The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, April 23, 1913, Image 3

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    W K pN B H D A T A P R IL
L e v is
out o f 1
B y J
H. U p t m
R o s e b u rg Item s.
K d tlo r T a ta r « « :
Published R y.ry
w, "
I enn think of nothing
Uoat-hurg, O r , A p ril 10.
GardrSa are looking fine, and ;
. A 20 cent e a t io ' • u g a s ’waa an­
nounced ip P o rtlan d oa the UU >.
D ry granulated wyaquoted at »6 05
a hundred.
K napp ,
C, W .
Z umwalt , V .
D xpaktmkkt o r tms I v t s u i a,
Uuited »talea Land Office,
E . J. L o n e r,
Rnœburg, Oree- n Mareh IA IM 3.
Notice ia hereby given that
of Port Orford, Oregon, who. on A pril
l i , 1SU8, made
....... Humci-teaJ
. _^__MnFfias|-'-
al No. 04474, tor Lota ■ « « and ME*.«
b W K Sec. I I , and N E |
\ t - geotiuii
I t . Township S3 8. K«uge U west. W
» X ltfjK O F P O K T
O r t F O liH
M ., has filed notice nf intention to iuak«
Five year proor, io establish claim to
the laud above doaorffad; before H ar­
dy T. S te ra n ..U n ite i States Commis­
sioner, at P- r t Orford, Oregon, on the
2nd day o( May 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
James W . Crew, ot Port Orford, Oregon
W illia m Liinpacb, of •*
I eland White, of
P O R T O X F O R D Clarence W right, or
iicoupy spec« with a* the following
G . A . Greenleaf, o f C entralia,
signed article by ffem itor La F o lia te potatoes are from ! to 4 inches
T h « days are wane W a s h , arrived here Saturday to
in thn h»ta*t uumber of L a Follette’s above ground
8U tW C JU P T lp * * 3 R » » .
« in fe r w ith attorneys employed to
O b * Copy One Year > ................
UHgaaine ireueti as a caution to the : and the tem peraturest u ig lil from
Uaa Copy Six U u n tin ....... . . . . . .
defend hia row, G ay.G iSenleef, «ho
ail too confiding Woodrow W ib o n .
One Copy T h r u Months. U T ........
in U-iog held a t Coquille io the sum
Thousands of people w ill read the
T h e C o g nty Court hit* nrd-red
o f »2,000 to answer charges ct»n.
the road to Cone R a y , n e a r I be
1 Tl.pnnuaMuwHulfMrp.W >
nee led w ith the suicide of E rm a
IthswathsSaw lo «bici r«ar s*h-5
( fivostut La FuHette says ot “ Tba Douglas county lin e.repu i(vd ,aa it
- TysrtptienlspatS.
K a ore. He came in via Roseburg
8 r*t*ro at W ork:"
ia almost impaoeiiife.
and M y rtle Point, and visited hia
"U n d er the Roneevnlt add T a ft
Aovaansu-e Raves ■AbCMIALLb.
F ra n k Morgan a rre te d
Chas. aor, at. Coquille before coming to
Ad in ioiei ratios, «fee? combined
tereats were all | ow eifu l iu the
P . r t * O rfo rd .
Treasury Departnn-iit. One after Bunday. H e was fined »25.
T h e Port Commission at Ysquing Y C U R B U 8 IN E B S B E T T E R
another the high officials o f this de
- _
a , ,
, .
parlm ent filled their places o f trust
Diere is a good deal o f ta lk in recently nsked the-Fish Commission
▲ special w riter frats T h e Record
in a nianut-r ,so acceptable to lh e ( regard to the electrie lin e to the to survey the h alib u t banks off the
is in C a rry cuunty and in thia Isa««
System that they were rewarded ooust. J . M . E ngle*i* tlnaiftisg it const. A n appropriation ¡»’ expect
appears f i n i t e ha rent to The
• fill lucrative positions at the hands w j , -IR J n g to do so.
ed by tha Fish Com|nissioB qn July
Record telling of attat 'da taking of the money now
wer when the tim e
1st, after which twafc i l ls probable
¿dace there. No attem p t is mad
bu'me fo r t h « » ' to retire from jh e
T h e 8. P. Railrpu^ J g , doing a that their boat, tlw A lb atriiss,: P ill
to boost the section.
