I «• 8 . J E F F R I K S Town and Conutj. V H r- Woodcock and fam ily who O p en in g o f ’ ’T h e B re a k e rs /* have been rfaiting at Cape Bis neo Wedding b d u are due to ring in for the last week, came home Fri Gold Beach, Ore., May J, <912. ¿’or! Orford today. day and are now prepared to writ« 9R8the Public.: chapters on Cape BlanCo winds. I f This is to announce the opening C lin t Malehorn came down with P o r t O r fo r d , O r e g o p Ida auto jraaterday returning to be had had bis Lapidary outfit with of thia hotel to your patronage. Mr. Paul C. E llio t, student of Location, pt-xt door to Bank. I l is tbe iulentlon of tbe manage ' Bandon in the afternoon. * McCormick Theological Seminary, hid» ba could hava.mil the wind off in arrived in Rustburg last night and in alines and polished them. H e is ment to conduct it on a plan | L- F- Johnson ¡a lying critically thankful that lie still bus hair on his which consideration for your ootn- from here wilt go to Port Orford, ill at the Knapp Hotel, his death be b*«d witlwut having taken tlie pre io rt will lie tlie.principal fralure. Curry county.— U. P. News. ing expected at any time. caution to glue it duwnl The fog W ith the improvements already Clint Malehorn will endeavor to The J£|)ia boys were (0 to<# a l times got to think the wind eoul made and the more extensive onrt make daily round trips from Bandon ; (Incorporated) lhuraday evening and »ay they are I not get through it and so he ha to lie made, you may lie assured that to Port Orford, leaving Bandon occasional lulls, which be could feel your »lay with lit will be made ¿ C a p ita l S t o c k $ 5 0 0 0 m ilk i"8 24 « > *• thia Bummer on every morning. From L*ngl»ia to the Upican farm mt Elk river. but not see. Mr. Marr and daught pleasant mid homelikd. D ir e c t o r s : Port Orford it it now a beautiful er drove in with them. Our charges for like service will The Bundon lay in our harbor run over a*good road. •W J Ward, Fred SCaugJieJl lie the same as have heretoloie been By a unanimous vote In the low »ev«-r«l hours last U'tainesdxy to es W A W ood Judge P. A. Msrqusm, one uf the er house of tlie Arisons legislature, made by Mr. A lf GauutJett to whose cnjie the heavy northwest gale off fathers of Portland who went there G o ld B e n c h , O r e o u shore which die» down at night'. and with only two dissenting votes interest and good will in the hotel from San Francisco oh the steamer in the upper bouse, an amendment business we have succeeded. A ll business w ill receive The Coquille ri ver, in the vicinity Sea Gull commanded by Capt. W We solicit your business and hope Io the State Constitution, providing ^roujpt A tten tion . of M yrtle Point, was out of »is banks Tichenor the'founder of Fort Or- the Recall for jiidges, was carried on to be favored by you. after the heavy mins of lust week. fold in 1862, died In Portland May Respectfully, the 26 and signed by' Governor The Enterprise says that the bottom. 7, 1912 St thé ripe age of 89. Few HARDY Tj STEWART T his B reak kb ». Ilu n t on tlie same day. Fhia is the jp . a. c o m m i s s I o n e e i Ishds were covered with several feet men in Oregon wtre better known provision which tbe people of the of water. and none more highly respected. Oa-foir«/, O v e to a , Brokay^ Bow, Neb. -May 7— Thous Territory embodied iq their State He it survived by numerous child and» of epectators flocked to this The Brooklyn, which sailed from hood Constitution and which they Offlce days in town—Tuesday, Wed- San Francisco for the Coquille, ren and grand children, vicinity to gaze with wonder at a were forced by ^retulenl Taft to paaday apd Saturday of each week. Thursday broke her shaft when off Dr. Mann rstne down from Ban strike out as a condition of ills per little school bouse which was picked -----------,— ? , t. ,à ,-, Point Reyes and was obliged to re don Sunday uflcrnnoh' to see the m ilting the territory to became a up by a cyclone recently, carried half a mile and deposited right aide turn to the city for . repairs. She road and test his new automobile State. up with a precious cargo-of twelve which he had just bought through sailed again the following dny. ATTORNEY ajw COUNSELLOR Beattie, May 8— A bulletin just children and tha teacher, Mias Clara agent Garfield, who drove thu ma AT LAW C lint Malehorn came down from issued by the Department of Com Mills. Nona of the ohildren were chine down und instructed the Doc Bandon last Wednesday with the merce and Labor shows that Puget fO H T O R F O K t» , OKKOON seriously hurt, but Misa M ills was first passenger auto of the season. tor in its m anipulation.