k&> fette!* (i .w "<c p !« • - 'Ä(ä A * # W IL80I. htoter , V •.•-td ( ¿ 9 H. T. STEWART Editor and Pnhliwftpr N u lm e r ip t io n , H l.ß O The Leading Paper of (’urry < uui...» ¿TOURNAI- xxnd TRIBUNS, 3* C A L IB R E A U T O M A T IC P IS T O L The Aavage Automatic smothers every adversary iu the rapidity of its fire. When the occasion cornea you have ready the quickest, handiest and most accurate arm made. Give yourself every possible advantage. It means life or death. That is why you will discard your revolver when you see the Savage. . Special Feat ares which will Appeal to Teo 4 TEN SHOTS: Double the number contained in an oidi- nary revolver and two more thaq, other automatics. ACCURACY: The pistol is so constructed that all powder gases are utilized, insuring extreme accuracy, as well as freedom from fouling SIMPLICITY*: Few er parts than any other automatic pis* tol. Completely dismounted by hand without the aid of tools. No screws to work loose. SAFETY: Breech positively and automatically looked during the time of discharge, an not be fired un> less the trigger is polled. $ When the safety is on neither force nor folly can discharge it. BA LANE: Perfectly balanced. Center of gravity well! to the rear. Lies naturally in the hand. Will not* flinch on the trigger pull. Theonly automatic which) locksat the breech while the bullet traverses the barrel4 WEIGHT: 1 9 os. including magazine. Length over all' t inches. Price <15. Any wids-swake dealer will I show you this miniature rapid fire gun* If he wffl ’ not supply you, kindly advise us and we will send it! prepaid. The Oasooa D a il y J ou & x a l is the leading Democratic newspaper of Permanent a* the bills, bat can be removed in a second of time. Tbr only Clevis now on tbe market that Tha manager* ai*o issue a S u h - W x k k l y , which is especially adapted stays where pet. The exclusive ritiht to handle thia for people who do not cere for a D aily, bnt want a good fam ily paper. Clevia will be mid by Ootmtlea or States, or set ot three can be paretias- Addreee A ny o f these papers can be bad in combination with the P O R T OR ed (or $1.00. Oregon, ¡sailed at Portland. ■' « \ • ** • • i m *»• « - 7 7 ft F O R D T R IB V M H , a t the following rates: • Daily and Tribune - - - - - - < 0 OO. W EEKLY W . E. B u rrow , C o r b in , O re. O R E G O N IA N Papers one year ¿or $2.26 N o M o re C e d a r to S pare. Daily 8unday and Tribune - ■ 8 7 OO. Semi Weekv and Tribune - - 8 2 CO. Tbe PORT ORFORD TRIBUNE I mnat bn,band my timber to re place fences and buildings an tbe —— A. B i P - .... ■ farm, therefore I must not spare any more cedar. Please do not a rk fo r it The green tree* w ill grow and the dead ones « i l l keep. 1 J . H . Ur-row, T u b S aw lo s s W owak '* M a e a a ia a la an a u th o rity on DrammsKlws M ll’l- Langlois, Or., AUguit 27, J »JO. »ary and Booeehold Economy. I t averages more than inn page, e-eh , The New Idea Wcman’s Nagazine BOTH ONE YEAR FOR »1 70. m onth. W e offer yon therefore nt leant n o n pages ot g<.d ( s a i l . i , home reading for an n d d ltlo n a l coat of only 8h eta Pam p ie* free. ,• . E C Z E M A an d P I L E C U B E F R E E K n o w in g w hat i t wan to auf- ___far, I w ill g ive F R E E O P C H A R G E , to an y aflli<-Md a positive core (or Eczema, Salt R heum , Xrysipe* *» •, PHee and S k in Diseases. In s ta n t ta lie t. D o n ’t suffer longer. W rite F. W . W il l ia m s , «00 Manhattan Avecoe, NewYorfcr Enclose Stamp. S A V A G E A S M S CO M PA N Y, 4 r»n<l t h e U T IC A , N E W Y O R K The Start to a Better Salary You oan have