W K pN B H D A T A P R IL N O T I C E P O K M U J IH s IU A T IO M CURRENT THE TKI1 L e v is out o f 1 28,191». B y J H. U p t m R o s e b u rg Item s. K d tlo r T a ta r « « : Published R y.ry " w, " I enn think of nothing HARDY f . NTKWART. Uoat-hurg, O r , A p ril 10. GardrSa are looking fine, and ; . A 20 cent e a t io ' • u g a s ’waa an nounced ip P o rtlan d oa the UU >. D ry granulated wyaquoted at »6 05 a hundred. -'.hr K napp , C, W . Pre«». Z umwalt , V . Pres D xpaktmkkt o r tms I v t s u i a, Uuited »talea Land Office, E . J. L o n e r, »hier. ‘ . Rnœburg, Oree- n Mareh IA IM 3. Notice ia hereby given that G K O K O E FO R TY of Port Orford, Oregon, who. on A pril IJfw l i , 1SU8, made : ....... Humci-teaJ . _^__MnFfias|-'- al No. 04474, tor Lota ■ « « and ME*.« b W K Sec. I I , and N E | \ t - geotiuii I t . Township S3 8. K«uge U west. W » X ltfjK O F P O K T O r t F O liH M ., has filed notice nf intention to iuak« Five year proor, io establish claim to the laud above doaorffad; before H ar dy T. S te ra n ..U n ite i States Commis YOUR B A N K IN G B U S IN E S S SO LIC ITED sioner, at P- r t Orford, Oregon, on the 2nd day o( May 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: James W . Crew, ot Port Orford, Oregon W illia m Liinpacb, of •* ” I eland White, of ’ ” ” •» P O R T O X F O R D Clarence W right, or NO BANK IL L H A N D L E iicoupy spec« with a* the following G . A . Greenleaf, o f C entralia, signed article by ffem itor La F o lia te potatoes are from ! to 4 inches T h « days are wane W a s h , arrived here Saturday to in thn h»ta*t uumber of L a Follette’s above ground 8U tW C JU P T lp * * 3 R » » . « in fe r w ith attorneys employed to O b * Copy One Year > ................ UHgaaine ireueti as a caution to the : and the tem peraturest u ig lil from Uaa Copy Six U u n tin ....... . . . . . . defend hia row, G ay.G iSenleef, «ho 40 to 65. ail too confiding Woodrow W ib o n . One Copy T h r u Months. U T ........ in U-iog held a t Coquille io the sum Thousands of people w ill read the T h e C o g nty Court hit* nrd-red o f »2,000 to answer charges ct»n. *»)ptg,iag with indignation. the road to Cone R a y , n e a r I be 1 Tl.pnnuaMuwHulfMrp.W > nee led w ith the suicide of E rm a IthswathsSaw lo «bici r«ar s*h-5 ( fivostut La FuHette says ot “ Tba Douglas county lin e.repu i(vd ,aa it - TysrtptienlspatS. o ) K a ore. He came in via Roseburg 8 r*t*ro at W ork:" , ia almost impaoeiiife. and M y rtle Point, and visited hia Ï "U n d er the Roneevnlt add T a ft Aovaansu-e Raves ■AbCMIALLb. íi'-íife F ra n k Morgan a rre te d Chas. aor, at. Coquille before coming to _______ Ad in ioiei ratios, «fee? combined M.U'Id'h-ld H altn es f i r u n la w fu lly fishing tereats were all | ow eifu l iu the P . r t * O rfo rd . Treasury Departnn-iit. One after Bunday. H e was fined »25. T h e Port Commission at Ysquing Y C U R B U 8 IN E B S B E T T E R OREGON another the high officials o f this de - _ a , , , . parlm ent filled their places o f trust Diere is a good deal o f ta lk in recently nsked the-Fish Commission ▲ special w riter frats T h e Record in a nianut-r ,so acceptable to lh e ( regard to the electrie lin e to the to survey the h alib u t banks off the is in C a rry cuunty and in thia Isa«« System that they were rewarded ooust. J . M . E ngle*i* tlnaiftisg it const. A n appropriation ¡»’ expect appears f i n i t e ha rent to The • fill lucrative positions at the hands w j , -IR J n g to do so. ed by tha Fish Com|nissioB qn July Record telling of attat 'da taking of the money now wer when the tim e 1st, after which twafc i l ls probable ¿dace there. No attem p t is mad bu'me fo r t h « » ' to retire from jh e T h e 8. P. Railrpu^ J g , doing a that their boat, tlw A lb atriiss,: P ill bile service,” This was ' more to boost the section. T h e letter great business. Tiwins ara crowded surrey the