Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1912)
S . . 8 . . J E • F F R I E . S - and County. ¡The Freight tost oo the Osprey,-, ...........................Mer The Turks have bee« defeated by ! ; 12 tqpe«gild eared aaliaoa in disco« edith 73, Peiaoa 14, ScbliemMnu 4 tbe Balkan states in nearly every ! ForC eonty fudge; H untley ». Peed it good and Curry county J tone HI»cfc»aod, | docen Boxes battle, and they will be driven from stock will enter the winter in fin e , Butter, end M r. JcdTriep Household Van Pelt 11. Wood 7». Europe in answer to tbe demand of Fur Sheriff; Bailey 11, Townsend eonditiun Good«. a civilised world. Braver Rghting, I t , Walker 40. Jee. Kennedy, of Rogue river, For County Clerk; Chastain 12, on tbe part of these allies, has never J. N. Leach, superintended of the LiuuaUuo, noxt door to B ank. looking over the cattle Market io Wedderburn Trading Co., passed op Donahoe 10, 8tannard 71. occurred > in the worlds history. For County Treasurer; Caughell this section lust week. Adrinople is crushed and when it the const last Friday on hia way to 68. . . . . -»rg, Assessor Wm. Tolman waa in Coos Bay where he was called on . For County Aweeee n r: Steiner 16 crumbles, Constantinople will also fall. The Turks should have been Port Orford over Sunday— the last account of the wreck of the Osprey. Tolman 40, Woodruff 27. For School Superintendent; Goer expelled centuries ago, but the candidate to interview the voters The Sample Ballots should be tn 1 0 ,Smith 68. petty jealousies of European states of this precinct. sent out to the different precincts for For County Surveyor; Cunniff preveu led. W ill White, assisted by Arthur distribution to the voters several 28, Stitt 53. For Coroner; Nelson 2V. Bailey, gathered up aome young days in advance of electioo day. Faria, Out. 31.— While recunoit- For County Commissioner; Cole- No one C A N do yo«r work bettor. They should be sent by m ail*** they cattle on Elk river last week, which grove <3, H art 13, Wilton 13. erir.g in the air over Adrin<>pte A v No one W IL L do it cheaper. were driven down to Corbin for are very light. For Puri Commissioner; Cheno iator Pup'poff, a Russian, was,killed I t seems that the political bee de weth 77, Hughes 11. Nodine 10, winter range. by tbe Turks today. Thia is the lights to buss in the bonnet of at S m ith 8. Sydnam 9, W hite 80. W- A. WOOD, The outside mall i t arriving in For Justice of the Peace; Wright first aviator Io be killed during au torneys-st law. Curry county boasts tual warfare. According to advices - Manager. Port Orford at fr..m 8:30 to ^o'clock of four lawyers, and they were ail 40. . For Prohibition 84, against 32. mass firing at the flying machine in-tbe evening, which ia not e»n - • oandidatss for office at the eleotion was first tried, than abarpnel was duci ve to the sleep oy good humor HARDY T. 8T 6W A B T yesterday. Schooner Osprey Hurled on resorted to bring Poppoff au<l hie « ( p u t worthy P. , 1 k U . H. C O M M I S S I O N E R The T m im u n x has reliable infor machine down. This incident shat Coos Bay Jetty in 8(nrm Mr. and Mrs. Bottafurd of Port- ms lion to the effect that the Frank P o r t O rtto rtl, ters tbe theory that airmen were and All Hand« ere Lett. . 