Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1913)
The fluire w Clevis W0HKU£R AMp WJWOB, H o ( u r j ( M u t lo a v H. T, STEWART Editor »nti Publisher UOHT RUMXINO * RAPID, B a l l H e a rin g . The Lending Paper of Curry County, Published every Wednesday, at Pori O r « Oregon And TRIBUNE, The O ukoom D a il y J ourka ), is i the leading Democratic newspaper of for^people who do not care for a Daily, hut a apt a good family paper. Any of there pa|iera ran be had in combination with the P O R T OR W . E. B u r r o w , C o rb in , Qrp. RORO T R JB U piB , at the following rate»: ACCURACY: The pistol is so constructed that all powder gases are utilized, insuriug extreme accuracy, as well as freedom from fouling SIM PLIC ITY : Fewer papts that) any other autom atic pis- • tol. Completely dismounted by band w ithout the aid of tools. No screws to work loose. SAFETY: Breech positively and autom atically locked during the time ol discharge, u not be fired uh-1 less the triggei is pulled. When the safety is on neither force qor folly can djscharge’it. jBALAN'E: Perfectly balanced. C enter of gravity well to the rear. Lies naturally in the hand. Will not flinch oti the trigger pull. The only autom atic which The exclusive rig ht to handle tola Chev|f w ill be sold by Counties or States, o r set 01 three eon be purchas ed f o r * l.uo. Address Daily and Tribune - - - - * No M ore Cedar to Spare. Daily Sunday and Tribune I wnst hughand my timber to re place fence» and building» an the farm, therefore I mu«l not spare any more cedar. Please drt not ask for it Semi Weekv and Tribune S A V A G E ARM S CO M PA N Y, U T IC A , N E W Y O R K HOUSEWORK woman. A haggard face tells the story of the overworked housewife and mother. Deranged menses, lewoorrhira and falling of th e womb result from overwork. Every housewife needs a remedy to regulate her menses and to keep her aeusitl re female organs in perfect condition. ttcnal nm w tiea. Deafneaa la caused by an la flamed condition of the mucou. lin in g of the E u ta c h ta n fe b e . When tb it tuba I t InOamod ,o n bare a rum bling Bound or Im perfect ’ bear Ing, and when It it entirely cloeed. doafneta It the re rill.a o d u b IW m the Ihflem atloh can be taken out and th lt tube restored to l i t normal condition, bearing w ill be destroyed lo rte e ri nine eaeee out of tea are canted by C atarrh which 1« nothing hot an inflamed condition ol the muenut turfacea. . We w ilt give One Hngrfred Dollars tor aay caeeof D eafneaaleap M b y e a te rrh ) th a t can aot be cured by u g U - r Catarrh Cure. Send tot elreulara fre e y V . J.C H B N B Y A Co.. Toledo. O »old by D rrtglats, 74e. Take H a lf!F a m ily Pilla tor constipation. WEEKLY OREGONIA! Tfte PORT ORFORD TRIBVNF ---A.TVU--- The New Idea Wi man’s Magazine g 76. T nb N bw Inna W o nan ’g M aoabimb Is an a u th o rity on Li WARRANTED PON ALL TtME. I t average» mort- than .W e o ffe r you therefore a t least 1900 paves <>■ i The Start to a Better Salary T o o e n h a v e ,t &«, 60c,,, In The E v e l l i l i ; I e | . , laud, Oregon. It Is Hi ruing newspaper piildiehe. <<>P ; , t contains a ll th e n e state and of the nation. T ('"oB th. A sample copy w; M to von free. Addrea. lb Nm Horn« Saks lichm Co.,Omp, t a . U. S. Patent Of WASHINGTON D. C. )O » IU f * N E A T S A L E * prove Che great “ m erit of H o od ’s Sarsaparilla. Hood’s Sarsaparilla sells beesuse ! axompUshes C H E A T " ’ U R I E . n a a s a a s c ia la . e U k a a t t a n t a ' « 'ill(a > la a aa a Is doing this for thousands of American women to-day. Jt cured M rs. Jones and that is why she The Best to be Carry County, a t reason able 'Prices. Marshfield, Oregon -takadxw n eon . t a w l i n n altowa «a gun te e r i m te n Masada tor J • E X * " '- .’” * “ •« « " » •• atwnya « I«. J h a -M J -r s a m , S t . w u . ?cCdrs Magazine n<3 JcCcil Patterns Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Legal Blanks, A ny Thing, Briefs, rosters Envelopes. Statements. -a » K L ' . i t l ’ r - ’ “ »’ ■ " it ** X- i r t a - w * '. e. “ L abolois . C cbbv O o ., Oasoog Vp-to -date Work Done on Short Notice- Satisjaction Guaranteed « «» « - a .b a n la a w b . to, 4 «old. Mora . -••*»»»• than aay other (wo ‘ » » » m M* «-tf. M A t Uxbw ’haa t « canU. Dur so ro«« u Va’. NT by n u 3 i r 7 ~ -r • J. H . UPTON ROTARY PÜBIJC F e r t ’- o m c n M era F ra m *, than any other .J“ ” «* ;>* i d l H i . i t McCall’s is tha •-A. o 1 .diab-n Guide monthly in . " • Bid’ . . i ewe huuCrcd thousand 11 ,»*;?* »bowing ull tha latest .1 ol'A«<v:..l p. items, cash issue MAGAZINE ¡TA S t, Naw York Q ty T o W h o m I t M ay C o n c e rn . T he undersigned liereby give notice th a t they are the owners of the. South half ot Section 18, Township th ir ty three, South range fourteen W est o f W illam ette m eridian, Oregon. A il par ties are warned not to-trespass upon a make any locations, e ith e r placer q uarts claim s at their perij. D . K kllahs Z} Owners. J. H. M cAr.i. J Po rtland , Ora M illi H «"DR.KING5 In connection with blood m etna a clean akin No w ith o u t it. Caacarats, Candy ('a tb a r Ue clean yonr blood a »d k je n it clean b’ /|| J ™ L. A . ROBKRT8, A T T O R N E Y A T 1 -A W M y jtle P o in t, Oregon. D E N N IS C Ü N N IFF, JU., Probate businaag a specialty. l>ep. (J. 8. Mineral 8nrrey«r WAUTMOffAhO f t y a r ta .-^ fe M u fy for U n V a n ta A' • ■ - 3 1 ith . I f yon pn retiate the N E W HOUK yon wlB have » 11 mani a t t l x price you pay, and win p e t have an uullea« c h e la <rf rep atn . M ill ■ ' ' ’’ J”“ “ *?ul,e'1<>ld Economy. C H A B O E , t o . n y s ff lT ^ d ' . " j £ i u 4 i ‘’“ re f" !- Ecxema, Salt K b ru m , Eiysipe- ,aa, Pile» end Hkfn Diseases. In s ta n t Jehef. D o n ’t s u ffer lowiter. -W rite F. W . W illiams , 408 M an h attan ’ A v e r ne. New York. Enclose Stamp. <3 ■ B O T H O N E Y E A R FO R MICA' QUALITY. a • ».. Permanent aa the bills, butean be Oregon, iatuad at Portiaud. , removed la a second of time. The only Clevis now on the market that The manage»« also ¡true a S em i - W kaki . v , which ia especially adapted stays where pot. Surveyor for the District of Or a tto r n ey egon. old Bench, - GEORGE M. BROWN, • - Oregon at r ROSRBl'RO OR Rii01