The Burrow Clevis 13 Shots at your Finger Tips in the SA V A 6 G ' Alwnjs Stays “ Hut” WriFKl.EK AND WILSON H* T. STEWART Editor and Piihlislito V o t a r y M o tio n * . M itt> M * * r ip tio ii, $ l . f t O p e r y e a r I.IU H T K l . 5 M . M i & KA H I» The Leading Paper of Curry County H u l l llt'a r ln g . 93 C A L IB R E A U T O M A T IC P IS T O L The Atvage Automatic einollierj every adversary in the rapidity of its file. When the occasion comes you have ready thoyquitikcst, handiest and most accurate arm made. Qiyg yourself overy possible advantage. It means life of death. That is why you will discard your revolver when 'you Bte lbe avage. ' Special Features which will Appeal to You . V * f . I The manager« q|*o isaqe a SkMi-WEKgi.Y, which is especially adapted lor people who do not wire for a D aily, hut want a good fam ily paper. Any o f these paper, ran be hud in o o in U n iitio l with tbe P O U T OR W EEKLY B o th P apers one y e a r lo r $2.26 N o M ore C ellar to S p a r e . The PORT ORFORD TRIBUNE I must husband my timber to re place fences and buildings an tbe farm, therefore I m utt,not sfiare any­ more cedar. Pi*a»e do not ask for it Daily Sunday and Tribune Semi Weekv and Tribune j ' ---AIVt>--- The New Idea Wcman’s Magazine BOTH ONE YEAR FOR S1 7» The green trees w ill grow and the dead ones w ill keep. MICÆ BALANE: Perfectly balanced. Center of gravity well to the rear. ‘ Lies naturally in the hand. Will not '‘fiiuch on the trigger pull. The only automatic which locktattbe breech while the bpllet traverses the barrel J. H. U ptok , Langlois, Or., August 27, 1910. K C J 6 K M A a n i l P IL E C U K E K n o w in g w h a L it was to suf­ fer, I w ill g ive F R E E O F C H A R G E , to an y a ffli-te d a positive care for Eczema, Salt Ktosiim, Erysipe­ las, Piles and E k in Diseases. In s ta n t Jeitef. D o n ’t suffer longer. W r ite F. W . W il l ia m s , 400 .M anhattan Avenue, New York. Enclose Stam p. T in t New I i > f . a W oman ’» M aoazim k I s an a u th o rity on D ressm ii' nerv and Household Eaonomv. I t average« more than ton pn". m onth. W e offer yon therefore a t least ,200 pages of good fa»,., home reading for an a d d itio n a l cost o f only 26 ctn Samples free. F ltK K • jgi • Start to a Better SaJary WEIGHT: 19 ox. including magazine. «Length over all 6J inches. Price #16. Any wide-awake dealer will show you this miniature rapid' fire gun. If he will not supply you, kindly advise us and we will send it JA V A G E * ARM S * O R E G O N IA W . E. B u rrow , Corbin, Ore Daily and Tribune - - - • SAFETY: Breech positively and automatically locked during the lime of discharge, a t not be fired un­ less the triggei is pullgd. When the safety is on neither forconor folly can discharge it. * The exclusive rig h t to handle tnis Clevis w ill 1« sold by Counties or States, o r act ut three eno be purchas­ ed for Sl.oo. Add re»» F O R D T R I B U N E , at the following rater: »-I. SIMPLICITY: Fewer parts than any other automatic pis­ tol. Completely dismounted by band without the aid of Jyolg, Nu screws to work loose. T H E T R IB U N E Permanent u the lull», bat can bt The O aacos D aily JppkXAi. is the leading Democratic newspaper of removed la a set end o f tim e. Tbe only Clevis now on the market tbat Oregnp, iseued at Portland. stays where put. ?• » TER SHOTS: Double the number contained in an oidi- * * nary revolver and two inure than other automatics. ACCURACY: The pistol is so construpted that all powder gasfes are utilized, insuring extreme accuracy, as well as freedom from fouling — s* . JOÜ B N A - And TRIBUNE COM PANY, U T IC A , N E W Y O R K You can h ave it a ll foi Per" K C ln • •• Uei Month O '-'C jlo u t in T h e E vening T eleg ram , of >•, ¡lend, Oregon. I t l e the largeei ening newspaper published In oar fpositiun— m oi/ M * tforf. Wc have «ads the start aaay. and wa have tnado the arAs^r u>a> to success assy. So easy. In ¿net. that you will ba surprised at tho insignificance of the barrier that has k a rt you back Tho start to success is to s.mply fill in and mail tc ua tbe coupon below, Read over tho list of ^^jutadons tho coupon, m ark X ¿Hors t X w • m e y return n a il we will toll you how you can. Basil y. iaexponstrvly. and In your spare time qualify youreolf for tho D eafness C a so b t be Cured. b j local applications, aa U>,p esnaet roach the dlaeiM d portion o fth e ear. There is only one wap to cure rlestneae, seat th a t Is bp eepstltu- tlcoal nunediee. DeaJseeoir caused bp an In - Armed condition of t|p- mpeops lin lu f of the ksrtucblau Tube. When this t»bs Is lo A ,m o4 rou h a r t s n ig ib tlu c jrp u a A e r Im perfect best In«, and wh«» l i l t entirely etae^l.,deafness Is .the result and unless Ibe tuAsmsttou can ba lakcp out and this tuba reatorod to Its. norm al condition, b s a rlM w ill ba dastropad fo ra re r; nine cases out of tan are caused bp 9»tasrb which !