Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1912)
ya—adiww«— . THK T itp Ü N K laiura, but its takin g effect waa de ferred t ill 1915, tbu* extending the •W K M iE H O A Y OCT 23 1912. .. — •«' ■“ 1 '■ . "»■*■" ’ * W" Pahliahud Every We lnewlay, by HAKU Y M E W AU T. . i t « * » » » « ™ » » '* - * Devoted to the Interest of Socialism unspeakable graft o f lha present ! Stale P rin ter, to 1915. The bill th at we vote on pula the la p in to effect Dec. 1, 1912, thtt» »toppina I» n T»nrs of the grail I ’lie ball«»! t 'loilta r I» 3?H. Note Yea. The Grange Good« h ili «■ «UBSCKIKTtOX KATKe. Vote Yea. «Owe Copy One Y ear ....... flJW 32-4 «One Copy Six M onth»,,............... . - re T he h ill to exem pt from U x ntiu n to •One (Dopy Thri*» Mouths............... ali h«*»»»eliold effect» is p a ^ in .w h ic h rich people, th<>«r having such ef- » Tl»« priuiea a44rw*OB yt»< r p»t*r a I 4bow uihe«laia U» wblcfc , < m i v »ub-> ft-cta lo Uie am ount ol ihouaaBila of 9 wri|*i<* •• I**14 ’ .lollaia, are v ita lly iatere»te«l;z in fact it wa* they who caused the D r. Anne Shaw paid K 'ir " > - V pt.(p>t»ii»*M to ««•»ulm iiileil. W h ile ' Debe a high oum pliinent when »be the average ir-u —U -M would eave was in Oregon recently. She said, only a p *lty w a «l«Hlar», city people that »he was not a Socialist bul th at who,»port coatly fu yiitu ce , pictures, »he recogbiard a man when »he »uw musical instrum ent* and Car,«et», 4>neand that D ebaalraddlal nuthiug would esca,«e Targe »umw’.if f tnxe», ¿ihe tpok a »lap a t each o f tiie other to Ite made up by h ig h er tax»» on ¿three prraidettUal candidate«. the farm.» »«"I luwues of the poor. The article» «ppearioi under thia eapti>u are edited by the So i'Ial‘;t party of Curry eutfuty, to whom the spue? has been 40Id, w>th tho understanding that personalities hr avoided and that the editor of thb paper waives all responsibility therein. S O C IA L IS T T IC K E T . ; F iv e F a v o r a b le Font PasMofctT—Eugene V. Deba. F ob V ick I ’anatuxwT Emil Seidel. S tatic P latform ano T icket . ont want In vole. Among the aieksures on the bal A »m all B A N K O K propor , in any given ciuttm unlty tat 1 aaknig for the Im lloL is i h t l not j 'tru e in your town? | real want? P ro g re s s iv e M e a s u re s . K. J. l.oNKY, Cashier. There aie over lUO.UOt) women in Ì Oregon. T h a m ajoaity of (hem do ‘ 1 li<«n M any o f them are C. \V. ZuM'VAl.T ! Lovi» K n a p p , Vro». W o m e n ’s R ig h ts I O l l i ’’ «» YOUR BANKING BUSINESS 80L K T I « W h a t do the J j actively np i I poted. T o put upon these women a re*,«Ou»ibiltty from which they have ! been rxem ptm l and which limy, do 1»O 1«T N O B A N K W IL L H A N D L E YCUR POR1 C 'L. 0 -r- B U S IN E S S B E T T E R t. i lot f o /t h e ,utopie of Uregon to de ’ not wish to asatime it not-“ W om an’s cide thia election are a>me progrès I Right«.” party of Oregun, convention assembled, co hereby affirm atre p ro po sio ns th at i f enacted w ill our allegiance to the principle« and . . . ... M an y of them are indifferent. T he platform of the National Socialiat Par- »hove the world glong a little and reiterate our ty, And ........__„ - allegiance . _ „ to the justify other people, follow ing thia indifferent male voter is one of the principles of International Socialism. serious problems of the present »lec commonwealth. T h e tfrwt on the P residential E lectors . locate. W ould you add to it u large O. Henry Olsen, Deer Island; George bailut I» 300 X Y E S ; equal suffrage body o f votes aVowedly im liff* rent? Dabyitx, Falla I CitY; C. W. Brants, of fur h alf our ad u lt people now die The demand for woman suffrage Ashland, H. J. Butter, of Portland; P. franchised. No m atter w hat the is the demand th a t woman sh all as- Lewis, of Lebanon. women < ìq with the ballot nor how , ■th men in I f . S. S enator B. F. Ramp, Brooks. few ,.t t h e * gant it. it should be in r ' ,ne , n " I “ “ ' ’ h“ ,e S ecretary o r 8 tate -George Hins the ret pour» bi lily of c»rr)H >x th« the hands of those who do w ant It . .. . . . dale, Portland amt win, o n r to ltlj «ved it. iiM Vernm ent « f tht €»«>. «he btate, jusnc-S o r S ufuxms C ourt -C . C. K allot num ber 353. Vote No. ,P1 . . 