The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, January 22, 1913, Image 3

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    N o tic e f o r D u b l i c a t l o * .
Town and County.
January 1$, » 1 » .
Berlin, Jan. 1 4 — D r. fyaderiok
Friedmann, discoverer of
C . 8. Land Office, a t Roseburg, Oregon
Work la now, progressing on Ute
December 28, 1818.
Tbe Silver Medal oonteat in the manta o f the Port of Fort Orford for oure for tnberouloeie, today formal
building for the sawmill annex to
Notice is hereby given th a t
ly wrote A m eric a n Couaul G eneral
Church Monday evening, under the year ending December H e t, 1»13:
H xsdv T . B tsvasw ,
tite shingle m ill.
Thackaia hare, invitiag tho Am eri­
auspices of the W . 0 . T . U ., was one
o l Port O rford, Oregon, who, on A p ril
A dance at tbs Lenars H a ll Sat­ of the moat enjoyable and instruct F ro m County ‘
can gorernmeot to icveeligste
count o f tax le v y . . . . . . . . — $$
urday evening was quite largely ive social gatherings ever held in
cure. Thia is the fljst invitatioa
D IS B U R S E M E N T S .
extended by D r. Friei Jenson to any ]
t h e N W | N * J Section 12, Township a tte n d e d .
Port Orford, aad was listened to by Port o f F o rt O f o r d s e a l..$ 2.W
33 8 , Range 15 W est, W illam ette M e r­
government. Dr. Friedmann prom­
Miss Welters,mF Corbin, has been • large, appreciative audience, many P rin tin g ................ ........
idian, DOS tHe<l notice of hie in te n 'lo n
Telephone ...........................
to make final F iv e Year Proof, to es­
ised that in this week's issue of the
making fiisnda in F o rt Orford a having to eland, aa thesaating room
tablish claim to the land above dee-
Poet card views for Gov­
official journal of the Berlin Medi-
.oriberi, hc.'oro John R .B ta n n srd , Coun­ »¡•it.
society be would explain bis ro
ty Clerk, C u rry County, Oregon, at
The meeting wee opened and die Stomps and stationery. . . .
Gold Bogota, Oregon, on the 2 le t day
The cold weather of the past missed by Rev. Young, aad special
fusel to give out his remedy to the
Rent o f m eeting r o o m . . . IROO
of February, 181 J.
month is bringing prosperity to the •ongs and aoloe by the choir and a C. R. Peck, attorney fees, 600.70
Claimant names as witnesses:
Walton P. M ille r, of Port Orford, O r., wood dealers.
W. H. M eredith ••
Stephen G. M e rrill, of F o rt O rfo rd , O r
But 35 ysers of age and tbejmoth-
Deputy, Sheriff, posting
James H . button, of Port Orford, O r „
were interspersed in the program in
o f2 7 chUdrao ie tbe remaskable
20.00 Forty „-of P o rt Orford, O regon.
B xsjakin F. J onbs
pa roe Is post, if you want to tsketbs addition to the recitations o f the A- Adolphssa, expense a t­
record of Mrs. Win. « . Clark of
Register. chances on getliqg the handle broke. contestants. Six young ladies com
tending meetings .......... 28.00
Cleveland, Ohio, who is oonvalcao-
pc ted for the medal— the MidKcs J . W . McKsnxis, expanses
following the birth of qusdrup-
N o tic e fo r . P u b l i c a t io n .
attending meetings........ 12.00
Frank Lowery and wife, who Ruth Stone, Laura Sutton, Ruby
l«ts. Mrs. Clark gave birth to
have been visiting io Coos county, Carey, Lottie Dean, Kunioe* Jamie
bar astm kut or tum I m t k b io r ,
quadruplets twice, three tele of trip ­
Edna Richard. Three
¡0. 8. Land OOlce at Hoeeburg, Oregon, have returned to their home at son and
dance an hand in bank,
$266.42 lets and Iv e sets of twins.
November 26, 1312.
Rogue River.
judges, unknown to each other, were Commissioners o f P o rt o f Port Orford.
