hmm to the world. Not one of than when Seidel wee them know » thing about reU year» ego. The Lincoln T a ft organisation tag. whether iheearacould not juat financed by Lswiiner, was eitowed M well be carried abmg oa *ron WKDVEH»AT, a T m IL M. IMS. Theartiofee appearing nndar this eapti >a are edited hy the So­ nera” ae on wheel*. B at their uurier by the Illin ois prim ary ou cialist party of Carry county, to whom the apace ha* been aohl, hired men, all paid by the public, the 9th, carrying down to ignomin Fabliahad Every Wednesday, by with the understanding that personalities ps? avoided ttn |oko«úÍiaaoM w k -[ »ow»»be>l«*‘ jw whtek'rour --------- But it is said that they ate a ' »biuh was the I «1 f«ath. r tb it broxe lie Rock Socialist Local,” Saturday vice— and yet the limo- will come «Option )■ , A pril 20th, when 17 new members when it will lie oonoiderod a matter “ brainy” lot} but wltat of th at? I ll'e people»’ buck. were admitted. The following offi of liighc.t honor. Langlois. Or. Wasn’t the urackeinan who robbed Anv.r-isis« R a t u Rtsn.CAki.K. cere were elected to serve 6 months: The world moves and leaves be­ the Broadway National Hank uf <3, E . B -H a ll chairman. hind those who would mnintain the Roosevelt v. a. Courts- ÓbO.OOO « ‘’brainy” lot olsoT And 8U H S V B H TIO H R A T » . H . J. Banks Recording Secretary. Rrewnt state of things no matter One Copy on« Y e a r . . . . . . . . ’ .. ,*t A i la« led wee* Morgan and t in t cracks George Rickman Financial Sec. what that stale is. * One Copy Six M onths.................. New Y ork— A referendum, law man ought not the latter be deemed T his Copy Thrae M o n th s ............ 50 W. H . Bennett Literary Sec. Socialism is even becoming re whereby the people may place u | h h i ' a gentleman !>)'c-unpiirieou, since E B. H all orgmuxer. spectahle where only a few year* aj.o he look the desperate chance of be the statute book laws which even th e ' After the minutes o f the meeting it a as considered a name of reproach. C U R R E N T T O P IC S . ing cauglii, while Morgan is pro courts may not declare uuounstttu-1 were read and M opted and new bus­ tionai is asked today by former . tecled in bis grand larceoies from N ightm are. iness completed, the meeting was Bv J II. UyTog. the public by lavs of his own m ak­ President Theodore Rooeevelt in a addressed hy M r. Walter Fulcher, Editor T kibumr : ing and Courts of bis own purchas­ sensational copyrighted article, Jud­ Never have the nightmare? No? ges and Frogreae, in tha current of the Coos County Socialist Com- ’ ' The “ B>r Association’' of San ing, J Too bad! A nightmare habit can , mittee .who certainly gave the Lo -Francisco advertise* for a meeting And the lascivious, libidinous issue of the Outlook. put a man into a way of finding cal quite a «cod off. Unlees such a referendum Is to select candidates for Supreme scoundrel, Lucky Baldwiu Was a consolation just when lie most needa J, C. F rxnch Secretary Judges for November election! W ill “ brainy lot,” else he nevei could granted Roosevelt believes the time it. E. B. H a l l Chairman the people of California endorse can have acquired the millions he had, will come when the courts’ hands Sometimes you are at a spot« bleb • ' j , .1» dldates for the Bench so , «lectori? finally'ip ifie arid leave to be squab­ will be tied and the power to pass yCu recognise hut oftener you" nrs The ternm Dem«“ . « ar? impelled to ‘> 'k e t th e 'lic k « endorsed by both ward it, and the meeting is inevit­ this by the enormous increase of the ' it is curious to see how practical has Republican and Democratic caucus value of the thousands of acres of mer president’s belief. H e says: become the scceptsnce of that fact able. The thing sometimes suggests es, which he accomplished. A t tha land he had acquired and held in . “ Kxperlenceof >5 years baa shown in Washington. There are no more with horrible vagueness a serpent, last moment the people renom­ Boutherq California by one criminal that the people may be aroused to divisions on old party lines and python or