jf CHAS. E. Middle E lk " Pa Orford * has »pent (be r i and Ok Iahe i I, the sadvrsigned, tice that I ln w a flow Patentee to thlelande and S» the Harbor of Port Orford, < U Vortk-n of which a part of n, erected without my eo eld b o m on 8ix- • after «• »• Wondooek, the Pert Orford arn. *«P»<» Wedderborn the first of the ' ^ J h . w eak.w h ereh ew .il « » » Io a few parties are hereby warned 4 and tad a. FOR SALE. , . n «W * M r- , , d s -^Z l R “y over ripe. t*-5> *7231 A t a tpeeial eeeaion of circuit , court i n Coquille yesterday, Judge Coke denied the motion for a new tria l ia the Sato of J. 8 . Barton, state representative, who was found gdtlty a few month« ago of attempt­ ed crim inal aoaaolt on M l u Yoe- bam, an employe ta hitoJ^ce. Judge Coke fixed neat Monday morning a t JO o'clock a» the t im e » / pro­ nouncing sentence. Tim sentence provided by ttatute for the offense ia as indetormlngto senlenoe of one to ten years. I l it expected that Barton w ill now appeal to the supreme oeurt. Monday was a bright day with a ( Btrong wind from fha northwest, j and many farmer» got out their e from mowing machine* and started cut »«»♦»• ting their grata bay which iealreedy Timber IT Allen Boloa came down, from La nglqfe yesterday with afoOTiRMee 1 hleh, team after ahi aglet fur RalglrCppe’» « oned new barn. M r. Cope,'like lfc-Capp», t i a t ia putting up a large, aubatahtiai « are building for dairy use. ,• » h •" d Bom, »1 Langlois, Or., July 5th, b >"•« W. A . WOOD V fT O U X K Y AT LAW GOLD BEACH. OREOOS. Al. LEE PEMBERTON PHYSICIAN ■■ ' «jji office at Langlois Hotel, L anglois , O regon . WILLIS T Real Estate . Den a of ft tub very for tioal day 1918, to Mr..and Mr«. M . Lutsey, a ft daughter. T b it it the young coop- I«'« Br»t boro, and evidently the Proud pater had deeign* upon a boy to ancabed to hl» laurel» as a mat artist, a», when the stork left a lit »•« Miee, be telephoned Io hie friend», "the wrestler ia a girl.” Mr. Trombia, an attorney from Wash , was in town Monday night on h it leturo from a trip as tl ti ej •> at g< di 1 ,l f* cargo of height Call on me at L anolou , Uaeeox. WM. ELLIOTT ire a p a a e H o t tee. «M*bing so rapidly restores health ’ “ d vigor “ ac o rn unuumt. - K P fJ k P P Q o jd P r o p r ie to r Feed S table attached, t daughter are p a te n t medicine, b u t is n a tu re 's s with M r. P it- body-nourishment w ith c u ra tiv e . -N otice o f S h e riff’s Sale. W illie Riehie knocked Joe R iv e n ' mt out in the 12th round of «'scheduled at. fc R. M iller of Lobater H il i L u ts e y D efeats F lo ria n . W. il. MEREDITH ai TousEY an ,, c o o m r .. AT JAW Kepatrtog Watches and Jewelrj wool We run the Stage from Port brford ria DniryvUle, connecting with the 2 -¿ S C O T T 'S S M U L S tO N is not a Stage to Myrtle Point rake I H e wa» alee iutereatad ia opr Maok rotr M nd deposits, and wa* well pleased “ “ with what ho fouud in thia line a» ’ ¡n well a« ia fanning possibilities, do * ■peetolw- All work guaranteed., , K N A P P HOTEL« Port Orford, Oregon, I t Is the essence o f natural body- representing the nourishment, so medically perfect nd Steel Co. wsl that nature Immediately appropri­ ates and d is tr ib u te s I t to every « ... v - - . o r» « w . a w ery tis a n e — fe e d in g , • w - S ~ “ ng * “ to Port Orfoi WATC Orford W e d d e rb u rn N ute«. th« far south as Rogue river looking at i to I o w the rreouroaa ol the oeantry. **y The 1913 Agate Car­ nival ball has started rolling. W atch it go! tiooa to the happyoouple, «rbo on well and favorably known through out the neighborhood, came ' up from ih^ir Corbin home Satur- d" f »» M i« Perkina. a eouaio to Mrs. Baker, who la o u t to visit than front tlm cwt. < year, wueh ®- "*• B ,ber was djfwu the river Saturday in his H » 1 gasoline boat Jwblch he baa just c e u iM e d . i ’K * P W Mjae tusk departed Saturday for ^Aer,home at M yrtle Paint, having , flubbed her term of school at the b nature's ally in restoring health. A f t e r grippe .o r nocnm M dn.it Ipwaw^mmrtm moawf Lmmfff-^- * i —A W in Cxagheu, « > » » pent tee kb» for Cúlfli xvMsàwL» • ’HaA» j 4 u <ÌR bar«, has had ,» pew engine and th r o a t tro u b