Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1913)
id C o i I U t j . *. I (Sorbin wa, i„ toWn from Mrs. Geo. Forty haa been hila ep|«ar Bfxes home during lb« aiuk during the pest week, ia a t the wharf, part of last week trading darbora a t 1 P . M . , lb* • tor* - ,ele. Coat «1,1 «100 worth e<i at sow recovering, W aken F. M iller made final in ie workiog the I prooi 0,1 hi“ u obl»ard’e ereek home- Panting of an Old Pioneer. i county, having I F r i d a y , 8. P. M errill and er laat week? J> H g“ Wo1» «©ting gp witneassa. ■< up fro « Corbin , * 7 * 7 * * * ' * P° r‘ ° f i ’ rd ye,ter i with bis «lip o fl , 1 ?b' 1 L* n* ’ l>>«l'Ule three year e/ k e e w . b o u ^ W ' ; ' V ' 0Rrr‘#r, O fw r # n d M r ‘ - 1 ? Prlnoe of Cedar Fork, ie sick and sot expected to jive. faadTv* rr° 7 * CouFie °« week* *« beauti lo u d .y’e stage to j, « , <pring we, lher> . 11 blpw up from the north Monday, r ¡and yesterday morning a thin coat ■ ing of enow covered tbe ground, i t i Ja not thought, however, that tbe I weather ia severe enough to injure , fruit to any extent. . i Timber Claims. Have you nay to offer, Or do you know of anyone who ba»7 I desire Ao purchase. Angus O. Mackay, Ueal Estate Agent, i\>n Michigan. • " '•<- * Curry County Abstract Railty Genpany. KT. SS. C O M M M n i O N K H P a r t O r fe r d , O reg o a . ' I ' « * ' citne up for hearing at 10 _ o’clock ,thie morning. The friends of M r. Earl H . Con »er in Port Orford and vicin ity w ill ’ « ° chosen Cashier of the Paisley q ° l>e pleased to know that lie husbecg b Na Petition» are being prepared nt Bandon calling for an election to vote on tbe creation of a Port Die tricl o n jlie tower Coquille. The proposed district would contain An Ina Worth While ■, (F o rm e rly O aw atlett*«) N ew ly F itted Up; E lectric L ig h ts TA K E R VNKXCKLLBD GOLD BEACH, CURRY CO.. ORE* H ot a wo -C olo T ub and S hower B aths F irst ( lass Barn and Oarage in Conneolion, Affording all Conveniences for Saddle Horses, Teams, Automobiles and Motorcycles GENERAL tiuoal Bank at Paisley, Oregon. Mr. Conner is now connected with the Trust Department of the Security Savings & Trual Company of Port land. W. A. WOOD, Manager. H A R D Y T. 8 T E W A R T i W. E Catteriin came down from ' Langloia to appear os defendant in the action wherein three Swiss la borer» are suing ,him in Justice W right’» court Io collect wages al- leged to be dun them. The ense : the liver end another through the ‘ hand, Singler crawled outside, not know in f that ho had killed donee. When h e lp a rrire d fro w a nearby farm , he stated that Jwnsa was hid ing behind the stove, end there (he body was found. Joae» ia the same man who helc up and look a revolver away Jrom lha City Marshal a t Jacksonville three year» ago. H e was wanted for that and for severe) petty thiev eries. Sheriff Singler leave« a wife and eight children. He was cleoted to office last November by one of tbe largest majorities ever given in a county election here, having made hia campaign largely on thettrengtb of b>a large family. From Big Bend Wagons and Buggies for Sale, Kept in Stook, also Agent for All Kinds of Farming Im plements; McCormick Mowers, etc. *• ® «' w I* ™ ™ « w i Wood and Iron W qt K promptly done at a Reasonable price. Your natronaira nolioitod Mine Kira McKenzie came down from Bandon Saturday to nurse her father, who baa been quite ¡H at the McKenzie home on Elk river, but we are pleased to report that Mr. McKenzie ie now eoAvaleaoeot. H.