Notice is hereby g iven th a t George
A man named Eunice was drown­
By B. J. L onxy , Seerotary.
B- Wells, oi Port O rford, Oregon, w ho,
Abundance of snow piled up in selected in tbe audieuce who marked
oa May 1st, 1809, made Homestead
at Bandon on the night of Jan.
dowu credits on various points,and
From Big Bend.
E n try Serial No 0-194», for NM 8 W I, the mountain», but there has been
11th. On leaving the - etea«
. . . l . . 11 •. _ that ail the young ladies acquitted
end SI NW J, Section 1, Tow nship 32 nr*
no opportunity for
,, IS vest, U ilia m e tte M arid isn , has
Speedwell he foil between the- stea­
themselves with commendable cred­
Big Bend, Oregon, Jan. 1 7 ,191».
led notice ol h is intention to m ake along the coast.
mer and wharf. Tho Hfo saving
it was shown by the fact that ouly
F in a l Hve vear proof, to establish
Chancy Fry left for his home at
M r. F , H . Robinson, who has
claim to the land above (Inscribed, be­
recovered Ute body within 24
a few credits separated the winner Big Meadows today.
fore H T Stewart, United Slates Com- been spending some four mouths at
.minute«, hot two hours effort in an
from the losers. The medal was
mleaiouer, at his office, Port O rfo id ,
I t has been a very stormy
Oregou, on the 17tli day of January, Grants Paas, returned to F o rt Or awarded to Miss Edna Richard,
Yesterday morning there wsa about attempt to resuscitate wsa without
ford • few days ago.
who rendered sn excellent selection three inches of auow, and about the avail.
Claimant nataee as witnesses :
Louis Farrier, of Port O rfo rd , Oregon,
Ray H k ll, who has been spend­ in a natural aud touching style.
A reoent dispatch from Washing­
•sms this morning, but going off
J . M. West, ol P q rt O rfo rd . Oregon,
Several new members were added fast this evening. We have had no ton relates that the government an*
David Crowley, of f o r t Orford, Oregon, ing • couple of weeks with relatives
Jubn Crowley, ol Port Orford, O regon at this place, heft yesterday for bia to the W . C. T. U. roll after the
mail from Dothan ainoa Monday g i nests has oom pie ted a survey of
H , F , J O N K d . Register.
home in Coos county.
meeting, and it is probable that an H auk Brown was unable to get out the haybor of Crescent City, and
other contest will be held in tbe Tuesday
that, according to the War Depart­
A lf. M iller, was in town Sunday,
near future.
N o tic e f o r P u b l i c a t i o n .
Claud H a ll brought the mail sack ment, the government now projxioM
en route for borne, having moved a
DarAwnisXT o rjru s lavaaio a,
down Wednesday, and M r. Brown to expend $1JMX),(XX) upou the im ­
Tbe tallest woman in the world
<7.8. Land Offieq, at Roseburg, Oregon fam ily up from W adder burn to
Isaac Fry were trying to break provement of the haibor.-
December 9 t|i, 1812.
Uandon. He had quite su unpleas- has died again. This time it is Mrs.
Notice is bersby giyen th a t
over the ridge, while Jacob
snd experience with the weather,
The 12 moat important minerals
E lla Ewing, 8 feet 4 inches in height,
J amss fit. B utton ,
Cray was working from the other -oi tite United.States Au- the order of
a f PortOrford, Oregon, w ho, on A p ril
of Quincy Illinois.
11, 1808, made
end, hot was oaly able to get about
the value of their annual prnduo
Serial No. 9642«, for“ El"of BWi, W ^of ¡ to 1x3 r“ ised for Stals purposes this
The Cood county tax levy ia the eight miles out from Dothan.
are « m I, iron, clay, onpper, pe
s k
S ïfv r K t
b* 1* « • b“ ‘
game for thia year aa last year— 17 j
M r. O. D. Sargeot was out from troleam, gold etoue, natural gas,
third of tbe amount required last mills, which will bring $338,178.88
Bonansa Basin teat 8unday and
»nt, lead, silver and «inc.
