of his intention unu concealed in the brush. The I” Z iV «...1 y - t Pr.«,i to ---------------------- ------------- --------- W h a le , F ig h tin g S h a r k , A ris e s A p arty arriving from Gold B - s e ll ness. establish claim to thejand above /lew- loss 1« a heavy one ns the property C lo s e to B o a t. What was the result? Four hundred I h s I week says liia t two lisln-rmen, cribed, before Hardy T . Stewart, Unit- as not protected by insurance., and twenty-two women voted. Four I who had been quarelling over iisu b . , . » . 1. . h . f . , h „ of a . U l year old girl who Wat assaulted in I of ° r ’ '"K r '« h l‘ wtre " ,,oul lo Cowmeoce hundred and eight of them voted a- - *1913. gainst the saloon. The total vote was eg was sighted.^ff ^ 'ewI*or‘ legal proceedings, when another i an() the dry majority was 52T, Claimant names as witnesnes: M . L . B arrett ie at Gold Beech' G o ld B e a c h , O r e g o n WOOD, There ie a larger crowd in Gold Bandon, Ore. — l)r. Bailey K Leach is tu get out the next issue of hie paper, Justice, at Portland. T h e notoriety he gained in being de|K,rte | w ill create a sale for his publication, WATCH REPAIRING HAND ENGRAVING I, Boyle J ew elry ’Co. Bandon, Ore. f . ' t K N A PP HOTEL, Port Orford, Oregon, THERE IS Going Dock Shooting? Timber Claims. absolutely no word to express the efficacy of ¡„ ■the treatment trea. BALUSTITE' C Ó M S , COLDS B ^ C H IT IS CATÂRRH, GRIPPE AND RHEUMATISM * . ALi. DHUGGHTS Cheever & Bowman Of l«Su Earner? P o rt’V r f',r'1’ at 0 „fo lh.ueli w ith bis • n<1 lb* <a®*e g,,lng fisherman suggested that as lawsuits : judge Hart said, ” 1 have been here i sny of hunter» " n<l are e x p e llii Ve it would he greatly j for twenty-five years and I have never j M West " ” out w ith a par , u ’„ u . •> ” fa fam m llv ily attending C v -iiv«,. ircuit Court. v/o u i.. I , „ urigt(> witnessed a w on d erfu l! ¡ o the' r illterest», ftnuncially and seen things so quiet and orderly ton George A. Wells, B knjaxix F . J ones sight when a large whale jum ped if thev would hire a h all. ! e,ection day‘ Register, i ___________ — --------------- --------------------j ford la»l Thursday on his wsy to clear ol the water when it ! charge .d m i» ( fon fee, and fig h t! o n f id X " ffito X 7 h T a m o f N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N D ifamtmentof tux I htemiob , attend C irc u it Court D ial. A tty , close enough for those on board to (l ()Ul l|||(|er MMr(J„ i(1 of j. ¡C h e rry good ^.„ple throughout this entire sec- Geo. M . Brown dropped into the »ee llie hsilincle» on it nnd also t h e : ro j lh|) wil)ner , (| have , , je j eei tion regardil>g fishing rights, and Tribune Office and handed us a thrashei shark which was fighting it. C. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon d o llar and a h alf on “ that autumn Notice 1. hereby glvVnVhat"' 1#' 3' | •>•>«-” M r. Brown is a lover of 1 l.e O llie wss billowing the door rnmsay to be divided fiO j whales when this large one sudden and 40 |H.r Cent. T h e fishermen W illiam J. W hitworth borsefieah and lie said th at one who 1 ly jum ped close by w ith a tremen a„d tiie fight wss pulled off of HoitOrford, Oregon, who, on May had lust such a friend had hissym duus splash, rocking the boat. The beline an apprcoiáiive audience. r i i l ,k t ^ “ l ^ ef o r ^ w r 18 ^ ,1t i o n . 5 l p ttlhy* On this trip over into the thrasher sharks ulten attack the The younger m,i n wus the w inner, Township 34 8., Range 14 west, W il- j Cllttl!l country M r. Brown is d riv in g whales and desperate battles rage ohl ( dindsyed lamette Meridian, has filed notice o( I fa- „ r :la horse savins that lie before the ................................. whale ¡skilled or eeo»|»es. 1 BUIeliea. intention to make F ire year Proof, to , h»* .avorite nurse, saying that ¿St retab li'h clatm to the liuid above lie- scribed, before H ard y T. Stewart, Uni ted Commissioner,.at ted Stame S tate «--------------------- - - bis office - ,, at Port Orford, Oregon, on the 22nd J% X 5 „ W X ; M 1S.ri.netoe»: preferred to travel th at way rather In this instance the shark was ob . T ül laol,er t*1* 11 “ r “ u l°- 1 ,,e P '»oner before served to pass under the whale t he bar need pot worry about get- with lig h tn in g speed ting justice when the prosecution “ O ld M . n ” Maurice, in his fa- Emery Whitworth, of Port Orford, Or. of his case i* in the hands of a man John Fromm Jr of ’’ " I who is • f r i’ n’l to dum b anim als, mous journey down the coast in a 14 foot dory last year, witnessed st L. L. W hite, cloee range a tight between three I sharks and a whale. - ~ ; ” B. F . J ’ ■ , ” ’ and such a man is the „tto rn ey, Geo. M. Biown. ’ ■ b rillia n t L. A . R O B E R T S , A T T O W IN K Y A T M y ille P o in t, O reg o n . PiobaW hiieines» n (ipeoi-ilty. K nivca arc g ro u n d » h a rp »1 t h e f a c to r y smd a ra a h vay » re a d y f o r m e . T he blades 1»c guarantee to take and hold a n edge W. II. MEREDITH W e carry sa « x rx llcn t aaaortm ent ATTORNEY and COLNSELLOIt AT LAW W E U O K ltU U U N , O R E G O N M. LEE PEMBERTON LA W lea require fre q u en t «liarpcning. Edges invariably turn. P H Y S IC IA N Oflice. at Langlois Hotel, L a n g l o is , O r l u o k Ha, ve j us t rccci v o d a L arge S lu p in e a t o lS ton tt C rocks. See o u r W in d o w as y o u Port Orford Furniture & Hardware SI ore. ,• / •i