; » » ____ fi. «•»•!.»» Kr.Hi ip , Jr, and wife made » trip x>( Port < 2 7 ,1#». No OfiOUl A * NEJ* 33 8 ., Ban»« idi«n, baa Bled to make fliutl Five'Year tablisb claim to Ute Jai eribed, before H»rdy T . ed Btatos ComuiiSHi mer at * U n lt ford, Oregon. un the 4th day ol Apr«. 1911. Claimant names aa Walton F. M ille r .. f P< Waiter Button, of Port Orford, James H . Bolton, of ; George Forty, o f P o rt , B xaju tH Rutirtt**. N e t lee For P u b lic a tio n . D bfabtmm t or thu laTUioa, 17.8. Land Office, at Koarburg, Oregon February 18th. 1913. Notice la hereby given th at Joan D owns of Port Orford, Oregon, who. on August 28, 19U7, ~ 1907, mads tn&da Homestead entry entry, Sériai lametta MeruUsn, has We t notice above described, Hardy T. Stewart, 17. B. ©S oner, at Ida office, at Port Orford, , oa tbe 4th day of April, 1913. C la u n a it sms as Witnesses. ■ W. R - . • Johni - w 1 ’o rt Orford, Oregon, Els orth B. H a ll, O. f w R bhjamim F . Jos as , ! Register. UdiMlou the In apple dies sad N the north contin Sm ith, running between Coos Buy ill i» running stead- ues to arrive in Port Orford at from and Nan Pranmsco, a rt *aid to ¿a order fo r half a m ill 10 P. M t.. » A M the largest and beat equipped lum ion shi Bales ■ ■ * ’•-£ j i $ P. J. Li«dberg *a «re pairing hia ber carrier* in the world. Win. Kent and J. W. Lutaey One of tbe Inrgeat spruce logs ev; * r° r* 1,uwn fru® Langlois Batur windm ill, which, waa wrecked -by the wind duiing one of the heavy er eat In the North a eel, was recent day, returning Sunday. storms of the winter. ly cut at South Bend, Wa»h. I t waa J. II. Z i i n v y i haa been assisting The schooner Advent, that waa 13 j feet in diameter at the butt, in tbe poeloffice during Puatmaster wrecked at Cooa Bay tbe other d a y ,! 88 feet long and waled 17,000 feet Johasluu’s absence at Coos Bay. »' , K ; ‘ was ptte of the largest of the Simp of lumber. 0» W , 0 . Corbin came into town «on fleet and waa valued at fi 18,000. The Legislatura ha* examined Munday. from hie home on upper Mr. Howard of Marshfield, trav- and reported favorably upon Gov. Sixer, to attend to business matter*. cling ssltstnan for the Folger Co. of , West’s “ honor system” at the peni- M js * Wallers came up from Cor Biin Francisou, waainterviewingour (entiary. The investigating *»■*» bin Thursday t». visit tu Port Or- iiiervbanta tlie first of tha week on m iller, at tbe beginning, waa not fold a fe < d a y « ew-l a tte irl tb s mss hts way north. overly friendly towards the Oove- „ nor’a method of handling prisoners, querade. The Buna m ill, on Sixes, is saw hut upon investigation they found , A lly » tf * H etui-ton, <Luib*r, Were w ing a special urjer^of spruce lumber that Ida policies were working out litfg ifersiaees iol Jtpv« y tfan «aril lo r3 he cheese factory |u tie built at tfirdsy and ude our office a pleas that place. I t ia the intention of much better tbau indicated by news l>aper reports. ag»t cull. Mr. Bene to run the m ill to its full ! Q *£ i Major L -D . Kianey, of rapid- ..A . Ai Jamieson moved hi* /a m i Capacity duri ng tbe spring add sum transit fame on Coos Bay ia about ly out to the Dean place on E lk mer months. to close a deal invrffVitig tha sale of river the first of Ike week,„JMUt4ng Wm. Candlin, the genial psjier bis property on the bay, which will fen ted tbe place from J. D. Loucks. man from Coquille, passed down enable him to |>ay all the obligations John Prifh and w ifi t A ^ d e r tbs coast yesteiday Oh one of hia be contracted when he went to the burn are vislrtngj at the- horn« ot periodical vieila a* far south as Gold Wall a couple of yeSra ago. This Welton M iller, on Hubbard's Beaeh. He reports business outlook wilt be good news lo some of the orcek, wboee wife ia Mr.' Prince's in Coos and Cnrry io bu the best people in this section as there am aiater. ‘ f j|r ,i » . that it ever has been. Severn I Kinney creditors around here. Tbe month of February, naw al County Treasurer, Jss. Caugbell,- is coutined to hia room with failing health, and owfflfc tu >ble advanced “ K ” Lieta €-644. -868, -707, 70«, -79# 4 A II 4-364« «-11?« •fie hia condition ia considered quite B E8TO H A TIO M TO EN^ ^ a OF serious. «¿fif f/i-d F ib -s.