T h e letter
great business. Tiwins ara crowded
surrey the halihu«,'banks .o f f - Y a
inlly true of Rimeevell’e ap
tells o f what is actually going on
day and n ig h t, and m i fee and mile*
quln a.
.O’ -'C
‘ -• -
o f wpaA ia planned and jr i^ i jp p fc '
A nd now, one month after the of freight cars go?wllirtiog through
A br.ikeraafi'htrfhkifflkrotdiBeeit,
way and w hat can kfr> *p o c t*U jn ■fourth of M arch, « g i t .are. asking, Roseburg every 24 hour«.
iki -'Jlfil I
employed oa th w C od P G iiy logging
tha m etropolis o f o u t giatar county. are the representatives o f the inter
There ia no g etting Away from die locking directorate* to secutp a . • Thousand* o f China Pheasants road, waa seriously iujured yester­
fact Curry county tpid bumped it i* »IrangJa-hHliiMptm the TreaSurvrpv- aw a it the gunners this fa ll in Doug day m orning. I t seems he went
pariiuent under the Wilson adroin laa oounty, as the law is open a f lt r
ahead o f the s cars» fep throw the
bump», like a ll comities deprived
er T
trtra tio n f
a long closed perim L *'
o f prop« r transportation facilities,
aw itcb, when lie sttttaM ed'nnd -ifc ll
U n til a few Jays ago it was u n ­
car ran
b u t with the advent di e itlrfr rail, officially announced th at Robert
Barnes’ 8 ring circus is due here on the
. , track. . A , loaded
, .
o r water routee it ia bound to. come W oolley, of V irg in ia , would ha ap A p ril 16, There a r t 25 c a r. of . O ^ h in v break.nfe a w k r « and leg,
pointed Assistant Secretary of the
crushing bis hips afld breaking sev­
forward ra p id ly . There ia ocean«
Treasury. M r. W oolley le a n able, tra iu « l anim als including the d iv
M a c h in e r y & M o w in g M a c h in e s .
at enthusiasm possessed by thejieo rcholary gentfeman, ’ p student o f tog horses, K i n g and Fremo, high eral ribs. H e ia ■ about 25 yearg
pie there and th e y have abiding government finance, a well know n d iv in g hones of the w urld. They
E x t r a « fo i D a i r y i n g ; O s b o r n e ,
faith in tha u ltim a te outcome of publicikt who hue " supported pro dive 40 feel into water.
M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e r y .
tjie county. Just now the repre ‘greesive measures slid men an d has
• At a meeting of (fte P o il Com ­
T a lle y , s fish waydbn from
M u ta tiv e of T h e Record says bind shown a very keen and oom prehen
' P a in t s , O il« & S t u m p in g P o w d e r
sive grasp o f present day issaet. H e Portland arrested (or fishing .with missionerà yeslerdapr m orning, it
aeea appears to lie good, conditions was employed by the Stanley com
was stated th at lh e 'm o n rÿ for the
for an excellent season are seen ev
mittee to make a special investiga­ put s license, was acquitted by Judge p iift bon efts w ill be /av a ila b le after
P in e lin e o f G u n s, B a s e b a ll p a ra «
arywbere and thia h ill j r i l l find Cur­ tion of the financial operations nf M srstus. The evidence in the rase
ith e 22d of the preseht month’. / I t is
h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r
S p o r tin g
ry oounty io better abape than ey-
{ the intention to start work up I be
. v. . „
w ho caused T u lie y ’s nr
ar. T h a readers o f 'Die Record w ill one o f his wiscelluneouS magaaine. w„
north je tty a t the entrance o f the
arlicfee, “ r. W oolley reviewed the re„
vUjl. tej
tha law hiin-'i If, bay this summ er’,'ih d tl*e pur’t
ba glad lo know thia ia so.— The operations o f the W ashington r e a l’
D o o r s, a n d W in d o w « in v a r ie ty
estate Khg, and the connection o f C. F ou r or five witness«« also sdinin«-,) trill spend »150,0i*0 on ihe work:
* '
WL. I. ! >■■»■?'-----—
ilis v in g violate,! the salmon l.iw . The deepening nf ihe ship channel
C. G rover w ith its opernlit
c o n s ta n tly k e p t o n h a n d . \ „
M r. G rover I* thePresid ten t«f the ’ The Judge siateli that prosecu'inns
T h e W ro n g K in d o f Boosting.
