■ -- — —-——— . - —--- - - x r ~ ' » «-ever , . - — -V-x - m "■______ '_________ tj" t*«n f a Ñ iiv ú i, ¥ • / »— *»»>«« ttw /h a >•« law. for County Superin- nj«»O!^e>i inauguration of the system on Qw rn i,” for I »imply atatej that .»»te Southern pacific, January, ( , 1403 »ucli a person was not diaqoalified. VKDXE8PAY MAJ I». I»l». 41,015,0. 4.4o !>*•> Ix*en P«»J out b» aiid «.bled that there ««re not lack *1 -.form er employes in penatone. The In g auch wie» bad under the ohi r« ¡ The article» eppearlug under tbl« caption are edited by the 8o- PtabNafcad Rvery Wednesday, by ( ayalem i» absolutely. voluntary on gime (meaning when political pull cialiat party of Curqr county, to »boat tli* ap4oc has been «old, 1 ’’ w fc lW T . s YKWÂMT. with the understanding tha t personalities he avuided and that I l»a ,>art of the company and 7 1 * « » n t) holding auefi diploma who1 the editor of thia paper waives all responsibility therein. Fvaak A. Stewart, A»*<»eiate Editor funner employe» bave lieen awarded could, now |.a*e f.>r a lir*t grade eer- riw i *tfW‘S»'*»»frrfr w w4e"’«n'w»w««»> ri i w i w i WÓpwíwft^wMb ja B B K S e s s s s s s ^ ^ s í^ ^ s ^ ^ B a ie B pvn*lmi» In those nine yeara. On tillcat*-. »natoti atitirto* aa y ui r paper » j the first day of May, thia year'the»«; But what ataggerisl me in M r.' a T»« TffiffipriffitoQ aour They used to aay that you can't it the rule nt 20.13 per cent on * dato i — to whtofc y o u r m b - » f 9 I . be J were 477 penah.nera on the toll*. JC, rk * ,„ ,.4 ««erti.o. that »hero had change human nature; butSocialist« iw«nty four million dollar* which , ,TI»« |ameion disbursement« during i.o ebange in t U law' govern have done it. • They hare subdued inclu It-s sixteen million di?trihuted ^a Rara« KaaaoraaLa. I the month of April 1912 amounted j,,g i^e qualification* for County the fierce hatred that cabled he tween to stock bolder* last Feltruary as a I demoerata and republicans and cme- stuck dividend together w itlr e ig h t1 r io I J 6,450.35. Sujn-ritileud. nt '«inc* ,8119. gUWiCRJtTION RATIO. pvllad them to unite lu love and ad- m illion in cash. Now let A tty Cenerai Crawford Qaa Copy Una Y e a r . . . , , . , ---- miration m A Milwaukee, W i«..G i«rd, S ilvcitoo, Or., May fi—rjt ia now To many mind« the above only ' 'Una Copy Six Month«. . ....... . he . heard, . . who wrote Mr. Bussell, j £ gn , anj ¥arjout otbar places. definitely settledaliai the body of •One Copy Thr«a Month«.............. shows prosperous limes, hut when ■> ntistaKenly supposing bun to 1»« the ____ • the late Hono r D.'»veii|w»rl,tlie car subject of the inquiry, .» follow.: ! Under e-xuding condition» with you stop lo think that every dollar Alaska 1« now a fully recognized toonist, will tat bruugiu to the city of these earnings have to oe produc Mr. J. I’. Roesell, phly about nine job» open to every g rrrilo ry— not because of any par for Interment. The body left New Langlois, Cregon. ten luel, an(j wi ^ lnl>or denied ac ed by some laboring m an jxfore th e 1 ticular revogniaation on the purl of York at 5,30 Tuesday morning, oc- D«-»r Sirj trusts get their clutches on it. That cess to natural opi>ortunlties, cap- Congrvw; but for the reason that the ' c»m|>anie<l ,bv hia eight year-old «on Y our«of February 19th at hand. every dollar earned accumulated und over laborers Supreme'Court of the United State« j H om tr C., amt iaeapeutetl !•> arrive Replying thereto would eay that Italtata nave power |«iw (raid by any of the above uietitioned ‘b»* »aid U ." In deciding the caee'l,er* Saturday. Funeral service« '.lion 40, School Laws of 1911 pro- Ywhielt they could not have' under I vide that in order to lie eligible t>> conditions that would give labor comblualious.-cnmes out o f the bide of the Humbolt Steamsbip Company will lie held from theOper» house tin* office of County School Superin o< tue laborers i a tai r of the lq the various Hues access to natural opportunities and 'againSt tba \y b ll» Pasi» A Yukon Monday afternooa, May 13, nt two tendent, one must have taught nine d t product ion ici and ^Oes direct to the open p ore than ten jobs to every Rajlro.ad 'the AightMt tribbnaiio (he o’clock. A leUgram Suturday snid ni'iolhs in the-Sl«le, and mutt have i AWplanalioi) ioi) of the high cost of liv nine men. * ing, ine. which which the t land «ud tbat Alaska ia'a tefyltory the burial would take place io New in lieu of other