' X ' 4 -. O W sS !« ': n f a ’ 52, ¿ ; < , -A > c - TV • •’*-- ' <Ä r - W ANTED—In floufit County Court oonreoed st G old. Northern California, a ranch, Beach today. such for a home. I a n a 1 C lu b mesiini to- a land shark, and will cor T he T ra m p is due from Coos ba* h : stead or Relinquishment; Us __ w ith a load o f freight. near achool. Address, [ T h e snail is cam ing now via Ban « « l.N o r r t h u p R ^ S ^ jX ? » ^ ? ^ “* Coot onuat-y 4a to have a baseball league this summer, and several ___________________________ ¡•» » ••u g ajnl in gaud condition. »n and County. Defer« buying an Automobile call oo , or write Is. H rong A Sou, M yrtle Pujol Oregon, for in iormatiou and priue of the celebrated Mitchell 1913 oar. N ath. in< like it, the I.sat on wheel.», in fa d a j-oad locomotive in plaqe of a hornless .carriage. S .S . J E F F R IE S Up-to-date Barber Shop; in .connection with Shoe and Harness repairing. P o rt O rfo rd , O re g o n Location, next door to Bank. , s« lim b e r « Jennie Olsan of Langlois, T h e steamer Bandon isy in our was operated on a t Bandon last week by Dr. M ann, Leep and P e a ^ rbor r * t e r d a ty y forenoon waiting for tbs tide to serve Ou the Bandon barton. bar. J o Baglay, o f E u rek a, arrived Sherm an G am ble, a resident of hers « / « w days ago, to look teter N o rth Bend, has been treated si bis flue farm on E lk river, and to I Need lea, Arianne, with D r. Fried- visit his old neighbors, , x nan’s tuberculosis eure. U ndertaker P. J. Lin d berg went I to Gold Beach Saturday w ith a caa A®"- A b b o tt, D istrict Supt. hot Jor the remains o f Capt. Caugh I 1*1* ®- Church, w ill preach 411. U s was diiwen down by M . L .J i>ort O,fwrd * n 8 u "J « y . A p ril Barrett. » Everybudy — i - - cordially - j . . - iuvited. Hava you any to offer, or So you yet none has oome ashore vicinity. hnow of anyone wbo bast J desire •to purchase. A ngue < k Real Estate Michigan. — — ■ 1 1 in_ this T f M aokay, M r. George Cheuowetb, who is Agent, P o rt H u ro n , ju s t recovering from a severe tussel w ith th e grippe, was iu town Mon F' • 1 UNWR^T’5 day nn ids way to G old Beach to a t ¡Curry County M utract- Roalty Company. (Sold B e a c h , O r e g o n No one CAN do your work better, No one W IL L do R cheaper. tend C ounty CuarL The C u rry C o «sty Abstract Com pany w ill soon be prepared te ffc-iut Mblue p rin ts ” ol any aeetion in C u r land« in '' Manager, HARDY T^8TE W A R T < j. « , c o m m im n io n k b H a rry G a a n lia tt sod H im of Gold Beach, »are n ig h t on th eir way north. An Death of Capt. James CaugheU M o A rth ur P e ,k , A Co., Ike K r lith syndicate who has the eontn for building the railroad from Coos Bay to Eugeoe, has awblgt I t to the th e Porter Brothers w ith the injunc tio n th at they rush the work along. Good foundation bae been found for Stewart, and was afterwards lost by fusion and uncertainty as to mods of C aptain Caugbeli in the Alaska iee procedure. So it wjU be the purpose of field«, after several voyages th.ii her, l his article to suggest a few defiijta whale and walrus bos4 tag. H is thereby the workers for the new brother ¿ n J . . . Hon. W w . G au n t j to ¿ t ^ Z u l i “ ^ w a tte rs to be provided for is the Agate C a rn iv a l Oral, and then other by whom be had eight sons and one spparently no better by nature, Htth- daughter, a ll o f whom, eave two to tradition and custom have a Office days in town—Tuesday, _____ . ____ W"d- matters. Do not fa il to attend. and Saturday of each week. boys wbo died in Infancy, are now standard o f p u r ity fr o m w o m e n T h e slesmerGfasIhsui, when pegg grown; end ere wall educated, nee from men. Society has tolerated parity only in the outcast woman; it in g Cape Blanco lest Sunday, wa# fu lc iiixp n s . has eondoned im p u r ity and s e x u a l vile- in communication w ith the wimiess i n th e la te 7,0’s be moved back to noaa in practically classes of elation there, and m id they w o n Rie home in G old Beach, where he But that old-fashioned custom is The Bagley reach on Elk river, losing tbetr deck load Inm her. euymmarnded eewend ing and the new ono. — as already sug f a r t cash d o y n ; balance mortgage on Louie M arsh, who w a a la k e n to W e ba w r no fu rth