Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1912)
tr m . i" »T~»'i5Ta< THE T O M GURB6NT TOTtWI B y J H.U ptom . W * okesdat J r s E w , rere. ' Published Every Wedneefifly. »>y hardy r . stfw urt . ■■ Ao lomteApt there, left tbe county fjr.otltotrpafG after a eelge of be devilment h I the kands.uf tho»g who do Ui»! resect ihe la » of li*1 Mi which JCditor T k i b i k k : pro,vide/ tor the settlement ot h>>me The late Jusrpli P o lln -r . of lire - . . ... ...r » s . York World, provide.! in hie • » " * condti.oua . "* r a « » a * r v ( f s < *' &«■ «•M" »— ■tot" a w u ii Riw" rto"= toto H ardw are, F n r n ir W all Paper. P in* W indow -glass Devoted to the In terest of Socialism The aetielea appearing and«r title o p tio n are edited by the 8o- otaliet party of Carry county, to wltopi the apace has been sold, with the understanding that personalities b« avoided and that „ the editor of thh paper waives all responsibility tin rein. w ill n gift of *>6,000 at a nuuleous | r W i.^ llb a ry J « J t^ p ly a suhurji Frank A. mew*«. X«-.í¡atJ Editor to, « fund sufficient for theerection rMWwisnwhahrf n » o j . ».»« i., City of a fillin g me | ‘” 1’ uml* r •H1*»«*"»*»* >” Kegular w¡ceii»B» of Local Battle W ith such ftw ia lb ls do t»ot ask I mortal io (he life and greet wo.k of !Ci,lrd I*”“ »««"! ?*»•* *'" *'« to . »•»•aer'jwaaa«»«»»'»» »'•' 'M i» ', ]«ttow»lb»4sM lo whlcb roo» »ui»-J Bock Local, first Saturday to each to make head way, from them we Thomas Jeffetson. Snlwctipiion. . * ' » * .»»»»*'• «'» •**»»• » «erivuo» 1» »»M- month at 1 «’chick P. M. ¡ex,set „«quarter nor will we give) to the fund were invited, end, in a I Washington Uvqpgb one «ltd then _______________ . any*. The conflict must be to a long list of Ooulrihutioiia ptinfnfl in > ‘»ot,ier ageqcy. * Aovaa-isisu li ats » KeAw>r*Ai»U(. Comrailes.of I»ocaI Battle Ruck j finish. There will l.e no surrender ! the Woitd, I tint« the lergeei ope) T h u « are Amp tore several more ElrCtion of utbcei'S Qtst meeting in on the jrerl of the Socialists. Our wav filió- Qtliers ran along fron 60 new votneis *|to have u.ude up their 8ÜWJCK1PT1CN RATE«. July, first Saturday in July. Full party w ill never ftfre wjth any of One Y e a r ........ • . . 'c e n ts u p in s Jew dollar*. Men of minds to settle on some of these , their p.irtl<s, I f we were standi’ g attendance is dts red. H ix M o n th s ............. 4b great {r.itlih.p» a general,role, would lauda pr know the reason why. Three Months- • ' still, we would stand still tor a I sitali have something further Io 8 une O bjection* to Socialism. like to forget tl at Thomas Jefferson tiiouaand years latore we would go ever lived and »/ought in lip« say next on lliejkclivilie* of special a toot with any capitalist P*rjjf* '/YiR jeep nntniop<ed Friday on country, because hie motto, wlueh i aa‘A>G* B'‘d forester» in Curry coun ty Kui mies of Socialism complain Their interests are not our interests. AheJfrj>t.l^)lol most of-lhe Jlno-e ^ ^ „ ¡ , ( „ , » 1 ^ ,jv«.l up to during year or - two. two. I fcball . j . _? d “ ™ 1» !‘ he last . -------- because Socialists presch classstrug This is all true. ,v .ll up;« having left the c o n v e n tio n ;^ wb>Je w 0 show pp cases wherein even poor gleaod they array class against class Œ' Thè Socialists are not made of ,.