Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1912)
dbf<rri> • 'Y V io lin ilo X X I . P O R T O R F O R D , O ltE O O N , 6 W E D N E S D A Y , D E C E M B E R OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. TALE OF A “SÏUFFEh, e v e n ano DtrraicT orricse* : 3 W h a t is a I ' . . I >.' . I visible ty p e w rite r? Writing in sight is part of it. other part. Keyboard in sight is the It is as important that you see what you do as to see what you have done. T h e key-for-eveiy-chnracter keyboard of the easy action, light running MODEL 10 Coaplats. Straight Lise KeybosM Removal) Is aad lalerchangeablsPtsWa Ball Bearing Carriage Rcvsrabls'i Tabulator Rack Simple Stead! Cutting Davies m akes it the only truly visib le w ritin g l.X ’E ' i r 7" m ach ine. Visible W riting Write (or information to Premier Typewriter Company, Complete C o n tr o l from Keyboard A K ey for Every Cbarac M Bichroms Ribkes Uniform Teach Boil Bearing Type Bar Column Fmdw end PemgraphM Decimal Tabulator Perfect Exariug FaciWaa R i ^ t T uu4 L w T i S m n ^ R n ln t Swinging Marmuol Rack Protected R jb b o T Geer Drives Carriages Ribbon Cashsllsdnoaa K a y kaa r d Variable aad Uaivntanl L ia t Sfmaat Period D ud Guard Back Space Lever Carriage Retarder loMMWVwl Marmaal Step* fc*F*t EfCapMMBlp S|MM<ii©tt Diwited These are features which make the Smith Premier the choice of' the m an who in vestig ates comparative advantages. BLACK - MU « l b m r vrlf© a n d M T H l f b a Y t b©©n B«|R| C . l i ' k l i M I tn .i tbay are ta e b e n a x d iv ta « we in »* ave. had In th* tao'ice L a »» ww«k my w ife f r e n t» w ith headache for ’ woJUri, »hr •«vW ieo f y o u ; <AS< A i .E T S . O ^ A S J S H T the« feliertd »he re n in her hr 4 4fe**4b&t©:y h« bo»« icenwiit nr1• astareta m which Unie you m ay rido the bicycle and p ut It to any te it you wish. I f you are then not perfectly aatlsfled o r do not wish to koap tho S!gYfjg»¡dP*t b y k s t p u r e , penses n d „ill ■», t.afM ,,« ,). FACTOR/ PRICES S ’ i.“,™1.**1 U'? highest grade bicycles I t Is I V I » possible to l o m ï - ik t o e n m e e small t above î ï S v n d v i » l l w î t » » Î 7 > X S . T » “1! . » 'T ’î e m’ a ddì’ i ì p n jro i u ’ d b: otta by bu y- • n r d lre c D to O f inl and ffU have tho m anufacturer's * r f t * behlnd * X * ^ u fï; MOT Y k b i ë y ^ t e o V r w i Î f T r A ^ eie. rrom J i “ u n ti) ^ou rpce^v® ° u r c a ta la s e s and lesi---------------™ rn ou r unheard of »<1 Co as STOCK and POULTRY M E D ÍC IN E fc’r w n h K jK i» PiMchMrg Safe a Dtp«'» Co • I'lUtkrorg, F a CANDY C A T H A R T IC TWA OX MARK RMMATYR»O »mot. «tain«»»'» l’olrni C U R I Gone. ri® lo\ C O N S T IP A T IO H . , N e v e r S»ie»han W ts«w i< « h « » f l i t <—igaay, i . iík M aM NAk * • « I «be ... A c. p «*, tt? *t*M u. t'VMfc i ub*rsw Habit nde H av a K id n e y T ro u b le aad D on ’t K now it. Mew T o p i Fill a bottle or comm tratar and let tt stand t - ith y ~v hours; I t or s»'- , ,.eate« — j» ;hy condt- ’ tion ..f the kid neys; If It stains your linen tt Is evidence of kid ney trouble; toe frequent desire to pa-,.v It or pain in the back Is also eenvlnclng prooi that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to Be. Thera Is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer’s Sv amp- Reot. the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain In the . bask, kidneys, liver, tlwddor and every part e< the urinary passage. It corrects Insbtlttv te held water and scalding pain In patting It. er bad affects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant aaeseelty of being compelled to go often daring the day. and to get up many times daring the night. The mild and