Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1913)
'Flic Port have lately been „ g i flscated by the the m ilitary to aid and — wJIRary under oiffera fro m O o v e r'io r By J 11. UpTnii. i Hatfleld, and their éditera and repor te r, jail«». T h . warranto for t h T e ^ , E d ito r I min A, W hjn «Jid U'Mutidi P h illip s « •» » w at wntained no provision for bring- Hie “ flaunting |j8” ,,irn down for i f it liat^fnit protaeted rla v e ry u i h , oonflned ia Jail as tang u aeoeamry or until further orders fro n the Gov- type* made me affirm t 7 be State Grange in • largely at- ‘•TWa to constitutionally poaaibleln tended a. ..« a l meeting « A ftw a y . X* * «watltutteeally week »in • passed strung resolutions P?— bte » b w e a to . among the Am - •bm auding the abolition the e r« » „ commonwentths. fn n„ other State Senate, a thing I bava lung State la tbe asee«tiva power to sobati- tute martial to r o tvtl law . In no other « »mended »light to fie dime. la tha great habeaa-corpu 'J'he Grange ai.«« demanded the o f Aojdo-Saxoa lib e rty e« repeal o f the A ld erm an act pruvid- unwarranted or w biaw teal ing for Guurily Supervisors o f Kdu- fa no ether is the freedom a f ration regarding the sa We a« a oust end o r the press so lig h tly of the Govern«. Rn - ly m urante, e n d ,h a l la d y o f Intel o oln lb U te th s o u A rfa ligent, sta lw a rt farmer» voted down was compelled to set a ™ , u a-rea>duti«>n deprecating the pro- law of Burnside when it was — r n n n iH-aed Referendum again»! part o f fo closing up obnoxious newspapers where tiw civil power Was alive and the U n iveraity appropriation. the courte were open. 7 * A class <>f 120 applicants for ad •'Governor Hatfleld inherited a bad mission to the bar is eu»n to be ex mesa in militarism and strike disorder it mined by the Snpteme Court. from his predecessor, and gave hope F ifty -e ig h t of these are gradual«* of that lie would d ear It up in d vll. order the L aw D e jm rtutent o f Un, Stale end justice. This hope has been dis* U n iversity dom iciled at Portland appointed. W hatW est Virginia need, ia k-ss a new Governor than a new oon- where llfcre ia a demand lor extra ttltutlon which w ill aecure the sub fhiildings to bouse th at and the ject* of the State from arbitrary power and Imprisonment at the hands of any “ M w lical Departm ent. Senator K ern o f In d ian a succeed Governor disposed to exercise it .” And in a later issue ed in having b it lewduthni for a look in on tbe doings and workings aaya: the W orld civil magistrates In bringing i to justice, but s a id -T h e d U p m ,« U ^ i t / M t l c e belong, to the d v il mag- tatotea, and tat It aver be oar pride “• -» be tolerated In snatching that 'sacred deposir from where he left it, without • word of national protest? Never h a. the United State, t a s d . b w k t o better order than la voting this inves tigation.” A humorous item i t the Literary Digest states that lbs Moan««, Ros ter to this country to write up'weet Virginia! 7^7"— Langtote, Otf. W ill Anderson of this « t y w ill wsd Mira J u lia Guerin of Langlois the coming week, being ih . first June wedding we at« able io‘ hear of. Mr. Anderson is the ton of Chief Anderaon and one of the finest young men we know of and w , quite Certain that the young lady stands equally high among her as- eociatea. She is however unknown here. She js a daughter uf Prof. W. 8. Gnerin, a well known resi dent of C u rry county. Prof. Guerin read the Declaration of Indepen dence in Philadelphia at the Cen tennial in 187«, and has been iden tified with educational work ever since.— Coos Bay Harbor. of the m ilita ry ru le in new Rus»ia “Thia la not a question of a strike or otherwise known as West V irg in ia, the employment of the m ilitia to snp- adopted, and singqlar an the faot p i t tbe d v fl authority In strike disor ders. I t is the aubelitution of m ilitary m ay sound, one great, w ealth y pa rule for civil govenment in defiance of per, the N ew Y o rk W orld, com- the whole genius and letter of republi m end * tbe proceeding. can institutions. I t in the subversion E d ito ria lly th at gieat paper of a of the great precept laid down by Pres ftrp r, ident George Washington n » veers ago reoent dale says : during the whiskey rebellion ia Went- ___ “ tw o labor pepera in West Virginia ern Pennsylvania, when he summoned C O Q U 1 L B 1 ., - - . X J. STANLEY ’•A OREGON