1 the I t means she ► I» h I I en- /M o n e y U s e d to D e fe a t W o m a n R fa c li? n c ry J t ' l o w i n g M achine»«. 1 he inuet iw p o rtau t measure o n , . . . Brix. Pineville. , I t would be amusing i f i t were the ballot o f r fundam ental n a tu re 1 **r w uh W" »rena. K r F ood and D airy C ommissioner 1 S u ffr a g e , 1 J^*¿ K x t r a n fo i T > « ir y in jjj O s b o r n e , not disgusting to wijness the strife Mierovita, Portland. is the peo ple Power- a m e n d m e n t'/1 U/ n »* •»“ » • M i l w a u k e e M a c h in e r y . between Woodrow W ilson and The C ongressman - W . S. Richards, Albany N V 362 X Y E S I t gives the peo confl ct °P ,n "*n9' I n tbi» issue ol the Tajauxic w ill ««lore Roosevelt on the score of who — pie more powa.; secures a ll p a rt.e s 'of » » « « Ina w ith it pub he C urry C ounty T icket . A ms noted an article headed ‘•Women’» is the hest.friend of ‘•labor” ) Both J oint S en . > P a in t s , O ils & S t u m p in g P o w d e r real representation; abolishes t h e , ’“ « * " « * • «’ujhl,c »*ubllC R ig h ts” opposing the extension of have record« in thia behalf th at J oinx R ep . -E . B. Hall, Port Orford. , u,etem slate senate; strengthens the «,u«Her marebings, i > - 3 he suffrage rig ht to women. W e ought to »hame them in to silence J udge - Samuel Van Pelt, Cbetco. in itia tiv e .n d r e f e r e n d a ; provide. Publ,c <»‘ * « ‘ « « « p«bl.O q u e . F i n e l i n e o f G u n s , B a s e b a ll p a r a zeceired the article through the C lerk , -J. C. Chastain, Denmark. on the s u ite d of the laboring class. to d of the characier of public p h e r n a l ia , a n d o t h e r S p o r t i n g SHERtrr—A. B. Townsend, Gold Beach. a num twr of r tum or change« an<1 . (ions, m ail aeveral daya ago, and oue |*tr ... . . . . . , . , W ilson insisted in one of hia books T reasurer — . - » .I .u i i - candid alee, and a ll other incidents lio n of i t im tnediately ajqiauled every clause ttrvuglhene the hands G o o d s k e p t in S to c k . that Labor Union tactics were ip A ssessor — H. B. Steiner, Port Orford. of the people; Therefore the plute 0 * ® palgn. forcibly and higioaily to our rea»ou i mica I to -production for export, S chool S iipt V , . , .... . I 11 is not democratic, n o rju s t, nor ing faculty— help» • '» publication. D o o r s a n d W i n d o w s i n .v a r ie t y •organs am! professional politicians I „ . . . . . . , , w hile Roosevelt was author o f the C oroner — Pratt Nelaon, Port Orford. r fa ir to d ra ft this large body of worn- J h i« appealing elenn-nl wa* nolhiog are asutnst iL . . . . c o n s t a n t ly k e p t o n h a n d . S urveyor — “ O|«en Shop” idea which would u ,i . • en in to this campaign against th eir ,]«*»» than a .perfectly good and Ir compel Union workers to toleri«to4^—^ “ ,,^ , * * ,r W. W. Wilson, Harbor. T h e n e it measure on the ballot is, i e n P ort or port O rford C ommissioners — the graduated and specific tax and w ills. (gaily executed check drawn in our P ip e F i t t i n g s , P l u m b i n g a n d T i n “scabs” in all ahopa and on a ll joha. G. W. Sydnam, J. B. Nodine, Denmark. exem ption measure, i t is called the X _ T h ia is the sixth tim e the fa v o r for service« to lie rendered. N o t o nly this, but be did all of Oregon have been asked to vota w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n s h o rt S im ila r piece» marked “ paid ad graduated single tax aineiulineot, . . . » « t ,l<3 he could W K «s»a sia to w secure r v u io uiavi the w con a s .