». ». J K r U tlliS . Tow n and C ou ut). ! Edgar Uoaeen is down from L ang- ( Chicago, April IP—Col. Iloosevelt For County ' fork. 1 hereby respectfully announce my ! |lo is doing some mason work on the defeated President Tuft in the. pre- CAtldVijkC V fail' tits* (lttfiiin uhm for tb" th** ork on the new schoolhouse be­ ew school house for Contractor fcrentisl primary held wi Illinois X t ' Ä ™ . “ _ c “ r“ "‘Ä b|MB « 'to — - . gan tliis week, and it will be com Pearse. yeste/dav by approximately 115,000 **** ,he RepublU-an »Viters of Curry sa . . j c s Couaty, aitt'XprtnidwU at the cuiulutf piete,| by July lag. Postmaster Johnston has been , votes, aud S,wafer Champ Clark re- Primary Election. P o r t O r fo r d , O r e g o n 1 h i Lailiei will find (owe nice notified from W athinxlmi that be- 'ceived a majority of more than HO ' Helevted I shall make i t my busl- - Wilson * Perform the d u t i e s t h e office gianing May 1st Port Orford Post “ ’ ......... - — Location. qi-xt door to Hank. 000 over Governor Woodrow in a manner that will n ei it the approv­ tiew lists at Mrs M. A. Nielsen'», al of all. iye. according to returns at 11 o'clock 1 also tome of the lale»f. office will lie a Postal Saving» Respectfully, 1 today. posi lory. i R. H txmmabo . Mrs Lindberg left here Tuesday , Theee tremendous tnaj-Milies si van The Michigan Legislature ha« i morning f,,r Coquille City to visit For Sheriff. for Roosevelt and Clark are siguitt vote-1 23 to 5 in the Senate and To the Republican votera of Curry her son Thu*. Lane and family. . m .i ii • . i i. . ' • cantof the popular will,' and iudi .-i the I HARDY T. ST E W A R T mat wetk bv n bad shp whieh placed him . ¡ | | la k ellie bill grade examination ,,.r booming Wilson and Harmon— coining l’rtiinoy election, April I». ltttl. Ifeterleri, I will Ur the future as IT. P to. COM M lbW ONEU, i -.j)o, Ä j o r t O l lo r il O r c e .iu litl • ' V when it is held. Mrs. Loney wjll a costly oiler which Only a Jfuvgan I have In the i-u-t, disellar go the du- j 1 os O i to rU . O r e ttou. but he „ now able to be out o u - ^ t o ^ OMi,Bue the Primary grides for a «could pay. This was proved bv the ties of the offite without tear or fnvor. , Rrspectftillv, Office days in town- Tuesday, Wed-’ * * ’ ' —- 1 weekslonger. She is also re- Waterson liar per-Wilson con tin WM. TULMAX. nesday and Saturday of each week. Mrs. Masterson has taken dott i» - viewing the eighth grade. ; versy, a fhllmg nut aljroguesl We Fur Judge. her old cistern and installed a new ¡“’jjfclijah A. Smith for ovtr a quar- do not believe that Clark—an ad- To the members of Ihe Democtat one that holds 2 , OHO giillona.* Mr. ter of a century a familial character m iracle man—can get the Dtmo- party of Corry County ; 1 hereby an- W. II. 5ÍEKEIHTH notincf injrscif as a candidate* for the Bsriatt and George Forty perform-' mi C* Bay nnd who for that cratic nomination, neither can Folk; .nominati- nt for the office of County ATTORNEY arm COlNSELbOK eil the ticklish mid air act without length of time occupied a nnist ini- in which ease we belie«* that Bryan Judge at the Primary election, April AT LAW tumble, < portant part ill its history, through will be nominated and will receive 10. 1012. W. A. WOOD. The liiintN K hud a busy wtek **i* position as principal owner and » m illion Republican «votes that are TOUT OKFOKI», OJCEGUN For Judge. getting,out Ihe 2800 Primary bill manager of thy,.Southern Oregon for LaFuHrtte and nJ other Repub To the electors of the Ref ablican lots lor Ihe election on the Itlth of oonipuny, is d ea l. He (l*ed in a lican candidate now in the field. party in Curry County : * I am n candi­ J. H U N T L E Y A ^ Y W .i A l’ril- The lim e is near at hand ; T*’" 1»»'! sanilam yw last Friday The sitmiii.m is mixed.and acute. date for the nomination of County a t t o u K u y . a t anti voters tdiobld avoid mistakes ! "'K1“ - April 5. Tile people are on guard at never Judge bv the Republican party at the GOLD BEACH, ÜKEU0N. - hy studying i|Ltime. [ Mr. Wells Sr. and his daughter before and liaidef To ToWt than "at April primaries. ~— -— — - — ,T~ . ... » Gold Beach, March 10, 1019. G u arito Iced A b s tr a c ts o f Itea l wcie in town Saturday on business any lim e in our history. Our puli- • J. HUM-LEY. I Mrs. Leeds aud cliildrcu, of P r o p e r ty F u riitslicit. having come in from their home on liuiittti whose slogan is: “ The People I Wedderburn were in Port Orford