? .» • SECOND ANNUAL AGATE CARNIVAL, AT PORT ORFORD, AUGUST 10TH, 1912. ftHfi TUIBhXK. WKPXEH)\AT JULY 8«. UMS. <«•1 iliri.lun.l* »nt of i t ¡They appealed to ike U. S. Supreme j Fort Orford Hurlior ie always Court, »ml «Inrirtjr the-pendenoy of' r month bt tlf> winter, except when the appeal a «alisfaeiory settlement 1 a heary Boulliwtfct wind blow» sev- ’ was inetlo with tie »love eany , eral ilay»— which seldom hap|«*n». and «11 complaint« were uiihUiawp. A Southeaster due« not create big j Th« Supreme Court finally reversed ; a it jr»m»ar»«Tt; A ' a. • rn Hardware, a .S P k m ttW W ’S*” Furnitr m a l l Paper, Window-glass Devoted to the Interest of Socialism The articles appearing o«j'ler this caption are edited by the So­ .F w ^ io W K very We-lneartay, by cialist party of Curry county, to whom Hi# space Ins been sold, with the understanding th it personalities be avoided ami that , HAliüY r . STB WAK'F. reaa in the Bay atr^lhus even in I Judge VYriglit ami rent the eaao the editor of this paper wgtyaa ulIYesponaibility therein. -Frauk A. Stewart, Aaaoeiate Kditor winter month«, more trips oun I * back for appropriate proceedings enow¡¿»xr'>Vrawow '-» u m v .» .x -x .» '» -ii.x .,.,.x j» ’ __ made to Port Orford than to any I supposedly for d iro d tru l. But Th< p r m lM M u r e n o a 7 ’ ew*vii«»»»»^<- ral with good |t»wer, amd a captain proceeded to rea. ntenco Compels to Order. t. |>nys something like $600 ,» r hale who has good wnwt ami some four one year, Mitchell nine mot, ilh ’a an I j . - I - “---- — ' for the cloth. A farmer who pro­ Aora«-'»I>« RaiWa KtAaof!At.L«. age, art» whi»t I« needed at this place. Moni»on iix m o n th * iiiip r ir o n m e n t I t la only under Socialism that duces twelve bales of cotton could We already have the harbor, wharf j A clear caae of revenge. There are the workers will ienrn to look upon only buy back one. Allow ing a gURSCMlPTION KATE«. and deep water. not prison« enough iti the whole their children as something more liberal amouut for cost of tnatiufac- O n e Copy One Y ear ............ tl.io United States Io hold one quarter of than human fodder upon which to | ture and transportation lie should One Copy Mix Mouths^.. . . . . . . . . • <• I the |>eople who now hold the soar feed the vultur of a profit monger i l»e alilo to buy back half o f what he 3U Due Copy Three Months. .......... C U O R E N T T O P IC S . chist Judge Wright in unspeakable* ing class. I produced as it does not Cost at n»ueh Create A Highschool DiS'rict. By J IL UrroN. I contempt. Such Court» serve one' Socialism, by malting All men , t»> manufacture a bale of coiton into By J II. U pton , •i a—.»*. i__.. ■ , j good purpose by making Rovialials, work, tlie idler in ermine as well as cloth as it docs to produceit, Editor T kibcne : however and it is ns ipevitaole as the idler in rags, and putting the 'Tbe school districts of Gold Beach “ Although six Federal Judg.-s regrettable that they also make some millions engaged Imlay in uopro- Debs an d th e T a r iff .Pistol "River and Wedderburn, have have been tried before the Senate of nnnrchists a« they go along. Jduclive soil (soldiers, stockbrokers, ^fue aa s 4 « iligh»chrad District. A theUaiHed Staton on impeachment* J Ire tariffi tforin committee of the j For a long lime the people. have flunkies and all tlie other depenj- tax will be levied equally in each charges oil have l*en acquitted ex­ Reform Ciuf) of New York has sent ! pleaded with the Legislature to pass eDt# ° f l he parasite plass) to useful one of these dislilcts, for the pur cept only one— Bickering of New an act merging the'State University w°rk , p ill destroy every excuse for!» series of queSti.wiM to nil the can' pose of carrying on the Highschool H a m j »hi re- in 18Q5. Judge Peck and Agricultural Cottege nudeT one ; .<*.*»*• | didales for president unit to--othcr work at Gold Beach, to which tl . ' / o f Missouri, wae ousted in 1862 management p n f lf l /t f the other two districts w l l l i - j y , , __ ___ ___ and ptovide against. I t ’ » only under Socialism that men of prominence, the answer» to Gome in ar our OPEN FII PLA@E SÏ be eligible free of tuition. Lsstyearl * .