^BlFuod 1*0 L>r the Eckley country yeetevday to Investigate Saturday t-So Weyden, and reported wiiw «re anxious 10 uyrest in thia ‘ n« interests or lit» mutlier'« proper "»’»“ ‘" » » w « auoui two wee«« ag ¡county. _r ; . «y te.P urt Orford. he« mad* a find of some very rie The Rustler lut'd at the wharf over The many friend» of Louie Marsh,' f ’4** * * " ri'’g nw»r wh»1 ' Frid ay night while on her way 1,a* **•*> t a k i n g a heroic fight knoW‘‘ “• Ule “Cul o r f ” Wedderhurn with 20 tone of-am s- f«r Hfe at the Bandon hospital K N A P P HOTEL, ' *•.* . . ' r -, » i' r o r t w » r a , urtegoiiy t - . KNAPP Feed Andrew Me Beam, of Big c k - s , S ta b le attached / • » •, s LAW M. LEE PEMBEKTON rfwaker and an intelligent affable ."0 e" rn' *’ * 6 ” ,ePorted ae gel gentleman, and left a good imprea ° " g n,Ce T- sion with tbe people of Port Orford- "Typewriter” Chamberlain, “ t)ua Atiwnihw, i . M il i . d n r «>” Mi«1»» «!“ > Mr. Goodrichof Ban- ■oy Hal.-a a n n n u iJ m e n i uf -A n «’- ‘»rake of Marsh PHYSICIAN Office at Langlois Hotel, L anolois , O r koon Fvenine W ill, H iU u »’ . i u u i he church F i l a • ’ ° - *° *1 » « ° a l Z, r , r i S '" W ILLIS T WHITE, S r Notary Public P ort O rford, O regon W. H. MEjtEDITH ATTOBMBY oxo U0UK8KLL0E AT LAW ■ * ''*♦**'’ *• ♦ W E V D E K B C K N , O M Í5 O O N N otice fo r P u b lic a tio n t i . * r a M in fo admission will 1» eh r 1 i t , silver offering will be# taken “ weatl,e»- They spent a The sheriff found Jones bending K r,r d «“ er a cook atove in the kitchen, S. P. M errill Is engaged in build house for W a lle r Moore, at Euebrecrrck, who is engaging in the dairy N otice o f F in a l S eulem en t. In tbe County Court, Curry County, Oregon. In the matter of the estate of W m . Nordberg, deceased. ' Notice is hereby given that the Final Acoount of John B. M iller, Adminls- traturof the Estate of Wm. Nord- berg, deceased, has been filed in said Court, and that tbe In d day of Jane, l» ll, at the boar of 10 o’clock A. M „ as the time, and the Court Room at Gold Beach, Oregon, as the place, lor hear ing objection» to »«Id aooount and the settlement thereof, a t which time and place atyr person interested ia said es tate may appear and be beard. « Dated this 96th day of April, ISIS. foXx R. M illxb , Administrator of the estate of W illiam Nordberg. deceased. Rocky Point, «tiding aome beauti- and ordered him to throw up bit ful • l * cin’e" * "n'’ »>•»«»< «n »n hands. The youth instead leached A w|t«» «be party on the bench as expert agate bun ter, and they were forto According to the Lender there nal* in finding agates so abundant ¡I» been a poison fiend at work ia at thia season of tlie y 4 f . < Langloia and he recently made way with half a dozen canines, in one Looks Like a Hitt Move1. night, two of which were valuable stock dags. Port Orford has a sim ilar fiend, and if soma one will fer- t ret them ont we will join ^vfth our |i northern neighbors in treating the r miscreants io a dose o f tsr and tl feathers, a free rail ride, and an in- c vilation to hunt new Held». p ing sn up-to-date m ilk w died at the Sacred Heart Hospital