« d wlH n rg .n l/. a m F P ^ a * fttf> A „ iur widows homestead* were attacked by politically. I l is tru i. Socialists material that withers or fuses. ,atve party and nominate jloogevell. ■ ' r Such was" * tile sffo. - None.” of hi« j the«» gentry long after they hud pteach discontent, but not discon offending- Such tile re.eon fo r, made ffuai proof a u.f received their tent with home or children or friend Right nr wrong they are actuated by (lie highest ideals that flap tn.i’ e The Roosevelt did nut hoJt. They ' Roosevelt Setting liitp d 9 *n in one , receipts in regular course. nor with honest labor spr with life , , , , i a human being. The ideal of hu- .remained iu the convention until of his hooks as a life Jong “S h ift ’ Langlois, 6 r. • , , as a whole, nothing of the kind. 1 .. , , , . , , mail Justice. And ll.ev- arc going ^heclose with few exceptions. They Demagogue," We do preach discontent with the - . . .. , . . , 1 . «own Ihe line nl then ideal regard nerved notice to the Taftjtre that fact that in the United States m il- . .. ,. . ,, Now for a look (it the Ollier sole The fall* ah Oregon City it few I less of Ihe length nl time, or of the ¿hey ignored tip) action <if thejr and womeu cannot get . , ., . p f tlie shield . » years ago could only be utilixed fur lions of . men .. , .... . ■ obstruc.ioit that may be placed in stolen majority, pud t,hat a pew Re work, * while other millions of men 1 1 . 1 ir . wu y. - ’ G rover jCleveland, whine only power purposes a few feel away their publican Early of progressives with women and children ouly find em /tooeevell a liy . hred had been tori» distinguishing characteristic during fio-n the banka of the river; no fur- After a man has seen leocinlisiu, he ployment at starvation wages. ed which in due time would hold a a second term in the W hile House thur than a Iw-ll and pully could be can see nothing else so big, nor can Shouldn’t we do Uiat? We are National convention and numihale was his groveling sulwerviwncy to rigged. „Now it can he utilixed l" 0 be ever toiget it. T hat is to say he the “ I ill tree Is” and who had retired utiles from th e ', and is Worth m il- oreating wealth rapidly— We the yt Progressive ticket. cannot if he is honest. Two nr thiee working class— but what we make from office a millionaire, had only ion» and is taxed nothing. goes into tbe coffers of a few rich out of a million atv notu We strive ILooseveil had a legitimate major Iwen In Ilia grave a few short 'years who fix our wages, fix tbe price' we to make progress among the wolking The passage by Congress of the ity, buf the National cptniniUee Jtud when a subscription’ w«u* started by have to pay for everything we buy. class and not among the rich. By Jbeen slocked by T a ft pteo, who Ig a Republican ex U. S. Seuator.snd CUaytnn bill curbing the abu«e of Who fix the price we have to take working cluss. I mean all those who nored Roosevelt duiegates in nearly controller of a life insurance com- the injunction by federal judges is I t matters not for everything we have to sell. Who do useful labor. mid not all cases of contest, aud tbe Cim- patyr in New Jersey to ruiaefitOd.OOO a ^ ^ » o r t h y act I I whether such labor Ire done by the fix the amount of goods of a ll kiuds g ' newrtary ,,Ue ¡f go jraution of .“ Boasea” upheld the to erect a shaft in Princeton to hia ba'w that shall be lusnufaclorod and digger in tbe ditch, or by the gen- | Committee in every csss, and thus memory. J lie a hide aunt was sub ! lnany o,ufis were not controlled by tllat eral superintendent of some great 1 by predatory interests. The first prom placed upon th« market, so Corporation. Workers are creators) jparpetrated the greatest outrage scribed in a few days,» iuo«tly strikers, lockouts and paoica find no fT A li m illionaire Republicans, although inent man in a public poailiou to ^gainat tbe tire people ever large bulks of manufactured goods of wealth, they differ from the cap the effort is still made to keep alive known 1» Ainar(fliHrhistory. R«»iae advocate such a law was John P. to be sacrificed ut cut prices? Who italists iu this: workers make while ’ veil is right. He yrili defeat Tuft, the