f i ft. - j c t - í : ■9SBST9*’ "J. " l i t ! THE TRIBUTE. WEDNESDAY M A jr j, »4M». » ■«a J judge theirs by myself to this behalf. From absolutely npihipg yfcnp But aa lung aa we seem inclined to came to Soulbwaat Oregon 33 years yield, the cry w ill be for more, and since Bandon baa cliiurd to seqoad then for more. place ■» rrgards population, wjufo And other vice involved in pay­ Marshfield plill bolds l l rst place hyt ing any ulBcer a compensation put Published Every Wednesday, by of tine pith duties required, ia lb* f ARDY £ . STEWART, ^ rs n k A. Stewart, Associate Editor giving of color to the demand of other officers fur a raise. 1 will , T u tp rio M o a a a ra M u n y u t-r paper elate » cane right jo point. We pay * 4 a t« to whtch jo a i eiiU-f I chutee t a f our clerk *1,000 a year, who*« in - • 1 I «:rtp>^n l la i * paid. a t4 ooms ia largely augmented in the « — t. i .— ; 1 " ■". —..1 •. w *■ ■ way of public land pork, preparin g Auvsp-»iai»e U atb » M saaoxalui . of »»pies fur private p.irtfz,.furnish ing a bet reel a and the h n ^ y e tit we* Bourn« beat Selling in Portland, ,Uw borne of both, by ejprgu .w .j»r i V 1 « J $ - a alnut time back, that i.ereaa jt y . This if signileaot ss it is H » ° U' t U ' k * /" ? “ ?• ’‘1',,uld b* , "u* ' ed btoaUk« it fat the n u t« aa that of plsos oi »11 place* where they are 1 oyr Assessor «ho hue utoye that ball beat known. H a rry Lsne is the I (if hie time «aide fp m official duties .Democratic nominee «gainst Selling. : to work out for wages. Lane »«• unbeatable where beat, known ami tb»t he w ilj be our next ■ Tu conclude, it ia only necessary Senator I» 'almost a certainty. '»“ point"«» »bat there ia ne|er any Thousand* of progressiv» Republi luck of candidate* of tirzt clay* qualifications for Clerk at the tai can* will vote for l^im. ury paid, while, aa to the Assessor- Bupt. Bunch, of .Coos now realize* -»»«P. >•» >» he remembered that our that s “ pusher can go to Ute WeM *Kesei.l Assessor and aeyeral other by im gieal odds. In the appor­ tionment of vounly school fuuil ju , i publi-hed Marshliyld drawa *5,500 while ¿tendon noene» *5^ 00, Co l Deyoted to the Interest of Socialism - Hardware, Fumili' Wall Paper, lu p« - Window-glass . The articles appearing under this caption are edited by the 8o- e r u a n l* *Z* a«a*te «old, clalist party of Curry e county, to snrlk/kMt whom tl.s tire * mlkJh/4»« space ItoSU. has K b»-ou sold, with the understanding that personalities be avoided and that the editor of tbD paper waive* all reaponaibUity therefo. eatla.8 MAadas m l r --Tir-y— ^K»iai>sA>tÂsûKuûi«ABÎamskwAaùaùaed(è»us mecate.. J MM 4 ■*» Tile comra-lss and friend* of Lo­ Killed unJ «erioueljr injur»«! io quilie, M yrtle point and North cal “ Battle Bock” Port Orford met the industries of the U. 8. in 1*18 Bend each come in for above *3.1/00. on the 20lb and formed a perma- 6tMJ,000. Killed and wounded in Bandon hue long bean the site of inent organissllon, added tome the Russian Jap war 325,000. unionization by Curry people. seventeen new uoemltera,and listen Facts— 13 annual jahbor; ... " Cloeiug his re|Mirt Superintend ! ed to a masterly presentation of our enl Bunch gives it out that the relation wjth the church, a* itiaan d From N. Y . Independence of Apr. State apportionment in August will n *ito u g h i to h*. Showing that be *1 7 5 per scholar, with no ap there is not and should not be any l i t 1912 Soci.tlisin in Milwaukee i* parent realization uf Che roaring j r rule by the people end for the peo down. «orne. A compromise cuts away one of our pie. In the enacting of the Oregon And the population ia now only LsnglOi*. Or. Pyrrhic Victory. basic principles and leave* us at the Reforms Bourne has been a faithful the merest shaving larger than it , meicy af tfae plutocratio schemer, champion and the leader of all men was when Abe total of