££7 2 • '.S' — muses-— UffJ B SM Bff S.K. Town tad Up-to-date Barber Shop; in .eonneotion with Shoe and Harness repairing. > o r t O rford , O r e g o n Looation. next door to Bnpk. te r ) te a t) Abstract- Rntt) Eisjiij. ‘ (Incorporated) C a p ita l S t o c k $ 5 0 0 0 Friday ' 1 I J a m « K ennedy of Rogue river, Come o u t to the Ic e C rfam eoeiat V M ¡D io WB yesterday on huaineea. F rtd ag evaojng, enjoy y o u rae lfam l | ____ »u. a — h e lp a*g««ed cause alonx. • * I L £ . A lls n , repsesenUng th e Srm aru c au ee aio n *. Lof B in kelspiel «< 8n o Francisco, Jack Johnson defeated F ly n n I spent Tuesday In F o rt O rford, on easily tor the heavy weight 'ch am p-1 h i* way down tha coast. iunsbip o f the w orld, In 0 rouade. A n auto tru c k , th e first one ever seen a t Port O rford, came down Sunday from Bandon and look Male h orn ’« big auto up to repair«. Bandon for Ptof. K e n t, who is teaching D ibbctobs : W J Ward, Fred SCaughell W A Wood G o l d B e a c h , O reo n AU business will receive Prompt Attention. HARDY T. 8TEW A R T at Denroifrk, came dow n to Port O r ford w ith l)it wife, and spent the F o u rth o f Ju ly and reel of the week w ith their old W yo m iug trieuds. Fran« Xurdberg, win» w ith Chat. Crow hafebeen m in in g on tha Beach a t Hunter« Cove, earns uo to Port O rford to atteod h it father)) burial, returned to h COUNBRLbOR A . Barrows and wife nee M ita A T LAW H cm block, and their daughter and r o u T o n r o B u , o k k o o n eon and M r. and M rs. Gal'er, of — -------------------------------- :------— J. H Ü N T L E Y , a . t a t t o b n k y r— l a w . G O L D BRACH, OKKOON. A b s tra c ts ®f Bandon, spent th eir F ou rth of Ju ly at Agate Beach cam ping on the de lig h tfu l pienio grounds a t the mouth Of Port O rford Lake. T h e One fielding of Bud Poet at G old Beach which resulted in 9 put outs, was a performance that caught the fane and resulted in the tw o to Thirty y ears praotios In theOnuuty-. one victory for Port O rfo rd .. Bud is a natural out fielder, and is at • W. A. WOOD limes a home run batter. : attorney at law M . G . Pohl, the old reliable O c­ M OLD BBAGH. QKKttOM- u list of Baudon, left here M onday — morning for Gold Beach and w ee d - U A . R O B B R T8, vise a ll onr people who need glasses A T T O H N E Y A T A - A W . to call upon him , and they w ill gat honest, scientific treatm ent, See M y i l l e F e t a l , O re g o n . bis notice io this paper. f sapeoUlty. J. STANLEY 1. Lwjr. OUEGON c o o V ILL a K N A PP l. HOTfel^ Port Orfrd, Oregon, K H A P F P r o p r ie ty F ir s t-c la s s in aver? respect. 0 0 40 E' L a m m w , C ubby C o ., O bboon . Port Orford. He is an American. H e is but 30 years old and i t perhs ps the greatest fighter in the world for Wa run tha Stage from Port Orford J. W ATCHM AKER his site and age. The latest Railroad news is, that by July 2nd the contractors w ill be Repairing Watches and Jewel rj at work vigorously a ll along the AU work guaranteed. lino between Cooe Bay and Eugene Orders taken tor Watches and Fancy and th a t (he gap between Coos Bay Jewelry. W ork turned oat on- short and Eureka, w ill be closed by the nettoe. • tim e the road gets to Coos Bay. The C all aa me a t L anolou , O bio o n . Southern Pacific would probably k£M. ELLIOTT w . jr . n a b i n (Suoeeeor to A. B ). . OAHU) S a BI x ) ’ AliKirii Hara SaMilr a ll good news tor onr coast and we don’ t believe i t is a drew no thia time. 1 Anything not in stock, will be pleased tc order B e F A IB IH G O r e ffo n J1L, Lep. (J. 8. Mineral Surveyor n- , Surveyor for tha D is tric t of O r­ egon. It M o y O b itu a ry . W illia m Nordberg, one of the oldest pioneers o f Del Norte and D onk C a rry oountiea, died suddenly while N6ATLY DBNN18 OÜNNIFF, delay the work, but they were tore ed by the contractors to build at once. I t is also reported that H ills mysterious moves are prompting the 8 . P. to immediate action. T h ia la eating hia d in n er at the Fourth J u ly celebration a t the mouth of of ______ Jertoy, end G o v . M arshall o f Ic d la n k . Com m ercial C lu b meeting tonight a t 0:10 sharp, In the Woodmen halL JCveryooe In vited to attend and h elp start the Agate G aro ival h all K Anyone Sertript the serAas’ef G- Pohl, the Eye Specialist, leave word to ahis office and I w ill call when I return from O dd Beach. I f . G . PO HL. . 11 I ll JJ J -rolling. N o tic e . There w ill be an Ice Cream social M a rry L a n e . 1, tlte uodsraigned, am not a candi­ in tlte Lrueve h all neat F rid a y eve (F o rm e rly G a u n tie tt’v) ning.fur the purpose of defraying date tor Oommlaeiouer of the Port o( D r. H a rry Lane, Democratic can Port Orford on the Socialist ticket, ae current expenses of the P o rt Orford I have resigned from the Loeat. didate for I ) . 8. Senator and Hugh church. A oordial in v ita tio n is ex­ H . J. BANKS. M cL ain , Demooratle candidate for T A B L E U N EX C ELLED tended to the public. State Senator for Cooe and C u rry Joe K n ig h t, of M y rtle P o in t, 'i s came down from Bandon Saturday T h e C e le b ra tio n e t G o ld Beach enroute to M arshfield with hie string evening by G aroutte’e auto, and of four racing horses, and « i l l a r ­ were forced to return early next H ot and C old T ub and S hower B aths One of the largest crowds that ever rive this afternoon or evening. M r morning to meet tbeirappointm ente assembled in Curry County, met at GoM F irst C lass Barn and Oarage in Connection, K u ig h l ia one o f the co u n try! beet In Coos. T h e y arrived so late and Beech last Thursday to celebrate the sportsmen end enjoys the racing Affording all, Conveniences for Saddle Nation’s birthday: the «mat country be­ so m a n y o f our people were absent, ing represented from Langlois to Cres­ game w well as anybody. H a . baa Horses, Teams, Automobiles and Motorcycles a meeting wae not called, end thus cent City. Owing to the hospitality of w ith h im , T ed d y, E lid a , Shamrock we misetd the pleasure of hearing tha people of Gold Beach and Wedder- and another good aniasaL A ll these them speak. B ut, though m any of bura the celebration will go down as one horses are runners. They w ill be us bad never m et D r. Lane before, of the moat successful ever held in the quartered a t (he race track, u n til the county. * 1 we knew him ae a Cooe County / • The parade, consisting of the Goddess races.— Evening Rqqord. Pioneer and tor hie clean record as of Liberty. Mias Mary Melville, and M syor o f Portland and for hie hon­ her two attendants, and 48 little girls in -r— - G e n e ra l N e w s . orable reeprd in a ll the duties of a white representing thydifferent states, long and nubia life. D r. Lane is a and led by the ladiea’ »-piece band of B altim ore, J u ly 2,— The 46th end men of solid sense, clear and vigor Crescent City, formed in Gold Beach at 10 A. M. on the morning of U»e 4th »nd decisive ballot resulted^ W ilson, 990 on« opinions and is courageous in ex marched down to the river where they C la rk , 84; H arm o n ,' 12 absent, 3. preesion, and was never known lb wore conveyed to the picnic grounds at A ila u tio C ity , j j . J ., J s ly 2 — In =s aide step the rig h t tor political ex Indian creek by a fleet of eight highly view uf 3060 spectators, the