1HE nUBUNK. I Naw York, ]•». 10.—Admission ,oT ibe'lnruaJs mada-apon It# busi 1013 aaa» by ibe parcel po*t ¡» - Hv i H Oprar. day in a latter prepared by Preei Editor T a t B ia k : .dent Caldwell of tbe Welle Fargo Published Every Wednesday, by T k Gli.hr hae the following aaent ¡Express Company, wbieh shortly WKDMEBDAY JANUARY « , MABDÏT. HTIW4MT • - T r n m » . . " '- *k“ o f oont rib n tn ra which shown H*|Levi» K napp , Pre«. — ----- 0 . W. Z umwalt , y . Pres that <100,000 ia dispute waa actu al), paid by Standard O il. Ha la bow wanted before the Money Trust Committee ' K ltA P P W T C U E. J. L ohnt , C-whicr, Port {/rfortl, Oregon. 4 - IÍN A P P t>s-«.|»s- «» will I * real to every employe of the ant).,raining controversy towil* Eirst-cla»» u, jBrvry WDp» > • “And «« don't belirVr that th e 1 the oompany. , The letter says la MU übt 'liti Iiu jt i* A*l P ro h ib it tb s S ein e, people of Curry gent-rally are <q»- O F P O R T O R P O J Ì I » G e rd F «rad títq b ía a lis i » o . .»».fiti P“ r | i “ The New Year baa brought QopyUn» Y ear.., Oopy 81* M ö h li».. pneed to Srioina for they well know c o n V -B i« ' Month........to ¿ ¿ S i * ............ t . o r w o r t h /o f iu m e ttle co® -ih p«ny Copy e ■« new The recently organised Josephine that the Supreme Court has broken Y0ÜR BANKING BUSINESS SOLICITED We run the Stage from Port ON om the monopoly that Hum * ones had.“ , Coun‘ y Game and Fish Protective pateel poet. I t Incomes a oom pet I via Dalryvllle, oopneoMag with the Tim Globe I . mistaken alante ' “*w* i“ Uon unanimously en* 4 T a s prim ea « la iv n o a vm -r paiw r . Stage to Myrtle Point. tor not only of the eumpaay, bat of what tiu- Supreme Court did. which dor' * d oí lbs provisions ad v o every man in the earvies; henoe the — was simply to auuul the set of tbs <5ale *u llie Courier regard new comer ie an important factor in = itig the opening of the Rogue to NO BANK WILL HANDLE W. A. WOOD FORT ORFORD A evarauo« E ats * Raasu/rabi.a. email transportation, neither la it Legiststuis forbidding all others commercial fishing. The mao who tii lie le-liltied nor overertimated, save Hume to fish in the river for a TOB ’ A T ,-r- w K K Y A T LAW disltooe of about 16 miles up, but fishes for sport can work io ahao- YCUR B U 8 IN E 8 8 BETTER but cull* iu ' k I for renewed efforts OREGON The G P .-0. C. R. R. BOLD HEAl R . OBEROH. lute harmony with lbs man wbooa on the part of V ai Is F.irgu men to Hume retained and protected iiis ------ ' business lies in the sale of tbe royal maintain the company*, standard monopoly 4iy owning the atrip of Grants Puss Courier. Chinook and the silverside. M. LEE PEMBERTON Judge John L. Childs, of Crescent of service aa thy basis of public fa tide lend on either side which no Prohibition of seining la one of body hut himself could legally haul voir aud patronage. , PHYSICIAN City is In Grants Pass, having d riv principal regulations that seiues ou. Let us keep local his the en over from the coast town in the should follow t b r opening of the Office at Langlois Hotel, lory straight. A memorial addressed to the peo interest or the obtaining of right of river. The seining grounds are The committee of eeven lawyers L anglois , O rbson way for the naw railroad, and for ple of Oregon, urging them to bring largely toward the mouth of the several days ha will make his head measures they contemplate submit appointed by Gov. KVeSt in purau river, but by keeping the seine out quarters bars. ting by initiative a t tbe next elec snoe of a law passed at the 1911 the netterà have a mneh better Op H a says that the people aloag the tion, before the present legislature session to consider a revi.iou of our port unity to make living wages or Judicial system, has made its re entire route are enthused over the and pledging them the most sincere belter, and tbs cannery at the mouth port, and for an advance oopy I am Seal Estate NofarjLfublir prospect for the toad, end that all investigation, baa been introduced o fth e river w ill be kept supplied by stand ready to deed the necessary in tbe House at Salam. Tha