THE TRIBUNE. C U R R E N T T O P IC S . Sometime nest Summer or Fall, Louis K> app , Pre«, V , »V. A V M W A L T , V . r r e * 1 no exact dale being »perilled, a vee •el will |iaae from the Atlantic to B y J II. ü pto w . E. J. okky Cashier, WKbVBHPÁT DEC 1», |#J«. , — < -i the Pacific aornee whet 1« now the Editor T h i b i x c : ■** . , I.II1 ...U » III a n i m a , wi lethmue of r Panama, which will cm - ’ The articles appearing under this osption are edited by the 80- Published Every Wednesday, by Û 7", 7 in7 T Bequently d i-.,,„e a r fr» the world’« eialist party of Corry eouuty, to whom the epaoe baa been eold, HARDY T. STEWART. me that the I him jkbu lack« but a - , with the undemanding that personalities be avoided and that geography, and by the seine human few »hurl month* of being of age, the editor of this paper waives all responsibility therein. agency the Western ileatispliere Bl)HKt'Klt*TI<*N KATE*. .and (h i* fact enforce» another re B t V I V K O F I » O » T O l l F ' O l t l k fflfliA rxA O dw i wb t twlm W i A A O rit f iid wtanw-h i T i , 1 T1 One Copy One Year ................. ***75 minder, that time “do” fly. I t ha» w ill lie divided into two continent*. One Copy Mix Mouth»................ The vessel will not be the Oregon, One Copy Three M onti«............... 50 been but a few month» abort of 21 The Gold Beach Globp copied free »tales were getting in the ma- YOUR BANKING BUSINESS SOLICITED or any other fa muu» »hip, hot will year« aiqce I adulated Hoo. Walter from the Oregon Journal a piece jo rity and these aristocrats did not be one of the many »mail water T a . » n a n a a a a n u u a y o rrp a p a r > Hutton in «elling up hi* new plant about one nf the editors of the Ap- want to loae tbeir turbulent bow- 4 a u w .th c .la t« to w hich r e a r cnb-J craft in daily use by the canal hcrlutlun I . p a id . 1 down in the old Blacklock »tore builder«, and 'probably the only I peal committing auioide, but failed i«mskip building, and I remember well eel to give the Journal credit for it, so When Lincoln wes acting the passengers will he Colonel George PO RT ORF ORD A»va»*r<»i»o B atxs Haaeocttuuh liug up the »ante »aid date line in we w ill anaarev the Journal and not part of a loving Savior, the Demo NO BANK WILL HANDLE W. Guetlial», and the staff of Atuer I’ti-a T itle Extended. A t that time the Globe, and when the Globe re­ crate ¿hot everything unconstitu­ iean engineer* who for the past Liudn, * wee lot, now .in honored plies w e w ill answer it. tional but war. YCUR BUSINES8 BETTER Brookings. OREGON etffbl years have been carrying on mother, coixi ived a pre/eience for W ayland, one of the editor« of Ingersoll M id , every man that the greatest engineering work the silting next to "pappy” or her high the Appeal, an old man grieving ehol holes in the old flag waa a world lias ever aeen. The greatest development opera. chair at table. over the loss of wile aud fam ily, Democrat. Every man that burned Ilona ever begun in Curry county I Jt w ill be Istci than that, |>er Several years sino**, and while bepa a year before the formal open and being unmercifully hounded Noithern homes waa a Democrat »re now fairly under way at C'hetcn, . perkeculed by the lurbulency Every men that starved and shot where the Brooking* Box 4 Cum her Deputy U. 8 . Marshal up in U rn -■ ¡ng of the waterway w ill lake place and J. W. Furnish it and a naval fleet, headed by lh e ! ot ‘ that bat class clues that caused the turbu Union soldiers in Libby and An atilla county Company are making preparation* pitali,ed the crime famous old Olegon, will pass through »««I »ranch Jlevolulion, »ought to dersonville prisons Kras a Democrat. to cut and «hip their timber that i* waa alleged, capitalized of selling whiskey to Indiana by , ntl , |,e canal may be said to be open end his troubles by self destruction. Every man that sold slaves from located in thia oounty. The Journal etalee the lurbulency the breast of mothers was .a, Demo­ frequent and sundry erreels, untij , i0 (rn,]e The company own* 35,00'. acre* of the Appeal caused it. Judge Beijinger J q very despair crat. Every man that became the of the Quest limber in tbi* part jyf These fuels are not ot officia I ree The vast majority that have com­ fajjier of a mulatto child that he the state, and they estimate that i/ decided t b»t the Crime charged was orti as yet, l'he date of January 1, mitted