Mitnit- ffsalty Csifuj. C in ti Town and Cootjr. Born, to Mr. and Mrs W a lto n ! There haa been much agitatipn Bout barn Pacific coming down the F. Miller at North Bend, Or., 8ept oe Coon Bay the past to * weeks «a ouaaf, the time is growing abort "* James Button hr la w y e r at the ember 25,’ 1912 a nine pound boy^ lo whether or not a franobiw shall wbeo (be iron horse w ill connect Bene M ill on Nixes. The mother ia doing uiuely and the be granted the Sou liter u Pacific to Gurry oouaty with the outside world, J o l «I B e a c i , '_______ J. K . and Wetter H yer came father hopes to recover sufficiently bridge the bay near North Bend. If ; down from Bandou in Mulehoru’s : to return to Port Orford in the near tbe franchise is granted it w ill have Free Wharf Discussion. CAN do ■ future. batter. auto h a t Friday. tba “common carrier" clause, but MW WILL do it the General election and Local Option 1 A •««•«»11 and a photograph gal- there ia much oppusiliesi to Editor Tribune: OoUoas for this oounly ure being i Soi"S UP • od * meat market bridge for fear that tbe piling will In tbe T at b in s of Sep. 95, auh «nd door Stock and . broom The best known-end nearest ma expense o f keeping the wharf in re bandies, putting out tile finished Ì O r lo r d , O r e g o n . oompanied by his wife, wag a north lured project is the One that has {»air, and al«o pay the salary of the product. This p art of their busi­ •rn passenger in •M u iih o rn ’a aulu '!5)< e dgy» m town—Tnaaday, Wed- Friday. ness they say they w ill run the year been promoted chiefly by Col, Rosa Agent lhafreceive« and distributes mu wAeieh week. round, which will mean the expend, and Steve Gallier of Bandpq.aiifi is the freight, Eyery body./bat ships The shingle o itil h e a mot-been -- --------a- n the ilure of a giaid many dollars in the to leave Grants Puss en/l i , follow over this wbatf knows that running for the past few days owing down Rogue river toMulecreek and chargee are very high in proportion community. W. 11. M ElibiD ITH to a breakdown in the ipacliipery. thence out through the mountains to rates charged in other porta, but fO B fS Y b'»'COVI8KLL0K Considerable building ia going on They w ill hare to send east to du to the South Fork o f the Coquille 1 am confident that tbe owners of AT LAW in town and nil of the local curpeu- plicate the piece broken. arid run down that stream to Ban ibis wharf are not making much, if tfcrs are busy. K. J. Loney’a bun »•< >R l O H t O U P , U K K O O N The Oregon Journal of Ah« I M i galow is enclosed and will be ready don and then on dowu the coast to any profit even al those high rates. For many yeara past I hava done Port Orford. Measers. Gallier and contained a good picture of Al Law for occupancy the last of the month. Rosa have bean working quietly at a ll the repair, and furnished all tba rence and “ Shorty" Cox, the tallest J. HUNTLEY, Mr. Baier has h is photograph gal this febeme for several yeara and material for said wharf, and am shortest men in Curry county, being lery-well under way. Mrs. Nielseu . i T T G U N I S r A .X now have things in such excellent therefore in a position to know that 6 feet 6 inches and 4 feel 6 inches has a small residence about com GOLD ilLACU, OUKOQM. shape that publicity cannot injurs tbe expenses amount to a consider­ respectively. pitted. Tbe framework is going up ii.ti,tm Vcd A b s tra c ts e f them in the way of bold ups, etc. able sum « very year, fd rlln rm o tr, The Osprey hae brought consider­ for a sawmill addition to tbe shingle Practically a ll of the right of way lo tli Cepl. Giasiall. aupi«ilhm. hava been pledged. Several survey landed throe hunters Who had been building and Several other old build­ I l is very interesting l*i know ju s t' ing parties are bow at work and W. A . WOOD taking an outing in the Rogue’river ings around town have ju s t been every indication points towards the wliul E. B. H . mean