Corry County Abstract- Town and Coontj. ' Realty Ciipuy. W HHH| " I I I M e t you at the Agate C arnival Cheever A Buwrnuu have ju a l re U t Registered at Hetel GnU Bewt ceived two tons o f fresh Wasting ‘ O. Lanev» b hajdog h i* cottage • powder. Send yowr orders iu early The ariiele published in our last The »learner Tillamook came into Since Our Lad 1 m m . Ilia bill brightened up with a port last evening, and ia loading ore it 1« all gone. issue, which had been going ilia Thia column is edit.-d under the auspice» G o ld b e a c h , O r e g o n ®ual °f p*¡nt. g . W. A xtell Deliner Miller, Cedar Creek. railroad tie« today. i is wielding the brutti. The Agate Carnival Finsneecom round» of the prey, Io the effect ot the V - T. C. U.. with Mrs. H. T. A Aubury, Grants Pass. F H Strain, Hare. Go to Cheever & Bowman’s and in it ice w ill visit you before long, (hot federal statute made it unlaw Stowart «• editor-in chief, and tha Mes We furnish abstract of title ,' Mr. »nd Mrs. Phil W ilbur, from Mrs. Ruth I iwrenee. Pistol River. at all seasons of tha year to k ill S‘ 'w ,n ,t * • E- * look at the new stock of aluminum Don’t be a “tight Wad”, but come Geo Lawrence ” Blue prints, Ownership maos ttre •t*ndin«* twm I o « through cheeriully with what y o u r ,* dock or goose iu any state ia the R. C. Young. mwiatArt editor«. ., , —>■ , In Port Orfi Orford and expeettoremaiu V » . It takes the cake. Voivan Jolnutun, Purtland. circumstances w ill permit. , utuon, was io fivrer. The Fedeial! Couuty maps. T itles per- J a couple of week» before returning Armona Blum, San Francisco, CaL Mr», J R. M ille r and Mrs. O. The survey of a new road as r e - . * * w *" lo lhe •'ff«ct U»wl the migra- Frankness w ith ' Daughters. fee ted and Hogiatered. , W O Milne. ” ! home. *• ‘ ... Lenevehave tieen spending »couple ported in last Week’s T a t b o ss be I , ‘*rF bird* referred to are ‘ within ,' D C McLaurin, Harbor, W \ w n n n L Ho,ua ,au • “ “ > * * * » ♦ io Port Or of week» uniting at Coo* Buy. Mrs Julia Coy, Ashland. tween Brash creek an,I Hubbard« tl,e custody and protection of the Playing at hide and seek wii'h our ’ ’ Elsie Titus and children. n . z \. v t U U U , ford Sunday (¿om the outside, tak- 'th e Iaat few days have been vary creek, was not .made. The County i G«*»rnm *nt of the United Stataa.1 ^ “Rhtera is such a m kiaks. We 8 A Wlnget, S,»kane Wash. M a n a g e r. *>'< advantage of the beautiful warm, the thermometer having rag. surveyor oame up and «(tried to run J,,,d “kail he taken or destroyed blind ourselves to the fact Carl Wolfn,an, T o r t Orford. -----------------,___ weather to »pend a few hour» on iatered 109 in (be shade at Agnes«. a line through, out meeting with e“Mlr“ry hi regulations hereinafter , llla t/h e is cli.inging daily, that Fred Moore, MurnhfteidL our beaches. T o W h o m I t M a y C u o cerli. W J Henry. I’iatoi River. Bluehuck salmon are «till plenti some difficulties and b e tn g in a h u r- ! provide?! therefor.’’ I t thee gives e,w T day adds io her developetnent. E O Sherman. Wedderhurn. H aro ld Thompson wife end ta o ful in the bay, two boats ealohing 9 ry to return, he spent but a day au,bonly to prescribe and Hz close ) ““ »»I he aware that.each umuUi I, the undersigned, hereby give no- M r Damon, Kalamaxoo, Wis. tire thai I have's conveyance "rinn the c h ild rru au<| hia m other, of Port and IQ re*|>eciively with hook and and a half at the work. I t jg pre, « •» " « » , having due regird for the * Bd.'