h is is a 0>r fishing violations a t \V in e b ,« -er
Hfgg» N atio n al Bank, t in
a depth of 25 feet' at low water
P i p e F i t t ik i j f s , P l u m b i n g a n d T i n
'T w o weeks ago the C urry County System hank with vary close con- bad Cost Douglas county gAOO and
neolions with the National C ity bank
w ill »Ivo be
w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n sh o r t
J ^ s d e r printed a biondersome and
nothing had been accouiplirlied.
^ibelous article in-m ard ta the late uf New Y o rk , t b a l u ^ f q f the Staa
n o tic e .
dard O il group. My. Gwiver, both
/Sommissiouert id the Porf^' a f Port lor personal reasons «n4 .business
O rford from this place. ¿The article reasons was OppnavuTo' Mr. Woo*^
C irc u s D a y in R c a e b u -g .
specially condemned tfie secretary ley’y appointm ent at Assistant
> Hardware ofaH Kind«
for n o t issuing a ..fiscal rej>ort show
jo g thn reoeipU a n i tRshtfraemeuts.
X » etra pleased' lo nòte, bowever,
th a t the
LM <t9f
and fairness to
h id the
b t t t . an d
that such a report had been issued
aijd conspicuously published ip Hie
T mbukx .
But,.as though i t was
sore over the fact th a t l i tres Caught
with the goods .-ang had to "fesa
up," in the san^ fssde fìn it i t re
tracts the former piece it Aumet out
I n a second e^tlet«^ to u tin g th a t
rebuy ó f i iW
ley wee »,
E ith e r M r
w ith iiiteren s pun
W ih ro i tO SplMMIlt Jj[si
W-üftutnet Assistant Hire,
„ M1M
»K Watt-
V r i^ w Y iilt/ spent
N O T IC K F G M r U B f ij f C A T lb N
D ip a x t m v . i t or t m x ' ItAkaioB,
U , 8- Lajid Office at Rueeburit, Oregon
Maroh 1,1*13.
NcUOa t» betMfar ntW aytixt F
WaxYqa j*. M n xaa , r
i-f Port Orford, Oregon, who, oo April
«Hi, 190s. nsada Homestead Entry Be-
V Ç ’t
7o¿’ n
intention to makb F lm y e a r Proof, to
estxhlt b claim to ihe lam) above de­
scribed. before H a rd y T. Stewart, Uwt •
ted States OonauMastoneB, at Port Ov»2
lord. Oregon, on the 95 day of A p rii,”
Claim ant names as witnesses:
James iFSuttoii of Port Orford, ©v.,
W alter button of I oft Orford, Oregon,
Slepnen P. M e rrill o f Port'Orford, O r.
George Forty uf Port Orford, O iegon.,
A F-Jogae .
■.... —---- I.......ha M 1,^.^____________
N O T IC E r p a
Trespass M otte«.
Notie« is hereby given hr a ll peraoaa
whom it may couctrn, not to enter up­
on or tresp.igs upsa the premlres of L .
Knap^. fbf the purpose of bunting, nr
fishing wtth nook nnd tin«. • Raid pre­
mises are situated oa Slk « » o r , Curry
Coua'.y, Orrgou, and generally known
a« t } » “ Bond*’ plao*f
. A n r person or pefiKfib. wf»»«spare-
iog for the purpose of bunting, fishing,
or tra w lin g through ia say shape form
or manner, or tearing down fences, or
leaving out side grf*s>op«i, o r molest­
ing personal property, will be prosecu­
ted to the full extent of tbs law.