adder. O r, again, * inated Lawler and Graham and shift and then another. Query: sound, high thinking and that the none are ever expected On any shadowy feline of any s ij* between Cofly by petitiqn, but Ruef had fix- Was Baldwin’s “ brain” to superior legislative and executive officers question of real importance, related thst of an elephant and that of a 'ed the Registrar who declined to as to beelherlal, and thus float a- may show their intention of carry­ in any way to actual issues, an mouse; but the smallest is quits as 'file the petitions. Something had to bout and accumulate wealth indef ing out the people’s purpose, yet the wickedly dangerous, possibly even whole movement for good may come entirely different and already fa be done and quickly so Hearat with loitely? more because of the difficulty of to naught, and injustice be perpe m iliar cleavage baa grown up. bis lawyer sprang into ahd huiried And there was Henry E. H un t­ trated because certain judges of oer For instance, take the confirms hitliug i t Away to Loa Angelea where the H ittin g itl But you never bit ington, who had sufficient “ brain” tain courts steeped in some outworn tion of Pitney to be a Supreme Supreme Court wae holding a term anything in a nightmare. You M l .. L < i J U tJl v v v t i ! « , « power to be bom the nephew of hia political and social philosophy to Court justice. That was done in and secured a mandate om m anding uncle and thus come into possession tally misapprehend tbeir relations executive session, but as soon as the strike— your blow may passthrough the Registrar to Ala the nominations. of <60,000,000. And it then dawn to the peoplesnd to the public needs. issue was made lo be on Pitney’s — but you ne*er land! You pierce Arison^'* first State Legislature is your vague aniagouitt with puignard ed upon hia “ brainy” consciousness “ T have never taken s position in anti labor record the vn(e might as discuasing the subject of the man that the wife of hia bosom had a i, or rapier; yuu slash with sword or advance of Abrahaqt'XiinooIn, who well have been taken in open session agement of its fchoul grant; A along been but a outnmon hag, that Everybody knew th a t the phalanx cleave with axe; or you pulverise it said: ‘I f the policy'of the govern­ (Successor to N. C. Nielson.) 'careful study of the methods employ- he must he shaken loose from. with bludgeon or boulder— without ment on vital questions affecting the of Republican and Ijemocralio Sen 'ed in Oregon In wasting our mag- In a ll o f the proceedings leading whole people is to be irrevocably ators that voted solidly,for instance Ihe slightest interruption it con­ 'nifioent bounty, and the oontrdry up to Statehood in Oklahoma, par fixed hy decisions of the supreme to eave Lorimvr would vote just as tinues to creep toward you. O f G E N E R A L M E R C H A N T , '/nethods dp in Washington, would ticular pains were taken to make court, the instant they are made the solidly to confirm Pitney,-’ Every course you must run. But there la equip Arisuto* eqlons With objedt always tome circumstance which monopoly oa impossible gs might l»e people will have ceased to be their body knew that the twenty six that ftsAons' worthwhile a . • . - ~ • a '• . • render* retreat impossible. Just as stand together as opponents o f legis­ hut It seems that white man cannot, own rulers, having to that extent As lime goee along the people are he trusted even in that relorm state.: practically resigned their govern lative burgleiy would vote against the agony is forcing you into swoon made to face a very procession of Gov. Gruce has given s gravel and ! inenl into the bauds of that emi Pitney. Had nyerybody knew that ing unconsciousness, you find yoor absurdities and impracticalitins in sand corporation which has no plant, thia naw and true division had self in your own bed, bathed io ncut tribunal.