fiction that Cleveland was a Allgel J then Governor of Illinois, control over thirty five billions of capitalists lake. A capitalist is a! toto*1 lie was denounced and vilified for >nd be defealtgl himself; but he Democrstl profit seeker. The small merchant I l is this that the.uIn(eresia" make it, but now, only ten years after hiy Industrial properly, a third of the Will have purg4jk-the oountry- of lakes a profit but that is not the it an ohjuol tor men in high po»i- d e ilh progre«»ives of both parlies entire national wealth? The cost of T a ft’s corruption. kind of profit that the big capital tjoiia to betray the country into have united io pushing a measure livin g is moving l|igher end higher crowding and ever increasing nuin ist Ultes, tbe former represents only euilkwTying his views through the Thp j)eptqcra lie Con vstRjpn met tlogr bands. tier o f man and women into the bot labor aud is therefor» only wages. Unlike Jefferson, Cleveland was Io s et house. Tuesday in Baltimore and as there tomless p it where they suffer the The big capitalist profit represents (Successor to N. C. Nielsen.) ¿w. so many cgndhialns, with Clark neither learned nor great, nor had The plank against government tortuiee of heli- Would you *have no labor. I t is such profits that sett he rendered any conspicuous service by injunction in the Democratic pnd Wilson in the lead, the chances uacontented and satisfied will» that? capitalists and workers at war, he /or a long fight are certain. As i t ; to Ins country. He had however, platform of 1896 was the one most M r Morgan, with his millions, is cause profits Come o uI of the work I will lake two thirds of the delegates crtminnlly conspire.1 with . Moigan objectiooahle Io plutocratic iuteiesls ers. This war ia the,cla»s struggle. to nominate, it is probable that a Cp. to sccreily sell them ♦ 162,<XX) and wa« far more responsible than a greater power than thegovernmeut The woolen m ill owners of New Socialists are n|>posed to class war. I dgrjf h?rse ,wjU be /hoaen— aud , ®QQ in /bo n d /at a figure So low aa to the silver plank for the hitter li »lit England and,the cotton m ill own There should lie no elaaserf. /iry a n ig lb . moat talked of. W jlh ' enable them to market the same» »t ^tliese interests againat n. 1 lldcfti-’ made tllnUV n lt«l IlSk B. U» II. «, . .. , I f everybody worked at useful ,, „ . .. , era o. the ttouth, under the protec I /h e Republican party split wide [a profit of ♦ HI,000,000 iuside of two Henry George, held that this plank X ..' — , „ I labor and took no more than be 1 lion of tha republican ad an nisi re /»pen, lb . Democrats will elect Ihe months sfterdheir issue; and he had was the inoH im jiorlant in the plat V lion in the north and democratic in longs to him , there would by no ¿text President I f they do pot make I without legal warrant, and against form of that year. t the south, fatten upon high tariff. classes. But if some men choose not S foolj»« ipistake. W ith ¡Bryan or all prroedeitl, sent the regular army I-/ I t is interesting to remember that Starve man, women and little child to work but make war on those who and fresh supplies Will be received by every steamer. i , Folk they jo u ld have a walkover. i«o Chicago to beat into submireion President Taft will have the choice are working, taking that which they my puipoae to keep a fu ll stock of everything require I . * ren with low wages. F ill both their ___ ___________ the hungry men who had atiuck of signing or vetoing the measure trade in the lips of did not earn? Who is .To blame? mills and the grave yards with lit against the intolerable conditions pulling an end Io the iniquitous G R O C ER IE S and PR O V IS IO N S , Tbe administration is quietly at Certainly not (lie workers. They gvork preparing it . b ill, increasing ’ *’< “ 'e P“ l l *n.,ni C“ r C*«"’ I practise of which he was one >f the tie children. And the department t| Mfitorea and sweat shops who make have never yet been able Io keep BOOTS rad S il .newspaper postage from one to two I**” ' - And- h t a *»nse treaoi j pi,,naeM f.l<lm,i(,g U|wa ~w o rs e than slaves of their employees what belonged to them. Socialists cent, per pound. I t would he well “ *S ,* '.",h country.