Wm. R. Johnson,
of the above
L a n g lo is , O r.
y was uiruu/tday in R<-sel urg
-oy»,l It , was an ideal day for the pur
Balnea circus arrived
Rosrib.urg * t 6 A . M.. thia morn
g-aflgeShowing fh large crowds at
anywhere in W all s in e t as á
t ^ Y s ^ ia a yesterday. Th» |H»rn,ie
bly fittin g biin for the office. H e is* .
a member uf the M etrqm dlU n (M
R^ j
“ 10:30 “ 1‘ t*
l^ ' rc
3 8 - 5 3 5 - » « "X
lionairea’ ) C lub o f 60th street N ew ' lhul U,n* » «re“' orowrt ° f (“ ____
Y o rk. H e organized »he Seaboard J
lined Ilia strevt*. Bonn the blare
A irlin e Railw ay System and was h s (o f b^n l* waa heard anJ the parade
|.,re*'d.y,’ t f roin 182Jlo 1904. H e is ■ ap|,eared headed by a glitterin g
should h a v e rich, re d blo o d
a n d sturdy, healthy bodies to
w ithstand cold reins, changing
seasons an d w in ter storms.
I f your child la weary when
rising— lacks energy an d am­
bition— h as no a p p e tite o r
possibly sallow skin o ra pinched
face— it ia fer want of vital body-
n o u ria h m e n t; th is g ro w in g
period demands s p e c ia l, con­
centrated, easily digested food
for body-development— m e n ta l
strain—-physical changes.
(Successor to N. C. Nielsen.)
g eb ter a l
» f i& R O H A .iv n r , ;
n am ed prem ises
^ T F o r t O rfo rd , O r r c ^
N o tic e fo r P u b H o a tio a .
DarasTucxT os vh x Isn uu o x,
U. 8. Land Office, at Roseburg. Oregon
February 11, 1913.
Notioe is hereby given that
S tipw c h P. M k r b iix - j
of Port Orford, Oregon, who, on M ay
27, 1909, made Homerfred Entry Berial
No 06008. fo rN W J i BWfc Sec. 1, and
tl.e N K lt HEW Section 2, Towimhip
8 ., Range 15 West, W illamette Mer-
idinn, has filed notice of hia intention
to make final Flve-Yesr Proof, to es­
tablish claim to the laud above des­
cribed, before H .rd y T . Stewart, U n it­
ed Stales Commissioner at Port Or­
ford, Oregon, on the 4th day of April,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Walton F M iller, i f Pun Orford, Or.,
W alter Suiton, of Port O rford, Or.
James H . Hutton, of Port Orford, Or.,
Geo. ge Forty, of Port Orford. Oregon.
B najaxtn F. Joxss r
and i ap«i ih supplies will be received by every steamer,
't ill
my pTip
1 |«>RC to keep
Keep a fu ll stock oi everything required I r
tra de iu
’ i th e lin e o f
G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S ,
B O O T S and B H l ’ K
M E N S and BOY4i, C L O T H IN G .
jiJ J -A D IE S ’ D R E S S G O O D S ,
H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W A R E .
C IG A R S . T O B A C C O , F IF E S
C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S .
In (act, a supply of everything usually kept ia a well stocked
General Merctiandlse Store. ■
T A K E N kO K
D tfA an am T or Tira I x t im io s
U . 8. Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon
“ f-
M arob«, 1913.
Notice it hereby giveu that
Port Orford, Opegon, who, oq A pril fi,
1*08, m»de Homesteail Entry Serial,
Np. 0446«, for S W i b W i Sec 14. .m l
N * N W j N W * N E i Sec. 93.Tw p.W H .
R a n g e W e s t , W illamette Meridian,
hat tljf-d notice of intention to make
five-year proof, to establish claim to
the land above. -described, before
Hartly T . Stewart, United States Com­
missioner, at Port Orford, Oregon, on
the 2nd day of M ay, 1913.
( laim ant names
re up witne
Freeman D avis,'
a, Port Orford, Oregon
W illiam Matheny,
David Crowley,
Charles Zum walt. “
R. F . J oxks , Register.
Cheever ® Bowman
Rossburg, O r., A p ril Ittlh . '
the R altig l, A C h arliM n n Kailroad fui w hile horses; then wild anim als
pany, and Chairm an o f thé big a o d jit t le in cages; small horses,
by the former ifo it Commissioner*
B „V d of Directors. H e ia president large horses, spotted horses, black
and that by their extravagance they of the Bank of Richm ond; president horses and beautiful rin g boises,
put the present oop^piiffiiouert in S. nf the N ational Bank of V irg in ia t I .