Of. Intention to saase n n « i r iv e year year, though the to t i l levy for tbe
isto the treasury.
had more very nice specimens o f
proof, to establish c laim to the land
•bore described, before H a rd y
T. county is no less than last year.
In the lighthouse bill reported to gold, having sold to G. W . Corry
A U C T IU N 8A L K .
Stewart, JO. 8. Com m issioner, at- bis
Tbe heaviest rain Sturm of the tbe Huuee on January 6th, as agreed what they had taken out before the
office, st Port O rfo rd ^u reg on , on the
21st day of Janu ary, 1818.
winter occurred last Friday. The uponxby the committee, is a clause first of the new year.
Claim .i t names as w itn e s w s ;
me will ba a sals, at rublic Aue-
M r. Elihse F ry , of Agnsas, a rriv ­
Walton F. M ilte r of Puri O rford, O r.. rivers were booming, and the small appropriating $126,000 for a light
at the Unican ranch, on Elk
George F ort»-of Port Orford,
* - Oregon,
streams overflowed their banks. On hnuM at Port Orford, Or., reef.
ed np yesterday and w ill spend a
r, on Febraary lOtb, ISIS, of per-
Geoige Quigley, o "
f Port Orford, O
few days with hie sister, Mrs. Js-
Saturday tbe mail failed to get
Stephen M rrrU I. of Pori
of Farming
Oold Beach now has fqnr minis
B sjuamim F. Jonas
through from Myrtle Point.
oub F ry , and w ill also try end get a
lers to Port Orford’s one. I t ie
loga, and various iitkn articles.
„ Messrs Louis Farrier, Doc West the policy of tbe .various Christian panther or two while be ie npliere.
F a r t Orford, O r. Jan. 21, 181$.
and Georgs Wells came in from organ its liouS to send thelf workers He-hssAwo very good dogs. He
J A M E 8 E L L IS .
got a panther last week at home.
“K ’ Lists 6-644. -«62, -707, -708, -79« Sixes, Friday, through tbs most
to those place« where meet ngaded.
C A .H
G. W . M.
severe wind and rain storm o f the
........ - Jb
N O T IC E .
Tbe Oregon legislature has set
H E S lO R A T lO N
tied down to bosincss, with' Dan J.
Notice ia hereby given th a t the An-
Notice Is hereby given th a t lands la tte r ’s homestead.
meeting ot the Stockholders o f
M s la r k y ss President of the Senate
uesciiiied below, embracing 124.12
i o f Port Orford w in ba held a t t i t s
Salem, O r . Jan. 14.— That the
seres, within the Bi k .io u Nalhm al
Considering the weather end road and C. M r McArthur Speaker of the
in Port Orford. I
Forest, Oregon, »jit Ureubjeet- to -ante- £tiDdiH<ms"iiuririg the past month,
fight to reopen the Rogue River to
iy, January IA 1213,
Houser Both are Portland mea.
item ut and entry unuer tbe prov sions
ned e’e
commercial fishing will ba resumed
<4 th< hoiurkivad laws .if the U nited the various mail carriers are cer­
I t is announced as a wonderful
Mates aim the act of June 11, 190« (84
again during the praaanL aeaaion, ia
M at. 2j3), a t t e United States I mid
achievement -in surgery that an em­ new oartain, and it promisee to bw
office st Roseburg, Oregon, on M arch the regularity with which they
inent New Orleans surgeon has oom« an Interesting battle, for to
4,1813. Any settle' who wag aetnslly
awl n good faith claim ing any of said bring our mail through.
made a jaw bone for a womau out addition to tha member* of tlie
lands tor . g iic u ltu 's l purposes prloi
Known as tho “ Turner M ule.” Broke
On last Saturday E lk River cut of a rib. We can see nothing so House generally being divided On to Harness, Saddle and Pack. W eight,
tn anusry I, 1906, and has not ab a n ­
doned same, h » a preierencfe r cht t*> a straight channel out from tbe very wonderful soout that. The
880 pounds. Price, »100
tbe subject, there is a division af
m ate h homesisad e, try for the lands
B. J. B A K E R ,
actually occupied. ft«id lands were
Deputy Gams Warden, Port UrforJ.
opinion among the delegations of
listed u | hiu he applicaliona of ihe per tiiue in twenty years. The outlet great surgeon a long time agq, in
three counties interested— Jackson,
sons named below, who have a prefer­
ence right, subject to the p rio r rig h t of is now mors than sm ile further tbe Garden of Eden, and it worked Carry and Jueepbine.