« nothing but an InSamsd condition of the mucous surfaces. ,, , We w ill give One Hundred Dollars lor sap ease of Deafness (caused bp e a U rrh ) th a t can- unt be enred bp U aU 'sC alarrh Cure. Send for circulars In n . F J. C H k H B Y h Co4 Toledo, O Sold bp Druggists, 73c. Take if a lt 'i Fam ily Pills lo r oonstlpallon. C R E A T record n. « u v a , '.n s A u iu i^ d in metile .i history. provai Hood'sS arta p a ril a | • »«es»«.m erit on- kuow ii to auy «>li«i M E D I C I N E »osite U . S . P a te n t OM W A S H IN G T O N O. C . f t R E A T S A L E S prove the greet M merit of Hood’« SarsapariUa. flo o d ’s S a n a p a rilla sells heenuse t vcompUshes C R E A T ~ U R E S . T o W hom It M ay C oncern T b e much housework wrecks vho- asen't nerves. And the oonstant ¡ease of children, day and night, b often too trying for even a strong wom an. A haggard faoe tells the story of the overworked housewife and mother. Deranged menses, loooorrhtxa and falling of the womb rem it from overwork. Every housewife needs a remedy to regulate her menses and to knop her sensitive female organs Ip perfect condition. lnternatisasl Correspondence Schssls Bex 7M , Scrxatea, Fx. F lesse •■ p ia la , srlfheet ferth ee o b lig e !le e ee a g ■ a rt. haw I caa q e a lifv 1er a la rg e r salary la th e p eaitlea b alera w hich I have snark esi X. BssStss««' S le w *« '« ’ » * S4ver(isow«swt WvRa* Shaw Ocra Writes Window Yrtaamaa Meahonioai Ovaftm MM Oswamaetai O stlt nos M*wst rotar C iri' Sasvaa O s a n i of TauOte M»H Saat. t ia a tn a ia n Slaa trtaa l Cnftosst The Best to be Curry County, a t reason able Prices. Is doing this for thousands of American women to-day. I t eared .M*». Jonea and that is why she ---------------- , n, l , . . . n . s t f S L U b H r , R .M M a a h a n to i Cngivaar Star* o y or •ta lla n o ry C apire as C ivil I« |> n t« r Sulla In« Cantvaotas AsaMtac luva, Draftwwae A s s to tu t S ta s a tim i Crgtwaar S>MCe 1 U>naar Faeawia,« P'orwaas Mir. in« Inym aag T be undersigned hereby give i. tb a t they are tlie owners o l the Ko h alf of Hoction 10, Tow nship th three, South ra n g e fourteen Wes W illam ette m eridian, Oregon, tie» are warned not to trespass p u m ake any locations, e ith e r pious- q uarts claim s a t their peril. D . K lL L A H Il£ t I t Owners, J. n . M c A fkb . J P o rtland , O i m ^ brmnvmbri See or Address D.O . NEWTON. Ms rah field , (»regoli I am «« ( la d th a t y o « r W in© o f C a rd ai I k a lp ia * me. I am fe « l,n # better than h a v e t a li fo r yea r*. 1 am doing my w a w o rk w ith p o t aay help, and I you to take ta k e dow n g .ia . T b * Bit fhroanw Bt^ y o u r hand and heq»a quick operation. T h e A ll eheked guns are guaranteed elose-ohoMlng, hard h ittin g guns, and a re enequslled for due k t, g s m , foaeq aa d a ll long-range w o r t Bill Heads, Letter H eadst Legal Blanks, A ny Thing, T rp a p n a » N o t i c e , Posters Envelopes Statements, n iM u .tto a . w ith tun 9t « h l. h . n d a 'jm a m w gua, s a i l fre e on re q u e s t o r w ith c o m p le te 1 36-pags c a ta lo g fo r 1 s ta m p s . da script io« Up-to daie Work Done on Short Aotice- Satisfaction Guaranteed f McCall’s Magazine f and McCall Patterns For (Fontau « m ag aatM er wattornt. M cCalfs la the sellable Faahk-n Guide monthly la eae mOLea ovs hnr.drsd thousand hsm «* Seaitisa sbewiagaUthe iateet Steifoe of MvCa.l Fa tturne, aash isene to b rtarf.l e f y w rk lia g short stories sad k o ifia l lv*vle.ktlua Is r womsa. K lkkTN E C aro C U H tw i t J O U R N A L , sa N O T IC E . I n connection w ith McCALL,’S MAGAZINE Notice is hereby given t>> a ll pereoni whom it m ay concern, not to enter up­ on or trespass upon the p rem ia's of E li Baglay, tor the purt'oae o f hunting, nr fishing w ith hook and line. Said p re ­ mises »re situated on‘ E |k R iver, Curry Coan'.y, Oregon, and described aa fol­ lows . The West half of Section twen­ ty seven. Township th irty two Soqtlr, Range fifteen West. A n y person o r [>ersoi s so treepav«. ng for the purpose of h u n tin g ,fis h in g , or traveling through in a n y shape form or m anner, or tearing down fences, or leavin g out sit'« gates open, o r molest- ing personal property, w ill lie prosecu­ ted to the fa ll extent of the law. Wn>. R . Johnson, Leasee of the above deacribed premises Notice is h areliy given th a t I have been appointed agent to look a fte r the E . W. Jeneen property, situated oa the " H e a d s ” at P o rt O rfo rd , Oregon. A ll raons caught triwpaaaing in the dwel- ig honae w ill be proeecnted to the f a ll e xten t o f the law. P. J . L IN D B E R G . K S M -T l.r W . STtfc S t, Now Vesti C *y • Witii.OaM» .» It. sure r