er particulars, A steamers and schooners, hstongiog *• bscoming the order of the same pith easy payments. Address the hoepilal a t Bandon last w eef, h eyry swell wet run »log Bunday «s te B . P . H o m e , fin a lly » t ir in g is still very low. I f the swelling a (¿suit of • hesyy juuth wind Sat Box 46, Eureka, Oal. --------- ----------------- « a » from motive duties ax sea. H e was W o are wow ostkoia that «very «sop that the pneum onia has developed urday. - '• -/ ' sown eiected G o n n iy T re M o re r. and o f vtiM oats sown by growing boys mast In his side doenjiot break soon, Gov. West has been exercising re elected m any ttmea, a n d holding ho harvested, just as wo have always FOR SALE. d ifficu lt operation w ill be attempted hi« mathematioel faculties figuring the ofliue up to h it death«-~-taklng o f aoimfiar result ia to giye relief. M r. and M n . M«r»b to girls. D r in k in g ,____ Eighty Acres of Bottom Land, situw- u p the expenditures and appropria much pride in the aeeuraey o f hie ,ted on Sixes River, one-half mile from are w ith th eir eon. the «so of Tils language. tion» made by the State legislature, books, and g iv in g great satisfaction County Road and about six miles from Miss M y r tle Hodge, • n d he says in eoaaequanm o f As O u tag e ¿ / ' H r O T TOend, C»ps « m .^ r Fort Orford. Clear title; no indebted school at the old Brash fireek d l H extravagance the State tax levy ness; easy terms. For full particular« trim several year« ago, died n t her next year w ill have to be nearly James Magee, of Coos Bay, no other which we have been permitting oar call on or address, home in Coos county last week, four times a t large . os this year. Captain on this coast has had a youth to sow, and without thought of MRS. A N N IE EM M ETT, #33. Valinda St., San Francisco, Cal. aged 2 * years. Mise Hodge made n The-- appropriations were greater longer or more successful osreer, ia the vileness secretly taking Toot in their natures, wa have accorded them a place number of friends in Ib is vicin ity than ever before ip the history of ilin g to all our harbors, and cross- of respectability. I t is the clear duty wbo w ill learn w ith much regret of the State, ju g so s k illfu lly so mpny treacher of social purity workers to strips a t the ber ea rly death- T he steamer Grace D o llar ia tu b e ous bare. B u t his last voyage ia root Of this ovil of wild oats sow in« on sailed, the last bar ia crossed, the the part of boys. Plans must be laid E. A K n o rr, who, several years taken off the Bandon run as she has whereby such contamination shall ba tired hands, are folded in peace ago, resided oa M id d le E lk , re tu rn , proven to be loo large to success out ui of aim and i away from the lives of V • o . . > » . I kept wub y^h- ed from Po rtlan d a abort tim e ago, fu lly enter the Coquille river. W ith across his fa ith fu l, k in d ly breast, hny. gnd is visiting w ith his old friend, a good m ill near Fort Orford to sup and he sleeps beside hia beloved HOW CAN THIS WORK HE DONE? First-class in every reaped. B. 8. Jeffries, our barber. M r. K n o rr ' P1/ »be cargo, such boats ns she and wife in the Gold Beach Cemetery, The steps in this great work must Go .id Feed S ta h l« attached. and aching hearts w ill miss h im , definitely taken. First of all «re must is « universally well read man, the Adeline and Nunn Sm ith could iure up the remembrance o f con“'fier in what ways and In what with whom it is a pleasure to con- drop in lief« without loss of tim e and 1rs u „ j ,,: P^ces hoys learn social impurity. Who We run the 8tago'from Port Orford verse, aud ru b off historical rust and eompirte their loud« where their his noble qualities. are the social companions of the hoy ,ria DairyviUe, connecting with the keels would never lie in danger of spots. during his growing years? I f parents, Stage to M y rtle Point. F u n e ra l o f M r« . Lang. touching bottom. through the assistance of teachers and ----------------------------;--------- --- ------------g Roll Anderson, who was terribly Sunday school and church workers, can Last week we said th a t we had burned in the Seeley A Anderson be enabled to exercise the right sort of From the Monterey D a ily News. N o tic e f o r P u b lic a tio n , logging tra in accident near Bandon the g rip ; this week we change it— IT A I . „ ~ *urTeiI1* nce over the social lives of theb I n the death of Mrs D a r .aTMsxT or ths I htbbiob , the g rip ba« us— that ie, it has had **’ boys, the whole task of inculcating ao- D . 8. Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon last Novem ber, is slowly regaining morn- ;cial purity will will be ba greatly greatly simplified. simplified. l I ' eial purity us during the interim , and bad us Who passed «way yesterday raori»-, February 15th, 191«.. bis health. T h e skin graftin g tried Notice is hereby given that good and p lenty, so much so that ing this com m unity has lost a m o st, believe that the social purity problems on him was a success, and hie new lovable character. N o t only was was »hould »hould be be solved solved in in practically practically the the fob J ohn D owns the T « ib u sk force bus been bora de- Mr«. Lang a d u tifu l wife and te n - , lowtogwanner: of PortOrford, Oregon, who, on August cuticle w ill represent the donations oombat for the past ten days. We i«, 1907, made Homestead entry of 15 or 20 of his Bandon friends. WOEE IN THE HOME FIRST, No. 04273, for Lots 6 and 7, ana 1 are owning out of it, alive a t least, der loving m other, but her whole j The work in the home comes first. I t is o n ly recently th at Anderson Sec. M , Tp 39 8., Range 16 W life was devoted to doing good for bpt that you get a paper this week Parents’ be lamette Meridian, lias has been able to tell of the aoCident o th er.; elw .y e t h i n k i n g o f .e lf held, and meetings . “ t h ^ , may Z r e and ^ o u should T b . of- of Intention lo make Fli is again due to the klndlyassistsnoe which cost the lives oChis five com proof, to establish clai m urfhe land of W alter Sutton. N e s t week we and more o f try in g to please those fared free and frank discussions of ways above described, b efo r^ H ard y T. panions, and came so near snuffing around ber. ~ - - I and means of teaching children social Stewart, U. 8. Oommlsstoner, at his expect to be free from the g rip o f Mrs. Lang was the daughter o f PuritJr- Many ot tho»e who attend wifi office, at Port Orford, Oregon, on the out his own. the g rip, and able lo make the 4th day ol A pril, 1913. George and Caroline F orty and was. E. J. Loney, who has a contract wheels go round. Claimant names as witnesses; » kzvw« u .1 I I IN I J ' there be a general exchange of W. R. Johnson, of Port Orford,Oregon. for getting out cedar railroad ties born in Herefordshire, bng lan d, on ideas. Then, by all means, call in Fur the enlightenm ent o f our Bisworth B. H a ll, ” •’ reports th a t be gpw has over 5,000 northern contemporary we w ill say M ay 8, 1864, and in 1871 moved autaida speaker, or have a series of O. W. , urry, •” " Charles Forty, ” ' . ” with h e r parents lo New Zealaud, t * 1*1» given by persons who can lies in the goods awaiting iaspec that the coming Agate Cesnival B xsjamiw f . J ones where they remained for several with the highest authority. I t will be Regmtoc. tion, and i f the inspection is satis w ill be Die th ird annual event of exceedingly helpful, furthermore, to years. factory on these be w ill have 75,000 the kind to be held at Port Orford. have parents informed as to the ph In 1876 the fa m ily came to Auser or 100,000 out in the v ic in ity d u r The 1911 C arnival wae a fu ll grown of social danger in home environment. N o tic e f o r P u b lic a tio n . ing the summ er. I f this business enjoyable affair. T h e 1912 affair ica and settled in Port Orford, Ore Let there be pointing out and naming goes ahead i t w ill be the m eant of was one of the biggest “ events” ev gon; shortly afterwards moving to of the persons and places, and the par DirASTMSNT or THS I ntkeior , U. 8. Land ( tfflre at Koseburg, Dragon, d istribu ting a good many dollars Coos Bay, where she met her bue ticular agencies in the home town 01 er pulle-l off in C u rry county— ev band, now Councilman of D ll. d iy . j "hieh.tendto beamirch the around Port Q rfo rd , as, besides the ery town in Cone being repreeented Notice is hereby given that ’ character of youth. Then call for meth- They were m arried on / June ■ w 1<, pda and advice for counteracting------ stum page and outting, the work of by from one lo a do*en automobiles, F R EEM A N D A V IS auch 188*2, and moved to thia c ity in contamination. of Port Orlord, Oregon, who, on April hauling to the w h a rf w ijl give e m filled With people wbo bad a good 3, 190«, made Homestead Entry Borial 1804, where they have since reeided. PUBLIC SCHOOL NEXT. No. IM,M, for WJ 8EJ, 8 E I N W l and ploym ent to a num ber o f teams tim e and went home advertising Mrs. Lang is survived by her hus SW l N E L Section 14, Township 32 8., d u rin g the summer. The social purity problems ia relation P o rtO rfo rd . The 1913 Agate C a r Ranse 15 West, W illamette Meridian, band, Councilman F . A. Lang of to the public school come next for 0 has Bled notice ol his intention to make Messrs Stafford and Bauer have nival w ill be-v-well— come and aeel Ibis c ity, and six children, George sidération. The teschera can and mi Final Five year proof, to establish be aroused and informed as to their claim to the land above described, be been a t work finishing up the in.- A- L<ng of Richmond, Cal ; Charles fore H T Stewart, United States Conv latipn to the subject. One or m< G u rry H as O ld e r P io n eer. side work on the new Court House, F- Lang, Edgar F Lang, R im e r R. teachers' meetings should be devoted _ missi oner, i t his office. Port Orford, Dragon, on the 2nd do* of May, which th ey would have ready for Lang and F ran k W . Lang and a R- I t ie a port of the duty of the soci- 1913. < this term o f court had material been A Coos Bay |>aper o f recent date daughter, Miss M ay Lsng, ail of M Purity worker to induce the school C laimant h id im as witneM M : William H . Bennett, of Port Orford, Or. received p ro m p tly. The b u ild in g contained an account of ibe birth superintendent to take the leadership in Ibis city. £,l!,* ort*1 ®- H all, of Port Orford, Or. this social eiean-up in the schoola. He is showy on the oulside; well s e -, day anniversary of Capt. H olland, T im funeral, which is in charge may h . William Matheny, of Port Orford, Or. John Crowley, 9} J-ort Oxford, Or. ranged and roomy on the insid e,1 whom it was claimed ia the oldest of Undertaker Pell w ill take place conducting the meetings. Amnog^ U for n. B. F. JON JO N E S /R eg ister. and all that she people oould ask for liv in g white child born in Coos from the fam ily residence at Eo. 431 things to be considered at these meet- in every way with the exception oounty, having been bora near Foam street, New Monterey, a t 2 taff» «hould be nn inquiry Into the social th at the plaster on the walls and M y rtle Point 53 years ago. o’cltmk this afternoon i “bout the school premises, • ••M >«'• «M» '»•»« I • * »«»te»' v viuua io n anernoon. How can the teacher learn whether or », w infoia« P««navcs tgt* fgr ko M b .« ww. *4a^< ceiling is not holding ae i» should. Mrs. F . 4 - Stewart was born at Councilman Lang and fa m ily ' ■J’* there is vile talk among the pupils? This may be a result o f the wst e ti. Port Qrford, where shweiow reeidee, bave th e heartfelt sympathy o f the ' How can she discover and break up the g a t h e r in g s o f m ate, but w hatever the cause, the ( July 2 , 1857. Thus being « native entire com m unity ia their sad b«. w h q t debÿichiniçlangusge jmd stories fact remains th at ugly ereeks sad . of G arry nearly three year« 1 resvement. 4 •" •" s s g v e r y s im p le o n e , provk breaks are m arrin g the rooms a ^ , than Capt. H olland b a* J in M rs. Lang was a sister of George* *»p»»'>RUndents and teachers all moat ae soon as they are completed. Cooa. and C h arley F o rty of Port Orford. ¡S ta te d *1 “ “ c° -° perate for its pesday For Saje A »*11 A n I n a ‘W o r t h '3 8jt {F o n a e rly aaw w tlett*«) • ■ ■ 1 ; '"a Newly Fitted Up; Electric Lights T A B L E U N EX C ELLED - f GOLD BEACH, CDRRY CO., ORE- H ot and C old T ub and S hower B aths F irot C lass B ath and Oarage in Connection, Affording all C onveniences ► for Saddle Horses, Team s, A utom obiles and Motorcycles s general » B la c k s m it h in g W a g « « and Baggie* f « 8ml«. U p t. la Stock, al«o A geut for AU líiud* « f F * r « ia g Im plem ent«; MoCortuiek M o*«fa,«te. Wood t o d Iron Work prom ptly d o a e at a 1 «asom b te price. Your patronage solicited. • /• B E E C H B B J ’E Ö S P ort O rf ord , O r e g o n ■ á ■ i W j j to- K N A PP HOTEL, Port Orford, Oregon, f... tiVtAPP Proprietor » ' J>Ve jUSt received aLarge SAlDment OÎ Rtnno 9 _ __ Crocks. See cup W ijia tw as you go b y Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Store. 