halihu«,'banks .o f f - Y a inlly true of Rimeevell’e ap tells o f what is actually going on day and n ig h t, and m i fee and mile* quln a. .O’ -'C ‘ -• - pointment«. '* • o f wpaA ia planned and jr i^ i jp p fc ' A nd now, one month after the of freight cars go?wllirtiog through A br.ikeraafi'htrfhkifflkrotdiBeeit, way and w hat can kfr> *p o c t*U jn ■fourth of M arch, « g i t .are. asking, Roseburg every 24 hour«. iki -'Jlfil I employed oa th w C od P G iiy logging ... , tha m etropolis o f o u t giatar county. are the representatives o f the inter There ia no g etting Away from die locking directorate* to secutp a . • Thousand* o f China Pheasants road, waa seriously iujured yester fact Curry county tpid bumped it i* »IrangJa-hHliiMptm the TreaSurvrpv- aw a it the gunners this fa ll in Doug day m orning. I t seems he went pariiuent under the Wilson adroin laa oounty, as the law is open a f lt r ahead o f the s cars» fep throw the bump», like a ll comities deprived er T trtra tio n f t a long closed perim L *' o f prop« r transportation facilities, aw itcb, when lie sttttaM ed'nnd -ifc ll U n til a few Jays ago it was u n car ran b u t with the advent di e itlrfr rail, officially announced th at Robert Barnes’ 8 ring circus is due here on the . , track. . A , loaded , . o r water routee it ia bound to. come W oolley, of V irg in ia , would ha ap A p ril 16, There a r t 25 c a r. of . O ^ h in v break.nfe a w k r « and leg, pointed Assistant Secretary of the crushing bis hips afld breaking sev forward ra p id ly . There ia ocean« Treasury. M r. W oolley le a n able, tra iu « l anim als including the d iv M a c h in e r y & M o w in g M a c h in e s . at enthusiasm possessed by thejieo rcholary gentfeman, ’ p student o f tog horses, K i n g and Fremo, high eral ribs. H e ia ■ about 25 yearg old, and has rtlailvfcii a t O akland, pie there and th e y have abiding government finance, a well know n d iv in g hones of the w urld. They E x t r a « fo i D a i r y i n g ; O s b o r n e , Cat ' faith in tha u ltim a te outcome of publicikt who hue " supported pro dive 40 feel into water. M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e r y . tjie county. Just now the repre ‘greesive measures slid men an d has • At a meeting of (fte P o il Com T a lle y , s fish waydbn from M u ta tiv e of T h e Record says bind shown a very keen and oom prehen ' P a in t s , O il« & S t u m p in g P o w d e r sive grasp o f present day issaet. H e Portland arrested (or fishing .with missionerà yeslerdapr m orning, it aeea appears to lie good, conditions was employed by the Stanley com was stated th at lh e 'm o n rÿ for the for an excellent season are seen ev mittee to make a special investiga put s license, was acquitted by Judge p iift bon efts w ill be /av a ila b le after P in e lin e o f G u n s, B a s e b a ll p a ra « arywbere and thia h ill j r i l l find Cur tion of the financial operations nf M srstus. The evidence in the rase ith e 22d of the preseht month’. / I t is p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r tin g (be U nited 'States Steel Trust. In .« b o w e d th at deputy fish warden ry oounty io better abape than ey- { the intention to start work up I be . v. . „ Burchfield, w ho caused T u lie y ’s nr G o o d « k e p t i n S t o c k . ar. T h a readers o f 'Die Record w ill one o f his wiscelluneouS magaaine. w„ north je tty a t the entrance o f the arlicfee, “ r. W oolley reviewed the re„ vUjl. tej tha law hiin-'i If, bay this summ er’,'ih d tl*e pur’t ba glad lo know thia ia so.— The operations o f the W ashington r e a l’ Record. ' D o o r s, a n d W in d o w « in v a r ie ty estate Khg, and the connection o f C. F ou r or five witness«« also sdinin«-,) trill spend »150,0i*0 on ihe work: * ' WL. I. ! >■■»■?'