Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1913)
5 ~ yw ; 122223? n s fi •; 4' • Ai**”* . . Æ W •«?>, ii r . ; . 5. bbbsbpb a fe * X . U .B . Senator»—D r . H a rry L an e, of Portland and Geo. C ham berlain of 'SifiJren. K .v '^ k ä id Ä »1 ¿ S 3 CL- i -■ V ‘. O f t w 1 ; A . f I U . £ f :t ó \ F V » - ' 1 , 7 ¡W v .:. - I w '-.: ~ „ .s - ' ■ ' . -X"'- fv necessary o p e ra tio n s in 14 or w r itin g a re a cco m p lish e d fr o d ¡W .fe L&Sr ~ -IS* ■ ■ ■ ■ H o f th e lig h t ru n n in g , easy Carnage n 'tap- — t — >1 H Tabulator -» -r— Viable Wfituc la m te- R ght B ate T h e Smith Premier Typew riter KiyUw d Variable Syracuse, N .Y . Brute» Daa G m « ï < These are feature» which make the Smith Premier the choice of (he ,»,.......... T I H a r e K id n e y and D o n ’t K n o w IL H o w T o Mil Fill a bottle or commr Water and let U stand tu 'V t . '* Ith j •» u hours; i . -t or » » '. • - g ...M.aate_ —. • ?5>< « h : healthy condi tio, i of th e kid neys: If i t stain» your »non it Is evidence o f kid ney trouble: too frequent desire to pass It or pain In the back Is alio eonvtno.ny proof that the kidney» and Mad der »re out of order. w h « t te » « . Th era i t com fort In the knowledge ao often « -f-e ts e d -h»t D r. K ilm e r’» £ » a m p - Ro. ‘ - W it d n o y rem edy fulfills every wish - I . r.-:rtt’T t :.•. imatiam, paia In the b a - < k .d re ,■«, »-.< r ; adder and every part c ’ ! h;, , - It c o -r e c ta toibIMW to hold w a;r. nd scalding pale in passing w l n .- I i> ; J o llo w ln f use of liquor, r F ■ snd overcomes that unpleasant neeew 'i W t d hen j compelled to go often ■ and to get up m any time» - e t r e n t g h t , TJ# m ild and the extra- n a r y effect ot S w a m p - R o o t fa soon d lte lb - It stands the highest for Ita " w on- t-tdfce most teisti ■ raising c * I a m«lt;h a you c h c u tta k v a the ;« at. s M i ir soc. „ „ h i . rcuteo hive « r - r.ple bottle o f this ■vonderfui , drsvo vjty and a be ' that m oro about It, both - » i f . . . 4 -jtoi f w - . bv 1 • l i r e » br. K v e v £ Bm ref »»«ne-itoea Dlnghac- - When writing mea- m a,5ng ¡.- -» g in c oos offer fat this paper. ».— , Have you ever .i S’.'uset? BLACK - DRAUGHT <<<•!•*> not wi.-;, ¿ STOCK and PO U LTRY M E D IC IN E ¡ S Ä E i Stock aed poultry have few SS Hedçefliara Paactere-lW s « to Seîi-îtesh,ig Tires..........* crattby by girlnc .bn» an occa-- sional dose of Hiacx D ra u g h t S U «k and P o u ltry M edicine in th e ir food. A ny stock raiser may buy a 25-cent half-p oun d a ir tig h t can of t h i. m edicine from his dea1«; and keep his stock in ».goron» health fo r weeks. Qvab'r» n-ner- a ll.v k -c p B lack •l»ranffht Stock and — --K — P ou ltry M e d ic in e I f yours doe» A h u u d n d lU o u w i.d p a i r s s o k f ' t ^ ' r OCSOAfPTMMKr ?'*/;" rld ta r. Vkry durable and lin e d f n -id n 'w ’ h I B S \* w } v i,! ,i Lll>l’J '',t lr ' s h a T 8 P'J y l’Cenpumued iinle not send ’# cents fo r tn the m ae u fa e ttu w » . T n e C h a tta n .iu ra M edicin e C o., C h a t tanooga. T e n a . r pnrnoMca___ _ n o ’ • • • !" » c ita r y on M M Í »tue, >rv o f a J.L. CHICAGO,ILL' FmT A y e r’s A y e r’s P ills .