* * the new school laws lobbied through the exclusive right to lake that nothing to do with the Outworn and sweat, puls* all disordered. But after many times this pun­ fb * Legislature lest wintef by the material for which there in s bigde almost forgotten distinctions as Chin* Democratic. i end fresh sappliee w ill be reoelved by every steamer. amateur statesman Alderman, who «hand by concrete factories, from the ishment produce* something tike ’id i Democrats and Republicans. ; K r 5 T . t e a , " ,‘ * ° ° k 01 > ' * * * • S t * £ “ * * * £ * ! * * S j bed Of the Arkansas river. ’ I t has antidote. Just at the climax of ter The issue has the only issue that Chicago letei Ocean, April 8.— proceeded to demolish the work ’ of G B O C K R 1E 8 and P R O V IS IO N S , now amounts to a hoot in Congress tor you actually remember, in your just been discovered that the A tty 'all of his prederiskeort to give os a employed as the chief adviser of the A Japanese writer, reviewing the or anywhere else. The corporations •Jeep that you have been through rambling bodge podge and craxy Governor and who managed the de existing conditions with the keen wanted Pitney and the people did quite similar experience* many BOOTS and S H U 1C ‘quilt statute that* nobody under- tails of the monstrous grant. Is a insight horn of race kinship, recent­ not. times before, and that they turned M E N S hnd BOYS, C L O T H IN G , elands definitely what It means. chief stockholder in the new Gravel ly has declared that Chinese modes Hence, Gnllinger, Smoot, Lodge out to be dreams; therefore you of life for several centuries have L A D IE S ’ DRESS GOODS, 'Under this law aa U tely construed and bund corporation. Several been preparing then! for the demo Brandegee, Bailey and Gamble some hope that this one wil,. H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W A R E . ' *by the Atty General, not even the M y waking nightmare, during of whom under the old classification companies owning plants and .who •re tie form of government they now old successful teacher, the posreseor have heretofore operated them, must are called Democrats and some Re twenty years, has been the utter in­ C IG A R S , TO B AC CO , P IP E S *pf a well earned Normal Diploma, quit or pay the corporation ten cents have. This writer declares that the publicans, lias up for Pitney; while difference of my neighbors lo the C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S. is qualified to accept a nomination a oubio yard royalty which would corruption of the Infperial govern Reed, Culberson, Poindexter, Cum­ world struggle of which they are an meat and the loose rein it held over In fact, a supply of ^rarythlng usually kept In a Well stocked 'for County Superintendent! W hat have mins and Kenyon some of whom unconscious pail. How I cel the said corporation <50,000 a the dtvtl then has been the practi­ year for no investment at all except the people readied in bringing fi- were called Republicans and some striven— no not slriven, but tried to General Merchandise Store. * cal use of keeping up our system of the unknown sums il-paid out in bout a slate within a state, and that Democrats line up against him and strive— to apprise him, my neighbor ORDERS TAKEN FOR ANY ARTICLE NOT IN STOCK. under the forms of the Manchu laws 'Normal Schools which have oust the shape of bribes. this division has become so familiar of his danger, of our danger— and the people lenlly had set up a gov­ and are costing the people hundreds all in vain. “Gpin to hang Hay that all men expect nothing else. The Socialist party is waxing ernment of their own that to all in 'of thousands of dollars! Has it re­ ‘Slough on And in the face of this most sig­ wood and Moyer? strong in Oklahoma and the dis­ tents and purposes was Republican. mained for the inscrutable genius of theml” “That editor feller’s got to closure of this corruption in high This popular government oom prised nificant fact the Interests which are 'Alderman, the amateur to discover go to ja il eh? Guess he’ll live thus shown to own both of the old places will boost its prospects. Let the unions or guilds, into which th a t the people' hate been fools all through it. Cel he’ll give ’em bail us hope that the Republicans will every claae