nrarno sunte|x>dy'< debtor. The report han these tame natters. W ith 7» miiee ground for right of way purposes, rial i f adopted will put the Jegial*» dles many features of the system it of the river open to the commercisi ▲t the Crescent City end of the lure on record as fully approving was charged with considering intsl fisherman the late rests of all mi» t line construction work will be ai, all the purposes and intents of the ligeully, and quite in line with pop be considered. The looal commer rented by Superintendent George M. initiative, and realising its reepon ular thought, but, in keeping with cial fishermen bad leaolved against M a c h in e r y M o w in g M a c h in e s . Koller of the Hobbe, Wall Co., Mr. aibiiity to tbs people under the the trsdilionsof lh e '‘bar,;’ the seven ihe seine some days ego realising lawyers could nut forego the temp E x t r a s f o i D a ir y in g ) O « b o r n e , Keller having hie yoad building same. A t the same time, the urgent that few fish would aver reach these M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e r y . G o l d B e a c h, O r e g o a equipment all ready assembled aa request to submit intended legisla- tation to, as usual with their class upper waters if the seine wss per ba has engineered the tailroud bull tioa through the legislature is made or casts, if you please, make law for therefore, mitted.— Gyants Pass Coartar. ding for hie company in years past, on the ground that the ballot oth lawyers. The report, E e in t a , O lla & S t a m p i n g P o w d e r No one CAN do your work better, briellrs with recommendations for Coos Bay News: The many friends and be stands ready to put a big erwisn becomes ovetloaded, and that No ene W IL L d o it cheaper. ! tp.we and then more Judge«, and of the young lady aad family in force of man on the job on short teebnioal measures with hidden E i n e l i n e o f Crane, B a s e b a l l 1 »u lu /v increase beside traveling ex» this community were deeply grieved notice. meanings creep in because of lack p h e r n a l i a , a n d o t h e r S p o r tiaag l«-u t such aa to make the ha.-d on receipt of a wire from Eureka A. WOOD, lo c a lly things are making satis of iuyesljgsUpn. G o o d s k e p t in S to c k . worked taxpayer gasp for breath.. • yesterday morning to the effect that factory progress, and the camp e» Manager. Aa originally drawn aad passed j Mias Gwynedde Tower bad been run tabUsbad on Allen creek ie fu ll of Senator Smith, of Josephine Co tbe bill provided for a mixed com over by a street oar tha night pre D o o r s a n d W i n d o w s i n v a r ie t y life and activity. One donkey su- HARDY T. 8 T E W A R T has introduced a bill in tbe legisla mission composed of lawyer» sod rione, and that it had been c o n s t a n t ly k e p t o n h a n d . gios and outfit has been employed lure a bill to repeal every section of layman but was couched in »ucli »sry to amputate her right arm and V . « . C O M M IS S IO N E R now for three days clearing the .tbe direct primary law. in its place wretched English as to reduce file right leg. Miss Tcwsr, who is a P u i*t O x-ford, Oveggom. right of way, and others will be pat P ip e F i t t i n g s , P l u m b i n g a n d T i n bs proposes a provision for the whole bill, tills and nil, to nonsense, daughter o f Morton L . Tower r a i n a law days. Naw man are w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e sh o rt nomination of candidate», either by This was unfortunate, for this was grand daughter of Major Tower, of Office daye w town—Tuesday, Wed- being seut to the camp d a ily , il.uugl. n o t ic e . and Saturday of each weak. petitiou of 5 per oeut of tbe voters a commission that especially called ( Empire, ie 16 years old and is w’eil Ute men in charge still bold to the or by filing a certificate of oandi for s balance of common sense in Anown on the bay, having frequent proposition o f hiring only looal S .S . J E F F R IE S _ daoy. This would provide only one its .makeup, whereas it is nut »uual ly visited with reislives and friends people and no transients will ba election and