.»• 8 . J E F F R I E S Town, and Couuty. ¿Jp-to-date Barber Shop; in M. T . W right has been appointed .co u paction with Shoe and • Marshal of the Day for the Agate H v o ess repairing. Carnival After a pouple of weeks’ lay o ff,1 tba ah ingle ip lll started up agaiu ! thia morning. John Unican, who baa been at Bandon under D r. M ana’s treat Mrs Beecher Jess, who has ment for a month. Is now some j l l for a couple pi geests, now it con­ batter and w ill be borne in a valescent. days. , t jFort Qrfortf, O reg o n /x x » U o ,. next door to Bank. furry County Abstract- Unity Company, (Incorporated) Capital Stock *5000 D irictors : W J Ward, Fred SCaughell W A Wood G o ld B e a c h , O r e o n AU busiaeaa will receive tronjpt Attention, SECO ND A N N U A L .GATE carnival -•« P o r t O rford, Or., A u g . 1 0 t h The bicycle erace baa b it Port Rev. John Hughes, of Portland Orford (his spring, and a number of was in town Monday visiting his new wheels are seen ou the street. sister Mrs. Masterson.» He is mak The display at the Agate Carol- ing bia annual visit to bis old boy­ vai w ill be in lbs new school house, hood home at Cape Blanco. which has the best room pur|iose in the oounty. for this The following teachers pasted the examination «uccessfuliy in Curry A number of autoipnhiles are com county namely; Francia Robinson, T oim aii, ing down from Bnudon to the Agate J. Jay Weersing, Lela Carnival, and the road over to the Raymond D . Hewitt, Geo W. Smith. lake at Agate beach is being repair M r. Loucks informed tis that he ed so that they ean run over to this has made a bonded conditional sale beautiful camping ground. ol bia E lk river m ill and the Hurst Mr. Baier, the photographer, who timber to the parties who bought, HARDY T, 8TE W A R T bought properly in Port Orford last the Jamieson m ill on Sixes fiver. , ». Ü O M M I H M O N E H fall and has been camped here for H a r r / Folsom, the Candy Sales A* vt-«. OaWoraX «J^ejgou the past, month or to, will erect a man, was in lowu Monday and left *' Display of Agates, Indian Curios and Needlework, opens Friday afternoon, Aug. 9th, and continues open un til Saturday evening. ~ Musical concert, with Special Features, Friday evening. Saturday forenoon, Aug, 10th: Baseball, Pojt Orford vs. Gold Beach. ----- PICNIC DINNER------ Athletic events Saturday afternoon: Competition for best all-round athlete in county—pole vaulting, shot put­ ting, sprinting, etc. Horse raoing, foot racing, relay run­ ning, bicycle races, wrostleing, eto., etc. Imitation Battle of Battle Rockand Big Dance at night. Fun, Amusement and Instruction for everybody. 30 by 6U studio as soon as the lum ­ next morning by stage for Gold The Brooklyn is due Saturday af­ Office days In fow n-Tuewiay, W«d- ber can be secured. rasday and Saturday of each week. Beach and Creg-wnt C ity. He car’* ter A Iyad pf shingles. »» The T bibunjs apse in error last riea a One display of candies, mado Mr». W ill Gauntlett was in town week In announcing that Mia.* Goff by bis Marshfield Manufactory. last night on her way from 8aatt!e W. H. MERÊD1TH of Spokane was visiting her parents The Agate Carnival, August 10th to Gold Beach. , -AA'UMNJSY AND CQVN8BLL0& Mr. and Mrs. J. Huntley at Gold ia so near at band that it will catch Miss Mabel Norton, from Vaca­ AT LAW Beach. I l iras Mrs. Edna Tomp ua unprepared if people do not rus­ ville. Cal., ia visiting friend« and kins and little daughter of North tle lively. There will be numerous relative« at Denmark. . U i i ï ü B F U H D , O UEO O N Bend. campers on tbe lovely grounds nt J. HUNTLEY, A. A. Jamieson and family have V ^ f O t t N l ä Y A T L A W . moved into the Nielsen residence on the h ill. “ Buckskin Bob’’ Smith G O L D BEACH, OKKOON, the noted character to whom Mr. inaraatued A b «tr»tU o t R e a l Jamieaon sold bis place on D ry creek P ro p e r ty . F u rh ia b e U . has arrived with bia fam ily and taken charge of the ranch. ..irty years practice in the Oouuty. J , . Y - -I L - - 1 ... .1 -.I- - . - - - Everybody that can, and also those that can’t, are invited to turn IV. A. WOOD out next Saturday afternoon and a i'i'O U N E Y A T LAW help clear up. the picnic grounds and baseball and track field for the WOLD BBACtt. OMKUO/i. Agate Carnival time. Drop your U A. HUBERTS, i? work lor half a day and come. Agate Beach and a large attendance is promised. B ig C a ttle R an ch . An Inn Worth W hile (F o r m e r ly G a u n tle tt*« ) Newly Fitted Up; Electric Lights TA B LE UNEXCELLED GOLD BEACH, CORBY CO., ORE- H ot and Co I J> T ub and S howrb B aths F irst C lass Barn and Garage in Connection, Affording all Conveniences for , Saddle Horses, Teams, Automobiles and Motorcycles E n o rm o u s S k e le to n F ou n d . The populous and prosperous re gion in the vicinity of Peoria and Pekin, III., was once a feeding ground for the mastodons which roamed at large throughout much of the pres­ ent Mississippi Valley. In a gray- el p it about a mile south of Pekin a part of tbe skeletou of a mastodon was found not long ago in an exca­ vation IB foet below the surface.’ There were two tusks, two teeth, a purl of a Jaw, a rib and some other bones. The lueks are suid to bays been G feet long, 5 feel in diameter at the butt intact to the pobll, and beut outward, lying with their tips i •" « - - « i m mmiiie c i. : : : ~ i T ie Place where Yea get a Square Deal. Head-qaayfon for the Beet of Everythiag ia the L iu Goods, Groceries and Previsions. fort Everythiag «suafiy fo o d ef fo Dry The Smith Power» Logging oom- — pany ha« purchased the big Guerin fog General Mer­ ranch at Eckley, one of the finest chandise «lock ranches io southwestern Cre Stere goo, and some additional properly Maas, end j i- there. I t ia understood Io be the in­ Beys' Clothing, Berts tention of the Smith Powers' com and Shoes, Ladies’ Dress k l í r r ; ± , . rr í “ ^ . - - - L Goads, Fancy Goods, Cigsrs, Pipes, ditional land holdings of the 0 . A. ported to have weighed 18 pounds Tobecck, Candy, Nuts and Notions, Herd- A picked up tes m of Port Orford Smith company near them for one and tbe other 8 pounds. - Thu grav­ ware and Tinware, Rolled Barley, Grass 3e«d aod end E lk river boys went up to Dairy of the biggest cattle and stock el in which thee« hone« were found Seed Grain. Orders taken for Anything not in Stock, ville last Sunday and crossed bats »ranches In this section of the state. is believed to be that which was which inclndes Mens' Mode to Order Suit* and f r r il ll r t f with a similar team of local boys, The company is planning fo start brought down by the glaciers that - ” A man by the name of Smith resulting in a victory for Dairy ville with a herd of eight hundred to one once iifvaded this region. a 1O U JW Y A T LAW formerly a resident of Marshfield, by a arare of 9 to 8. Our boys speak thousand head of caUle. This is but one of the interesting M yi Ue P o in t, O regon. generous The company is now planning to features brought out in a report is­ was drowned in Cheteo river last in high terina of the raise a ll its own beef I t is claimed sued by the United Stales Oeologi Saturday. Particulars of the case tieatment aocorded them. , looate buainaaa a specialty. are lacking, further than the deceas­ Miss Ollie Poste, who has been ia that beef rattle have become so ral Survey— BulletinSOfl— Geology ed was a middle aged, unmarried Portland for (he.past year, returned scarce in this section as to make the and Mineral Resources of t he Peoria J. J. STANLEY pian traveling through the country to Port Orford last Bunday. She prioee almost prohibitive fur supply Quadrangle Illin o is by J . A Udden. with some friends. The body was brought with her a little boy about ing the camp« ahd boarding houses Uwjer, of the Smith Powet* and Smith com recovered. There is something wrong in a two years old for M r. and Mrs. panics. government where they who do the Big preparations are being made Wright, whioh they will adopt. H requires about two critters a most have tbe least. There is some­ j* ¿ t l U , K , - . • o n KOON for the W. O. W. Lot Rolling at Misa Poete formerly worked in the ------ - A ; * K i , r------ — Langlois on August '22 and 23. T x ib u r k office end is a moat effi- day fo fam ish meat for the camps thing wrong when honesty wears s boarding houses and veeaela of the rag, and rascality X rbbe; when the Thia is the third annual Rally at 'Oient master of every branch of Port Orford, Oregon companies. W ith a herd of 800 or loving, the tender eat a crust, while that place and when our northern oountry newspaper. 