Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1913)
'Âi& THE River Tl onth S i Of N O T K 'K p o l l P U B L I C A T I O N L o via K napp , Pre« C. W. Z umwalt , V. Pres DaraaTMaxy o r Ttw IH T B ai-a, The following ito m i fy v e ra l d u m p cere end a . I large; United States Land Offioe, tbeTB lB V K xby i W wider E . J . J ..U X E Y , Cashier. ¡ml o f lig h t rail« brought Row-burp, Or<-tr n March 14, 1913. M ax im u m burn friend: Xotievie hereby given that in lust the * Published Every tempera G E O ItG E F O R T Y . which are fur or the Porter Hr.», who ' HARDY T . W .d d erb u rn , O r., A p ril 4, IS IS of Port Orford, Oregon, who, on April ture 32. T otal precipitai ion 7. w ill rend it out Io tl»« W in.L creek T h e regular meeting of the C u rry ’ 11, IW«, nveie Hotm-tewd Entry Kerb inches, snowfall J inch. 'N u m b e r of No. 04474, tor: and K K ^ County Commercial C lu b , held In I tuuuel, « lo r e tip ia iio o a w ill be BUBBCKIPTIOX K A TLe. clear day« 7, p artly cloudy 9,cluudy ■ Ala Sec. ll.w n d J iK J N ' I Section One Copy One V e a r.............., . . . f lA g ’ l b . parlor« uf the Bay View H otel < Cooioo i i i i i i at ibis etoliY ’’ I t , Township 33«. ttauge IS wee:. W. j 15. F ro tu on the 12, 14, 24 and One Copy stir Mswtbs.................... Jolinw hi Porter wna in M areh llihl M ., has tiled Both« of intention to mak« in W edderburn thia week, was tu ra- i One Copy Months................. hat their p a rt L ^ “ *’ ’ ° d h‘ H “ d a k * 1 00 lLe Five year proof, io establish olwlm to . » ed into a "Good Roads Booster ' a* 1 * * * k wild elated „ ■ * ______ "... ______________ __ the land above d -scrihed, before H ar id and 24. YOUR B A N K IN G B U S IN E S S SO LIC IT ED dy T. Stewart, Unite I State« Com mis- ^*8 c<ml»««t would be luehed ; . M eeting.” A banquet was •Dread t * * • nnnwo Mura»«»« r v ' rg*p«r » F « « fa -ta a .m e i.w u d m aterial could ( . 1 *'* Biean Stoner, at P. >rt U r f o n l, Oregon, on ths lor 'M>o«»tha<laia to which yaaraab-5 i for fifty , and sixty were present 2nd day of May 1813. be had to do Ute work. * , m onth o f M archi 1811, waa Claimant names ns w ltn e a a e s : ' since the ladies are taken into full C a m ,w a ll aiutig the wny flotti ’ ru‘ 11^111 a 90 ine _ James W. Grew ot Port O rford, Oregon , rnembendiip of the Club. Roderick WllMaut IJmpach, of ” ” ▲ ovn »e|aih ii K a n i R a ^ a o e a k u i. 11,0 ‘" “ n ‘ ««»peratu j L. Macleay of Portland, and a ll the Mapleton to Coo. Bn) w ill be sp rin g^ l.eland White, of ’ ” was 55, and the ra w fa ll 4 " ’• B A N K W IL L H A N D L E iu g up nod before we know it d ir t P O R T O R F O R D OlarvBre W right, of member, ol the County Court, B . F . JO NES, ■ The manner of Ib k death uf J. J . D, Ixiccxa, well aa moat o f the Road Bupervi.-1 * il1, bw M » « .«»«rinuously »tong B eg iater, CiK>[>eiatire Obee-ver — — Pcirpout W o r|»n , the world*« rich ora of the County, were the guests ’ llie * o lire »‘ re lo u .--Duo» Bay H „ r Y C U R B U S IN E S S B E T T E R OREGON f. —- tot man, m ig ht give rise to the N O T I C E F O IS P U U U C A T I O N „ . ... ' . T . ----- — i o f th« evening. E v e ry phase uf Ihe bur. Socialism is growing. ^t mug t i at the and of destiny ■ rtMj question for C u rry County was ae ected b i. particular f a t e * , a ret j igcUiied and action planned which U. 8. Land Oinoe at Roseburg, Oregon 8 c h o o n e r L<>«t. j T h e Socialists o f the county coo Mm oh 1. 1813. r.bution for th.I a m a « ,n g of .uch w i„ „ „ „ j , , , lhe Notice is hereby given that V icto ria, B. C., A p .il 2 .