1 * ^ . spent a day f r e t Ortord Tanning company w ill resume op practically safe from g u n i^ ’a aim Office dgys in to, las^Mroh- Mr. Bultajord was'took- «cations at Frankpqrt, a.small sum white flying. need«/ end Saturday Marshfield, Or., Nov. I . — The *"$ t{{} the railroad tig in y in g bus- mer harbor «boat., 3Q, ®>I*S below gasoline schooner Oeprcy, 48 toi» ineaa in thia seotiod/ ’ ’ " J. H U N T L E ^ > Fort Orford, negt. spaing. W ill I l may shake Oregon’s pride, to register, and 70 feet king, which Colebrook w ill have charge of the know that California is awaking far A -C o q u ille/iver dairyman passed left Wedderburn last evening, at a t t o b n k Y a . t L a w . down the coast ainoe our laat issue work, and it ia said that 113 a cord tempted to oroes the Coos Bay bar more energetically to the importance GOLD BEACH, OREGON, wiih 97 head • ( Jersey heifers, w ill be paid for tanbark delivered at 8 o’clock this morning, but al ruck o f the Apple trade. That ail along Guaranteed A b stra cts o f B e a l which he was driving tq Huiubuldl at the wharf. Some ten or twelve her foot hills she is planting m il on the outer end of the Coos Bay P roperty F urnished. county, Cal., to sell to'.dairymen years ago the F ran A Bros., who je tty , and ia « total wreck, with all lions of Apple trees to Oregon’s have a large Tanning plant at Red thousands; and last year Watson there. . .■ on board lost. The following were ding, Cal., shipped thousand* of Thirty year» practice in the Comity. ville shipped more car loads than George Mather came dawn from cords of bark from Frank,w rt, at aboard: all uf Oregon. We can heat them Captain Gus Johnson, Eoglneer Langlois Sunday evening with his which time they paid hut | 8 a coni in varieties and flavor, but they W. A. WOOD team, bringing W . H . Meredith who for it. The raise in price is caused Cheater Johnson, Ned Harding and can heal us in colors and equal us Joseph Peich, deck hands; Captain ATTORNEY at law was returning to Wedderburn from by the increased value of timber. U Jacobson and an unknown In in r i l e s o d fine apjM-si'aiice. __ C a ll- an electioneering trip throughout GOLD BAACH. OBERON. Gsme Warden Baker came up to dian, passenger« Efforts at rescue f o r i l i a is studying tile sulijrtlt ueU- Coot oounty. masse” while h«lt of Urrgou ia Purl Orford Monday and served a» «ere futile. asleep. a member of the eleotion board yes Walton M ille r was thelucky hua M LEE PEMBERTON Aviator Christoffaraon, of Port tor who killed the last deer of the terday. Mr. Baker has lately been land, with a eompanion, made two PHYSICIAN (Voua B a y News.) open season around Port Orford. promoted to the pnaition of I tripe oat aver the vessel, wbioh is Warden of Cons and Curry oounliea He found five investigating his gar Office at Langlois Hotel, lying oat shoot h alf a mile in the D. A. Carry returned borne Fri den on his Hubbard’s creek home — a place that be Jias earned by en breakers, hat could do nothing. L anglois , O regon day after a vucaliun of gig weeks in ergetie and eff-etive work. H e I s m stead on the evening of lb« Slat. However, he defnonstratsd that a Corry ooonty. H e aud a party, been spending considerable time of Hying machine could take a line to sarww w w m swi w w v w v w m w s m Mr. »nd M rt. )ffm. Kent came late in the south end of the oounty consisting o f three 4SUn*rs, enjoyed a a vessel when the life saving boats iug where trouble has been brewing over fin« lime in the mountains and had and spent Saturday and Sunday the catching of salmon in Chetoo could not reach tbe wreck. plenty of venison d u rin g tbe trip, The tag Roscoe, vrikh Captain forenoon visiting ; with friend» at river. During the season Just chia having Rilled 16 deer. Port Orford M r. K ant Is tsMhing ed, M r. Baker uadnubtedly gave T yler in command, waa a l the sceiie A t the Warner Grocery on Sat his second torts a f sehoni at iAag- gains unite actual protection than it ot the accident a few minutes after urday arc noticed green peas fro m lois, having taught an intervening has had sinoe the game laws were lha Osprey struck, and ’ when she R alf Baker’s place