| A y e r’s P ills, Keep I this ov ■ ■ o ver ■ ■ over T h e best Uxsthrc. LSi, fast m it u iT w o .itie r la n d <-f i h r ■\sk vovr l»val 'newsdealer -refit lasue ot u n d S i 50 it s subscription. llic l« x ik , . I o f a T h.maand W onders.” — i 20 beautiful W e » :ttn view» in fmiT colors— w ill ba mt-! tided— 5 a rrs s i L liA G A z n a •n.u> F' i p«t»F<*wn< ^ . • V . ’SSi t r ia l pîuiïh A-V.' ------- p W ¿ .», • «-armati i.»*, ~ »Car« I mi tl j u f j ? ’« ■ ï ï ' r î î î X ' ï i " «■*•“ ! » * hi rMw ■tnwfMiMMirori o f th e w id e - »•»tiuc p erso nal T" p r'-‘ w ;. ùtT*! rip» tin o f th a c iju i,: J f t-ttip m v n i u f 'h a W t o . ju » l th e ro m a n c e a n d b ia - INC. ^ s s ì X ’u r r .e r T ìi? « I l i i t t r s le d th ___ o n d t ’i ñ s» r)ctly > . ñ in e s é n t c d parç-nt < t n » « T m a u n , » . S o .enetä. G .., fs a . SO, IMS. B lM k -O a o s M Stock u » l P o n lry U«V la » t s tk .b .» * le » « r lr t H » . Ou» »toc. was «okia» bad w b.a > o . ■ ut n a tb . m d io in . Mid ooe they u . » a tiia r •» T te y a n tenk.-ar w par a n i . b it««». 8. r . B B O tiriW O TO B í MM n i keep u ¿ FA», fcx. ynt«__________ tro u b le , w bieli arc not bowel and l i v » r irreg u la ritie s .- 3 la o k - itra n g b t Stock and Pctdtry M e d i cine i . a bowel and livn -ve m e d y for stock. I l puts the organs of digestion in a perfect c ond itio n. P ro n iin e n t A m erican breerlem and farm ers keep th e ir herds and fbich» • • ü o lh FÍfC s ì ; m : 1 .4*;L*,r’ »' ,**“ I teMli. iue we b a t e a r e . I im T w»el« k m . , y « l i . « , m fr e n i» I » .. t l . n » « « „ . v b _ ê ¡òr ¡ >w«any»L «Ua «r,wi S t» , o» yeti, i a s c a i. , 'i * . a*«l iW rtB Ic T K » inn ____ pein la be •»>»»©»• U sm an»»!». U » b a n K n le e r r,tedtr: t r ia b ^ r : , . ’ . « .a ta n u i Cu»«a arretier, Plusbupr S»c. a D efo e« C o . rk tth n rf.' H* W anl y00* moustache or beard a beaotiful brown or rich Mack? Use -x U W a n i t o | BUCKINGHAM’S DYE A. F. M U A Mk. ■ NVfNfÖftSf D O C T O R S ta write fire ,nu c o a 5<icollai tetter te »P- « n a m f H a worth tKCne we«y P o rc ia PATENTS W W * * — lA o e [ aUoramy's ir« rèe. g fll^ a ^ h r s r aborgaa »re m eterat«. 7 ry 1 SWIFT TH« TRUTH. Congressman, F ir s t D is tric t— Rr>l'l* C. Haw ley, of Salem- , G v ern or—O sw ald Went. Salem . Secretary of State—Ben. W . O le e tt Sa K - ’;- •* V ' STBXFBL’S WAT svavx sen distbicv ortsaags t £uc . ’• <’1 • .? < < 4 i.;.- r flJS W AS U N iQUK. I -■ N um ber O “ O F FIC IA L OIBJtVTOBV. ' ■'( ■ : V Í , / - - if J U L Y O, 1 0 1 3 = a = * ääsM bo 2 ’t ■; ■ V W f tjæ I W "*Í5B5!C yWMBWpB Q I M g t V o lu m e X X I I . >< o i r s i M i f si()\ L U t laauraaee work offer» a proflta- bla O ld to woman nowaday» I f »be bright and »oergeUc »he really can real, taeaa laeoarnffi ffi,000a year. Hcreom- mia.looa depend entirely on her own < le m . .’ d«»ora- State T.eaaorer—'l hoe. B. K a y , o f Sa 'T b i poMlhitltie» for woman In the lem. life Insurance are Itmltlaas.” »aid one of 8 n p t Public I nut ruction— L . A . A l d the beat known women workers. "W ith erm an, Salam. all the women that are working a t it State P rin te r—W Ulia D o n lw a y , Salem. now it Will is a practlcaUy aaworked Attorney G eneral— A. M . Craw ford, field. • F ro m my experience la the twain»»» State Game Warden— W m . L . F in I should say that i t Is the beat possible ley, Salem. Ila» for a woman to eater? She ir almo- State H ealth O f fio e r - D r . G alvin & lutaiy