-----— lions. ilis v in g violate,! the salmon l.iw . The deepening nf ihe ship channel C. G rover w ith its opernlit c o n s ta n tly k e p t o n h a n d . \ „ M r. G rover I* thePresid ten t«f the ’ The Judge siateli that prosecu'inns T h e W ro n g K in d o f Boosting. fro m 'th e S m ith mill, to tire sea to h is is a 0>r fishing violations a t \V in e b ,« -er Hfgg» N atio n al Bank, t in a depth of 25 feet' at low water P i p e F i t t ik i j f s , P l u m b i n g a n d T i n 'T w o weeks ago the C urry County System hank with vary close con- bad Cost Douglas county gAOO and neolions with the National C ity bank w ill »Ivo be cooimkncetl thia w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n sh o r t J ^ s d e r printed a biondersome and nothing had been accouiplirlied. ^ibelous article in-m ard ta the late uf New Y o rk , t b a l u ^ f q f the Staa n o tic e . dard O il group. My. Gwiver, both /Sommissiouert id the Porf^' a f Port lor personal reasons «n4 .business O rford from this place. ¿The article reasons was OppnavuTo' Mr. Woo*^ C irc u s D a y in R c a e b u -g . specially condemned tfie secretary ley’y appointm ent at Assistant > Hardware ofaH Kind« -----------------,---------------- for n o t issuing a ..fiscal rej>ort show jo g thn reoeipU a n i tRshtfraemeuts. X » etra pleased' lo nòte, bowever, th a t the LM <t9f and fairness to O h id the qmne » nerve b t t t . an d , that such a report had been issued aijd conspicuously published ip Hie T mbukx . But,.as though i t was sore over the fact th a t l i tres Caught with the goods .-ang had to "fesa up," in the san^ fssde fìn it i t re tracts the former piece it Aumet out I n a second e^tlet«^ to u tin g th a t rebuy ó f i iW ley wee », E ith e r M r w ith iiiteren s pun W ih ro i tO SplMMIlt Jj[si W-üftutnet Assistant Hire, ..... „ „ M1M »K Watt- V r i^ w Y iilt/ spent N O T IC K F G M r U B f ij f C A T lb N D ip a x t m v . i t or t m x ' ItAkaioB, U , 8- Lajid Office at Rueeburit, Oregon Z ' Maroh 1,1*13. NcUOa t» betMfar ntW aytixt F WaxYqa j*. M n xaa , r , i-f Port Orford, Oregon, who, oo April «Hi, 190s. nsada Homestead Entry Be- V Ç ’t 7o¿’ n intention to makb F lm y e a r Proof, to estxhlt b claim to ihe lam) above de scribed. before H a rd y T. Stewart, Uwt • ted States OonauMastoneB, at Port Ov»2 lord. Oregon, on the 95 day of A p rii,” 191». Claim ant names as witnesses: James iFSuttoii of Port Orford, ©v., W alter button of I oft Orford, Oregon, Slepnen P. M e rrill o f Port'Orford, O r. George Forty uf Port Orford, O iegon., j ..fi.-r A F-Jogae . Register. ■.... —---- I.......ha M 1,^.^____________ Kn , N O T IC E r p a Trespass M otte«. Notie« is hereby given hr a ll peraoaa whom it may couctrn, not to enter up on or tresp.igs upsa the premlres of L . Knap^. fbf the purpose of bunting, nr fishing wtth nook nnd tin«. • Raid pre mises are situated oa Slk « » o r , Curry Coua'.y, Orrgou, and generally known a« t } » “ Bond*’ plao*f . A n r person or pefiKfib. wf»»«spare- iog for the purpose of bunting, fishing, or tra w lin g through ia say shape form or manner, or tearing down fences, or leaving out side grf*s>op«i, o r molest ing personal property, will be prosecu ted to the full extent of tbs law. Wm. R. Johnson, of the above L a n g lo is , O r. y was uiruu/tday in R<-sel urg -oy»,l It , was an ideal day for the pur Balnea circus arrived Rosrib.urg * t 6 A . M.. thia morn g-aflgeShowing fh large crowds at anywhere in W all s in e t as á t ^ Y s ^ ia a yesterday. Th» |H»rn,ie bly fittin g biin for the office. H e is* . a member uf the M etrqm dlU n (M R^ j “ 10:30 “ 1‘ t* l^ ' rc -------- 3 8 - 5 3 5 - » « "X lionairea’ ) C lub o f 60th street N ew ' lhul U,n* » «re“' orowrt ° f (“ ____ »»««*• Y o rk. H e organized »he Seaboard J lined Ilia strevt*. Bonn the blare A irlin e Railw ay System and was h s (o f b^n l* waa heard anJ the parade |.,re*'d.y,’ t f roin 182Jlo 1904. H e is ■ ap|,eared headed by a glitterin g r should h a v e rich, re d blo