-' . upon this question iu »pita of the n o tic e . TCrUMiBMtU* are a p p a ili tut through . . - . _ « but in fact i f any p«<opie nl a oounty • .. . . . .. . . f viction o f the three workingman . . . i i i U c l tb e i every two y e ira the oppo « . t Itw state, am! indicate th .< ......... ........... do hot wish to step toward th e sin-1 . . , , . after they had been kidnapped from You can’t pull the bunk Kkeyou uaed to sitiou to it lias merraeed so th a t in tbuuaaiid* upou llioo»«nila of dol gle tax provided for, they c«u etim Colorado into Idaho. H e haa often By waiving the flag round your head. 191U suffrage carried in o n ly one » lar» a n heiug qpent to defeat thio ale a t atfy general or special election »|K>kea 1» praise of O rover Cleve Ik olden days no aan refused to county in Oregon, sod in th a t one amendment, i t is a well known w ith an iiiitia tiv e petition,. I t puts Believe every word that yah said; land for sending the regn U r arm y L a n g lo is , O r . by flve vote», tbe total vote being /a e t th at thia money cornea from Yon couM talk about “ nationa despotic’' more o f the burden o f iM fation u p to Chicago to d rire starving men 3b,2rff fur suffrage, the smallest vote That “ menaced ns” over the sea. * Abe breweriea and liquor inUreal» of on the big owners nf valuable land, hack w ta the Pu llm an shop», and And people said, “ how patriotic * for it siuue l9O 0,au d 50,063 against, ,|ha Male. .A n d this money is one beginning its graduations a t 910,000 in a message to Congress he urg«,| That kind of a speaker must bet” a m ajo rity of 23,795. ^*4 the atruugest argum riils th at can I t púlele»« n|»,n the- home owners the enactm ent of a law a d m ittin g Bul wiH doubtgou. 1 T h e Ureguu Stale Association ha used in favor of W om an Suffrage and home workers, ar.d m akia p«a- Asiatic» in the Voting privilege Sa-e Though you wrap yourself up in the flag, Oppcaeit to tbe Extension of the -and knocks into a “ cocked h at” the 81 ble to' a greater degree the »«-curing follo w in g rccuiniueiKlatinn by M r. They grin and ask questions about you Suifrage to Wuuieu a»ka th a t you grery »taiu n en i» that i l p»y» to have H«row w it tu 1906: of a borne by those who w ant one, * - i Until you are limp as a rag. i . l ': , . give this am endm ent your earnest published; that is llia t the womau J “ I reemntnend |o the Congrrv« Th*> w“ ‘ w bnow just how you voted and the retaining of a home by those * consideration, aud th a t you deleet Voter w ill not better condition». I f th at m> act be pawed specially p r o - , On every blame measure-and why? who bave one. 1 H .th is tim e by so great a p lu ra lity (Suvceseor to R. C. Kleinen.) w on't, w hy do lha liquor in te r-j aid in g for lha naturalixalion o f And all of your bunk sugar-coated. I l goièt no furlher in th iedirectin.- „ , . good Japan*** who ».m e here intend ing i * « • ’» M i» you a bit to get by. ìh a n ih» land and l . x l.w e ,,f nsta pay th is vael am ount .of lu beooius Ameri- an cittfc-n». ¡ Aina far the fate of the nation! isb Òolumhta. A lb erta, New Zw l.nd l>orUd’ m “* ‘ ** '’ °f ¿uuuey to keep her fiom votlngT “ E ven a» th» law sow is, some The oU hands will have to let go. >. »¿d N.U-FÓUH, Wah-s b u i t h . b. ‘ U * l * » H * o f O r o g « u , . « d acknow l- T h a t because sits voles, woman thing n n be done under lit« Federal Thu cynikaL dbw generation. edge that the m «J«rity rules in w ill have to assume and discharge G overnm ent toward th n «nd, and Knows mere than itrightiy should know Interests of the state arearou»ed be O rfo rd , 1 America. - Oiuae it’ wouhl put in to the public the raw s duties as man, Is .loo ah in the m atter now ttelof« me afl.