♦ m flíM E. m r . j u n e » , t»is. Published Every Wednesday, by ' ' ‘ H A B U V r. STEWART. I .. plains nJ freedom alJtf hope* hnd't he other force 1» thrust- X * * ” **’ oufi8l h® be trusted in lka| ing mxii backward into bi» medieval of • «aindidate, either him condition of servitude »nJ degrada o r «not her, since he now e»n lion. A ll of the minor eddies and he made an inexcusable ewirb in (he greet ocean of conitn-j •’hinder In »«looting Taft for 1908. Devoted to the Interest of Socialism The articles appearing under thia capti >n are edited by th e So­ cialist party o f Curry conuty, to whom the »pace ha» been »old, Hardware, Fumiti- Wall Paper, I.i, Window-glass in « hare thia argniflcahde and n oth-, •"T H l,l- t Mr. Taft lies not witb'tbe understanding that personalities iw avoided and that ’ .F ra n k A. Stewart, ¿«»orlate Editor ing more. They are only the »ee. *****> proved himself conspicuously - the editor of thia paper waive» all reaponsibllity therein. ondary results of the one great it’ro»patent, but dishonest «mJ di« 1 ba£> A (inuxiaxiaraM eii r u r tM iw r . « Tastimi ! in a rk iro m in which the winds and honor»Ida as »ell. | * e r A * u * t * « • to w hich jroer « u b i Regular meeting» of Local Battle | and »ell these commodlli.». B ut| 'wrtpUunJ. i the wave« of the Few Era are belli- F. A. H id e , »lie erstwhile k ia g -if Rock Local, first Saturday in each the wage worker baa .only one com- ing with the downward pfersurttaml litr d fraud artists, must, according month at 1 o’clock P. M. m oJily fa sell— hia labor power- A b V B I * » l» lh Q K a TBS R b à WM '(utal suck of that aucient g o lf ' in to a recent decision of the 0 . S 8u ‘ | He sells it for its value. But tn 'which the wreck» of so many ages preme Court, serve time and puy Date of Convention Postponed.! two wo,' or three hours of the day he SUBSCRIPTION BATEb. have been etr»llowed.-*-Ridp.»fb'.’ heavy finse. He had been «invici f . f ■ produces the equivalent of h i. « aje i One Copy One Y ea r . 7 . , „ - ,.. fkfio ed by a Washington City Court and I There wj„ be,,j ¡„ Gold then he works for six to ten hon Uae Copy Six Mentii»................. „ a One Copy Three Mentii»., ............. longer, (u theee hours heproduc s rawest ÌrA0'U ' A Convention of the organiteli C U R R E N T T O P IC S . in both C nliforn.. and Oregon, ft Socialist, of Curry county on June what Socialists call surplus value The circulation of the Appeal to , ,, ,, for the Capitalists. • a . tin . same H yde who drew up 24,h , t ttleVen A M ,<>rUw pH RraJfmlncreased o re /W .W o Y n “«* J “ U" Ui'' be fall,unending cur school land of putting in nom inations county T h e C lass H t r k x il e . This sur­ iaetW irfc A little more persecution Editor T b ib u m e : I n w i and »nil sent tent it II up un here h*r» in «»I «• J plus value now belongs to the eapi. laws to a pal w ill easily raise it above the m illion ’ Let it uot be insisted that a Dera- who was a member of our Legisla district and precinct ticket for the talista because they own the land, fall election. 'mark to wMetr it aspires. I t is the «watie CongSaaw is nut amenable to the machinery, the raw materials; ture, and who sneaked i t through 'greatest propagandist; Ute bravest the swan tongs of (be “ Interests,” that body and which was promptly they pay the Jaliorer» their wages The word Socialism it a growing ’paper, the wprld liar ever known And as more especially to the pressure which approved by Gov. T. T . Geer. Thia , word. Most dictionary definitions und they take the rest. the express co»p»iliea know so well 'law permitted allcomers I law permitted all comers to purchase tell only what the word used to machinery improves, tiie capitalist’s “¿tnnex Cuba” and be done with how to brin^ to bear, When the sub- jour school lands at *4.25 no acre, share of the pfoduot grows larger, 'mean. The latest dictionary defiui sickening sentim enuliim should ¿act o i l parcel* post is op. The one fifth down and receive oertifi- the workers smallter. The cspitol tions tell wha^ Socialism looks like the demand 1 from Maine to popular dmnapd fur «. paroelb post j cates of purchase,‘which should be ists think this it right; so' do the from the outside, But the word has T t is the inevitable call of ^>ia -age. hat been insistent for more tfiah' '20 ' transferable by.assignment. ’ Un- “ good” workers, the ones who be come to stand for a very definite Let the “ AoneXatten of Mexico” ________ , ____ in to jdd r »hie law Hyde invaded the Stale Mextéu” !, ' yeere. A « M was iweauduced' Iteve In the morale that the capital M O N A R C H M A L L E A B L E e c x rr 4 * reel As