* ° h Jfesr wiiicb a»IU over her J Farrah, San Francisco, CaL l atent«« to tldeUnds and water lota In the Harbor o f l- o r t Orford, I ' “ " <1’ * * * < • d« * ® Arat ’ Ute» M onday, sunied that he will return when he breeding habit», lima» and line of ***“d «urrie» tier closer to woman- W D. Clark, Brookings. a portion of which a pan o’f the* w h arf' l ha looking over theeountry has more lime at bis dis|>osai and u,i8r«t,,ry Hights, etc. The laws (,f boo<l. W« know d ial -lie does M r and Mr» Sam Adams, Wedderbum Miss Kthei Richard ha» accepled ia erected without my consent. AU with a view Hi locating, M r and Mrs Orva Adams, ” go over the route thoroughly. Much m* nT uf “Ur state« now prscth-aily not look upon life at seveuteen as parties are hereby warned not to drive' ~ " a positiou us typesetter in lite T ri- James Roberta, Pistol River. she looked upon it at fourteen, and of the way is very brushy «od it comP,y wilh the regulation- pile» or trespaee in any manner what A new «i.a-k of Rlfles ha» ju»t ar- J bniie office, and oomuienocd ber Willie Henry, •’ soever on eaid tidelauda or water luta w ill probably lake a 'week’s time to? she knows that we know it. Clyde Miller, Wedderbum. . , Mas. A xxa O. D abt . ‘ riveal al thè Hardware »toro tif dulie» .Mondny. I t is no use for us t„ »ay: “O, Els e decide whether or not the change is Portland, Oregon. C edar Fork. Georgia Miller, Cheever and U.iwman at Lsnglois, is such a child. Sha never gives The Rustier was in Sunday and practicable, but ilic examination H A Stites, Gold Beach. , Oregon, Come ftttri lake your pick Gilbert Anderson, Wedderbum. Mrs. Win Gillings and Mi«s Mag will not be expensive «» there are Mrs. Ruby Bart») nnd family ’ ••ought to soch things.” EUie is before they are all ♦ Arthur Anderson, ’’ i uota’xhild any longer, sod the soon- nolia W bite were passengers on her those here who w ill volunteer to go have moved to U'edderhurn. E ight, Acres o f Bottom Land, Mtore n A R 7 h#rd iU (lde",y Elvin Miller, ” for Rogue river, with the surveyor ae sxmen and The Weddt. bun, Trading oom I * -?* * Cen** ‘'M 41 lhu « **" • El. s Miller, ted on Sizes River, one-half mile from * Sunday, and Dr. Horsfall of hid» and seek with hsr belter it cliainmen. The change is an im Mrs. Alice ZumvtraR, ’* pany are now operating their own ' Mfis. A. 6. Johnston and childrea County Road and about aix miles' from ' M t» h fie ld , who happened to be io , will be for us both,. \Ve want the portant one as it jhiuld do away Ferry bont at Bagnelf'Ferry. Victor Miller, » / •' . . ” a, ,,u Holt Orford. Clear title; no indebted-! to * n'°n an outing, wascalledl Mr left iiy auto »tfgeA liisJuiiriing-'for *> t|i a high dliuib I u J l I shorten the John Woodworth, Agnesa. ............ S M ........... a visit with Mrs.^jbSiAtoii’ s par oess; easy terms. For fnil particulars Richard is now Convalescing. ‘ Cornie Uoy, Ashland. upon road about two miles, and George seining before they fl»b - call on or address, - ' ’ ’ nil our ents gt M yrtle Point. Mr. and Mrs. R Pugh, Agness. » I l i a claim, ivlwieour duu^U<(*r3 ^1*«) cooctrnril. Mrs. A. H . Moore and Antong Del- Forty and others who aie familiar MRS. ANNIE EMMETT, ed by many that no one should Frank Lowery, ” E. Whitworth wife and child, with tbe ground say that it is very Literally, she must be heart of our enfoate, two old residents of Gold Valinda S t., • \ seine. * Beech, have been sick for some time passed through torfi? yesterday on feasible, i hearts and soul of our souls if w»- Win. Lewis is working upon and would see her develop into true no and each is gradually growing their return from Coos county to helping to manage tha Maolesy ble womanhood with a mind far Hotel Will Open. worse without any hopes of recovery. their home near Corbin. Have you any to offer, or do you ranch near \\ edderhurn. He re aliove petty things, subterfuge aind Dr? Pemberton and Miss Iv y Miss Loree O’Conuel, who taught know of anyone who has? I desire ports the ranch prosperous. deceit.