Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1912)
S. S. J E F F R I E S Town and County. Up-to-date Barber Shop; in connection with Shoe and Harness repairing. P o r t O r fo r d , O r e g o n Location, next 4<x>r to Dank. Curry County Abstract- Realty Company. Cooley-Kitchin. been rioualy ill. but is im p *“ rT • v in ^ '“ qUit* Mr. Boy Cooley, ,0« of W ill Cool ey of Cheloo, and Mias Fay Kitehin Mrs. Wm. R, H u n t is »biting rela were married at the bride’s home in tive« and friend* in Port Orioni. Roseburg, Nov. 27th, 19t2. , . 7 ^ ^ in« ‘e m il' b“ b«*" running I he happy young couple arrived fu ll blast'’ .inc« the return of i t ? Larsen. ’ at Chetoo last week, and Wednes- D issolu tion o f P artn ersh ip W alk er & H e d g e s, L an glois, Oregon [GOODS AT A BIG DISCOUNT Dry Goods, Rubber Boots, The . Foot Schulze Shoe—the best ou earth—Tillm an <4 Beudel Can ned Goods—Everything Goes— And at the LOWEST PRICES Ever Known FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. day evening the many friends of the groom turned out in a good old ™ would be — P to d lf fashioned surprise party to «d o o m * him and bis bride la their midst. has about completed re- G o ld B e a c h , O r e g o n P a M ir, r. to Leneve the w harf, ,„ d R U now in • 1 he ladies of the community joined 11 '■■■■■ safe condition. the party and took a lunch along, No one C A N dp your work better, j and a most delightful time was bad. C. W . Z um w alt’s fam ily «re again No one W IL L do it cheaper. Mr. Cooley is one of Curry’s moat domiciled in their Port Orford residence for the winter. promising young men and the bride Form Gold Mining Company. Mo. fit. R E P O R T OF T H E C O N D IT IO N OF ; I t is reported th a t there w ill be a couies highly recommended as W. A. WOOD, Christmas tree a t the Church on Christ young woman of worth and sccom The B ask or P ost O bfomd , a t P o rt Or J. V . Hodson snd L. E. Mat ’Manager. mas Eve., ' ' ford, in the State of O regon, a t the close plishment. The T rlbuxie extends thews have returned from Curry o f business November 26, 1912. Mrs. McBride has returned to her congratulations. R ES O URCES oounty, where they have spent sev home in Fort O rford, a fte r a protracted Loans and discounts ______»23,077.18 HARDY T. STEWART eral weeke prospecting the ledge of Orerdraita.securedand nnaecurtd 218.45 visit in Coos county. Bandon is to have another news- gold bearing ore Mr. Hod sou dis Bonds and w a rra u ts .................. 1,273.83 V . 8 . C O M M IM M O N E B Rev. Higgins has token his departure papar. Furniture and fixtu res.................1,482.70 F o r t O r f o r d , O r e fg o u . covered 27 years ago. Due (rum banks( not reserve banks) from Gold Beach, and wig locate in 1329 73 W hile there they stoked off two Circuit-Court is in session in Coos Eastern Oregon. Dne from approved reserve banks 3242.60 Office day« in town—Tuesday, Wed county. claims 000x1500 feet each which is Checks am i other cash ite m s . . . 106.59 The semi-annual examination of nesday and Saturday o f each week. underlain with gold bearing ledge Cash on h an d ............................... 1834.03 teachers will be held a t Gold Beach, Agents of the slate railroad coss beginning December 18th. that asaaye from »7 to $700 per ton Total - - •- i . - . »82,361.04 mission are investigating the cause W. A. WOOD The ledge ia in the bottom of acreek A social dance occurred Saturday L iabilities . of the Bandon railroad wreck. night, which waa enjoyed by a large and near the famous Alemeda mine Capitol stock paid i n ............... 10,000. A T T O R N E Y A T LA W Surplus fu n d ................................. 300.00 attendance. The McClay estatk w ill have I t is about 75 miles southeast of Undivided profits, leas expense* G O L D B E A C H . O K KO O N. 100 foot boat built at Coos Bay, M yrtle Point from which place they and taxes p a id .......................349.63 Poles are being sat for a telephone ---------------- — — « f i — '— In d iv id u a l deposits subject to line to M r. McKeqzie’s on Elk River. for the Rogue River trade. packed in with horses. I t is about check.................................... 