the extra- ardlnarv affect of Sw am p-R oot Is soon realised It stands the highest for Its won derful suras ef the most distressing cates. If you need a medicine yeu should have the toss. Sold by druggists Ir 50c. a n d jl. sirs«. You may have a sample bottle of this weadarful discovery aad a took that tells» • e r e about tt. both sent I ►lutBl^frew by mail. Klim « At B^aeeT fiwanikBe« Ce». Blagbamton. N. Y. When writing maa ttaa a i t a i täte gaa«auji a ff« la this pap«. avarybw yy Bays m ». Caaatareu ( awdr C ath a rtic the moat waa* A erful m«di<'ai diacovarr o f hi« aye, p «aa a a t and rafr«abin < to the las’«, act geutlp aa< po ailively on kM i.ays, live r and bov. cia, ele a n stn g th e « t it r e » s» in, Cts|*e3 tolda, • a r e heaoaoii«, fe v e r, habitual » <>r.*(inatto« aad biitau*n«*as. P Haa-’ but u v a b o i •< C. □. C ttM liiy: '0. .V) eenta. .Hold au« • -Avaatawd to cure by a ll druggiaia Stock and poultry have few trouble» which s t not bownl and l i v e r irregularities. R la c k - Draught Stock anil Poultry Medi cine is a bowel and liver remedy for stock. It puts the organ« of ilige tion in a perfect condition. Prominent American breeder, and farmers keep tt.cir herds and fl.«ckt ira lth j cy ffiriag .bee: an occa sional doaaet Black Draught St.-ek and F.xiltry Molicine in their {.nod. Any stock raiser mav buy a 25-cent half-pound air tight can of this medicine from his deal« and keep hit stock in vigorous health for week,. Dealers gener ally keep Illack-Draught Stask and Poultry Medicine. If yours does not, »end 2 5 ceots for a »ample can to the manufacturers. Toe Chattanooga Medietas Co., Chat- tsovoga, lean. R o m b u . i , O a ., J a m . district to rld u s n d e th lb it a s am ple____________ furnl.hed by us. O ur saenUavarywharasra a a k ia ff S lid mongk w . nCd ,h7S 7£5iv.i--------- » fl f t ° ° £*« r<r»^rwfDi7 FHffff/fAyyy i ftitr, bat «v tatradatt « m . D C S O R tm O M * UBde *" ■'* *'7ei Ik' * * * * * * '" " 5* . . to .liv e ly e n d e a s y ridhur, v ery durable end lined Insl.te w ith ■ a special q u a lity o f rubber, which never be comes p o r o u e e n d which cloere nn email puncturve w ithout a l l o w i n g t h e a i r t o e fto tla a th a th M i We have hundreds o f letters from satisfied ci K a tln g th a tth e lrttre s h a v e o n ly been pumped _ _ _ or twice In a whole season. They wetyh no more than an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being •mg to prevent rim antiin S iren by several layers o f thin, specially prepared fabric on the tread. T h e regular price o f these t in « Is 610.00 per peir, but fo ra d v eriis ln r purposes we are * Si*®1»* facto ryprliv) to tho rider o f only M.OOper pair. A ll orders shipped dey le tte r Is received. Wo ship C. O ..D . on approval. You do not pay a cent unit Ito It e * . P o u l-F / ITA£3 '»TJM “ « W . a. N A D 1N UlKinds o Harness and Saddelry m NW ILtNTM *»,«,ai»».w<ll )»H 1», Ik» »Ira««.1 A hundred thousand pairs sold last year. M, R lM C k > D - » lig h t H t o c lt a n t i K *4' in* is t he bs»t I s rer triad. Oar stock w as o o k io f bad when you S fnt m s th e iBTdioine and b o w th ey are g ettin g so flns. T hey are look in g « per eent. b >tter. » P. BBOOKINQTOW. » »rk UH .1 an/eriM m tlt™ m b s ta , . w | r M - o- P ro o f tire « on a p p ro v a i an d t r ia l a t th e ■ p a rla i la t r o ^ M t - 4 swkweauuo.Jtataa eSSTU’S S T p i i n e t it tu » rbntwHa>a.aW tatalt~tar. DO Mgr VMIHU W M T IM .M m k R .ta , w . ___ . __. , tira s f r o m a n y o n e u n t il y o e k n o w tb a new an d w»sA-wrw i , l ®nlL®ort,Bp<* U4U>l**, “ <T*,rFt b,n<- Write It wow. TTieitarrul effan weaessMklna. J. L.