suicide are not Socialists. sold into perpetual bondage waa a w ill take do«« to thirty year* to cut not » crime. Mr. Furnish then 19,5, for - W the c ■ t still *• »tamis — — — WW epwiing mug I O f these suicides the capitalist Democrat. employed h.s accumulations in the predicted by Colonel Goethals. That I an F i n e l i n e o f G a n s , B a s e b a ll p a r a ­ litical preferment befitting hi« lays, within six months thereafter York city, because its heaviest on the filthiest of swamps. do their »hipping. The harbor i* a p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r tin g •m all bay within a large one,, and wealth god »tgljpn among his fel- Ihv channel w ill be finish.d, while stockholders were Tennessee Coal Great poets apply the word to r G o o d s k e p t in S to c k . and Iron Company men. is well protected from everything bulent to mountain streams. How to insure the safe passage of the Times got so turbulent that one sweet are the waters of ■ mountain Boon after Ute arrest of McNamar- locks, the contractor has been culled but Southwest storm», and it ja as D o o r s a n d W i n d o w s i n v a r ie t y /¡meted that a abort seawall, pltich ras, W in. J. Burns rushed into the ujion to finish the gates in one flight of the principal men in that bank stream! How pure, how placid! blew out hie brains. But Teddy c o n s t a n t ly k e p t o n h a n d . magazines with his atory in detail first, so that if the real of the work the company expects to build at Purity it a stench in the nostrils of went right ahend and -helped Mor­ o/ how he jiad accomplished the is in condition, passage of »hips can i of 3150,000 or $200,009, will the dishonest. F ip e F ittin g s , P lu m b in g a n d T i n give it ample protection from this yegr inir»yle. But now comes th e ' Im permitted without waiting for- gan finish up his stealing, and as Thru the lurbulency of those pa direction. A short wharf will ex­ plain, inoontroyertable evidence in the completion of the other flights, per contract tunes got a little less pers not bot up by the trusts, hu w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n s h o rt tend into thirty feel of w»ter, with the dynamite trials at Indianapolis,! Thia statement will lie understood turbulent. manity sweeps on to a greater and ' n o tic e . Among lire papers that Teddy belter destiny. j fifty feet not far away, and /or an that Burns the fakir, knew two when it is known the greut locks wanted to put out of business was months in advance ail about the are living built in duplicate aide by Open harbor it ja st^oud poly to Port When its victims gay society snubs. the New York World, the Indiana And livin g luxury ia all its mind, plans and ojierations of atJe. Orford. polis News and the Appeal. 7’he company ja working 20 or 25 gnd J , B. McNamara. A elcol The world becomes ao »leaped In sin O f course he had money to fight Man turns b lind-brutal to his kind. L a n g lo is , O r . tnep gt present, but this number pigeon And spy named Herbert S. Cook Buy News. with, because he got Robison, hie Hockin fiyd kept the Burn* head­ w ill be gredpaljy augmented until E. J. Baker, district deputy gume brotberinlsw, to buy the Panama But when this turbuleney the noble .when su m m er/ally open» they will quarter* > / jCfiicugo, advised riglit warden for Cooe and Curry, la iu canal rights for four m illions and , .. , have 400 <# the pay rojl. 4 tnjjj along while Hockm the apy con- .¡„„„J , . . , town looking after oihclul duties, »ell them to the government for And print paper« badness to reform, cutting 50,000 per day yvill be in tinued to promote end purtioipute The capitalist turns on his heel of I Latest reports say that ltol All forty millions. These papers ex operation before the first of Msy, in explosions. Iron U|wn the dwclqeure of these faeTa der8oU' ,b " o,,1y »urvitor of the posed the fraud. and from this m ill the 19 m her for And breaks out in ferocious atorin. The panic caused loch turbulent the town end the tjtqbwe fQr rail the Court ordered Hockin’« bail ^«dey-Ahderaon logging train wreck times that millions starved end A thief the hue and.cry wilLreiae; roe,n a tiv e o«F These made to order criminals Tie hogs that like to rule and rob— which will probably be nearly the suiol pigeon to not only, work I c -p t >FO years henqc, w ill be one of the h.m selfm io tie Union but ¡.