-.,;' LAND S IN N A T IO N A L FO Game Warden Baker was in (own Notice la hereby given that described below, embracing 184.18 over Saturday night, and went nut aerea, within the Ul kiyou National Forest, Oregon, wlU be subject to set to Middle E tk.lh e nest day where tlement and entry under tbe provlaiona he and Mrs. Baker had Sunday din of the homestead laws of tlu» United State« and the act of June 11, 190« ¡84 ner at the C. H . P*»tgn .horns. most gone, has been exceptionally free from rain, and while there bus been some loss in yearling calves, tb« weather has started stimk on. the mend and is giving lamb* a good beginning. A b ill haa paased the house at Salem increasing the pay of the Legislators from 13 to 15 per day, and it is contemplated merearing tlie length of tbe seeaion from 40 to 50 days. I t w ojtd swim that for » Legislature that paaaea a h ili already on the statutes, and passes one bill in tlw forenoon and two in the a f ternoon repealing it, and then de liberate« oa IS bills bearing on the game subject, Iftgt a session of five day* would he »ore suitable and six bit« an ample compensation. Several oiliaens of the lower Rogue river country went up to 111- ahe last Saturday to attend a meet ¡ng at which a new Commercial club «tat. 8j3), st tbe United Stales l n d oflloe st Roseburg, Oregon, on March — H . T . Stewart, accompanied by waa organised. The people along 4,1818. Any settler who wae actually WalinTi M ille r and Stephen M errill tha Rogue are oertaiuly getting the audio «ood faith claiming any of said lands for agrUultu.-al purpo.ee prior as wiiuersgs, want dowq ip the C-pjn- boosting »piriki to January I, 190«, and baa not aban ty seat last week and made final doned same, haa a preference right to Carpenters are a t work complet make a hornestsmi aulaw fan »’ • - proof on his Hubbard’s creek home Senator I. 8. Smith of Cooa coun ing the inside work of the upper actually stead. ' ty , enjoys the distinction of intro Haled upon ri« the court, house at Gold P < *tin a s » fi|j|g k ij||fi|^ e ^ eon fluo sona named tó i. I t seems a» though tbs ductng mofe billy at tha present sea enee right, aiun of the Legislature than any .will return from Marshfield in a few any such sa pj^ater pp tlw Jowei floor it not o r applicant la other member of the 1 body. There day a. Or. Straw found that the bolding as U »lioulil, as i l ia crack seems to be some doubt as to whelh-. stead entry and suiseqrs wound iti Maalar DhwaH's <nwrptwd prluc mg and breaking Jouac in place*. eye waa not ao deeps» first feared, which date tne * r thia should be planed in the ored settlement am TJjy sçhoqoe^A.lvent, belonging w d A U c , | umn j,, M n king s tiie l person. The li lo Simpwwi wa* wrecked tu try in g *1 - act*. Ac balance nf - — Mr. - Smith’s N E I of N K ti B. 18 W .,W . _ „ wide detscrfiied tm jjlii In veii iirtw Duos Bay-last week, and Fram he ri'ikky hot k.1 o fth d on ’ l«U, gougi ^ j e . No lives in Knapp weit lost. The Rustler, Tr^mp and lion filled when sty*, gift /her«,, eh« Ranger all tried to saw her. hut 1 U chains; thenoeN. < 4 deg. W. 8.8» went down to Wedderiiurn to visit could not pull her out of her dan «bains; thence N. 18 deg. W. 1.78 Ler sister, Mrs. Alive ^tunwglt. chama; thence B. 7 7 'deg. W . L j8 gerous, position. > «bains; thenoe S «8 deg. W . 9.39 Rev. Mickey of Bandon,, w ill chains, the net area being 9.18 aerea. Visitors lo Gold Bench, who am Said tract was Hated upon Ilia applica begin a series of evangelical meet- net vously inelined, are threatened tion ot John Waternt«n, of Inga in Port Orford1 beginning on Oregon; U a t 8-844. firn N E j with shark* at all hours of the day Tuesday, March 11th. The services Sec. 7, T . 39 S„ K ig W ., su aerea, and night by discordant soands, llcatlon of Ueo.Tulman, ot HarborOr^ will bu conducted for a week or ten t list which, if followed up, prove to be 8-888. A tiao t of 8.60 acres with T «ytli ba a*- nothing more nor less than the in uusurveyed, but what will probably days, and Rav. O surveyed, Hec. 10, T. 38 B S, ‘ be, when ‘ r ^ ’ ------------------- iptr, Rev. aisled by the' Gold llewch brass band at practice. 