big di pediency. P o litically he is the em decorated gasoline boats. rigibla balloon Akron was shattered L He*d-qnarters The Place whan T*u gat a Square T h e forenoon p r o g r a m , presided o v e r b od im en lo f Jeffersonian Democracy far the Beat ef Everythmg ia by Geo. J). Wood, wae rendered in a by the explosion of the gee bag a t Lin* ef * Dry or Jeffersonian Republicanism which beautiful Myrtle grove, and consisted of 6:38 this m orning, a h a lf m ile off Goads, Groceries and ever an in te llig e n t man chooses selections by the band, patriotic songs, shore, over Absecon In k t . fact Everything asaaly f to call the synonymous terms; prayer by Rev. Stewart, reading of the E e lv in V a n im a n , who lied b u ilt b i General Mar- hat today he ia classed w ith the Declaration of Independence by Prof. J. the airsh ip w ith the idèa of fly in g c h a a d is e vanguard of Progressive men, who R. Stannard, and an able and eloquent across the A tlam io Ocean; C alvin Stan oration by A tty. W. H . Meredith. Fol­ place Principles above P arty. H e V an im an, bis younger brother; Fred lowing thia program waa a dinner 1« an Oregon product who knows which the people o f that vicinity may E lm e r, W a lte r G uret and George Bar«’ Clothing, Boats Oregon and its needs, and he** is walLbe proud. A beef and two mutton B o u rliillio n , bis crew, were instanl- and Sheas, L a d W Unas known by a ll our old Pioneers, and wore excellently barbecued and served ly k ille d . N o trace u f their bodies Geeds, Fancy Grods, Cigara, l> e s , most of our inhabitants, who all with hot coffee, together with has been discovered. • > of palatable dishea, having a good taste know the record o f bis splendid life. in the mouths of the visitors that they Baltim ore, Ju ly 2.— W illia m Jen- He possesses tha magnetism so will long remember. The spread was Seed Gram. Orders take* far Aaythiag net ia Stock, characteristic o i tha Lane fam ily* to bountiful that a midnight lunch waa ainga B ry a n ’s labors at the . Demo loos* Hade la (M m r Sadb amd Overcoats. and we believe he w ill be triu m p h served at the dance, and even then «ratio N a tio n al Convention ere near j an end. many good things reaaninad. untouched. an tly elected in November for he The afternoon sport* were delayed T h e Nebraskan aaid this m orning certainly made a fine impression dh ■ . . « te iU tio f the tjja l ^a ; Port Osford, Oregon “ 1 have said things in th ia oon­ and evidences of being the rig h t man teams crowed beta. I t waa generally vention th a t m ay have h u rt, but I ooncedsd that tha in the. rig h t race. W in or lose | have M t th a t no M atte r w het « her«*« to H a rry Lane and H u g h r ad to win but the ed even man*« personal and political frie n d ­ Board by the Day, Week or Month, at Rea, M cL ain ; M ay there be prophecy io way in an exciting game by. • sepro of ship* are, principles and honor corn« 10 to 5. The Port Orford buttery Crow the melodious tw eiu i aonoblB Rates, A ihgrp of Patronage end Graeon, worked walk while Poet of ir« L ” - Solicited. the same team pulled off sone o f the (Coos B a t N kw s .) star plays of this day, steeling fliw Lansing, l|io h „ .J u ly 8 — Govern The U . S postal bank at M arsh­ from both the right and left garden and or Chas. E . Osborn, an a rd e n t; field, which wa« opened a year ago, covering his own territory in eenter Roosevelt supporter durin g that1 field without an error. The Gold Beach now has deposits am ounting to 1 13, boys played good bell, but it was not Colonel’s battle for the Republican 1 250. Must of the depositors are their day to win. The