oerlifiualea or di voting king* of the plomas, a state,certificate. Under fid tfiat the Jnlerttati» Commerce York, hut W. K. Hearat. I)aveu-, United 8tale* » ¡II do w e ll/to take the facts you stale I take it that High Co«t of Livlhg. omujiaeiun basjurlsdiction overall |iort*a former employer Interceded, you hove taught for forty months noliue. a u d it was decided to change the 'Ita railrOads, thia means thai traf- and that tire certificate which was To diverge, I rj-vole from com Iu the last twelve years there has ftc discriminatioas niuat emi and original plan*. issued lo you i* a five year stale ments of Chga. Edward Russell certificate. Y.m at«n state that five been organised in thie country sev al«o aettle» the muohly inooted touching the express conipxnie* -tnd year* have expired from the time the enty three trusts embracing almost (Coos B ay Nxwa.) tiu estlön of Alaska’« «latua in rela these terse comments apply lo ti-.s certificate was issued to ypu. every branch of Industry. Accord ilon fd the reet of tlje States and t«r Now as 1 interpret thia alatute, It lag to Poors Manuel of railroads for trusts and the methods of all, M r. ri^rjga- According to a statement made by requires a candidate fur tli* office of Russell Is regarded as reliable in 1911, the securities of railroad com C. J. Midi«, Frtday. North Bend ha» County Sclnail Superintendent to maltprs of this kind. I f you con panies actually in the hands of the 'offered the Soutbrt o Pacific 200 acre» have, at the time'of hia candidacy, Bryan fo rP rc a id e n t. this five years certificate, i f your investors amount to Fifteen Billion sider what he say* you will realize of land free, ptorhLed they agree to how free you really ere. "For In- Certificate has expired from lapse of * .Every day addy strength to the locate their »hop« and terminal there- time, J am of the opinion-that you dollar«, tha market value calculated etunce’ here is the gigantic express on tbe prioe of January J.911. Four enthusiasm that ia biasing through business of this oountry, carried £on • ».Unofficial returfil -received at M ould not lie eligible to* this poet- out the country in favor of Bryan*» Roeetturg «how that the Port of li-111, as I believe it oeiusssary that teen and a half billion dollars, sixty by thirteen great cnmpnnies gather )ou have the certificate at the lim e per ceul of Ute railroad» represented nri,nirtaliotf for president on the Umpqua hat been deleuted by a vote v«u announce your candidacy for by these securities was under the ing from the people millions in an pé'mqcrsli^ ticket. ' The lime t* nual tribute, yieldiug dividends and of 79ft to 423. Six out of the eight the jaiaition. direct and permameut control of iuspipiojia. ’paeliny ha« forged interest upon huge and ficticious Very truly yours, precinct« gave majorities agaiimf s*Yen u>eo. conditions. The lines o f Fate all A- M. Crawford. capitalisation. Transporting com the Port. 4 bout tv««tv five per eent of the moditles everywhere and thirty sev ' lead to Bryan. H is oppni>ei)ts a ré Mr*. Carleton does not notice my balance ia under partial but suffl a ll at tea, Mat In fog w ithout coin- Roseburg, Ore., May 7-vDvnied criticism of llte absurd rule that en per cent of its business, day a f ’pas* or rudder. T a ft has swatnfted the* privilege of voting at the etec disqualifies one holding a Normal cent control. Now bear In mind ter day and year in and year out,is < !« ^ iiii) tv iy ty m t 'Roosevelt and Roosevelt has »link lion held in the oily of Glenda,e on Diploma Air the office of county tbat the railroads control all other done in absolute flagrant unques industrlee. Again the Steel trust is T » fl while the very stars aye fighting A pril 1 of till« year because he whs tionable violation off the law of the superintendent (and 1 believe from bgnidkt LaFollâtte, tfié only' man of capitalized at one billion dollars for not the owner of real estate F. C. teaching u common school as well) nation, and the violation is known 'the Republicans whom the people Ladd, a merchant of that city, has Such a statute im pliedly at least, the organ'ling of which the firm of to the officers o ft tie government, and J. F. Morgan was paid the sura of now lofe and can trust. The hour of filed suit in the Circuit Court «gainst n otan officer will move lo enforce reliuki-s our people for their stupid 'Destiny w ill not strike for LaFol- sevehty