I f < 1 t • IP Shots at your Finger Tips in the A l w a y s S t a y s “ P o t ’’ s a v a e e The Burrow Clevis THE TRIBUNE, WMERbgg W iTstm , G o t lU 'v M otto»». H, T, 8TEWABT Editor and Publisher. I J IM K ijf l BBKST I SVIO 1 JHWRTin N i» i» M « « r ip ( lo n ( J p O |. LIGHT RUNNING & R4PJI1, IIU MC 1 Isiin.] Ita ill K e u r lu g . The Leading I‘a|>er of Curry County, I’n lilW every 11 ednesdny, at I'm i Orford, Oregon JO U R N Ax- And TRIBUNE. A U T O M A T I C P IS T O L , file Aavage Automatic smothers every adversary ... in Mie rapidity of its tire. Vi'hen the occasion comes you have ready the quickest, handjegt and most accurate arm made. Give youraitlf every pqssihle advantage. It means life or death, That is why you will discard your rpyplyer when you see the Savage. Special :Feature; which w ill Appeal fo fo u TEN SHOTS: Double tl,e num ber contained in an oidi- nary revolver and ttyo more than other automatics. ACCURACY:1 The pistol is so constructed that all powder gases are utilized, insuring extreme accuracy, as well as freedom from fouling 3IM PLfCITY: pe^ef parts than any other autom atic pis­ tol. Uompletpjy dismounted by. hand without the aid of tools. M q sprews to work loose. * T he O regon D a il y J ourna T h e manager« ARM S COM PANY, U T IC A , N E W Y O R K , h , i ¡M U e a S emi - W eek ,.r , which is esp ecially a d ip ted A n y o f th ese paper« can be had in c e fl.b in a tif^ w itl, D ie P O R T OR FOKD T Daily and Tribune - - - - - - 1 HOUSEWORK Too much housework wrecks wp- I «esee’e uerros. And the oonttant i oare of children, day and night, is I 0<*d i V“ ,ore 1 began taking w ine of Cn-dui, I used to have to lay •own five or a ll tlm .s every day hot now I do not think of lying down thmugh | the day. Use. Riceaan Jowsfs I —? Bi.»« a » n ii M im . ' !** ‘Vtt seeo-., r . , „ Dajlv Sunday and Tribune - - Semi Weekv and Tribune - - W ARRANTED FOR A LL T IM E . Frl -:’a than any other !,,lt“-r‘*> McCall*« is the ■ »«eel, Faakl n Quid, monthly in • a , itulhou une hundred thoueond "«•"a a llo w . np all the latest f - - r . a u “ ‘ MkCa.l I’, tJ n s . each I X short stones 2 hMpful »JivYiuuUuu for women, .. ; IT- PATENT I f yon w xnt a sewing machine, w rit« I • u r latest oatalofiie before you purchase. S—OU.I ,Ss—a s sahs I. «k—ak ar llo s o td la i.s u e a * Th Hi* H cim Sawing Machine Co., Oranp, Mi it Ihsb Stria eeserasy s«4 ila|llilsy. Hra Free. Svteenb« t«4sy. CASM0W4. vw y ! Op yoeite U .a .P e te n tO fflc e W ASHINGTON D. C. £R K A T sale « prove the jfre merit of Hood's SarsKpariilA. Hood’a Sarsaparilla sells because ►■coinplishes CREAT^UREt. >C5 f 272ar/i/t Mirrar. -ns , NFW H iV tn , CONN The Start to a Better Salary The Best to he had in Curry County, at reason able Prices. S B ~ »tote and of tha nation T«K E 11 Bill Heads, - & t j Letter Heads, Legal Blanks, -^ny Thing, L -j TELEGRAM , fo ktund . ok . PATENTS TR A O C «M A N K S p f O R t p t i* • I I COURI, tea, o r -SJ-.1— « JJ«* f '' •XDMtM, M - F a .SK«,:™ « • ; D$WIFT«<° K IL L T H iC O U G H f ----------------------------- ipURjmlMllos V » , N e ._ . . . . . . , J. H. U PTO N, L tS O l.O IS , - J PURI,I f , C crrv Co., O msuon T o W hom I t M ay C o n c e r n . The undersigned hereby give notice that they are the owners of the South half of Section 1«, Township thirty three, South range fourteen W est of Willamette meridian, Oregon. All par ties are warned not to trespass upon o make any locations, either