— T he big W»kltol»fc»g' a Tiewspaper im m e » « wealth. Fortun e, such W altom F . M u xaa hi« cannot be acquired w ith o ut ruf- A rWolullon WM un. n in w a -ly p„ s Harrison Line steamship State.inau, i *u ^ c in te re s te uf their, organi»« of Port Orford, Oregon, who, ou April a m u iu o o n was unanimously pass- : U o ntied H ili, IU08. niHde Jfoinaatesd Entrv Se- * fertin g and oppression on the pari* ed requesting the Co. oourt to order ! C " pt* in Puas, ‘ " * -from ■ « the . u u e u , ! ,,On’ . l>" 1 ' y e l M® ,1fcfil,ite action r ia l No. tliwai, for SI NEJ, NEJ ' N F | ’’ o f m any whb '6ontfibtf4a<t toward« the survey of a wacon road on ¡U u , K ingdom , arrived hers today bring | l“*8 ’* * " probably w ill 8. c. I l , a n d H W f N W | Section | £ Ihesurvey o f a wagon road up Rogue _w .s . . not ftir for Ms-Vs-ral several »»»...»ik^ months a-. to come, Township S3 R , Range JA woet W il itfrenf. /n to ^ o w 4P«0y hiqneA M or R iv e r to (he County lirie'to meet a iug the aurvivors of the crew of the j i , lamette M eridian, has fllo<l notice of, John 1). 1 ,icrtf * ,e »botit 250 S ociali.ts in jgan caused foe pangs of hunger to cod II idling intention to make Five year Proof, to like o road from G . Past asm • as aai a iiuigi VI ra r M m il IB I 4M in IQ dose tfOet? ’ -.entfer can never be known-, and how i bich was in collision ’ Co08 <x>u" t .v » 'bvided among eleven establi h claim to the land above de phine C ounty, and each member o f s Preck scribed, before H ard y T. btewart. Uni P.ont . . - ... f a »R a Wit h «kas the h Statesman off P o in t Reyes, j 1°®“ *«- The Coquille local has a Uni States Contmisaioner, at Port Or- i rnemberahip of th irty six, end week- m ight be m id , w a, it , )|MI he should record „ j|r #ur ford, Oregon, the 85 day «f April, C a lifo rn ia , last Saturday night. starve to death with ail h i. m illions. I v... h l, t it - h i . . i i -i ,i | ly meetings are held B unday afler- T w o uf the Sprvcklea crew were Claimant names as witnesses: ■ , | * • > . hul 11 » » • *»«>l be ordered u ntil ^ ¿ ^ ^ I r M o r g . ' ^ . y . t e m p b e s ta le H ig hw ay engineer ap- drowned. j noon at the bu.iueaa place o f J. E . James H . button of Port Orford, Or Walter i-uttmi ol I urt Orford, Oregon. to assimilate bie food, caused bia - * - F The Statesman was hot damaged. ¡Q u ick , ex mayor of the city. These pointed and called in for conaulte- Stepnen P. M errill of Port Orford. Or, 'death. Retribution, per h i pa. and meetings arc quite largely attended, G eorge Forty i f Port Orford, Oiegon. C aptain Charles Prellberg says the tion. ’ R. F. J onbs yet of a ll our immensely rich men, and m atlera of local and general in collision waa unavoidable. Fog I t was also the unanimous senti Register, Morgan whs one o f the best. • terest «re di-cuased. The order, th at prevailed at the lime was ao m ant of a ll present to c a lf a special enye M r. Quick, is growing through N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N election at the earliest ,x>Mible date thick that the nflin-r on watch a ti Prosecuting attorney L ilje q v i.t out (hia acetion, ns it is over the DKFABTlfKMT OF IM S iMTtm OB and vote C u rry C o u nty’s lim it of a the tipreuklea* wheel was uuuhle to of Cooa oouaiy, 1« going to In itiate en tire co u ntry.— Coquille Benliuel U- 8. Land Office nt Roseburg. Oregoq bond issue under the slate law for ? ►ee the lookout forw ard. The wood-j * something o f a Vice crusade when w i i v , Mar«h 5, 1»|3. ii hull of the Spreckha was alruo-t improvements Of her road«. This Notice is hereby given that ' the naw laws go into effect in /u n e , N o tic e fo r P u b lic a tio n . t u t III tw a in by the StuJ pr..w ofi w ill meeu »80,000 and poe«ihly»90 W IL L IA M H . BEN NETT * I f report is correct. He proposes the lix ig h ie r. 