ÎÊAD CYCLE COMPANY, CHICMO.ILL. O regon But t h . newsboy w o not Hatenlng to “Big" Bill. Neither was the rest ot tha group. The girl was staring nt "Yodel" and ''Yodel' waa smiling book at her. "H en ry!" M m screamed. "Why I have 480 acres of land wliloh I w ill Henry!" sell In tra c t- to suit at |1 0 to 612 6 0 per "Hello, eleter," eaid "Yodel." "gay o< re. This is good grass or fru it land. do you go with thia big dub?” be G all on o r address tbe owner snorted defiantly. tf'U come back home if you’ll promise to turn him O E O . D. C H E N O W E T H , down I" D enm ark, Ore. Land for Sale. “You ought to bare lean Big Bill,' said “ Yodel" tha next day. when, rw- splendent In a new suit of clothes, ba strolled back to the "alley.' "Say. he v tried to square hltnself. but sis' passed 1 him up. It was no go after what I told The Bagley rench on E lk river. her. Ma? Oh. Im going tack to Part cash down ; balance mortgage on school. No more stoflUn' for tuloa."— Chicago Record-Herald. same with easy payment?. A(btress J B A G ..E Y , Handicapped. . Box 46, Eureka, Gal. There waa a alight gale and soma talk of shipwreck. - "W eil, If we go down," said the corset drummer. " I can keep right on selling straight fronts to the mermaids " ' No chance for business for ma. how ever.” declared the corpulent drummer, "W hy a o t r " I sail slippers."—Chlango gun. •x* For to write for oar rnufldeutial letter before ap plying for p aten t; it m ay be worth money W e promptly ob taia U. a. aad Poretgn PATENTS O F M A R K S .» r EM - T IR B atUvoey s 're©, t e « « m odel, sketch • r p h o w a n d w e send an I M M E D I A T S F R E E report oa pateaiability. w e give »he bsMit .«<al ee;vice aad advice, a a d oar chargee an w u, »derate. Try as SW IFT & C O , P a te n t L a w y e r a. Op?. U S. Fxtsal OHIes.Wsiklaqtos, >.e. - I * 'V i t ■ Ì I sMms. U « gl Self-bealingTiret4 H „ w D O C T O KS aay c a n a a m p tio n can be cured. N a tu re alo n a w o n ’t I do it, i t need« kelp . i M 0 1 1-SI M U SIO S ! j n »».t*o«M » ~ ‘I- ff tv j taF « ■ -•di t 1 . K- it »KF ■ » w , i > « i g » ’ ) , F m a a s u f ii Oe« . I Vi w saalD J Is re a S» « n a m ; seaa k v e«ra, *r a • r e . m d « m . a»y » «Ma.. f a» jaa«, « r e t K t u e I ie Lae beet h e lp , b u t its i must b a continued in sti m e r as w e ll as w in te r. Take tt la a little eeM Milk er wetn Cet a small btottle n o w . All Dreg I t i. ’ A D A * C O F T *Pi«<Wdk> R I T l t E S I 'A H M Any person o r pwr*ons treat) »->• upon the C ro ft L a k e Ra ch,— lb> ' L ella n and M a rs h a ll Ranches, w ill prosecuted to the utm ost extent o f tb* la w ; and a rew ard w ill be given for Is fnrm atio h an tt w ill leu tda o-lcht -o tton of the g u ilty parties. W -rvnus to S u lc k ly m BI the Influence aau-pvia puta of Dr a . a a w y La,hat xrr it t . e s e . b< ; ktiviag «li 1 1, --ve lodet ti e»eie. eaUrr e l a i e gitaranteeib toe tov. KM. C R E A T record o» citers, une- qt'At.eJ in iiMulicaì history, prore» A ylootl'l 8grsxparil a I osse»»' « r.e rlt nn- k ite » n to a n / otliei I • c A GHOST TEAPTKß. “Todsl“ “stuffsd" papers for a living.' In csss the reader dose not understand what this art la. It w ill he explained that the ''stuffing" of newspapers Is one of the most laborious branches of work connected with the groat Sunday Issues. " l%a magasine, comic, want sd and other sections of the Sunday pa per are printed csrlier.ln the week, and from Thursday until Sunday morning dozens of hands are kept busy lntort- Ing these parts Into one harmonious whole. Even the latest .type of presses can not perform this class of work, which offers employaient to many newsboys and Inhabitants of “Newsboys' alley.'’ who earn ae piuch as |18 In four days' lim a Of this class was "Yodel." Down In the subterranean depths of a paper office, wltb the roar of tbs giant presses reverberating in h it ears worked this representative type of the ''alley." At the surrounding tables three other ’'sleepouta” labored, and while they labored they sang. Ona day "Yodel" chimed In the choruses and then started to yodel after the fashion of the Swiss singers whom be bad heard from the gallery seat of a vaudeville theater. High above the noises of the presses his voice rang out and every one of the 60 "stutters" stopped their work and stared at him In astonish ment. Then every one seemed to simultane ously start their bands to clapping. "Yodsl” was the boy's name there Ona of the strangest ways yet on record of making a living has been followed for the last few years by a ■a leas. man In eastern Pennsylvania. Congressman, F ir s t D is tric t— W illis Following Ik the InteresUng story C. H aw ley, of Salem of some of his experiences ha told a Governor— Oswald W est, Salem . correspondent of the Chicago Tribune Secretary of State— Ban. W. O lcult Sa the other d a /: lem; “I took up the bualneaa quits by ac Stats Tieaanrer—T ho*. B. K a y , ,itf 8a- cident. The owner of a targe, lonely place in the mountains, a few miles low- L from here, died and there was a law S u p t Public In s tru c tio n —L . A? Aid suit about the w ill, which kept It un erm an, Salem. occupied. I t stood for two or three Stats Printer— W illis D u n lrrs y , Salem. years, stripped of Its furniture and Attorney G eneral— A. M . Crawford, without care. After the suit was set Salem. tled the nephew who Inherited it put Clerk State Land Board—Q. G. Brown, In a caretaker. He only stayed one night, for at 2 o'clock in the mornlna Salem. he was terrified to hear a heavy chain Joint Senator to r Coos and Curry— being dragged along the hall ana W. C. Chase. stairways. Others followed him. and Joint Representative for Coos and one even stayed a week, but a groan Curry— 8. P. Peirce. ing sound right In his bedroom sent Judge, ad Jud icial D is tric t—J . W . him flying In only half bis clotbaa Ham ilton, Roseburg. to the nearest cottage he could find. I t was then the advertisement ap Prosecuting Attorney, td Jud icial Dis peared that drew iny attention. It tric t—George M . Brown, Roseburg. read: 0 . 8 . Commissioners— H . T . Stewart, “ ‘The owner of Rutland Grange on Port Orford. the Ralston road will give a reward * 0 0 1 'MTV OrriCKMR. of *200 to anyone who will reside In C o u rty J - x lg e - E . A B ailey, Gold that house and solve the myatory of Its being "haunted.” ' Beach " I want to the house and did not County Commissioners—Otto Isuiert, find much trouble in solving the rid Gobi Reach; Geo Chenoweth, L an glo is. after. dle. The place had once been wall Sheriff— W . A. Biahel, Gold Reach. "Big" B ill, the foreman of the stocked with game, and now the de County C lerk—George W . S m ith, stutters," wag t£e only one who dis serted grounds wera running over w ith Gold Beach. liked "yodel." Something about the game of all kinds i t had escaped County Treasurer—James O augliell lad's delicate face acted on Ills coarse trespassers evidently, until lately, but nature like a red rag waved In the .. Weddsrbura investigation showed that numbers of face of a hull. In, where ev fresh snares and traps had been sat. Assessor— W m . Telm an, H arbor. ery inmate had an Interee'.lug story 1 'Poachers' evidently waa the meaning School S u p t.— W . 