placer quarts claim s at their peril. D . K zil a h sb I J . H . M c A , „ . J ° Wnerfc / ■DRKIIICS Portland, Ore L A. ROBERTS, a t t o r n e y A T L .V W A In connection w ith te s a s i 55ff»A «Cro>PX ' »vzv H 4ZM M s /ro e a . I Rarvoua av e ta * Wsadnrhea wfll B a le « * to t h . i„ flu .no. ; T I ^ n , ••H -ra ia pula. «I Aaaua Si eeate t h e t r ib u n e M y itlc P o in t, O r eg o n . DENNIS CUNNIFF, JR" Oep. (J. 8. Mineral Surveyor Probate business a specialty. — -- ik | egon. I G old B e a c h , Il • g — D— Surveyor for the D is tric t of O r­ - . . O regon J thorw^ij M*!! T H A T RAV A d r e m a and help you yr... u. *• M U» ______ A——. . . Diodal. photo o r akeicii (o r ( i r r reim rt I I o n patentability. M ~ — I M arshfield, Oregon Briefs, Posters Envelopes. Statem ents, j T™ i / f ‘h" S ee’ or Address D. 0 . NEWTON, on Short Notice- Satis]action Guaranteed. restar. « ^ ▼•'eebee a Cnflwei KieeU<«-Llp*>tlf»s M ae her leal Inptnaev •u w e jre r •la lie e e r y (n ftm ae r Civil C -S ieaar •u lld ln e Cweitrgefee A raM ter tsssal O rafi A rehltael StnsetMvel tep iw e er • r ^ e a Inptoeev Ptvewiaw P«u.n*av M ieles Cnsteaav « o e o < e o « a ,e o o e a o a Vp-to-date Work Done ’‘•■X 1 ' — CM S X > S tre e t t a d M il 6 0 c Mw,tp l i l l 'i , Read over the list c ' yctaratioas I to the coupon, m ark .»store V H w — x - « a w a n t to eater, nil in and mall (be coupon tons. S . return mall w , will tell you how you can easily, laazpenslvely. and In your spars tiina qualify yourtaif for tha position you waul, an I we’ll send proof of It In the form of facts as to what wo have done for Idlers. • • • k F esser •te n e s re a M z ABvartlaamaRt W rite r •*ww>-Cer< Wvliev WtwSew T r.sm «., Meebenteal J.aHaenaa O rm ai.ewtel Daa.aees Gtisetretw* Civil barvlee CAewstot r e . l l l . MIM »«„«. C 'eelrlelan A ieelrteal Cnstoee. , You can have it all foi X —-a, 1 M - 3 4 « w . 3 7 th 3 L , N a w Y o r k C » y o .K im So« 7M, Scraalsa, Fs fc'StrU »7 •* h*riW»f [ .^cCALL’S MAGAZINE h iiM Know the News * in fact, that you will be surprised at the insigc.flcence of the barrier that has k a rt you back The start to success is Io s.mply nil in aud mall tc us tbo coupon below. NOTARY ^ ^ N .* * * — « • ” « ■ » «" In S v a ; ’• . t I ----- ,,,,-, iii ; , : th e p o e lt lo a b e fo re • • ■ i b I b av e ii e r k r d J T Willow Street, l2 ’ " I'«*- «I 75 Inleraational Correspondence Schoels ' i illuttrati»n. with foil deocrtptioB o f « h l« n «nd«oma n tw •. l l ^ ‘‘i ° ff<‘r y j ' i , U i P re ,O re H a lf of settlns anywhere fs In making (he sferr. •M f ’ yoo want te be at c essfvt—if you want to hotter tou t position-- m air yd« »re.z. W e have made the s teey Io success easy. So easy, eh Jfl?Lh4is a r .‘" - •fene) and Fratwtam C ,l«c r o a S'“ r * M . ' i o ls n i fa i p n c y < u tlr.iritu . • •fi?— »nT,hU” ^W ’ • k«-d'»wn ecnntmetlen allows Cleaalna ar ftp« r* in ,en seconds for as fl?m i n i , lns. yet the Join. I, a lw .p , *n a oolld fr.n ,., h . * ’n ' -Th* N t fe r a a r m .f t s your ksaiand ht.pa ,utck operation- For T’.'omcn B O TH O N E Y E A R FO R bome reading for an additional cost of only 25 eta K I Z E M A hiii I P IL E C U K E FREE K n o w in g w h a titw a a to su f- z»u . n o c fer' 1 W1*1 £ ivfi *’HEE OF I M Antlh, to any affih ted a positive 1S'" w,T Fczeina, Halt Kheum, Eiyslpe- ■ I hm , Piles and Hkln Diseases. Instant Ì£ suffer longer. Write K. i W. M iLLiAMs. «10 Manhattan Averue, New York. Enclose