* * ,i Ul * ’ * * ou 't | duplication of work,and also to do. “ e" ** '* re,*l'y l,,re rtn*‘" 1 ° r coriupt some of them may ' Socialism w ill not crucify the for the benefit of capitalist exploit­ ued Ibis year or a special lax levied, prove to be. children of one class upon a cross ers. - -I p ik and Sixes are both tributary to them look forward to the time that they may themselves don the toga, And the fanners, mechanics and of ignorance nhd want in order that this plaoe end have scholars who H ig li tariff, low tariff or no tariff, have completed the eighth grade and and such have a very natural, Ifuol* laboring men, who pay nearly *111 the children of another may inherit the workers are still robbed of wlrat would doubtless like to continue their a very commendable, desire^toleave of the tnj,es for the support of our a kingdom of culture and leisure. they phiduce under the present sys Socialism will give io every child tern. ptudles. A tax on the three dia- the course etrewn aloDg with “ preo j institutions i f higher education, 95 (Sncceaaor to N. 0 . Nielson.), edents" which may come in handy ' J « n » n t of whose children are as ef e^uaI opportunities for mental and lriots would scarcely be fell, end Thu tariff ia a capitalist issue anil in their own cases some day. And fectually barred by poverty and physical development; good food, Port Orford now hae a building that not a working class issue, and so the lawyers who worked into the distance from direct participation in giaid eioLhes, good housing, bright far as I am conoerned the capitalists Is admirably skilled to the work. «C - ■ " _ •• Talk lb« matter np; gel your d i­ constitution the two thirds requiro benefits aa if those classes had been ( achool* situated among the flowuri big and little, trustified and other ment to convict, by n« means build- barred in terms by the law, should ,„ d the fields where the morning rectors Interested and see if we can’t wise, will have to fight it out among ttord demand ree^nition io the make up song or the rising laik shall gently themselves. fr than they knew ‘ < keep paqe « lib our southern neigh e tth fU it from ¡tssli lure of money and then more money ¡Is which almost sny slum Inrbihie Recognizing that children are the wasting (heir time and energy over citizens, Mr. Estabrook said that ha H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W A R E . would recoil from are added to ’bul would not be put up on them. real foundation stones of humnn so­ issues which arise between the big would gladly have one of hia boats ruption and Judicial oppression. Another objectionable feature of ciety, Socialism will see that every capitalist and the little ones they C IG A R S , TO B AC CO . P I Call here whenever business justified. And why ia Archihold doomed? that bill is, that it provides for a child is as carefuuly and fully de­ are gobbling up and putting out Jia the asms old gag that the T ra f C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S . fie manager of the S. P. sprung on Simply at a concession to the almost millage basis that will prodaye $600 veloped mentally and physically, of business. In fact, a supply of everything asually kept in * well e»« k. , pa When be was along the coast a universal cry against Judicial in 000 to begin with, to be increased aa possible to fit it for its great work General Merchandise Store. building up from a foundation of Detroit, Mich.— The churches few months ago; ‘‘ Develop your capacity and corruption and tyranny as assessments rise. A mere sop and so intended. A ORDERS TAKEN kOB ARY ARTICLE NOT IN STOCK. Another is a “joker" snugly stow free, healthy, happy children a su­ must take a hand in uplifting the country and then you w ill get the vicarious-atonement for more than ed away in section three which (a perstructure of truth, justice and condition of the workingman or tlie railroad.’