Uie'inevitable cell of t h i fn j the lower Houto for a genuine pur- j Land Board w«h balsa of certificates thing— that is to say, for a move­ ist paid teachers and preachers ment which started with the Com RANGES. lure. The hinds of Fate can point cels post tod amended into a Take duly asrigned by slum dwellers end pump into them. But the clear munist Manifesto of 1848 and which 'no other applying to rural delivery routes dummies— not one o f which wee Large Assortment of Hand Pa n '■ headed wage worker, those who now enrolls many millions of work­ r alone, to handle packages where thh bona fide or legal. These thousands think for themselves, wont to keep China. ers in a ll civilized lands. They The waters of Lake Michigan ex press com panic» never go. Should of seres were selected in forest re- know better than the dictionary-, the good things they produce. They Lanterns, Lam ps and Cuttelry. could not wash out the taint of pol­ Champ Clark be nominated for 1 serves and in territory soon to be in makers what Socialism means. want tojifeolish the capitalists anil lu tio n and corruption that is being Piesident he will find i t d ifficu lt to reserva», the object being to exchange Newhouse Steeitraps, P ou ltry Nee t.' These words of Liebkneclit, a G er­ become the owners of the tools they d aily Oiworked by the T aft' and vXpluin to the farmers why he threw these lands for “.c rip ” to be located man Rueialist, who uutil his death use and the things they make. The ’Roosefelt factions at Chicago, who them down. M A I L O R D E R S P R O M P T L Y F IL L E T ) on clioiosst timber lands— for a lime knew perhaps belter than any other capitalists w ill not let go without a hewn not to know or to Care, that struggle. So the class struggle is As the people become more fu lly surveyed or unsurveyed. man the spirit of modern Socialism, the American people are watching aware of the stupendous income of on. Hyde’s long time partner Benson, explain briefly end clearly. tbeth, and reading its fa it sigwifi the express comparites, all a charge The socialist PAX-rv of the civil­ I-eat him to it, going to prison for What Socialism Is Not fiance. ised world, organised in every eap upon the public, they w ill lose all perjurv, where he died, aud after “ P ity for poverty, enthusiasm for itxiietfo country, is the machine patience with their1 obsequious Con­ whose death two extra wives turned I f you are a G rum p or Mnsshaek gress and. paltering executive, and equality and freedom, recognition of through which the wage workers are up claiming a share in his supposed end don’t believe that the cause of will seek s way nut, even if that •ociai injustice and a desire to re carrying on their struggle. The millions. Upon a final settlement Man and Woman and H um anity it way shall lie through the Socialist move it, Is not Socialism. Condcm- unions are.another. In France the by (he administrator of deceased’s Advancing in a ll lines bn the high nation of wealth and respect for ueious are more revolutionary and partv triumphant. estate, deducting fees, commissions, -T ,™ . wey of progreeeiveiem, you should poverty such a» we find ¡nQhristiaa aggressive than the party itself. In The ex press Companies, like many allowances, expenses of litigation, l u r e been tn Port Orford lest Toes- ily and other religions, is hot So America thus far the unions have ! other special privilege corporations, etc-, the. sheet showed a net balauce 'day night, and heard the bugle calt Cialism. The communism of early for the most part been iead.by petty ■ have been in the habit of concealing of Cne Collar and th irty five cental of Mrs. Silbsugb, ono of America’s times, as it was before the existence politicians who received favor» from ! current dividend profits by carrying Thus ended the scramble for the 'moei1 to ten ted women, the wittiest, of private property, and as it has at capi'xlitl» aud carried on the union • » on their hooks a “ surplus” nocount •tpllhoos of the great speculator and taost convincing and eloquent speak- all times and among all people been activities in n na.v to h u rl tlic capi- which, when grown unwieldy, they, I land grabber I ten sou (8occessor io N. C. Nielsen.) 