— Economic League. M E N S and BOYS, C L O T H IN G , i and fill dawdy bouses with the flow- ’ reeognixe these facts. Those who » r : a .4 l . him, commanded bln, to that ele /o r our friends td keep an eye on ’ . , . er of womanhood because they can denjfe them must be ignorant of the, L A D IK b 'D R E S S G<H>DB, 3 ' r .v ' inenl in otir business world whose Sold Invention. .this maneuver of the republican . . . . . existence of trusts, «labor uniofta. not live on the wage* paid for their H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W A R g . ... . '• ! ouly politics is loot slid mammon, party /o put the low pi iced papeia, J 1 labor, and are not willifig to die. courts, millionaires, pauper* and of tha poor out of business. Rob- And, eoiue to th in k, it ia now Being a fond anil indulgent par C IG A R S , TO B AC CO . P H I- '' j Would you have us satisfied and over woiked workers or men and' Jttery, no matter whelherclad in the »•> purchase the house ent brought *25,000 to F. A. H aw k, women under worked becauie they Í preach contentment with these C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S . yuyal robe of a king or the silk cap ! Cleveland Was born iu nod enclose a lilac ¿smith of Central Point, when cannot get work. Can yott deny things? - In fact, a supply of everything usually kept in a well stocked and kid gloves of a captain of in» I U •» “ ,u“ ,b,e to«u**h»un, and Geo. he sold to John d w e ll, a real estate Of course we preach discontent these things and deny the existence^ General Merchandise Store. duatry ^ates publicity. Liberty j W - w " ,r i,’u,* " * 25' W lo ' ruan and capitalist, hia invention of ment and iuteird to keep right ou of chtaree or « class struggle? T h e ' disappears when the fiecdom of the ward i l ! “ n(1 1 h" ve » 0 doubt C.levc a baby jumjier. Baby Ruth needed ORDERS TAKEN k 0 B ANY AKTICLB NOT IN STtH'K. doing so as long as there is life in dead of Ihe warfare are represented pres* ia taken from tbe people. I ,Hnd figured in advance that tbe diversion and exercise and Mr. and our bodies, aud such conditions re by those who have been starved, Remember eternal vigilance is the i •**» nturten glory worth the sacri »Mrs. Hawk were to busy Io supply overworked on low pay where the main. We decline to have any fierce desire lor profits send workers fice of Ilia conscience fodeterve it nt it, so the father constructed a can ^rice of iibertjr. men, or class of men, dictate to us to their doom for lack of proper safe ! the hands of the exploiting scouinl- if»« ¿Mi» vas pair of trunks, attached a strong what we preach. They preach what guard* -thnt would have saved their ; rels who demand no end of conces rubber cord to It, fastened thia to a they please. Just now they are live*. The wounded sre in every P rogressi ve C h in a sion of those in power. ring in the roof of the porolr and preaching a good deal through some poverty stricken home. Either these statements are true or they riv 1 .1 u 1 >. r, 1 Jefferson conceited nothing to the the baby grow stronger and happier of the magazine* about religion,— Christian Science Monitor Boston1 , t ’ are not. I f they are true why not 1. x u/L. .1 . ,■ class that prey upon the substance day by day as it danced and hound