— Gabrielle K Johnson. In order to better accommodate school on Rogue River several years Langlois were Dairyville visitors ia to purchase. Angus (A Mackay, the people thsl will attend the Agate Fishing is getting l iv^ y . There Port Orford Sunday, having driven ago and has lately beeu teaching at Real Estate Agent, Port Huron, Carnival the Hotel alasterso« trjjl are many drifters« The Wedder in the D r’«, auto. Dallas, Or., is visiting with her sis- Michigan. be opened for the entire week. burn Trading company has a il the ¡Ought Little Ones to S ign th e ter^Mr«. E. J. Looey,'at this place. F. A. Stewart and B. W . Dean Meals will be served at e ll bourn, eddies. They have 100 set nets. Pledge? *77ley*o® Mr. Dauu and son, of Marshfield, ' l‘,ar,erf il’f Rogue river this morn- HARDY T. STEW A RT and extra sleeping room la being The road viewers arp viewing a ing, the former on a visit and tbe Cof One Sunday afternoon a Sunday arranged. U . M. G O M M l S S t O f i E R spent several daye last week camped right of way up the Rogue. We at Agate Beach fur a Vacation. The latter on lire warden duties. P o r t < _ > rio r« l, O s -ejg o ia. «red these roads. I t 1. to be hoped young gentleman is an employee of M r. and Mrs Dr. Mouk of T illa W oodm an W ill Install Officer* the people will take our n atu r.l Ve- - the <«"e,“ ,O0: the Flsnnagan a Bennett bank at ’Teacher do you remember that I mook, and H . H . Rosenberg find Office day« in town—Tuesday, Wed sources and build our schools and M srthfield. ® __ Next Saturday die Port Orford nesday and Saturday of each week. wife of A m uiville, passed bown the signed your temperance pledge when roads. coast by auto Saturday, on a pleas- ' caIUP ot ' V- *v - * ‘U h /H a pub IW‘ * ,Uuh * W l° * that 1 had C. A. Jamieson, of Bandon, was a H unting season is close, and there lo-make a cross between my first use trip via. Crescent City and li« s instslUlion of dlTioem i„ the via. Port Orford visitor Saturday hav W. A. WOOD Fromm hail. A short musical pro seems to be a fairly good number of «««I last names after you had writ ing been spending a fcw day» on Grants Pass, A l’T O U JiM E 9A T l a w grain has been arranged, and s cor deer. I t is hoped the outsiders w ill ten them?” “ yes, I remember,” the Sixes, where he recently sold Conditions in Mexioo are becom N o w ia the time to enjoy dial invitation is.jpciendeJ to the not be allowed to come in and in J replied the teacher. “Teacher my GOLD BEACH. OREGON. the Big Jewel planer mine for <85, ing more and more com plicated and i agein those happy days public to attenl? N,. admittance discriminaiely kill and carry eff th e , my Esther keeps a saloon and begets 000. j it looks as though the United States drunk, and he makes ine sell beer, w ill be charged uoles. yuu j „ j n j„ people»’ natural product. spent in field shooting. Y ou M. LEE PEMBEKTON Roy. Garrett of M yrtle Point, w ill Imve to intervene and r<o»gnise the dance that will probably follow. can be euro of getting your Mrs Eckman of Astoria, and Mrs. but he cant make me drink, and ph y sic ia n drove down to Port Orford last the Huerta rule in order to protect Siorensen of Langlois, daughters of wU1 ,,e* er u*e tob* cc"' ®‘ther.” share of the birds if ysu week and wsa.scoompajped on his (oreign life and properly. C 3, M. W. Overton, »{lent a week visit- ' boy’s father died in all Lite Office a t Lau gioia H otel, H u ntin g Ü Lkanse. use one of the reliable loads return Friday by Mias Chandler, tug relatives and frieuds in this v i- ' hofr“« of delirium tremens, but the Ray .Diamond, the Glendale bank L a NULOIS, OREGON such aa who ha. been J r o h . ^ f w h o ¡ d m ^ 7 u p ^ ^ W illis T . White Sr. i. prepared at cioity. Mrs. Eckman returned kcPl the Pled<e * n(l •• *»ow a with her sGtera, Mrs. A .6. Johnston u h w week, * nd influence in tlie his office in town to grast either a home where she will be joined by ' nmn ° f •go, pleaded and Mrs. J. H . Zum w alt. ’ guilty and was sentenced by Judge hunting or fivhrog license, having Mr. and Mrs. Norenson, and where cUy whe,e he livea- 0UPONT. BAtUSTm. E x Connly Judge, E? A? Bailey, Hamilton at Roseburg^.