'ihw tw o st-MWeo wbot Port Orford, Oregon, who, on April «, 000 under the ooming assessment. ' ning assesamen Mining Appncafion So. 08584. “td cuforce the law to the letter in iOOM, made Homestead Entry Seiial *e re asleep ÿ i die lore- T h e fieculiar situatio United Stat«» Land Office, Roue- luation o f C Çk u rry’ No. 0446«. for t»WJ SW i See 14. » regard to doing away with the red Cottnty, its iao latio n .and f t « fact ! V“ ‘ ‘ le wln;n ‘ Ihi t f l u N l NW1 N W l N E i Sec aS.Twp,’.-«“ »b«rp b u rg , Oregon, March 88, 181a. •lig h t districts, and the Sunday Range 16 West, W illamette Meridian Notice U hereby given that W. O. th a t fiye-nintha o f its area Is in the |>te<nx*yl inlo Ui« MÜiooner’M oidi’ bat (lied notice of intention to inaka dosing of saloons, etc. In the post 'Corbin, whose postoffice address and tjie lu tte r turned turtle. five-year proof, to establish claim to Fureat Reearve, was thoroughly can I Port Orford, Curry Oounty, Oregon, • M r . L iljeq vtet was only a deputy the land above described, before vaasad, and a committee ap|M>iuted under 4§eo. | i - Jlrown on « ' salary Hardy T. Stewart, United State. Com i and Walter Hinoldlr, whose portdffice missioner, a t Port Orford, Oregon, ou to lake (bia m a ile r u p , w ith the (Cuos Bay News.) nddrese is Coquille, COoe County. Or- » the 2nd day of M ay, 1913. B o f 460 per iponth, while now he la Slate H ig h w a y Commission and the -s » ■ -b ; i * 0“ ’ have flled thelr application for a Claimant names as witnesses: a fu lf fledged prosecuting aHorpky John §cult, of tiw lower Cotj til ii«*, patent for the following detcrib- S,l!?r/,»s“J ,a y u ’ Vort Orford, Oregon Federal G bvernm ent, with a re on a salary o f 11800 per annum , W fillam Matheny, •• •• •• who has been Working at the East 1,1 m ining grbuad, situate in the Sixes quest for Aid from the Forest feer- David Cmwlov, n .» ■» 'J.hlch baaaya justifies him in da sitla sliiugle m ill for a few mouths ‘“ ‘J?"8 d“ ^ et (Unorganised) to Cur- Cbarlea Zum walt. •* *»-. »• vice and ih « State; R xlerick L . ’F atin g practioaliy ^ia entire tim e tu B. F . J okes , Register. .iM .. . ^ u .,4 M acleay «ha appoihO d« e h « lrfe t» Aha duties o f Ota office. M r. L ilje - of this Cow m i it ae, and h i w in io- rtporuing, resulting in his being ae- The South East | of the North Weet I , Trew pass N o tic e . 'q v ia t is ai. M g b | Jroung attorBay, _ tarview G ov. W ae^ apd perhaps j tiotiely b ru irtd , but furiunutely no »n d tfio North East | of the8outh West ’"«nd the o»Jy fa u lt the T b » ijmx bones Were broken. - • I of the North West all In Section ■ make « Trip lo AVutfimgion, p , q . J>« to fim i w iiji h im i . ln t h a 1 ’ The fivb in w b o .1, went off s l„ „ 0 Town.ldp Thirty-Two, Bdfito of Notioe Is Iwreby given fo a ll person« C u rry county is ihp ouiy County wnom It may concern, not to enter up. Bnnge Fourteen West of the WUIam- spelling of his name, which cause. in Ilia «U te w ith so Ikrge • p ert of td ll.e banks lust week, re lu m in g cite Meridian, in said Curry County on nr trespass upon the preiuisrs of L , The printer to lose Ids religion ay- Knapp, for the purpose of bunting, nr Ils area in the Forest'Rewaryei gad M eiti.esdny evening with h alib u t, “ P'l containing Ninety acres of land’ ery lim e ita trib s to pul it into type. fishing with boon «nJ line. Raid pre- iiiig , cmi gruu|>era and black simp The «di'dntog (piningclaim la that of therefore Aon t a g a b l$ «nd r W H I j •z ■ ---- nitsee are situated on Blk R b e r, Carry B»rs, T h e m aijfels ajro h a il b a y Xt T ton C- Divelbl“ on the South. be en titled to lom a re lie f in Kg rpad w- County, Oregon, and generally known *' < ' a li^ Iwnu for iii wi flsh, such as herringsaud llo u -d e • r-. j nam^ 0, building o n 'th is abcouni. - — J---W---* as the »•Bond» place. UUU5UK Placer riaver mining i be»tdes crabs aud clams. , U ’oodrow W ilson ia starting off Any person or persort ao treepa««. claims, The W . 