- They left Bound leads all other parts of* the seriously injured by the fall which here on their return to Bundon at Ho left here at 2(30 P. M. on hia re* Pacific coast in tbe matter of ex oarried her against a desk. Tbe 7 P. M, intending to make the 30 J, H U N T L E Y , taro. The road from here to Lang porta and import*. Tb« report‘ for Storm came up just as tha teacher miles in 2 | hours. A ' r p o B N K Y A T J U A W lois is good but south of here [it is tbe eight months ended Feb. 29 1919 was preparing to dismiss school. For a few days past we have had reveals a substantial increase in rough. QVfcD BKAPH, ORKQON, When the pupils who had just left warm foggy weather—a condition shipping busioess for the whole Ü 4 » r» u te « l Abptrncta q { K e»l the building, saw tha lariifying tu n ., The first teams of the season haul that never happens except in oaliu west coast, With Puget Bound at the nel shaped cloud approaching, tliey P rop erty Ftirnl»i»«<l. _ ing railroad ties started in Monday windless westlier. Gardens and bead of the list. I t was not so long fe d back to their desks in tairor, morning. There aie thousands of crops uud grass' «re making unusual ago that Ban Francisco was an easy Thirty yearn practice In the bounty. An instant later ilia building was tie» in the woods ready. The teams growth- The crop of wool and lambs leader but the northeru ports have picked up and osrried over fields last year all made good „.money. is large and proopeiily smiles upon jumped to tha front aqd give every iu d ièuôro and tw.i weeks There are aeveral teams also haul and eel. W. A, WOOD every portion of our coast. These promise of holding their positions. jd u<ll ¡n % wb6at field. -I ing shingle bolts, 4 .T T 9 K K B Y A T L A W are blessings that no railroad cun We would call the attention of our «reste but only augmeifl. ttOLU REACH. OKKOON. I jjp-to-date Barber Shop; in connection with Shoe and Harnew repairing. Hon. J. H . Upton ha» sold * his | toeatitiffol farm and moved 'into Langlois— a far more desirable home for the aged Oouple, where facilities of all kinds are right s i hand- Curry County Abstract- flaalty Company W, H. MfiKEDITH readers to the new »d. and announue- Dr. Elgin spent a oouple of days roent of the opening of ••The Break in towp last week, enjoying our fine ers” at Hold Beach. Thia ia un weathsrand the company of his old A T T O H N 1Ü Y A T L A W , doubtedly one of the best appointed friends. W hile here he inspected K y t t le P o in t, O regon. hotels along thia section of the coast ôur u«w school building which ia and ia in advance of anything tin t nearly completed, and says that it has before been attempted in «the ia tliebeat and most complete in Probate burniasi a apeculty. county. »very detail he ever saw fur its oost, Tlie exits in case of fire ar» simply /.- J . ST A N L E Y Leroy Curry of Cnquilln is viait .perfect, he says. He was also lit) log his brothers George and Jatoes Lawyer, at thia place. Leroy id a leading pressed by the sise and beamy uf Socialist In-Coo» County and is an the grounds, whkih are not equalled (.O Q L IL L K , - - - OKKOON interesting and original converts by any school grounds in South west tionalist and Well read In the texts Oregffn. Honored by Women Whew a wmwaa speaks o( her aOawt s e c r e t soCmna ■h. trwets yow. M iliu m , have bc- sawwed this mark of « m t. dewee ew D r, R. V , Pierro afi M h ta , N . Y . E ro n i y s h l M -r o r ta fr a g r c , „ 7 d T Plerse e Favorite pre«,ripti<m -w h ta h saves the « tflrta f « e Aw e >ate, .ad w oo «,fu lly grapple* » U h w o « « ,', weak- ______________________ aaases oad tftUtara ilh. r— IT M A K E S W E A K W O n E N STRONG I T M A K E S S IC K W O M E N W E L L - No woman*, appeal was ever «¡.directed or her eop- M m o o mbplooed whop .he wrote »or odvioe, ( • K , „ „ “ J*-0 • Di«rsN»A«v M suicai . A n o cu n M , On M. V . Piaros, Proud«.t, Binalo, N . Y . of liis parly, lie Buys the campaign in C«os w ill be active and there will he a surprise when the votes are couuted in November. He ia now quite gray but enjoys good health. DESMARH MZRCÀITILE CD. STOBE The Place where Yen get a Square Deal.