*? fa^r «lays ^pen authorised .under the new law tho latter two will spend the win P*Ya to bnve little ehtid- ’ SCHUUZt'EMPRE , ren sign the temperance pledge.' Keil Estate Notary JPjiblie wife and two child re», stalled from ago, to 10 years ip the jtauteoliary. to do so. Open saasoo fur buck ter. Gold Beuch Iaat Sunday ftir Port- deer is little more than a week off, Charles Wiasor and Dr. B a rtle o f The farmers are shearing sheep W e have them all. «ud swssv P o rt i land via. Grants Pass, ( re -id p. N otice fo r P u b lic a tio n . North Bend, are planning on visit and hunters should pre|*are them There Is much talk about the price other item of sportunM O Kailey goes for medical treatment. selves by getting a license be D xpartmxkt ov ths I ktsmios , equip aeot» ing Klam ath Falls this year, about o f wind. One farmer says to sell 5 CT. 8. Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon Hia health has been failing for some lore it slips their mind and they Jaap ag, 1913. the latter part of August and will W. II. MEREDITH lbs wool for 75c and buy the same time and is now such a» to cause his Notice Is hereby giveVthat have to let the first “ big fellow” go be initiated as Sliriners at tlie meet .kW »■* back in a suit of clothes for <18, is •-w ' A T I ' U R S E Y AMD COUNSELLOR friends considerable anxiety. A lvozd 8. Waixs A* ing of the Ashland shrine to be held for fear of some inquisitive game u condition not-due to any tariff of Port Orford, Oregon; who, on Octo- ” AT LAW >5 < A Road Supervisor, A. j . Marsh, warden. . . l-,r >>K ItMW __,1.. U ____ _ _ , — . in the irrigation city. regulation. He says it lies with assisted by Allen Boice and L. W- IV K D D E It B U U N , () I t E G O N the factory combine. This Mrs. Win. Gillings went to Wed- T o Erect Torqbston«. H ale of Langlois, was out with Hie — 4 - -------- - • reasons tight from right princi “ ± T .. road scra[ier on the mountain south derbum Sunday where ehe is spend T re -p n — 7 o tic e . Cellar Fork and Bagnell Ferry I „«a filed notice of his intention Mrs. Gus. Johnson, of Wedder- of town lust Friday. This was the ing a few days visiting with her son . . . . . , ... . , . - to make final Five Year Proof to bum, is in tbe city visiting fwith people aie enjoying some dancing reUblteh claim to the land above des- John, who an employe« of the 'Ma- fourth time this sess,.n that they- Notice i» hereby giton to a ll persoiia bej? re Hardy T . Stewart, Unit- cleay store at that place. M r. G il Mr. and Mrs. Nels Ad unson. Mr«. j occasionally. Dancing not onlv ' . ... ... , t i .. • 1 ed States Commissioner at Port Or- w/ioiij it may conctra, uni te enter up have put the scraper on the mount makvs us graceful ol movement, fur,I, Oregon, on the IS day of Auvuat lings and W. T. W hile are soling as Jolinson’s daughter accompanied on or tregp.uia upon the premises of L . ain, having been run off by tbe lain 1913. . * Port Orford, Oregon, but is refining as weIP Also m il- , ‘ ‘hello g irl” during Mrs. G illin g ’s her. While here Mrs. Johnson ex Krupp, (or the purpose of hunting, or on former (x/casions. It looked like , - Claim»nt names as witnesses; tlstdut with LOOK end line. Saul pre-, they were going to bring a shower absence. peels to purchase a tomlistone to lie itary triin ing makes grace of move- Eugene Peirce; Port Orford, Oregon, L.. ICW APP Propetetor - mises are situated on Elk River, Curry e ec ed ovo ■ the grave of her late meat but it is bad in that it in- again Friday; but when the weather C. Il I ’carse was in town recently County, Oregon, and generally known still» in the mind the desire In k ill 1 " man found that lie couldn’t bluff on his way to upper Sixes to build husband, Captain Gus. Johnson, Flrat-class in every respect. as thg “ Bono” place. lahoior killing laborer (tlie rich who lost his life in the wreck of the Any person or perioi» so trespaw- them out the clouds rolled away. Buckskin Boll’s new residence. C. O-prey at the entrance to Coos Bay H on 1 Go id Feed S ta b le attached . ’ or tlie rid i’» conitner ing for the purpose^ hunting, ish in g , M r. and Mrs. John A Gam ble H . stated that the strawberry orop eial markets. several monili» ago.