8 . 8 . J E F F R IE S Up-to-date Barker Shop; in conpeetioo with Shoe aud • arneas repairing. ; a r t O r fo r d , O r e g o n next door to Bank. incorporated) C a p it a l S to c k . $ 5 0 0 0 D irectors : tS J Ward, Fred S Caughell W A Wood .»Id Beach, 0 r e 0 n All business w ill receive • umpt Attention. - , ? • \ _ H A R D Y T. S T E W A R T • J . *■*- f * C O M M lW tIO N E K a wireless receiving station at Gold Beach. were fe lt a t Sunset Bay, a t ths m outh of Coos Bay, one day last «reek.. tend the J u ly term of County Court. The Randolph arrived here yet terday in irning fro-tn Eureka, and and left here last evening for San Franciaco, w ith 450.000 shingle*. A lf G a u n lle lt is h avin g s aubtsan- lia l fence p u l up around his fine block in P o rt O rfo rd . Chas Q u ig ­ ley uud l.«itti)u>ia, Cuaav Co., Oaaaoa. W ATCHM AKER W ith such attraction put ling for them, the D u iry v ille players fought to a finish and snatched a victory from what looked like cer­ tain defeat. The Ladies A u x ilia ry Band of Crescent C ity w ill furnish music for liepalilnff Watches and Jewelry a the F ou rth of Ju ly ut G old Beach; and a large num ber of |>enple from ■peclalty. A ll work guaranteed. Del Norte are expected to be there. Orders taken for Watches and Fancy U\we}jy. W ork turned out on abort Port Orford w ill tend a large dele gallon nnd the largest crowdTif peo­ Call on me a t L awolou , O bsoom . WM. E L L IO T T W . «J. H j V H IJ N (Huaeseor to A. B. S abi ») .. AuKinds n Harness and Saddelry Anything not in slock, will be pleased tc order ple that ever m et jn C u rry county w ill be there i f the weather ia |int riotie, and w ill smile upon that glorious day. Charles G etty, a pioneer resident of E m p ire C ity , died in Ban Fran cisco June 25 lli 1912, after a long siege of illness. M r. G etty was a brother of W . R. G e ity who was well known in C u rry county. They were nephews of Gen. G etty of the C iv il W a r, and afterw ard Command er of the Departm ent o f the Pacific. tt e P A lR IK G NeATLY D O N E Charles W . G etty is survived by a wife ar.d several tons and a daugh­ B h i k I o i i . ter, all grown and respectable and wsFTol citicens. H is body w ill be D E N N IS C U N N J F F , J U ., buried a t the E m p ire cemetery O regon f e p . (J. 8 . M i n e n t ! S u r v e y o r wheie h it father was buried m any years ago. Surveyor for the D is tric t oi O r­ egon. 4 .old I te a c h . - - - O re g o n , T o W bornait M a y C ouoern. 1, the undersigned, hereby no­ th » that I have a conveyance from the Patentee to tirielandaand «rater lota in the Hgrbor of Port Orford, Oregon, on a portion of which a part of the w harf ■a erected without thy consent. All I' 1 ties are hereby warned not to drive piles or trespass in any manner what- . . e w r c a sabl tidelands or water lota. Mas. A wwa C. D abt . Portland, Oregon. on L e tte r F ro m G am e W a rd e n B e k e r. the O sprey. earthquake The O *prey-called in Iiere S atu r­ day on her way from Coos Bay to Rogue river, and dlschaiged some freight. 1 desire, through tba columns af A t the Teachers’ E xa m in atio n at th e T oibukk , to express m y g r a tu G old Bench last week the follow ing tude to the people o f C u rry C o a n ty persons took the exam in atio n, fo r th e assistance and -encourage namely-. Geo. W . Sm ith, Miss Lelw, m eat they have gives nae re la tiv e to T o lm n n , Mia» Lottie Sharth, Rjiy- th e «Beeharging o f m y duties at mond H e w itt, J. J. W e e n in g , Fraa G a m e W arden and I assure them oia It-diinson and R. F . W ilb u r. th a t I shall earnestly endeavor to M ist Birdie W ise, of Astoria, w ith m e rit th eir confidence and esteem ah oration on woman suffrage, en­ by as careful a protection of the title d “ The Dawn of Tom orrow ,” w ild game of our couutry as ja s tine woo the F a ilin g oratorical price, permits. - > which consists of 215Q and Miaa A l I n m y opinion the saoet destruc­ berta Cam pbell, o f M onm outh won tion to th e game of C u rry , especial­ tiie Ueekman oratorical prixe which ly deer, has ia the past oome from Saturday m orning and look aboard 11-100'cedar railroad ties for San ' is 2100. T he four other contestants the o u ts id e ‘‘sp o rt''w h o ia out for T h e winning o f the a good tim e