o d a n d sturdy, healthy bodies to w ithstand cold reins, changing seasons an d w in ter storms. I f your child la weary when rising— lacks energy an d am bition— h as no a p p e tite o r possibly sallow skin o ra pinched face— it ia fer want of vital body- n o u ria h m e n t; th is g ro w in g period demands s p e c ia l, con centrated, easily digested food for body-development— m e n ta l strain—-physical changes. '■rm AMES S. JOHNSTON (Successor to N. C. Nielsen.) g eb ter a l » f i& R O H A .iv n r , ; n am ed prem ises ^ T F o r t O rfo rd , O r r c ^ N o tic e fo r P u b H o a tio a . DarasTucxT os vh x Isn uu o x, U. 8. Land Office, at Roseburg. Oregon February 11, 1913. Notioe is hereby given that S tipw c h P. M k r b iix - j of Port Orford, Oregon, who, on M ay 27, 1909, made Homerfred Entry Berial No 06008. fo rN W J i BWfc Sec. 1, and tl.e N K lt HEW Section 2, Towimhip 8 ., Range 15 West, W illamette Mer- idinn, has filed notice of hia intention to make final Flve-Yesr Proof, to es tablish claim to the laud above des cribed, before H .rd y T . Stewart, U n it ed Stales Commissioner at Port Or ford, Oregon, on the 4th day of April, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Walton F M iller, i f Pun Orford, Or., W alter Suiton, of Port O rford, Or. James H . Hutton, of Port Orford, Or., Geo. ge Forty, of Port Orford. Oregon. B najaxtn F. Joxss r Register. NEW GOODS, and i ap«i ih supplies will be received by every steamer, 't ill my pTip 1 |«>RC to keep Keep a fu ll stock oi everything required I r tra de iu ’ i th e lin e o f 33 G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , B O O T S and B H l ’ K M E N S and BOY4i, C L O T H IN G . jiJ J -A D IE S ’ D R E S S G O O D S , H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W A R E . C IG A R S . T O B A C C O , F IF E S C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S . I. In (act, a supply of everything usually kept ia a well stocked --------— General Merctiandlse Store. ■ ORDERS T A K E N kO K P U B L IC A T IO N D tfA an am T or Tira I x t im io s U . 8. Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon “ f- M arob«, 1913. Notice it hereby giveu that W IL L IA M H . B EN N ETT Port Orford, Opegon, who, oq A pril fi, 1*08, m»de Homesteail Entry Serial, Np. 0446«, for S W i b W i Sec 14. .m l N * N W j N W * N E i Sec. 93.Tw p.W H . R a n g e W e s t , W illamette Meridian, hat tljf-d notice of intention to make five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above. -described, before Hartly T . Stewart, United States Com missioner, at Port Orford, Oregon, on the 2nd day of M ay, 1913. ( laim ant names re up witne Freeman D avis,' a, Port Orford, Oregon W illiam Matheny, David Crowley, •• •• •• Charles Zum walt. “ “ “ R. F . J oxks , Register. Cheever ® Bowman Rossburg, O r., A p ril Ittlh . ' the R altig l, A C h arliM n n Kailroad fui w hile horses; then wild anim als Com pany, and Chairm an o f thé big a o d jit t le in cages; small horses, by the former ifo it Commissioner* B „V d of Directors. H e ia president large horses, spotted horses, black and that by their extravagance they of the Bank of Richm ond; president horses and beautiful rin g boises, put the present oop^piiffiiouert in S. nf the N ational Bank of V irg in ia t I . ■ .u . . . .u j a director o flh e M arylan d Casuality’ a t r ^ l - to the d e -. hole that th s jt are having hard W ith.cage after cage' Com pany; a director of the S o uth lig h t of a ll.- ....... work to get out of. ~ o f lions, three bifnds and steam ern Investm ent Com pany; • a direc - - -- »Rm»F> — S c o ff’« E m u la to r » D the T h e Leader rtihs ns t f . head line: lor of the Great B ritian R ailw ay calliope, gorgtous wagons, g litterin g greatest body-builder known— it “ Devoted to I he development arid Development Cot poration; a direc is nature’s wholesome strength- cages and the crowd, it w«s cert tin advancement o fQ u rry oounty and lo t of the Seaboard A irlin e C o m m a k e r— w ith o u t a lc o h o l o r ly a fine sight to see as it stretched ilia best inteirsts o f its people.’’ I f stimulant— aieAes veay cAeaAs, pany. On.the Board of Directors of out along Jackson street. ' such is the case it behooves that the A irlin e , M r. W illia m s is n-<H<>ci- A t the afternoon performance paper to he advised whereof ii nted w ill, H , Cl»y Fierce, Norman there was standing room o nly. Some SC O TTS. speaks. The port question is t t i i| B. Ream, B. F. Y o akum , and other SCOTT a Bow»«. MoonrteM, K. J. M -a of the tricks by Ihe anim als were a sore spot with m any of the peo System representedvee. I t is believed th at Eresident W il wonderful. A great spotted leopard pis of N orthern C urry and the less son lias l*e u imposed upon. Let rode a ring horse; jum ped through 1 useless agitation over it, the more him la-ware of such influences. The hoops of fire an d did other stunts harm ony wHI prevail, tfh e old special interests never sleep. They N o tic e fo r P u b lic a tio n . A big African lion did the same in port oouimission had ' tha 'best ot have their friends iu eveiy d ep art another rin g, but the fluest novelty ’ legal advice for eyery im portant ment. M any of them are known. M in irg Application No. 08594. T|,ey shottld all be hunted down uf a ll waa a lady oo a big w hile United States ¿ an d Office, Rose move they to o k /a d d 'w e re Unques and out. But it w ill avail little to horse. There was a blare of the burg, Oregon, Mareh 98,1913. tionably w ithin their rights at all turn out one man w ith special iu- band and the lady came oat on thia Notice Is hereby given that W. O. times. I l the Leader insists on go-- lerest connections only to ap|Kiint Hoe horse who « a llie d down the Corbin, whose jx-stofflee address is ing in to tba m a tiw we will take the another with like affiliations in his place.” • ® 3 ring to the cente-r of theaieua where Port Orford, Curry County, Oregon, action o f the old commission up it stoppe,!, inai/e a bow, and partly and Walter S in c tw , whose postofRce R ohekt M . L a F ollk ttx address is Coquille, Coos Oounty. Or w ith them in dvlsnl.wnd show Uieir kneeling rent^n<^ ip th at posture egon, have ‘filed. t M lr application for a Mtore and mure people are heroin au th ority an» <m otive for - every w hile the lady’ shng “ W here The joint patent for tha following,describ ing wise to the reason that the “ Sys move. ''S R iver Sbannoy tflows,” with full ed mining ground, situate in the Sixes ' C b rry county can never be de tem ” fa irly turns the world u;>si,le mioiug district (Unorganised) in Cur down to defeat a Bryan, a F o lk, a bund accompaniment. The kneeling ry County, State of Oregon, To-wit: veloped by uncalled for attacks up whit« horse, the sound of Ihe song The South-Wmt | of the Norih East L oo her beet t-itixeur, and misleading Debs or a LaFullette. I t would ster’s beautiful «due aliove the hand, The South Bast J of the North "West I, and erroneous‘buggestinne th at only have been impossible for either of them to make the u lte ily unfit ap waa a t fine nn act as ever staged in and the North East | of-the South West stir up en m ity and strife. any circus and o h t th at impressed 1 of the North West I , all In Section i ’T r ' i w pointm ent complained o f above. Eight, Township Thirty-Two, South of the eye and m ind. And w ith n il his W a ll Street T h e T a r i f f B ill. The four clowns were a failure,- Kunge Fourteen West of the W illam irons in the fire whai possible tim e ette Meridian, In said Curry County, and were not even fu n n y when and containing Ninety acres of land. Congress tn now tackling the tur w ill M r. W illiam s have to attend Io trying to ride th e balky trick mules. The ad j doing mining claim Is