12 W„ described by metes and bound« a» follow«: Beginning at corner No..L Young. There gre 18 piece* in the bsod, a stone marked H - l, wheuoe the quar M r. Fay, »on of Jas. £ . Fay prom neatly all beg inner*, and Prof. Knorr te r corner beta een Bece. 11 and 14, T. 36 8. R. 18 W ., bears N.-tW deg B. 8 .» inent in (be early history of Oregon has his baiiih full rounding them «hatna, 8.17 deg. 30 min. W., 67.1«. , |gjB| and E. 18 y7 chains; eat nding ** Publishing the Gold Beach Globe into form. I f the boy» keep up ts . S3 deg. JU Win. f/AJ kaln. E. 8 97chain*; 97chains; In llte absence of editar Marsters, they have atnrlrd in, the band will tbenoe 8. 87 d e g . l j m u. W . 4.7» «baina; thence B .B B d«. E.6.14 chains; who ia llwent on a trip to the W ll Utm* lie ¡7credit lo llieir town. thence «.1 deg. E . 4.81 chain«; thence |alnelle valley. M t . F ay helped us A Couple of month* ago, George £ . 89ueg. E. 1.77 ohaina: thence N. 88 . .. , d eg . E. A It)chains; thenoe N . y l deg. out on " the T iubo hc for a couple of Dunn of Euchre Creek, drove 89 W . 7.9» chains thence N. IS deg. 18 week* a year or so ago, and is a good head of hog« into the oak woods at min. W. 3 69 chains; thence N. 10. deg. yO min. E. 1 .« 8 chains; thence N. >1 writer and first class inechanio. Panther Camp and the “ Old Dig deg. tv. 4.39 chains; thence N .,86 deg. A good lim e was reported by the gings” on Lobster creek to fatten on 16 lain W. 8 34 chain«; thence 8 18 deg. W. 8.91 chains to the place of be- danoer* at the marquerade Satur the acorns. The hogs scattered, and ginniug. Bald tract waa listed upon tbe application ot J. J. Wseising, of day night. Prixts were won by tbe at present it looks as - though Mr. Agnew, Oregon; List ft-707. A tract ot Meesra. Robt. McKenaie sail Delmer Dunn will not tie able to get more 28 acres within uusurveyed but what will probably be, when surveyed, Sec. W right aa Bast^ Ball and Henry than half uf them out of the wood* 8. T . 30 8., M. 18 W. described by metae Adolpbsori a* Cow Boy, and tbe this season. Tile others will prob and bound« as follows: Beginning a t corner No. 1, a cedar tree marked Missea Louise Withers and Florence ably go wild and help lo increase F hM H -1, wheuoe Lawson’s Butte bears McKenaie ea Dutch G irl and Par tbe iiiimlier of “»lick-ear«” that at 8. 6 deg. W. and a prominent rocky ready roam the wood* of that sec peak bears 3. 79 deg. E . ; extending cels Poet, respectively. . • IS-- • ■ thence N . 9 chains; thenoe N 21 deg. Tbe Garqulte Bros, of Bandon, lion. S 77 322 ctirdiug to the good people ot Gold Beach, hosfeves, ti no duubl fillout the andtkaMeu- wy ar Empuror ' 19p«ech. - It THE BREAKERS It An Ina Worth, While Another littiu twlroonltion I will give you upon at question which lira heavily upon my heart for say nation. I t ia the question, the al- oohol and the drink. New ly Fitted Up; E lectric Lights . I know very weil, that the pleas, are of drinking i* an old heritage of COLD BEACH, CURRY CO., ORE- the Germane. We must henoefortb, however, through »elf discipline, free ourselves from this evil In ev ery connection. I can assure you that in my twenty-two year reign have made the observation that the greater iiuoitier of criminal rases submitted lo Die for adjudication— up to nine tenths, are traceable to the couse' quenoes of alcohol. ,l wa in earlier timee it passed for ex traordinary cleverness in the youth, for him to imbibe h l'large quantity of afcobol and beer it. I , as a young officer, bad occasion lo see such examples, but »ever myself to participate. These are views that suited the T h irty Year W ar, but now, no more. Entirely apart from the eon queues» which I ne»4f not further portray, 1 »le-ire to apprise you uu one point f«r yoor future career in i he ttret iiue. Aa yuu yourselves will observe during the uour-e of your ternt'iif servieu oa hoard, tb* service nt my navy has reached such a height "F «trenuonenere a« you cun hardly surpass* Tu endure these edormous peace exertions without exhaustion anil to be fresh in the evuti'l of real aer-' iousneaa dependa ii|ion yon. Thu next war and the uext ar* ball)» demand souud nerves of you. Nervee w ill daeide. These become undermined