the candidate receiving to«iedit lawyers singly or in the,'here. Last summer waa spent with put on so long a . the local supply the ssoet votes jroujd win. The bill (Jp-to-date Barber Shop; in ■uaes with anything approach ing u J her grandparents at Empire, a u d it L a n g lo is , O r. up. Many more has register oonneotion with Shoe aud ad than « .» ÀA t i eoO.Eoet Ib e law under whioh preponderating total of that c o m -( has been only a few weeks ago since Harnees repairing. Three farmers smd I * « she left for her home at Eureka uwnr IBs gyadera That would ba tha only plan of “greavy” mechanics on that com where her father is in charge P o r t O r fo r d , O r e g o n of I operations. <¿1 nomination left for a man desiring mifsioo would so have leavened ihe jetty construction for the govern- Location, next door to Bank. Thera are several fooal outfit, a party label. . M r. Smith »ays: lump as to have relieved its work msnt. Heartfelt sympathy ie ex with donkey esginee that wish to “•W hat ie the use of fooling "with anapieinn Unit It, wax a “j i ib-” ' preoswlforthe unfortunate young . ip i t l dp p p n r -n ii , - m « s * s i w n s 4bm i i r u aLfiitra- v i « m j l l l g j n n u J A I » n U IB ---- pO v W e Me M ej K cj IJI I H primary? I t costs a candidate twice But Governor West, himrclf, the lady and her parsete.— Jay Totyer, aibie that aaeh outfit will tie given ATTORNEY oxo COUNSELLOR •s much~as if there was ju »t one embodiment of Common Sense, had of theOnnnery, - who received the mileege contraete thus employing election, and there are no party “ AT LAW 1 K i.<> choice in (he matter. The obly j »ad news by with yesterday, all, aad hnrrflng up the work (Snocwaaor to N. C. Nielsen.) Hat» In Oregon anymore. T h ai la paragraph of the law that waa at ail J heard nothing fa th e r up to tbe W EDDBRBO RN.O BK G O N just s joke.” under»l<tu(|uble, called for seven lime ot going to press this forenoon. New York, Jan. J 1.—Complete — ------------- lawyers and seven lawyers wo gel. plana for a continuation of l^e Pro Salem Oregon, Jan. 13 — Whelk T R E S P A S S N O T I C E .* The output qf ths labors of the Portland Journal; Articles of in* groeaive party fo ra fight to secure er Oregon appropriates <500,000 or «ontrol of oounty governments and corporation were filed today for the ffbovr named Commission forcibly <250.000, or less, for the Panama Any person or persons treepaaaing o f the next congress, were announc Portland A San Francisco Railroad recalls to my mind the able adilo exposition at Sail Frauoiscoin 1915, upon the Croft Lake Ranch,—the Me- Lellan and Marshall Ranches, will as ed here tonight. Leaders of the Company, the expressed purpose of rial under the captiou, “ Too Much will be threshed out by a special prosecuted to the utmoet extent of the party from every sgeiina of tha which is to build a stretch of rail Lawyer,” which I dipped for the Oom mi lies on fairs in tbe house. law; aad a reward will be given lor in eountry have been io . sesvion for road from Marshfield, Ore., to Trni- Tribune recently from the New This oom mi t tee will not only formatiohan tt will Ie* tde o-icht -o twodaye. Tonight it wassnnonne idad, California, connection Io be York World. Tbe burden of that handle all business in oonneotion tlon of the guilty parties. ad that permanent headquarters bad made there with the San Francisco article was that this country had and fresh supplies will be reoelved by every sUainer ith the San Francisco fair but till been established; that a publicity A Northwestern Railroad company. been persistently governed by law the Oregon State fair and the S U W e l i n ^ r fU“ “ ° ° k ° l N O T IC E . yers, a claas which ha<Toften dem bureau would ba opened and that The ineufpuralors are E. M. Chester various county fairs will be refer Notice is hereby given that I have G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , Abe party woulik have" a complete' Portland, representing eastern in onstrated its rotten cupauily to gov red to it a t well. been appointed agent to look .fte r the organisation within a reasonable