1,000 animals, it is expected the big the Infamous sit at banquets. neighbors undertake anything they Fort 0 rfrd, Oregon, ranch w ill be able to possibly fu r­ Whoever produces anything by know how to make a success out of (Cora B av N xwb .) K N A P P 1‘ r o p r l o t o nish soma of the butter or m ilk used weary labor, doea not need a reve­ it. Posters will soon be out; watch Board by tbe Day, Week or Month, at Rea­ by the oompanies. , lation from heaven to teach him for them. Acoordiag to the Portland Tele­ sonable Rates, A share of Palronagq The section around Eckley is es­ that be has a rig h t to the thing pro • Firet-alasa in every respect. There will be ten cut agates on gram, Capt. Macgenn’s patented new pecially well adapted for stock rais­ Solicited, duced. j O i d Feed S ta b le a tta c h d . display at the Carnival this year type of bell booy will soon be given ing and grnxlng and for this reason Tbe laboring people should unite where there was one last year. Sev­ a test by Henry L. Beck, lighthouse was seleoted by Mr. Powers as the We run the Stage from Port Orford eral excellent collections of Indian inspector, near tbe Tongue Point and should protect tht-msi-lves location for the new branch of their a n Dairyvllle, connecting with the against all Idler«, You can divide curioe, and a considerable display depot. I f the buoy provee satisfac­ industries.— Coos Bay Times, >tage to Myrtle Point. mankind into twoclnssec; The labor­ of the needlecraft proficiency of tory, Capt. Mncgenn should net a ers and the idlers, tha s*ip|iorters Port Orford women, will make the neal.sutn out of bis patent. A W a rn in g N o to . J. H . U P T O N , and the supported, the honest and first exhibition of this kind ever at* Dr. Horsfall reroovod the tonsils Lout« K napp , Pro«. •C. W. Z umwalt , V. Pres the dishonest. Every man is dis templed in Curry county. NOTARY PUBLIC, from Roderick O'Conner, Saturday. Washington, July 13— Henator honest who lives upon the unpaid K- J, L o . nky , Cashier. Rev Abbott, Superintendent o f The little fellow had been suffering Bailey of Texas in a .farew ell ad­ labor of others, no matter if lie op LaiMixwa,.CuBBY Co., Oaaooa. considerable of late with his throat, the Eugene District of the M. E. dress at a private dinner last night cupies a throne. church, preached in the church at and bia mother, Mre. J. W. Bennett predicted that if conditions in the this place last Sunday morning and brought him in from Tenmile, where United states could change as much P rop erty to Exchaiurc. IIÆ T > K O F l ’O K a 1 O T I F O R I F evening. He is an able and enter they had gone for a summer outing in the next thirty years as they for medical attention. taining speaker, and the services have in the last th irty years If you want to change your location The M yrtle Point Enterprise rays were well attended. Mr. Abbott YOUR BANKING BUSINESS SOLICITED . the country would face a con- and occupetion and went to go in or near a large city, we can trade you (repairing Watches and Jewelry a w ill give a lecture in the church to­ that tbe farmers of Coos county are ' dition paralleling that of the French Stock Ranch or Dairy Farm for proper­ night entitled “ Three Preachers anxiously awaiting the announce revolution. The colleagues of the ■ eoialtyt All work guaranteed. ty or a business in or near Portland, Or, Clim bing M t. Hood” to which the ment of the dales of the fair this Texas senator revealed this remark Orders taken for Watches and Pancy Gom A B lack , the 601 East B. gt., Vancouver, Wash. Jewelry. Work turned 'out on short general public is cordially invited. fall, and suggests that the directors today. Bailey charged that NO BANK WILL HANDLE PORT ORFORC hold a special meeting and select the members of congress by their own notice. — John Gillings has received a YCUR BUSINESS »ETTER OREQor days, so that preparations may be cowardice were responsible for a Commission as Special Fire Warden Call on me a t L anolou , O bkoon . S H E R IF F 'S SA LE. started under defioite plans as soon 1 condition of unrest which prevails, to patrol the Field -Carter, Allen j He particularly blatnos the deino- N on ca I s hereby given that by vir­ and Corbin timber, located respect us possible. The steam schooner Minnie E ' crBl# for exaggerating the import tue of an execution and order of sa!s ively on Lobster, Euchre and Mus­ duly issued out of the Circuit Court ot h a existing evils. the State of Oregon, lor Douglas coun­ sel creeks. In company with Mrs. Keiton, which was wrecked off the #nce ty, under the seal of said Court, dated (Suoeaebr «OA. B. S a bin ) Oillings he left for his post of duty coast a few years ago, and was after-1 “ That this republio is near a cris- the Bth day of July, A. D., ltfia, and to wards made into a barge for carry- •• •• what the greater and wiser men me directed aomaaanilina me to s e ll, yesterday morning. The young the hereinafter described real property I think,” said Bailey. “ I do not for ing rock un the Columbia, has again oouple will make their headquarters V1 tho demands of the plaintiff, ' at Bark