ia the 8»uih got near enough to heave a line term at Denmark, intuit uted. slough oountry, nod strawberries aboard there Were still two men * The awful wreck o f the Osprey at On the vessel, pee of Whom was from W . G. Forest, at Haynes A very enjoyable Hallowe'en Coos Ray, with the iota o f a ll the Captain Johnson. ty was jfiven'by the GhrUtiab The Roscoe slough. Coot oounty ia hard to beat l., K N A P P P r o p r i e t o r deavor in Leoave’s hail last Wed- wen, ousts a gluons upon all nor threw three line« aboard, knd Cap for am tain kinds of fruit aud vege _____- . Q nerday svening. Games were played peo|de. Captain Jacobson, • pio tain JuhBson tied one arouhd ‘‘him tablas aud yet tom of both »re an and a fortune toller afforded rtnieh neer uapttiu, » e ll known ip every •elf, hoi refused to g« ev«r »ha yajl. anally shipped io bars from Cali < First-class in every respect. _ - - ■ • amusement. -Coffee mid duughBute harbor of this ooast, leave« , a son and aa'dto Roseue «ns in a danger fornia. — (ta x i Feed 8table attached. were served. Jaok it laaterus .fu r and daughter to mourn his low,ami o m position shs was compelled According tb the Coquille Benti innumerable old friends every wher«. to leave him and lha two men were nel the total number of rag ¡stan d nished the light for the occasion, We run the Stage from Port Orford Captain Gus Johnson af the ill-fa t shortly washed overboard. voters up to and including tkagfitb O. P. Hasgensen of Langlois and via Dairyville, connecting with the ed craft leaves a wife and daughter The Osprey das~*ow&ed by the day of Oatoher, the day the legis Donald M cIntire spent a day ortw o stage to Myrtle Point. in their stricken borne at ttogne Wedderburn Trading Company, of (ration hooka were closed for th» looking over things in this section river, who have the sympathy of Wedderburn, Or. Captain Jaoob- county was: Republican 3385, Dem iset weak. M r. M cIntire ia a real ail. The young engineer informed son was one of the old-time skippers ocralio 804, Prohibition 36, S o cialist estate and insurance agent from several of his friends at Port Orford nod for many years master o f the 478, Progressive 22, Indep -iidenl Bandon, sad waa so w«li pleased that he was making his last trip on gasoline schooner Berwick, whicli 278, Refused to state 419, Non-par with what he saw (hat he will ire - the Osprey, little dreaming that bis was lari at the mouth of tbeSiuslaw tisan 7. turn shortly and go aa far south as words hail such a tragical meaning. a few years ago. His last home was Repairing Watches und Jewelry i Rogue river. Capt. Wm Magee, late of th- A ll work guaranteed. San Francisco. Redondo, took charge of the *>'aun Geo. B. M ille r came up from Gold Election Return«. The tug was going ont to sea just Smith on Wednesday last, and O rders taken for Watches and Fancy Beach Sunday with election supplies aa the accident .happened. The Capt. Erickson who w a s 'fir-t of lew elry. W o rk turned out on short Election returns are very incomplete for Pork Orford, Sixes, Florsa oreek lottos. life raving crew responded prompt finer on the Nana 8t*.iib, liecame ss we go to press a t 6 o ’clock P. M. and Kckley precincts. The sup ly, but it was all over before it was matter of Hie Redondo. Doth ves C u ll on me u t L a x o l o m , O bsqo ®. National returns indicate a Democratic plies were delayed in reaching the landslide. T a ft claims Penn., V t. and imaaible for them to render any sels went to sea Thursday just in County Clerk from the Secretary of Ohio. Roosevelt claims I1L, O r., Iow a. assistance. The vessel turned turtle time to catch the full force of the State’s office, and it was close work Mich, and K a n .