our aaaess- I f oapilalisra wins a f ew more H a rry L a n e . who make* it his business to control in publishing them to the world It»-! men Is wae around *500,000. the policies of all political parties— victories like that at Milwaukee it such abje manner, that stale aftpr A society giti was run down and Dr. H arry Lane, Democratic^»* they have none— eo aa to. hold je done for. A “ repudiation” of »tato have adopted the “ O re 0 n killed by an auto in bau Fraoeiaeo,. " ‘ '' graft Boeialism in which the Social wieget ■Htiiiuice (o rÜ h lW ï S jplan.” V *th the leader slain, Qre when the chauffeur wae put upon lii* ' len P** <*n l —ore ” >»«• than trial far m .n .l.u g h te r and the pro* fr,’w » » * " * * • • lrwnK con- and plusder and general debauchery gon will longer (rad. be elected- io tact. We recogn ixe that for our they did when they were “endorsed” and fresh supplies will be Motived hw evory But thpre is light and hope ahead. morwl for , Jury „ „ n ^ w d tidefft* that be w ill m y^urp^e to koej> s rul« stock oj everyth everything required In H arry Lane the Democrats have wholly of women, and the defense Wrongs which injure (he nation, party, and for our party tactio* ia not one to eause the “repudiated” party to weep. which jeopardise the right* of the there ia but one valid basis: lb * baeie .nominated against Selling there beet readily acquiesqued. This ready ac­ G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , When Mayor Seidel wae elected end strongest man,-?-« tried and quiesce fairly took the breath way lieople and menace the future are uf the class struggle, out of which he received some 27,000 votes;when BOOTS and S H t 'E trqe^friend of the plain people, as from .the Prosecuting A tty. The esused by failure of public officers the Socialist party has sprung up, roven by bis apts when Mayor of prompt acquittal of the accused to perform their duties, said Dr. and out of which it can draw the he Wee defeated be received more M E N S end BOYS, C L O T H IN G , ortland. The people know hint proved that the attorney fur the de Lane adding that his campaign w ill necessary strength to biddeOanoeto than 30,000 vote*. L A D IE S ’ DRE-SB G O O D «. I t wa* the unanimous opinion of be far and in behalf o f the istnea every storm and to all its tnamie*. as ap ah*« and /earless progressive tense was the better judge of the H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W A R E . established to he lor the people end These lactic* consist in keeping the capitalist press that of the orig­ and by November they wifi have ■“ Eternal Femininel” against the money trust and the clear tlie character of the Socialist inal vole a large percentage was learned how they ha^e been deceiv­ C IG A R S , TO B A C C O , P IP E * The “ higbtr ups” would like for evils it fosters. as a proletarian parly; to train it only given in “ protest” or “sym­ ed by the old gang at Portland, by it to be believed that on ly the de- C A N D Y , N U T S end N O T IO N S. “ For my nomination, which now by agitation, education and organi­ pathy.” O f this last vote no per­ .the “ Interests” and by Selling* cplaed laborer ia given to riotous con­ seems to lie assured, I am deeply sation for the victorious completion son can deny that it ia a veritable In fact, a supply of everything usually kept in * woll hypocritical claims of being a pro duct, yet the army had to be called grateful to the Democratic party,” of lit« emancipation struggle; to Gideon'* host seven time* purged gressive, and disgusted by the lie* General Merchandise More. upou to quell a fierce riot among the eaid Dr. Lane. “In the campaign wage systematic war against the of e ll who were not completely de­ against Benjt^r Bouraadu most of ORDERS TAKEN FOR ANY A RTIC LX NOT IN STOCK. rich and resfieetable delegatee in the which will eoou begin for the elec­ class