>1» server at Bandon, reports th . rain were shut up iu a Federal prison H it hogs are ones that usually squeal. where the rottenness therol would /noe.t modern in existence and will office would furnish him m on- fa„ fur month ()f N()Vemtwr . : Devoted to the Interest of Socialism : L , } Langlois Hardware Store Hardware of all Kind* I ».*%: Cheever $ Bowman, AMES S. JOHNSTON ,cut 250.QQQ feet per day. I l will ey which to decamp; and -a it j 10.96 inches. The rainfall for the stink a dog off the gut wagon. The Appeal to Reason is rightly also be built gt the townsite, and prov named— I tey were juet in time, for, corresponding month of last year The Appeal exposed it. Teddy, yeilroads run into the wood* to con­ on being taken to ja il and ae.rched w„ 6 72 incbe, with the support oi bis Democratic I t makes falsehood to stagger and v e y /b e logs to it. ChetOQ IJ.iver fiy the jJ. S. Marshal, a big roll of reel; frienda begun to.persecute the Ap In the river and harbor bill, w ill fie damed gptj •J*« JWWer used bills was found in ’hia possession. |>eal. H e stopped, however, just Ferocious robbers it has tamed— for various pprposeg, besides the After this exposure of the double ' recoB>n,eud«d by the Board of En- long enough to see that his Demo Long live the little old Appeal. pond thus formed will be used /or dealing and fake pretense of Burns ' U i l e , n of * 8°.000 for cratic friend, Supreme Court Jue A C omradb . • • • ‘ Cooe Bay. We are informed that lioe W hile, of Louisiana sugar ¡booming logs. A railroad is now in addition to the crim inal work he ’ What Socialism Means. mi being built to thi» wile that wj|| and Ileney engaged in Portland, this is for dredging purposes— bur fame, usurp the legislative funs » » • i guppty the mills p ith jogs for many the proof which, in their own hand dredge and harbor work. tions cf Congress by writing uq I. — Collective ownership of the ■ G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , pears tp com*. writing is in the possession of the The San Francisco shipping pa reasonable restraint of trade in his Means of Producing and D istrib ut­ A petition has been .circulated Department of Justice, jt is not lik e - decision so as to get ready to dis­ per, the guide, gives Hie depth at B O O TS end SH> F yaking fur g poetofBce at “ Brpuk ly Uiut the magazines grij) care to ' low water on the coast bars as foi solve Standard Oil, and enable it to ing Wealth, such ns Landa, Mines, M E N S and B O Y«, C L O T H IN G , Factories, Railroads, M ail, Express, lags,” wjuqb is gopn to be the larg defile -their pages jn tl,.e future lows; G ray’s Harbor, 17 feet Ne knock out the little stockholders .eat town in Curry epuuty. j t is upt a with b i. slush and self praise, while h.lem , 7 |; Yaquina, 10;, 9; and reap the small sura of ($200, Telegraph and Telephooe Servioe, L A D IE b ’ DRESS GOODS L ig h t, » Water and Heat Plante, •> »11 l-t a n »»-I juries — I II ..i__I. .x tes­ I • wildcat pr stock milling scheme such < 000,000) Two Hundred M illion courts and will yiery t Ills H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W A R E . Umpqua, 8$ Cuquille, 8 j Cooe Bay, Stores, etc., so th at private Monop M has givey this oognly »o many timony askance. Dullsrs. * 16; Rogue River 3; Humboldt 17.. oly, G raft and Extortion will be black eyes in the past, but it is a C IG A R S , T O B A C C O , P IP E S And i / the Department with the Home of the small stockholders Impossible, and Kent Interest and ylrjctly business projiosition backed conclusive evidence in hand of C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S. died with sudden heart failure. Profit w ill be Abolished, and A ll According to regulations govern­ by business men yr/t^i pnjjpiited Heney’» criminal ju ry tampering They didn’t get time to commit sui­ It. tact, a supply of everything «.« a lly kept I . a .p jj May Have the F u ll Product of means at their .command, / I mark» does not demand his prosecution ing the parcel post system, perisha­ cide. Their Labor. General Merchandise Store ble articles may be sent through the /he beginning of a tied*" era for and disbarment the people will O f course sucb things are not lur I I . — Piivate Ownerehipof Wealth ORDERS TAKEN > OR ANY ARTICLE NOT Ig W )C K . ‘ mails only under specific restric-1 Huulbetti Curiy. wonder why. lions as to their containers and dis­ bulent. But if the Appeal men such as a Home, Vehrelee, Furni The Oregonian is fathering a sort tance. Butter, lard, Bah, fresh meats lions them it ¡in med lately becomes lure, ¡tjeatije, Dec. 13.