million dollars. O f this » (Successor to N. O. Nielson.) the three precinct judges, C. F. Tot ily iii maintaiuiug Normal Schools the statute and give u* law and or fetta until nnothSr four years roll capitalization s;x hundred million der. etn, W illiam Nail and D. N . Snyder all 'these years. dollars represents water, or an a- »round. No Democratic candidate demanding 1 500-damages from each the V- 8. reserves lo Itself by law -Fnddjsm seems in a fair way to mount which the producers dr useful * can /each Ibe'htcesSary two third» of them lor the Kheinlllalion", which the monopoly of curryiug a.I mall resell ft* elimnx under the mnuipu majufit y. There i« no “ Dark liorie” lye »ays tie suffered. Thecoo,plaint h ilto u of Mr. Alderman ouy would labor puy interest and dividends on matter up to four pounds in weight. fin sight but Bryan, anfi >l •• ea,y lo which do«» not exist. So also a recites that the action of the judges tie educational autocrut. The express companies violate large amount of the railroad secur ‘foresee the stampede that will come was baaed on a provision of thecity tbst law ivory time they carry a And it hn» been a Welcome sign of ities are issued on itaterupon which wharf the voice of the “ Paerlese Ora chatter that no nonfregholder shall parcel of less than four pounds, tor’,’ i t t i “ Black Kagl« df the Flatta" be eligible to vote at a city election. snnity nmoitg t|»e peopfc af tbe «Lite the companies qiust earn dividends Laying aside all other feature« of the khall-yjpg through the Convention This provision, tbe complaint ‘ de that about ail o f the County Super and pay iuterest and this over and ax pres» buaine*» the graft, double H a ll i t Baltimore. The stampede intendents sus|wcted of sympathy above tbe actual valuation. clarea directly contravenes the state charges, grand and peti-larceny, and fresh su ies will be reeelved by evety steamer. Each of the seventy three trusts at Chicago shall be more than equal constitution which, as interpreted with the educational prudery now tilt dealing from the person, plain and ; “ ««¿“‘¿ th e iin e " ^ a < “11 * ° ° k ° l ° yerf ,Uia^ rampant here es elsewhere were let I » embracing thousands of corporations led; forlhl« time Bryan will not only by the Supreme Court in a teat case ordinary pocket picking constitute In our have about the aame proportion of be nominated but be will be triumph several years ago, give*a citlzi-n the out by the late primary. ’ G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , the operations of these companies, ¡high tndiikd currictilmn mathemati water to their states valuation upon antly elected by tbe help of Republi right to vote ut a municipal election putting all thia aside the fact re BOOTS «nd s h o K can Progressives and tba millions whether he owns real estate or not. iCal inaiaiilry usurp? the place of the which interest and dividends must mains that 37 per cent of their bus- good uld fashioned arithmetical cul be paid. Every cent o f this interest 'who lova and trust him. M E N S and BOYS, C L O T H IN G . The court also held that the election 1 ineas is In direct violaiiuo of the ture and so it goes. and these dividends must be puld judges would tie amendable to action postal law.” L A D IE b ’ DRESS GOODS, The capital Journal whoa* editor, from tbe product of labor, and not Port Qrford. for damage*. Ladd';« a Socialist What I want to know is why the H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W A R E . H o n £ . Hofer iva product of tbe same that alone but the profit of our lo and was a candidate for office at the law that is so mujestlu and Im port high school system erstwhile in cal merchant, the jobbers and a long D r. H arry L»ne, Democratic can Glendale election. ant when it come« to thrusting a C IG A R S , TO B A C C O , F IF E S vogue In Jowa, under the caption, line of middle men who must live. didate for U. 8. Senalpr, has inform »trike picket into ja il is not worth a C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S . “ The Educational Machine,’’ saysf p id you ever atop to think how •d us tbat sometime during his hoot in perdition wher, it comes to C U R R E N T T O P IC S . In (act, a supply of everything usually kept in a well stocked taihpaikri When the weather has set “ Tbe vule on county superintend ffiknj’ dollars you paid for interest the operation of an express company. dividends and profit »There you paid 'tied he will visit Port Orford to i t j u r General Merchandise Store. ent of schools in Marion county and You will be interested In knowing meet as many of our people as poe . V M-UPTOR other counties was a rebuke to the one for tbe product of labor? ORDERS TAKER K)K ANY ARTICLE NOT IN 8T(K’K. what M r. Hitchcock said when the bible and to become better acquaint Editor T u ib ir k : We are literally robbed at every school ring that has foisted its fads lawlessness ol the express companies ed with our section of Oregon. ^he headway Mr. Roosevelt seeiua upon the people of this state, and turn and yet we seem to like it. were pointed out to him. He »aid ' Oregon hs. no better man than ‘ ° 6,1 nw ki,’i Mr. T*f^ d.a a The economic scheme of interest, run school taxes u p o u to f all reason. that the practice had been of long parry U n e to succeed Bourne. We " ut “ r* ue S,ei4t strength f„r the for in this co up ty^Ir. Phillipa made rent and profit was brought down standing and he did not think tb it 4 a o l a getlator that will be a credit “ er bul gr*',U we,klleM ‘ h® ,al a splendid fight, single handed and there ages ago by a class of genteel it ought to be disturbed. T bat to to the state and to tbe nation,—a ler T h a t Taft carried New York alone. robbers who opposed any plan of take from the companies the p riv i ‘nkan of «olid judgment, of absolute hand» down was wholly attiibutable He was almost unknown at Salem government more socialistic until lege of breaking the law would take honesty and invincible courage. »*>‘ »»e fact that IbKwevelt is n dead and had no money to spend In the our business men and statesmen of from tbe widows (J P. M. & Co ) T,*l»e has these qualifications in a ,,ne ,n 1,,“t ,'U ,e ’ as • »*« re newspajiers or fo advertise himself. today cun think in no other terms. and (The oyster of fish bay one of ilnent degree,proved by evety • ult of lhe fiA*n l* '< " >*e managed in preMili The result is not a reflection on Socialists propose to abolish profit tbe feeblest) Jee be said thnt. bRjclaJ'act of bi» life. He la a pro 1J10. County Superintendent Smith but interest and rent nt applied to those The Express companies are not i/oubced Progressive and so ia every From the day of hla inauguration is a slap at State Superintendent utilities that a ll (gnat have, and only a gang of thieves and not only Atbalican citizen who love» bi» f*l Mr. Taft hiiuself was utterly stupid Aldermen, who was active In d ictat base oqr wealth upon production and the most brazen law breakers in jowtnen »nd country, and hate» ty and tactless. Soon following his ing legislation and imposing addi useful service. The Adam’s E x America, but there is not aud never election he voluntarily deeceuded lo ranny and rascality in all tbeir tional burdeqaqn the people. pres« company Iasi year earned 22 18 was tha slightest excuse for their f<MOta.. U uL X Lane’s whole life has ll>« uttermost level of selfabusctueiil M u ltip licity of textbook», addi per cent on twelve million dollars, existence. They exist merely as a ^ H b n him to be a true fiiefid of the by w ritin g to Mr. Roosevelt us fbi tional olffcefk, additional gathering and paid twelve per cent dividen^e disguise for additional loot by lbs " fly in People” whom Lincoln lov lowst " . of (eacbers «ad school officers all at after paying interest on a fundeU looting railroad companies that are td .fnd who In all ages have been ‘ I can never forget that the , tow public expemie and all to build up debt of thirtv six Bullion dollars in their real owners. To ja il the pick ito rep o aito ry of the world’s honor er 1 now exercise was voluntarily an educatiomil machine for political per cent hongs, which were ¡sailed eting striker th at' violates the in a M virtue. We advise all men who transferred from you tom eand that purposes, and really weakening the as a speciaj dividend to stockholders junction and bring out the melon *da«3re Ui vote r: ght, to carefully 1 am under obligation to you to see to it that your judgment in select efficiency of the public schools, are In 1907 | . tray for the express companies that ’oonsider the straightforward and ing me «I jo u r successor and bring not popular and when the people The American Express Company trample upon the law and kick it to. iconeiaU-nt life of Lane, and the pir itig ahontMne selection shall lie v in get another opportunity they