0 . Corbin claim , The T h e C u fry County Court at i|a ! «fudge John F. H a ll, who recent ^ A -A Black olaim, The T h a i Green lag for the purpose of hunting, fishing, aa Pretidant qf Ibe U nited Blates or traveling th tough in any shape lorn» ‘“ •'IffW e u t an «peiutm n for ap ° la’.‘n’ P!,cer- <ol<1 bearing ground. In a manner H n t i* w in n in g the meeting thia week set aside »500 to or manner, or teaiing dhwn fences, or jconfldenqe of ¿he Am erican people, leaving out side g-tea open, or molest, go over, i ’ r r ; bro l,u hr uei'*-“^ 1• » ^ P? ;iu h S e u.X to w o :; irrespective o f p arly. Conscientious bdo|ta back for a perfo.1 of six years. , l from the Mercy bos 'of ihe Government survey. (Successor to N. C, Nielsen.) ing personal property, will be prosecu in his d o tn a as first officer o f the Each member of the C ourt also p ita) b y n ja y . JIe j . ra p id ly reebv- j A ll of said claims are reoordedin the ted to tbe full extent of ihe law. ■ 1 land, and exacting o f thps« under oonriniUed tiitneelf to (be bond is ering, and w ill probably be able to office of the Oounty Cferlf of Curry Wm. R. Johnson, County, Oregon, aud also all transfers •h im , Wilson has shown that bp doe« sue for roads at earliest possible be out Hy the end of the week. Lessee of the above named premises •not lack rhe In itiative when he it date after the new )«'w takes effect. ' Copsiderybi« snow was melted in from the original claimants. ^ P o rt O rfo rd , O r .~ r ^ Any and all persons olaiaiinga<Iveri ’ aura of Hi« ground. Precedents Ihe m ountains by the warm rain N o tic e f u r P u b lic a tio n .. ly any portioo ol the above described ;havei been broken by lhadocen,and Jfred Caughell haa resigned as which set In F rid a y night, and ___ as __ a ground or mining claims, ore required Dxya «TWIST 0 / THX IKTXMIOS, i Cabinet no lodger come strag maPHg«T of the W’eddsrhurn Tr«d- consequence the streams were at ihe i 10 flle ‘ M r adverse olaims with the U. 8 . Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon w .. . . February i t , m s . o f ,tI,e V n ,U ‘1 8u tes u , , d o f ’ g lin g in for an hour Or ao to a meet in g Com pany’s store, and J . L. flood stags Bunday m orning. Q uiie ? Noticela hereby given that lier of . . . o f flce* d ‘ J IU6eb“ of Ore- “ num »»nilier of burs logs w „ e floated . out r iT S T ' 1, . In - thatoate , of, ÿ **' i n g but aie on hand p ro m p tly «»»d Carey of San Jose, C al., form erly a S tep H i a J>. M kkbill North Bend - u , ¿ nouer fio», riv e , .... g° " ’. dUr the « ’ * •‘“J" Period of 'get down to work w ith o u t foolish- from from North Bend, Oregon, w ill be upper Cooa riv e r on llie freshet. Si 1! )r' 8'"’ , who, on May publication hereof, or they will be bar 27, 1808. made Homestead Entry Serial -»«•». Duties that loop T a i l h a lf a hers ip a few days to take Ibis po In tbe ca-e o f the State vs H . W . red by virtue of the provisions of the J }° for N W t i SW U Sec. I , and T ill ‘¿ W * W -Ji J e t t o n \ Township day to perform, take but a few m in ■itiou. «■ required »r Brown, adeutist who had been prac statute. M S . , Range 15 M e t , W illa m e tte M e r, utes of Wilson’s tim e. Careful in B. F . JONES, Register, ticing in Bandon w ithout a iioeage, idiun, lias filed uothw of his intention G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , ‘a rriv in g at his conclusions, his de C u rry County is to have quite a the supreme court affirmed the de■ fo make final F ive Year Proof, to «a- ta b li.h claim to thè land above dea. cision it unalterable m ining this summer. K R e w a rd . ------ — when waawaa once VI5VR1-------- H - excitement « w»-«««a, •« w l||l vision o f the lower court. Accord B O O T S and S H O E cribed. before H .rd y T. Stewart, U nit reached. In taking up great in te r-‘ B - "'ooley and wife, and H a rry ed States Oommisntoner. at Port Or- ¡ng to C oqnly prosecuting A ttorney A reward will be given for any infor M E N S and B O YS, C L O T H IN G , {»rd. Oregon, on the 4th day qf April, national queationa, like our Chinese Searsncke, an engineer o f San Fran- L iljeq vist, D r. Brown must discon mation regarding a square trunk 'policy, Wilson has shown hia abil ic**-*». Calif., Just arrived ig Wed linue practice, aud beside, i« , u b- : tainin,r - ^ ¿ ’ ’ A D IE S ’ D R E S S G O O D S Claimant names as witnesses : taining ladies’ “ wearing apparel - “ and pa “ **-------------- W ato n F M ille r ,, f Port Oxford, Or., ■ I t j M a statesman. In a i|, the derbqm and outfitted w ith a thou. H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E »nd T IN W A R E . pers bearing the name of Anns S, je c t to a fine. W alter su.ton, of port Orford. Or Itom ociatic president i< m a k in g ( «“ d pounds of supplies for their! Pfoutz. The trunk was washed over James H . ’ Button, of Port Orford, Or.. C IG A R S , T O B A C C O , P IP E S board from tbe steamer Fifleld Jan. 6, Gpoige Forty, of Port Orford. Oregon. ■good, but time alone w ill disclose| nB* m ining camp near the ipouth . Address - C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S . B vkjamim F . J okks í B andos WagxB.N W orld ) hi« ab ility to keep on making good. the llljn u i« R i»er. T h e .RL.,-. __ _ ------- senior l Register, Box 133, Bandon, Ore. » •’ - ■ ■ ~ Wwwals.— I • 1 In fact, a supply of everything usually kept ia a well stocked *- W ooley, who laid out W ooleypoH , Mom A v e rill and Cha«. H w u l I L est O th e rs S tr a y , Cal., ia already on the ground. General Merchandise Store. ma ! h * * * resigned th eir pos)tiona «nth has arranged to ship in much ORDERS T A K E R kO R ANY A K TIC LR f NOT IS STOCK. The sad and tragic death of 14- chinery at once. They w ill have fif j L ' fe C r“ w- £ Notioe is hereby given that I hsva yewr old JSmia Knorr at MarshfL-id been appointed agent to look after the should round a warning ' ota to A lly . J. M . Upton aiid^ son,” of E ^ w . Jensen property, situated on tbe •o y .r indulgent «„ren t. J to ,n#,d« U ttrly d a y ., so M r. Wool Marshfield, were Bandon Heads” at P..rt O rford, Oregon. All ¡-Tuesday while on their c“ u«V1t toespassll.g to the duel h ^ ^ A a g s>8wi'wi:»««w wii i b ldrcn r ‘ “ >•* ling house w ill be prosceuted to the W b . ^ - P h e r pro. Langlois to visit relatives. fu ll extent of the law. - ...........- „ >uu X ............. ........................... . Yesterday 50 pieces of gjgin were P. J . L IN D B ER G . grafted on ltol Anderson ‘and especially ao a t night. Wlih,, a ^ M r . E. I . Kennedy has aho ship- Emergency hospital. V ic Brener young girl i« allowed l0 run the T o W h o m It M a y C oucera. street« after dark in all k.u’d . ’ of J ? m' r * 1*‘ r8e “ m ,,u n li° f » « « J 'i-c ry Non A nder.on and two o f the camp take s c o r r s E M U L S IO N regu com pany, it i . not surprising ’ V h * 7 ; “* ’ ‘ n,d ’ .tames we cop.d not larly to repair wasted vitality and d m u .« i ‘lTn i e r ,,g n o d ’ ho reby K, r a » o - •hear th at she ha. gone wrong And » h / o f e’ , r ' u l,n « U " ° . were.the w illin g sufferers who enrich th e b lo o d to withstand n . 1 . 