W A N T E D —In .Southern Oregon cr
any settler, provided such settler south than formerly.
to perfeclion.
Northern California, a ranch. 1 w ant
or applicant is qualified to make home-
such for a home. I am a mechanir, nut
►tead entry an" tue preference rig h t ’S
Drain N oiipsrtil: The firm, of and Curry counties, seems to bs
I l appears frum a W a shin gton
a land shark, and w ill consider a home­
ererci.eo prior to tiaroh 4, 1913, on
win. h
i t e l nds w ill lei subject to dispatch tlial Port Orford reef is to Reiiuerr A Kelley, our local fra il taking the initiative in the move­ stead or Relinquishment; if possible
-ettleini i t ami entry by a y qualified have a <126,000 lighthouse, instead ers, are un cling nith decided auc- ment and hopes to ba able, betake near school. Address,
leison in e lauus a r as fo llo w s : T h e
0 . T IM E U 3 ,
in the rale of their apple syrup the session progresses far, to Intro
N t j of NEJ oi S W J , tt-o. s, T 41, 8 ., of a $25,000 lightship. A t least
R. 12 It , A M except a strip 30 feet such an item appears inr the light among the uonvutueis and dealers duce a bill that will satisfy the del­
side u s,ribid as follow s: H e /in n in g
in Rnsenurg, Sutherlin and other egations of the three counties and
ai a r-la k e i-itii .ted 1.4s oh ins west bouse bill recently reported favora­
irom U q . a l ter com er on the north bly to the. House
local dr|»ots. The syrup is becom­ which will be passed. Tha delsgs
' •
line of-ec s ;e x te n I n / tb nee 16 feet
ing very popular, and takes the lions of Curry and Josephine coun
ou each si e oi a oue i uunlng a. 12.1 eg.
The County 8urveyor-elect hav­
W. 1 72 chains; Ihence N 72 deg. W .
place ul otnple syrup st the break ties seem to be in favor ol opening
The Bagley ranch on E lk river.
2 62 chains; thence N. 64 deg. W 0,88 ing failed to qualify, the County
fast table because it is net impreg the stream to commercial fishing P a rt cash down ; balsnoe m ortgage « i
chains; thence N . 68 deg, A . 1.7S Court appointed James Caugball Jr.,
Chains; thence 8. 77 deg. W . 1.36
□•ted with drugs. Mads in Oregon just as far aa the industry can be same w ith easy payments. Address
chains; thence 8 66 deg. W . 2.38 as C urry County's Surveyor tor the
conducted with profit. Tbs Jack,
sent by parcel post.
chains, the net area being 9.62 acres. position. Jim m y, though young,
Box 4«, E u re k a , Osl.
•on county delegation on the other
Bald tract was listed upon the applica­
O f enure«- there w ill be the usual
tion ol John W aterm an, of i hetco. is in every way competent, and we
hand, it is understood, is opposed
Oregon ; List 6-644
the N EJ o f SEJ feel sure he w ill make good,
tinkering with the game laws by
to having it opened farther than 30
Bee. 7, T 39 ft., K. 12 W «11 acres, a p ­
plication of Geo Telm an, of HsrborO r.,
Weather prophets are predicting
miles Irom tbe sea.