-ci The flag Waving days are all over, «. O reuon S tate A ksimji ation surd for consideration. T h a t ”»1«« *'>« ‘ h*> -apaqS“«', e v .iy th in g that is _ j And politics loses itatene; tre«*urV- some nt the money fllched i * i * î .s’ m V P sx4k,a-< l o i tto l n ta* 11 lie i ihme L m u _ and m l a* .......... a _ a _______ _______ « . j i G rrusxD to the E xtkntton ’* nD t ja 'f r lo w i ill For a statesman can t linger in clovtr. , lle ^ » , ¡ e doesn’t want to vote ia an Its num ber is 364 ' 11 r ”4 all o f the.fprces, m ilita ry and civil, U K E q l A L b l FER.KIE TO \V oM gJI W hentite itx flc h rv e g b t t o le t la jm * YF- statement th a t there are no l 8 urt’1* <>f the U'nt:e«l State» which 1 may ., „ . - I . » « • .• ■ I l deserve* the S u pp irl o f From Milwaukee Farm jouiiir I. Bv Francis J. B ailey, Pre«. to substantiate. I t forces n ,a h in g ' la w fu lly employ w ill he so employ ___ . every man who hopes for lieltcr ^i|>oa «qoiiian, as there is no Isw ed " things-»«d who has no use for lan,| and fresh «applies w ill he received by every steamer. i» llfg illa r mi el inga of laical Bottle monopoly *n I exploUatiowe based compelling an elector Io vole. U’e^ I f this message were inti in tlie i my puipoae to keep a fa ll stock of everything roqaieet > Political know of one business man who has public archive,, at Washington m lt>a-k L txn l, first Katurday in each thereon. tra<M iu the line of In n il age* and times it has been not voted in the q>a»t ten years. plain p rint it m ight l«e denied « ill) un m «h » I 1 o’phwk I*. M . G R O C E R IE S and F K O V IS IO N 8 , J. R. STANNARD Surely it would be no great hard- more or less success. , the p.M>r who ware led to the scatful I ■ P O U T S and U H The printer seems to have badly • ih e r id v »« rarely get there as to be ship upon her for his wife to do M r. J. G. Stemmier who lakes mixed the m aterial aunt, in bv uw exceptions to the rule, and the ex Regular Republican nominee as much! M E N S and BO YS, C L O T H IN G , Hugh M clatm a place on I>em. tick , . .. . . . . . , ...a for The and lo for- • o r , L«»k , week, f will» the article of \VF \V. ceptions are rare. T o abolish cap! iu « breweries ureweriee, saloons »aionn» anti r i et . or Joint Senator from r, Coos a n d , L A D IE S ’ DR ESS G O O D - ,«igu element are the ones th a t are Curry |Bllpnrtert riRhl in M , U « l ^ . of H»«b««r, winch waa C ounty C i . erk tai putoiahmeiit in Gregon » ill lie to H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W A R E . m aking the organis«* Agbl a g *in » t(one dirw!i i(,Ot he t>e w i„ try ,h ’ w’* k before in tlie sdvkneafit along the line« of hu- Woman Suffrage. Doe. this appeal , of l h - amateur | columns. J no Qvale. m auitarianism and common sense. C IG A R S , T O B A C C O , F I F E ' WM. TOLMAN peal th at part to yon, to have this class control A lderm an’s law foisting o h'lhe tax Most of the guilty murderers who C A N D Y ,.N U T S and N O T IO N S . T h e undersigned candidates for and lim it the lib e rty o f your mother, payers “ Supervisors of Education” V- stand upon the rcnffbld sie the pro Regular Republican nominee : the position of *iminii>«t«ners of the In fact, a supply of everything usually kept ia * wall Rife, sister or sweetheart? ducts of Society itself. W ith So for at 6100 |ier inonth each. I t waa to Fort of Fort O rfo rd , hereby pledge Oeneral Merrhandlae Store. ciety adoiiniatoring justice there C ounty A ssessor q u a lify D r. McCormack for one of omselves to the lim it of our a b ility (Coos B ay N ews .) O RDERS T X E R N FOR ANY A R T IC L E NOT IX STOCK. would be no murders. To vote 366 these poeilious in his “ cabinet” that to do a ll we can to prevent the dis j Superintendent Bunch, falsely rep , fc, |(1|ion of (||e ¡ecorporaUt>a Ule X Y E S is to vote for real justice J. 0 . STEMMLER V r . W alter, while hun ting on re«enting th at McCormack had h»d at at p o rt ,,f port Orford W ill also iub- and hum anity and to push fu rth er Isthm us slough Sunday, killed one iei,ded (he Board of Exam iners at back tbe dark age«. Independent Candidate for in it a ll iui porlanl subjects including of the largest bocks that baa ever January