Men’s religion aud forward move recognize them? We lielieveit wise June 6 -» Whether China, nt this . L . . , '___» Li . . of their fellows, hence Ins very name ed to its heart’s content. Mr. O t ment. Big business is behind this to recognize the existence of facts. ¡ /tsg e of history, w ill try to repro J I is anthema to that das« even to this well hap|iened to see the child nmus- movement, for no good purpose to We, the workers, are being robbed duce the experlençe of western E u : day. One can well imagine what ¡ng herself as he was motoring by I the workers. They are behind many by small bodies of capitalists and rope ^nd America in tonus of gov* I bis, or Jackson’s or Liuuolu’s reply ) the place recently and was so struck we cannot find it out to soon. We .erjyxysnt, or will launch out on n other sim ilar movements not for the should by all means know how the 1 more socialistic or eolleclivistie W° " “ i'* Ve » *« ''b, a Morgan .G a r y j by the ingenuity and clever ante of workers sake, but for their own robbing is done.— J. Q. theory of the state and of state ac ° r “ 1' " ck’ if e,lh* r b“d U'* u | ¡d«* ‘ hat he purchased the pat pruGt. These gentlemen who are il Ihe gross violation of ent and bsS decide.! Io go into the ,ir i ln„ off wbal (bpy — ,— .— — ------------------------------------------- — Jivitfes, is one of thtwe wide o|>en c S l tocon.m The atiooiliea committed against) la w i n c . l o u .l io I I.« t . h in ., I I . * 9 : __ .. w . . .1 a» s ° " Ihe law involved iu the taking over business of manufuoluriug the Baby .quefltioq* that makes prophecy un from us, teil us In take religion from convict* in some of the southern of a TeauCsss Coal and Lon Co. Ruth juns|«rs.— Roseburg Review. them. In the sweet by and by we : stale* under the capitalist prison safe. Neither President Yuan Shi ,)£ai nor Premier Tang Shao-y| is A * ,io “s H»»J<tn confronts us up ate to'geltour owii, while they get syslem is a burning digrace to Atner ican civilization. These convict* Jouched with modernity to t he same here, and the people further souih their (? ) own now; but we are de are farmed out to private contract W e n t a* D r . Bun Y et Sen. The Mr‘I doubtless confronted with it like termined to make a prodigious light ora and among these private con leader of the revolution und the Pr,’bl«o'- 1 have reference to the Real Estate Notary Fnblie tor the sweet here and now. tractors, according to quite recent man win. retired in order that Yuan • « « “ «> ” f brOl‘d areas of the public And thia is what you are com- disclosures, is lire steel trust. This 81,i Kai m ight rule does not hesi- do" “' io I» '" « “ lo"6 c«sl of and near plaining about. I t is terrible I o ' capitalistic shark baa not only a . | . U M |e " You cru® iec^ org#h,zetl labor between its 1 Jgto.b» declare Ifts belie! in socialism " Mr »«Itleoseiils by the powers that would hare uashol o u ia y e . to i t . J : " . . " 0 * 11 ' h* H n’y pUrp° “ lo kerP » fuU ' took ° f * » * y U .I« f f required by ... lie, und thrown into reserves of one and io extreme state activity in 40 acres in Tow nship 8 6 - gone into the convict market to solving all problems of economic *t r t ° r #n,,lber. Out on and in the existence, to the fact that it ha* ex squeeze the final drops out of the trade in the line of 14.— Timber, and indusiiiat dist'Crs, sqch as the • ‘‘’••‘ ■•y of the south fork of Flora* isted for thousand* of years. So vein* and marrow of the working 16,5 acres in T ow nship 3 4 - cialists irgard poverty in these day* class. jgrawt fa in io es and floods that now Crevk " re bl,,"d “«res of land, dt-sli G R O C E R IES and P R O V IS IO N S , I t ia scarcely believeable that theae periodically destroy population and .l " ,e of merclia.ilahlc ^mb.