r W h a rf Discussion. The Osprey called at the w harf, Christian Endeavor opens at 7:15 ----------- -- for a few minutes Sunday afternoon from now on. Leader for next Sunday, Misa Lottie Rickman. j„ early days education was fur E- L>. White* who went to Sun while on her way to Coos Bay. The W . C .T . U. w ill bold a ’ An intereat.ng account of a game th«*« *ho«X)nhl pay the price .Each Francisco on a business trip a com - 11 public meeting i„ thechurch, N o v .o f baseball played in Port Orford in applicant elected and paid lor what t i i ) l l l B e a c h y O r e g o n pie of weeks ago, returned home via. Now we have; | Bandon Monday, I. Program announced later. * 1879 will be found arrtbng the Cooa he t ot e ________ socialised school». Which method Bay Newt _____ items . . in . _________ this issue. ¿1© one CAN do your work better. Miss E u ilh Lusk came down from There was e meeting of the Port , s i i e preferable? No one W ILL do it cheaper. M yrtle Point last week and a, » mu wed I coin mie-ion in town last Saturday, ... W hen going up tue mount«ia We used to have toll roads, and ¡chaige of the primary room in our attended by lire three local commit- south of town last week W . B. M il j , hore whll cou|,t pay traveled them, (F o rm e rly G au lt M ett *aj , 'bury'» little dog treed « large panth the oU, era going aoine other way. W. A. WOOD, ^school Monday. er within a few feet of the oou“»Y | We have , dcgree of socialised roads Manager,; Charley Gauntlett passed up the _ The steamer Brooklyn called in j road. I t waa evening, and as Mr. | coast several days ago returning to late Monday evening and received today. t a b l e unexcelled --- . w#g g t, B< whe„ l|w v s North Bend, where he is employed. about h alf a million shingles for M ilbury had nothing to »hoot with be had to leave i t The next d*y 1 w a i| was carrled (,y private carrier after a few weeks spent visiting his shipment to Kan Francisco. Johnny Fromm put his dogs io n Hs fof profil #| #boul 65c # T(> parents at Gold Beach. Lp-tb-date Barber Shop; in Dame Rumor has it that the k n o t' lrBn t but it treed out of hearing and connection with Shoe and The big three m.istnd steamer will De tied today which w ill unite l gol away_ a few days later Oscar day we have a socialised PostGliiCe, H ot and C old T bb and S hower B ath « P h »co lorn.* into our port this a prominent young Sixes river far p (Wt sew another large panther in managed by those whose interv.-is Harness repairing. F irst C lash Barn and Garage in Conneotion, are opposed to the growth of social i morning as we wt-ie going to press, iner to a charming M yrtle Point the field on tbe Heads. His dog al Affording all C ouvenieneos for Saddle ¡stic.th.it, and there are some even A*«rt O r fo r d , O r e g o n and has sent ashore for Or. Gian- «chooltua am. so treed it, bat having Only a 22 i now who think the old methods arc j Horses, Team s, A ulom obik s and Motorcycles i . nation, next door to Bank. ville to attend aside lady passenger. Richard Donaca, who moved his ri tile “ Bud" decide.! that discretion the beat. By a system of indirect Salmon have been schooling oflf family from Wtdderburo to Bandon was the best part of valor,and again taxation our government manage-; • H A R D Y T. 8 T E W A R T the Bandon bar during the past a moo tit or so ago, passed through the beast ekçaped. to collect the greater part of the V , « . C O M M IS S IO N E R I m m ilh, and some phenomenal catch town Saturday moving hack again. revenue from the poorer and middle, V o r t O r t b r < l , £ > re jfo u . Roosevelt Shot. class, while, IN FACT, all tile revenbe! ¡es with a troll have been • reported. He saya that C utry county is grxxl is actually collected from the work­ Office days tn town—Tuesday, Wed­ I t Is claimed that one bfat caught a enough for him for a while yet. thigwiitid fish in (b rasjlefs. J A. B Carey was i„ town the 1st- The following telegram was re ing class. Yes; all aud moue — lig nesday and Satu<4»y«^e«ch week. lo ceived at Port Orford yesterday.: ore it out and see! E . J. Loney haasigned a contract ter part of Inal week on’ his way 4 - ----------------- — — i ----------r - « M 1 W <1 »«Kbee ww maOel Milwaukee, Wia., Oct. 14.