independaut. and. twat of »11. »h» W h ite, Salem . ' bnowa she ia making money. Psrther- Salem. more. she to able to lift heaa«lf out of the C lerk State Land Board— Q . <4. Brown, ru t of woman's occupatloo« in general. “la life Insurant, a woman baa tha Salem , J o in t Senator fo r Cooe and C a rry — most broad.cleg expr rtaees. Eh meets all elaaaes of peopta. la a abort time she L 8. S m ith . develop» new fxcultlre. She» to Joint Beprouentative for Cooa and read human nature, which is the telling C arry— S. p . Peirce. , 2 g £ !: part of the buslna»». Tor h e r ow n ben e fit Judge, ad J u d ic ial D t a tr fe t -J . W I should advise any young girl or woman whose circumstance, compel her to earn H a m ilto n , Roseburg. Prueseutiag A tto rn ey fo r C n rry h»r owe Being to grasp these excellent opportunities.” « Io.— W . H . M eredith, WedderiMtrn . Stampai, as Herbert Tansy saffi frana the very first, was absolutely unique, raaay took all the credit for tha dlscov- u-y, as h a -d o e s fo r a la •verythlag. but ha does not boast about It ao much now. Of course all the men In tha offlee aaw that Stempel was entirely out of the ordinary when he uwned up to a sale- ~ ta k a la aa entry th a t coat tha firm over $104 to settle. Stempel was calling from Tom Paston'a order book to Dixie, tha M il clerk, and ha quoted two-lack Lyons galloon a t three cento when It should have been eight. Paston makes his to and to a good deal alike anyway, hut he's too valuable a man ta fire and tt seemed aa If somebedy would have to go. Dixie thought It was his mistake • m l was in a great flurry about It, but Stempel. when ha looked over the book, d It wroag said at once that ha had called aad want and toffi tha i ; works ao. Well, the old gentleman suit bara been In a good humor, for he only told Id 8tem- pel to be more careful next time. T hat shows the sort of fallow Stempel was. He had tha peculiarity of being abso lutely truthful. There was oae thing about Stempel. though. Ha wasn't ectraeaguat with S. Com iotaeionert— H . T . Stewart the faculty of speech. ^ O m o f thora P o rt Orford. never aay nothlng-to-nobody to rt of fel M I W ZB A LA V D ? Ä A IB IT S . lows. W ent about his hualna« quietly G tK 'ÏT T OrriCCKR. and soberly, never laughed or Joked e w w M f J:w »ge--W . A. W ood. (la id much. - , One Unto D ixie wan telling a story B each S N lp p a d D a r t T a a » . about aa uncle o f hto who was a great County Coinmuaionera— D . Cutegrove, Babbits, which have been the pert of swimmer. He said he swam I I mites Gold Beaob ; Geo Chenoweth, L a a g lo la AastnUla sad New Zealand tor many up the Mississippi riv e r against the S h e rlff-O . H . B ailey, Gold Beach. years, have now become a lource ot large strongest kind o f current and towed a C ounty C le rk — Joh u B . S ta n c a rti, revenue. Froctn rabbits to the value log ra ft th a t had drifted away from Ito Gold Bea. h. of o v tr $806,000 were exported frem Vic moorings by n rape held ta hto teeth. Dixie said* hto uncle did that I I miles la County Tresursrer -F r a n k G w ugheli toria. New Zealand, laet year. In addi two hours, nineteen minutes and some tion to $70,000 worth o t preserved rab W e d d e rh u ro bits. This business Is dally increasing. seconds, which he has forgotten. Auaeaaor—W m . Telm an, H a rlio r. Tansy had to drag