Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1913)
Aa laa Worth While Newly Fitted Up; Electric Lights TABLE W KXCBLLKD W. A- WOOD GOLD BEACH, CURRY CO., ORE* ATTO MNBY A V LAW CHILD BBAC*. ORRttON. home a t the time. M- LEE PEMBERTON PHXNA1AV Office at Langlois Hotel, < L abolois , O bboob WILLIS T WHITE, Sr Real Estate L . A Roberta, Clead H . Ollea and Ray H a ll, of Coon county, a [ 1 . 0 . Roberta, M yrtle Poiat k tto r- b ro tb yro fM re. H . T . Stewart, is oeye, have informed mb by card that m ahiag bis relatives here a visit. they bare formed a law partoar- Robt. MeKensie, Jr . has returns«! i abip, aader the I r a name of Rob from his visit to Ban " i a t i ' iih . and arts, Giles A Roberts, with office at Southern California. M yrtle Polot. Mrs. W ill Guerin and daughter The government forest service has i Julia, left last wash, via Bandon, completed the lest lin k oa the trail for a visit to Ban Prsnciseo. upon which i t bee been working for Notsr'y Publie H ot and C oi » T ub a bb S howeu B aths F our C lass Bara and Garage in Connection, Affording all Conveniences for Saddle Horses, Teams, Automobiles and Motorcycles printing »1300 la Bator» boring sa AmfomeMtaanBen, se write L . Strong A Son, M y n la M a t Oregon, for Information sad prise of the celebrated M ito b eU ltU ear. Nosh ing liks A tbs bast co wheels in toot a road hwossotlM la place of a h craa l im carriage. M r. nod Mrs. R ob t MeKensie the past five years, which allows W ithin a abort time the »«00000 made Bandon a visit last week. I t one to*leave Grants Past, go to Ga appropriated by the Doited Stales llos, and thence by trail following is seldom they aver gat so far from ead the State of Oregon for the par Bogus R iver to tbs ooaan. chase sad improvement of the looks Senator Bourne baa written a let Owing to a breakdown of the at Oregon C ity w ill be available, stage on the M yrtle Point rood no ter to the chairman ol the public end lbs operation of the locks will paper mail reached hers Monday land, committee of the Senate urg pass from private control to tbs ing that a bill .be reported at this evening. national government. session <pst w ill give relief to home Mosers. MePhilamy sad McPbsr Tbs State Supreme Court has sf »tenders rattled on wooded or tim son, two of Sixes Rivers substantial No one CAN do your werk better, bered land*. H e urges that tbs firmed tbs decision of the Circuit ettisens, wars doing business in Ne one W IL L d e ft ebeapar. number of acres to be cleared be Court of Benton county in tbs con Port Orford during tbs week. viction of Georgs and Chart»« reduced. Mrs. James Hughes, of Sixes Humphrey for the mardvr of W. A. WOOD, Gent Russell passed through Riser, departed recently, fo ra visit Mrs. Elisa Griffith on Jans 2, M a n a g e r. to Portland. She was acooaipeoled town several days ago, returning to 11911, nod the defendants w ill be by M r. Hughes as far as Marshfield. bis home at Langlois after a wash’s returned to the lower ooort to have visit at Gold Beech. M r. Russel Mrs Herbert Unions, after spend is one of Northern Corry's most the date fined for their wtTWO“". log a couple o f weeks visiting her ' Tbs Stats P air Board has decided enter prising young men and is on parents at Cedar Pork, returned to tirely capable of taking ears of him to ask the Oregon Legislators for a her b oas at Port Orford lest Bet self, but Dame Rumor has it that total appropriation of »1X9,000. Of urdsy. be would not be adverse to Rosasi this sum, »16«,000 is far the emt- strootioa of a naw pevillloa, »fiOOO Married— A t Dalrvville, Oregon, a Marster. for general repairs and improve on January 1st, 191», M r. Ralph Blocs Saturday last we have bean meataAod »14JM0 to oover the dm H e lm k in a n d Miss Addle Fitahunh, having one of the coldest spells of fieisaep wbiob xoa/raata Ih e Board. (Jp-to-date Barber Shop; in daughter of M r. Georgs PHsbugb, of weather ever known along the coast. connection with Show and Sixes River. Tbs ground has-beta franco, and We*uas of Pock Orford have been Harness repairing. greatly annoyed by reason o f lbs pools of water covered with io». Ope | Hon. 8. P. Peirce and w ilt depart sd for Salem last week, where Mr. gentleman reported a ease where ios i Prim e will jo in ia the 40 day ' son formed between a man and Ms wife i (erenos of tbs law makers, which who were sleeping is bed. We have i since learned, however, that the man I begins nest Monday. was sleeping at Port Orford and hie , Gams Warden Baker, who to just wife at Bandon. ' ~ ] getting cm h is foet again after bar The railroad surveyors who have 1 tag Ms foot mashed by haring his been la the vicinity of Rogue River 1 horse fo llo a i t about a month ago, for the pest fortnight, moved their * ir o n an ofleial trip to tbs son ih end headquarters over to Gold Bern* < of tbe*onuoty. test Saturday. They w en delayed Mias Lettie