'er, ever heard in Curry coonty the elusive dream of some enthus ta liits as little as ,««»ihle. There! m L u who believe thev a a • a J a dtalribu‘* their slockhol.ler. That Benson was a m illionaire lasts, is not Socialism. are signs of change and one of the a mejon!” j none doubted, and all are convinced .........? , — “ In all thee* appearances is lack- uio»t im portant tasks for the Social brain and and more more ab a b ility ility, ,, should should "b b e e ' | ° " " ! T V ”* ***,'i ''e ' “ ^ ,he brain VM r " o,,e ’ <'oml”,nie’'.th a t, for good and sufficient reasons ing the real foundation of capitalist ist party today is to make the forced to stand u p before the same ' d‘rtn b u l*a amount . his wealth was merged with that of forced to stand up-before the same society and.it» Cass antagonisms. unions tru ly revolutionary. f^3~Port Orford, O r .T ^ Budiench and prove their superiority 300 per Hyde’s. Without these it could not be. 8o WAGE WORKERS WAXTE1). The 4,v -Y . k _ _ _ _ _ " « " I 1 The great Lawrence woolen And now I see the statement“ We (eia| ism and ethics are two separate Socialist party is controlled by its by debating with such women as corporation cut a Isrgejuicy “melon are all '" intellectual prostitutes,’’ , things. This fact must be kept in dues paying members. lire . Siibattgh;= A conscientious t _ . I l hi T ' ivt 1" « Pru” A wage ftian Would-be ashamed to say that '» R> Whitelaw ... - _ - - -yt> ------------- Bcidt mind. worker, with “nothing to lose but it womarfshOuld not here -'equal • addition d4rt,On to " annual " ” u .l divtdend. of .9 .- 'T - dividends £ The language wee used by the late hie chain«,’’ who it filled with the What S o c ia lis m is per cent. . J o h n S w in to n, otut ui U m > ablest righto" when overmatched by her ««”» has very little Socialism ¡s"afie international •>“ »** and flush supplies will be received by every steamer. Judge Hanford, the judicial an­ ■ journalists o fb is time in an address w it,ability, (earping and eloquence capitalistic philosophy to unlearn S O T . l i n e a r fU!1 ‘ toOk ° f archist, opened Ooart the oilier day »' mi editorial I mi nquet In New York movement of the wage workers of w ill become a clear beaded Socialist the world for the destruction of the with the stars ehd stripes spread out SW’ nton finally withdrew from the Something Wrong. G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , profit system, udder which the tools fn a surpiuingly short space of time. behind his bench, and with a flag e la fi of “ hireling” writers and I t is different with a capitalist, large of production are owned hv capital BOOTS*««- The scenes enacted at Chicago by wrapped about his person! 8uch a bought an interest in the “ Nation,” hanger on „ of ists and used for them by wage i or small, or with a ..— mock use of the national emblem is M E N S and B O Y S ,"C L O T H IN G , a high class weekly in New York, workers, and the establishment of a ! caPiu ,irte » «»en D the meeting of th« Republican Na have uo capi tioual ComulRtéeare unntterbly die- such a desecration as to deserveo»n- in the conduct of which he display­ • ■ - - tol himself. Such a convert must L A D IE S ’ D U E K . system under which the workers The following ed great ability, gutting to the American people, dign punishment. eiudy hard and long over principles shall own the land, the tools and H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W A R E . t í o party can survive, nor ought to dispatch is some hint of what they In Swinton’s address on the oe which to the wage worker are self theproduct. In other words Social Í urvitre, which will »tags such scenes think of Hanford at Washington: caeion he tai far from belong C IG A R S , TO B AC CO . : evident. JAnd before the world, “ Washington, Jnne 10— A bitter ing to nn honorable profession, we ism means the abolition o f 'capital­ ------- such — . actors v r a . uciure — ......." — ----------- C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S . bevolutioh mot bkform . The ism. ■with such bri z m disregard of honest, * rrB*8nmcnt of Judge are all w intellectual — C. H . Hai f ml — • — — www os^wrwuewe |v prostitutes e vwueawvw. capitalist w ho comes into the parly In (act, a supply of everything usually kept in a wei Ae Professor Veblen has well said heebaracterixed as one of us dare write what we aclual- * -- ’patriotism. Wealth without lim it of Seattle, whom — k- “u------ *— nearly always ha» his head filled *- General Merchandise Store. 'is Used to corrupt the actore. Every a judicial pervert, moral bankrupt |y think, or »Lite a truth ns we xe “ the S,8lr* t,on on one side and a work t t means thhdtontb a f th* G , O. P. to slate that the vote of the S un < h L ‘T T ‘ f administration oh theothei aud you w ill find them divided into ing class ......... «— 1 n f t mesne a million more Socialist WhC“ lbe< h' Ve’ io , two groups. The smaller, . hut up . to The struggle is on and you must 'vothe; it meant the overwhelming mi.tee in favor of the Taft delega.es £ • ‘" f <«n bu lead to now the stronger group, consists of 'take side«. ■ The Socialist Party I'liiXfon of Bryan if the Democrats from Alabama and Arkansas Wl(p; lhe ,r ,e wh,c^ unanimous, notwithstanding th a t; ‘ l,em ,e,vw ; ■n ,,u > k« P , capitalists who live in comfort with doe» not make the struggle, indus­ ’have sense enough to nominate him . 