Have you any to offer, or do you
L is t 6-W2 A tia c t of 9.60 acres w ith ­
in tbe interest o f the city sports, who
Thia stream was c loaed to com know of anyone who hast I d « o ir e \_
in u, aurveyid, b ut w hat will probably a hard winter but early spring. Our •re able to dictate snd have enacted
1«, w hin surveyed, Sec. 10, T. 36 S„ B. prediction is that we are having a
mercial fishing by an Initiative bill ,o purchase. An,u. o . Ms, k.y,
such changes as they desire. The
12 W described by metes and bounds
passed two years ago. the people of Reni Estate Agent, Fort Huron,
s a follows: Beginning st corner N o . 1, bard winter, but w ill have an early
proper thing would be the repeal of
a stone marked H - l , wbeuce the q u a r­ spring unless tbeoold winter weath­
Jackson oounty being back of the Michigan.
all Stale game laws, and the enact
ter corner between bees. 11 snd 14, T.
36 8. R. 12 W ., bears N. 80 deg E . 2.86 er is prolonged to extend too far over ment of a law giving each county measure. Tbe Jackson oounty peo
chains, 8.37 deg. 30 m in. W „ «7.10 into the Spring months.
pie, especially a t Medford took
choius; and E. 12 37 chains; extending
government complete jurisdiction
lbs position that the Hums Fishing
thence 8.33 dsg. 10 min. E. 2.97chains;
Mrs. J. II. Zum walt, who has in the matter of the protection of
thence S. 27 deg. 15 mm . W . 4.73
Company enjoyed a monopoly on
chains; thenc. 8 . 8 0 deg. E.6.14 chains; been so ill for the past two weeks game within the tes|)eotive borders
the stream to the extent that it de­
them « 8. 1 deg. E . 4,64 c h a in s ; thence
of each <;ounty.
ft. BWueg. E. 1.77 chains: thence N . 66 as to require several visits from Dr^
prived those residing up tha river
E. 110 chains; thence N . j l deg. Pemberton.of Langlois, was brought
R ep a irin g Watches aad Jewelry •
The Cooa Bny N.ews republishes snd above tbe fishing plant, from
W, 7.9s chains thence N . 13 deg. 16
mm. W. 3 69 chains; thence N. 10. deg. into town by her husband Monday/ the following item taken irom its trout fishing. D uring the last leg specialty. A ll work guaranteed.
30 min. E. 1.62 chains; thence N. 31 from Sixes, and taken to the Zunv-t
O rders taken tor Watches and Fancy
issue of Jan. 14, 1880:
islsture the in itiative measure wse
deg. W . 4.39 chains: them « N. 8« deg.
16 min W. 2 34 chains; thence 8 16 wall home. She stood the ty p well,
' 'The New» is the oldest and the only •mended so as to cure ibis trouble Jewelry, W o rk turned out on short
deg. W. 6.91 chains to the place o f be­ and is somewhat improved.
permanently established paper in Cooa
ginning Bald tract was listed upon
county. The Record died, the Argus but, oontsnding that the people bed
the application of J. J . Weersing, of
C a ll on me a t L aholois , O bsoos .
Rev. John W . H o y t, wife snd died, snd the M ail doesn’t feel well, but 1 passed the bill «ltd that their will
C. T . U C ontest a Success
Aa Inn Worth. While
(Fom ierty Gaun tie tt’e)
New ly Fitted Up; Electric Lights
H ot and C old T ub and 8 howeb B aths
F irst C lass Barn and Garage in Connection,
Affording all Conveniences for Saddle
Horses, Teams, Automobiles and Motorcycles
For Sale
Timber daim s.
Wagons and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock,
also Agent for All Kinda of Farm ing Im ­
plem ent^ McCormick Mowers, etc.
Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a
reasonable price. Your patronage solicited.
P o r t O r f o r d, O r e g o n
». ■
It a ly for we
rSome knhrea i
Blades roquirw frequent «kawpoatng.
Edgea invariably turn. *
Knives are ground sharp a t tb e factory
and are aJwaya ready far aa<
TAe bla d a n>e guarantee to
take and hold an edge
Wo sony aa oBesIto
H slvq ju s t received st.La.rge Shipm ent oi Stone
See our W indow as you go b y
a » -«
o w
port Orford Furniturc& Hardware
: Store.