— Theo Mr. Adolphsen says that those h it stock ranch neA’r Corbin. The calling for 50,000cedar railroad lies. W. U. MEKEDITH dore Roosevelt was shot while rest­ who use the wharf are paying fur The moat of these lies w ill be rawed place has lieen rented for several Of'fuBNEY AVb^éü VNB tLLO K years to Messrs. Nelson and Tanner ing in a hotel here by an unknown the accommodation. Yes, and that out by the m ill which the shingle AT LAW man yaid to bey« Scoialist. The is not all they are paying, nor all X • m ill company expect to have in op­ but M r. Carey will assume charge * ,-H - • wound is nut considered dangerous. they are paying for, nor all that are again in tbe near future. PO U T O llF O U U , OKEGQN eration by tbe Oral of n e jt month. The wouldbe assassin was captured paying. Tbe merchaut adds costs A crew of nu n oowpoaed of Hen The butcher shop baa beet, doing and take? to prison in an auloroo of goods, freight, wharfage, draysge J. H U N T L E Y , a good business since It started up-, ry Adolphsen, Sieve Sixwrl, Carl bile. -A crowd of about 2000 fol­ and an estimated per cent for haw, 7 x T O H N E Y J L v JUA.W . and it proprietor, M. T . Wright, W hile, Robt., Lor rin ami Berlin I lowed tbe auto with threats ot nr.d upon thia amount jie calculates Forty, under the supervision of Wagons and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock, claims the distinction of having the lynching. The prisoner told the hie per cent of plofii to find the sell­ OVLB BEACH, OREGON, Furestcr M ilbury, commenced last ortTy meat market for a stretch of also A gent for Al£ Kinds of Farm ing Im ­ police that any man asking fur a ing |x ice, gad 1« n Middle Elk. The work ingiater. A. G- M iller, who hoi been night will take about three weeks. that mailer, pave, not according to Wood and Iron Work prom ptly done at a uirty years practice In the Comity, the lU-neflIS derive,! nor according watching in the shingle m ill for the 1 easonable price. Your patronage solicited. Jits. Whitney of Loa Angeles, who Local Telephone Company Or- lo the amount of taxable pro,» itv past year, has resigned his position —-MH55C—S=5 has been in CoOs county for the past W, A. WOOD pos-cssi <1, hut acroi'ding to the M and has taken a contract to furnish > ganized. - year, looking up black yand mines, attornby at w w pacity for eousiimplioii and need uedar log« for the m ill the company was in town a ooupie of days since for good- purcliR-ed. Nor du those will toon have in operation. Mr. Ae will be teen by tbeir call for OULU BEACH. OJttGOH. our last issue returning from a trip who deal at other place« «scape, tho Mauiiee is nigbtwatching in the bids, in another plaoe in this issue, to Rogue river. Mr_ Whitney lias Í Le» » they may be side to say that they place yaeated J>¥ Mr. Miller. . the Elk Sixes Telephone Company a machine which he says is tbe "on­ M. LEE PEMBERTON »«w* do not help Fort Oiford nor Currv b pwunaz i has been orgnuiced and a line will A tty. J . O, Stemmier of Myrtle ly thing*' for saving the beach gold, PHYSICIAN county, but they pa) ju -t the same. be immydinlely put bp ak far north Point lus announced himself at an lie says ha is going to o|>er«te ou I f