slate in whose hands the po voted to the cause of Soel*li»m. lb * papers of the atile, **ey will Michigan State Republican Conven­ tio n ! am going to make an appeal litical and ecomic power of capital­ . From the beginning to the end of .throw their votes to Lane in over­ tion llic other day. Then a few to the plain people of the state of ism i* concentrated, and in this w a r- campaign there we* never but one whelming number* and elect him days later the m ilitia and whole po­ Oregon. I am one of them. Their of principle— to draw advantages aa issue. From platforms, billboard* decisively, ^nd voter* should cot , „1 lice farce bad to be called out to possible out interests and mine in the manage­ far as possible /orget that io Portland, the home of oi of the quarrels j * nd ‘ be capitalist press it was reit quell a similar outbreak In the Chi ment of governmental affairs are and difficulties of the different po crated that the only issue was the both Belling and Bourne where they cago Democratic Convention, and in identical. I have served them be­ litical parlies with each other. The issue of Socialism. There was. no tgre beet known, Bourne carried the which outbreak doors of the City fore, Their interests are the only moment the proletariat step* forth great strike, no nation thrilling trial city by a large majority. H all were chopped down by the or­ interest* which I know or which I a* a d u s , eeparate from the capi as at Lee Angeles, nothing of any der of a Judge siding with one ol shall try to learn. And i f tbey ta liât class, and having Interests op kind whatever to divert attention C U R R E N T T O P IC S . the factions. elect m e, a* I believe they w ill, I posed to it, from that moment the from the one fundaomntel issue of “ Lew and Ordtq, K h f” can promise that they w ill have put capitalist class oease to bs democrat­ Socialism ve. anti-Socialiem B v J H. U pton . * The result is hailed by the Re­ Mrs. John Rurgran whose has- a servant in a place o f trust who ic —J. Q. E d ito r T ribune : band left her standing at San Fran can neither be bought, bluffed nor publican and Democratic parties as 7 ^ M r. Toimen claims a merit for re­ Cisco lerry landing the other day to wheedled from serving ihero faith­ K a victory, yet I scanned in vain the siding in town, not, I presume, be go »cross the street to a saloon and fully and to the full extent of hie REPORT OF T 9 S CONDITION OF return* from Milwaukee to find any cause of a needle provision in the j jf a pol return, says they had j ust ability in every exigency which may The B ank or P ost O bvosd , at Port Or­ mention of a republican or demo­ ford, in the State of Oregon, at the close Jaw increasing hie salary, but from ; t««,, married by * Justice of tlie cratic vote- There wae none. In arise in that position. of ewatneas April 1912. .choice a* u. be near expected employ ‘ Peace, but that she knew he had not ’ RESOURCE» I know' myself well enough to be 1 the face of a rising Scotelist tide the Loans and discounts.............*19,882.08 Inent in saw mills. And wherefore deserted her. for they had already able to assure the people of this with- Overdrafts, secured sad unsecured 26 78 two wings of lha plundarbund coal rthe necessity or expediency of Cur- lived together Bve years under a Bonds and warranto............... 719.43 •seed. outfany mental reservations. Furniture and fixtures.............. 1,489.70 /y 's Aasearor residing at the county “ trial marriagel” lf.jan increase of more than ten ‘¿ I jwiU-enter into no detailed Due from baakst not reserve banks) 89. eeat. Wa have worried along for The wide prevalence of these statements concerning the tariff, the Doe from approved reserve banks 8046.93 per cent in the Socialist vote wee /nany many year* with Assessor* Checks and other osali items__ 178.80 “ trial msrriages” i* lillle suspected uaoney truel or the lamentable oon- Cash on hand............................... 860.98 defeat, what ia a complete wiping residing at home in the country. In out of the democratic and republican by the general publlc; and thi* new dition of American ahipping or fact such a requirement might bar T o t a l ........................ 