Shanty, and anticipate an been remodeled into a steam Schoon get that the French revolution came J.T . Purdv, against the defendant, II. the T. Harris, to-wit; the sum of tlfiil 06 enjoyable summer living close to er and has been rechristennd the while the governors were at with interest from the 26fli (lay of Feb­ Rochelle. She w ill be used in the theatre, that they arose from Ibeir ruary, 1912, at the rate of n per cent per I Anything not in stock, will nature. annum, and the farther Klim of $325.00,1 coast lumber trade. banquet tables to oome face to face plalDtifi’s costa and disbnrsem enta,' W hile the Agate Carnival is only i>«) pleased tc order with violence and bloodshed in the with Interest thereon at the rate of 6 advertised to last for one day this streets of Paris. I do not say the p< r cent per annum from the 2fith day An Im p ro v e d H a rb o r. Ke pairing N baity D one year (in reality, though, it will be a of February, 191», togetlier with the United States is facing such state of cost of and upon snid w rit; I will ex­ day and a half) it is the intention \\ hen the Bandon cleared from affairs, but I do maintain that if pose for sale at public auction at the main entrance to the Courthouse at of the committees in charge to make this port last week she curried the n ilhin the next th irty years the Gold Beach, Curry County. Oregon, this a day in which there w ill he DENNIS CUNNIFF, JR., largest load of lumber ever shipped Country should continue to change and will sell to the highest bidder for cash, on Saturday, the 31«t day of Aug- something doing every minute. from the Coquille river. W ith five as it has in the last th irty years, we ust, 191», at t h e ___ nour ». of — ono „ o’clock in i ep. U. 8 . M in e ra l S urveyor They have figured that one day hundred and thirty five thousand w ill find ourselves face to face with the afternoon, ail oi the right, tills and interest which the said H . T. Harris “chock fu ll’’ of sightseeing and fun feet of rough lumber from the Moore such a Condition nt the end of that had on the ISth day of June, 1908, or is better than several days during has had any ti me since, or now has m ill she was loaded to a depth ol time. * ■'□rveyor for the D istrict o! O r­ In and to the Northwest Quarter of the which there are intervals that are egon. thirteen and three tenths feet, but "You senators and representa­ Northeast Quarter ; the Northeast tiresome. H o ld B e a c h , . . . O reg o n crossed out without touching at any tives,” continued Bailey, “can pre Quarter of the Northwe«t Quarter, and vent this great erisia and you will Lut 1 of Section 30 in Township 36 Fred Getty and hia bride, daugh place. South. Rang«! 12 West o f the W illam­ do so if you have the courage to go ette Meridian, and the Northea-t Quar­ To W how It May Cuaeern. ter of Dr. Haydon of Marshfield, in Tha combined loads of the Ban­ out and tell the public the truth. ter of the Northeast Quarter of Rvotioa company with Miss Getty his sister don and the Fiedeld last week Every evil which exists in the conn 36 in Township 36 South, Range 13 West I, tiie undersigned, hereby give no­ and Frits Getty his cousin, passed amounted to over a m illion feet of j » y today ran be oorrected without of the W illam ette Meridian, Curry tice that I have a eoaveyaaoe from the Counts, Oregon. through here last Saturday in their lumber besides the otbet freight ^ * nff11» patched |miiirau up their m en machine uiaciune the -no harbor naruur have nave made m su e possible a •**t® ID' nd of the r»n»>w (teople o f the trip soever on said tidetands or water lota. , 1 United S ts t« today for they and hope to get it to Bandon or Coos ‘ groat inerwase ia shipping from this lh .eZ J*“* e A T T O H N E Y AT LAW Man. A ura O. D ab *. n r - ' •' h b grossly exaggerated tha ev Is of the Bay for repairs. porL— Recorder. country." Portland, Oregon. BONRBl'RQ ORROQN A fam ily of .Gypsies camped in Port Orford Monday night on their way down the coast. The woman visited ail the houses in quest of vic­ tims of her skill at fortune telling. O f course people looked after their clothe« linea and chickens, and turned their dogs loose. Call and see as , Jas. S. Capps, P ro p . liS A P P HOTEL, HOTEL MASTERSON Mrs. A, Masterson, Proprietor W A TC H M A K ER ik M . ELLIOTT vv. j. n iiv iUuids n Uirnissand Saddelry I In .n < lo n . O r e g o n DOORS - WINDOWS - MOULDINGS A n yth in g yon N eed in M ill Work W rite us for P rices or a n y Informa­ tion you Need in this Line North Bend Manufaetui'ing Co -Vovtli JEJoncl, Oj'oyfon