they did not there wotrld be ni independent democratic candidate iwth Coos nod Curry county ocean as Elk river. The best metallic Urti ce at Langlois Hptel, murked difference in tire piice of system wi(l be used, and the line . ' for Joint Senator of Coos and Qtirry Roches. L anglois , O kkoon goods between hews and other places w ill eveutually be-extended to up counties. M r. Stemmief*e Candida U — '• i- over and above what now exists. per Bixee. The incorporators of tlie cy seems to be'meeting witlioonsid- Ellis-Myers. coiiipaiiy are W illis T . White, 8 r ., You will never know how tuucli you erable favor in Cooe, and it will.not are paying, nor who ie gelling the be surprising if he gives lion. I. S. On Friday, October 110», 1912. Win. Gillings aud John McKenzie. rakeoff, until you adopt a system of I t is a move towards community Smith a run for the money. Ju-tioe M . T. W right |a.rformed tbe neat Distate Notary Public direct taxation and collective own development and will undoubtedly Supervisor Marsh has been doing ceremony which united in marriage ership as to those utilities n*ed by receive the liherel support of our some good work rucking tbe ro«d in Mr. Andrew Ellis and Miss May farmers. For brevity it w ill h , a ll the people. Then yeu can save and near town during the past deek. Myers, two popular young people known ss the Six f i k line, and will profit and get better sergicv, increase ,i —— J'be «oral part 'of tbe Hubhyrd’a of E lk 0vcr. t. L. A. ROBERTS, be managed ulong (ha,same lines as yoor trade end enrich the comuiu Tbe groom has leased M. L . Bai- à fO U N E Y A X R A W . creek h ill has Itetn rocked as has rett’s E lk river farm, wl»ere the the Southern U urry Telephone Co. nlty. Under a tonnage-eharge system been the road leading out of town Phones w ill lie installed for $2 per tho Im lk of the burden falls upon * ä ly ille P u lu t, O regon. • through Jackson afreet, and besides happy young couple have taken up month, which charge may be reduo the worker and productr, and i« in this the r.jad to the wharf has.-been their home. Tbe T kibu m x extends fact a tax upon th rift and energy ed as more come onto the line» given a similar treatment— thia lie- congratulations. Prutisw business a specialty. and tbe needs of the toiling n.asscs, Success to-the enterprise. ing paid fur by local subscription. for the benefit of the resident owner R ailro ad Surveyors in Tow n. of Urge landed estates, and more Marshal Nay was shaking hands J. J. STANLEY (Coos Bay New».) especially for the benefit of n«»- with his many friend» in this tiain - The crew of railroad surveyors re f*. ity last week, having come ^uwn Uwje The old Arcata, our stand by in resident owners. Tbe resident own­ ported in laet week’s paper as being from Marshfield on business fdr his in tbe vicinity of Langlois nre now early days, was lately sold in San er of a thousand uine- of land doing domiciled at iheKnapphotel. They I Francisco to Oleon & Malm,my fo r fe it« , less business over the wharf I o <4L IE L E , - . - O R E G O N uncle, Joseph Nay. He reports the $3,600, and is to be used a» a lu m -! then a laborer with a tsam and «a-1 latlei's health to be good and that are S'lUlliern Pacific men, and are ber carrier in the coast trade. I l is ' g»o *nd a family to -n , |-irl, while ibere was no truth to the re|x,rt that checking up the old survey made said that she will lx. repaired, ai d the nonresident dix-a no bu.incsa his mind was failing although he is TAe blades >e guarantee to through here -oiuu five years ago. she tm.loubteflly needs something blit receives a |#rnuinenl ineiease in getting quite feeble. Marshall has Tlit- p«riy coo-iata of fourteen men tabe and hold an