I Fur Treasurer. Sixes after supplies. A years i B e d a tiin e d ,” will g el a liahl jo lt I Thirty years practice in the County. j Monday night on their return home. ago Ilia life »yAs in danger from i-wben results are counted in Xovem To the Republi.nu v. tor* of Carry county: I hereby sitbinit Diy nsiueasi Mr. Leeds has been for some years hemorrhage of the lungs, JiUt the ;’ bev. • a candidate for tlio nomination for i ’ foreman of the large farm of , the County Treasurer, sul-j-e to tlie deci- ’ W. A. WOOD | pure air of the coast and of the t-lon ot the Republican voters at tho I laie R. D. Hume, now owned by tlje A lo n e W it h th e P e o p le . ! hi I Is o f -Sixes has restored him to primary election, April IV, i. 12. i ATTOltNEY AT LAW j Macleays. Respectfully I perfect health and he looks like a J AS. CAl’GflELL, [ GOLD BEAI H, 0KEUUN. The bubble of the politicians, the LuFolletie made a whirlwind j well man*, and is able to do all kind» berownrsliippers,' the time-servers campaign in Otcgou a few days ago of ranch w^rk suitable to his age. For -Sheriff. L. A. ROBERTS, anf the Illinois on plain people, expressed- fo r th e first nation to the office of Sheriff* of. Curry and Walla Walla. Mrs LaFolle aboHetty Hogue river spent Sunday i t Port MJ i tie P o in t , O regon time iu the first presidential primary county, Oregon, subject to your deci­ sion at the coming primary election ...... ... '“««'>• * r ‘. „ . I , , ¡„ a . u ,..« « . s u , „ . held April 1», 1912. I , d f , ~ ¡ ° '' A O ' a lb “ i “ North n ,k oial" c l l ^ U - r c k Very Resixctfully Probata business a specialty W. A. BI8HEL. 1 L. Carey anil fumuy dtn rte„ ,,im , he the office, as well as such woi k as would have a tendency to increase the P o rt 0 rfr d , O regon, fire burning a hole iu her side. It quite a number of men on the 'two hour of his weakness and misfor efficieucv oi our schools, in a progress * ■ tune; that man who refused to eur- ive and busintss'ikc manner. will take a week or two to repair her. jobs. L- ICINA.W P r o p r l n f o J J. WEERSIXO. Mr. Pearse threw up the contract ! render to the blandishments of for- A large cow Elk was shot by some Agncea. Or. , to repair ,, i r i .i j trier friends or the litres ta of ancient the w half liecause the don ' cri iiiunl about a mite east uf town. First-claas In every respe* t. enemies; that man who lifted him- For Assess.ir. I She had been dead u week or two key-engine would riquire extensive st If from a lied o f sickness to mount I herewith rcsjs-ct ul!y announce G o i d Feed S ta b le a tta c h d . repairs which would delay the work. his horse, raise his Is nee, nnd charge i when found. Her tusks hud been i myself us a candidate l-.r the nùiuiua- • tioll to the office of A: i-t-.'-s-ir, bubji-ct 1 removed and as no meat was tak en Mi. Lencvc w iirinive charge of the into the thick of the fray? to tue-i-lcusure of tbe in- nincrs ->t ille “R obert .M arion L a F ollettk !” We run the Stage from Port Orford it is evident that the miscreant worx with Adiilphseii as foreman. Republican party, at tm- ow ing pri­ via Dairyvllle, connecting with H>*fgi||ed t„,r for tusks. We Iiop6 came tile voice of the plain people, mary election on April 19. 1912. Roht. MyPh'llatney and wile were R tspectiuilv Stage to Myrtle Point. with thousands upon thousands of ftie one wlio killed her cun be in town Saturday and Mrs. McPhi- G. V. M O »D M U F F . majority behind it. caught, punished and run out of the lainey presented the'i RimjXK family LaFollette; the man who knows J. H . UPTON, F or J o in t Kcprcsi lit iiivc. country. with one of the most beautiful bou whnt lie believes, the man who fights To the Republican voters o f tin- Mb ------------ ------ for his convictions regardless ol ' Rcprcscntat.ve District (Coos aud Cwr- we ever ------ saw Their The steamer Brooklyn from Ban­ quels of Pansies -NOTARY I'll B U B , i cousequenees, don was to call iu l.ete Satunluy size, vnrietits of - color nud i richness, « u a X ^ i ^ the t e man or r who c tr e a won l-th e t i ^ rt G countlcsi. sntlkmxs : I a candidate for I L amolois , C vbhv C o -, O bioo ». - moruiug for u lot of match wood uukl we ha vc never seen equaled. 'I hey O|le Bepubl iesh leader that big the nomination to suecr-i-J myself as 'for T. L. Catcy and family who had J were 2 j inches in diutueler and business is afraid o f because it ««0 ! 