that of iff in special session, and it is be the duties of the office he accepts? "lieved that this b ill w ill be through One elephant played barber and Newton C. Dlvclbifs on the South ; Langlois, Or. The land appRod for ia under the tba House and Senate in a much shaved another. A lady anim al 23T trainer and 20 big lions perform ing names of, The Hudson Placer mining * shorter lim a than the ta riff hills claims, The W . O. Corbin claim , The ia a cage wasa th rillin g sight. Seals A. A Black claim, The T h a i Green have taken iu previous years. The N o t i c e . and sealions, the kind Cspt. F o tty claim, a ll placer, gold bearing ground. Republican oppoeition have staled kills, played foot b all, musical iu The Hudson Mining Claims were re th a t they do not exjiecl luMHibusler o r in any way to consume tim e ex The Halfway House at CorMo will si rumen ts, etc. There was a four located to comply with tbeaubcivisions of the Government survey. ovptas to express their views on the ba closed to thw public on M ar 1st. i legged women who danced two jigs A ll of M id claims are recorded in the ’ various suhjeote. The country h«» Ro meat. wi:l be served after that date. at once, jum pin g grey bounds,- trick office of the County Clerk of Curry U. Q uxllxx . posies, high d iv in g dog«, and in fact County, Oregon, and also all transfer, been well assured th a t the tariff, w ill not seriously disturb tba busi so m any an im al tricks th a t i t is from the original claimants. Any and a>l persona claiming adven- hard to enumerate them a il. The nese o f the country and the buei- N o tic e , Naea men seam fu lly satisfied with night performaaUu was well attend ly any portion ot the above described ground nr mining claims, ara required ed, but by m idnight the last tent ’ th is aasurantr, for m anufactur; to flic tiielr adverse claim s with the waa down and Ute last wagon had Register of the United States Land O f ing and commerce ara laXb going You aye hereby warned a--t *c buy gone chucking to the depot, and a t top-notch speed. fice at Roan burg. In the Htate of Ore aay of my cattle advertised by owe circus day was In dream land, leav gon, during tba sixty days period uf A t present S i ---------- Roosevelt ia en John Bakk of Kckley, Oregon. These ing a good impression of tha day publication hereof, or they w ill be bar cattle were gafawfully taken up, whk-h red by virtue of the provisions of the in w iltin g bis an to b -l-o g ra th at ia gone but not forgotten. I can prove. statute. O ioaox A. Tsvtoa. > /• Fa a xx M. M obsax . B. F . JONES, Register. money has beep It --------- N Q y iC E . / ANY A R T IC L E NOT IN STOCK. Notice is hareby'given that I have been appointed agent to look after the E. W . Jensen property, situated on the “ Heads” at Port Orford „Or. regon. All persons caughttrMpausHig it. thedwel- ling tiouse w ill be proae pr rutad to the fu ll extent of the law Z . F . J LIN D B E R G . ; C a ll a w l e x a m i n e g o o d s a n ti g e t p r ic e s . ; 4Ì ? d« JOHN E. MILLER, T o W h o m i t M a y C oncern. GENERAL MERCHANT, K.,’Poft Orford, Oresron- V.-..S . -K T! .*w Has opened a new Store, with I , the uodenlgned, hereby give no- uoe that I have a eon veyanoe from tba I utrntee to tidel.nds and water lota in the Harbor of Port Orford, Oregon, on a portion of which a part of the wherf la erected without my consent. All parties are hereby Warned not to drive piles or trespass in any manner what soever on said tidelsnds or water lota. Mas. Axxa O. D ast . Portland, Oregon. H E W GOODS, W .I W A .B I I V (Suoaaaor to A. B. S abih ) ; Always Remembar the e li AliKtndi i Harnett ui Siddtlry Name a o i in i in e A n y th in g not in stock, w ill be pleased tc order Sa One Day, Grip io Two, BepAfR(Nu N batly D one W fn id o n . O r o j f o n .axative Rromo Cur ss a C -, A |E H | 25«. * ’ A .' A «ta S c a o j»(C •rk