through alcohol and fr«m youth up by tbe use of alcohol endangered. . . . -You w ill later have opportunity to eee the target ships and the ac tion of the modern projectiles upon the ahipa and therefrom you ean picture the conditions during bat tie. You w ill see horrible d'-atrac lie n when you are upon theve. Merutt call»7-. - (Funsseriy O s m U e t O - " ' ■ T A B L E UNEXCELLED H ot and C old T ub and S hower B aths . F ir st C lass Barn and Garage in Connection, Affording all Conveniences for Saddte Horses, Teams, Automobiles aujJ Motorcycles GENERAL '7 - ■ B la c k s m ith iu g Wagons antj Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock, also Agent for All Kinds of Funning Im plements; McCormick Mowers, etc. Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a 1 eusonable price. Your patronage solicited. BEECHER JE SS P o rt O r fo r d , O r e g o n \ rrovntfy'mnt U ulghkJetter of wurtn “Steady nerve* abd a oool head!*’ congratulation to the one brainy That nation which consumes the man of that august iaidy— the man least quantity o f alcohol wins. And t who had kept his bead through all that yon should be, my gewtb-men! the turmoil and bad not introduced a And through vow au ix h ii pie single b ill! should be given the vrewe T hat work« moat with m«okitid. Joaquin M iller Dies And In consequent of this, 1 ex peel of you, that even now at the Joaquin M iller died Feb. 17th,' navel academy and <>n tanrd -hip. of paralysis at his “ Homs on Iht ' in all comradeship and friendli»*-«« Heighta” of Oakland. H i* body will he cremated on a funeral pyre whicli he erected with his own bands several year» ago, and 1,1- ushes w ill be scattered to the “ four wiudb” on the Height*. Titus puss ea away one of Oregon’s most ro man tic pioneers, whose fqa-ckh-ri career, if a il wriltan, would read like an exhalation of a diseased mind. H i* fame a* a poet it not yet tecure. Lutsey Wins ■ in no way disturbed, among y»«tf selves you take heed thereto, and provide that Hie indulgence in al- cohol be not Ooanted us bel<»r«iog to your privileges. There are being organiard, L. ta<.' navy. Good Templar lodge» a a-1 'Blue Cross sooietiea- In d iv id u a l officers and several hundred man have joioed. I hope you will d„ all you can to aid the crews to join. I need merely refer to the typical example of tbe English navy, where 20,000 men and officers have already- joined to the great advantage of that navy. I t is a question «if the fntare for our aavy and for our people. I f you educate the people to alwlain from alcohol, I aha|l gain healthy and sensible sahp-rt«. I t ia a great question of the fu ture, tiecauae through the men who . leave the » 4 - service ^ . . ^ idea ’ ^ w if l ba the* The wrestling match in the hall Satuaday evening between / . \V. Lutsey of Langlois, and Clan-ace W right of Port Orford, was a clean orderly oonteat that Was witnessed W. 7 chains; thepoe N. 63 deg. W . 10 by a fair aixed audiynoe, Lotaey win « h a lm ; i hence 8 82 dec. W . 5.74 chain*; have purchased a new 7 passenger The ^iws of Gold Beach, which uing both falls, ning fail«, the tb» fim first in 7 4 min thence 8. 19 deg E. 81.43 c h a in *;1 Glide autoÎiobile whifch w ill ha* bum enj'iajUg a healthful growth Ute* by a toe bold a«wj t thence N. 74 deg. E. 10.33 chains Pr h r -Mat tn Piaoe of beginning. Naid tract waa p u t on I lhé7Porl Orfqrd-G Beach for the b A /* < w M years, is eotrtin- m inute* tA a bZtttn tuerldck. dck. ’l l listed upon me application of Frank « Thornton, of AgneW? Oregon; Liat run w het»springojA au, m aking a uing to grow. A’ hnrd wire and Ji tlg! Was a qu«fi «peed and Iwooght upon tbe land. f t E f. nee, He<^10, 31 round trip tr ip daily, d a ily . T i n h a waa store are atpong the latest additions ' strength agniae ■ 6-7WL Aha NE1 o4 N aw. io, T. s. at * car was When you spread these principle» , fifirengtb ............... tu tbsrbupiHtaa hog«.» of the tow n,1 and « k ill, sad m Hly the latter my people will be morally uplifted. List 6-79«. «. Approved Decombi IM iB ib h of Bandon,Atho it ¡8 cfelfoed are which aleo noaita of two tnerchan- combination won. M r. Lut**y is a T hat ia a work ia which I bid you S. V. .rM F B O