Rickman. who accom ia that vicinity, owing to the foot i panied Mrs. Lindberg on bar visit th a t for several mfiaa this side of < to Coes county, has decided to re- Rogue they run two lines one by ( main at North Bead, with her A ant, the mouth of the river, end one to , Mrs. Thomas Chapman, and attend Buss some three miles higher up , school nt that plsos. where a drawbridge would not be < The pabtie should bear in mind Port Olford, Oregon Curry Ciaty Abtritt Realty Cupany. that packages of merchandise w ill not bo admissible to tbc mail noises bearing parcels poet stamps, nor w ill matter of lbs first, sseood and third dess ba admissible i f they do. Don't waste your stamps. . W ill Bailey, of tbs Klam ath Bis sr, who was the SberifiJ of Carry oounty, mors then a quarter of a century ego, spent Sunday in Port Orford, end passed op to Dairyvllle I , tbe ondenlgasd, hereby give no on a visit to frisods and relatives at tion that I bate acoaveyeixw from the th at plsos. Patentee to tidelanda end water lota in the Harbor of Port Orford, Oregon, on « portion of which a pert of the wharf la elected w lthoet my consent. All parties are hereby warned not to drive pile« or trespass in any manner what soever on said tidelanda or water lots. Mae. Axxa O. Dawr. Portland, Oregon. Tbc teachers of tbs various schools of tbs coonty having pupils wbo wish to take tbe eighth grade exam ination are requested to notify Coonty School Sopt. Geo. W. Smith, wbo w ill furnish them with tbs necessary blanks, etc. A , IS west, W illamette Neruliaa, bee filed notice of bis intention to make Plant »Iva veer proof, to establish claim to the lead above described, be fore U . T. Stewart, United «taSeeCem- mledooer, * t hie oflea, Port Urfocd, Jh jy»n. ea the 17th day of January, Claimant m u m s as wttoeaaM: Louie Perrier, of Port Orford, Oregon, tovid O r a ^ ^ f k S S S k t ^ n Wagons and Baggies for Sale, kept in Stuck, also Agent for All Kinds of Farming Im plements; McCormick Mowers, etc. Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a 1 easonable prioe. Yonr patronage solicited. BEECHER JESS P o rt O r f o r d , O r e g o n •fifl», for y j r ' V I. JL STANLEY C O Q U IL L E , A C. Eoglemaa died at Dairy villa on Jan 1st, 1913, at the advanced age of 97 years. H is death was not unexpected, and was attributed to a general decline incident m old ago. M r. Eugleman was aa early pioneer of Jackson and Josephine eountirs, and bse lived for many years io Corry county, and was ever looked upon ass good, honorable mas and worthy ciiiasu. H s (Saves several Children to mourn bis loss. W .J . (Saeaseor to A. B. Saata) AUKinii ti Harnt» anil Anything not in stock, will be pleased tc order RerAiBiBo The Burns Timas Harald says« “ Talk about weatbsrl Alm s Davis caught a butterfly this morning and brought it to tbe office. Can you beat it? I t tree turned loose among tbe plants and ferns in this offios and we propose to keep it a ll win ter.” Can we beat it? W hy every body in Port Ortord seas tbc batter fly every dey. They just tarn it loose among the children and hot- cakes ead let ’sr fly, and wc expect to keep it Hying all winter. C. N . Smith has sold a half inter est in lbs Curry County Leader to* L. P. Baker wbo is now lbs editor and manager, nad the improved sp- pearaooe of the paper, both editori ally end mechanically, is a sufficient R. H . Meservey, one of the prom recommendation to insure a liberal ineot early day eitisena of Curry patronage in tbs future. oounty, and an aotivc participant In the Rogue River Indian war of Messrs. C. N , Smith sad L . P. lCSfi-fi, died a t hie home on Rogue Beker, of tbs Curry County Leader, River, on Dec. 2Sd, 1911 M r. camo down Monday, on a short Meservey waa'ooc of tbc very few visit in tbs interest of their paper, that escaped from tbc massacre at and gave us a pleasant call. M r. Tootoony,— now known as Bagoell’s Baker is an expert printer sod all Perry, and euceaadad, after many ’round newspaper man, nad will hardships, in reaching tbc fort at evidently make tbs Loader a success. Elisabethtown, near the mouth of Rogue River. H e was the Lieuteu snt— not captain, se elated in tbs history of Curry oouaty— o f a com pany of volnntoan that served dur ing tbs war. U n til lata yean ba was always aa native participant in the govcrmnntal alairs of tbe ooua- ith in g N vatlt B andon, D onb Have ju s t received a Large Shipment ol Stone Crooks. See our Window as you go b y O regon For Sale Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Store. W A TC H M A K ER DOORS - WINDOWS - MOULDINGS Anything you Need in Mill W jrk W rite us tor Prices or any Informa tion you Nerd in this Line rsl on New Years K rs over tbs girl. Tbs other man was arrested and gave away tbs story of McLain and the girl being en routa to Portland in company. The officers aemwd- North Bend Manufacturing Co B i o r t l i XJ«*n<i, O r e g o n