Stempel l» to lt,o f School S t i p i . - Geo. W . S m ith . Gold Now that tha trapping Industry is such aa Important on», employing u It doe» course. H e naked Stempel whet, he Beach. thought of IL I guess he was trying to teveral thousand hands, and Is largely ■Sirveyor— J. Caugliell J r., Gold 1 •ffcctlee la keeping th» raLblt peat In make trouble. Stempel shook hie head cheek, the chances are that the meth aad want on addressing envelopes. m : Bruto» o r tub voubtw . “But w hat So you thin k W | t r Tansy C iw u lt C o urt meets Fourth M on day la ods of compulsory lupprresion now en forced on landholdeis will at least b» persisted. " D o o t you thin k th a t was August of each yedr. pretty good sw lm m lagf" -y moderated by the government. County Oommtaaioner» C o u rt "W eil," said Stempel, slowly sad so The rabbits la Australis sad New d rat Wednesday in Jbn o a ry , A p ril, Zealand were o rlrln a lly shipped from berly. “I doa’t believe ft. No. sir. I J u ly and September of snob yeai Kngland, aad It to almost Imposslbls to don't believe IL 1 know what the Mia Probate C o urt mseta drat M onday In ksap th .m out of the cattle ranches rteslppl current to and I know what a Fences have bsea buftt albund th e « lag ra ft to to tow. I doubt If a strong each mouth vaat stations with a wire a c ttl*> sssh K j t t S S r oould m ain t t mUea la two c ra a v oocbtt kwt o m e n » a n e ra IS Inchee below the surface to prevent hoar» aad 1» minutes without to w it 3 ■ AMlOMb H a r b o r . . . . . . ..............Fletcher Oardner. the rabbits from getting inside, but aa anything. I d o n ! want to he offensive aooa aa gram beoomaa abort oa tha and It may he that U x t e was misia- Gold B each........................... J. W . Riley. outalde, "Mr. Dunnle” w ill burrow wa formed, hat I can’t bring myself to he- W ed derb urn .......... , . . . G . L . W akem an. der the wire netting aad eat up the grata Have th a t hto uncle ever did sueh a . . . M r . B . H Price. on the Inside. M rs. V io la A . F r y . Ofcourse that tickled Tansy. tUaeountay rarely harrow. A g im a s ...... Tnny weg always show tu/ r .............. A , M . P o rt O rford . ...A a w a Johnston and under fallen timber. In and about Chicago, where lead to divided for bulld- friendly w ith him. aad Stempel dids t D e n m a rk .... . . . . . . ..J . H. Capps. t purposes, rabbits make their homes w e through him at first and talked to L an g lo is . . . ............ E . B. T h r ift under tha wooden sidewalks, aad can him more freely than he did to any of E c k le y .... . • • • • J . A . H a lo e s easily turned out by a good dog. the others. Tansy cams to us and to ld Such, however, to not the haffit of tha an w hat Stempel thought about this, N o t i c e Car F a W i c H l o a . that and ths other—what this fallow did Aaetrallan peat and w h rt ths other fallow said aad; al though .wa knew that Taaay had to rk OT A M U S E M E N T . M in in g Application No. OSiW. screwed Ids opinions out of klm, wa got U n ite d Statea L an d Office, Rose a little tore all the same, beeaaee whs« b u r g , Oregon, M arch SS, IS IS .* Stempel said about aa. being the truth, h it us hard occasionally. - e< BaeSSeaaeert. Notice la hereby given th a t W . 