Always Stays *P«t” The Burrow Clevis H. T. STEWART Editor and Publisher. M iilm o r ip tio ji. $ i..5 o p e r y e n r . h IT B U N B IXO a R A P I» , The leading Paper of Curry County, H a l l R e a r ta « . Published every Wednesday, at Pori Orford, Oreiion 3» c a l ib r k a u t o m a t ic P IS T O L The Aavuge Automatic smother* every adversary in the rapidity of its fire. When the occasion comes ydu have ready the quickest, handiest and most accurate arm made. Give yourtelf every possible advantage. It means life or death. That is whv you will discard‘‘your revolver when you see the Savage? ’ Special Features which w ill Appeal Permanent aa the hill», but ean be removed ia a serond of firne. The Oregon, issued al I ’oillubd. only Clevis now on the market that The manager« also iaene a S k m i - W u c k ly , which ia especially adapted stays where pet. for people who do not rare for a D a ily , but want a good fam ily paper. to Tou TEX SHOTS; Double the num ber contained in an oidi- nary revolver and two more than other automatics. ACCURACY: The pistol is so constructed th at all powder gases ure utilized, insuring extrem e accuracy, as well as freedom from fouling A n y o t these pàpere can ba bad in combination with the P O R T OR Tbe exclusive right to handle thia Clevis will be sold by Counties or States, or set o t three can be purchas ed (or S I.00. Address Daily and Tribune - - - - Sunday and Tribune I nanat husband m y lim b e r to re place fences and buildings an the farm , therefore 1 must not spare any Weekv and Tribune more cedar. Please do not nek for il The green trees will grow and the dead ones w ill keep. J. H. U ptom , Langlois, O r., August 27, liilO . ’•«. P 1*?."n*1 Bk,B OiMM-ea. fw W way teeantS eetiM M . and th a t U by aoatoltu- tU-nal re»,,,1ICT. Deafness I , causal by aa la . flamed c ondition of the mucous lin in g of tlA Eu ischlenTub«. When thia tu b a l, lullamod IB W t lw r .u bar* .ru m blin g » u n d or Imsrrtoet baa. la « .« u d w h o . I t t . ^ . t ^ i j . . . — ■« - « - im i,, | , t h . r e M lt . u d unless the lnSam atloa pan he taken out and fhl« tube r c to re d to In nonaal voudltfon, te arin g w ill bo destroyed torev«r; y. f 'M b T S R M L. « * • w a n ta s a w tl . . ft* N R H O U S M I B nine earn, out of tsu a m named by C atarrh v b lt b la nothing bat an laSam ad oondlttoa of the muc'.us mrlacea. _ - • Wa wlh give One Huudrod D o lla r, tor aay e *M of Dealncw (canwd by c atarrb) « a t can not be cured by Hall ,C a ta rrh Cato. Band far « lre n la« ,,. p. J. CHBMBY A Co., Tatada, O e W Said by Druggists, Tie. • l ° Conan. o dr Hood's Sanaparilla sel ►xomplUbea C R B A T Thk« H a ll', f w j ) , r i l U ta r StMetlydttoa. I BOTH ONE YEAR FOR 75. T e a Naw Inaa W oeaa’s M m u x . is a, nery and Household Economy. I t even month. We offer yoo therefore a t least home reeding for an additional cost of only Instant aeiief. Don’t suffer longer. W rite F. W vw o --> u - iM B .« » Manhattan A vw u e, * m_a^__ as._ I , * —A, dlscused portloe of the. ear. T k o v e a i ) , M I The PORT ORFORD TRIBUNE — V!SI>— 1 he New Idea Wtmans Magazine 1 k iv® P K E E OP O HABOK, to any affih-ted a positive E,'ze,‘>». Salt Kbenm, Eryelpe- ftS Jfl I O R E G O N IA N K I Z E M A m id P I L E C U R B F R E E Knowing what it waa tosnf- U T IC A , T O W Y O R K Oeaineaa (aaw it be Cered. W EEKLY K o M o re C e d a r to S p a re . COM PANT, •TkMaiapsnestiOTw, »• lb«y eaanet naca th a £. .o a,.n<] fl» « W . B. B u r r o w , C o r b in , O re. ________ Papers one yea r lor $2.26. -O R D T R I B U f l H , at the following rates: SIM PLICI I’Y ; Fewer parts than any other autom atic pis Daily tol. Completely dismounted by band without the aid of tools. No screws to work loose. I Semi SAFETY: Brceci, positively-Ami autom atically locked daring the time of dtschartf». a n n o t be tired un less the triggei is pulled. When the safety is on neither force nor folly' can discharge it. BALANCE: Perfectly balanced. C enter of gravity well to the rear. Lies naturaliy-iu the hand. Will not flinch on the trigger pull. The only autom atic which locks at the breech while the bpllet traverses the barrel W EIGHT: 19 oz. including magazine. Length over all Oj inches. Price M.>. Any wide-awake dealer will show you this m iniature rapid fire guu. If he will not supply you, kindly advise us and we will send it prepaid. SAVAG E ARMS T H E T R IB U N E The OiucaoM D a il y J ooms a l is the leading Democratic newspaper of Every housewife noeds a aaraedy to regulate her menses and to keep her sensitive female o-gana In perfect condition. The S tart to a Better Salary Mouth « w Moilth !,n,'ü, A l ï f ‘ " i “ l' , Tel* (fr" n’ ' «f Port land,Oregon. I t Is the i,W ( Hf . v S « . “ : : . ': ; ; ; : the teleoram , ____ H a lf of retting asywhem la to m aking lb« star*. I f you want la be st c o a a trt-lf yea w u t to better ,e ,n po ofiloa- asar. M r a b ./, Wa bava wade the start easy, and we bava na d o Uta aXetr mgr to success easy. Ba easy, la foot. that yau wOl be surprised at lita lostffc.ficaace of tbe barrici that baa k e it you back The start to Stacco. to te am p ly fill to aad mall te u . tbo coupon below. Read over the list o f j? .wr alino, to tha eoapoa, m ark X s.losn e H w w o » warns ta enter, flù to aad m ail the eoapoa to n *. B> .-etnns mail wa will tell you how you can aaafiy. I expensively. n j bi your •pare tin i, qualify yonr,e,f for the position you want, aad wx'n Mad proof of II to the taro, of fa . , , „ t i wbat wo bavadoae fc r »atora = ---- S MRTl.ANi). OK. f ****** sw o ia d rv •« I« "*V «*» <AJ bave raark k. .«• f lad that ytmr W I r *M< me. 2 am IW lb M 1 fe ll for years. 1 t i t NMr without any H r I last weak und was t That ab-ar. that tb TKe Best to be had in Curry County, a t reason able Prices. •to*«-»ho ineguali« alia r jr Hwwa N'tm * M-Sri’ t? '' r-„ae.o r i n iih in raitani See; o r ^••g-raai M sm bfleld , Oregon BUI Heads, Letter Heads, Legal Blanks, A ny Thing, ' ' on F ;.a ¿ , ft'«a any other n< MtCaTs it ?he !,i, n Cunto moii.ln’y tu t sto fcun h-rd th .,!sugd <k '¡-,-ae cm M - ï ü ’l 1>. ttr . ne. each issue « -rtS« .'«I of tatoWrug slmrt stria« tflÇrmtsnaa brw o-nau. Address I». 0 . NEW TON, Briefs, Posters Envelopes, Statements, J. H . UPTON, NOTARY PUBLIC, L abo loi . , Cvaar Co., Oar 00» W ANTED Up-to-date Work Done on Short Eotice- Satisfaction Guaranteed « • « .w r e O U G H l - » » c m « ,« LUMPS T o W h o m I t M a y C o n cern . The undersigned hereby give notioe that they are tbe owners of the South half of flection IB, Township th irty three, South range fourteen Wtyit of Willamette meridian, Oregon. A ll par tire are warned Hot io trespass upon o make a n y location«, either placer quarts claims at their peril. L. A .R O B K R T 8 , Portland, Ora In connection with ATTOHNEY a t daw M yitte P rin t, Or«CM. D K Ñ N IS C U N N IF F , JU., a specialty. Uep. 0. 8. Mineral 8arveyor Surveyor for the D is triri of Or egon. « S O R G I M . BROW N, A T T O B K JE Y A T LAW KOBE B IR O U BROOM