* In Die name of goodness! how are 100 other Judges worse than he. J sop to farmers and common people) beauty, wherein all humanity shall Socialists will sweep the country, Judge Hanford’s Clerk was tome provides that four sevenths of the I ***^1»" * Holy bond of brotherhood was the cry of the ministers at the wer going tp “ make bnaineaa"or “de - “ religious forward movement" con velop the country*’ unless we have time ago accused of l lie theft of more millage taxes shall be devoted to the ference held in this city. jranspoitaliou? Farmers can’t than $19,000 Government funds, support of the Agricultural College. bring new ground into cultivation whereupon (he Judge came out with i But hold on 1 This feature expires Capitalism is devouring her own “ In every city in which revivals ^ *nd raise crops to rot just to “ show*’ an indignant tirade against his , by limitation in two years, after j children. Poverty and want arej have been held the forces for the Luxury ' social uplift of the laboring man some railroad or steamboat company Clerk’« accusers, vouching for the, which the Board is to have full dis- J destroying the masses. -------------------- ------------ — has been iu the hands of the Social­ and keep thia thing up several years strict honesty and integrity of hi« cretion and will apportion to the and debauchery the masters. subordinate who when arraigned fur i Agricultural College such sums as 'while one is building or ths other is People of foreign residence own ists,” said a well known minister. trial the other day, pleaded guilty j the University at Eugene will sauc- getting ready to make a move. 22,910,748 acres of land in America. “The church means to get this 1 years ago when there were fewer to two count, in the indictment and «.on I say this may happen since '-^he Ur’g'ewl"boIdInM of ’this'i.7,500; movement into its hands.’' The Socialists laugh at the sug­ people and less business, the Arcata waawmtenced to McNeils I«|«„d the larger inst.tut.on may bring OQO held by , h# Ho, |and Lgnd C(> ¿ailed at Port Orford twice a week two years and fined $1,000 on each. pressure both upon the, appointing ¡n New M elico an(J 3 000 0()0 he, j gestion of the religious forward { by EngHsh Syndicate No. 3, in I movement doing anything fur the - ■ - - r ---—— ... . - . .7-. .-... - _........— — .,----- — ---- and had a profitable trade. And The Congressional sub committee power and then open the Board. the conditions are the same today, looking into Judge Hanford's reo Any one of hundreds of farmers Texas. We wave this , ith 8 246 ,nen whl’ l0" ’ M il ’’ bacfc®d by J. only bettA, for any boat that will ord at Seattle has, without inteuj- would measure up to requirements 747 Americau families living in ’ P w p o nV Morgan and other great 'Vail street financiers. give thia place the same reliable ing it, connected R. A. Ballinger »• Regents, sod for the mechanic rented homes. vervioa that the Arcata did, . and with «»me of the Judges crooked member I nominate M r. Hugh „ deals. Thia I . the same Ballinxer McLain of Marahfield. ! Congres. has gtven .w ay to rail- surely where this old alow going deals. This is the same Ballinger An employe in prison camp of , road and other corporations over , Florida— I am a commissionary craft called for years and years with ( whom Mr. Roosevelt placed at the Langlois, Or. J 265,000,000 acres of the1 public do i man and head boas in a convict but accident is not a port that should head of the land department at main. This comprises an area al- i cnnip that ia working turpentine. be a bugaboo to the present coaster, " ashington, and afterwards boasted Declines Socialist Nomination. ________ . most as great as the combined area One prisoner in this camp ia serving Freight that should go out of Port that ho had secured a $20,000 man a twelve months term for stealing a Chetoo, Oregon, of France and Germany the popu fifteen cent can of syrup, and their t shall be my purpose to keep a fu ll slock of e v e ry th in , required b, Orford ia going out of Handon, our , fur the plaoe; aud (he same Ballin July 12, 1912. ktion of which exceeds that of the are other con viola here for offenses people are depending on the small ger who resigned under fire and trade in tlie line of Editor Port Orford Tribune. United Stale». The Texas legisla- sliuoal as trivial. I t is hell to see gasoline boats to bring their freig ht' wliom