THE ntlBULNE. W EDNESDAY A l'G . » , I#J8. fuinwb'Mj fy»ry Wo-lnesday, by 1 respect lloit flag Iwwausa it has nlwaya ) * « • aUppMwf u, symbolize law and unler and justice, and I regret its prualitulion aa in thia case to ignoble bate and cowardly ran cor.” HARDY T , STEWART. MulbaJVJ&at before the 11*0. 98-J1J ¡B K l’OKT of T H * COSDJTIOf OF P"KT , TV® H*Mif .. , 0» ___ _ Durone, ~ Offen Many Attr.cti.aa. Ixiuis K napp , I’re». at Port Or Xl MWAlT, V. Prg» I f«W, in the Htate of < >rrir< . on, at tfie clone o f buainea. August a 1013. B asrlm ll on a large acale w ill E. J. L oney , Cashier, RESOURCES b.- .......I " ? - s e n a t e C ert,r P ratival. A ll »tar team » o f " ‘’"‘la a w , w a r ra u U ..* 7 ? .7 ... 1,937 17 Cummittea was through - « • »•"" leagu e p lsy sr s g o in g <o - - . . . H e , f e ^ ^ X w e b a n J ) ^ 9 ■P SUBSCRIPTION RATK*. discoveiwHr fresh bundle of luttera Kx,»rn-<e “ n„ , - a • 61° 28 £ ta a C w y U ip i Y a a » . , • • 'r * ' all of later date, bringing the afltiv- for $ 3)0 00 io cash. J o p j Six ------------------- ns Copy Montila '... money ia al»o guarantee.!. Tl»» t toe from approved reserve banks«,02J..59 ia Copy Three Months. ' . , ” ........... . Checks and othere»sh Items.. . . (>» as uc ilies of the luanuftcturera Associa- lin eu p o f th e leaiua allow s th a t th e |*-»»h on hand . . .......................... 1,018.8? H A N K ' lion up to the beginning of the W il- t .T* , >“ ***la««raaai>oy<.»frapMJ am adintnistrs tnxi. In une of them » ir t S Ä t o S w • h‘eM H detailed instructions are given to the worker*stationed in . Waahing i ton to defuat the reenactment of the A oraarisiaa R a n a KaaaonabLa. . exemption of work ,*eople and farm ( era from the operation of the Sher PVPPfNT Topics. man law. And further, i f it should B r J II. P»Tp$. , Para both Houses, to try to secure jj l * veto by President Wilson. fiditor Titintxte; Further - i» vpetjgstjçn» - w. info *be ! 1 regret that tile T mmcxk did not i*»t l>a»vhnll and the most k e e n ly Total • ’ - . • - »82,639.49 lough, games of llte season will I n . . . LIABILITIES at Handon during the F eN tiv a lH * P 't« l «tvek paid i n .......... ,,.10,001). ^urplus fund.',.................... 500.00 week of August 25th. to 30ih U ndivided prodta, leu, expenses Charles Griders rough riders' in and taxes paid. . . . . . .«i In dividual deposits subject to eluding a dozen outlaw horses And c h e - R . . . . . . ........................ »,867.13 men who have been the ber<iea of Petnw id certiflcates of deposit 136. the big rhfiog events of the west t/!.« hier checks outstanding ........ 4.23' rim e certiUcaltfs of d<-]X)sit....... 350.68' will give an exhibition at Bandon Total • - $32,539.49 o f cowboy »porta. There will he! _ horse bucking contests, riding mules,' STATE OF-,OREGON, K ew ij a v e p l|p jlro»< | mud«J|s di»- jp r in t th e stsirch tn g G overnor Fancy rope W b ’N fY O f UUBRYf * * West steers, bulls, etc. close the f»c, ii)at J. iforgat, g-V« Al Powers the King pin of throwing etw cashier of tto abcvJ-named“ paa at the fcntoni and top of tlw M'U*hlfohLUwlmaneee aa «tell us 1 he water »»poru will he u«»iue guJem!,b ^W W that the above «tab1 ’l pKlawful proceeding« limbing fo » Wha$ 1» aaid about the I. W. W. ^ - • I s F ^ A p I l l U . , There «rill be M W ?* eompWk. monopdy of transport.! ¡»«4 P '- P ««h. The Governor did f*c e *Z ............... -«»WfN-^-fcONBY, Uou ia New Knglantl resulting jn himself proud in his chsrscterlza- rowing races, sweep an,] m i ll e r 1 u 1 ' Cashier. L n ‘“ ‘■‘er ,Siibse*il»ed s * d sw orn to before the iiplicunent ,rf pi^sidetjt kfellen , limi of rich »«d respectable law r. u . TA v F, ‘ an • 11 ,,ut°ber of other new fbta lHtli.dsy of A ugust, 1913. am, fin e ly driying hinj u qtuf office. breakers. and iiovel stunts. * ‘ “ J. I). - L o u c k s , It waa Nfqrgat), nql Mellen, that or Two payments fo