her* morning, following a duel last night with Letter J One«, an 18 year old bad man. The duel tcok place when Singles attempted came down in a rig la»l F n . to earve a warrant on Jones at a t o ’ W t Port Orford’s famous j lonely cabin one mils west of Jack enjoy ,he fine drive .on ville. ;;7 ier Poet” and "h^reehal i» sai I To * * d X r7 « n u X n « .7 d l L ± . . < Always Ready fo ri « » - aasist R tv. C. E. Short, of that? * rM , re° der ,nm un0”n -----‘------- place, in holding » serie, of revival ! ‘*n“ ‘ “ “ « *r n ia g .( Medford. O r , April 23 - A u g u .l meeting» Mr. Hall ia a pleasing Ju* ‘ how *,e * “ ‘ "Jur»d we d id 'S in g ler, sheriff of Jaekson County HOLD BEACH. OHEHON Real Estate e from M a r.h fl.ld , preached in the t "»‘M o u .a ------------------------- iburch at thia p i^ e Friday evening l ,hnt the tr»c ri>l““ vred a. S h e r iff and Q u a rry K ille d while,«, h l. way ,oG old Beach to “ fel1 n" d him in a u c h / S X J f c u „ D uel. W. A, WOOD AT j inat. Next week we will print a “ r’ , I W - . ‘ P T «" h ent and a lively description of the George Lewis, w h o . attended Pettlnver also d e li* d * f , event aeot « . by one of M r.- Tiche- * hu° ' irt Orford laat fall f„r aome, nor’s enthuaiastle friends. several months, was severely injur- R«v Leroy H all, Baptist Miniater p hi,le ho,ne ATTO UN K Y Bsnr A*t-oa>rk<K€o« rUM-clasa In every reapeit. G oad for chandise and 60 tons of ooni for (lie P*"1 1 <0 ,non««>» from the effect: «»rived, home yesterday from tio l Wedderhurn Trading Company. “f • " »bsoeaeon the lung following; Beach, where he want for medic Up«« M w w ta rn toC oueB ay C ip t. P0« “ »»«“'». regceUu ¡M n M iia t h ia , treatment. - , : S * . Olaen will make a trip to W * ’ " <’ ,,i« n la estremly critlcA. Sun- » ge|)0<jl W!II iU > f ( bh ,aW * him, and the sheriff fired. Within You are hereby warned not to buy n few momenta /ones had fired three any of my eattle advertised by one times at the sheriff, .Ad Singler bad I Jobs Baltic ot Eckley, Oregon. These puiii(«d six bullets into tbe young i cattle were unlawfully token up, which deapeiado. Oaoa»« A. Tsrbm. DOORS - W INDOW S - MOULDINGS The H o o sier P o e t’* ^^ycuj/jg you Need in M ill W :rk W rite us for P rices or a n y Informa tion you Need in this Line business this season and about double ilia I many Call on me at L axolom , (Jaaoow. Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Store. R Pl next year, when lie will have a lot of4>ors blood jersey heifers coming ’’ on. Frank Moore, further up the ** Repairing Wafehes ami Jewelry specialty. A ll work guaranteed. H& vejuat received a, Large Utupmeut oi Stone Crocks. See our W indow as you eo b v j I can prove. W ith one shot through1 1 snd w ill h i lIk 15 or itO rows W ATCHM AKER he blade» M guarantee to teke and hold an edge . creek, is also going into the dairy husine>s, and Mr. M errill has the contract fur putting up a large barn * for him as soon as his present job is T completed. W ith Ueo. Dunn also starting dairy work« it w ill make pi between 75 and 100 ewwn that wil« 1 be milked on Euchre ereek where ( for a number of yean past therehaa been no dairying to apeak of going j, — And— LOCAL MUSICAL TALENT A t th e Church, May 2nd. Entertaining, Unique, Instructive North Bend Manufacturing Co iVortli IJend, Or-efifoa