0 . One day Tansy told me that he had Corbin, wboee peetofflee atldreaa fa It would aaam aa If ao amusements asked Stempel what hs thought of me Port O rford, C u rry County, Oregon, wherein eome element of danger doea and Stempel replied, that he didn’t care anti W alter Slnolalr, whose portoMoe not voter are ever thoroughly erjcyed. to «ajr. itdtlress is C o q u ille, Cot» County. O r- We English folk, says the London W orld, *T asked him If that didn’t mean that ugon, have filed th e ir application for a may take our pleasures sadly In the bulk, he had not e eery favorable opinion of joint patent fo r the follow ing deecrib- hut when they are of an outdoor r.aturs you," m id Taney, “sad be said et Iasi e<i m in ing ground, sitaate In the Sixes there to no doubt whatever that they that It did. He went on to say—” cannot be too exciting or (co fiengcrous I told him that If be told me what m in in g district {Unorganised) in C u r to p'ea e ws. It Is Ju»t because motor Stempel went on to say I ’d panel) his ry County, State of Oregon, Tb-wit: ing 1« full of the possibilities r f n.lthaps bead sad (hat «topped him. I was hot. The South Wort J o f the North Kaat that It be» become to «ncrir ctivly pop- j I he South East I of the North Wust | , ular, especially with women, who a r e ' though, and after I'd thought It over I west to Stempel and told him that I had aod the F orth East j of the South W ert ever more ready to fees death in pur- heard he hadn't s high opinion ot b m . 1 o f the North W ert, I , all In Section salt of pleasure, displ'e the fact t h a t ' "Did Tansy tall you that?’: he asked. E ig h t, Township T hirty-T w o , South of they are elwaye d w r lh r d »» hurdles of "H e did, and bdfore all ths crowd," I r.»rv»e filidne gvthiev declare that wom replied.-' “Now It's up to you to explain." Kange Fourteen W e rt of the W illa m en are quite as Intrepid as m -t wbea ette M eridian , in anid C u rry County, dangerou peals a r- <n be rlln b d. and 1 "Did he toll you what sins I m id— and onnteinlDg N inety acres of land. when sv»»v owe cycled I* » « Invariably I what I based my opinion o a f“ hs naked, gently. T he adjoining m in in g claim la th a t of ths girls of the party who rode the fa rt- , "No. he d ld n X " I aaffi. “I wouldn’t eat. r l’ ked ths weret M ila s td braved Newton C. Dlvelbiaa on the South stand tor IL ” T he land applied fo r Is under tlie ths tM c ire t traffle. W hit» th» pluck of •Then I ’ll tell you." said Stempel, and w>r'|»k wo-n»s la to be V m lre d os flood i names of, T lie H u d .o n P la te r m ining and fl»ld. It la alwsvs Ju’ » aa well la be told me. I t was pretty plain, stra in , claim », T lie W . O . Corbin c la im , The fc«»p before lh»m 'be fact that th» llvsa talk and I ’m bound to say H wm true A . A Black ctaim , l h e Thad G i.e a of ether# • • » somc'lm*« p’ ’ -»d In '»op-1 1 thin k It did ms good. Anyway, I took claim , a il piaeer, gold bearing ground. arde he to!» very Irtrenldlty. Fool- It and Stempel and I sre good friend« now. T h e Hudson M in in g CI dma were re hsrdv »yo"il|t'ons. r*cblc»- d rtv lrg s rd . But It didn’t end there. I told Wilson located lo comply with the sub. iviaiou» riding rerflCwePees »8 the r lv » v n r d a 1 and Dixie about It and the next morn » •rcrsl dlvr-serd of d irg » r «Ignslesrd of i be Governm ent survey. th» ad vie» of those w *o I r r w loo often lag when «e «ere all