President Me Notary Pu Wie. On Tuesday morning there will Coaaacr-Attcrt: KHiitged the conaptracy that result 'lan opt of the funds of the New be a monster Children’s and Indus Locia.Kg*»». , _ If»« piet'lfing of thp Central Haven railroad funds aggregating trial parade Three bands will , C; w- Zvaw.vvr; f Erector, Vermont Jinterpriye, « mpppeling > 100,000 were looked into by the furnish music for the Festival. line under c o rru p t ion agd well Commerce Commission and an ex The free exhibitions will inolude advanced. I t gras Morgan, n o t! planation requested which disclose« balloon ascensions, high dive from Mellen who engineered the actjnire. the fact that Mellen had been re •O ft. ladder and the latest and men I of t he steamship line cop- . iptbursed for contributions to M r most Astounding sensational act Real Estate Notary Public or necting Netr York and ^ r tla p d , Jtuosevelt's campaign in J9O4. In The Whhr, of Death in which a Maine, gnd against Mellen» protest view of the lately disclosed fact that rider defies the laws of gravity. N »-T o -IH m $ f o r » « r t y C e n t * . he knowing it tq be against the law. j Mellen had been.simply tha^realure ..Ü a a r m u s M ] uyhaeco h a b it o g r» m a ka a There w ill be a free game of push fc *a .b ro u if 'ood »»«Ta ’ ^ j; d r n < g iS JD »bflftj if that p a w 'o f Morgan, and that Morgan had ball by G rider’s rough riders also Mellepjtq» b a n »imply made th e , contributed *150,000 to that fund lr«e exhibition of rope throwing >‘K^ ” i* >« probable that Mellen con tri b a,id a boot and saddle race. There Secretary Daniels is mistaken in Uled in pursuance of orders. wifi he a score ol other free a ttra c t Jia .Mumpttun that the red flag Tbs Recorder is trying to mis , iohs, The W hite Cedar Festival «er 7 . v ^ ”k ' Qi rt“ “ l« H‘ VOU," ‘ “ * • “ * * " « ot ¡ - « ¡ " i include» more events than I ihv J L a r i« waa m“i tb lhe 1 ” ’* * * ’ S * 1«1* Fort Com minion, ever l>een crowded into a carnival E iS 2? u - huuld lhe * " » • ®*r ,F UP there, by in Coos County before. h lfrno rtty or degrade,ton. Thia l u t i n g that m, bond, c o , * issued Before the cowboy sport» to take J .m J ii’t T Pe,>P WerV u m le r lb . law in .be absence of . place on Saturday August 30ih. ** * * r " vote of the people ordering .ante, there wHJ be a track meet. One ufj badge of some sort to distinguish This is nut correct. The ordering the evente w ill lie a one mile relay Wagons and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock, th^ ‘t b Like *’f “ b° nd iMU' ” * ,u"«‘ i00 ‘h i race. Curry County should send a also Agent for All Kinds of Farming Im «11^ i d • W7 , 80 BOUn,,’r Purl Commiaeioncra. team of four men to compete in this. palled ia doriaton, and like the ’ plements; McCormick Mowers, etc. Other races will be 100 yd. 220 yd. Pamucratic party w^ich designa- " * ’ * quarter mile, half mile & one 'iuilej lion waa applied to Jefferson’s party 4 Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a Entries close August 23rd. Open belittle it, both the churoh and ' (.Reasonable priee. Your patronage solicited. W. U. MEKKDITH In amateurs only. |he party finally ait-zed out the dee- ' On Friday cveping there will he ATTURNKY a«n COVMSKLLOR igqatione ae their own, the common fraternal parade'’- followed by a AT W W peqpie, ea aooo as it dawned b p,« 1 masked ball on the open air pnvil ‘ b’***' awaking Oonsciousues* that W K Ö U J E ftB U M N , O U É O O N lion.' th«T T»re entitled to liberty went forth to battle for it under the folds f>f the rad flag. Thus the scarlet J banner became the international ' S ' ' $yrnbql of Ljiberty I The Poles made U by thyir fo-roic resist O l« ’ I » O » T O K F ’O K l k YOUR EANsKING BUSINESS SOLICITED NO BANK WILL HANOLE Y C U R BUSINESS PO RT ORFORD better OREGON Langlois Hardware Store H a r d w a r e o f a ll K in d s WILLIS T WHITE Sr Cheever & Bowman M a