19,765.13 The Ellis boys are doing the work. M. LEE PEMBERTON The California Electoral board 25 miles from Merlin, the nearest Demand certificates of deposit 10. Tim e certificates of deposit__ 1,936.38 Misses Ena and Florence McKenzie will be composed ol eleven Progres railroad station. P H Y S IC IA N ' have returned from their visit w ith rel T o t a l ...................... - - »32,361.01 Mr. Hodson has interested 8 sives and two Democrats. atives in Southern California. Office at Langlois Hotel, Backey, Geo. W itte, L. E. Mathews S T A T E O F O R EG O N) The B2<1 Congress began its con The Port Orford bank statement, and Chas. Cavanaugh of this place, O O U N T Y O F C U R R Y ) H L anglois , O regon published this week, shows the busi cluding session on Dec. 5, I . Edwin J. Loney, and Thos. Nichols, M r. Moon and ness to be in a prosperous condition. Cashier of Die above-named bank, do I t wilhdie with the Republican Mr. Anderson in the project, who solemnly swear that the alx>ve state Messrs. M iller and Carey are deliv admwistration March 4th. will hold a meeting in North Bend ment is tru e to the best of iny knowl ering cedar logs to the shingle mill to edge and belief. The enrollment of students at the today for the purpose of perfecting E D W IN J. L O N E Y , ' be sawed into railroad ties and lumber. Cashier. Beal Estate Notary Public H . T. Stew art, w ife and baby retu.n- Oregon Agricultural College Has in the company. The plan it to pul Subscribed and sworn to before me creased from 717 ia 1907 to 1,255 at in s stomp m ill and it is estimated this 9th day of December, 1912. that fully $20,000 will have been profitable visit to Rogue R iver and present. • A 8. J omxstox , Notary Public. Southern Curry. Out of a total vote of 691 at the expended before the cempany is Oonaxi-T— A tte s t: ready to take out ore. One half of George Quigley and family departed municipal election held in Marsh O . W . Z um w alt , I n | USA enters a few days ago for Southern Curry, field, 191 were cast by women. Too this amount is for the mill and the Lout» K n Arc, where George has secured work for the other is for building stc. bad Port Orford has to wait two Port Orford, Oregon, w inter, w ith his team. Mr. Hodson states that when a W a n te d —Rond or C ounty S crip years for election. boy he did some planer mining a n d S ch ool W arrants. M r. and Mrs. Catteriin. o f the Star L.. K N A P P P r tjp r le to r The United Slates Supreme Court there and discovered the ledge. He Ranch, have gone on a visiting and bus --- ----- ’ — * I w ill take in trade or bay for cash. iness trip to the W illam ette valley and has ordered the immediate dissuie- spent a great deal of money at the Kirst-claas in every respect. Portland. tion of the Harriman merger of the busiaeee, in fact went broke, and County Warranto, Road W arrants or School W arrants. Call on or address G o jd Feed S ta b le attached. B. W. Dean has just completed con Union Pacifio and Southern Pacific has never had courage to return H enry H edges , venient entrances to the school grounds, railroads. Langlois, Or. and make a second attempt at min so that a tw ist and a turn w ill take the Ws ru n the Stage fro m Port O rfo rd ing until thia summer. From ap Mrs. Kate Newton, who is run children either in or out. rla D u iry v llle , con necting w ith the ’ ning for Mayor of Oregon C ity, is pearances be and his associates N O T IC E The steamer Bandon called in last , . .. , Stage to M y r tle Point. Friday, and finished her load by taking , by tbe W“"M’n 8be plaeea have a fortune in sight, and ws A d m in istra to r’s S a le o t U r a l hope they will be successful in get ----- railroad ---------- ties and 60,000 • fe e t of her trust in the men. P ro p erty . 