of the population was parties equally believe that they these years, and that lhair Normal columhy when he gits out.” “That sweep that Democratic stronghold in organised. The guilds had their can fool the people once more with ^ Schools bare been fake and sham Appeal to Reason is Bryan’s paper the near future, not that that party own laws and popular ‘courts lo their fake presidential contest. and farcical? And at that they may be io for a ain’t it? ’— GodtII And I have been is not also corrupt, but ju st for a which disputants reooited in pref­ banding that man Appeal* for live Alexander Pope had the Alder change of despoilers. jo lt.— J. Q. erence to the mandarin courts, where years! mans in mind when he Wrote; “ A Gold Beach has prospered during justice sided with the longest pocket­ But the bad dream of Egypt 'little learning it A dangerous thing.” I t waea felony in England a hun­ the lost yeeser two as the place had book. Fam ily and clan councils dred years-ago to Iota a copy of awakened to the exodus; of the early I t was left for the Socialists to not prospered for years before, which laid down laws more binding than Paine’s “ Eights of roan,” and yet to­ Christian martyr, to the fall of the discover that the “capitalist” has shows that' the closing of Rogue those that issued from the Throne, day there are hundreds of thousand •lave civili :ation;of the Jaquerie, to no logical place in the Industrial ' Jf I ' , • ■ ■ ■ river to commercial fishing es,»ec- la lime the under-government be­ the fall of feudalism; of religious * _ acooorcy of states and nations. of them distributed. ially under the old despotic regime, came an institution of such weight I t was a felony 140 years ago to P >i«o,rY>10 » de8,ee ®f ««flightment 'U nthinking, also interested people, has proved a blessing even if in dis­ that Im perial oflicial* recognised its ridiculed the proposition, yet it was edvooaie the free school system in which has retched even Spain. And guise. And then the fish have been regulations aud edicts. T h u ac­ this day tbe workers of the world unimpeachably correct, a i a greater > given a rest. ■■ ■■-----------1 — cording to the Japanese, i t the this country— yet now there are tens are stirring in their nightmare as and greater number of thinking and of thooaande of them. never before since man was man. Operations will finally be per- school in which the Chinese people 'intelligent people are confessing that have been to k u i^ h e ir lesson in de “ \ ad’ ooate tbe W hat wakens them? Hunger. milted to resume under pro,»er re mocracy, asa hie conclusion is ib a tMbol,“ ?n. of P » * 1 »»every in the They must waken to eat. Besides the “ capitalist” is wholly unneces- j stnclions, if the new proprietor* do 'oary to progress, is indeed country sixty years ago— yet now the masters, with their henchmen not also get gay and attempt to they have learned it to well that the politician* and especially with 'weight the people are carrying one would be considered a fool to tbeir judges, are spreading a meph I t shall be my purpose to keep a full «lock of everything required hy tbe >r l - i n x> . r , i c ,rk the gill net* of people who now they ere equipped to manege rake J. P. Morgan for an example . ?, , , , . . oppose it. itism which would be sufficient the overgovernuent that has been . k , „1____ i r___ . L i ,>1,ve “ i» '« *» !? ««•> ■''ght I" uw vhc charged und received from thej I t is a crime today to expose of- to awaken the dead.