— A free »tale Books, Pictures, e ta , ac piatrimonial agency through which of bi-partisan movement looking to dreaaed fowl», vegetables, fruits, a turbulent paper. Probably the cordiag to the Value of One’s pien aud WOflie.O rany, be brought the sicurlug of the appointment of berries and similar articles likely to disease is catching. As the labor­ Labor. Socialism Means the Pub together with a view to marriage J. N . Teal'lo the important position decay, may be sent for »hurt dis­ ers had piled up great production, lie Ownership of Cnpitel, the P ri­ and settle upon the vacant agiicul- of Secretary of the Interiotl This tances when securely packed. Eggs and with their wages could buy vate Ownerebip of Wealth; the tural lands in Washington is the would sjrell wide open Alaska, a will be accepted for local delivery back just one sixth of what they Public Ownership of Opportunity, plan of Claud F. U»ge, marriage condition the Oregonian has long when packed properly in a contain­ produced, during Cleveland’s Ad the Private Ownership of Produets liuense clerk of King county, wh.o is contended for. - Pressure will be er and for any distance when such ministration there came a panic. o f One’s Labor; the Pablie Owner­ working to have a bill providing for brought to bear on the new admin­ eggs are separately packed in a per­ Tlie capilaliste just waited till ifagy ship of the Means of Life, tbs Pri »licit a bureau introduced in tjic next istration by the Moigau aud Gug­ fectly secure manner. No restric­ got rid of their surplus ia both vote Ownership of Life Itself. Legialuture. During the last twelve genheim forues in the promotion of tion is placed on salted, dried, smo­ home ai^d foreign markets, at the H I . — Direct Legislation Through Won the M r. Gage hue received let lliia totally unfit appointment. I^ei ked or cured meats, but fresh meal same time they did not have to pay the In itia tiv e , Referendum sad I ters from mure than 2000 person» President Wilson lake warning from will be transpurted only within the out any wages whilst the factories perative R *w U , so that the People pioetly women; living in all parts the fate ot Preaident T a il far hav­ Brat zone.. Fragile articles, includ were shut. Themselves May Rule Promptly as of the couutry, asking him to assist ing foisted Ballinger tb eC unniiig- ing m illinery, toys, musical instru- Cleveland got busy and sold They Please in Spite of Councils, m jn finding suitable life patttiers. Iraui—Mnrgattr-Guggenheiiu attorney ineuta and articles of glass in whole bond* to W all Hlraet, the interest Legislatures, Coagrseses or Courts. Nearly 1500 applications came/rout into the position the backers of or in pert must be securely packed on which we are etill payiag. IV .— A Few System of Money women living in the largeindustriej Teal would have him placed. Millions o f uien tramping, m il Issued by the Government Alone and marked “ fragile. Articles that pen ters on the 4tJ*niic seaboard. and Limited eo that I t W ill be may not be sent by parcel post in . lioas of children starving. The law prohibiting raffles can elude inloxicsting liquors of any Troe M ed ian of Exchange O nly. O f course this ia not turbulent K. P. Kingsbury h*» served for not be uyuided by making all uum­ kiad, poison«, poisonous animals, just ae long as some Socialist paper N ot a Medium of Exploitation as fifty years as treasurer of Union I M l ta » , , „ p , r„ „ ' J. BAGLEY. ROHKBLR« URROOI numbers secured with the purely»» printed matter may not be forward­ Box M, Eureka, Cat. ’ C IG A R S , TOBACCO , P IP E S , been in power for half • century. of cigars. The Attorney General ed at parcel poet rates, but only at One hundred end twenty thous­ B aer |Be»««ia W U H QRRAT CANDY, NUTS aud NOTIONS. advised him that the penalty was the pound rates of third class mat- geV qusiied ia mediad hfeterv and Democratic capitalist slave ¡'100 to $1000 fine or imprisonment. ‘Pf- Rood's Sarsaparilla perneases merit on­ »H r a ^ „ holders brot on tlie civil war. The t t o wn to M y other M I O IC IW R . Merohaadise Store. Orford, O r r r ^ HfEW GOODS, Call and examine goods and get prices.: JOHN R, MILLER. GENERAL MERCHANT, Port Orford, Orewon- H opened a new Store, with H E W GOODS, ~r ForSaJe i - A