8 . Guerin. Langlois of his former life to tell. "Yodel" was ot the mystery. I got two men and •urveyor*—D . C u n n iff J r., Gold Beach. Instinctively rauogulxvd as having fal posted them among tho hushes. Coroner— D r. S. J. M aun, Langlois. len from a higher estate. " A t 11 o'clock at night I went to the m iT is u a o r tub c o v a n . ' “Big" BUI knew this, and the boy room where I was to sleep, kept the C ircu it C ourt meets Pouith Monday In always Irritated him. On a busy Sat- i lamp alight for half an hour, extin nrdsy sftornoon “ Yodel” had Just tin- | guished It, and crept out of the house. August of each year. lshed warbling with his birdlike voice A t half past 12 o'clock I heard Joot- County Commissioners Court meets when "Big" BUI stepped np to him. » ' Steps, and a man cam« along carrying first Wednesday lc January, A p ril, •'You want to rut m at out!" be cried. J u ly and September of each y e n . "I've stood it eu. « v ,..* an 1 ain't £p ! » - . i t looked like a long pole, "H e got on a wall, holltad the 'pole* Probate Court meets first Monday in lu' to »tend 1! a"y longer. The beys ' i —really a long tin tube—so that its each mouth can't do Ihslr were «m l« ib.-y re Us mouth went Into the open window of svaar ooumtt roai ovricxe «an rosr- tentng to you. If you ever make tb.vl the room xbere he thought I waa noise, you call /odtdicg, again— ATI Ore v sanaa. gslejp, and then began to groan Chetoo........................... Mias Id a Cooler. you, seal" i through IL But It was a loud yell n e H arb o r.........................Fletcher G ard ner “Yodal” did not reply to this Grade. ' Gold B each...........................J. W . Kiley. for he did uot want to lose U s pool- I fcavt whan I seized him firmly by the - W edderburn................,C. L . W a k e m a n .' ankles. Goa. But when the foreman had "W ell, I sat on my man and blew a Illlb e s . , . Mr. E. H Russell. walked swag "Yodel'' was surrounded whistle, whan up came my asalslants, Marial.......... .Mrs. Viola A. Fry. fty a group of H'tuputhlxwa. w ith another whom they had taken "That fellow don't tike t o ." ha said. A g n e ta ..,... ................A. M Riles. while ha waa In th e -ac t of vlsltlas "W hy, my old uiau to e d , to order Port Orford. ..........Ames Johnstca i the traps, calmly smoking a pipe. The J H “ ° un<l doueua of fellows like hlou" D enm ark.... r pair had just started In to make » gooa ,J .H .C a r p a ^ -W h a t did ____ ........K. B e ^ le f f . ™“ B W r ““ ’.71'* “ • I t h in g o u t we < b a nt«,») • oJ •*'*'* *a><* J . X . K a l u e e ' te n e r. ^ ^ 4 - d a e perfect store of chains, white aheeta, phosphorus, and other things, " I don't know. Just got Grad a t It, I guaas,". answered the waff. "Had a nt the top of the house, with which N o t ic e te C red itu ra. they had been frightened away the swoll home up on Diverse/ streat, but Notice is hereby given by the under- ’ fcuntmlng' habit an' drifted , euccesalre caretakers. "T hat Jon brought me not only the signed, adm inistrator of the ettute of to L . P. Johnson, to the creditors o f, a n d ' n ’ h„We..D‘f B1“ “ ld *200, but a fresh commission. Thia time a summer hotel that waa left a ll persona having c lu ln s nguluet t h e to „ „ glrJ? , With a small force during the w inter deceased, to file them w ith the neces i telling Joht.ou aLout M» " months was haunted. The eertants s«ry vouchers, w ithin six months from were being terribly frightened by mys "Diverse/ ptraet is a long thorough- the date of the first publication of thin fore," replied "Yodel," and the whole terious knocking» that were heard now and then at night. Going to the hotel, notice, at m y residence on E lk R iv e r, crowd iai •„ i. in Curry County, Oregon, my Poet O f- Saturilty night a press broke down T » e a t to bed on the ground floor,Tan bad to wait two or three nights be Hoe aildres., Port < irfonl, Oregon. —a “stutter*." 