and shoots everything Diego. She left here about five were men. piizea in the F ailin g Ik e k m a n con­ in sfght, and it is m y in te n tio n , so O'clock. test,by women reverses matters with far as possible, to put a stop to thia Charles Newm ann and Miss W al a vengeance, as they have been re­ practice. R ealising th a t in order ter», a niece of It. Q uellen’s, pass ceived for the last three years by to do effective w ork I m ust have i ed through town Thursday on their the good w ill and. support o f t i t « male contestants.. , way to R Q uellins, when Malehorns law -ab id ing eitixenn o f tba county Charles M ille r, form erly o f C a rry auto broke down. 1 m ust earnestly appeal to them countv but who fur some tim e past The F o rty boys, M onday morning. has been a resident o f M arshfield, ft,r .M ia tan ce in apprehending set ou4 llte lr Buds below town, and a ll w ilfu l violators o f tlw law. has received notice from H e n ry L . took them up in the eveoiug with W h ile it is far from m y intention Beck, Inspector, th a t be has been over 500 lbs. ot, fish— among them to haras* the aelller froui k illin g an nominated for appointm ent as 4 Lings— one being the largest ever occasional deer for the fa m ily la rd ­ fourth assistant keeper at Tillam ook cuught here. e r , yet I do not w ant m y leniency k I .i a k l Slutiuu.- and Uiat Itfi is ' Mrs. B. W . Dean and her daugh-1 rep,,ri a t Astoria by J u ly 1st. in Ibis line imposed upon and I Democratic N atio n al Convention deadlocked after 23 ballots. If there ia not a b ull, a d ark horse is anticipated. T h e Bandon arrived liars early tur L o ttie, and F rau kie Dean » B o T h e „tatiou referred to ia certainly w a in the owners of dogs th a t ha­ h*d bis arm broken a short tim e ago >n ¡iU |alej one, being located on a b itu a lly run deer and a ll persona congratulates Ute* happy young arrived borne Thursday from Jack- ' rock 8 miles off shore, and when t ie who k ill does aad fawns th a t pros­ couple. son county where they had. spent ' , t(,rln y w ind* do blow llw spiay ecutions w ill be fo rth coming when T h e Baadon called in here W e d ­ the winter w ith M its A nna D.mn. uie< , n ,w - r , he n a tio n . There arc ever sufficient evidence is obtained. nesday on her north bound trip , and A g ain th an kin g the people of the T h e y came in via R .seburg »nJ . ¡ x lne n altogether connected w ith lauded m achinery for the saw m ill eounty for th e ir aid trt lire past, M y rtle Point and had a rough trip . the station and Ute governm ent a l ­ on Hikes river. M r. Figer and Tom sod asking for its coiitiuuansw lu te They caiue dow n.from Bandon on lows euch man one month ashore Lewie o f Bandon have been w ailiug G aroutte's auto and so got home a cut of four, m aking (fares months the fu tu re , I am iiere a few daya for the a rriv a l of R e r|ttu lfu lly , h a lf day sooaer than they expected. vacation io the year. Ms. M ille r the m achinery which they w ill help K. J. B ax xx. Last Thursday C lin t M alehorn was in the lighthouse service before to in s tall. started for the H a lf way House a t having served a little over three T h e Eugene G uard M y»: Capt George W itaon, who w ith Mussel creek, and when near- the years as first asaistaut a t Poi a t Piaos “ It's have ju a t reneivad euufirasa- George F o rty h at been sealing here, grave yard a l Pftft Orford the fore near M onterey, C a l.— C. Ü . News. ttou o f the report that the ro o tra c t left on h it vessel, the W anderer for wheel* of fail« auto drop|>ed sudden beyond t l a tu uo el ha» fawn le t to Coos Buy last Thursday, having had 1y in to a new ly tilled chuck bole Socialist Co. Convention M a c A rtb o r Parka corn pa ay aad th at a successful season. T hey kilted [’ and broke some p a rt o f Ilia engine work w ilt begiu ¡m u e d ia ty iy .” said 140 or w ore sea lions, and as they so th at ha w ill have to send to T h e Socialist Convention waa H P . H o ey c h ie f o f tb a ftoa'-h»-r» saved the o il they have cleared Portland for a duplicate o f the lield a t G old Beach June 2 5 th , aad Pacific corps o f e o a rtru rtM a eagi- about $6 on each lion. broken part. G aro atla’ a. auto nom inated tIt« following ticket aud neora thia aftaro ao a. Roy C la rk who has been Attend? makes d a ily trips from Bandon to transacted the usual convention hua- M r. Hoey Said th a t tb e eaat w inter have auto service. '“ ! 