- HsadAqurten W M . ELLIOTT if Dry a far the Best nf Everything in the Una h Genis, Croceriee and Previainna, fhet Bvarything naanfly feud toe General Mar- uh, „ ■ Bnya’ Ctothtog, Beata • • 4 Sbotti Drox Gamìa, Peavy Cento, Cigar», Pig*«, Tabacca, Candy, Kata and Natiaaa, Hard, wore sad Tinware, Ks&ad Barley, Grata Saad an! Seed Grain. Order» taken far Anything nat h Stock, which indndaa Mana' Mato to Order Sait» and Ovarcaata, Call and see os Jas. 5. Capps, A b . Ina Worth. While (Formerly Gauntlatt's) Newly Fitted Up; Electric Lights ; , TABLB UNKXCKLLEU GOLD BEACH, CURRY CO., QBE. Langlois Hardware Store H ardw are o f a ll Kinds M a c h in e r y & M o w in g M a c h in e s . B x t r a s f o i D a ir y in g ; O s b o r n e , M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e r y . P a in t s , O ils & S t u m p in g P o w d e r G ENERAL F i n e l i n e o f O u n s , B a s e b a ll p a r a p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r tin g G o o d s k e p t in S t o c k , B la c k s m ith in g D o o r s a n d W i n d o w s i n v a r ie t y c o n s t a n t ly k e p t o n h a n d . BEECHER JESS ~ W . J . H Jk B IP i P ort O r fo r d , O r e g o n Ahihis 1 Harms anil SidMry HOTEL MASTERSON P ip e F i t t i n g s , P lu m b i n g a n d T i n w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n s h o r t n o t ic e . Cheever $ Bowman, L a n g lo is , O r. ' .ism» bns \n a ti. Mrs. A« Masterson, Proprietor J in n d o n . O roR on DOORS . WINDOWS . MOULDINGS '.’ ite i A nythin g you N eed in M ill W ork W rite us for P rices or a n y Informa tion yqu N eed in this Line N o r th B o n d M a n u fa c tu r in g Co ' * ■ . P i o r tb U o n c l. O r o jg o n Portland, Oregon. -z I . J ,t>>i e, jU ehaeiiaa . P ro p , C. J. Howard of ‘ Marshfield has taken M r. Finlayson*. place ae rep resell tali ve of the J /X . Folger Cd. H ot and C old T ub and S hower B ath * Port Orfrd, Oregon, He came up the const Thursday and F irst C lass Barn and Oarage in Connection, (... 1 A IN A .V I» P r o p r i e to left here next morning. Mr. How A ffording a ll C onveniences for Saddle ard is an old newspaper men of Some miners cabins on Sixes r i v ' «. Pirat-elaaa in every reape«, t. wide experience both at a writer and Horses, Teams, A utom obiles and M otorcycles ar have been raided hy thieves and manager and has met with striking Qp-Jd Feed S ta b le a tta c h d . contents aluien. The guilty parties success in the profession, having are susiieoted but lack of definite pronounced literary tastes. As a We run the Stage from Port Orford evidence'has delayed their arrest. Commercial traveler in Hie W ild y|a Dairyville, connecting with the In early days the miners would have and Wooly west he should reap a gtage to Myrtle Point organized, searched the cabin or tent rich harvest of notes to be threshed of the suspected persons and it they out in the future. J. H . U P T O N , were guilty tliey would have been Five pupils of the Port Orford punished and run out of the country. NOTARY PUBLIC, I l was good medicine then! W hy Hijrh School took tlie Eighth grade examination last week under the not try it now? L amoloi «, Ousar Co., Oaaooa. direction of W. T. White Sr. These Assessor Toiman arrived at Port Were the Misse» Lottie Rickman, Orford Wednesday and ia assessing Ethel Richard, Lucile Meredith and here and wilt perhaps finish tlie Delmar Wright and Orris Knapp. northern part of Curry before re T ie an e|xich in the lives of am bi W agons and B uggies for Sale, kept in Stock, turning