session, issued to him a Iillfi dirfiCi No 332 X Y E S secure* eight / J oint S enator ■ issue o f bonds and levy of taxes, to been killed in thia section. The certificate, , hours *» a d a y ’s w ork in a il |«uhlic dating same back I a vote oftlie 'lis tiic t. IVe wish fu rth Coos and Curry Counties deer which was unusually fat drew And this episode suggests another er to sav that we w ill not call for em ploym ent, guarantee« w orking ’W* n ' • thought. I l has been urged by men IbeiT pay when employed b , an elec« ion to vole for bonds or a VO TE FOR A t a meeting o f the Fort Cominis »hallo« m i t h a t , it we el«h t “ men ta iF irith o u t a demand by petition tub contractor», nnd while not fun damental and only m ild ly pallia- »ion ycateiday M i ordinance »a sm - of p hq ierty” to office, such w ill not rom the voters of the. district. ! liv e heTpS Io n ail down the eight troduced (Woviding for a bond issue be apt Io »teal! Dr. McCormack ia In d e p e n d e n t C a n d id a te ---------: 0 . W . tfVD N A X . ' hour day for future development of 9300,000 of which sum 9 ISO,000 a w salthy man, yet he lent himself fo r J ohn R. N odine C o u n ty C le r k 1 and strips a contem ptible fraud ia to be offered to the government Ui a »utuerfuge such as would have Worke«! d id he comm on laborer by Li aid ir, je tty improvem ent, and shamed a H o tten to t, and aii fur the Five D a n g e ro u s M e a s u re s . eoi‘‘ Has hod year» of experience in office 930,000 to aid in widening and deep- graft o f 9100 |*ir m onth— a.Binecure I „ . . . , . ' work, and ia old enough to properly The ftjfl and progress ei>ing lb« channel in the harbor. as toalutiea. YOU* business. Vote No on 309. This law pre ________ The M . B. D o lla r passed down the And there are other g raft* and vents (>eople from having n vote on jv e m anures to vote for are 900, 362-' 364, 36ij apd 332. hay Thursday but did not arrive a t ' " 'b e r sinecures anugly stored away all lax laws, and provides for refer B id * W an t«*d . Equal (suffrage, proportional rep 4hw bar i n lim e to crow out on t h e 1«" u ‘e amateur lobbyist I* w. endum on la x law» w ith apimrenl rraenlalion an«t Him plicity in guv Hood tide- Hhe look on ahoiH 2( ' ia the provision for a gang of p e ri-) Healed bid* are aeked fur the delivery regard for that institution by em in e n t, rpev.iflc graduated land of 135 cedar telephone p«l«~, to be in OUU.OOO feet of lum ber at the Sm ith pateti® vagrants who go forth in.tlie sp littin g what should be ona-- l a * value InX, sixililio n of capital pun-1 ¡n the «'onstroetìou of a telephone line i»hment and the p ublic serviceeigfat I from the town of Fort Orford to Elk m ill, and in addition had I.OUOtons character o f ''In stru cto r«” at Teach j i „ ( O tw enty bills. r’ ste.b5 p U ra to 'l^ w rto |fltora, n » f e e t ; 1 • h ,H * * F u rP°*« k e ,P * ful1 «lock o f e v e ry th in g required ' 5 hour day. o f fuel coal im Ihiard and 60,000 Institu te«, fur whose servicee(f) V o lt No on 305 and 307. in length ; not 1 pm than six inonrs ¡ d feM of hardwooil lum ber, which »lie ‘ he aeveml cuunliea are required lu , Noa. 333, 355, 35V are draw n by trade in tha line of diametpr at or top end, and the brought from M anila and which »he l* Y - ' W e «hall hope th at if Mr. a cotnmisaion and are Intended to N O T IO N top end to be roofed or wedge shape, w ill diaeharge at Kalama', on the Stem m ier is elected Senator (o r who foil 364. A d ra ia ia tra to r 'a S a le o f Roast and the bottom end k> be aquare. G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , These telephone poles to be delivered P r o p e r ty . Colum bia. T h e bar was rough Fri ever else may he) he w ill attack the Nos. 309, 311, 323 are intended ►HOF at or near the p>>te«, |>o|e lor pole, of tbe Cooa Bay Telephone Go’s, potee, day, and the big Mud the new school statute in detail and try to stab the in itia