2tu,t*on ‘J ■ of Ul 'S j P o r t O rforsJ, O r e g o n . Gene W h ite and fa m ily came up from bis reach Wednesday on a visit to his relatives. H e reports a fine crop o f lambs which same in th e fine weather of early February. John F ro m m , Sr., reports th e same good tuck on hia large ranch. ■ Il L ast Saturday m orning the tad , the piers of the big draw bridge' but expseted, tidings th at Captain across Coos bay, and conetruotion James Gaughell had passed «w ay, eo rk ia to'commence in the near was flashed over the wires. H edied lutu re. The Porter Brothers have seat out a t his home ia G old Beach, s a r - 1 rounded by bis fa m ily , after a long • call for WOO additiooal m en dor decline incident to old age, and the im m ediate us«, and this force w ill breaking down of a rugged caasti added to asau m m er opens. Ib e ruilruail to Coos hey is nn tutioneeasooed by the strenuous hardships o f a 4ifo on the Pscifio fomger on paper, its building is »n ord asking the County C o u rt to u,p p o in t Fran k Gaughell Treasurer, to veyors, wbo had been a t work be lett, went w ith him and « M e . W>4T o r morautt T Oil the vacancy msdw-by h it fatb low here, passed through Iow a last great reputation fo r h ia expert I I t is now recognized that there is kt- er’a death. week ou th eir way north. T h e rest Commercial C lu b w ill meet A p ril marksmanship in k illin g walruses, tie or no difference in the amount of o f th e surveying crew bad gone I n 1871 Capt. Ceughell m arried ff00*1 01 had in the inherent natures o f 2d , a t P o rt Orford, and all mem- south from G u rry county, having Mbs Fannie Q sundelt, daughter o f iiWomen gkb ’ ber» are requested to attend. Among W ill B ailey, and a p a rty o f aurr W , A . W OOD, to 65c per square. TEMPERANCE, A petition has been ciieulated and lib e ra lly signed, in P o rt O rf A I assured fact. '' waters in A rgo u au lic days. The dr ceased was horn in Can The ------ Bulgarians vw p»urw u h ay* captured ada nearly eig hiy-n ioe years ago and , A drianople, and are preparing tu ls y when q u ite young cams to San ' seige u ) m » û Constantinople, which Francieoo w ith hie older brother, w ill be the last gobble of European the late C apL Peter Csugbeil, where T h e N e w S ocial P u r ity . T urkey. they both followed the sea on coset —oy— became masters. John Jensen started for Bandon ere— and soon W illiam A. M c K esver . J a m « first came to Rogue R iver ip thia m orning upon receipt of word We are now in the midst of a country th a t bis youngest sou. C harley, had the 60’s, ae Captain o f the schooner Phoebe F a y . He afterwards beoama *“ ,behali ° f * h* her been p a in fu lly kicked ia the month P - . a . i . , . / _______ ___ _____ * t“ d#rd .« *« » P » * / - Perhaps ■Gsptaiu uf the echoonar Vewton by a e n lti the mast significant feature of -Booth, a vessel which be owned in is the definite proposal that we M rs. 'David M cKenzie was oper partnership w ith Governor Booth of sway with the old dual standard off ated on at Bandon recently by D r. California. T h is was a noted coast morality and set up a single ^standard H orsfall, o f Marshfield. M rs. Me in its place. But while there la much er, and made many tripe In Rogue interest and enthusiasm Ken lie has been getting along R ive r in f h c e ^ y 7 ( T . ^ r R i l e y back of £ this ry county. These prints w ill be kept u p to dale and Will show the nicely sinoe the operation. present ownership o f a il th e oounty. «» ' * M u c h R a ilro a d A ctivity. good teams i w psomiaed. Mrs Beach w combers u i o w e have w a v « been uctii watch- w a iv e - ing ior for m the lum ber ber th tb at s l wa was lost off >«g e lum " - - Blanco **•' • - - M Cape last Sunday, ( ia im s . _ Mora ersatueriee are and butter hae dropped DOORS - WINDOWS . MOULDINGS you Need in M ill W ork W rite us for Prices or a.ny Informa tion you Need in this Line North Bend Manufacturing Co ortli Ore|fOR -*» : :*Sf