borne. Last year, he dis lious students, a testimony of faith also A gen t for A ll K inds of Farm ing Im covered a lot of railroad land that ful school-work,— a pedestal of hon Repairing WaLAea and Jewelry a had escaped taxation in the past, Specialty. All work guaranteed. plem ents; McCormick Mowers, etc. or which places them above the id because it was unpatented, but it was ■" 1 k 1er» and an augury oi useful lives to Orders taken for Watch«» and Fanoy mortgaged. He conpludtd that a Wood and Iron Work prom ptly done at a follow. The T b ih u n s wishes them Jewelry. Work turned out on short title good enough to be mortgaged potloe. the full fruition of their highest reason ab le price. Your patronage solicited. was good enough to be taxed, and lie hopes. Call on me at L amoloi », O bkooh . accordingly assessed such land and A l Marsh and Boise and W. Sled- the taxes were collected. We hope ing with their hnrses, started in al he may oatch all the tax dodgers. D airyville with the Roid-grader B. W . Dean, who has been visit «Monday and will work^soulh repair- (Suoeaaodko 'A. B. S a iim ) —- ing hia fam ily at Ashland for some ing-our main road. Because of the months, returned to Port Orford great expenae pel diem of running Monday. H is fam ily w ill return in the grader there ie a general con a month or so When the roads are deinnation ofita use^yxeept on short good. Mr. Dean visited Roes Sut stretches suitable fur,its economical A n y th in g not in stock, w ill ton in the Klamath country. Ross use. In this wet climate, grade and Fort Orford, Oregon ia married, baa one child and i> do gravel are prime requisites of road he pleased tc order ing well on his stock ranch. He buildings, and our people favor fte pairing N catly D one also met Dick Gutbridge wbo is Spending mote on gravel than has Dep. Sheriff of K ^n ta th County. been done formerly. A Rock crush Board by the Day, Week or M onth, at Rea. Lack of apace prevents our giving an er is now needed in the C ount/ son able Rates. A share o f Patronage I extended account of Mr. Dean’s more than a grader. D E N N IS CUNN1FF. JU., Solicited, description oi S. E. Oregon. The young men nt Port Orford Lep. Ü, 8. Mineral Surveyor Again the steamer Brooklyn oil and vicinity organised a Baseball her last down trip from Bandon, team Sunday with Ben McClellan C. W. Z umwalt , V, Pre«, steamed past Port Orford despite her Captain. They propose to practioe Louis K napb , Prea, Surveyor for the District oí Or repeated promises to call in here. regularly and be able to crow bets . egon. E - J - L oney , C a s h ie r.r « o ld B each. . . . Oregon The wharf and surrounding grounds with any team in Curry county. In are oongested with matchwood and a “ choose up” go trie Bunday after shingles. There must be some de noon one side won by a ecore of 28 To W h o m I t M a y Concern. sign to injure Port Orford back of to 13- A town nowadaye without a B A N K O F I >O I * ' r O T t F X > l i I > I , the undersigned, hereby »lve no Iter worthless promises. The shin baseball team is considered a dead tion that I have a conveyance from the gles are being daily injured by ex one, and the people a lot of back- Patentee to tidelands and water lota in poeure to the weather. How long nurober molly coddles. Our ball YOUR B A N K IN G B U SIN E SS SO LICITED the Harbor of PortOrtord, Oregon, on will the owner* stand by a vessel team needs creditable suits and sup a portion of which a part of the wharf them? plies and all should subscribe to its is erected without my consent. Al that - will not stand by partlee are hereby warned not to drive Wlicther the Brooklyn owner« or the support and thus help to keep op piles or trespass in any manner <•»“ - Captain ia to blame we know not tsJntereat. To have a good ball soever on said tidelandt dr water Iota PORT ORFORD, but busineas men here ehoulti end team is a good advertisement for NO BANK WILL HANDLE Man. A m W a O. D ast . any place. YCUR BU8INÇ88 RETT(R all uncertainty as to her reasons. QREQON W ATCHM AKER 4- » *•»•*» m fca. mIM nw«n.l tmro/ « . L. A . K O B K U Tb, K N A PP HOTEL, ,