O U U D D F F IT ir, , . d _ S .V # Rood business b i l l i n g this dise store», two first claM hotels, on* “ m at artist” Aarietant Commissioner of theGeueral in every sen»* do your share. machine. S1 ■ - I-and Office. bank, two «oft drink establishment* of the word, having competed T h e K aiser’s C h affeur. Robert Forty went up to Port and other huai nets enterpri«*«, as against the beat m m of his .weight land where be tquk tlwwxaniination arell as a nun,lier of new and Up to- in the country. He'give» W righ t for an engineer*« gasoline boats of date dwellings. W ith Ihe opening cf credit for making an excellent show Tbe story is told that Kaiser 65 feel in length He says he an Rogue river, Gold Beach w ill enj»y iuy for a beginner * t the game, aa W ilhelm needed s chsffeur and a Mb ties. the n:aub wo* closely contested big, strong young man applied for swered all Ihe questions easily, and still further prosperity. while it lasted. the position. He paused a rigid he has his license now, ready for I f Rogue river is opened to com Notice la hereby given to a ll p-raona mechanical examination. Physi A * a preliminary to the wrestle buaine»». He ha* had lot* of ex— whom It may concern, not to enter up- mercial fishing so that the Maoleay oa or trespass upon the premise* ot Rli perienua in our local waters, ia an people are enoou raged to more ex Geo. Sutton and Louis Sparling cally. he appeared perfect. “ Do you drink f ’ asked tbs Ixwd gave a four round S)«rr«ng rxbiln Bagley, lor tbe purpose of bunting, nr expert boatman and pilot, and we tensive operations in the county, it flabln» wiui noor and line. Sold pre congratulate him oa hie laudable lion that provoked much inerrimeut. Chamberlain. is their Intention to operate the ex mise* are »¡tooted on Blk Blear, Carry “ 1 lake a glass ones in a while i Tbe luUer reaches up into the C j ambition*. pensive cold storage plant built at Coanty, O r e c o a , aa<l Ueacribed aa fol fool sone when he straightens out yoor Highness,” answered the ebaf- lows. The West half of Section twea- I l strike* Ike editor of this paper this place by the late It. D. Hume 8 / eeveu. Township thirty two South, that there are some young boys in in the development of tbe deep sea bit attenuated form, but the deci- feur. “ You won’t do.” Raaga fifteen Want. P®1'“ * »“ Ihe for Port Orford that should be made lo flshiag industry. T h . fi.bingJjgnk. “ But, my Lord, 1 am no drunk Aar person or persot a m troepuse- - . f o r t h , i crpoee of bunting, fiuhtng, • “ ’ Uh th« r * " " n U a‘ off from Port Orford are among tbe ard,” rvmoa«traleil the chsffeur. or traveling through ia any abape form . church, and also there ar* a few of feet along t he roast, and the harbor “ I understand,” »aid the Lord Chamberlain, “ but you drink s lit at manner, or Searing down fences, or ‘ the larger boy« who should either is au ideal place from which to op leaving out »'•’» g»tee open, or molest be gentlemanly enough to keep still erate a fishing fleet— boats coming Have you soy to offer, or do you tie sad tba man who drinks a little ing personal property, will be prosecu or stay away, a t there sre thoee who and going in perfect safety at any know of anyone^rho liPWl hast I desire Is a little drunk. He wbo runs the machine that His Majesty, tb * ted to to * tall extant of the law. rf j ra j* cannot ri«k being a like to follow the sermon— s p riv i time that they ean live at opon sea. to purchase. Angus G. M ackay,1 W » . R. Johnson, , . . _r x l . » bon Id. not The future of the industry prom Real Estate Agent, Port Huron, h u le drunk in his bands or in bis Leasee of the above1 ’• • he,ra fees much for this section. Michigan. \ eyea.” ' " * -* described premises be violated. 3?, Timber d ara nlwstye manly for T b ¿bdb M H ave ju s t received a Large Shipm ent ol Stone Crock*. See our W indcw as you go b y Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Store. . *4,.».: " , - « ■ ----------- i/u -' ■ i ' -I—— 4t»., Sfci DOORS - WINDOWS - MOULDINGS Tr A n yth in g you Need in M ill W :rk W rite us tor P rices or a n y Informa tion you Need in th is Line North Bend Manufacturing Co » “ N o r t h I L 'n d , O r e g o n aw ’