together D lxr A ll of said claims a m reoorded In the wises not only prrsnaal rtsb aod acci turned suddenly to Stempel vnd sake office o f the Courfty Clerk o f C u rry dent but danger aate’mayhe death to him what ha thought « Tansy. Tansy grinned. He thought he ws» County, Oregon, aud also a ll U a n .fe r» others. going to get a few boqueta. from the.original vlalinanta. “I'd prefer not to say.” m id Stamp, ARB NOT DRAWN TOGETHER. A n y and a ll persons claim ing advera- . We alt Shouted. Wilson said: "V< ti ly any port’o i ol the above described S ta s rw le r L e e k e< ffp a S e rw M y A aw eag know what Stempel means wbea bssai that. Tansy ." Ske g a p a w e a e »< S a w V « r k —a grouod or ndniag cla m«, are required I t didn't fosse Herbert, though, He to file th e ir adverse claim s w ith the wm ciuksure that he stood ■< high. Register of the United States Iatnd O f- It to a singular fact, and without "T ell 'em w hrt yon think of e. o ld five at Roseburg, In the Plate o f Ore parallel In any other race, that al man.” he m id to I n^el. *Td go n , d u rin g the sixty days |ie r ir .l uf though there are 8,000 Jspnn«ee la know myself." publication hereof, or they w ill be bar New T o r t there la W> Jspsorea colony. " I don't th in k yon would.” said Stem red by virtue of the provblous o f the The "T s u i ecs of the east” sre not gre pwL garious, I l l s their brethren from China statute. not bashful, old fellow; g, town It to cesy to tee bow this comes shred," m id Tansy B. F . IO N KF, Begisti-r. about. Such Japs as are In New Tork " If you Insist on It I ’ll tall yon." mid are not drawn from the class which Stempel. who w u rather pale. “I ’m ssuslly makes up ths Immigrant sorry to say thnt I eocsi.ler you dtoho« hordsa Mom of them go there with orsblo. Inminbah m you have hatohyed money or are supplied »Uh It fro m my confidence Io you. a id insincere, in. (Buoeneor to A. B. Sasia) home and they are free from the neces mm urh as y.,« have profeeved frier d sity of m s lle g their own liv in g , ship for ms to jry face and maks fun of Frobsbly half of ths Japs there are me to «he r« . 1 don't consider yea de preparing the<neeleae tor some pro toe cent. I f It's the plain truth you want, cton which they expect to practice at there you have It." horns. The others represent Japa n ese Short and sweet, wasn't I l f I t omrht merasntlle Interests aud are Invariably to hsvs done Tansy good if tt dM a’L “- A n y t h i n g n o t in s te c k , w i l l s m b of great hitslnsra ability aod fully Chicago n i l i i l H i i s H to loueh “tlth American eustosna They he p le a s e d tc o r d e r hssems keeuly offended when mto- takeu for Chtonmra. T h « they re N lo trary l a t o (leader o f ______ F R c f a ir ik o N catlt D o n e gard their rsaldeum to Amertau as a -G re s s er Peto, yer ’s ornery, sneakin' temporary exile to sh o w n by the tort horn thief nd han't dears» an iasrey that there o r . o n ly a half dosen J a p a n wbetsvmever; hat th ’ boy» ve derided ese women knows to he In New Turk. f g ire y» a ch'ire sSwIx sulrid« end a Itti ! '•«< , ‘•hi 'itaf » $ • • » r» violent death. Now. « Ich 4' ye prffihtl Ute to "I'm W. J. 0 hdfMtl Slrillff i d lAimtloi». KYwjyoik Se I f C G 0 MUL Ir'i./s^b-éF ra^d «M»wef ♦ • f »slIMffiwS , ’,7. ra. Ô Â b L í B ra v . '.» J l i s ir a æ S