1 entire e„ t ire year, year. T h e game w*r«len i* occupied two hour« reeding. Jua o fi tliiscoust. R. D. Hum e erected i undoubtedly correct. Oulaide tioe W rig h t «uataihed Oom per»’ one the costly Cold Storage plant iiere to hunter« k ill for the fun of k illin g *— month« develop the fishing industry here, not that they need the m eat; and year and M orriaon’x six sentence«. M itc h e ll was not pres­ and wo presume thq Maoleays w ill they pay no attentio n to the lim it carry « i t liis plans as soon as plans imposed by law. They go out to ent «ad his sentence was deferred. are perfect. E. f . Baker C h ief Deputy Game W arden for C u rry County, was in l ’o rl Orford M onday m aking one of U s official round« in the surround ing country. W e believe th at un have w hat they call a good tisae which means shootingaXevarythiiig M. LEE PEMBERTON w ith in range. Ths homeateader « tr«[rper who is miles and miles ' aw ay from a elore or butcher »hop kills game only when ha needs it, P H Y S IC IA N Office at Langlois Hotel, L anglois , O bboon der hi» »(lieient methods, there w ill and we don’ t believe the lew was men, ISSI. Botebarg *]«, I.D t No. 0H036. not be m any violations this year, as intended to puniali these N O T IU K F O R P U B L IC A T IO N he has the m oral support of our best which ntceasity compel» to k ill a United Mute« Land Office, qitizena and his plans ao well ar drier occasionally during the eloae Roseburg, Oregon, May 22, 1912. ranged th at violator» w ill certainly season. T he State Gam e W nrdena Noiioels hereby given that tbe North bejeaught and punished. O ur schools w ith whom we have talked, said era PaeiOe Railway Company, wliuee should be furnished w ith a large they had to ld .th e ir deputies to u»e pa«t office «ddres« is St. P m l, M inne­ printed card with the game laws discretion in the matter, and not to sota, has on the 24*h day of April, 1912 a k e th e law obnoxious b y e iforciaj| * filed in this offioe JUappLkealion to se­ printed thereon, and the teacher should be requested to teach these it in insianoes where neceaeity com lect under tbe provtsion« of tbe Act of Cengre««, approved July I , 1HU8 (N law * to th eir pupils paying special pelted the.homhtteader or trapper 8tat. W7,(I2O<, as exten Board by the Day, Week or Month, at Rea- sonable Ratea. A share of Patronage Solicited. ' . ----- Pre«. C. W. Z umwalt , V. Pre* E. J. L ovey , ("aaliisr. B A -I N K OF" P O P T • _ O R F O llU YOUR BANKING BUSINESS SOLICITED r N O B A N K W IL L H A N D L E red tt-h .n«t two other kin ds. Head-qaarters af Dry Goads, Groceries and Provisions, fact Everything usually found f a n General Mer­ I -------- - S W ashington, June 24.— Samuel 44 Port Orford N ew t DivelWss Gora per», F ra n k Mnrrisoo and Juku , “ G old Beach Cha« W ilto n M itch ell, the tabor leader«, were 44 Floras Creek J . W . Castane held g u ilty today of contempt of i P o rt Com lor P o rt of P o rt O rford court by th e supreme court o f tlw i H . J . Banks and Geo W . g yd nam . D ietrie t o f Colum bia io oouueeliou ixiUM K kafp ,. T hey are pledged to do nothing to w ith the eourt's injun Secretary; W . H . B e aw «*. H uouvictiue. The oeuteoeee ueder tbe ffrrt « mu t o the fh hin g grounds a few mil w . B. Steiner, B. B. H a lL - - 1 vietéen were: G um per* ooe year; below Port O rford, and in three hours * ',n * t’aui 1 F elt, M iteholl u ím xaonth«; M orrísou «fx captured 5 H a lib u t tho largest be ■sowtbsL T h e eberge «es tb a t tbe lu g L feet long weighing ll0 |» > u n d s T o W a 'c h O u ts id e H u n t e r * . tbree otea as odie««« o í tbe A m e n ­ tw o other» being n early as large, ean Federation , tbrough (lie smallest one caught weighing j, K , u H^ef d«BUty for C u r r y . , ... , the . . «rgoa- . . I */■ ' . • • ¿ a , » PO R T ORFORD, ..e p * 0 0 « YC U R BU 81N ESS BETTER ‘ 4- 4’ - / »e.-- e. L?» « e taf • .- .JC-dtii aSW <4. .jt-; iis ïtiil- DOORS - WINDOWS - MOULDINGS A n yth in g you Need in M ill W ork W rite us for P rices or a n y Inform a­ tion you Need in this Line N o r t h B e n d M a n u f a c t u r in g G o IV o r 111 I J o i k L, O r e g o n fl« « ift 8« 11 WOKffiffiW