-—Marshfield o IP o H la i^ and ■ Miss Pearl Walker, on bis Middle Elk home this year or manner, or tearing down fences, or Record. Mare Anon leaving out side g,t«s open, or molest of Bandon, spent a few days camp was a record breaker. The patch F. V an C amp . ing [>«r»onal property, will be proeecu ing on Agate Beach last week. yielded between 3000 and 3500 Agate Carnival Committees. tod Vsthe fu ll extent of tbe law. When we came into the office boxes, over 2000 of which were (Coos Bay News.) W n \ R. Johnson, Monday morning to resume our marketed. The following is a list of the Ag lx-sree of tbe above named premises daily grind We found the above item A case of smallpox was reported There were a number of blueback ate Carnival committees, the first- ■1 " s * in type, to which we understand salmon in the bay last Friday, and named of each being the chairman; in an apartment house on Park av that we are indebted to Miss W alg.l * G rx rn fft Liar e-su4. enue, Souday evening. D r. Mingus er. I f other visitor» In »ur town ! some goorl natches Wre made with rehtbrat H into H ntrydf W . T . White, E. Loney, N H . is nminlaining a U rie l quarantine trolls. Report that a game warden L W lM IN NATIONAL F O R E S T . would do likewise Ye Editor might! Larson and H . T. Stewart. against the premises. 4 «Iso Bnd lime to pick up sg.treVnd'! g<? g, ‘O ,nveS,,8'lt“ fia»' TEMPERANCE, I Timber (iaims. 'EstT* Does This Picture Bring Pleasant Recollections? WILLIS T WHITE, S r Orford, Oregon Cheever & Bowman rut 11^1 oi«. or. KNAPP HOTEL, J. Not ie UheieS/y,jiv e s tl.a t the lands deseri >e<l befdw, embfkclng 141.70 acre«, «¡thin the Siskiyou National Foreat Qf«go>i,.wili he »iihjev t to Set tlement aud entry under the provisions of the homestead laws of the United Mates and the act of June 11, ISOS. (34 h is t , 233), a t the United States land office at K<weburg,Ilr<^on, an July 16, 1H13. Any settler, who Was actually and in goorl faith claiming any of said agricuitiwul niirpogj» p rio r, la n ids d s fo” '---------*— “ ‘ January !, l«08, gtiJhh» not nband- oned same* has a preference itgl/t to dwntry for the lands m a k e * hoi enjoy life, however, we won’t kick 'I " “ « if y o u ’ll just drop arpund and 8»y ° U‘ 7 ^ 5 ? ° r " O1, CnUW'1 w n * M a r- B attlis or B attle R ock . M . L. B s n c tl, George F o rty and Frank M Baxter, ffctvhcrossed th e . plains in I , « ! . *n«l who ba» lieen a j resident Coos county Since 1878, t died nt Coquille lecenlly aged able speculation over the jurisdiction J. H. Zumwalt. that the state of Oregon might have AceoMMoliATtoxH. Last week’« Globe gives an nc. over an open bay. or roadstead such M. T. W right, 1’. J. Lindberg and year». •»-• Count of how all of E- R. M iller’s «» Fort Orford harbor. B. W. Dean. ' Goral A King’sareopfane made a valuable varm int dugs, four in uunt A thletic «. b H’ MPAk poisoned r k f t i a r i t i m r i i 4hile d lJ la l* ^ F r _ ’ wera on » a p&n I ^ ‘itcheson dropped into our trip across tlie bay Sunday forenoon H . T. Stewart, E L . W hile and nt a height of about 800 feet. The? ilier chase recently S l r v i - h n i ... Monday and presented us with . . . M. L. Barrett. a sample of early potatoes grown on ranchine, under perfect conimi, wan * “ 8 Pul ,n SIBa** chunks of deer his homestead between E lk and D a m x . •“ * * ‘k ’ 1' •>“ > ä going at n moderate rate of speed listed Upon «newppurutiotl or the per Sixes, which is largely of s hardpan E. J. Loney, J. H . Zumwalt and when passing Marshfield. sons mentioned beb,w, who have a the act was sn in Veil t ionU u,ie. The preference right subject to the prior loss of such dogs as Jtlr.