17«0 - X ting material on the grouud to ban cedar lumber. Cyrus H . Walker, the oldest liv Notice is hereby given that, in pur ' - - ananceof an order of the Hon. Oonntv The Port Orford Christian Endeavor ing white child burn west of the die the ore. Court, dated Oot. 7, 1912, in the m atter have organised a junior class, i w ith a Rocky Mountains, celebrated bis of the estate of Oeorge L. Taylor, de ! Democratic Party Pledges. good membership. A ll children under ceased, I , the undersigned Adm inistra 74th birthday at his home near Al tor of said estate, w ill,. oh Novrtnber 18 w ill be welcomed. buny, on Dec. 7lh. 13, 1912, sell a t private sale; the real K e p a h ln g Wstc.lies and Jewelry a Immediate downward revision of estate belonging to said cstato and de W e have had quite a long spell of specialty. A ll work guaranteed. Mrs. Maeon, supposed to be the the tariff, articles entering into com scribed as follow», to -w il: beautiful, sunny weather, but is now Orders taken fo r Watches and Fancy succeded by southerly winds and threat largest woman died recently, io a petition with trust-con trolled pro Beginning a t apointone rod norib of the 8. E. .Corner uf t h e S . E. i of the H. W. | Jewelry. W o rk turned out on short ening clouds. s * Montreal insane asylum, where a ducts which are sold mors cheaply i of 8ec. 10,/ rp . 31 a. , R . 15 West, notice. thence north 24 rods, thence west 80 A spice peddler was doing business in round house was built for her espec abiuad than at home to be placed rods, thence South 24 rods ami thence Port Orford during the week. Suppose ial accommodaiiou. Her C a ll on me a t L ano lo ia , O bboon . weight on the free list. » east 80 rods to place; of beginning, containing 12 seres', less one tod off he thought it useless to call a t the was 780 pounds. Vigorous enforcement of the civil tbe west end for an easeway. Tribune office. T h a t said land w ill be sold for cash and criminal laws against trusts Forest reserves in Oregon will tn hand. Last Sunday being a beautiful day ano trust officials so far as may be Persons who may desire to purchase D E N N IS C U N N IF F , J it., many o f our ladies and young folks had contribute a total of $42,250 to the said land may see me at my home in ! an enjoyable time pebble-picking on the state io lt*12. Most of this money necessary to abolish private monop Langlois, Oregon, any day iron» this! oly in the United States. Lep. U. S. Mineral Sarveyof beach. date up to the day ol sale. This Octo goes to slate road work and it* is Prohibition of corporations from ber 16th, 1912. M r. and Mrs. George Guerin and derived from the safe Of tiftiber M bs . C. M . U pton , children, a fte r a pleasant visit w ith rel- within llie forest reverves, a certain contributing to any camjiaign fund. Adm inistrator of i h e Estate of Surveyor for the D istrict of Or- George L Taylor, deceased. One term for President of the atives^and friends in Port Orford re percentage of which goes to the egon. w No sufficient offer having been receiv turned to their Cowtown home Monday. United States. ed for the above describnl land, the atale in which the reserves are loca Gold B each, - - - Oregon D r. Glanville’a fam ily departed last Physical valuation of interstate safe thereof is hereby postponed until ted. Dec ltith , 1912. a t which ' date 1 w ill Thursday, vis Bandon, to join the D r. railways, express companies and ■ell the same, or any d ay thereafter. in Southern California, where they w ill Langlois, O r. Nov. 13, 1912. Governor West has received a telegraph and telephone lines. make their future home. M r «. C. M . V PTO5, J. J. STANLEY Laws to prevent carriers from letter fro m Postmaster General ad A d m in istratrix of the above estate. Word reached us by telephone th a t a vising t^im that if he will select a engaging in business which brings brass band waa organised at Gold 50 mile stretch of road entirely