President Taft rent on his : ___ Dear 8ir; , ture iiaa added several million acres a man bare his person, lie flat on ; from Coos Bay,stuck is driven out way rejoicing with a letter of un- the giound or floor and receive half, *'B O C E R IE 8 and P R O V IS IO N S , I notice that in a recent issue of 10 wh* ‘ congress has given away, of Ota pountry instead of shipped qualified commendation and endort- a dosen lashes with a leather strap1 BOOTS end Petitions are being circulated in three or four feet in length just be-; M E N ’S and B O Y ’S C L O T H IN G , oat, and passengers all figure on ment. And it was the same Bal the T bib c n k my name is being used on the Socialist 1 icket for Constable Eugene, Ore., asking that it be made c«nse he did not move as fast as the < gome other way of coming or going. linger who joined the “ Bar Asaoci , L A D IE S ’ D R E gg GOODS a violation of a state law to speak guards or captains thought he could, j These oondiliont cannot be mater- alion" of Seattle a month since in of Chetco precinct. Now I wish to state to the voters on the streets of any city in 1 have seen all the skin knocked off' F A N C Y GOODS, tally changed by the spasmodic acquitting Judge Hanford of any a place one and one half inches in stops ol any steamer. To work up sod all and every one of the charges of said precinct and to the Public Oregon of over five thousand inhat>- diameter. Men with feet awollen C IG A R S , TOBACCO, P IP E S , > good bukinese, help them-elves against h iu l and the which la why • 8ineraby that my name was pul on tauta without the permission of the from rheumatism have waded water - CANDY, NUTS and N 0T I0N 8. all winter. Wjien they get so they and help the country, some oom 1 continue to hold the “ bar” in gen- Ra'd Ticket without my knowledge mayor. cannot go they are kept in two o riT . 1or ■nd. 1 therefore lake thia pany must lake a tumble and start eral in such high estimation. The reign of terror being main three day», doctored and put at it In act’ * ’ “ PP'J e»a*7lhing usually kept in a well atocaed ( i method of informing the voters th a t' it boat ipto making regular stop». Several years rince the American , tallied by the armed guards employ­ * gu D' « . 1 1 , Merchandiae Store. I » • « ■ ‘««».1. 00 lb . Social I t may not pay for one, two or six Fidernlion of L .U .r and Have just learned from a young ed by the coal operators of Paint wewka, but whan they gain tlie oun Stove Co. had trouble growing out iat Ticket. Greek near Charleston, W . Va., friend who has just returned from E lmer J ackson . fidanoe of lbs people there is no of strikes, whereupon tba Federa show» no aign of abating. Men Europe that they are prepariag to send millions of the most pauperis reason in the world why it should tioniat inaerted a “ We Don’t Pat are being beaten up and driven ed inhabitants of Southern Europe pot bo a remunerative proposition, runi*«n notice, and w«t enjoined by M. L E E PE M B E R T O N away from their homes without be to San Francisco to aid.in the con­ Under leaa advantages the A reals . DDtrict of Columbia and Oom per» ing given a chance to remove their struction of tba buildings for the PHYSICIAN made it work twelve month» in the and Mitchel and Morrison were , household goods. __ Panama exposition. California al - Call and Examine Goods, and get Prioea. Office a t L angloia H o tel, . , reedy hae an over anpply of workers yoar, and oerlainlv there ought to latvr fined and sentenced to long j A aouthern farmer receives on an , nd , j, ^ ¡ „ g made ba others who are smart enough to lermaof imprisoumeut for contempt. L a 5 u loi 8, O bkoon average of $50 per bale for hia out- on the labor unions. MONARCH M A LLE A B LE RANGES. ' * ' 7 Large A sso rtm en t of H and Pe China. Lanterns, L am ps and C uttelry, Newhouse S teeitraps, P o u ltr y N MAIL ORDERS PROMPTE Y F IL « t ¡ GILLINGS™ ware I AMES S. JOHNSTOÌ o e n k r a e m k r c h A> ^ r P o r t Orford, O r ^ r ^ NEW GOODS, t Call and examine goods and get prices GENERAL MERCK A TJ Port Orford, Oresrow- Has opened a new Store, with flEW GOODS, Orders Taken for Anitin'^ not io Stock JOHN K. MILLER u «•