by a fn e » lia rf country. treated to a new ruof, coat of paint V lT O U N B y A T b A < commencement of real construction (he almve mentioned expenses teeiu f. j Li/ LhACH. O K IM O f. M. T. W rigb t bee moved his elc.,ao that the hum of tbe carpen­ work in tbe early^pring. Ilia a u r (o me unavoidable, and if liiey are fam ily into the McKensie building ter’s saw and the ring of hia ham­ xised that tha H ill interests are be not paid out of the ultaiges fur ton on front street for tbe winter, and mer arc fam iliar sounds around hind tbia road, and the supposition nage, than (bey must neoeesarily be M. L E E I’EMBJCBTON w ill open up a butcher (hop in the Port Orford' these days. is not based entirely upon guess paid some other way, to my know PHY atout« County Surveyor, Cunniff spent work. front part of the building— a need­ ledge there ia on I f one way* by over two weeks surveying op Elk ed acquisition to the busineesdiousea wfiicb the Pott Cutnmissinneys cun Tha second railroad that is head Ü ijc« a t Laugiote H o te l, river and ran some lines that will ed for this place, tbe only practical obtain funds, and that is Io levy a of the town. J. a k u u ) is, O mmöo « make the building of several new harbor for heavy commerce for hun­ tax on the Diet, but as there is only E . B. 8ypber, of Langlois, made lin t fences necessary. Geo. Curry dreds of miles along the Oregon and a few the Residents in the l) i - ( . a business trip to the county seat gains about 60 feat of bottom land that usee the wharf to any extent, Ualifornia coast, also has its begin­ during the latter part of last week. from the Bagley place and takes a ning at Grants Pass and that metltud would seem dojust. follows M r. Sypber will haveobargeof trns long strip of W ill Johnsou’a potato down the Roguestaying with that As it is'at tbe present time, those sing u p e n d raplaukiag the' E-k R e a ’ E r L ite patch that he cleared up last spring stream u ntil within a few miles of whe use tb< wharf arts «paying for river bridge, whioh w ill be dune in The Bagley place crowds over o h 'f,U t w w , h when u branchw off >n<| the accommodation. Hoping that tbe immediate future. Al Marsh n litt le , but l»oih of these comes through Cedar Fusk and E . B. 11. wiH _expUin,il .* , Yoora truly*,4 • H a v e thence on up the coast to P art 'O r ­ u A. ROBERTS, ware man, is building a store room land they should have owing to a A. Adolpbsen. ford. E . C. Belknap, a civil engi­ A T L A W . so that he can lay in a large dock poor original survey of the Town­ neer and experienced railroad man of goods tb it fall and supply the ship line, which is short. The old has been on the ground working this M yitte Point, O VOTB FOB demand of his customers during the survey was made more than 50 years project up for tbe past three years. stormy months without having to ago and on one tree the late party A t one lime be thought be bad the upon tbe fitful visits of the had to chop through twelve inches bobat* buaiueaa u specialty. thing altout ready to launch, when In d e p e n d e n t C a n d id a te 11 gasoline boats. of aolid wood before finding tho a flu rry in the financial woild put Tor -J . 'J. o T A N L K Y H arvey James has moved bis maras. County Clerk a crim p in his plane. He was la C u rry i O regon Shop; Shoe A n I n n W o rth W h ile (F o r m e r ly G n u u t le t t ’«/ N ew ly Fitted Up; Electric Lights T A B L E UNEXCELLED GOLD BEACH, CURRY CO.. ORE- H ot ano C oi . o T uh axi > S hower B aths F irst C lass Barn and Oarage in QunqeeUon, A ffording all C onveniences for Saddle H orses, Team s, A utoinobil s and M otorcycles iaA.W. of WILLIS T WHITE, Sr Aouwy fnblie Port Ü iiord, Oregon ju&t received aLarge Shipm ent of Stone Crocks. See our W indow as you go AT t'ORNEY H. W . DONAHUE U w ) ’« , C O Q t 'l iA E » K N A P P - OREGON H O T EL, Port Orford, Oregon, fam ily into the Neygren building, where they w ill