„w ith California doubt as she broke to pi southeaster which was sweepin i l li e D E N N IS C U N N IF F , JU ., in getting them to all the precinct« ful between Roosevelt and WUson. coast. A wireless from the Nanu Wilson has-the rest. in Curry in time for the election The Wedderburn Trading com Smith that evening stated that tiiey Selling is leading Lane; Bourn« tM rd. yesterday. . Woman Suffrage baa carried in Use pany*S gasoline scbooner-Osprey was were off Cape Blanco, bucking a ioet this morning between six and heavy gale and that it bad taken P. D. Chamberlain, agent for the state. The bills for single tax and the abo seven o’clock, while trying to enter them 6 ( hours to make the 31 miles Surveyor for the District of Or L. C. Sm ith ^Tyt*writer company, lition o f capital punishment are defeated. egon. Coos Bay from the Rogue river and from tile Coos Bay bar to Cape was in Pori Or fold over Sunday on For prosecuting attorney Brown aw l Gold B each , . . . Oregon five lives were lost in the wreck Blanco. bis return froofl a trip as far south Cardwell are running close. The tug Roscoe, from the Huielaw, F or state senator Smith is An attempt ie being made to or as Gold Bench. Mr. Qhsmherlaiu Captain T yler stood by and made Stemmier by a narrow margin. J, J. STANLEY lust both of ids lege in a railroad I heroie efforts to save two of the csew ganixs a Boy Scout Patrol in Marsh Peirce Carried Curry by 10 or IS yet remaining aboard, but tbe field. Tbs object of the organiza accident, but gets around quite over Meredith for joint rep., and has « Lawyer, handily on artificial ones. ' lie small lead in Coos on incomplete return«. schooner turned turtle while a* line tion of the Boy Scoots of America was aboard her, and tha men were drives bis own conveyance, and on ie to instill in boys tbs m ilitary v ir The following'have been elected in not seen again. The heroic and yet tues of honor, loyaRy^ obedience COQUILLE, . - - O M K O O N his way down the coast Thursday Curry county: useless determinatkm of Captain W . A. Wood, dem.. Judge. and patriotism. Itais aimed not U , he was accompanied b | Dr. Schlie Johnson to stay to hia craft, under •---------------------------- / K C. H . Bailey, d” * ’ ... the belief abe would bn saved will make soldiers of boy scout^ hut t» *.«. AU A •• maan. J. R. Stannard. B»p„ Cterk, J. H . U P f b N , always stand oat as on« of the mowi make boys who, w ill turn.(piles fine Jas. Caughell, rep.. Treasurer. The W . C. T. U. Temperance daring marina incidentgof tha coast citiaens, and who v f ll, |fth«ircoun G. W. Smith, rep., School Supt. NOTARY PURttf?, ' The scenes at the wreck were very meeting in the church Friday even Colegrove, rep., Comaoiesioner. try needs them, make better soldiers heartrending and*one of the persons ing was a very enjoyable and in- Ernest S titt, rep., Surveyor. I t is L a mo lo is , O vaav Co., O b so o n . who was washed into the water cried for having been buy scouts. stiuclive affair. The prog cd m was Thoe. Hughes and W . W . Smith w ar« for Captain Johnson, who* bad a designed for the uplift of the whole elected Port Commiagionera. interspersed with tpeciaLiiid gener rope around him, to go aboard the buy, morally and physically. NOTICE The county has goo« “ d ry " . al tongs rendered with tbe usual Rosene. Captain Johnson stood Sooutcraft, the thing in which the Administrator*» Sale o f R eal Arm and evidently believed lie excellence of the Purl Orford choir. The fulluwing is Uie vote for Pori Property. would be saved with bia eraft, bat vaunts are trained, means a world of Miss Lottie Rickman recited “ Noth Orford precinct; went down aa the Osprey tamed health fulness, both to themaelve» / Notice