Stamp, If.you pun-haao the N E W H O M E you wIM have a life Ukkct at the prlcg you pay, and wIM not have an efid leas chuln o f repairs. •• -A IN 1 he New Idea W tinan’s Magazine iJ ilm e r e . M A C H IN B OF e Q U A LITY. T h is new 6 -th o t m odel is the sim plest; Surest, and fastest 12- g aug e repeater m ade. I t has the solid top, • I d e ejection a n d d o uble extractors - •p e c ia l fca- __ , «urea o f c om fort and T h e c l° « * M n breech keeps the action clean and th a shells a ry kee p , out rain , snow , d irt. leaves tw ig s a nd sand. .la v . M a r, k t The PORT ORFORD TRIBUNE Ik- J. H . U pton , I lien ,mdY }Vo.MAN s M agazine in an autl.orii v L anglois, Or., A ugust 27, 1810 month 1 H w * 1L o 1,1 E<,'"»"my. It average.- „ , TH« bewind ' Shotgun A circular ftvln< larr« OREGO^T A P a p e r s o n e y e a r to r $ 2 .2 5 . I must husband m y tim ber to re jdace fences and b u ild in gs on the larrn, therefore I m ust not sp ate «nt more cedar. P lease do not ask for ¡1 The green trees will grow and the dead | out's will keep. J OB W O R K McCall’s Magazine and McCall Patterns W EEKLY N o M ore C ellar to S p a re. WINE"CARDUIj I Is doing this for thousands of American wfonien to-d*y. It cured I Mrs. Jones and that Is why she cites this frpnk letter ■' T R IB U N E II ll<) I Is«' W , E. B u rro w , C o rb in , Ore. F ^ I a t the fo llo w in g ratee: Ileai'iicNa C an n ot b e C ured. oy local applications, a* they cannot m c n tha d l—ased portion of the ear. There i . only one way to cure deafness, and that I . by i-o n.lltu- I tlehal remedies. Deafness is caused by an in . I flamed condition of the raucous linin g of the Kustachfan Tube. When this tube Is loflainod you have a rum bling sound or im perfect hear lo r. and when it Is entirely closed, deafness Is the result and unless the InSaraallon can be taken out and this tube restored io Its normal condition, haarlng w ill ba destroyed forever: nine eases out of ten ere caused by C atarrh «’blph I t nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. *'«<11* «D «Q o e Hundred Dollars for sny ease of Deafness (caused by catarrh) th a t can- not be cured by H a ll’« C atarrh Cure. Band for eirculars free. F. J. C IIK N K Y A Co., T,oledo, O Sold by Druggists, 7Sc. Take H all's Fam ily Pills lor constipation THE Perm anent aa the Mil», b n leaii be removed it. a areojid of tim e. Tin only Clevis now on the market that stays where put. The exclusive right to handle Rd« Clevis will l»o sold by Counties o f States, or get 01 throe can be purchas­ ed tor Sl.W. ‘ Address \ for people who d o not care for a D a ily , but w ant a good fam ily paper. pAFETY: Breech positively and autom atically locked dqriqg tlje tim e of discharge, an p o t be tired u n ­ less the frjggei is pulled. When the safety is on neither force nor folly can discharge it, BALANCE: Perfectly balanced. Center of gravity well tq the rear. Lies naturally in the hand. Will not flinch on the trigger pull. The only automatic which lool^satthe breech while thebullettraverses the barrel NOT WEIGHT: 19 oz. inoluding magazine. Length over all •O L D GJ inches. Pripe #15. Any wide-awake dealer will UNDER phow you this m iniature rapid fire gun. If he will O ANY THER pot supply you, kipdly advise us and we will send it NAME. prepaid. SA V A G E i* I lie lending D em ocratic new spaiier of O regon, issu ed at P ortlan d . GEOROE M. BROWN, A T T O R N E Y a t l a w RUSEBI R« OREGON