899,060.38 parlies? I t ebsll be my purpose to keep a fu ll etook o f everything require« by the 90.16 Jeff T h rift and his predecessor lations of on* or two alleged Socia- tel affaire of the nation. L A D IE S ’ DRESS GOODS Lawrence are the only A BOr* UP; list», M r. Roosevelt and quite a T o t a l ..................... - • *88,060.68 “ The people’* right* are first. F A N C Y GOODS, in Coos that I can call to mind now, number of Catholic Priests pretend Tbey are greater than those of all STATE OF OREGON) 40 acres in Township 36- ,to res.de at the county seal, and I l0 a„ , re re0. others, and no other rights or in ter­ COUNTY OF CURRY) MS C IG A R S , TOBACCO, P IP E S , 14.—Timber. I . E. Loney, remember the names of many who re«,lt to deoe-l and ortlerly U m ily ests io the management of this na­ Csthier of the above-named bank, do tion* affairs are worthy of one eno solemnly swear that the above state­ C A N D Y , N U T S end N O T IO N S . 165 acres in Township 34- did tbe work well though they lived relational But noton* word of c rit­ m eutt consideration when tbey come ment is true to the beet of my knowl­ at home in the oountry, 14.—Timber. Fine hog ranch. icism do wa bear from theae suuroee into conflict with the rights of the edge and belief. In feet, a supply of everything usually kept In a well etoesed General E. J. LONEY, Tbe requirement as to residence of the monstrous perversions of de­ people. M y ettitude and position 351 acres in Township 34- Cashier. Merchandise 8tore. should be repealed and tbe salary cent family life suggested and pro in all issues w ill begoverned by the Subscribed and sworn to before me 14., Fine stock ranch. reduced to, eay, *650, «figure wbieb moled by tbe book in * question. relation of all measutes;as they bear this 80th day of April, 1912. W . H . M x a x u rrB , 160 aorea in Township 34- w ill comport more nearly with the Simply because the author is the upon, for or against the rights of Notary Public tbe people. I mean what 1 say, 14.—Timber. fitness of things. The people a ho I wife of a “ higher up,” wealthy pol CoaSXiT— Attest: and these are no sentiment« of mine 0 - W . ZUWWAVT, I ntnwHz,™ pay all salaries, and the income of, tician and the daughter of the great put forward for campaign purposes Correspondence solicited. Loots R nsw , the majority o / them are less than | hauksr Henry Clew««,— a Sniveling But they are what 1 have always R — _____ Port Orford, Or., Nov. 6,1911 h a lf of *1,000, have to scurry round hypocritical Io« altogether these stood for, fought for and believed I t is almost a* dangerous to be a Call and Examine Ooods, and get Prices. jik e the devil Io raise tbeir annual critics that slraiu at a gnat but can in, and fur which I w ill stand whether I am elected or not.”— judge fa New York ae it is to be a money. I think 1 can safely a wallow a cauteli Journal. 1 king in southern Europe. ru s fw S o m e in and sc our OPEN FIRE­ PLACE STOVE MONARCH M ALLEABLE STEEL RANGES. Large A sso rtm en t of Hand P a in ted China. L an tern s, L am ps and C u tlery. N ewhouse S teeltraps, P o u ltr y N e? ng M AIL ORDERSPROMPTL YFILLED r GLLLINGS%l?2L s w AMES S. JOHNSTON tor J. Q. g e n e r a l A m e r c h a n t , . i ^ r P o r t Orford, O r.^ ^ , np P Call and examine goods and get prices. t JOHN R. MILLER, GENERAL MERCHANT, Port Orford, Oreeron- > i Has opened a new Store, with NEW GOODS, WILLIS T WHITE, Sr Port Orford, Oregon B _ J. M r s Taken for Anyttiiof oof io S to ri. 11*1**0™ Be. MIW Aatl- fpf I I* JOHN K. MILLER.