Agness, Oregon; L iat 6-707. A tra c to f
26 ncies within unsurveyed but what
wlb probably be, when surveyed. Bee.
»• T . 30 S.. R, 18 W . described by metes
“ d bound, sa fa llo w s : Beginning at
N a *• • cftdsr tree marked
F ftM H -l, whsoos Lawson’s B utte bears
ft. 6 deg. W. snd a prom inent rocky
peak l.a rs ft. 79 deg. E . ; extending
thence N 9 chains; thence N. 21 deg.
W. 7 chains; thence N. 63 dsg. W . 10
chains;ihence8 62deg. W . 5.74 chains;
thrnoe ft. 1» deg E . 21.43 chains;
thence N. 74 deg. E. 10.32 chains to
P'sce of beginning. Said tract was
«•ted upon .he application of F ra n k
Thornton, o f Agness, Oregon; Liat
•-7UB. i h e N E i o l N E j. Bsc. 10, T . 31
8-, B. 14 W. 40 seres, application of
Beason E. t*eini«rton, of Langlois, O r­
egon; Liat 6-790. Approved December
•- ’ « » -
8. V? F K O U D F 1 T ,
Asa is ta nt Commissioner o f the G eneral
1-and Office.
J. H . U P T O N ,
P U B L IC ,
L àmolois , Cuaar Oo., Oaaooa.
the News is healthy, well established
three children, arrived lest week, and constantly increasing in circulation. i in the matter should be respected,
direct from Blauvelt, New York, en 1 I f you want J : the
h e oldest, the most relia- 1 Governor West vetoed the measure.
la m . ELLIOTT
route to Gobi Beach, where he w i ll. after election, subscribe for the News."
fill the vacancy at that place caused
Tbe item spplys, in the main,* to
by ihe recent transfer uf Rev. Mr. the News of today. I f there was
Hixgins, Presbyterian Minister, to •n y doubt ss to the Identity of tbe
Eastern Oregon. M r. H oyt and most sobitsntial snd reliable local
family spent's day in Port Orford, newi.gatberer in Southwest Oregon,
visiting among the people.
we would certainly give Uncle Gus
Beunett the benefit of the doubt.
The first railroad for Corry coun­
A free textbook measure w ill ba
ty is now under actual construction
in the legislature st Sa
and four miles Is completed. I t is
the Brookings logging road at dhel- lel»- I t properly drafted such a
co, which w ill be b uilt for many measure ought 10 become a law.
miles into Ihe extensive timber ' The principle Involved i t la every
, .. _________
-« n ' way oom vendable. I t meant eoon-
holdings of that company, and will
opportunUy> greal#r effl
eventually have a b.anch «
, hd fiDa,|y upoo
- f»r n w lh «
h S ’T k S f tile w h o w ill tend to increate
company expects lo bave no les. #ohoo) gUen(,Bnoe en(|
than 400 meo on the pay roll nkxt¡
upper grajeg and high
Salem, Or., /a n . 1$.— On the first
test of strength between the West
J a w ;» ,
and the anti West forces In tha
Senate, which took placq thia m orn­
ing on the cansideration of vetoed COQUILLE, - .
bills as a special order, the odds
wsra shown plainly to ba against
W . a . H A J B IIV
tbs executive. Five bills were
(Snoeaaor to A . B. Sams)
passed over the veto, and of the
doxen instances in which the veto
was sustained, a few were of game
bills wbioh may interfere with the
prospective new game code, and
others are now dead. In a . few
cases tbe tenate lined np with the Anything not in stock, will
governor, though one hill lacked
be pleased tc order
only one vote and another two
votes ot the necessary two thirds RepAiRiMG
N batly D one
for passage notwithstanding, the
B n n d o n . O x*efgoik
AllXindt li Him» uf
AnjrtJiing you Need in M ill W irk
W rite us tor P rices or a n y Informa­
tion you Need in this Line
North Bend Manufacturing Co
IVortli JEJ I , Oroigon
o ik