1 h“ ve “ co nveyance from tbs »i * ° Mdelande and water lots in •the M ine may be .a id of boy. 1» * Q' | <»>««*ntr.te. by means of Ua,k their medicine w ithout ana«- winter colds and exposure. a ° f J * " « Orford, Oregon, on I t contains the highest grade of ni ° f Y u,ch • part of the w harf iserected withoot my oonsent. All M U b i : i k . l , b o ,. " a»w m l. cod liver oil, medically perfected; Bherrard and Adolphsen recently i hereby warned not to drive it ia a cream-like food-medicine, or ftospass in any manner what to l a pronfi- soever on said tidelands or water lota. acrupulously pure and healthful A n * then stand appalled with hor sands than have herrtofor« been re-1 T ’11 B“ ndoui* n ' T b e O tid « h»- a' .7 . ¿A.' , without drug or stimulant, i n Portland, Oregon’“ ror when they find that their bov dorsed and advocated by medical Oovercd by any known method r*P « ‘ «l '<’ n o f being tbe best has acquired had habits or Com m it authorities everywhere. M r. K ennedy says when bis method I ’° r ‘ mone* “ " ‘ "f-c lu re d . ted some crim e. Moie companion S C O T T S E M U L S IO N A n ve r out has be«n demonstrated there * i | | : ' “ * *x>PuI‘,r Bn“ carries a fu ll •h ip between parent and ehild, and colds— nourishes the membrane« / he a ruoli to Rogue river again o i of , u l ° »uppH«. and ia pre of the throat and lungs and keeps (Suoessor to A. B. S abim ) more intereel on the part ©f t|,<, in the fillies, when there was a min i P r e d <** co“ prea.ed a ir for them healthy. fo rm e r ia selecting good oom|>an er to every rod of ground. They | ,D d '" •« •‘h - H e lS ln r • « ■ •Is S C O T T ’ S ioos and d e a n associations for got th« coarse gold then, but M r. > L a lt WKtlt a large whale waa seen E M U L S IO N for tong an J branchial their children would do wonder« Kennedy gets t|ie fine gold now and i ru ,l' B« '» ‘ he su rf a*, the mouth of for tbe moraia o f the youth of the MM«^ la aakl , i II'«.».. I _ . 1» . l*our Af M i ile Each breaker would g «t. it » II. la n d . T h e death o f Miss K u o rr I . E q u a lly good fo r in fa n ts , A n y th in g not in stock, w ill force it closer in toward tbe shore children or adults, but you must shocking in ths extreme, but let it and the huge roonstel* would end have E O O T T S . b® pleased tc order 'be aa a beaoun lig h t to warn J. J. ST A N L E Y Completely over in ite struggles to parents o f the pitfall« which lie i u RepAiRiKG NexTLY D one gain deejier water. Sometime Wed (be paths o fd h eir children which nesday night it succeeded in raak- ft b th eir d u ty to guide tbe yo u th ing it« getaway. I t was estimated rtM'daehn« *01 f u l «Up« «round. «blckly to Ibo O R E G O N t© bo about 80 feel Jong. * Dr. awU-IMla rata ÔXZi*?? cM« rrta .•W KUKEHPAr ■M H Lota S A 4 K ” wriMtoaUpaM < I ’ O H T* O K I ^ O K l k » OxrAKTM KM T or »M X iBTCaiOB, m of lh„ roftds lhe near fulure> Langlois Hardware Store h Hardware of all Kind« ' M a c h in e r y & M o w i n g M a c h in e « . E x t r a s f o i D a ir y in g ^ O s b o r n e , M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e r y . Î Ï ,, ■ i íí3 P a in t s , O ils & S t u m p i n g P o w d e r F i n e l i n e o f G u n s , B a s e b a l l p a ra > p fa e r n a lla , a n d o t h e r S p o r t i n g G o o d s k e p t in S to c k . B o o r s a n d " W in d o w s i o v a r ie t y c o n s ta n tly k e p t o n b a n d . P ip e F i t t i n g s , P lu m b in g : » « d T i n w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n s h o r t n o t ic e . Cheever ® Bowman, IT— - L a n g lo is , O r. ‘Mal0niGood. AMES S. J Li O E I V M E ' NEW GOODS, NOTICE. ~'< » Call and examine goods and get prices. well a X a rri. X i Multitudes of/People i JOHN R. MILLER. . t( GENERAL M E R C ITT A N T , P o rt Orford, Oregon« " V® Has opened a new Store, with H E W G O O D S, acm-r * Sown. M onm «eld. W . /. COQUILIK, - , w . a. AUKinds o HirneiLud Siddelry A lw ays Remembra- the Fail N®ut R ro ro o 0 iîiiû n e C o m a Cold in One Day, Grip In T w o. é ^>^*w t^>aaDe«. îîç. F f n .n < lo n . O i*eg{*on