c h in e r y & M o w in g M a c h in e s . E x t r a s f o i D a ir y in g ; O s b o r n e , M il w a u k e e M a c h in e r y . Port Orford, Oregon i* a in ts, O ils &: S t u m p i n g P o w d e r F in e lin e o f G u n s, B a s e b a ll p a r a - P ^ ^ n a l i a , a n d o t h e r S p o r tin ig G o o d s k e p t In S t o c k . GENERAL D o o r s a n d " W in d o w s i n v a r i e t y c o n s t a n t ly k e p t o n h a n d . Blacksmithing B E E H E R JESS P ort O r fo r d , O r e g o n ^npe to -Russian invasion, and ,ater Pulaski further iram.»r,alize<l the scarlet emblem by causing it to be carried io a ll th» campaigns of the brigade he commanded in our pwn Revolutionary WaF. Ayd the jreet patriot waa finally ¡ r pur $uanoe of hie own prev ¡pus request $nwrapped tor bqrtal in the folds of the beautiful silk flag presented to hiup by the patriotic ladies of Yhi!odei|>lpa. And so far Irom our people re ! piembering Pulaski as a dangerous anarchist, seven of our states counties in his honor. These were Arkansas. I Georgia. Illinois, fndisna. Kentucky. Missouri. Virginia, the state in which Mr. V*«iela ia said to have first seen tiie figbt. - r WHITE CEDAR FESTIV’L ’• ¿ • C AMES S .. JOHNSTOH (F o rm e rly G » a n tle tt*s ) Newly F itted Up; E lectric L ights V .TV NEW GOODS, and fresh supplies will be received b v ev erv ste a m er Ì ill >r TABLE UNEXCELLED GOLD BEACH, CURRY CO., ORE- H ot and C olo T ub ano S hower B aths I irst C lass Barn and Garage in Connection, Affording all Conveniences for Saddle Horses, 1 earns, Automobiles and Motorcycles > G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , BOOTS and S H O E M E N S and BOYS, C L O T H IN G , L A D IE S ’ DRESS GOODS H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E »nd T IN W A R E . C IG A R S , TO B AC CO , P IP E S C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S . In fact, a supply of e v ery th in g u su ally kept in a w sfl stocked G eneral M erchandise .«tore ORDERS TAKEN FOR ANY ARTICLE NOT fN STOCK, i all and examine goods and g et p ric e s .; 4 I ’l l t '»Ufi The Biggest Ever ir f f | DOORS - WINDOWS - MOULDINGS “Let’er Rip” d o f hear you s^y that sp- called anarchists espouse the red flag» A ll right, the patriots who ho1 adopted the red flag hundreds years before the anarchists were ever beard of, have no patent on the color, and need not be distressed because of ¡lapse by others. AVeek of Aug, 25-30 p r. Lsach fairly took the breath ‘ away from the mob who landed him on the sand hills when they, with becoming oslenUlion, ordered him , 1« kiss lite American flag, when be ’ $ a i* “ W ith the gieatest of pleasure. ‘ r An Ian Worth While A* Tell conteotl t^at the carrying of a yellow (fag by a party w||| Switzerland, the home of the ntual patriotic, liberty loying bunch of kutpaas on earth, «post a Rag *1- . typsl wholly red as hyr national Stnblem. L a n g lo is , O r. . i m p o r t Orford, Or.“c ^ LEAGUE BASEBALL ! R K T v S X ’i.A S(Y)re. of Free - Attraetinns' Thè accidental adoption of the red flag by the railroads aa a danger signal ia the only authority Necre tary Daniels has lor ao designating ^by ryd ba,met. B ow m an , I ll A big time all the time contracting that disease, ss to say that lit« carrying of the Rad Flag by lb*Socialists tends to propagate lawlesawees. ’ - C heever $ (Succeasor to N. C. N ielsen .) :E Bandon week of Ant?. 25-30; , P ip e F i t t i n g s , P lu m b i n g a n d T i n w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n s h o r t n o t ic e . / JOHN R. MILLER.. GENERAL MERfITT A Kf T A n y th in g yo u N eed in M ill W :r k W rite us for P rices or a n y Inform a tion yo u N eed in this L in e ' North Bend Manufacturing Co Port Orford, Oreuron- Has oponed'a new Store, with NEW GOODS, IV o r th U e n t l , O r e g o n Always Remembsr the FuD Laxative ^romo Quinine Cures e Cold in One Day, Grip in T w o . Bos. 23c.