18 of the national committeemen ' lk / “ re,,d1» luoked ®P , or no labor, because the people tria l development has made it. ere strong Roosevelt men including " ’ ' CUPh *’ * rd “ «tH the of the other group have to work for You are in it «bather you like the W o riff C o n d itio n s are strong Roosevelt men including ¡. j . . . . , , ~ Senator B.wih. i P 7 J “ ' * hU° ted down ,n d ba8 them. The capitalists believe that thought or not. Being in it you A /? t i . , . . L , , . ¡ged; all this is a mothers duty to- can dotwo thinge and only, two. Human society is in the alembic; I t shall he my purpose to keep a fu ll stock of everything reqrn,, ,. , , And, leet everybody dnp’t know day; and a very revolting duty it 1« to make profits from the labor of the wage workers is good, while for a One is to follow the capitalist. Per the civilised l.fe of men is on trial. the h,slory and nrigm of the “Steam one lllal ditpoM, of lhe haps he w ill pay you for your 'Kvary civil and political iottitution Roller ir. convent.ons, 1 will „ trade in the line of # , MUlnpUon H ,, t|)e f(|j|h. wage worker to steal from a capital­ o f the world ia pasaing through an pla.n that the first th .t w .. ever fo| discharge of her home duties ist or even to diminish his profits by treason, by making you a favored ' taking part in a »trike is bad. Aad »lave. The other thing^you can do G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , twdeal in which it is tested as if in heard o llh a t .mptement being eu. lhat . wo(n#n flndg her |f is to stand up for yonr own elass. Y u ro « « Artig. That* ______ __ p ln y » l n „ during , ha B , | « W i S . , , 7 . . ,h„ employ teachers, BOOTH ainl Hri n . . order | ,in , 7 “ ? ; the “ capitalists > » » 1 » .. « .p in , » .a h a » , * .» « h,# wiH and editor, who hypnotize Don’t be afraid you wiJI not be alone. M E N ’S and B O Y ’S CLO’l'H IN O , m » . n » « . w .h . « n der. d , ; ; of th e 'c » a . n N .tio n .l Convention at C h i c o ' 1X n. (Some in bir our OPEN Fli PLAGE S it G ILLIN G ST w*?&s I AMES S. JOHNSTON O K lV E n ^ Æ X , M E R C H A > NEW GOODS, ’ Call and examine goods and get price JOHN R, MILLER, GENERAL MERCHAN Port Orford, Oresron- Has opened a new Store, wftli H E W GOODS, » n a in . . un,!, ,b i. „ X many wage workers into thinking The Revolution i« coming with you L A D IE S ’ DRESS GOODS T»rog«« of the seasons; . . inevitable on the country. Mr. Roosevelt up- dependence of women on men i . juet as the capitalists do. But the or without you. Be a mnnl H elp F A N C Y GOODS, ' the astronomical chungee in the «rated a private wire from Oyster done away with. A t present it re- more intelligent wage workers have I t on. C IG A R S , TOBACCO, P IP E S , '•kies. Bay Into the convention hall ' duces the difference between m .r- developed a new moral code of their On the whole the contest (hat there were several fierce conte.te,1 H«f e alld prostitution to the differ'- own; they praise the worker who is C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S . to the interests of his cl»«», and n«w on in the -world is a contest to ' end one particularly from Arkansas' ¿ n Z " u i ' w « L 7 r ^ ' u " , ' " “ " J , loyal t. In fact, a supply of everything usually kept In a well si,., determine .be place of man, a. nrau which promised considerable trouble. I u « o r g 3 « d . h u Z ’ ff I 1" the » cab — in th« human drama. More exact j Mr. Roosevelt’» manager wired to ' I T ! . . ,’ * . d,ffer* nc*i lb« Merchandise 8 ,ore. ^ f o t o ^ h i r f t ’ h7 ‘ h— " ‘ - r o c , i o ............... ¡ u t t t a’ X ^ i n X . ^ subplus va lue . The wage work­ er get», on an average, what it costs him to live no more no lees. The S c o tt’s E m u ls io n the movement foremancipation and now, .(wording to Mr. R’e plaint, thing» Im makes which Socialists call - G E O R G E M . B RO W N, the onunter movements» for enslave, j the “Steam Roller” H as returned to commodities, exchange at juetoibout their values, that ia according to tho ment. One force is bearing the plague it* inventor. A TTO R M EY AX LAW Call and Exam ine Goods, and get Prie»- human race onward 'to the , amount of labor required ,o make »>|*n A question which lus pertinence ■ m A Btwne »fteM. N J KUNRRUKO ORKOUM each commodity. Uapitali*to buy Sturdy Old Age Orders Taken for A dj thing not in Stock. JOHN R. MILLER I I