cov them into competition with their Beach Monday evening, with Prof.K norr erod by postal routes, and will give' patrons; laws «gainst over issuance as instructor. Now let Port Orford go C O Q U I L L E , - - - O R E G O N them one better by organizing a ladies’ assn race that the sum of $20,000 of stock by such corporations; leg- will be ex|>ended on improvement, islation to require the reduction of band. S a t u r d a y , N o v . U O th , 1 O 1 2 _ , . „ the Pofitmastor General’s office is transportation rates, so far as con W ill sell a t the highest bid The removal o f D r. Glanviile to Cali- , . . , I .. . . •„ der for cash, all m y personal property, f o m i. leaves Port Orford without a “ u" ‘ u r '« *d to ‘‘» t * " d * 10.° 0 0 on j damns will permit. J. H . U P T O N , consisting o f household goods, fu rn i Revision of banking laws and the road. T h e re is no 5 0 m ile resident physician. I t is to be hoped ture, tools, etc. Also gasoline ladnch N O T A R Y P U B L IC , r the vacancy w ill soon be filled by an stretch of road in the sinte where system of competitive bidding for complete, boat ready for motor, skiff experienced and capable practicioner, $20,000 could be spent to greater deposit of public funds in bauks. and other articles too numerous to L a . v ö lo i «, C is s y Co., O sroon . who w ill receive a hearty welcome. advantage than on (hat running Permission to National banks to m en tio n. Rem em ber the date, Sat. Nov. 30th. The Gold Beach Globe baa employed from Bandon south, via Langlois lend a portion of their funds on H . W . D o n a h u i , a ppnter, and editor Marsters w ill go to and Port Orford. real estate security. Lakeport, Or. Orange cognty, C alif, to he absent un L. A . R O B ER TS, Co-operation of Federal Govern Regular meetings of Local Battle til A pril. So it seems both the county A T T O R N E Y A T J U A .W . papers will be represented for a time Ruck Local, first Saturday in each w ent,w ith slates in improvement W. H. MERED1TU of inland waterways. • - a » * by “ subs.” month at I o’clock P. M. M y i t l e P o in t , O re g o n . National aid to local authorities A T T O R N E Y ano C O U N S E LL O R . M r. Baker, an up-to-date aM around in the construction and piuinten AT L A W N o tice for P u b lic a tio n . printer, gave us a pleasant call yester Probat« businasa-a kp^cislty. anoe of post roads. day, and passed on up the coast Hs W E D D E K B L K N , OM EGON D k p a r t m s x t o r tb s I n t e r io r , came up overland from S s n Francisco, T rial by ju ry in cases of indirect his mode o f conveyance being what us U . 8. Laud Office at Roseburg, Oregon, contempt of court. November 26, 1912. N o tic e for P u b lic a tio n . "6663 boys call “ Shank's pony.” Notice is hereby given th a t George N o tic e to U re rs. Employers’ compensation law DRrABTMRXT or m e lanaion, O r^ T " ° V* CMnt h0U“ « «» Port IKE mK 11 An Inn "Worth W ( F o r H K - r l y G a u i i t l v t t ’Ni Newly F itted Up; E lectric L T A I1 L E UNEXCELLED GOLD BEACH, CURRY CO., ORE- H ot and C old T ub and S hower 1 F irst C lass Barn and Garage in Con Affording, all GonVeniences fo Horses, Teams, Autofuobiles and Mòie ■ ,t i . i . i .1 ■ > ^ » o o h o » o i» n tto c GENERAI, Black smithing Wagons and Buggies for,Sale, kept in Stock, also Agent for All Kind« of Farming Iin- plements; McCormick Mowers, etc. WILLIS T W HITE, S r Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a J easonable price. Your patronage solicited. Port O rford, O regon BEECHER K N A PP HO TEL, JE SS P ort O r fo r d , O r e g o n li: —— — —— — — ■ — . » m m ! • W ATCHM AKER itfM . ELLIOTT Lawyer AuctionSale. H ave j u s t received aLarge S hipm en t o f Stone Crocks. See our W indow as you go b y Port Orford Furniture & llardwai e Store. B. Wells, of Port O rlord, Oregon, w ho, i , , _ „ , , . . ,, . ---------d lt o on May 1st, 1»»J, made Hom estead, w h tre v e r F ed e ra l ju ris d ic tio n ex Notice