le s A C O r r ’A installed in hi» fcryy 'beat, alan has A M U U K W gives the greatest relief given it a new eoet of paint which Odds greatly to the apead and ap­ pearance of the boat. The Western World a t Bandon, which ie M e of thè ntost progVesrive weakly publications in CftÒi'èòunly, came out with its ouvar pages in red iuk in an interesting 4th of July edition. The Coquille Sratiuel also cam« out iu extra good clothes in its issue of that week and run some good cuts of baildiog aad dairy aeenes in that section. Mrs. George Johnson and daugh- from Portland and wilt spend the io n - 1 mer here with M r. Johnson, who ter arrived by stage Friday Beach Chapman, a late arrival at Camas Valley, threw Florian, the Bandon wrealler, twice in twenty minute» at M yrtle Point oa the 5H|. and won with oouparaUve ease, hoi hae charge of the cannery. in saying this vre do not wish tode Quita a number from thia plaee tract from the merit due Florian who intended »pending the 4th at who is a clas»y performer bat wak Agn era were dieappoiuted on ac­ I Op agninst a heavier and stronger count of 1 he rein, hut reporto ooroe I man and one just ae olassy. that the celebration Was a success The Bandon fans g»v» Florian in every way, in spita of the rain. , a big ovation when he appeared upon the mat, but he fell into a aois tors bold ta the first few ctinutee of (B axdo . v Soar) llte match and the exertion of break ¡ng it no doubt hastened the fall that immediately followed, and af A g a te C a rn iv a l C o m m itte e A p fticted bis work to tone extent dnr iog the remainder of the match. He p o in te d . showed much cleverness in breaking hotda, and escaped a number 'of G o ld B e a c h , O r e g o n We furnish abstract of title, Bine prints, Ownership maps County maps. Titles per­ fected and Registered. Bv virtue of ea execution and decree duly ia m d by the « a r t of the Oirouit Court of the County of Coos, State of Oregon, dated the lt t h day of gay. 1813, in a curtain action io the Oirouit Court of «aid County and Stole, where­ in Henry Cheaiey a a P M s tlff recovered judgment against John W. HaftUe Defendant for the sum of Pour H u n ­ dred Fifty-six and X»~100 Dollars, and oosta and dlshuraemeDto taxed a t F if- ty-aevan aad 70-100 Dollars, on the 19th day of May, 1813. Notice ia hereby flven that I w ill oa the 18th dev of Jety, 1813, nt the Court Hones Door in Gold Beach In said Ooeaty, at one o’clock in the P. M . noon of mid day, m il a( pebUe auction to the highest bidder.-for cash, the fo l­ lowing described property, to -w lt: El of BW } of Section r t and the E l of N - WJ of Section 37 in Towu»hip 38 South of Range 14 West of W illcmetto Mer­ idian, io Curry Cbwnty, Oregon. Tak­ en and levied upon as the property of the said John”W . H u ftila o r as much thereof as may be necessary to aattafy the judgment In favor <>t Henry Ohea- ley against said John W. H uftU e with Interest thereon together with ail costa and disbursements that have or may W. A. WOOD, , - . j Dated at Gold Beaat Manager. 12th day of June, ta n times when it looked like defeat dae ■ inevitable. Lutsey, however, was j in danger at no time dwring the contest, bis opponent being behind him but once and then lie could do nothing. Lutsey, who won both falia with a crotch a itd .b ri/ nelson, * weighed 158 liw., while Florian was ' auppoeed to weigh 14-5 Ito. 1 A fter the match Florian, who ha^ 1 been 13 years a professional wrest I ar, has held the championship of < the Pacific coast aad has met and 1 < defeated many of the best man a l l } I P ocket fetKnivcsi TT r Always iteaiyforRM over the country, stated that be did I not believe there was a 1(5 lb. man « in the country that could defeat M r. c Lutsey. , Bob U’ agiwr, the caul« buyer, t and Mr. Lutsey, attar Ike ,natch was r over, gave a supper at a local rae- C taurant to the Langlois and Port | Orford friends of the latter. T h irty covers were laid, and a jo lly and satisfying tiuia was bad. L Several thousand doilxra chang J ad hand» on the event, the mateh being worth over |3000 to the win- } H a m ju s t received a ¿ a rte S h ip m e n t oi Stone Crocks. See o v r W in d o w as you go b y