tiv e w ith the in- • . Notice4» her»l>y given that, In pur within tbe epaee mentioned,—Port O r M E N ’S and B O Y ’S C IX M H L N G , Redundu laid a t anchor in ilia lower to make i t workable. I tent ion o f paralysing it, i f not da- suan«» o( an outer of the Hon. Countv ford and Elk river. Two mortises are tVmrt, elated < **. T, 1919. in tlie matter L A D IE S ’ D R E 8 8 G O O D S be made in eech po.e. ««acta 4 inehea bay u n til Saturday,; »heu - they As to teachers’ salaries, J f the | alroyiitg it. of ilia e s t a t e of Geotpe U Taylor, <te- to wkle and Inehe» deep; oue of them F A N C Y G O O D S, woman is not oompeteut ait« ahould nrnssif. L the undcroienad Admiaiatre- oruascd-oul. V o le against 369 and 371. Thera inch«« from top of pole, tlie other tor of said «»fate, will, on November 10 feet below tee above. not ba am ployad; i f ah* is oompe two are attacks upon free speech- 13, 1919, sull at private sale, the real C IG A R S , T O B A C C O , P IP E S , Two lioiea must be bored through the C U R R E N T T O P IC S . ng to said eetaaa and da- «e a t n r of each mortise to property ad te a t aba is entitled to the same , Soma o f the other maaawraa m ay scribed as follows, to-w lt: C A N D Y . N U T S and N O T IO N S . oowpanaalion as man receive. There ba costly, and some useless, hut any Beginning at a polntone rod north «if tea m it a bolt W inch in diameter. “ 8 . 1 . Corner of the 8. K. 4 of the 8. W. bid may Include dfaging of hoi«w far B y J I I. U ftom . ia no do«lgiDg of this logic. of them could pass and not do one In fa c t, a su p ply 6 f everyth in g uaually kept In a w ell stocaeJ Gem these poles, said holes to be not I of Sec. 1«. Tp. 31 8 .. R. 1« West, E d ito r T bimixc ; They have copied our County law cent of the damage to the rights tliene«» north 31 rod«, thence w««*t HU than 4 feet In depth, and the poles Merchandise Store. w hen properly eet to be banked at the L a l ua not lurgrt to vote N O op O ption tax law iu C alifo rn ia and of hum anity th at the above five r.»ls. tbetMW South 24 r>«l« *ad (hence foot or baa«L Tlie-e poles are to be aet ru tS O rp ii« to place of heginnin where stakes w ill be (onud within the puatte 909- This is th« bill proposed w ill, w ithout douhl, adopt it a t No would perpetrate. containing 13 acres, leas one H»1 apace mentioned. by lha “ In te r*« « ” to repeal County vetnber vlection. Thus the day we I would urge you to vote N O on tne West, • ml lor an raeeway. Bids will be received up to October That »aid land Mill be sold for cash 26, l «12, the voinpany reserving the Houte Rule in la x matters. have to vote down a h ill promoted 3 0 3 ,3 0 7 ,3 0 9 ,3 1 1 , 323, 353. 355, in ( and. Peraon* who may desire to purchase right to reject any or alt bid». Adijroaa T b * T bibunb advises against the by the “ higher upe” to repeal Coun 857, 869 and 371. »aid land may see me at my home In * ___________ Six«», E lk TaLKrnoMK Co., - JXo. Q vai . k . adoption of Stala F riu to r b ill, mis ty Hom e R ule law , C alifornia w ill Langiafa, Dreg««, any day from this Fort Onord, Oregon. date up to «he day ol sale. This Octo tak in g it for “ F la t h a la iy ” measure. ba eotiag to adopt it. The ballot Call and Examine Goods, and get Prices. ber IStb, 1912. No. is 309 Vote No! ' M bs . C. M Vrroe, - F la t Salary” ia already the law I fa* Fk f F Ifbi « ■ . « ««< Man e**«*,««* Administrator of ihe Estate <>( ?m«ar tu k n i« , « xe* «■* bre a» fací (i r»- wbhib was passed by tha last Legfa U N g to i«, Or. 41» George L Taylor, daoeaeed. ur m> w c o •? to Langlois Hardware Store - Hardware of all Kinds Cheever ® Bowman. r AMES S. JOHNSTON GENERAI« MBRGHXN'r. TXÏÏW GOODS, Annoaneemeuts.. Call and examine goods and g et prices. H. W. DONAHUE JOHN 8, MILLER. GENERAL MERCHANT. P o rt Orford, Oreuron* Has opened a new Store, with * N E W G O O DS, 1 Orders T a b for AojtliiD? not io Slock. • I JOHN K. MILLKfc