. .
a director o flh e M arylan d Casuality’
a t r ^ l - to the d e -.
hole that th s jt are having hard
W ith.cage after cage'
Com pany; a director of the S o uth ­ lig h t of a ll.- .......
work to get out of.
o f lions, three bifnds and
ern Investm ent
pany; • a direc
S c o ff’« E m u la to r » D the
T h e Leader rtihs ns t f . head line:
lor of the Great B ritian R ailw ay calliope, gorgtous wagons, g litterin g
greatest body-builder known— it
“ Devoted to I he development arid Development Cot poration; a direc
is nature’s wholesome strength-
cages and the crowd, it w«s cert tin
advancement o fQ u rry oounty and lo t of the Seaboard A irlin e C o m ­
m a k e r— w ith o u t a lc o h o l o r
ly a fine sight to see as it stretched
ilia best inteirsts o f its people.’’ I f
stimulant— aieAes veay cAeaAs,
pany. On.the Board of Directors of out along Jackson street.
' such is the case it behooves that
the A irlin e , M r. W illia m s is n-<H<>ci-
A t the afternoon performance
paper to he advised whereof ii nted w ill, H , Cl»y Fierce, Norman
there was standing room o nly. Some
speaks. The port question is t t i i| B. Ream, B. F. Y o akum , and other
SCOTT a Bow»«. MoonrteM, K. J. M -a
the tricks by Ihe anim als were
a sore spot with m any of the peo System representedvee.
I t is believed th at Eresident W il­ wonderful. A great spotted leopard
pis of N orthern C urry and the less
son lias l*e u imposed upon. Let rode a ring horse; jum ped through
1 useless agitation over it, the more
him la-ware of such influences. The hoops of fire an d did other stunts
harm ony wHI prevail, tfh e old special interests never sleep. They
N o tic e fo r P u b lic a tio n .
A big African lion did the same in
port oouimission had ' tha 'best ot have their friends iu eveiy d ep art­
another rin g, but the fluest novelty
’ legal advice for eyery im portant ment. M any of them are known.
M in irg Application No. 08594.
T|,ey shottld all be hunted down uf a ll waa a lady oo a big w hile
United States ¿ an d Office, Rose­
move they to o k /a d d 'w e re Unques
and out. But it w ill avail little to horse. There was a blare of the burg, Oregon, Mareh 98,1913.
tionably w ithin their rights at all turn out one man w ith special iu-
band and the lady came oat on thia
Notice Is hereby given that W. O.
times. I l the Leader insists on go-- lerest connections only to ap|Kiint
Hoe horse who « a llie d down the Corbin, whose jx-stofflee address is
ing in to tba m a tiw we will take the another with like affiliations in his
• ® 3
ring to the cente-r of theaieua where Port Orford, Curry County, Oregon,
action o f the old commission up
it stoppe,!, inai/e a bow, and partly and Walter S in c tw , whose postofRce
R ohekt M . L a F ollk ttx
address is Coquille, Coos Oounty. Or­
w ith them in dvlsnl.wnd show Uieir
kneeling rent^n<^ ip th at posture
egon, have ‘filed. t M lr application for a
Mtore and mure people are heroin
au th ority an» <m otive for - every
w hile the lady’ shng “ W here The joint patent for tha following,describ­
ing wise to the reason that the “ Sys
R iver Sbannoy tflows,” with full ed mining ground, situate in the Sixes
C b rry county can never be de tem ” fa irly turns the world u;>si,le
mioiug district (Unorganised) in Cur
down to defeat a Bryan, a F o lk, a bund accompaniment. The kneeling ry County, State of Oregon, To-wit:
veloped by uncalled for attacks up
The South-Wmt | of the Norih East L
oo her beet t-itixeur, and misleading Debs or a LaFullette. I t would
ster’s beautiful «due aliove the hand, The South Bast J of the North "West I,
and erroneous‘buggestinne th at only have been impossible for either of
them to make the u lte ily unfit ap waa a t fine nn act as ever staged in and the North East | of-the South West
stir up en m ity and strife.
any circus and o h t th at impressed 1 of the North West I , all In Section
’T r
' i
pointm ent complained o f above.
Eight, Township Thirty-Two, South of
the eye and m ind.
And w ith n il his W a ll Street
T h e T a r i f f B ill.
The four clowns were a failure,- Kunge Fourteen West of the W illam ­
irons in the fire whai possible tim e
ette Meridian, In said Curry County,
and were not even fu n n y when and containing Ninety acres of land.