spend tbe winter while the children attend school. Mrs. James is gradually recovering from a serious operation that she underwent at Bandon several weeks ago. The Gold Beach Globe of last Gold Beach recently and left about week tells of a man killing a three a week ago for New Y ork and we Has had years of experience in office work, and ia old enough to properly point buck in thg edge of town, and understand was very optimistic in handle you * business. say* I Inti the people ought to gel in having in terested capital that would and bon-t a place I hut offers such unquestionably build (ho road. L ouis K napp , P res. C. W. Z umwalt , V. Pre« natural attractions. *Tis all very Some time ago M r. Belknap had For Sale. true, b ill Port Orford can go her one soundings taken of the lake near The old school bitibling ul 'Port, £ . J. L onky , Cashier, belter. Not long since the T k ib town and did considerable work on Orford will benild n l publir nu<,li»n i nk ' s editor was looking for a horse the feambility of cutting a canal on Saturday, Octols-r otb, 1912. In in a nearbv |ai.ture when we dis into it and making a fresh water tbe highest bidder for cash or ap covered a fine buck standing on a harbor. He pronounced it to be proved security, Said sale fit la- at 2 o ’ciock in tbe afternoon, at the door prominent point taking in the sights practical. ; of the aforesaid school I ioom -. of the town, being not more than W ith the prospeot of tliese two By order of the School Board, 200 yards from the nearest dwelling roads from the interior and I lie Dial. No. 1 Curry County, O tagoo. YOUR BA N K IN G B U SIN E SS SO LIC IT ED house. Returning with a rifle some ten minutes later we found the ac commodaiing deer in the same con­ spicuous place, and the points on his horns nuinliered six with a 20 N O B A N K W IL L H A N D L E PORT ORFORp inch spread. N o use Gobi Beach, I f ■ woman h strong and healthy ia a w em aaly w ay, m oth­ erhood m m iu to her but little suffering. Th e trouble lias you’ll have to spring a fish story to | ia tha fact that the many women «offer from weakness sad Y C U R B U S IN E S 8 B E T T E R OREGON get ahead of Port Orford. disease of the distinctly feminine organism and eta unfitted W . R. Foote who was eentenoed to the penitentiary from Coquille t.. I U U U H F P r o p r i e t o r for killin g Chas. Wilcox is in Salem but is not incarcerated and it is said f irtt-clAas in every rwpect. that Gov. West will pardon him be Q u i d F in d Stable attached. fore heenter« tbe pri son wal Is. I bis is righ t and in accordance with tire eternal fitness of juatioe. Wo r iii tbe Stage from Port Orford ia l.>airyvlllc, concocting with the K. J. Looey has a bridle on dis .»ge to Myrtle Point play a t the bank which he is going to raiile off for a prisoner in the J. 11. U P T O N , Deer Park penitentiary, Montana. The bridle ia braided from various S>'»T VitY PUBLIC, colored horse hair and is pronounc ed by those who are fam iliar with I-, O v a a v C o ., O bboom . the work as a prise winner. - I l w ilt Frank B. Ticltenor, who is State ba.cafflsd o ff for >40 and ia a work Deputy Supreme Commander of tbe of a rt that took months of patient Knight«, of .Maccabees, and who toil. lakes active interest in the welfare Supervisor Marsh has straighten of Port Orford, writes from Scuttle ed the road and made a fill in Hood in regard to the Commercial Club ig Wutehe» and Jewelry lum hollow on front street, and w e^aod the next Agate Carnival as fol Alt w o rk k ia ran toed. understand that Louis Knapp « • H ' lows: 1. nen for Wat. lies and Fancy build a side walk from his hotel to O '.ik “ Port Orford has a great work Work turned oat on abort tba main part of town, whioh will ahead of Iter, and the burden must ■ make quits an improvement to the fall upon the shoulders of the offi­ eye aa well as tbe foot iu that end cers of the Commercial Club. C a ll ? me nt L-(>6i»u, Oaaeoa. o