5Tna21y fore tlje sty; 'trlous sounds went heard. Duteof first puhlionion, July In, IVI2. * lieu. I*-?»»- U> appear on W . II. J o u n so m . < ’. « • k . :„ b u a, "Coe night, after ue hid been hav ing heavy rains all dav. the knocking A d m ln iatrato , the EcU te of. X ‘Z legnu right undrr: o i'h uiy room. L. P . Johuaon,decease I. e>cij «u» v o , . . . .„ig it», » Trojan’ "VvaiGuc U'ftil u i. with help and re ere noticed th u V g" u,;i WKa I to-/» u,i the no, fir n .ntdound that a shout.ig a .j-o c i v. i r i . n L .be a ita ta sn ail bay, long I. .''.e n , but onoa ot tde "stt.i33g" room. us<d to, stor,. : a.) ran back under "YoJei" gir.rn.oJ at the party, aua blu fa to the house. In th is »as floating an paled, xhlie ma u,«a ghtitred with cx- empty mineral water crate. There tlten Jut. sa u. i)A>'-?d at the face of was a lock in the river below the, ho (Sucesaor to A. B. S abin ) a girt It, th.' gioup. tel. and every night when “the lo c k " N o *. i, u t. .an. ha whispered gktes were shut the river ros»- The to flit rip;.; u ,ud ;n io * v.ortter. "Yo- previous evening there also had been dai" tl.ivw t a c t his betd and caroled. much wind and rain, so that the water Up. up— hi*u above Uit uolats of the got high enough for the crate to bump mailing room rose hie silver/ voice. against the floor, thus producing the ind every one looked around In aston noises. A n y t h in g n o t in s to c k , ishment. "This account, like the first, got Into ' Big” Bill's faee turned rad as fire, the papers, and soon I had more work. he p le a s e d tc o rd e r and he hastened over to the bo/, fol I won’t take all my cases of ‘ghost lowed by the rest of hie friends. D o n e 7 laying,' but w ill pick out one or two. H eP A IR IN U N eA T L Y I'll fire you!" he shouted. " I told There was a country place that for a H nndon “ nh° ,,* r “7 mor' ' " ! long’ G m ï w J avoided bec.uto It got X - ' ° U‘ tb# ,he reputation of having a a p ^ u . U. 8. fton’ta—J o n a th a n Bourne J r., of Portland and Goo. K. Cham berlain of VISIBILITY dumber 30 11, l o i » . M EDiCINS. W “ h“ * “ tW'Ce’ 8 lld l° 8 1 about the grounds, but It was too nim ble for me to catch. Then I put on a I white cloak myaelt and tried haunting I the ghost. This ruxe succeeded In frightening the apparition, aa. whan J we met face to face one night, tt was I the other ghost that fled. Who tha fellow waa I should have never beard, probably, as he was so fleet that I ! could not overtake him, only that In bla flight somewhere he fell and hurt his leg. and when he consulted the doctor the whole story came out. Ho was a neighboring farmer who wanted ! Eet llu' d the •^éolnlng property. and hoped by giving It the reputation of being haunted to depreciate the value enough to buy It at a low price. "On another occasion U> the garden of a big farmhouse ‘to rent' I rushed Into the ghoet who had been seen there, and he made off. In the dark ness I lost sight ot him and he fell I over something and I shouted: Keep still; you've upset a beehive. Keep your head covered or you’ll ba stung to death.* “Ha waa simply a practical Joker, and In moat of tha cases which I have unearthed where It Is not enmebody who had something to gain by playing ghost It waa usually somebody who waa enjoying himself by playing on the fears and oradullty of others I had one tragic case of spectre stalking which waa the result of a man's habU i t practicing Joking. He had bean playing upon tha Imagination of bis brother and tbe night that I had ar> rlvad ba bad leaped out on him from tmb'ish. and tha brother bad drjppgff Isad from fright.” ___