teams were Presidential n om iiislioti, today de­ Greeks and Italians. lined up aa follows: Gold B en ch. clared hia belief th at liter« la on n«- i w C , W . Z u m w a l t , V. P M Gauntiett p, Hewett c, Prince lb Caugb- ceasity for a naw ptdiihaU perty.M , L o u w K n a p p , Prof». I t was announced last week th at ell 2b. Bailey 8b, Meservey ae. Turner H e also said ha h<>|i« l R,»usevalt: Miss M ay Stnuff, daughter of the cf, Walker If, Thompson rf. .Port Or­ Ji; J. i/DNEY, Ca»)iier, late A. S tau ff of M arshfield, who hat ford, Crow p, Graeon c, W right lb, would act be a candidate. “ T ha issue is a le *r|y join ed fur i been visiting w ith relatives in C a li­ McClellan 2b, Masterson 8b, Forty aa, the people,” said the G.>vanior in ' fornia for several months, ia to be Clark If, Poet et, Grawn rf. In the evening a good display of flre- hie etaUmoot., “ I t is W all street married J u ly 10 to Fred C a lb srall, -works were shot off from a scow in the versus W ilso n . Woodrow W ilro u 'e 1 I l A IN K O ír O R F O lilF first assistant engineer to the Naon river, and the dance at night w w pro­ Sm ith. They w ill liv e at Oakland nounced a success, music being furnish­ eh araeter, temperament ,prepnration1 YOUR BANKING BU8INESS SOLICITE!? ed by the band A dance waa also giv­ and Alness are above the high aver California. en for the children in A. H. Gauntlett’s age o f Am erican Piesidents. H e is The Tidew ater L um ber Co., lately new building, which will later be used a C h ristian , a aoholar and a fearless organised on the Suislsw, of whioh for a soft drink establishment. citiaen. On the 6th a ball game waa played J. P. Porter o f Porter B ro e , is pres “ Republicans can vote for Wilson idenl, contemplate engaging e x ­ between the Agness and Euchre erwk P O R T O RFORO, N O B A N K W IL L H A N D L E teams, which resulted in a victory for w ithout leaving th eir party or b o lt­ •..................- -, tensively in the m anufacture of OREGON the former by a score of 18 to IS, and ing. The real Republican party baa Y C U R B U 8 I N E 8 8 B E T T E R lumber acoording to lbs West. They several wrestleing matches were pulled no candidate for President thia year. are planning for a m ill nt Florence off, J. R. Stannard taking two straight There has been no nom ination. The which w ill cut from 2 5 0 /X rt to 300, falls from Bud Poet, Chai. Hayes tak­ action o f the political freebooters at 000 feet per d ay, and estim ate th at ing the first and third falls from Jss. Crew, and Mow Averill throwing Bert Chicago ia not binding upon the to handle the business w ill require Republican p arty , even i f * for the Tolman two falls—the 1st and 3rd. an investm ent of about 0400,000. The celebration waa a success; al­ mom ent they are bearing alo ft the Coos C ofinty member« of the N ay though a little disappointment waa felt stolen ensign.” al M ilitia , who had been for a cruise that all of the program w advertised •i -i M 10* ï .“3WÄTO was not carried ouj. For instance, the on the M a ry la n d , returned on the Perhaps the moat unique horse in Port Orford boys had arranged a strong Breakwater F rid a y . O f the >4 who relay team and would liked fchave com­ the w orld ie King Pharaoh. A l­ . A n . I n a W o r t h W h ile Newly Fitted Up; Electric Lights GOLD BEACH, CURRY CO., ORE- n u n m u n in n . « b Jas S. Capps, HOTEL MASTERSON Mrs, took tha Cruise, which ambraeed ten peted in that event. While the Cres­ days and extanded ae far south as cent City bend helped out. yet a gener­ San Pedro, «nily fire were from al feeling seems to prevail that had thia luxury been dispensed