edge Port Orford, Oregon, the value of his lau-hd property. recently returned from attending and will cooliuue on down the coast of the kind, as the last lime we »aw her it hx ked us if a fresh coat of I t is tbe.holder of taxable property KNAPP P r o p r i e t o r race meets at Porllund, Salem, Scio, to Kurekx, , excellent oMOftarant Eugene and M yrtle Point. He had paint was all that holds her togeth who is by far thegreatei Ixnel’.oiaiy Whethei this move means husi and who often entirely c -in |-s his his own running horse Charley Foe F.rst-claas in every respect. • nres or is only n bluff to forestall er. Just proportion of maintaining ter and J. L K nigh t’s, Arlx-lla. Out The cannery et Marshfield was some rival conijainy and hold their . o , d Feed Stable attached. wharf under the tonnage an t fve of ten starts he got seven firsts and old -urvey. can only lx- guessed at. blocked with salmon the greater system. f / a v s ju s n - c c e . v jt one third. I t is a gixxl sign, however, aud in portion of last week, and the crew Don’t think that because your tux ( J r o c k s . S o i OUP W i n d o w &S YOU g O A_e run the fltage from Port Orford The Peterson fam ily gave e show eople, tbe music and leg-r J. H . U P T O N , deinnin nets being good,’ all hough fiom the Inferior that Port Orford ) The balance ol tbe cbinooka and TAXM. s.,me of the town sports were badly i-p ra y in g for and confidently ex ; silverside* are being (Mitued. Toe .»O TAR Y PLRLiC, The owners of Port Orfoid wharf taken in when they attended the peels in the not far removed future, j priue psi'l lb«'fishermen is 6c per do not run tliat pro|xrty for their pvV.Lv« L anolois , Cesar Co., Oaaooa. 2c per ______ ________ i pound for chinooks and Jo second night because of the an­ health, unless there is an element of | N otw ith­ nouncement that moving pictures M any Candidates Vi»tt P o rt pound for silversidee. health in profit, and still another in standing the large number of boats of the Jeffries Johnson fight would O rfo rd . future prospects. The people pay fi-hermen are making good money. be showh. Tbe pictures consisted of more than they need to, and that a few slides of tiff fighters that were During the part week a number [ 1,1 *f,ei,e Price» for Inferior service. inferior to m a n /c u ts that appeared of rsndiiltties have been in town In seleoting news to> the " E a rly ; I want to say further that the So u a l , show hair came auto t U y i" g * ifW “ U'‘ Up tHei U'•v• ”nc',|u,n,, fr‘"" ‘ H i,” "e , , f ! Cml..t paity is committed to collet- in the r newspapers. The tit-pairing Watches and Jewelry a down from Bandon in J ul° , t w..„ U plao-s in their political fences, H, 1?79, we noticed u corrW d‘ i , ive utilities, pectalty. All work guaranteed. and returned to the same place. as w ill lx- sw-.i by the following; ; ence from Port Orfoid, giving an fnan#geme|,, f(>r ,,ot Orders taken for Watches and Fancy account of a baseball game which Win. Walker, Repuhlican uorai- W . O. Corbin "was in Port Orford for profit. But the Socialists are i-welry. Work turned out on short Monday and presented to the T ri nee for Sheriff, -peni thè we«k inter» was played there on Sept. ‘¿ 8th, be above all, democratic, and the Port lice. „ tween the Stiffs of Port Oriord »pd buse force a sample box of apples viewing votela of Northern Curry. of Port Orfbrd will not even under all on me at L anolois , Oasoow. the Limbers of the country. Think grown on his fine little farm some 8 1 A uy. W. A Wood, Dcmociatic the Socialist rule»—shouhl they ever | i mg it might prove interesting lo or 10 miles up 8ix*s river from the i nouiinee for Counly Judge,carne up l o n e r ' — I,urcl,ss« tbe wharf, issue