will last year earned 19.29 percent and fu ll of holes ia the settled policy of cumatance* rurropjulirig the nomih dicated, according to the standards •gain strike at the extravagance.” paid twelve per cent on eighteen our government. How do you who I t shall lie my purpose lo keep a fu ll «lock of everything required by tb , sthto of Hr*o Selling whose friends in which you and I in conversation I t ought to be more generally million. ’ have always formulated.” pay the bills like it? These Inati- trade in the line of New York, ban Francieco and other known that Alderman’s law ■—potos The U. 9. Express oompnny last tutiona would be run at coat of And what »hall lie «aid of the places contributed large sums to *»Assistant County Superintendent« j-ear paid 8 93 per cent and paid six maintaining them under socialism. G R O C E R IES and P R O V IS IO N S , mislead Oregon voters and an ef braggart, who gave.thia out Anil who at 1 100 per mouth on moat of the percent on tan million dollars. T h a t would be awful wouldn't it? M E N 'S . . . BOY'S C W . H . N 0 , was under every honorable obliga femi n»le pre««. 8 0 ° T8 S" ° E8 counties. While the new law was The Welle Fargo ia now earning tion to protect his short sighted j . pending and after Hon. 8. P. Peirce .lU le m , May ¿-«-Changes of the idols lor and the pwbtrc against the had favored m* with a oopy of it, I L A D IE S ’ D RK gy GOODS I humiliation inseparable from the F ancy goods , most sweeping character in the a d - , „ , , .. . , wrote him pointing out many of the ministration of penitentiary affairs Fu ° a confession nt chief viue. o, (be measure, which to C IG A R S, TOBACCO, P IP E S , once »o grcyclliiig and indecent? First class Painting, Paper Hanging Were announced from Gov. West’s Real Estafe Notary Public hia credit he opposed. and Peooratlng promptly done at Mr. K. F. Carleton “ Assistant to office when Superintendent Janie«, C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S . Notwithstanding Water«-Pierce i 8 ***onabl« Price f a r d e Officer Bauvy, Mr». Corti*, the ! ,U'e ^ l.° ^ P ^ in tc m lc n t c f Educa- ™ I « 7»» have any work la the above In fact, a aupply of everything usually kept in a well General i-------------- m — .. I lio n ." ■” r' nu” u» objection«, Gov. | , ine ,” writing to the Port Orford | W1 as a trial and »re will guar- tnatron and Rev. Father Moorecba|>- ' 1 X ' l X ' WePl TeX"* lìk# * W iU W e BBtee lahi, wera euipended until J*n. 1 T rjruxk takes exceptions to Merchaudiae Store. 40 acres in Township 36- Senator Bailey is * dead p O l|T O ffiF O ffiD * - O R E G O N next, and Head Farmer W hile dis- criticisms of the unsolved almost in- i one. -- 14.—Timber. tnl.aed. Tbe change« it is mated « °m craxv q u ilt statute The Ohio Constitutional Conven 165 acres in Township 84- brs for the purpose of retrenchment el^rcl’n)t ° ur •uho° 1» «"g>o«cred tion voted down the “ Recall” feat In order to prevent deficiency in the ,br,,uih lhe l»«t legislature by his 14.—Timber. Fine hog ranch. ure of the new Constitution by B ell, anyhow, if the Democrats jienileutiary appropriations Total cbi«f. And he misuudersland* me 351 acres in Township 34-* big majority. A compliment to don’t win this year they need not «mount expected to be saved be- wh,n h* w it« » tbzt I “»eein <o «ay Fine stock ranch. I »ft, or a rebuke for Roosevelt, blame their defeat ou M r. Rooeevell. 14, tween now and the first ol lhe year l ^at °»e holding a Slate Life Oi Call and Examine Good,, and get Prices. which? He’* doing all he can to help them ls about MtOOO. plotpa would be disqualified under 160 acres in Township 34- Langlois. Or. if Taft is renominated. j 14.—Timber. yftpr fltwm Hardware, Fu rn iture ? Wall Paper, Pope Window-glass Devoted to the Interest of Socialism : @ome in and see our OPEN FIRE- place stove i MONARCH M A LLE A B LE STEEL RANGES. Large A sso rtm en t of R an d F ainted China. L an tern s, L am ps and C u telry. N ewhouse S teeltra p s, P o u ltr y Net*ng M AIL ORDERS P R O M P T L Y FILLED G ILLIN G Slh^ n AMES S, JOHNSTON O KIVBK-Æi;* ÎWriSKCJH A.IV’X', r e p o r t Orford, O r.~ ï^ NEW GOODS, *° V'»'* ( all and exam ine goods and get prices. L JOHN R , MILLER, GENERAL MERCHANT, Port Orford, Oregon« Has opened a new Store, with NEW GOODS;,; q MOREHEAD And HOLMES WILLIS T WHITE, Sr P o rt Orford, Oregon flrders Taken for Anything not io Stool. JOHN R. MILLER.