-r that 14.— Tim ber. F ine hog ranch. a* a scandal. There was a time B OOT8 and SHOES unfortunate convicts who are- the yrrelth. also wuuld go far ¡„ ,» « * ootuers into lire county have when there was some excuse for pov wards of the slate are lam ed over M E N ’S and B O Y ’8 C L O T H IN O . 351 acres in T ow nship 3 4 - preventing increment of wealth de i h**" " I’-empting Io settle upon and erty. Now if the producer, the lab to the private flogger of the steel 14. F ine stock ranch. L A D IE S ’ DRESS GOODS jiv e d out, of social development from ” l * n UP tor stock raising fru it grow orer was class conscious, was not trust to be lashed into insensibility F A N C Y GOODS. 160 acres in T ow nship 3 4 - crim inally inactive mentally and and hare the flesh on their back* going into pockets of private-owners blg otl“ ,r on|y bi he cut into shreds i f they uuhappily 'H * would tax after the manner urg -' inel with the poeitive dictum of a 14.— Timber. politically. I f he only knew which C IG A R S . TOBACCO, P IP E S , transgress some rule laid down by ed by H enry George. No man in man by the nume of M ill.ury that aide hia bread ia buttered on, or I ha masters. C A N D Y . N U T S and N 0 T I0 N 8 . the Empire now has, or is likeiy to the saute liasbetu withdrawn tor) Should be, so to speak, we could cut There ia nothing more cruel and have, greater weight as a ualimtal ! forestry pur;»**», and ia absolutely our working day in two and still atrocious recorded of tbe Apaebe Infact, a supply of everything usually kept in a well stm a •d v ite r for Sun YatSen speaks with unsuitable for any such purpose. M make a ll we needeJ. Yet jmverty savages Ilian I* here revealed lo the world aa part and parcel of the erchandis# Store, tha authority of a world w ¡de tra vei Ju»t how in tach more Mr. Milbury is scourging the world ae w a ri’never metho<le of the great church going ,t»r and of a patriot who has pul na knows atioul the suitableness of land scourged it. - and God fearing capitaltaW of New tion far above self, j t is worth not. for any purimae than old farmers Where ever capitalism has reach York in flogging pour convicts to • tort •» *•»• n»hi Bai to jag that Premier Tang Sho yi says and rancher» who have grown up in their ed a high stale of development men, death lo pile higher still that be ho|NM tor eocialiam’s tri- the business, we would like tor him women and children are pursued lo mountains of private profits. Where convict laborers are faint tiniph tome day; but be is not as to explain, since it i» strongly sus- their graves by poverty- Some be ed out to private contractors the ready to experiment with radical picioned that he is a vr y poor judge lieve thia to be alright, they belong people ought to riaein revolt against ( all and E xam in e G oods, and get I tí- 1 Assire*- ASO jegiajalion now as ia Dr. Suu Yal in such mailers. to the rich who are grafting off th e{ it aa an outrage upon society nnd a to S r q B rww MuamStM W J IM I D ea.-»Tbe Public. Several good families, who tried crime against humanity. @ome in »n OUi OPEN Eli PLACE STOVis MONARCH M A L L E A B L E RANGES. Large A sso rtm en t of H and P a m > China. Lanterns, L am ps and C u ttelry. N ew house S teeitra p s, P o u ltr y N et' ng M A ILO R D E RS PROM PTL YF ILLE D G IL L IN G S E S 'a i ! i AMES S. JOHNSTON I G E M m A I» M E R C H A ^ I ^ r P o r t Orford, O r r c ^ NEW GOOI I i 1 ’ Call and examine goods ar.d get prices. t rara rera« JOHN 8 . MILLER. GENERAL MERCHANT, Port Orford, Oretron« Has opened a new Store, with WILLIS T WHITE, Sr H E W GOODS, Port Orford, Oregon ? In T u b ercu lo sis C A M PS Orders Taken for Anythin? not io Stwi. Scott*« Emulsion working elaae. JOHN R. M1U.LM. A