Congress tn now tackling the tur
w ill M r. W illiam s have to attend Io
trying to ride th e balky trick mules. The ad j doing mining claim Is that of
iff in special session, and it is be
the duties of the office he accepts?
"lieved that this b ill w ill be through
One elephant played barber and Newton C. Dlvclbifs on the South ;
Langlois, Or.
The land appRod for ia under the
tba House and Senate in a much
shaved another. A lady anim al
23T trainer and 20 big lions perform ing names of, The Hudson Placer mining
* shorter lim a than the ta riff hills
claims, The W . O. Corbin claim , The
ia a cage wasa th rillin g sight. Seals A. A Black claim, The T h a i Green
have taken iu previous years. The
and sealions, the kind Cspt. F o tty claim, a ll placer, gold bearing ground.
Republican oppoeition have staled
kills, played foot b all, musical iu
The Hudson Mining Claims were re­
th a t they do not exjiecl luMHibusler
o r in any way to consume tim e ex
The Halfway House at CorMo will si rumen ts, etc. There was a four located to comply with tbeaubcivisions
of the Government survey.
ovptas to express their views on the ba closed to thw public on M ar 1st. i legged women who danced two jigs
A ll of M id claims are recorded in the
’ various suhjeote. The country h«» Ro meat. wi:l be served after that date. at once, jum pin g grey bounds,- trick
office of the County Clerk of Curry
U. Q uxllxx .
posies, high d iv in g dog«, and in fact County, Oregon, and also all transfer,
been well assured th a t the tariff,
w ill not seriously disturb tba busi
so m any an im al tricks th a t i t is from the original claimants.
Any and a>l persona claiming adven-
hard to enumerate them a il. The
nese o f the country and the buei-
N o tic e ,
Naea men seam fu lly satisfied with
night performaaUu was well attend­ ly any portion ot the above described
ground nr mining claims, ara required
ed, but by m idnight the last tent
’ th is aasurantr, for m anufactur;
to flic tiielr adverse claim s with the
waa down and Ute last wagon had Register of the United States Land O f­
ing and commerce ara laXb going
You aye hereby warned a--t *c buy gone chucking to the depot, and
a t top-notch speed.
fice at Roan burg. In the Htate of Ore­
aay of my cattle advertised by owe
circus day was In dream land, leav­ gon, during tba sixty days period uf
A t present S i ----------
Roosevelt ia en­ John Bakk of Kckley, Oregon. These ing a good impression of tha day publication hereof, or they w ill be bar­
cattle were gafawfully taken up, whk-h
red by virtue of the provisions of the
in w iltin g bis an to b -l-o g ra
th at ia gone but not forgotten.
I can prove.
O ioaox A. Tsvtoa.
> /•
Fa a xx M. M obsax .
B. F . JONES, Register.
money has beep
N Q y iC E .
Notice is hareby'given that I have
been appointed agent to look after the
E. W . Jensen property, situated on the
“ Heads” at Port Orford „Or.
regon. All
persons caughttrMpausHig it. thedwel-
ling tiouse w ill be proae
rutad to the
fu ll extent of the law
Z . F . J LIN D B E R G .
; C a ll a w l e x a m i n e g o o d s a n ti g e t p r ic e s . ;
4Ì ?
T o W h o m i t M a y C oncern.
K.,’Poft Orford, Oresron-
V.-..S .
-K T!
Has opened a new Store, with
I , the uodenlgned, hereby give no-
uoe that I have a eon veyanoe from tba
I utrntee to tidel.nds and water lota in
the Harbor of Port Orford, Oregon, on
a portion of which a part of the wherf
la erected without my consent. All
parties are hereby Warned not to drive
piles or trespass in any manner what­
soever on said tidelsnds or water lota.
Mas. Axxa O. D ast .
Portland, Oregon.
W A .B I I V
(Suoaaaor to A. B. S abih )
Always Remembar the
e li
AliKtndi i Harnett ui
a o i in
i in e
A n y th in g not in stock, w ill
be pleased tc order
Sa One Day, Grip io Two,
N batly D one
W fn id o n . O r o j f o n
.axative Rromo
Cur ss a C
|E H |
’ A .' A
«ta S c a o j»(C