f our little city. In a tew days your Secretary w ill ìa £ M . Tbe furniture arrived for tba new receive four silver and gold cups. school bouse on tbe Rustler Inat They are now in the hands of the DENNIS CUNNiFF, JR., week, and is now being installed in eugraver in Portland, beiqg^ngrav- tbe building. Only single amts ed and aa soon as they are finished Dep i . M, Mineral w ill be used.hnd tbe new bell gives will be expressed to Port Orford. promise of “out ringing" anything The largest cup is for the best dis Surveyor far the D istrict o» O r­ in tbe county. Tbe school house is play of.cut or pjlished agates. Tbe egon. now complete with the exoeplion of next largest 1» for the best display G o ld r te n e b , - « • a heating system which will prob­ of uncut or unpolished agates. The ably btf installed later. next ia for the best display of Ore­ These three Tha Rustler has been in a couple gon Indian Curios. Tu W h o m It M a y Coi cups I donate. Mr. Staples, the of times since our last issue, and I, the unilerxlgned, hereby give no- while Capi- Olaen will take the W ||- Jeweler, w ill enclose with tbia ship­ l ha* I ba\" a vohveyanoa fro m tbe belmina'e reu between Coos Bay and ment a very handsome oop for tbe r -tentr* t I" -I .nils and water lota in I am Suialaw ha says that be will hava best display of sea mueeea. ta- H t l’-wtOriord, Oregon, on i pot . tieb a part of the wharf lime to make an occasionai run down 'going to call on an Agate Firm bere^ monthe.1 and see if they will not donate a ’/boat my couaewt. AU here daring the winter i. uv » rued not to drive Thia « ill be good new» to car peo- ( cop. I am getting out some print- p arti I -Res •.rospi tn any manner what- pie, as we might have a famine if ed matter which w ill advertise the h-lau>m or water lota. u t «sì. we had to depend on «»roe of the Carnival. W hat we need now is Al A sa a C. I» ast . other boats that ara running here. much publicity." Portland, Oregon. VATCHM AKER OF* X>O K rF O l i l ' O H l ) Strong Healthy Women for motherh«x>U. T h u can be remedied. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription h e wreehneaeee e m f1' d ire c tly o a I I in rig o ro u s , 'F a vo rite Prescriytion” banishes the trill«[im iriaas of tha ‘ o f expectancy and m ake» buby*« advent easy sad I l quieluHM sad vitalises the feminine auree a ban to its a m rv e lo u s ____ H Makut Waak Wamaa Honest druggists do not offer *i ____________ • • •» “ <(•” Accept no eeerct aostruat ia piaea M a taia e aot a drop o f alcohol end not a grata habit-form iag a« ffraffs. Is a para glyceric extract of healing, native A m erieea roots. at______ _ at DOORS - WINDOWS - MOULDINGS ELLIOTT Sarreyor P o rt Orford F u rn itu re & H ardw are Store. Tin llni’tj. if Or. CirritpiMiici Schul offers, FREE, with tha exception of ooat o f postage on pa­ pers and eoat of tha University Extention Bulletin, to CITIZEN8 OF OREGON, forty UNIVERSITY COURSES by MAIL. Ability to profit by tba course« selected if the only requirment for enrollment in the Correspondence De­ partment. Courses grs offered in the departments of Bota­ ny. Debating, Economics, Education, Electricity, English Literature, English Composition, History, Mathematics. Me­ chanical Drawing, Physical Education, Physics, Psychology, Sociology and Survaying. Write to tbe Secretory o f the Correspondence School, University of Oregon, Eugene, for information and catalogue. COURSE» IN RESIDENCE at tba University propers far tha Frofaaafama of ENGINBBRINO. JOURNALISM, LAW. MEDICINE and TEACHING; Fall semester opens Tuesday, ffept. 17. AddroaS the Registrar for catalogues descriptive of the College o f Engineering, the College o f Liberal Arts, the 8ebools of Education, Commerce, Law, Medicine and Music. A n yth in g you N eed in M ill W :rk W rite us for P rices or a n y In fo rm s tion you Need in this Line North Bend M anufacturing Co TVorfli JJom l, O r*e|fo»