terests; H . N. Tinker, president ern itself. Tbe World's editorial The State fair has heretofore been W. Jensen property, situated on the BOOTS and 8 H i E period. First Trust company, Portland; J. hud been called forth by the then in tbe bands of the wavs and means Heada’ at Port Orford .Oregon. All M E N S and BOYS, C L O T H IN G , persons caught trespsseiug it, tirad 1 “The first objective,” says the ra G Riggs, banker, Grants Pas», Ore pieceding trial of Judge Archibald vel committee, to which the proposal to Ing house will be pioaeoated lo the port of the conference, as made gon; Henry A. Drvis, attorney before a ju ry of Senators, chiefly extend state aid to the various fo il extent of the law. L A D IE b ’ DRESS GOODS public, “ is tbd organisation of the First Trust company, Portland. composed of his own class, and to P. J. U N D B R Il« . H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W A R E . county fairs would have been refer frogreeeivs party in every county The new company is capitalised at emphasise tbe folly of it. red. But a late dispatch saya that C IG A R S , TOBACCO, P IP E S gnd congressional district thiough- <2,000.000, stock being divided in This will make the committee ou C A N D Y , N U T S snd N O T IO N S . out tbe.oountry with the purpose of to £0,000 shares, of par value of Archibald had been convicted on fairs one of tbe most important To W h o m I t M a y Concern. having county tickets nominated <100. several counts, but by tbs hare tw o- In tact, a supply of everything uauolly kept In . w. „ ttocked committees in 4hs house. The h 2.‘ ,4?e "“ ‘••»•fifoed, hereby give no for tbe election of l9J4,and of mak “ Ths Portland A fJan Francisco lliirds necessary, yet his record was propriations reootumeuded,of course General Mercbandiee Store. nce the* I have a conveyance from the ing an effective fur reaching con Railroad Company contemplates as white as snow compared to the toVt?teT tO % * ““& * nd loU in wili'be referred to the ways and 0KDBB8 TAKEN hOR ANY ARTICLR NOT IB STOCK “ »• Harbor of Port Orfor-I, Oregon, on R mssional campaign in that year. ths expenditure of about <14,000,- black nets of that of Judge Sway ne means committee. f o o t e d P“M ° ' ‘he W^“rr Emphasis is laid upon the purpose 000 in construction work,” said Mr. who was acquitted by the Senate aa " ith,o ut my oousent. All Washington, Jan. 13.— Thu max parties are hereby warned not to drive of the party to have a camlidale in Chester, tbis morning. “I am not Isle as 1905. pile» or trespass in any manner what- ¡mum penalty provided by im every oupgreesfonal district in the at liberty ju st now, to say who is Among the many Judges whose soever on said tidelands or water lots country in the .next congressional backing tbe proposition, though it impeachment bat been attempted peachment laws waa imposed upon ■èrtateli I n„ election. is largely eastern cspitaL An order during the life of the nation, Arobi Judge Robert W. Archibald of the has been placed already fora spring bald's case is the second to succeed, oommerce court Isle today by tbe Senate, following his oonviotion on Marshfield Record: Mrs. Esther delivery of steel, and preliminary sud it is obvious that Archibald five of the Ik misdemeanor articles surveying and clearing aud survey Lockhart, the oldest pioneer of this was thrown to ths wolves as a sop with which be waa charged. Tbis section is celebrating her 88th birth ing for the new road is under way. tw the just and reasonable clamor iucludea his removal'from the fed I have M0 acres of land which I will day today and has been tbe recip There are billions of feet of ettnd for tbe recall oi Judge», aud AroBl eraljudioiary, including the com sell in tracts to salt at $10 to $13.60 par lent of many felieitetions and calls ing timber tributary to the com bald Is almost certaiu to so regar ThU 800,1 8r“M or ,r°H lBnd- meroe court, and 'disqualification psuys right of way, and tbe baud it as a balm to h it wounded lawyer from friends. Mrs. Lockhart was | Gall on or addreas the owaer from ever holding any government one of the first people who came to ling of thia product w ill be made a conscience. GEO. D. C HENO W ETH , office. Coos county, arriving with the feature of tlw road’s operations. Denmark, Ore. Ib e first and only couviolion ” 1 he brauch line into the Ufue hitherto of a Federal Judge waa Oompany from Jacksonville. Mrs. Bandon, Or., Jan. 14.