8. P. PEIRCE. but ing she proceeded on her way with nnd the bend of the BiEta river not dismayed, lighting single hand- For Joint Representative. out stopping. Quite a lo t'o f fresli' which wuids off the ra winds of the ed nnd alone. an r t ; ning of Ibeae m ills and the getting Supreme court, Is a suit by J honiaa OrlorJ. . L> th e p rog ressive » j’i r i t of th e tim es . . . . out of railroad ties uod shingle bolts Maginnis, a taxpayer, wherein he We w n|ig T w |,,te Sr. Any thing not in stock, will ,he consequent teaming will asks that the court appoints recciv- D. Chenoweth, hereby announce our * J. IV. MORII IKON. . « . a , .1 J ta r Ä l-i be pleased tc order make l'ort Orford . H « l , H M A K R R E l Ala XX as. aa a s Langlois Hardware Store Hardware of all Kinds M a c h in e r y & M o w in g M a c h in e s . E x t r a s f o i D a ir y in g ^ O s b o r n e , M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e r y . P a in t s , O ils & S t u m p in g P o w d e r P in e l i n e o f G u n n , R n s c b a ll p a r tt- p h e r n a lia , n n d o th e r S p o r tin g G o o d s k e p t in S t o c k . D o o r s a n d ’W in d o w s -in v a r ie t y c o n s t a n t ly k e p t o n h a n d . P ip e F i t t i n g s , P lu m b i n g n n d T i n w o r k o f a l l k in d » d o n e o n s h o r t n o t ic e . Cheever Bowman, L a n g lo is , O r. W. .1. M.V11Í7V II.(iill 0 Harness and Saddelry Ke pairing ' NexTi.Y !<«» n tlo itt. D one O i ,«?SF0 , i D E N N IS CUN’N IFE, JU ., U ep . (J . 8 . M in e r a l S a r v e y ^ r •Surveyor for the D istrict oi Or- egon. G old B e a c h , . . . O regon ----------- --------------------- — r---- -» Don’t forget to register as a voter, Tou can rt’KiBicr register in ■ uu u»ii hi * Fort ur» Orford v u » » « be for. M. T. Wright, W. T- W hiteand Amrs Johnston. Yon save annoy- ing yourself aud the Election board by registering in lim e. commission, nnd that the affairs of the platform of principles: For Sheriff. thia summer. N. O. Bales of Rickreal, Folk Co. ! commission be wound up according « ** ' To __ iniing the publish the __________ mem tiers of the Democratic int tbe appropriation heretofore I n*rty Gurry county ___ oi _____ , I hereby an- 11OUI*,W myself myself as as a a candidate cam and W. U. Girth of Salem arrived 10 law. In his ttomplaint Mr. made t.yAtie byAIie government government for for the the bens- bene- lioull(.e for the a /a r 1 ti i s> awwi uwa. i ’ vdo 11111 it • n t i •* ih'ii Jiitlcrn tHo iiHrbor of I or€ O fion I h** noin in Atiuii for the od«*c of Khvriff At in Fort Orford Monday and are »DGtnn.s recomm. Bits that Judge been diverted from its original purpose. ' the prJlI1ary election April 19.19t2. looking over the inducements ot S. ! Loire appoint either James H, Flan co nsequ ently n o t now a v a ila b le , we Yours oppose tin- is-usnee ol any l‘bllcan voters of Curry , West Fortt, aud express themselves the Marshfield street railway arrived people of .be Fort district for their «f- \ '" 7, ’> J * “* "f 1 "!'n‘y C° n>- as better pleased with what tligy Monday on the Redondo from San tirmatlon in esse it should be required ‘“’.“ 'J fur a n d a l.id e t.v th e ir » .IM I.m e r a t tl.u c m ill g p rim a r y elec- have seen at Fort Orford than at ‘’Francisco, and actual construction or assumed to be, aud abide hy their ti*m, April I'-ffl., l'JI2. decision. • I.EI-JI Ett C( :I EG “OVE. any other place. If they Uud fc D()W under way. There are In tbe meantime, nnd during our suitable locations they w ill enough nails to cover one half m ile term of office if We should be elected, we will use all proper and legitimate F o r Sch ool S tip i. is means or methods to induce • purchase if condition* suit. They I ,,f track nnd another shipment • . . . the ~ gov- To the voters of the Drmoc’-sHc par­ are especially struck by our beaut.- eSpected shortly from the south. K o ^ dtoiitod^and to iX - lX " « ty o f Gurry County, Oregon : Consider me s candl-tato fo r th e o f ­ ful town-site and deep harfxir and The first rails were laid on Broad much more as may t-e possible and fice of School Superintendent in the realize its |H«»ibHiliea when rail- way w a r Elrod avenue in Railroad ™ ^ ‘ions T> WlRTtt Primary Elvc'lon. Yours truly W. 8. GUERIN. G boko I». C hksoweth . roads »bail have coroey addition. t DOORS - WINDOWS - MOULDINGS A n y th in g y o u N eed in M ill W ork W rite us for P rices or a n y Inform a­ tion you N eed in th is L ine N o r th B e n d M a n u fa e tu r in g Co I N o i'lh /I