is hereby given by the under E n ti? Serial No 04949, for " n ”^ 8W L ' tends, signed, adm inistrator of the estate of and 8J N W |, Section 1, Tow nship 32 • Union of various Government L . P . Johnson, to the creditors of, snd H .,16 west, W illam ette M eridian, has | " f t , « e n c iM fo r lb e COOlr° I o f Pure all persons having claims against the deceased, to file them w ith the neces Curry. I claim to the land above deecrllied, be- food, quarantine, vital statistic» and eary vouchers, w ithin six months from __, , .. fore H . T Stewart, United States Corn- public health. the date of the first publication of this Owing to an error o f some of the missh.neb a t his office, Port O rfo ld , Reorganisation and extension of notice, at m y Residence on Eik R iv e r, county officials the Dairyville saloons Oregon, on the 17th day o f Janu ary, the civil service, i . „ in C orry County, Oregon, my Post O f were summarily closed soon aftoT e le c-' Im m e d ia te declaration 0 a iion*s fice address, Port Orford, Oregon. 7'.“ ^ w“ >, h " «Poll l..t T liev w ill r dose i n s e perma n erm s- j M p o r , O rford U regon , Data of first publication, July 10,1912. ‘full K blast.” They purpose to recognize independence W . R. J ohnson , nently at the beginning of the year. D avid Crow ley, oi Port Orford, Oregon, o f P h ilip p in e s . John C row ley, of Port Orford, Oregon. Z i n u r ritorisl government for A d m in istrato r of the Estate of The Tram p a rriv ed from Coos Bay B. F . J O N E S . Register. Alaska. L . P . Johnson, deceased. Sunday last, and on Monday morning discharged a full cargo of freight for T H E 8 P A 8 8 N O T IC E . our merchants and others. A t the same N O TICE. tim e the Rustler called in, on the Any person or persons trespassing Notioe is hereby given th a t I have way to Rogue River, to relieve the upon the C ro ft L a k e Raech,—the M e- been appointed agent to look a fte r the shortage in groceries and provisions. I have 480 acres of land which I w ill L e lla n a n d M a rs h a ll Ranches, w ill be E . W . Jensen property, situated on the sell in tracts to suit at 310 to »12.50 per proeecuted to the utmost extent of the H e a d s ” at P o rt O rford, Oregon. A ll acre. This ia good grass or tra it land. C RE A T record o» cures, r,w> L O S T —An automatic Spiral D r i l l - la w ; snd a reward w ill be g iven fo r In p rr» ""« caught trespassing ia the d w e l-1 ( «.i q aa i^ d in medical history, proves '2 ' C a li on or address tse owner »„“i? 5?.uae. W»,!i.bei pr0*®c“t o d 4110 Hood's S arsap arili* possesses m erit no- trade mark, "Y a n k e e .” Reward for form at,ohan It w ill le * td e c -ic h t -o . lion o f the g uilty parties. | fnl1 ot . „N D B E R G . » GEO. D. C H E N O W E T H , M. L. B A R R E TT . know n to any other M E D IC IN E . its return. n t r k , O re. U . 8. Land Office-, at Roseburg, Oregon , Oct. K t h , 1912. Notioe is hereby given th a t H kbman J . B anks of P o rt Orford, Oregon, w hor on Aug ust 31, 1910, made Homestead entry, Serial No. 06663, for N E ) of Section 22, Township 82 8 ., Range 16 W , W i l la m e tte M e rid ia n , has filed notice of intention to make Commutation proof, to establish c laim to the land above described, before H ard y T. Stewart, U. S. Com m issioner, a t his office, a t Port O rfo rd , Oregon, on the 11th day of Derem ber, 1912. C laim at-nanies as witnesses: E . B. H a il o f Port Orford, Oregon. J . R. Hutcheson of ” ” W . H . Bennett of ” ” ” James W. C u rry of ” ” ” B e n j a m in F . J onks Register. A Congressman Haw ley has secured an increase of mail service from Bandon to Dairyville from three to six times a week, which improvement w ill be wel- corned by .11 the people of Northern Land for Sale. » » DOORS - W INDOW S - MOULDINGS A n y th in g you Need in M ill W jr k W rite us for Prices or a n y Inform s tion you Need in this L ine • North Bend Manufacturing Co S i o r t l i XJ<>n<l, O r e g o n