— The sur Lookhart was one of the first three Lake mining country is also plan that of Judge Gilkey, of New Hemp, I W a a te d vey from the railroad from Bandon -Road or County woman to come to Coos county, tbe ued beususe of the appaieut returns abire In 1805., • I t is true that an has been completed and the rights of School Warranto. hiuh would follow the opening other conviction of a Federal Judge others being Mrs. Dr. Overduck way turned over lu the Bandon A Iw « l take fa trade or buy for caah. fOverbeck) and Mrs. Tollman. and development of that country in 1862, but thia latter was of a Oregon Eastern Railroad, which Ommty Warranta, Reed Warrants er when transportation facilities are They, ,, however, left afterwards Judge resident of Missouri, waa at --------- . ,— . ....-------------la • ■choel Warranto. Call on or addreas ooui|«uy has recently filed articlee abort tiara, aud Mrs. Lockhart was offered it.” tha lima of bis “ tria l” aud offloer of incorporation for <14,000,000 I * .1 1 U p u r p » . u k » p . full .to e , o , „ „ „ k i , , b j Mraooly «b ite woman here for sev- ______ says that ___ the __ _ _ in the confederate aervioa, so that Mr. Chester San O, with lira Beerstery uf State. Tha •ralysare. Tbis aged piuneer was I Franci»oo A Northwestern line rua im|wachment don’t count. trade in the ^ioe of oompany’» headquarters ie at Ban likewise tbe first teacher who ever »ing from Trinidad south, ia itbiu W illiam Rockefeller who don. For soma montba past local GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, I DKNNI8 CUNNIFF, JR taught scbowl iu ths county. 80 miles of Sau Franoi»oo, ru that sought last fall unsuccessfully to men have been aeqairiag rigbte uf ooinpletioo of tha proposed Port appear before the Clapp Committee way for a Una from here to Grant« A Loe Angele» dis;wich of Jan. laud liue and Its connection with men ’ s and boy ’ s CLorHiNG, BooTsjand shoes J ^®P- U. 8. Mineral 8arYey«r to tts lify aa to tbe <100,000 cam Pars. I t appears that they w en j l , ewys: Following a perusal of ilia San Franoisou A North western paigu ouotribution in 1004, when working in tbe interests of New reporta from »uboidinatee through road will give practically direct LADIKS’ DRESS goods * Surveyor for the District ot Or Mr. Roosevelt was a candidate, and York capitalists. Constructioa work fancy goods , out tira Southern California citrus ouMl Hue connection between Purl- which tbe latter waa roariag in his it is reported, will be commenced at egon. diatrici, vice President K E Calv;n laadamdSan Franctsou. i'O ttd B e a e h . . . CIGARS. TQBACCO, PIPES, wrath had not been given by Roek once. of M m Southern Pacific railroad Mr. Cheater skid tha propoeition efeller to hie campaign, has not Tha government of the United j CANDY, NUT8 and NOTIONS. geUoMted today that about 40 par is being undertaken independent of bean caught yet, though be ie ao States baa decided to make the peni of the Caiifoi nia orange crop I any of the iayge raj I road corpora- ttavraet fortifications possible at In fect, a supply o f everything usually k . n i i . „ GEORGE M . B R O W N , longer needed on that aoora because Gunatansmo, Cuba, es a protection „ 1 k*P U n «toexed Genera L ____ j>aa been destroyed by frost. I Moos. tha assistant treasurer of 1904 caw- to tbe Allan lio end of the oaital. Merchandise Store. | A TTO R N EY a t T .x v y £ :ii‘u t l , a Langlois Store WILLIS T WHITE, Sr Hardware of all Kinds Port Orford, Oregon Oiirry County U it r ie t - Realty Company. para~ w. on Cheever ® Bowman. JÖ H BT08 '-Port Or/ord, O r.u ^ NEW GOODS, ; Call and examine goods acd get prices. JOHN R. MILLER. Land for Sale. GENERAL MERfiTT A N T, P o rt Orford, Orearon» I Has opened a new Store, with N EW GOODS, BO8RBURO OREGON