some of our old friends . in , ... . . . . bonds or levy anv but the meagerest bridge. The box contained four va fiom Gold Bendi Wedneeday and D E N N IS C U N N IF F , JU ., Curry we- publish the: „ «n w ith neties— Glori Monda, Baldwin, W ax remained until Saturday renewing Coos and , , . » ,u . tsx,w h e n c o n ip e lle d to n o » o ,w itn - W nsines of the members of the team-c ! ’ .r „ or and Northern Spy, and they were acquaintances in this . end. . - „ .. z, iv -r; i „ . out s command ol the majority or i ep. II. 8. Mineral Surveyor Atty. W: H. Meredith, Democra S tilt— Vail, Carey. Dyer, TiohemH-, „ ,,ul(1 have ,he all perfect apples, large, smooth end lie nominee for Joint Representative Crocket, Bates, Cuuniff, W 1 whgrf m„ U r , puWto servant, the, highly colored, and fit to go on any for Coos and Curry counties, was in Caldwell. Limlxirs^Blairklo. k, w>mnW>n 8cl,)M,| teacher ' irveyor for the D istrict o! O r­ market in the world. The W ax is town Friday night on a hand sbak Lake. Zumwalt, Umcan, MeB'.de, w>y w# egon. an apple that is but little known in and paid in the »nine wav. Forty, Hughe», Amieistm, Crewe, Hl Beach, - . • Oregon ibis county, and one that it would ing trip to Co**s. would hsve the wharf rejvaired the ; A tty. J. H untley, Rej^blican The stiff» won by a score of 28 to satre et our public school houses undoubtedly pay onr farmers to i 18. A. Carmen of Port Orford was are— by the people. We are opposed cultivate more extensively. They nominee for County Judge, waa in t> Whom it M ay Concern. _____ ! resemble tbe Bellflower in color, b u t , m*r little ciiy yesterday meeting umpire, and C. «. Winsor and F. to paying for any more than we gel I N o r l l i U « > n < l. O r e y f o n I the undersigned, hereby give n o -1 are |arger and more round with a old friends, and, went north this 1 Uuican were sorer».— The game You will notice a further stale- , wss followed by a horserace ou the ihav I have a oonveywncs from tbe g 4V0r yqllaI to the Orayenalein morning. meut of Messrs. Nudine and Sydnam A lly . J O Stemmier from M yrtle beech, in which were eutervd Thad ntee to tldelands and water lota in . , nd . Harbor of PortOrford, Oregon, on Mr. U .rbm says n y , Point, nooned in Port Gtfqrd ,je e Stevens, Gray E a8le and * hur*c marie necessary by the abridgment . p,.ruon of which a pbrt of the wharf prolific bearer and wd^keepaU win terday while on hie way by eutd to own«(l by Mr. Culver. The dis of th«»igne.l sUteuieuI, «imply lo W ith such samples as Ibis, save space. »erected wlthoat my oonsent. All ter Gold Beach in the interest of hi» lance wee 440 yards. Gray Eagle ! L hope that this mak»s our posi parties are hereby warned not to drive there can bn no question of the im piles or trespass in any manner what­ portance of the fru^t industry in ind( |>endvnt rrendidocy for the poei led for 300 Jgrd» and ,hen l»ve “ P- tion clear. „ Respectfully soever oa said tldelands or water lota. 0 irry county »hen transp-arialion ti,m of Joint Senator for Cone aud The Culver horse beat Thad _8tev- I E. B. H a l i ,. Carry counties. ene by only three or four iuchee. Man. A W * C. P a w . shill have «»me. Portland, Oregon. Curry County Abstract-, ■ Realty Company. Town and Ct^iuty. An Inn -Worth While Newly Fitted Up; Electric Lights S. S. J E F F R I E S GOLD BEACH, CURRY CO., ORE* GENERAL B la c k s m ith in S BEECHER JE SS P ort O r fo r d , O r e g o n vVlLLlST WHITE, Sr rort Orford, Oregoa siM APP H O T E L , id ¿Large S h ip m en t o f Stone b jT . port Orford Furniture & Hardware W A TC H M A K ER 1 £M. ELLIOTT A n y th in g you N eed in M ill ifk W rite us for Prices or a n y Inform a­ tion you Need in thi# L ine North Bend Manufacturing Co