* M illet’s is formation that it had long been E. L. White. A few Chinooks were seen in Coos rig ht of any such seitler, provided such claimed would not grow anything, R eception and D inner . river lately, and it is pmbabln Hist ! settler or ap| Leant is qualided to make a serious one to any * mouniainom — ••’»numi . - . homes lead entry and the pr, fcrence •lock raising community, sud ®u‘ on 7 *"ch l’*,''l’ly are now rat*. The Mesdames M T Wright, d , there will he a amali caldi on th«i right ia uxcroiaed prior to July 15, l»13,on which dote ‘the landsw iil bS ia llJ a •'•rd blow to Mr. Miller ,ng 800,1 CrOp!1‘ rhe •armer wtl0 Fromm, W Sutton, B W Dean, A J - opening of the season— tonight, but Hutcheson’« Marsh, R C Young. J R M iller. P J ,|,e fall run ia looked for before the subject to settlement and entry by *ny whose «lieep and hog ranch on Lob l *lin ^a *’e can b*al qualified person. The laud» are at 10 wnd ’ « • Lindberg and A S Johnslor. Ivllowa: N W | N E f, tbe 8WJ of { ♦ » , •ir e H ill is « noted place f„r panther., P° talOe* '* I middle or last of August, *° ’•*• T bibune offioe. the W | ol KE| of N K f, and the W1 of There is no direct evidi nee to im pli- aan,P^e NEJ of e E l, tec. 4, T . 38 8., ft. 13 W j Capl. Robert Dollar, of the Dollar < The deportation of Dr. Bailey K . Readers T hibcme : W . M., and a tract of 80,44 acres in cate the niiscirenl, but that „eighb-.r- I Co., was on the lower Coquil)« last i bee. 4, T. 38 8., K. IS W ., described by hood has a man who recently threat- Leach, editor of tlie Justice, has We are very desirmis of getting rnetes and bounds a« follows: Uegln- week, conferring with the other on Mr.Miller caused considerable excitement at all births and deaths in Curry nlnx at corner No. 1, a white oak poet ened to * play even stockholders concerning the rebuild I marked H - l, whence the corner com and one or two otters and lie isev I Bandon. Socialist« have blackball connly reported. mon to 8ecs. fi,and"I, T. 9« 8.fcK. I j W. The State Health Board is work ing of the Randolph miii, ahid» j I »ears K 1» chainst « ft adlng thence ed ently doing it with a vengeanek. cd the business men connected with 8. 8t> 30chains; thence W. to chains- Mr. M iller also lost s cabin recently : the affair. Leach has gone to Sa- ing for your isterest. Please work was lately destroyed by fire. I t k reported that a dedsion was reached thence N. 20.30 chaiivS; thence E toil . . i cltalns to e w n tr Xo. L (he plm-e ol be which was set sn fire. There has lem and interviewed the Governor, with us. not to rebuil-1 tbe m ill at present ginning; the total area:4xdiig 141.70 been const dr rah)«A«U • • the neigh where it is reported that GoV. West Any mother if in doabt I f her acres. tUid tract wSaJLted upon the I t is said Hint tbe m ill near Coquill« applicattoa of Klaw r E. Miller, Oo/d ho rhood of starting, the suspect«!: stated that the Dr. could return to child is reported, would oblige u» by ___ w . . __________ traveling foe other climes,1 Bandon if lie cared to, and if neces- dropping ue a oard. Blanks mailed on request. Respectfully at f C/unmi»aiooer 'i.tniki nF T th il.A sistant o e Z1 General I ant’ »'»»id seem as though some sary he would call out the stale mi product will be shipped via. Cis« A, . K J . Sl-HLIKHANN, I jvoi I Office. such move will ha>A to be made. litis to act at a bodyguard. Gold Beach, Or. Bay. howdy?’ Hl Knives w e g round sharp a t th e fa c co -y •n d a r e a lw ay» ready fo r use. The h leda »e guarantee to tal(e and hold an edge V e « a n y aa «xcelleot ' < H a v e ju st received a Large HJupmeut o lS toav GrOCkS. See OUr W indow as you gO b y L-;:: Orford Furniture & Hardware ■'Store. I