— I. B. trade in tha line of placed in their hands. I f the Jap­ them as also hag net*. public Sixty uin* Million (foliar* anese writer is correct in bis reason­ To show that operation* operations on the Yor organising the plainly illegal G R O C E R IES and P R O V IS IO N S , Tbe live wire of Pendleton point* ing, Western apprehension of chaos In the meamime the beseb Ile a United State* 8teel Trust and who Over as formerly conducted added out that if factories could be exempt BOOTS and SHOES in Chios ia unfounded. tbusiasls may study the hits, runs organised the panic of 1907, and , n®l hing to taxable assets thereabout from taxation in that city there and e ro i a in tbe poHl'Cul'score. M E N ’S and B O Y ’8 C L O T H IN G , 'who, being the heed of the great H >’ only necessary to note the fact Thq Japanese empire proper ie would be a large investment of cap L A D IE S ’ DRESS GOODS Money and cradir Trust was ih a that U»» taxable wealth of Floras A m in la tra to r’a N o tice. made up of four large lalanda, Nip- ital. A ll Pendleton needs ia the F A N C Y GOODS, position to oru»b all rivals,and who Cr<*k precinct much exceeds that of 4. - . J on, 8bikoku, Kvuahn end Yeddo single tax to shake off it* old man 'sent bit emissaries to President Wedderburn and Gold Beach pre C1GAR8, TOBACCO, P IP E S ,' Notice is hereby given that the un­ end about 3800 small ones many of of tha sea that rides it and the sur­ Roosevelt and secured his pledge cincts combined—nearly double, dersigned has been duly appointed by them too rocky and small for habi rounding ouuntry to the lim it. C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S . not to allow the A tty General to . A riot in and around a big Re the Oountv Coart of Curry county, Or­ lation. In area the empire is’ very For fear they were giving way lo egon, Administrator of the estate of 'interfere with the lawleee gobbling publican Stele Convention ia Mich nearly tbe same a* tha state of Cal­ tbs awful single taxers, the mem­ Frank Smith, deceased. A ll person* In fact, a supply of everything usually kept In a well stooged General *up of the great Tennessee Coal and igan between the Taft and Roose ifornia, about 156,000 square mil«*. ber* of ihe last Legislature refused having olaima against said Estate are Merchandise 8lore. 'Iron concern. ' veil clan« nécessité ted the calling out I t baa a population of between 45, to pea* a law putting water power required to present them within six And take Thonaas F. Ryan anoth of the whole poltat force, and later 000,000 and 50,000,000 the largest on the list of taxable value*. Thert months from tbe date of this notlee, er “capitalist.” Has he not proved the army, hut Taft scored the vic­ pert of it being engaged in agri- ere over eight millions of water pow with proper vouchers, to the under­ er in use in Clackamas County signed at hia residence in Port Orford, ’himself like Morgan, a curse to in tory. |culture and fishing. Tbe arable alone. The entire connty la assess Oregon; and all parties Indebted to dustry, a leach upon labor and toil? By a well organized fusion the ! land of the whole empire not I®- ed for hut five time* this sum and said Estate are required to pay the same And oan any one point out whet Democrat* and Republicans, aided J eluding Formosa or Korea, la about there are substantial facts going to to me without delay. uae or benefit Morgan and leas than of course by the alum element o f, #,OOGJ>M) acre* or just about that of •how thst the used and uuused Dated this M th day of March, 1011 Call and Examine Goods, and get Prices. E. J. L okbt , * dozen other “capitalist.” who the city, carried Milwaukee though ' the slate of New York— New York water power of Clackamas County ¡ia worth more than all thv county .Adm inistrator of the Estate of I k . Socialist u . _____ _ o ,0 A n 0 n 0 -greater _____ ____ . __________ i ‘pwn about all our railroad, have the vote was8 American. 1 ia assessed for. F ran k Smith, dec- ased. THE TRIBUNE. Hardware, Furniture Wall Paper, Pope Window-glass Devoted to the Interest of Socialism (Some in and see our OPEN FIRE­ PLACE STOVE M O N ARC H M A L L E A B L E S T E E L RAN G ES. Large A s s o r tm e n t o f H and P a in ted China. “ L anterns, L a m p s a n d C utlery. N ew house S teeltra p s, P o u ltr y Net*ng M A IL O RD ER SPRO M PTL Y F IL L E D J G IL L IN G S T ^ M 'T , h e H a r d 'W' AMES S. JOHNSTON f& y P o r t Orford, Or.^T^, ' NEW GOODS, L Call and examine goods and get prices. ----------- ---- «mmauBMMmal GENERAL MERCHANT, Port Orford, Oresron- Has opened a new Store, with N EW GOODS, Orders Tata for Anythinf not io Stock. JOHN R. MILLER. —