is hereby g iven that, in pur- ing and Something” in a very cred For President; Taft 20, Wilson over in the breakes«— DaUy Record. and to others saanoe ot an o rder o f the Hon. Oountv 22, Detis 14, Rousevelt 41. C o a rt, dated Oct. 7, 1SU. in the m atter itable manner, while A. A. Jamie Fur Rc|>reeeiitalive in Congress; of the estate of George L. T aylo r, de son took the house by storm when Camphall 17, Hawley 47, Richards ceased. r the u nder»lgn«i Advninistra tor of said estate, w |il, on November he gave a natural and eloquent re 13, Smith 11, Stillm an 1. IS, 191S, aall a t p riv a te »ate, the real production of “ Tbe Face on the Fur United States Senator ia Co«, •state belonging to said estate an d de greae; Bourne IS, Clark 7, Lane 27, Floor.” The queetieo, “ Resolved scribed aa follow s, to -w lt: 4M A n s 11 one rod sort h of the that Single Tax wostld be a good R a m p 12, Selling 30. . Up-to-date Barber Shop; in connection with Shoe and Harness repairing. F o rt Orford,- O r eg o n Curry County Abstract Rntt, Ctnpuy. (¿old B e a c h ,O r e g o n "THE BREAKERS'' An ina, Worth. While (F o r m e r ly G a u n tlc tt*s ) Newly Fitted Up; Electric Lights T A B L E UNEXCELI.FI» / GOLD BEACH, CURRY CO.. ORE- H ot and C old T ub and S hown « B ath » F irst C lash Barn and Oarage in Connection, Affording all Conveniences for Saddle Horses, Teams, AutorAbiles and Motorcycles GENERA^ Blacksmithing Wagons and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock, also Agent for All Kinds of Farming Im plements; McCortmck .Mowers, etc. Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a 1 easonabie price. Your patronage solicited. BEECHER JE SS P o rt O r fo r d , O r e g o n WILLIS T WHITE, S r doyn ,r°® Langw» >«<!»> Real Estate Notary Public Port Orford, Oregon K N A P P H O TEL,' 'Tort Orford, Oregon, WATCHMAKER £* WM. ELLIOTT Lep, U, 8. Mineral Surveyor Ha.Tejwst received a. Large S h ip m en t o f S tone Crocks. See our W indow as you go b y P o rt O rford F u rn itu re & H ard w are S tore. U rods, thenee Sooth St ro<ts and thenee east M rods to place o f beginning, coo tain log 13 acres, leas one rod off the w e s t. rid tor an aaaewav T h a t said la w ! w ill be sold for cash In hand. Persona who sear dee I re to purchase eaid land mav see me at my home in Laagtote, Oregon, any day from this date up to the day of eale. Thia tfctu- ber »«th, 1911. _ „ i. „ M a e . C, M . U rro a , A d m in istrator o f the Estate of George L. Taylor, deceased. Mtier *"« - thing for the state of Oregon’* was debated, H . T. 8tewart aad John Gillinge having the affirmative and E. J. Loney and N . H . Larson tbe negative. M. T. W right, Rev. Young end Harvey James acted as judges sod gave their decision in favor of the affirmative. Good ar gumenta were presented by both sides, and tbe sense of the meeting seemed to be in opposition to Single Tax. Mrs. H . T . Stewart acted as chairman in place of the President, Mrs. W. H . Meredith. F o r S ecretary o f S ta te ; Kennedy 11, Olciftt 63, Uejdaway 18, Ryan 9, White 4. For Justice of th e Suprem e C o a rt; B r ig h t f o ~ K » k t a jfi, flto r ir y lS , Weaver, 14. ---- ---------— Fur Dairy and Food Commission er; Baran 13, Dunbar 3, Lea 16, Mickle 44. * F o r Railroad C o m m iaio ner; V o g e l 6, Campbell h4. For Judge of the C ireoit Coart; Harris 47. For Prosecuting Attorney: Brown 74. Caano« 14, Cardwell 7, Long 4. For Sen»ror: Smith 34, Stemmier 30. When You Think twff__ _ SiXKSsrssinir, DOORS - WINDOWS - MOULDINGS ¿njrt&izi? jroo Need in M ill W irk W rite ns for P rices or a n y Informa tion ye n Need in th is Line N orth Bend M anufacturing C<> I M o i ’ t l i JU o i m I , O i * c | g o n