with and more Marehtield the rest b ailin g from money been spent among the home peo­ Bandon. The boysexpressed them ­ ple in the way of prises for various selves ae being much pleased with s p o r ts that a more interesting time their trip , and epeak h ig h ly of their might have been had. However the visitors all left satisfied with tha time treatm ent on board the M arylan d . they had. and more than pleawd with News received on the bay last the hospitable treatment they received. week was to the effect th at the road down the coast from Coos Bay to G old Beach, O r^ J u ly 8 — G old Rogue river. H e had occasional heart trouble for several years past and often expressed a wish to die q u ickly when death should come. M r. Nordberg was born In F in lan d, Eureka would be eompieled nearly March 30 1830 and waa therefore in ae soon sa the road from Eugena to his 83rd year. H e ia survived by a Cooe Bay. Those who are in a po­ son, tw o daughters and several sition to know somethitag about the tade Beach is proud o f the record The the pest year in the sehooie. entire eighth grade passed, one o f the class ranking foarth in tha stain grandchildren and numerous friends ra ttle r, claim th a t the coaat toad ie and the en tire seventh grade passed who w ill mourn his loss, and miss his a sure go. T h a big railroad inter the eighth grade in moat o f the sub wise oouesel and cheerful u m p a n y . esta are convinced th a t they can give jeets, three o f the seventh grade His body was shipped up to Port better and cheaper eerviee over the students o nly failed to secure eighth Orford where he was buried last coast route in w inter than la possible grade diplomas by two or th re e rub Saturday by the aide of his on an in lan d road, where heavy jeets and «rare conditioned u n til daughter M rs. A lice Clsrao. snows block traffic far days a t a September. I, the undersigned, hereby give n o ties that I have a conveyance from the Patentee to tidelanda and water lota In tha Harbor of Port Orford „Oregon, on • portion of whloh a part of the wharf is erected without my consent. All parties are hereby warned not to drive V e rily the old Pioneers are passing tim e, and besides the operation w ill pUee or trespass In any manner what­ aw ay, and i t w ill not he long u n t i l ( he much cheaper, I t 1« probable GEORGE M . BROW N, soever on said tMeteodwor wate th e lest one ehall hasw answered the the coast line, when b u ilt, w ill be Man. A m a O. D abt . A T T O K W K Y A T XaAW last ro ll ca ll. used by tw o or more aorporitiona. - a t ‘- Matice. T h e Democratic T ic k e t ia Wood- sow W llaoo <>t New RtWOFRH (I)U I . A. Masterson, Proprietor though only 6 years old th is spotted nag has an much titu d e aa a child K in g knows to o fa ir ly well. H e knowiedgeand ap o f the same years. o f the “ three K ’a” w n spell, read and DOORS - WINDOWS - MOULDINGS work simple problems in arithm etic. K in g appears in the fra lure acts i a t the Oaks thia wank end w ith hia tra in er, D r. D . B. Boyd, is receiving a t the grandstand. W hen K in g « M " d E lla W heeler W ilo ox in tha Naw Y u ra Evening Journal oMoe aha wrote ot h im : “ T h e most won d e rfu l kin g o f hia nice tha world baa aver aaan. Patience, love and kind ness have transformed the boraa in to the m arvel o f the age.” K in g can tell colors, recogniM people and add subtract and m ulti JLitything you Need in Mill Work W rite us for Prices or any Informa­ tion you Need in this Line N orth B en d M a n u factu rin g Co IVo i t li O regon p ly . ’ M. LEE PÎMBERTON P H T S IU IÁ N Office at Langlois Hotel, L anglois , O rrgon - 1 1