it all fa> &u00eM Jr i" T h e « v a a d e , T e le g r a m ,- A e r i l»nd, Oregon. I t la the laiyeet | ♦nlng newspaper irabllakad in Or- , ,gon ; it eontalna n il the qewa ,d tta jetate and of the nation. T ry ft f„ , J 1 the TKLEÖRAM, PORTLAFD.OE. D en Ä eea C ann o t be (h ired, le e .!. M they ewimM rases tha dl—saed pnrll.e, <>( tge e a r. There » only on* wag to c u r* d - t r - a a , aud tlw t la by aonaUta- tlenal remedies. Dealnere I , e .u —4 by aw 1». flamed «m d ltto n of tbe macoae lln ln * of I k . Xartaehlan Tube Whan t h l r t . b e i * inflamed yon have a ram b lla g —nod or Impertoct haar hut. and whaw to to — tir a lr .loeed, d e a tn e .. la tba result and unless lb * in S u u t t o o aaa be taken oat and thto ta b * restored to I t * normal rondUlon, hearing w ill ba dastroyad forever; nine ea—a oat ot tan a r* can—d by C atarrh « k ic k I . n o th in g k n t an InSuned condition of •:«'t;a*>FMv *prf»0» >p waits J . S. P t e - it W A S H IN G T O N O W * Will give Ona hundred pollers lor any saaeof Daafnesa(*au*ed by eatorrb) th a t can not b * crowd by W all't C atarrh Cura, »end tor rlre o la r. I n .. F. I . c U g N S Y A Co., Toledo, O Sold by D ro g g l.U , toe. Take H atra Tamil? F ill. t o t con atlpatlo...... To W hom It 7< . » > < • *•«•« I kA The uudernlgiipti her»by give »*•»(«• that they are tha owners ol the hunt I h alf o f Section IS, Township 'h ' three, South range (ottfuen Wont Willamette m eridian. O r e , , ties are warned n<A to trespebk u p -l, > make any locations, e ith e r piece, , quart« claim s at their peril. D. K xllsukb , a w m n r,24 _ iO w B c r e . J .H . M t Arcs. J Portland, Ot The Best to be had.in Curry County, a t reason able Prices. Bill Heads, Leiter Heads, Legal Blanks, Any Thing, McCall’« Maftaziae &Ld McCall Patterns « • lu a t r a t iw n . F o r IZ o n tc n ¿ ••rrffrtio e h tndff-tnff I • « n t fr«« <m i W ith complgi H e re Mere Friend* than any other » -gnxiae or ettierna. McCali’e Is tho ratable T ashe s Guide monthly In aws milhwa nue hundred thonaand b . J ' t R -r X to all the latest »*• - r ” Of McCa 1 1‘, turns, each i— ne la -eitoful of n w r iliu g abort atone« a .e halygwl i..i..tu a lk ^ C r wom«-x B ,t — . <>««I «,!, r ,? j -• - f. w 4 ^«^ Fw»-«w.e B*J ftoLr-r 9» «▼!». <♦, • .•Wwrt$Jf, «. •••• as 4 h-F'.'tf 9 y’< Jt’ wv * •*» ” •• k’* V •• »R t (4lt*u » •• ••»• '4 ¿U-ff *,!•»•» tkea •• 9 ' OT R f tontit t»OT Vp-taAate Work Done on Short Notice- Satisfaction Guaranteed r • ’ ■ *t-»."» t t * 7-ra, to Ptyto hf —tordbi-r ••• ».'tw a Briefs, Posters Envelopes, Statements, 1 usaasasa VVtLL’S MAGAZL' il N o t lea la hereby glean to n il person, whom It may concern, not to enter up on or trespass upon the promises of BII Bagley, fog tbe pnrpoee o f hunting, or Ashing w ith nook and line. Said pre mise# are situated on E lk B lear, Carry C a a a ty , Oregon, sad described — fol lows; The West b all of Section twen ty seven, T o w n s h ip /th irty two Sowtb, Range fifteen Went. A a r person or para— a M tieepaea- ng fa r tbe pnrpoaa of b un tin g, fishing, a r traveling through hi a n y ahapo farm or m anner, or tearing down fences, or leaving out aldy g a te * open, a r molest ing personal property, w ill ba proeecu- ted fa Cha fa ll extent o f the law. W m . B . Johnson, Lees— of the above W A TC H M A K ER W . J7dt S t ,f la w Y e a h C it, In connection with Repairing Watches and Jewelry a specialty. A ll work gnam ntoad. Orders taken for W atch— and Fancy Jewelry, W ork turned out on short Botfaa. C a ll on me a t L xw o lo u , O bboom . W7W. ELLIOTT POOR PRINT j